Your Health is Your Responsibility‌
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3 Getting Started: Benefits Of Using Vata Vibe...................................................... 4 Weight Loss .................................................................................................. 5 Firming & Toning ........................................................................................... 5 Beauty .......................................................................................................... 5 Heart and Stroke, Diabetes, Cancers and Other Diseases ............................ 6 Cellulite ........................................................................................................ 6 Spa/Relaxation ............................................................................................. 7 Anti-Aging/Rejuvenation .............................................................................. 7 Circulation and Lymph Drainage ................................................................... 8 Back Pain ...................................................................................................... 8 Bones/Osteoporosis..................................................................................... 8 Arthritis/Medical Rehabilitation ................................................................... 9 Sports Performance – Active, Weekend Warriors, Golfers ............................. 9 Sedentary People or Immobile From Injury or Illness ................................... 9 At Work ........................................................................................................10
Training: Using Your Vata Vibe.............................................................................. 11 Exercise Poses .............................................................................................12
VataHealth Family of Products Whole Body Vibration VataVibe Slim ..............................................................................................14 VataVibe Mega Disc .....................................................................................15 VataVibe Pro Slim ........................................................................................16 Far Infrared Detox Dome ................................................................................................. 17
At Vata Health, our goal is to get you healthy and keep you healthy. Vata Health can supply the tools but ultimately Your Health is Your Responsibility. Something changed in Canada after World War II. Canadians became more sedentary, stopped spending as much time outdoors, started eating more prepared foods and started taking more medications. Let’s look at you and your loved ones. Are you carrying any extra pounds, do you sit most of the day, do you drink coffee and sugared drinks, do you eat fast food or prepared food from the grocery store, are you on 1 or 2 medications for any health issues? What does your doctor always tell you? Watch what you eat and GET SOME MORE EXERCISE.
What Does Physical Activity Do? Health Canada states Physical Activity – reduces stress, strengthens your heart and lungs, increases energy levels, helps maintain and achieve a healthy body weight and improves your outlook on life. In children it is essential for healthy growth and development. In seniors, weight bearing activity reduces bone loss and osteoporosis, maintains strength, flexibility, balance and coordination that help reduce falls. Physical activity also activates the lymphatic system which flushes toxins, xins, dead and damaged cells and scar tissue. It Increases the production of the synovial fluids which is your joint lubrication, sharply harply increases human growth hormone(HGH) production which keeps you younger, increases serotonin levels which increase your mood and wellbeing and it increasing collagen production that rejuvenates your skin. It also decreases your cortisol levels which cause stress (cortisol stores fat). Research shows that physical inactivity can cause premature death, chronic hronic disease and disability. Health Canada encourages Canadians to integrate physical activity into their every day life; at home, me, at school, at work, at play and on the way… that’s active living! Our bodies are designed to move. Physical activity moves the blood through hrough our bodies carrying nutrients to feed our cells and vital oxygen to repair damage. It burns fat, builds our bones ones and muscles and flushes out the garbage. Without movement, toxins are stored in fat cells, organs and lymph mph nodes. Cellulite is stored toxins. Physical activity is something that everyone can do. You don’t need to o run a marathon or spend hours at a gym. Look for simple ways to be physically active every day. Health Canada a – Physical Activity Guide We have the tools to get you moving. We have the tools to get more oxygen to your cells. We have the tools to help you easily detoxify.
Oxygen Systems Oxy-Gen .......................................................................................................18 Alkalark .......................................................................................................19
Oxysys 4000/4500 ..................................................................................... 20
Whole Body Vibration exercise is “One of the fastest growing fitness trends since spinning.”
O2 Chamber & O2 Chamber Plus .................................................................21
– Muscle and Fitness Magazine
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers
Pet Chamber .............................................................................................. 22 Warranty and Contraindications ................................................................................ 23
Your Health is Your You ourr Responsibility… Resp Re sp pon onsi sibi si bili lity li tyy …
Getting Started:
Getting Started:
Vata Health Has The Solution
Weight Loss
No more expensive drugs with all their scary side effects or starvation diets that rebound you heavier than when you started.
Even at rest, your muscles burn calories based on your metabolism. The more lean muscle you have-the more calories you burn. VataVibe gives a sluggish metabolism a boost – up to 18% increase in just 10 minutes. As you increase your fitness level, you can increase the number of times a day you use your VataVibe to maximize your calorie burn. Don’t worry about weight loss only – because you are building lean muscle and it is heaver then fat. You may even gain weight the first month. This is good – you are building lean muscle and it burns fat. You will see your body shape changing and that’s what matters.
VataVibe Whole Body Vibration (WBV) technology is a new to Canada resistance trainer. Whole Body Vibration was developed 40 years ago by Russian scientists for cosmonauts. They realized, very quickly, that they could not stay in space for any length of time without bone density loss and muscle loss. They had to speed up the metabolism and training of cosmonauts before and after space travel to build bones and muscle. WBV is the result. It has been used in Russia for 40 years for space training, Russian National Ballet, their national sports teams and Olympic athletes. It has become recognized worldwide. NASA has studied and used it for 10 years. It is on the space station along with a treadmill. These 2 machines allow them to stay in space for over 400 days with no muscle or bone loss. Major sports teams world wide use WBV for both training and repair. Celebrities, physiotherapists, doctors, sports therapists, personal trainers, Olympic and professional teams and athletes are all now utilizing this training breakthrough to repair injuries faster and target week muscle groups quickly.
What is VataVibe Whole Body Vibration?
“Take Responsibility for Your Health” – Start now with VataVibe. Get fit and get healthy!
It is exercise, more specifically - resistance training. It is exactly the same as weight training. Your body is the resistance instead of heavy weights. The platform you stand on oscillates under you causing vibration. As it drops your muscles stretch, every time your muscles stretch - they have to contract, the same as traditional exercise. The great thing with WBV is that the muscles stretch and contract up to 40 times per second. This is like doing, up to 40 jumps every second. Impossible to do with traditional exercise. Also, it stretches all your muscles at the same time. Your core, slow twitch, fast twitch, legs, abdomen, back, shoulders, arms and organs all by just standing on the platform using your weight as the resistance. So, in 10 minutes, you get a whole body workout because you worked all your muscles at the same time. There are other great benefits to this kind of training. There is no stress on any joints or your cardiovascular system so anyone can use it from kids to the totally immobile. Anyone with MS, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular disease, stroke or injuries can yield the benefits of exercise while working within their limitations. Anyone from the totally inactive to professional athletes can benefit. The advantage of VataVibe machines is it gives you an entire, full body workout in 10 minutes. You don’t have to change, redo your make up, take a large time block out of your day. Just step on and hit the start. You can do it any time of the day and several times a day as you get stronger. Shake your booty when you wake up, before you go to bed, any time of the day you can get a full body workout.
PS: Exercise is one half of weight loss, the other is diet. You don’t need to go on a diet, but to lose weight you do have to eat well. No fast food and no prepared food. There is way too much poly-unsaturated fats, sugar, salt and acids. You need to eat 75% fruits and vegetables and 25% grains, meat and dairy. Read the PH Miracle by Robert O. Young, Ph.D. and Shelley Redford Young or check out www.genuinehealth.com. Try our Detox Dome for incredible calorie burn right after your vibration for maximum benefits.
“I started using WBV in 2007. Within 5 weeks I lost 15 lbs.(208 – 193 lbs.) and went from a 36” waist to a 34” waist. I am now (2010) still a 34” waist and 188 lbs. I have more muscle and my spare tire is totally gone. I have way more energy for work and sports and haven’t had the flu or a cold in years. My skin is better and a large age spot on my cheek is gone. My hair line even stopped receding. I am 58 and am stronger, have more endurance urance and energy then I did 20 years ago.” – John Woolner –Founder VataHealth
Firming and Toning The only way to preserve and build lean muscle mass is with resistance training. g. Lean muscle burns fat but is also heavier than fat. So do not worry about weight. Use VataVibe 10 minutess every day to build your core muscles and lean muscle and watch your body change while the shape you want nt appears. Also, you need to eat properly (check Weight Loss). You can increase the number of 10 minute sessions ssions as you get stronger.
Beauty Are you spending a fortune on your skin? No need any longer. VataVibe improves es circulation, carries vital oxygen to your cells and tissues, flushes toxins and increases the production of collagen. Your skin is your biggest organ and it gets stuck storing a lot of toxins. Especially if you are sedentary entary and slathering lots of creams and makeup on it. It can’t breathe and release toxins through your pores. es. WBV flushes the skin of toxins and will result in tighter, firmer, smoother skin. It also reduces age spots, s, acne, scars and cellulite. For even more dramatic results, try our Detox Dome for incredible detoxification n and rejuvenation.
With VataVibe you will build lean muscle mass, firm and tone, get rid of cellulite, build bones, increase your circulation, detoxify, relieve pain, gain flexibility, increase collagen, lose weight and just plain feel better.
You can do it. You can fit it into your sedentary life to get you moving! 4
Getting Started:
Getting Started:
Heart and Stroke, Diabetes, Cancers and Other Diseases
In 1930, Dr. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for Science when he revealed that most disease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in your body. In fact, his studies showed that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 48 hours, the cell is likely to become cancerous.
More than just an exercise and rehab machine, VataVibe offers the capability of whole body relaxation. Not only can it massage all the muscle groups in your body, but it can reduce nearly all the effects of stress. Our platforms reduce your cortisol levels while raising key hormones such as serotonin. WBV also increases and oxygenates blood flow, and improves flexibility and your range of motion.
I bet you didn’t know we all suffer from oxygen deprivation and everyday feel its effects from poor concentration and alertness to lack of energy. Lack of oxygen is the underlying cause of cancer and most other diseases. Over 40% of Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime. You have to get more oxygen to your cells. VataVibe vibration technology forces your muscles to pump up to 40 vibrations per second. This forces blood and vital oxygen out to every cell to nourish and repair. You will feel the itching and tingling on your skin after about 5 minutes on the platform. This is the blood and oxygen being pumped right to the surface of your skin (if you don’t feel this, you are dehydrated and need to drink more water). When you supply your body with abundant amounts of oxygen, all cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms are killed because they cannot survive in a high-oxygen environment. Jump on and feel your energy and concentration come surging back. Check our other products: Oxygen generators, hyperbaric chambers and alkaline water systems to help oxygenate and repair your body.
Cellulite Every woman is worried about this. Men, yours is that spare tire around your waist. Cellulite is stored toxins, you need to get rid of it. The positive effects of weight bearing vibration are lymph drainage and blood circulation. WBV strengthens collagen and releases human growth hormone (HGH) which helps to flush and fight against cellulite. There is considerably more fat reduction in people who train 10 minutes three times a week on a VataVibe platform than in those who do aerobic activity for one hour three times per week.
Anti-Aging/Rejuvenation You’re never too old to increase your level of physical activity (Health Canada Physical Activity Guide for Older Adults). Most people say they gain strength, endurance, and flexibility by becoming more active - including those in their nineties. Almost immediately, many people notice they feel better and getting around is easier. Consider this: • • • • •
The more you move, the better you feel More active older adults have the function and fitness of those much younger More active people prolong their independence Everyone can benefit from increased physical activity People with physical limitations and chronic conditions can also benefit by becoming more active
Increasing your level of physical activity as much as you are able can help offset many of the negative effects of certain diseases and disabling conditions.( Health Canada Physical Activity Guide for Older Adults) Weight bearing vibration technology is a quintessential tool in anti-aging and living a longer, healthier life. It creates a vigorous workout affecting virtually every muscle in your body without overload, and dramatically reducing strain on joints, ligaments and tendons. Your brain reacts to the intensity of the workout by producing enormous blood flow and oxygenation throughout your entire body and a dramatic spike in Human Growth Hormone(HGH) which is a key to the repair and regeneration of your tissues. At the same time there is a rise in your testosterone and elevation of neurotransmitters and endorphins which help suppress pain and elevate your mood. You will have an instant increase in flexibility and greater range of motion as well as an improvement in collagen all within the first 90 seconds of use. In an average 10 minute session, the VataVibe contributes to a more youthful feeling due to the increase in oxygenation, increased secretion of serotonin(happiness hormone), mental stimulation and improved brain po a function. u to . Just think of how all this will help your golf game or gardening.
“I have had Whole Body Vibration in my salon for the last 3 years and am now up to 7 platforms. I cannot believe the difference it has made in hundreds of my customers. From pain relief, flexibility, strength gains, weight loss to increased energy levels and healthier lifestyles. Whole Body Vibration has greatly helped my business, but the most satisfying to me is the positive results so many of my customers thank me for.” – Lisa, Owner Qphoria Tanning and Wellness Centre, Kamloops, BC
Your Y Yo o ur Health Health is Your Responsibility… Re sp Resp Re spon po on n si si bili bility ty…
Getting Started:
Getting Started:
Circulation and Lymph Drainage
Arthritis/Medical Rehabilitation
Even at low speeds, blood circulation is increased with VataVibe. Your muscles pump more vital oxygen, nutrients, hormones and minerals to your cells. This improved circulation moves white blood cells to where they are needed and attack invading bacteria, toxins and free radicals.
Dr. Jaspar Sidhu D.C. has provided some insights into the world of whole body vibration from a wellness professional’s perspective. According to Sidhu, “With its many benefits for the patient population, it’s no surprise that vibration exercise therapy is one of the fastest growing modalities in the chiropractic and physiotherapy profession.”
This pumping action also activates the lymph system which is your internal waste management system. Your lymphatic system is activated by contraction of the skeletal muscles, this is why exercise is so important. It is responsible for flushing lactic acids from the muscles, carrying metabolic waste, toxins, dead and damaged cells away from muscles, joints and organs. This results in lower blood pressure, improved body function(keeps you regular) and improves your immune system. Remember H1N1, why not just stay healthy?
• Faster strength gains through neurological adaptation • Shorter training times per session • Patient populations that have been shown to benefit include those suffering from multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, spinal cord injury, osteoporosis, and Parkinson’s Disease, to name a few
Back Pain Weakened lower back muscles are often the cause of back pain as well as stiff muscles from lack of movement. WBV activates these key stabilizing muscles in your body’s core, strengthening and stretching them. With VataVibe you will be amazed at how quickly your flexibility will improve. Ask any physiotherapist, healing sore muscles requires stretching.
Bones/Osteoporosis Strong bones keep you young. Scientific research has proven that bone density increases significantly under the influence of vibration training. This is what it was invented for. Be active every day. Bones become stronger with increased activity. Include regular weight-bearing exercise such as dancing, walking, hiking or tennis in your daily routine. Exercise that improves balance and coordination such as yoga, tai chi, swimming and flexibility exercises will help reduce falls and prevent fractures. (Health Canada, Seniors and Aging – Osteoporosis). With VataVibe, you will build your bones and have better balance to reduce falls and fractures.
“Our focus is 50+ chronic illness prevention management. We have used WBV training for 4 years in our rehabilitation and sports conditioning programs. We work with ICBC and other insurance injury claims and use WBV extensively with all client therapy and conditioning with excellent results in back injury, pain management and soft tissue repair.” “As we age it is increasingly difficult to maintain core muscle strength and WBV is the best deep core resistance training available. We incorporate it into many of our clients exercise programs and have many new clients that only use the vibration plates for their workouts.” – RonStanton (BCRPA weight trainer, Silver Twist Sport Conditioning Coach) – Heather Stanton(B.P.E., BCRPA trainer of fitness leaders) Owners – ProActive Health and Wellness, Salmon Arm, BC
Dr. Sidhu cites the following as some of benefits of whole body vibration exercise as:
Rehabilitation involves an increase in blood flow causing a dramatic spike in Human Growth Hormone(HGH) – the key to the repair and regeneration of soft tissue. Improved circulation also helps to drain fluid build-up from injured tissues. Vibration stimulates a combined release of hormones and natural chemicals to suppress pain. It also activates lymph drainage to flush out dead cells and scar tissue which allows vital oxygen in to tissues to repair. VataVibe is a valuable tool to strengthen and repair without the usual strain on joints and ligaments allowing you to repair within your personal limitations.
“I had been on 3 medications, including methadone for 10 years for my fibromyalgia. Within 2 months the pain was gone and I was off all my medication. That was 2 years ago. I use the machine 3 times a week and stay symptom free. I now sleep through the night – what a blessing. Thank you, John.” – Yvette, Kamloops, BC
Sports Performance – Active, Weekend Warriors, Golfers Weight bearing vibration training has swept through professional sports industry. It is now utilized by professional teams and athletes worldwide. Within seconds, range of motion and stability are instantly increased; perfect for warming up before training or any sport. As it stimulates fast twitch muscle fibers, there is a dramatic increase to explosive strength, motor learning, muscular endurance, and overall agility. It is not just a strength and conditioning tool, but a method of preventing and rehabilitating injuries. With it’s ability to pump blood and vital oxygen to every part of the body instantly, it has become an integral part of many sports therapists, rehabilitation clinics and professional al sports trainers.
Sedentary People or Immobile From Injury orr Illness Inactivity leads to muscle deterioration; weak muscles and poor oor circulation which makes it increasingly difficult to take up any activity that may improve this condition. WBV technology can help to rebuild healthy and strong muscle tissue without the need for a strenuous or uncomfortable workout. Additionally, you will find it reduces stress (drop in cortisol), raises hormones such as Human Growth Hormone ( HGH) and serotonin, improves circulation ulation with less impact on your joints and ligaments.
Your Y Yo o ur u r Health Hea ealt a lt lth h iss Your You o ur ur Responsibility… Re sp Re Resp spon o si s ibi b ili bi bili littyy …
Getting Started:
At Work
When Starting Whole Body Vibration Training:
The Impact of the Workplace on Health (Health Canada)
Lower Oscillating Speed Range
Poor working environments and employment conditions can have a negative impact on health. It has been proven that people who have more control over their work environment and fewer job stress-related demands tend to be healthier.
Lower speeds are beneficial for bone strengthening, balance, circulation, core strength and for rehabilitation, overweight or frail. It is also great for warming up before an activity and stretching.
Safe, healthy, and supportive working conditions and environments are being recognized as important elements that contribute to the optimal health and well-being of Canadians. The Cost to Business of Ignoring Employee Stress (Health Canada –Impact of Stress on Employees) Home and job stress both affect wellness (self-reported health status) through a number of related mechanisms, including: • By defeating employees’ sense of control over their work and their health which, in turn, reduces motivation to pursue positive health practices; and • By making it difficult for employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle and pursue positive health practices. The health and safety-related costs of ignoring stress risks in an organization are: • • • • •
Higher benefit payouts Lower efficiency Less creativity Less client/consumer satisfaction Higher property damage rates
• • • •
Higher absenteeism Lower productivity Less competitiveness Higher injury rates
In his report, Dr. Shain contends that employers will soon face litigation based on the lack of due diligence that creates excessive stress for employees. He concludes that organizations need to examine the decisions and choices that produce stress and then establish strategies to help employees manage stress. One of the key ways organizations can help employees manage stress is to help them to be physically active in and around the workplace.
“Up to 70% of all hospital treatment is for totally preventable illnesses.” – Kevin Falcon – Health Services Minister, Province of BC
As well as stress at work, there is hypertension, chronic low back pain and obesity. All of these are from lack of movement all day. By merely standing on a VataVibe platform, staff can enhance muscle strength, improve balance and flexibility, reduce pain, and increase blood circulation. Employees can use it any time as it does not require rigorous physical activity and takes only 10 minutes per session. Use it at lunch or anytime when feeling sluggish. VataVibe increases key hormones like serotonin that counter mental lethargy and illicit true enhancement in overall mood as well as sharpen an individual’s ability to focus and concentrate. With a small footprint , limitless applications and little investment, a VataVibe platform is the perfect equipment for any corporate fitness center environment.
Mid Oscillating Speed Range Mid speeds are best for building lean muscle, circulation, reducing stress, flushing toxins, lymphatic drainage, combating depression, sluggishness and loss of motivation.
High Oscillating Speed Range Higher speeds are for physically strong, healthy people and sports training. You can escalate to higher speeds after using WBV training for several weeks. Highest speeds are great for cool down after a strenuous activity to flush lactic acids, repair torn muscles and great for massage.
For Weight Loss You can increase up to 4-5 times a day for 10 – 20 minutes a session after several weeks of WBV training. Use at mid range speeds. If your muscles are sore, you are using it too much. Give yourself a day off to repair.
User Tips • Don’t use right after a big meal or with alcohol. • If you think you have to use the bathroom, do it before your session as the vibration speeds up your circulation. • You can use the machine in bare feet. For comfort you can use a rubber or yoga matt on the platform and floor for hands, feet and body. • Drink some water (1-2 glasses) before you use your machine and after you finish. It is quickly absorbed, hydrating your body and assisting in flushing toxins. Water helps carry the vital blood and oxygen out to every cell. Alkaline water is best as the molecular structure of the water is smaller and so it gets out to all your small capillaries and cells better. Check our Alkalark portable water bottles, they are perfect to take with you, giving you alkaline water all day long. • Inactive of frail – Start at very low speeds, take your time to work up to mid range speeds. You can sit in a chair and put your feet on it for the first times. • Stand with your feet to the outside edges of the platform with your toes slightly pointed in. This gives you the most amplitude and benefit. • Breathe in as you go into a pose and breathe out as you come out of a pose. Take deep, even breathes while doing your poses. This gets more oxygen into your blood for repair and rejuvenation. • Keep your whole body in alignment and lengthened through each pose. Keep your chin tucked slightly parallel to the floor with your head straight and focused forward. • Take care with your lower back when doing any forward bends. Bend your kneess if you have to. There should not be any pinching in your lower back area. • Twist to the right first and then to the left. This massages the ascending colon first first and then the descending colon. • When you bend your knees always keep your knees in line with your 2nd and 3rd rd toes. Never have your knees go over the front of your toes. Don’t allow your knees to collapse inward, rather draw it out over your ankle. • You can over train – If your muscles are getting sore, use a lower speed for awhile ile or take a day off. You have been over working and fatiguing your muscles and they are telling you they need to rest.
Yo Your o ur Health Hea ealt lth h iss Your You ur Responsibility… Re e sp s onsii bi b illiity ty…
11 11
Opens the hips, groin and inner thighs. Nourishes the reproductive organs, prostate glands, bladder and kidneys.
Promotes strength and flexibility in the ankles and supports an increase of blood circulation to the feet.
Strengthens the triceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles.
Improves balance, tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles and lower back.
Massages the digestive tract including the liver, spleen and pancreas. Squeezes the intervertebral discs, helping them stay malleable and hydrated.
Great as a warm up using the desired speed level; keep knees slightly bent.
Stretches and relaxes the neck and shoulders.
Strengthens and tones the entire core area.
Advanced squat, Stretches and strengthens the calves.
Strengthens the calves and abdomen. Great warm up.
Advanced exercise greatly tones and strengthens the core with added focus on abdominal muscles.
Advanced exercise strengthening core muscles, shoulders and back.
Stretches hamstrings and lower back muscles.
An advanced posture, lengthening the hamstrings, gluteal muscles and lower back.
Activates the stomach meridians and takes oxygenated blood to the pelvic region. Promotes flexibility in the hamstrings, gluteal muscles and lower back.
Strengthens the back and opens the chest and sternum, stimulating the thyroid and the parathyroid glands. Lengthens the front of the body, activating the lung meridian.
A good foundation posture, strengthens the whole back and arms.
Strengthens and tones the abdominal region and the whole upper body; biceps, triceps and pectorals.
Strengthens the back and opens the chest and sternum, stimulating the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Lengthens the front of the body, activating the lung meridian.
Great after standing long periods of time. Soothes tired feet and legs and helps improve circulation to the lower extremities.
Strengthens and tones the abdominal region and the whole upper body; biceps, triceps and pectorals.
External rotation of the shoulder for releasing tension and stretches under arms, sides and torso.
Beneficial in lengthening and promoting blood flow to the hamstrings, gluteal and lower back muscles.
Promotes flexibility in the inner abductors and draws oxygenated blood to the pelvic area. Massages into the buttocks and thighs, stimulating the fat cells; working the cellulite.
This is a resting posture for the heart while activating the lymphatic system. It opens the shoulders and lengthens the hamstrings.
This is an advanced energizing pose opening up the lower back and strengthens the arms and upper body.
Relaxes the lower back and helps eliminates cellulite.
Cellulite buster stimulating the thighs and buttock promoting flexibility in hamstrings,hips and groin.
See our web site at www.vatahealth.com for tips and training information
See our web site at www.vatahealth.com for tips and training information
Your Health is Your Responsibility…
Whole Body Vibration Platforms
Whole Body Vibration Platforms
Vata Vibe Slim:
Vata Vibe MegaDisc:
• Ergonomic Design
• Lightweight/Portable:
• Micro-chip Intelligent Auto Control System
• 2 Motors
• Side handles for balance and support
• 10mm amplitude oscillating platform • Frequency – 2 -20 Reps/sec
2-20 Reps/sec. 15-40HZ
• 2 vibration modes; – can run individually or together for maximum burn
• Three preset speeds, 1 auto program and manual settings • 50 speed adjustments
10mm Oscillating 0-2mm Spiral
• Customize your own programs with Editable Programming
• 5 LED screens – display Time, Speed with Calorie, Distance and Vibration counter
Calorie Counter
New! 2 Motors 2 Vibrations
• 60 speed levels • Big LCD Display / Micro-Chip Intelligent Auto Control System • Remote control with holder
• 1.5hp, 200watt motor
• No handles for maximum flexibility to do exercises and stretching - Practice your golf or tennis swing, yoga or do a step class
• Overload protection
• User capacity
• Max. user weight – 150KGS/330LBS
• Max Power
625watt – 200 and 300 watt motors
• Wheels for easy moving
• Small footprint
51cm x 64cm/ 20” x 25”
• Silver
• Black
The VataVibe Slim is an excellent platform that is great for everyone to:
Two motor vibration is perfect for training. Get the best
• Build lean muscle and burn fat
workout for building lean muscle, strength training, explosive
• Increase circulation
power, maximum stretching, flexibility and warm up or cool
• Flush toxins and cellulite
down (lactic acid drainage). Yoga stretches to weight training,
• Gain flexibility and mobility
step class or practice your swing. You will be amazed with
• Sleep better
your results.
• Increase energy levels and feel younger
Spiral Vibration is excellent for circulation and lymphatic drainage. Great for anyone who is immobile or wheelchair bound – just put your feet on the platform and get circulation, blood and oxygen flowing and your lymph system flushing.
Your Health is Your Responsibility…
Detox Dome
Pro Slim
Whole Body Vibration Platforms
Far Infrared Dome and Cabin Saunas
Vata Vibe Pro Slim Heavy Duty Home or Spa/Gym Platform:
Dr. Sherry Rogers, Leading National Toxicology Expert “A sauna was thought of as a luxury. Studies now confirm that diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers… as the first generation of man exposed to such an unprecedented plethora of daily chemicals, we have learned that stored or undetoxified chemicals can mimic any disease. …Since the far infrared sauna is the safest, most efficacious and economical way of depurating stored toxins, this makes it a household necessity.”
• Heavy duty 2HP, 1000 watt motor • Heavy duty all steel frame • Micro-chip Intelligent Auto Control System
Calorie Counter
• Large vibration plate for any exercises or posses
Your body is attacked everyday by pollution, tension and stress, fatigue and toxins. The Detox Dome is designed to relax and refresh you while it cleanses and detoxifies.
• Front handles for balance • 55 speeds for different fitness levels, including strength, exercise and massage
BEAUTY • Excellent for increasing blood circulation to the skin which is essential for beautiful, youthful, glowing skin.
• 5 LED screens – display time and speed, plus a calorie, distance and vibration counter
• A new “inner glow”, as the skin is free of accumulated dirt and dry skin cells due to deep cleansing of impurities.
• Preset program, 3 preset speeds and manual operation • User Capacity:
• Unit Weight:
• Platform:
10mm oscillating plate
• Frequency:
2-25 Rep/sec.
• Improves the conditions of acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns and any skin lesions or cuts. HEALTH • Strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar & cholesterol
• Overload protection • Wheels for easy movement • Silver
Users feel the burn on this platform – Once you use the Pro Slim, you won’t go back to any other machine.
WEIGHT LOSS Burns up to 900 or more calories in just one 30-minute session. Taking a sauna everyday with the DETOX DOME is a great way to get rid of stored fat, cellulite and toxins.
• Strengthens the cardiovascular system, heart rate, cardiac output and increases metabolic rate while dropping blood pressure. • Improves impaired blood vessel function in patients with diabetes, high cholesterol, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome • Reduces swelling of prostate in men • Controls excessive leukorrhea in women (PMS, yeast) INJURIES & RELIEVE PAIN Radiant heat helps with sprains, strains, arthritis, muscle spasms and headaches. An increase in blood flow aids the treatment of inflammation, pain & wound healing. RELAXATION AND ENJOYMENT Relax and unwind in a warm, comfortable capsule. Let it remove your stress and fatigue by expanding capillary vessels and accelerating blood circulation.
Your Health is Your Responsibility…
Oxygen Systems
Personal Alkaline Water Reducing System
Oxygen Facts:
When It Comes To Your Health – Are You Doing The Right Things?
“Cancer basically needs a low oxygen environment to survive.” Dr. Otto Warburg, recipient of 1931 Nobel Prize for medicine, when he proved a cancer cell cannot live in a oxygenated environment. • Research has demonstrated that our vital lung capacity decreases 5% with every decade of life. This lung elasticity means less oxygen as we age.
Watching what you eat, exercising regularly, and reducing your stress. There is another, often overlooked factor. According to the latest research, your ultimate health can only be achieved with a balanced pH.
• Our brain, which makes up 2% of our total mass, requires 20% of the body’s oxygen needs.
What is pH?
• Cancer attacks every organ in our body, except the heart because of its abnormal supply of oxygen.
pH (potential of hydrogen) represents the balance of positively charged
• The human body must have oxygen to convert the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet into heat, energy, and life. This process is known as “metabolism”. • Oxygen is a proven detoxifier and has anti-aging properties. • Oxygen gives the body the ability to relax & rebuild itself. It detoxifies blood, & strengthens the immune system while healing your mind, spirit, & soul. • Since oxygen is the main fuel required to oxidize your carbohydrates, sugars, fats and proteins into energy, a lack of oxygen will promote an inadequate oxidation process (poor burning of foods), which will result in a lower percentage of your foods being converted into energy and high percentage of your foods turning into fat. • Humans can go 4 weeks without food, 4 days without water, but cannot go 4 minutes without oxygen . • Many scientists agree that most disease and infection are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. • 90% of our energy comes from oxygen - only 10% comes from food & water. • The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. • Oxygen gets rid of toxicity. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites are destroyed in the presence of oxygen - especially cancer.
(acid-forming) ions to negatively charged (alkaline-forming) ions in your body. The lower the pH of your blood, the more acidic; the higher the pH, the more alkaline. Studies show your pH directly impacts your overall health, including energy, digestion and skin - as well as your risk for serious diseases, including cancer, osteoporosis and even obesity.
For optimum health, our body’s pH should be slightly alkaline; however the majority of us Canadians are overly acidic because of our poor diets.
What Is Vata Health Alkalark? It is a portable and mineral alkaline water reducer. It reduces neutral or weak acid water into low alkaline water. Instead of using electrolysis, the most common method used, a rather unique method is utilized which allows for chemical reaction of MAHA-Q. The amazing result produces an abundant array of diverse minerals and effective element enriching your body’s system. The end product is a portable, alkaline-water making purifier complete with a mineral reduction system. It is an innovative product that can be easily cleaned and conveniently carried ensuring healthy alkaline water wherever you go. Alkalark is the easiest way to make sure you stay alkaline and hydrated.
• Oxygen is an important key to good health, and research has shown that there is a significant difference in the amount of oxygen in a strong healthy person and a chronically ill individual.
If you are not active or have a poor diet, YOU NEED MORE OXYGEN! Vata Health OXY-GEN can be used anytime and anywhere. Breathe clean oxygen while on your VataVibe Vibration Plate or in your Vata Detox Dome. Use it while at your computer or watching television. 18
Your Health is Your Responsibility…
O2 Chamber Plus / O2 Chamber Hyperbaric Chambers
Oxysys 4000 / 4500 Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers
Distinctive Features of Oxysys 4000, 4500 – Convenient, Practical and Safe
Distinctive Features of O2 Chamber Plus and O2 Chamber – Convenient, Practical and Safe
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has always been used for decompression sickness. It is now being used by doctors, sport therapists and athletes worldwide to heal and rejuvenate much more quickly. Dermatology – acne, hair loss, skin care
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has always been used for decompression sickness. It is now being used by doctors, sport therapists and athletes worldwide to heal and rejuvenate much more quickly.
Surgery – infections, acute injuries, burns, wounds, fractures
Dermatology – acne, hair loss, skin care
Plastic Surgery – edema, cell reproduction after micro-surgery, muscle and bone recovery
Surgery – infections, acute injuries, burns, wounds, fractures Plastic Surgery – edema, cell reproduction after micro-surgery, muscle and bone recovery
Neurology – autism, headaches, dementia, stroke, brain injury, paralysis, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, sports injuries
Neurology – autism, headaches, dementia, stroke, brain injury, paralysis, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, sports injuries
Features: • Two controllable pressures: 2psi and 4psi • Safety knob to release pressure in emergency • The most widely installed model in Korea and Japan • Air conditioner to control temperature inside the chamber • Wide and convenient transparent viewing window • Adjustable timer for therapy • Calling bell for emergencies
Oxygen Generator
Oxysys 4000
Oxysys 4500
One patient
One patient & one care person
Air-wall type PU
Air-wall type PU
size / weight
200cm x ø70cm, 22kg
220cm x ø817cm, 95kg
normal pressure
2 – 4 psi
2 – 4 psi
fluid volume
5 Liters/min
5 Liters/min
90% ± 5%
90% ± 5%
power consumption
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 600VA
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 600VA
size / weight
W550 x H500 x D240, 30kg
W550 x H500 x D240, 30kg
fluid volume
85 Litre / min
85 Litre / min
DualHead Oil-Less 1/4 hp
DualHead Oil-Less 1/4 hp
air filter
power consumption
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 1000VA
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 1000VA
size / weight Installation
Features: • Slide-type entry door & large transparent viewing window • Emergency button to release pressure in emergency • Intercom for two-way communications inside & outside the chamber • Automatic air pressure control system • Air conditioner to control temperature inside the chamber • Adjustable timer for therapy • Easy installation
O2 Chamber Plus
O2 Chamber
One patient
One patient
size / weight
220cm x ø810cm, 75kg 220cm x ø750cm, 70kg
220cm x ø817cm, 95kg
normal pressure
1 – 7 psi
1 – 7 psi
fluid volume
5 Liters/min
5 Liters/min
90% ± 5%
90% ± 5%
power consumption
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 600VA
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 600VA
size / weight
W550 x H 500 x D240, 30kg
W550 x H 500 x D240, 30kg
fluid volume
85 Litre / min
85 Litre / min
DualHead Oil-Less 1/4 hp
DualHead Oil-Less 1/4 hp
air filter
power consumption
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 1000VA
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 1000VA
size / weight
W530 x H1178 x D455, 110kg
W530 x H1178 x D455, 110kg
Oxygen Generator
W530 x H1178 x D455, 110kg
W530 x H1178 x D455, 110kg
Remote Control
1.5m x 2.5m
2m x 2.5m
1.5m x 2.5m
Your Health is Your Responsibility…
Warranty & Contraindications
Pet Chamber Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers
Benefits for pets include post-operative reduction of tissue swelling and inflammation and a decrease in pain associated with these processes. Some examples of surgical procedures that benefit particularly from hyperbaric oxygen therapy include: • Gastric dilation and volvulus and the associated reperfusion injuries • Fracture repair, especially open fractures or those involving malunion or nonunion • Gastrointestinal resection and anastomosis, especially post-foreign body obstruction
VataVibe Contraindications to Vibration If you have not exercised, have any of the below conditions or are not sure Vibration is right for you, please consult with your doctor first. ( if they are not familiar with WBV, have them check the research page on our web site) • Pregnancy • Recent hip, knee replacements • Recent placed metal or synthetic implants such as pacemaker or cochlear implants • Active cancer • Fresh surgery wounds LEGAL DISCLAIMER: We do not provide medical advice or treatment. The information contained in this brochure is for general information purposes only. Do not attempt to self-treat any disease with Vata Health products and always consult your doctor for medical advice.
• Amputations
Vata Health Warranty
• Skin grafts
Vata Health Products - If your Vata Health product does not operate properly and is purchased from an approved Vata Health dealer, we will repair or replace your product at no charge, for up the 1 year from the date of purchase. As well, we will cover your motor for a 5 year period and any parts for 2 years from the date of purchase.
• Hemilaminectomy • Ear canal ablation
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is effective and efficient in healing animals. It also improves metabolism, aging and stress problems. From the canine athlete to the family pet, the possibilities for this treatment modality are endless.
This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties whether written, oral or implied. Vata Health liability is in all cases limited to the replacement price of your model purchase and shall not be liable for any other damages, whether direct, consequential, or incidental arising from the sale or use of the product. If service is required it is the owner’s responsibility to deliver the product to the nearest Vata Health Service Centre. Vata Health products are designed for domestic use only and receipt of purchase must be provided to receive service under warranty. The warranty is valid for original purchaser only and is not transferable.
Soft Pet Chamber
One patient
One patient
Air-wall type PU
size / weight
90cm x ø600, 60kg
130cm x ø700, 18kg
normal pressure
3 psi
3 psi
fluid volume
85 Liters/min
85 Liters/min
DualHead Oil-Less 1/4 hp
DualHead Oil-Less 1/4 hp
air filter
power consumption
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 400VA
230VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 400VA
size / weight
W55 x D32 x H74, 32kg
W55 x D32 x H74, 32kg
1m x 1.5m
1m x 1.5m
Products Limited Registration Form - please return within 30 days of product purchase or fill-out online at www.vatahealth.com Mr. ❏ Mrs. ❏
Hard Pet Chamber
Miss ❏ Ms. ❏ First Name
Postal Code
Last Name
Date of Purchase
Purchased From: Dealer
Dealer Address
Dealer Telephone
Product Name
Serial Number
Your Health is Your Responsibility…
Products Limited #71 - 700 Tranquille Road, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada V2B 3H9 Toll Free 1-877-914-VATA(8282) Email: john@vatahealth.com
To register your warranty, please fill in both sides of the following post card, cut out and return to Vata Health Products Limited. You may also register your Vata Health product online at www.vatahealth.com
Vata Health Products Limited #71 - 700 Tranquille Road, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada V2B 3H9