Way up

Page 1

Joanne Collie

Joanne Co llie

Intermediate UČBENIK

zij 1. in 2. letniku gimna za angleščino v

Upper Inte rmedia



za anglešč ino

v 3. in 4. letn iku gimnaz ij

Joanne Collie

Moderen učbenik za angleščino, napisan za slovenske dijake! • vsebine iz sveta najstnikov • slovenske teme in kultura • priprava na maturo

znanje nas dela velike

Založba Rokus Klett Založba Rokus Klett je vodilni slovenski šolski založnik, katerega učbeniki so že večkrat prejeli nagrade za najboljše evropske učbenike, ki jih podeljuje Evropsko združenje šolskih založnikov. Na področju izobraževalnih gradiv za pouk angleščine in drugih tujih jezikov je založba prisotna že vrsto let. Med Rokusove izdaje za angleščino sodijo med drugim: • priljubljeni učbeniki Messages, ki so prepričali že več kot tretjino osnovnošolskih profesorjev angleščine, • učbenika Hi there! za 4. in 5. razred osnovne šole, • zbirka dodatnih gradiv za angleščino v osnovni šoli Znam za več, • izdaja Čist simpl Angleščina – maturitetne teme za srednjo šolo, • splošni in šolski slovarji PONS ter izdaje PONS za samostojno učenje angleščine. Založba Rokus Klett vsako leto organizira številne seminarje, simpozije z domačimi in tujimi predavatelji in druga srečanja za profesorje angleščine, med katerimi so nekatera namenjena tudi druženju.

znanje nas dela velike

Spoštovani profesorice in profesorji angleščine! Ko smo pred dobrim letom v založbi začeli razmišljati o novem projektu – učbeniški seriji Way up za pouk angleščine v srednjih šolah, je bila naša prva misel, ali ob množici gradiv sploh potrebujemo še en naslov. Po pregledu obstoječih pa smo opazili, da so večinoma namenjeni odraslim in torej obravnavajo teme, ki so bližje njim kot srednješolski populaciji. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so praktično vsi pisani za globalni trg in ne vključujejo lokalnih vsebin. Tako je splahnel še zadnji dvom, ali lahko slovenskim dijakom (in profesorjem) ponudimo nekaj, česar jim drugi naslovi ne. Novemu izzivu naproti smo se podali v sodelovanju s priznano tujo avtorico, dr. Joanne Collie.

Vsebine iz sveta najstnikov Trudili smo se, da bi bile vsebine kompleta Way up kar najbolj aktualne in zanimive za dijake, da bi odsevale njihov svet, vrednote, interese, vprašanja, dileme ... To se zrcali v izbranih besedilih, jeziku, avdio- in videogradivu, kot tudi v vizualni podobi. Naše vodilo je bilo omogočiti dijakom, da se (na)učijo jezik, ki jih obkroža in s katerim se srečujejo vsak dan pri uporabi svetovnega spleta, televizije in drugih medijev.

Lokalne vsebine Way up je izrazito namenjen slovenskim dijakom. Vanj smo vključili slovenske vsebine, slovensko kulturo in osebnosti iz slovenskega sveta. K sodelovanju pri snemanju avdioposnetkov smo pritegnili tudi slovenske dijake. Ponuditi smo želeli zgled, kako lahko razmišljajo in govorijo o svoji deželi in kulturi v angleščini, pri tem pa jo primerjajo z drugimi deželami in kulturami po svetu (ne samo anglosaškimi). V veliko pomoč so nam bile tudi slovenske profesorice z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami, ki so gradivo skrbno preučile, ga komentirale in predlagale izboljšave.

Matura Ves čas smo imeli v mislih tudi maturo. Zato smo v gradivo vtkali tudi naloge in aktivnosti, ki bodo dijakom v pomoč pri pripravi na maturo iz angleščine, obenem pa jim bodo omogočile, da razvijejo jezikovne spretnosti v širšem kontekstu, o njih razmišljajo, si izmenjujejo izkušnje in sledijo svojemu napredku ter tako prevzemajo del odgovornosti za svoje znanje. Še bi lahko naštevala, kaj vse smo vključili, upoštevali, kakšne cilje smo zasledovali, pa mi prostor tega ne dopušča. Zato prepuščam vam, da preprosto vzamete Way up v roke in si ustvarite svoje mnenje.

Petra Bizjak, urednica za angleščino Založba Rokus Klett, d.o.o.

Kompleti Way up

Joanne Collie

Učbenik Učbenik Way up sestavlja 20 lekcij, ki so urejene v štiri module. Vsak modul vsebuje tri kratke lekcije z enotama A in B ter dve daljši lekciji z enotami A, B, C in D.

Intermediate UČBENIK

Joanne Collie

za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimna zij

Enoti A in B sta namenjeni usvajanju nove snovi, enota C (Culture) je namenjena medkulturnim temam, enota D (Skills enhancement) pa razvijanju jezikovnih in izpitnih spretnosti.

ediate Upper Interm IK NIK BEN ČBE UČ u gimnazij v 3. in 4. letnik

Modul sklenejo tri strani vaj za razvijanje jezikovnih spretnosti in besedišča. Ob koncu učbenika so še štiri projektne naloge, po ena za vsak modul.

za angleščino


Knjižica s slovnico in slovarčkom Kot prilogo k učbeniku smo pripravili tudi knjižico velikosti A5 s slovnično razlago in primeri rabe in z dvojezičnim slovarčkom, zasnovanim po lekcijah.

Grammar and Vocabulary Booklet

Grammar and Vocabulary Booklet

Delovni zvezek Delovni zvezek dopolnjuje in nadgrajuje učbenik. Sestavljen je iz 20 lekcij, razdeljenih na štiri module. Vsaka lekcija ponuja vaje za utrjevanje slovnice, širjenje in utrjevanje besedišča ter razvijanje branja, poslušanja in pisanja. Posamezni modul se konča s tremi stranmi, namenjenimi samostojnemu razvijanju jezikovnih spretnosti (Skills enhancement), in s stranjo za samorefleksijo in samoocenjevanje (Blogs and logs). Štiri strani na koncu delovnega zvezka so namenjene delu na učnih spretnostih (Study skills).

Joan n

e Co llie

Joanne Collie


r Inte rmed iate

DELO VN glešči I ZVE Z no v 3. in EK

za an

4. letn iku gi mnazi j


za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij

V naslednjem šolskem letu bo na voljo tudi interaktivni učbenik Way up Intermediate, namenjen delu z interaktivno tablo.

Joanne Collie Joanne Colli Co e

Komplet CD-jev k učbeniku K učbeniku spada tudi komplet CD-jev za učitelje z avdioposnetki. Pri pripravi vsebine smo k sodelovanju povabili tako rojene govorce kot slovenske dijake. Nekatere naloge namreč prikazujejo situacije pri pouku angleščine v slovenskih šolah ali pa komunikacijske situacije med slovenskimi govorci in tujci.


Upper Int Intermediate

UČBENIKU AVDIO CDv 1.Kin 2. letniku gimnazij za angleščino


UČBENIKU za angleščino v 3. in 4. letniku gimnazij

Joanne Collie Joann

Priročnik za učitelje Priročnik za učitelje bo poleg navodil za delo ponujal tudi rešitve nalog iz učbenika in delovnega zvezka, transkripcijo zvočnih in videoposnetkov, dodatne zamisli za pouk, aktivnosti za motivacijo, vaje za izgovarjavo in teste. Priročnik vam bo služil kot dobrodošel vir idej za zasnovo pestrih in zanimivih ur.

Joanne Collie


za angleščin angleščino v 3. in 4. letniku gimnazij


za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij

Spletno gradivo za učitelje in dijake Da bi učiteljem čim bolj olajšali poučevanje po učbeniških kompletih Way up, bodo na spletni strani www.wayup.si na voljo številna brezplačna dodatna gradiva, kot so: priročnik za učitelje, videoposnetki k učbeniku, video- in avdioposnetki k delovnemu zvezku, letna priprava, kvizi in povezave na zanimive spletne strani. Spletno stran bomo stalno nadgrajevali s posluhom za vaše predloge, želje in potrebe.

Joanne Collie

Intermediate Joanne Collie


za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij

Intermediate UČBENIK v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij za angleščino

Joanne Collie

teachers À students À contact us À

Učbeniški komplet Way up Intermediate je skladen z učnim načrtom za angleščino v splošnih, klasičnih in strokovnih gimnazijah.

Komplet Way up Intermediate za 1. in 2. letnik gimnazije je že na voljo, komplet Way up Upper Intermediate za 3. in 4. letnik pa bo izšel že spomladi 2011.

Didaktične prednosti kompletov Way up sentences into

et 13 A small plan ple and its peo past and future es – present,

We agree with the

• Passive structur questions object • Subject and disagreeing • Agreeing and

13A Caring for

We disagree with


the and complete the examples structures. a partner. Study 3 A Work with active into passive transforming basic rules for

the planet Active Passive Active Passive

B Transform the

present tenses

from active to

• Buy cotton or


Identify the tense, other tenses. e the object. examples with e, and underlin 4 A Here are in each sentenc verbs. circle the subject for transforming the general rule skin Then complete

Way up postavlja v središče učnega procesa dijake, njihovo doživljanje sveta, razmišljanje, izkušnje, težave in dileme, s katerimi se srečujejo. Dijake spodbuja, da o tem spregovorijo, primerjajo svoje izkušnje z izkušnjami drugih in tako razvijajo svoje sporazumevalne zmožnosti in strpnost do drugačnosti.

risk of increased the pollution has 1 Active: Air cancer cancer. en increased been has b h of skin cancer Passive: The risk by air pollution. in the ozone layer. on created a hole created Active: Air polluti layer was ozone the in ole ieving

greeenhouse gases libraries the moon recycling ozone layer air pollution the hole in the sports g films global warmin a waste rubbish and fic traffi water pollution Party Green the the arts

What video with others. reaction to the interesting B Compare your Write down two striking in it? s. did you find most other student you heard from reactions that the text page 141. Comb of the video on text the 7 A Read huge, to find: ions that mean

ng plastic bags. to avoid discardi cloth grocery bags

, words or express , 1 At least tthree scale: on a uniiversal the ions that mean , words or express , 2 At least five , oppositee of huge: , opposite that mean the or expressions rds wor Two 3 , e negative of light: ions that indicat , words or express 4 At least ssix humans act: , , views off the way , e , ions that indicat words or express s think of themselves: t 5 At least three of the way human views e negativ , ,

, but admirable is not only elf on the green life e. Pat yours towards a Living a ever befor simple steps easier than take these existence. ht back if you more aware bags can be boug ry healthier, s and cloth groce c bags. Light Cotton or rding plasti hed off before disca , to avoid be switc your teeth s should you brush appliance a room. As turned off. you leave should be d after that taps and looke remember be planted and can trees plastic, glass ral” Outdoor the air. Your led. “Natu d be recyc to help clean ases shoul chemicals treated by Your paper purch food not go shopping. you or “organic” bought when n on the windowsill. . So should be can be grow rather than baths own herbs taken well the should be about how Showers to worry should be poos don’t need sham you le al that s, rechargeab grade, natur appliance suds biode not they are all your small used. In used. When should be should be batteries to e chargers phon asked le be l should in use, mobi . Your schoo r. unplugged pape led recyc purchase


g. of global warmin debate the causes problem worse. the 1 Some people gases are making 2 Greenhouse planet. g. is protecting the global warmin 3 Recycling really understand 4 People don’t

photos? shown in the s are sho ted mental problem ns that are connec ions 1 A What environ tick 9 the express sure you understand With a partner, problems. Make with environmental ry or ask otherss. them: use a dictiona

on a small planet 1 We are alone we care about. let’s live on it and everyone is all we’ve got: 2 This tiny planet and our home, peacefully. care of each other 3 We must take the earth. 4 Your own:

for a a student wrote read the text that other with LIFE. Help each 5 A With a partner, LIVING A GREEN , persuasive poster entitled a more punchy Re-write it in points, as any difficulties. can use bullet active voice. You style, using the e. in the exampl

Object Verb world. Subject everyone in the affects Climate change (byy climate change). ff world is affected Everyone in the good results. are achieving simple steps. y Simple steps by d are being achieve Good results . A General rules: becomes becomes • The object (the agent or doer) object. • The subject to link the new . • Use necessary to include • It is not always ming the verb: B Rules for transfor of the verb becomes the Simple . • The Present of BE + Present Simple s become verb Continuous of the . • The Present ous of BE + the Present Continu

find poster. Try to make your own a poster B In small groups, illustration. Have or drawings for questions about dramatic photos your friends’ class. Answer exhibition in the your poster. Sagan, a famous narrated by Carl decide on Sagan’s Watch a video partner, 6 A a author. With your own. astronomer and of these or write e. Choose one ing main messag that has everyth


active ment. the local environ rs cleaned up town. 1 Local teenage g bins all over placed recyclin a problem for 2 Teens have fic has created e in traffi 3 The increas n. ing the situatio many towns. gradually improv bags. were 4 Our efforts away plastic bags. are throwing not to use plastic s 5 Shoppers student encouraged 6 The school . fish. fill the oceans out of fi tions if we run 7 Rubbish will feed hungry popula isn’t going to 8 We won’t the problems to eye blind a 9 Turning solve them.

B Transform these and give the statement groups, discuss two and write B In your two the board into . views. Divide the right heading reasons for your discussion under notes from your the statement

paragraph to again. Write a time. Watch the video B was this second your response classroom and describe whaat hs around the Post your paaragrap m with others. ddiscuss them disc discu , past, future structures – present change. G 20 Passive climate is affected by pollution.

by Everyone y was created layer ey ing a blind eye h l in the ozone be solved by turning A hole won’t The problems to them.



70, 73

Workbook, pages

6B start?

the most inn 1A present survey items you ticked Do a quick class B Which of the s for us todayy? ideas. dangerous problem your classmaates share your of to see how many agree with the viewss. If you you and show your of the room. If 2 A Stand up c corner one nt, go to e corner. following stateme go to the opposit the statement, with e disagre should

The Medieval Days in Kamn ik

et of the plane . The protection man beings hum priority as be our first

B Match one descrip tion of how a each choice in verb is used (A–D) 3A.

5 pm p Ch hilildr dren dr en n’s treeas asur u e hu ur hunt nt – F Fin ind d


V ro Ve roni nica ni ca’s ca ’s tre treas asur ure! ur e!

Satu Sa tuurddayy m mor o ni or ning ng

1 Read Matic’s

email. Find five

mistakes in it.

10 am am Gran Gr Gran nd para paaraade tthr h ou hr ough g the Cen gh e tre – See th in arm mou ur, med he kn dieva k ig ight vaal ar htss ht arch c ers, ladie ch skkir ies in col irts ts, w ts wiith o ourf h biz izar rful a rree hea ull llon u ong on ng eadg dgea dg ear sw swin ingi ging ng by thei theiir eeaars th rs.. 1 –122 11 Brow Br B ow wse the h sta talllll s di d sp splaayi ying ng tra r di d tion Ånd Å o al war nd d woo oode ares deen sw d es and craaft worrds d , f s. Her bo o w ws eree yyoou’ and d arrow pottter po u lll ery, owss fo y, traadi for th diti thee ch t on ti onal chililildr al emb dren dr mbro en n, de roid deco idered c raate d pilillows,, an ted cure cu ure ress fo forr aan n d nyt y hi he e hing rbal rb ng tha alis al i is hat ts t ai ssel elllil ng aggee-old ails l you. Yo You’ drres d -oold esseed lil ke u ll lau d ugh as yo ke sshi h el hi e dy u wa d-be beear w tch arer tcch tw e s pl playyin wo me men ng th n thee ol o d gaame callle led d ‘M Marja arrja j nc nca’ aa’’. 122 nooon Com Co mee an nd d see e tthe he old-s ld d-s - ty tyle l pri le rint nttin ingg pr p ems, po pres em ms, pri esss an a d bu rint n ed by th nt b y soome Slloove he ca cast s lee maste ven nian ni n terr on o old-ffasshion oned ed pap aper er er. r. S tuurrdd Sa

3 A Circle the right verb forms to complete the Ellie sends her email that cousin Gwen to describe her visit to Kamnik upcoming .

Making arrange


4 A

Pri izboru tem smo izhajali iz učnega načrta za angleščino v gimnazijah in predmetnega izpitnega kataloga, obenem pa smo poskušali upoštevati interese najstnikov v srednjih šolah. Na začetku so teme, ki so dijakom blizu in jih neposredno zadevajo, sledijo pa teme v povezavi s širšim družbeno-kulturnim okoljem (družina, komunikacija s starši, šola, prijatelji, svet zabave, žepnina, zdravje, moda, šport, vprašanje okolja, svet medijev …).

From: To:

matic@planet. si <<EllieSmith> >e.j.smith@ao Medieval l.com days


Hi Ellie , I’m so glad you said you the begin could come ning of June. Great at be able to go to ! That means we’ Kamni I’ve sent ’ll you a progr k for the Medie you’ll val amme by ys! see, there snail mail. days ’ll be - marke As lots to t stall do and s, where kinds of see you can stuff, see se & buy music, modern all dancing, costumes a parad through - reall e in the centr y, lots! e of town There’ll press and be a new print I’m sure special I’ll be ing Slovenian able to buy a poem for to miss the Knigh you! We won’t want ts of Gašpe Bled on Saturday r Lambe rger from morning: some sword they’re ¿ghts and performing I can tell traditiona you, they’ l danci afternoon, re co the L

iture 11B Income and expend school in second year of secondary 1 Two students in their the income an email survey about Slovenia are conducting in different EU countries. and expenditure of students through they’ve received. Read These are three answers the answers quickly.

Slovenske teme in kultura Ker je učbenik pisan za slovenske šole in dijake, smo v gradivo vključili tudi teme in osebe iz slovenskega vsakdana, slovenske kulture in zgodovine (Kamnik Medieval Days, Wellness in Slovenia, Canyoning in Slovenia, Davorka Požgan), kar dijakom omogoča, da berejo in spregovorijo o svoji kulturi in jo primerjajo z drugimi. Tako razvijajo kulturno zavest in medkulturno kompetenco.

out? spend money on going 1 Do any of the teens none of them Sanna Paul Tom get pocket money? 2 Do any of the teens none of them Sanna Paul Tom up for a special purchase? of them 3 Is anybody saving none Sanna Paul Tom a mobile phone? 4 Does everybody have none of them Sanna Paul Tom a part-time job? 5 Do any of them have none of them Sanna Paul Tom pay for their clothes? 6 Do some of them none of them Sanna Paul Tom they wanted? help to buy something 7 Did any of them get none of them Sanna Paul Tom items? bought second-hand 8 Have any of the teens none of them Sanna Paul Tom income Make notes about the 2 Read the answers again. them three students, comparing and expenditure of the to yourself.

Velik poudarek v gradivu je na sistematičnem in postopnem razvijanju jezikovnih spretnosti. Poleg avdioposnetkov smo vanj vključili tudi videoposnetke, kar pripomore k avtentičnosti nalog.

Izpitne spretnosti in učenje učenja Poleg jezikovnih spretnosti učbenik in delovni zvezek postopoma razvijata tudi izpitne spretnosti, hkrati pa naloge niso namenjene le drilu za maturo, temveč dijake spodbujajo, da razmišljajo o strategijah reševanja izpitnih tipov nalog, jih ozaveščajo in izboljšujejo.

Projektno delo V sklopu učbenika so tudi štirje projekti, po en na vsak modul, ki omogočajo individualizacijo pouka, vključevanje posebnih znanj in razvijanje podjetnosti, samoiniciativnosti in ustvarjalnosti v avtentičnih kontekstih.

Sistematičnost in preglednost Posamezni moduli so jasno ločeni z barvami, ki olajšajo navigacijo po učbeniku. Enote so poimenovane s črkami A–D. Vsaka enota zavzema dve sosednji strani, kar olajša pregled nad celotno vsebino.

2 Re-rea ead the program mme. Findd these

This is not like me

This is like me Tom



Hi there, Nejc & Ema. Here are my answers to your questions (and myy photo!) Hope my English is OK.

Sanna your er students. Compare 3 A Now join two othe tences. these senttences complete these

grids, and

B Join another grouup e lies. replies te the rep Note

…?? dy in yyour group have b d Does anybo … Do some of you …? ur group …? n you b d in Does everybody C Report to the classs.

m General information: I live with my mum and two sisters, I go to our loocal lycée, Lycée Vauban and I’m studyiing for my baccalauréatt - the bac - thee last exam in lycée. a weekly Income: My dad works in the UK aand he sends me allowance in pounds but I get it inn euros, so it varies but between 50€ to 60€. I’d like to be more independent at least I get a bit of extra cash beecause I work alongside which my friend in his dad’s joinery workkshop once a week, € every 20 me sends dad y my And gets me about 10€ a week. my tests … especially the time I get a really good mark in m

of three. Ask them questions.

English tests. Expenditure: I’m not into clothes and I hate wearing anything that’s formal or posh: I lleave that to my sisters. time. My mum buys me tee-shirts and jjeans from time to mor But I buy my own trainers, becausse I really fancy the hav don t have etty long so I don’t retty pre kind I wear my hair pr i kind. expensive sav to pay any barber. I use the familly computer but I’m nex up for a laptop: I really need a lapptop for university and I go once orr twice a week. It costs fi year. I love films I go but I can go to Saturday matineees for 7€, and then co with my friends. I usually spend aabout 20 to 25€ for ph and a meal. Oh, and my dad also ppays for my mobile - it’s 20€ a month. If I need anything special, I ask he usually sends the money.

. leeete these beginnings Coomplete

ome ome some so b d … som nob nobody b dyy … n ybo ryyyb ery ver very n our group, ever In

us … o us of

From: To:

e.j.smith@aol.com Gwendolyn@greencot tage.co.uk Subject: Visit to Slovenia

Hi Gwen, I’m so excited . Dad has said it’s certain we (1) de¿nite , ly go / are de¿nitely going to Slovenia! We (2) are Àying / should À on Thursday, th Ày out Ày 5 June from Birmingham. (3) is / is The Àight going to be at 12 noon Matic can’t - our friend meet us at the airport there, so (4) when we get we’ll get / we get a taxi hotel We’re hotel. W ’ t our to (5) having to spend spend / going to d Friday evening and Saturda the Medieva y at Kamnik l Days - that’s for a kind of festiva they have every l year. The program isn’t startin me (6) starts g at 10 on / Saturda (7) will have to

in it:

Threee adjectiv Three es made maade up off two a hyp words joined phen (-) that with w mean: 1 ancient an :

17 TOM WOOLHOUSE, A levels ation: I’ll sit my General inform at the are the exams this year: those have to ary school. You live with end of second I to university. extra take them to go they supply some I get my parents, and wages the up used money when I’ve job. e two evenings from my part-tim at Halfords. I do a part-time job £220. In euros, Income: I’ve got s. My monthly wage is about the rate a week and Sundayat the moment, though of course € ask for a bit of that’s about 255 I’ve used up my wages, I do If to pay him back fluctuates a lot. a tab and I have me the money dad, he keeps my gives ask I just If mum cash. month, but my at the end of the have a good time.” and “Go , I generally and says: disposable income Now I’ve got the need a little bit of extra cash Expenditure: If I as, I wanted things I want. save up for the present. At Christm s it and my ask for it as a to get them I’ll (about 230€) toward 3, so I paid £200 a PlayStation ce. £100. family allowan dad paid the extra 18, we still get a little bit of buy my I ll go off and Because I’m under will give me that andd I’ll more, I’ll mum g else that costs Generally, my if I want anythin But . clothes own on a night my wages on it. e go into town spend some of hip group, so we go (23€). I pay for friends e a £220 I’m in a sociabl It’s generally about out quite often. off a onee that I bought for is my that. It’s a second-hand m does pay I’ve got an iPod. thing my dad (about 93€). One got unnlimited calls. That’s £25 mate for £80 e he wants to contract, that’s pays ffor it becaus with them. monthly phone 29€) I think he ep in contact a month. (about to be able to kee going I’m know that

our ggroup has … ou Everybodyy in o 1 Everybod … 2 Nobody in ourr group 3 Some of us …

Razvijanje jezikovnih spretnosti

2 pm Maalili Gra Ma p rad, d, aabo bovee the bo h old d tow wn centre Lamb L La amb mbeerrge r . The Kn gerr fr from om Bleed – ex om htss of Gaš exciti ašpe t ngg sword Åghtin night ti peer ng an and dÅ Åre re dan ancce ces! ces! s! 3 30 3: 30 Trgg Svob Tr Svvob o od de – yo you u wo w n’’t wa w nt too mi daancces d miss e of th ss thee Ren thee Lo enai Lonc aiss n a Da ssan an ncee D nce Gr Grou oup p fr from om m Škoofj fjaa L Looka ka.. Th T 4 3300 4: he cl clim im maxx of th he af a te tern rnoo rn oon’ oo n’s n’ s perf pe pllayyin p rfor rf orma or ingg mu manc ma nces nc musi es:: Ga es sic ic on the Gallllen enbe their ori berg r Vag rg rigi g na gi agan nall me an nti medi ti,, diev e al a m mus ussic u ical al iins nstr ns trrum trum umen e ts en ts..

Listen to Matic’s

phone call

to Ellie. Write short 1 What starts answers. at 10 on Saturda 2 When is Ellie y morning? having her breakfast that breakf morning? 3 Whatt is Ollie going to buyy at the market stalls? 4 What is Matic going to get forr Ellie? 5 What w will they have for unch? 6 Who will w come back lun first?

ay aftfer e no n on

Aktualne vsebine


A You use the Present Continu ous for future arrange that are already ments fixed. B You use the Present Simple for things that are C You use going timetabled. to for intentions and things you’ve already decided . D You use will l for things happen ing in the future, not necessarily at a fixed time. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 Get the hang of it!


Frridday eve veni ning ni ng

B Listen aggain with a partner. Partner A: ttake notes as you listen, Partner B: take then do question t notes as you s 1 and 3. listen,

then do question 1 Write a sentenc s 2 and 4. e that uses the Present Simple a timet etabled event. for 2 Write a sentenc e that uses ggoing 3 Write a sente g too for an intenti sentence that inte tion. h uses willl for happen something ning in the 4 Write a sentenc future. e that uses the Present Contin for a fi fixed x arrangeme uous C nd prepare a


B Circle the right form

OK San Sanna. OK, ’m Sa Hi, I’m mation Hi rmat rmation: infoormation Ge General G p I’m aat the upper ation. I’m e s my information. re’s ere’s here’s here ea ear nd next yyear Tu u and oll in Turk s hool dary sc econdary secondary n ion. on examinat a ion matriculat takk thhe matri I’lll take i a bigg event here, andd ayy is Matriculattionn day Matriculatio on cuu t on matriculatio ma a e to wear the m I ll be able p I’ll ope I hope M May. o the 1stt of May i cap on hite white whi har . rk hard ha too work st I have But first B

1 2 3 4

i t-tim rt-time part-time et part-time get students too ge tt’ss vvery hard for stu ome It’s come: ncom Incom Income: o s! I taake our j s! ck , I’vee got twoo jobs butt I’m lucky heree, but work here, !) onn run!) su ly a run!) usu usually (it s usual f a walkk (it’s ogg out for eighbou dog eighbour’s neigh neighbour’s neighbou at, that, or that euros for ett 5 eur k n andd I get lee she’ss working, while d w Saturdays ridayy nd Friday and ayy an e day nesd ne W ddnesd rs onn We hours t hours tw ha a job forr two and I have SShe s 3 g . She’s girl le gir bou ’ littttle hbou i hb m neighbour’s ng my itting ings baby-sitting enings evenings ek eek week. eet 15€ a wee n I get ble aand problem n t a problem, i no r bl , so it’s adorable andd adorabl t th month, month a € 0 50 f of o ce ow llowa allowance a an vee me ents do give arents par Myy parents e ds don’t get riend friend Several of my ffr Seve re. Sev re here. loadss for us he chh iss lo hich which mon at all. mone ket money cket ocket pocket on oney. I don’t money. pend much m eally spend rea nn’tt real ditu I don’t Expenditure: oo I goo to ool schhool. lunch att school. ee lun much, andd I gett a free ggo out m h pool or tthe friendd at thhhee poo meet myy friends an mee thee school gym and al ials ials e ial materials mater a d ma an b ks and books ree I buy my boo free at s ffree. hat’s hat tthat’s auna, andd that sauna sauna, 1 € ttoo b 10 ou … maaybe olw rkk but tthat’s only about for schoolwo u s, and I buy es, clotthes, choo clo m school me b M mum buys onth My month 15€ a month. ou w top ffor our ew l , a new lilik nss … like ons a ooccasions f special ess for othes clothes clot ved up ast yearr I saved paidd 40€ ffor tthat. Last th I paid month, stt month, ed that so I was t hed um matche h n phon d phone

5 6

ts for catching rt. Plan the

at noon. s

ng to Kamnik.

do use a credit card. / just any time / sometimes 7 I don’t use it always, each time. want to put / all time / any timee I 8 I use it sometime phone. money on my mobile my article. some / everyy names in 9 I won’t put any / left at the end money l all / any / some 10 I never have of the week. all / some / anybody. 11 None of us do. Ask moaning / Everybodyy is always 12 All of us / Anybody y skint. they’re Get the hang

t tired.


of it!

Describing income and


asking a group of students Listen to an interviewer to 4B. es. Check your answers

5 A

Module 3 Pro ject A volu 4 Anteer proj ect

ents for going to , and going out

in each sentence.

of you / any studentss here Is there anyone / some account? who doesn’t have a bank / some / all money. You’re not saving any . money for Christmas I get any / some / all of a / Nobodyy recommended Anybody / Somebody / nobody G 2/ somebody anybody savings account but the best kind. gave me any advice about / any /3everyy advice about Would you like some savings accounts? they / anyone 11, 12 e said I think anybody / somebody


Step 1 C In groups of 4 or 5 think Caitlin’s or of a volunteer Casey’s proje Step 5 Writin project (simi g assignmen cts, classmates lar to could do either Unit 13B) that you t Choose a writin and your cleaning up in your comm a polluted unity (for options given g assignment from waterway; creating a playg example one of the cleaning up . round four Either: Your a park area; for children developing group can …) world (for choose one member of example helpin or in a country of the a poor area assignment the group to g : each will then meet fresh water read or to speak Engli to teach children in to discuss it, contribute to it and for a dry regio sh; helping you will improve it, to present to provide n …). and make to the a fair copy Or:: Each mem class. Step 2 Resea ber of rching the assignment group can choose a differ . Ask Find out as draft and give another member of ent writing much the and conditions as you can about copy and preseyou constructive comm group to read your what ents. Then nt it to the What are the are in the chosen comm the climate make a fair class. specifi unity or count Options: fic problems could help ry. that a group with? 1 Write a of teenagers What traini description ng or equip of your proje newspaper. ment would How many ct for your be needed? people could schoo 2 Write l be part of a letter to a the project? local comp and asking any outlin Step 3 Prelim them inary plann fares, buy cloth for sponsorship funds ing your project ing ing31 to help you G Decide on and 3 Write a pay a ggoal for diary as thoug equipment, etc. or the proj project and titl (e.g. title ( h you were time o Creating a write it down of your proje writing durin more Helping to ct work. 4 Write a g the build a new child-friendly playgroundas one letter to your school in …). Make a plan for … / family while describ for the fi bing what you first are you are doing out each step work you would away . in sequence. time you For each step, need to do: write Step 6 Preseentation plan the length of The group s present their work up aro ound the class.assignment to the class. and talk to Put your Read what th hem about other group it. Discuss the project. s have done st of clothing your exper and equipment ience of doing muddy condi tions; raing ear mmers, nails, etc.; campstove equipment , if you are going tion, etc.).

. Run Your e lf. Unit 18A in privat ng in time yourse cated. rsing allo to c speaki 4 Rehea publi lf. Be sure n the time Step others rse tips on tha le. ad the r talk by you be longer mirror, and sonal sty T Re-re a per gh you should NO se before find your throu tes). ear ion and to reh 5 minu r sentat Try it like (3– pre all. tation ite you people ful at al) le, Some nd this use l presen tions, or wr possib (option fi rt ora ges at all a room, 1 don’t e a sho gst the sug r group Step . If it’s in to giv in you r group be alone er groups. going from amon rsing you are hea to can ic ry, oth You 5 Re tation Step from the sto ies, r group se a top ry of Choo r presen when you as possible tips! s, summa fi ’s qualit ch erward Give you d a time er the own. ics: d (brief of the film fi fin lf as mu lly. Aft memb .). try to ted top carefu yourse r talk. Re lm I like essment l effects, etc mary, arate listen Sugges ok or a fi ass give youthe group: or sep ng it, nces, specia (brief sum poor bo up to ? 1 A like s for liki ma lm’s ers of Stand the talk reason ing, perfor lly didn’t nt of the fi .). memb about rea etc lm Other speaker: er t thing clear? e.g. fi or a film I it, assessme mances, tions for oth bes h the for s the g? Was it t wit tell tory/ liking book sugges or per at wa contac 2 A s for dis ing, po (one or two , the labora ies ch • Wh it interestin make eye film ivit ent reason , e.g. fi too mu s r needs” ironm ies ular act h not • Wa the speake group? qualit this school l – its env ra-curric tly, wit ext hat • Did ers of the en confiden schoo oose a 3 “W ving the the clubs and memb talk giv ? del (ch irable ies, impro etition s the etc.). facilit role mo t adm • Wa itation or rep sports to students, – or a poor obscure bu /her hes d offere role model eone more disliking his er class. great liking/ they off n or som senting to the 4 A 6 Pre lar ico reasons for s, etc., why ay). tation Step popu rk) presen e way: ievement nagers tod mewo your r ach in som ns (ho Make for tee ality, ut you r reactio te abo person ad examples g you ry no s rt dia 7 Writin good/b topic: a sho discus Step own vous? s, write are and l 5 My too ner erward ns. nning s. Complary you wil you Aft ate pla ctio ry Were ssm limina ee cla vocabu ressions. er own rea you feel? to 2 Pre aking? or thr torm the exp did spe oth ber Step w two h and ins of Ho eac rds remem ath before audience? er, bra group of wo Then, help nutes. Did you a deep bre t with the best? Join a ics. Togeth Make lists mi s. e ed . top for thi nning it in book … • tak eye contac manag r talk your gram my , pla ke for you a net dia r talk plot of feel you ? • ma need for you cribe the n ld use tation did you What d preparatio presen You cou a structure nute: des your mi ate • goo d delivery ce react to to cre mple: First etc. rk) • goo the audien For exa minute: … mewo (ho did d es How Secon say. king not . ng to . r talk and ma goi you ng n are ces pla 3 Planni ually, ut what you plete senten c, you Step bli individ abo com of you fic notes ite down speak in pu them Each ke specifi you to wr use need s when but don’t 1 Ma is no y nervou ces now, There s y. You t are ver n senten ar at to say hat wn Iff you wh betterr ible, ite do the talk. you of ds are vis can wr give remind Small car are not so you you to d. when rt notes ces of car ause they nervous. If ke sho pie m, bec 2 Ma do that on of paper, y if you are r classroo ces can visibl ies in you s on a ge pie mble ilit than lar y won’t tre rPoint fac bullet point and the ess to Powe be put as can acc e hav notes short slide. these int rPo words or expressions. Powe 3 A Read through the texts again. Find these start with 1 Three three-word expressions that the same verb, and mean: • impress • Verbs + infinitives or -ing forms subject) • fuss • Subjects: -ing forms (gerunds), it (dummy • choose 1 The Confident • Infinitive of purpose mean: that expressions 2 Three three-word Fashionista • Buying clothes You like making a striking first • grab everyone’s attention impression. You hate wearing • give others a model to follow the same thing day after • move away from a place 15A What influences day. Your friends expect you you wear, 3 Three words that mean all the clothes


oject e 4 Pr n Modul entatio al pres An or

Which fashion profile is closest to your own?

15 All about fashion

your choice of clothing?


it comes to fashion? 1 What kind of a personality are you when four personality profiles Read the article. Decide which of the others. is closest to your own, and discuss with the 2 A Read the profiles again. Complete

Verbs + infinitive (7x)

Verbs + -ing form (9x)




Verbs + either (without a change of meaning) (4x) like

infinitive or an -ing B Some verbs can be followed by an Study the example. Then form, but with a change of meaning. the sentence that choose the right ending (a–h) to complete shows the meaning for each sentence.

department. She stopped to look at the jeans in the fashion stopped was to Meaning: She stopped, and the reason she look at the jeans. b You’ve stopped watching other people. now you Meaning: You used to watch other people, but no longer do.


clothes. 1 a You never forget to match your something Meaning: You always remember to do . that you for the first time. 1 b I can’t forget seeing a fashion show . first time I Meaning: I will always remember the at the dry-cleaner’s. 2 a Remember to get your clothes you haven’t something Meaning: Don’t forget to do . done yet but you on television. 2 b I remember being interviewed . I Meaning: I won’t forget the interview not make the team. 3 a I regret to inform you that you did . you Meaning: I am informing you now that to organise 3 b He doesn’t regret working so hard the show. . he Meaning: He has no regrets about what 4 a She went on to become a top model. . she then something, Meaning: She did ark.

to set the trends. You enjoy surprising them with killer ensembles. You’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind creating a stir wherever you go. Although you’re prepared to turn up in an ultra-trendy, right-off-the-runway combo, you adapt styles to suit your personal style. AND you love shopping, or as our American cousins say, you love to shop!

2 Chic and Understated

You don’t want to be a trendchaser: you prefer to keep things simple and almost classic. You really dislike going out in something that’s too dressy or attentiongrabbing. You only go shopping when you really need to get an outfit for a special occasion. You never forget to match your clothes and your accessories for that co-ordinated look. You really hate to look untidy.

3 Cool and Casual

You don’t like to make a fuss about clothes. Fashion? Yes, it’s OK to be trendy, but you refuse to be defined by it. You prefer choosing clothes that look effortlessly hip. You’ve stopped watching what other people are wearing, you make your own choices, you’ve decided to go for your own casual look and to wear it with confidence. And luckily for you, that’s a pretty cool look!

4 The Sports Star

You’re not into dressy clothes, in fact you don’t like thinking about clothes at all. You just love hanging out in your tracksuit and sports logo tee-shirt. You spend your

your complete ‘look’: •c •e •o





4 A In groups, talk about these questions.


1 A In small groups, answer these questions and discuss them, giving reasons for your views.

1 What is the image in the media of teenagers Slovenia? Positive in or negative, and in what ways? 2 Do most teenagers have a lot of fears and worries? If so, what are they? 3 What is your attitude to the police? Positive negative? Explain your or views. 4 Do you ever have the feeling that adults are scared of you when you are gathered in groups? In what situations? 5 Do you feel that drinking is a problem in the teenagers you know? 6 H Have you or any of your friends ever carried knife when you went a out at night? Why?

In a 80 Where do you usually buy your clothes? fashion boutique? department store, a supermarket, or Online? By At a market? At a second-hand shop? disadvantages catalogue? What are the advantages and of each type of shopping? are made? Do you ever look to see where the clothes about conditions How important is it for you to know in the clothing industry?

about You are going to listen to a news programme B is produced in conditions under which cheap clothing the statements first, Bangladesh for the UK markets. Read each blank slot. Then and guess which numbers (a–h) go into listen and check your guesses.

e 3 pence a 80 b 48 c £8 to £11 d 12 to 16 f £22 g £3 h £7 1 What workers get paid: , per month per hour 2 Number of hours worked: , per week per day month: per overtime for 3 Payments work per week, 4 Number of hours that should be according to the Ethical Trade Initiative: 5 What it costs to live in Bangladesh: a month 6 The minimum wage in Bangladesh: th

2 Read the introductio n to an article a in British cities. In yoour own words, of these words or ph rases:

1 They’ve been bra anded. 2 yob 3 intimidating nogo areas 4 youths hanging around a in

B In your group, write a summary of your discussions in 1A. Use these beginning s.

1 The media image of teenagers is . The media portray teens as . 2 We do/don’t . A main in note form. worry/som answers write e main C Listen again and worries . 3 Most What reaction of listeners to the has been 1 of us think thatthe the police are 4 We do/don’t . report? Want that War onthink adults are response to because 2 What have. supermarkets done in 5 Drinking report? War onaWant the is/isn’t problem because attribute 6 We agree/don manager sales . the does things ve fi what ’t agree that 3 To . the low cost of the clothing he sells? not buying cheap 4 Why do supermarkets think that clothes is not a good idea? of the news 5 What do you think about the topic programme? 5 A Look at these sentences. Underline

in the texts in 1 that B There are six informal expressions them and add them describe trendy, striking clothes. Find squares to find in the squares below. Then use the coloured of the texts. a word that gives you the overall theme

1 2 3 4 5 6

12C A bad press for

B Circle the right word or expression

in these statements.

of a sentence. 1 An -ing form can / can’t be the subject / a gerund. 2 In those cases it is called an infinitive a subject / 3 An entire gerundial phrase can also be a verb. is more 4 Infinitives can also be subjects, but this 5 6

27 2 27/07/20 27/07 27/ 27/0 27/07/2007 7 7/07/2007 /07/2007 /07/2 07/2007


the subject in each.

provide 1 It’s important to stress that we do affordable clothing. 2 Bulk-buying makes clothing cheaper. 3 It’s quite disturbing to hear all this. 4 Living may be less expensive in Bangladesh. is a job that Bangladesh in clothes cheap Making 5 is still underpaid. helps workers 6 Buying Fair Trade clothes actually in poor countries.

THEY’VE been bran nd deed “o occup upyi yobs who turn Britaain in’ss tow wn cen intimidating no-go arreeas when n da But yesterday the go ovverrnm ment adm negative stereotypees m maakee teen ns’ l What is the reality?? Until now, no one hass askeed yo outh around in gangs at niggh ht whatt the So we visited 10 tow wnss acro ro oss Brita on Wednesday nigh ht aan nd in n eac ach as the questions their parreents tss - an nd so o answered.

unusual / likely. is used Instead of an infinitive, the word It / There as a subject. not This word is a ‘dummy subject’ – it has / does have a meaning of its own.

1, 2 and 3 with C Replace the infinitive subject in sentences in sentences 4, 5 a dummy subject, and the infinitive subject and 6 with a gerundial phrase.

1 To say that workers need jobs is fair. 2 To look for Fair Trade labels is unnecessary. fairly is ridiculous. 3 To claim that workers are treated is a 4 To try to change international arrangements waste of time. political act. 5 To choose clothes shouldn’t be a of how they 6 However, to buy clothes regardless are produced isn’t cool. G 24 -ing forms vs. infinitives

Your friends expect you to set the trends. ensembles. You enjoy surprising them with killer phrases 25 Dummy subjects, gerunds and gerundial as subjects It’s less expensive to live in Bangladesh. is less expensive in Bangladesh.


By M By Ma Mat Matt att att R Rop Ro Rope ope per A And nd dN


Iz recenzij: »Učbenik Way up je zelo sodobno zasnovan. Je sistematičen, tematsko in didaktično raznolik in tako dijakom kot tudi učitelju omogoča veliko mero fleksibilnosti in ustvarjalnosti. Ena izmed zelo pomembnih prednosti učbenika je, da ponuja zelo širok nabor dejavnosti, ki izrazito merijo na srednješolce, na življenje in kulturo mladih ter na način dojemanja sveta, ki je mladim blizu. Zelo pozitivna lastnost učbenika Way up je tudi tematska raznolikost, saj pokriva res veliko število tematskih področij, ki pa so za dijake smiselna, na začetku povezana z njihovim osebnim in vsakdanjim življenjem, nato pa tudi s širšim družbeno-kulturnim okoljem.« Blanka Klobučar, profesorica angleščine na Gimnaziji Vič, Ljubljana »Teme so resnično sveže – omenjena je npr. celo nedavna smrt Michaela Jacksona – in zelo blizu najstnikom: družina, komunikacija s starši, šola, prijatelji in svet zabave, pa tudi vprašanje varstva okolja, svet medijev in podobno. Obravnavane so na način, ki je mladim blizu. Generacijo 'digitalnih domorodcev' (kot jih v svojih člankih imenuje Američan M. Prensky) zaznamuje tudi skorajda prirojena raba prenosnih telefonov, elektronskih medijev itd., in to se izraža tudi v obravnavanem učbeniku pri naboru tem, besedil in nalog: pošiljanje sporočil SMS, blogi, ob tem pa vsem prepoznavni obrazi, ki vladajo sodobnim medijem (Beckham s soprogo, Harry Potter in drugi) ... Da je gradivo namenjeno mladim, dokazuje tudi slikovna oprema – na večini slik najdemo vrstnike mladih uporabnikov učbenika, kar je močan motivacijski dejavnik.« dr. Veronika Rot Gabrovec, Oddelek za anglistiko, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

3 Half the class are As, half are Bs. A: Read the continuati on of the article: three results of the survey, on page 140. B: Read the continuati on of the article: three other results of the survey, on page 142. Write short notes about your 3 questions in the grid. A

1 What is the media image of teenagers

about a survey of teens , explain the meanings

C With your AB partner, write a paragraph with sentences comparing at least 6 your results in 1A with your notes in 4B. Don’t forget the link words you revised in unit 12B.

Teens are less likely to carry knives in Slovenia than in cities in Britain. On the other hand, teens drink just in our groups as in Britain. as much Slovenian teenagers have a more positive media image than British teenagers.

in Britain – is it deserved?

5 Work with your AB partner. Find these words or expression in the two texts. s

2 Do the teenagers surveyed have fears and worries? If so, what are they?


3 What is the attitude

of these British teenagers

1 Two expressions (text A) with the same adjective, meaning ‘a terrible reputation’: a and a 2 Two expressions, one in each text, that mean other people think that there is no difference in the way all teens act: and 3 Set expressions that mean: a two parts exactly equal (text A): b take a knife out (text B): c do things together as a whole group (text B): 4 Expressions with get: a be attacked for your money (text B): b be attacked with a knife (text A): c going from bad to worse (text A): 5 Two pairs of expressio ns with opposite meanings (text B): a feel there is danger: b feel there is no danger: c make you stop worrying: d makes you worry:

to the police?

B 4 Do these teens think

5 What is their attitude

adults are scared of them,

and why?

to alcohol?


ing armies” – ntres into arkness falls. mitted that lives harder.

hs hanging y think. ain at 10 pm sked 10 teens ociety - need

6 Have any of these teens

carried a knife?

6 Finally, with others,

• •

4 A Work with a partner who read the same text as you. Compare and complete your notes. B Form AB pairs and tell each other the main things you found out about your questions, using your notes to help you. A: fill in the grid for questions 4, 5 and 6 from what your partner tells you. B: fill in the grid for questions 1, 2 and 3 from what your partner tells you.

discuss these questions


How representative of British teens generally think this kind of do you survey is? What factors should we take into account when we consider the reliability of the findings?

Make a list. Are you interested in reading the rest of the answers that teenagers in cities gave to the survey? Go online to http://www.mirror.co .uk/news/top-stories /2007/07/27/teensurvey-shows-beckh am-and-jordan-are-r ole-models-foryobs-115875-19528 070/


Joanne Collie, avtorica Joanne je Kanadčanka, ki se je po končanem študiju preselila v Pariz in tam tudi doktorirala na sloviti Sorboni. Vrsto let je predavala na univerzah v Kanadi in Veliki Britaniji, vodila izobraževalna srečanja za učitelje, pa tudi poučevala angleščino in francoščino v številnih državah Evrope, Amerike in Azije. Do nedavnega je predavala na univerzi v Warwicku. Izkušnje, ki jih je pridobila kot priljubljena in cenjena predavateljica in učiteljica, je strnila v številnih knjigah (vključno z učbeniki), ki so izšle pri založbah Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Loescher, Klett & Balmer in drugih. V prostem času si rada privošči daljši sprehod, bere, posluša klasično in ljudsko glasbo, pa tudi pogleda kakšen dober film. Eden njenih najljubših je Radijski šov (A Prairie Home Companion) z Meryl Streep.

Petra Bizjak, urednica Petra je izkušena urednica zelo priljubljenih kompletov Messages in dodatnih gradiv za angleščino v osnovni šoli, pa tudi izdaje Čist simpl Angleščina – maturitetne teme, ki jo najbrž že dobro poznate. Po izobrazbi je profesorica angleščine. Izkušnje pri poučevanju si je nabirala na jezikovnih šolah, že več let pa poučuje na Višji strokovni šoli Hera. Prosti čas namenja predvsem svoji družini. Rada ima gledališče, ples, kaligrafijo in jezike. Že deset let sodeluje z RTV pri pripravi oddaje Slovenski magazin kot voditeljica in prevajalka.

Jasna Karnar, oblikovalka Jasna je izkušena oblikovalka učbenikov, številnih revij in drugih izobraževalnih izdaj za otroke in mladino. Obožuje svojega mačka, kljub temu da včasih pokaže krempeljce.

– profesorice in profesorji angleščine na slovenskih gimnazijah – slovenski dijaki – profesorji in dijaki British International School of Ljubljana

Zasnova učbenika Way up 2B Different backgrounds

Nabor besedil v učbeniku je pester in raznolik, besedila pa avtentična in aktualna. Izvirajo iz različnih virov, od elektronskih medijev, časopisov, revij do televizijskih in radijskih programov. Obravnavajo teme, ki so dijakom blizu, s katerimi se lahko poistovetijo oz. do katerih se lahko opredeljujejo.

1 Read the short texts (A–H). With a partner mark them: F if they are factual accounts = supposed to be true A if they are anecdotes = personal memories









2 A What differences are there between factual accounts anecdotes? Choose the features which are typical of F o F


a b c d e f g

They are often informal in style. The language is often complex. The language is formal. Emotion is often expressed expressed. They use the first fi pronoun. They are not emotional. They often tell the reader where the information comes from. h The sentences are often short.

2 Memories • Revision and extension of past tenses • Past habits: used to/would + infinitive • Recognising factual or anecdotal texts • Talking about present and past routines

Na začetku vsake lekcije so navedene slovnične strukture, ki se pojavijo v lekciji.

2A Childhood 1 A Underline the Past Simple verbs. Circle the Past Continuous verbs.

1 My parents were living in Rome when I had my first birthday. 2 When I was growing up, though, we lived in Split. 3 At first, when I was learning English, I found speaking very difficult. 4 I remember my mother’s smile when I came home from nursery: that’s my first memory. 5 My happiest memory? I was learning to cycle, and my grandad helped me up when I fell down. 6 No, nothing sad happened to me during childhood.

Nabor dejavnosti v učbeniku je širok in usmerjen na življenje in kulturo mladih ter na način dojemanja sveta, ki jim je blizu. Dejavnosti so kratke in raznolike, vezane na tematsko področje. Da bi bilo pri reyou when it comes to fashion? of a personality are kindnajmanj 1 What ševanju nalog kar težav, so na začetku zahfour personality profiles Read the article. Decide which of the others. with tevnejših nalog navedeni primeri na barvni podlagi. discuss and own, is closest to your

B The statements in 1A are answers. Write the six questions.

the list. 2 A Read the profiles again. Complete

Verbs + infinitive (7x)

Verbs + -ing form (9x)

Verbs + either (without a change of meaning) (4x)




C Past Simple or Past Continuous? Write PS or PC.

1 2

D Prepare to answer the questions for yourself. Jot down a few notes. Use your dictionary or ask others if you need help with some words or expressions.

infinitive or an -ing B Some verbs can be followed by an Study the example. Then form, but with a change of meaning. e the sentence that complet to (a–h) ending choose the right e. shows the meaning for each sentenc

fashion department. a She stopped to look at the jeans in the stopped was to Meaning: She stopped, and the reason she jeans. look at the b You’ve stopped watching other people. now you Meaning: You used to watch other people, but no longer do.

E Join a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 2 Here are two sets of childhood memories. Section A is from a newspaper article, B is from an internet blog. Read them quickly and write the answers.

1 Who remembers events that happened once only? 2 Who remembers activities they did often in childhood? 3 Whose interests changed as he grew older?

clothes. 1 a You never forget to match your something Meaning: You always remember to do . that you the first time. for 1 b I can’t forget seeing a fashion show . first time I Meaning: I will always remember the ner’s. dry-clea the at 2 a Remember to get your clothes ing you haven’t someth do to forget Don’t g: Meanin . done yet but you on television. 2 b I remember being interviewed . I Meaning: I won’t forget the interview not make the team. did you that you inform to regret I 3 a . you that now you Meaning: I am informing to organise 3 b He doesn’t regret working so hard h h 12

Fotografije, ilustracije in drugi slikovni elementi so izbrani in zasnovani tako, da kar najbolj odsevajo svet najstnikov, kar je močan motivacijski dejavnik. Slikovno gradivo je raznoliko in služi kot iztočnica za različne dejavnosti.

This verb tense describes a complete, finished action or state. This verb tense describes an action or state that was continuous or unfinished in the past.


B With a partner, write answers to these questions, the

compare with others. ish celebrities share Brit 1 Can a reader trust a factual account? List reasons urite r favo e ofwethei can trust them. Reasons: som• Yes, No, we trustorie themscompletely. Reasons: mem odcan’t chil• dho

2 What can you do to check if factual accounts are really true? 3 Are anecdotes more reliable, that is, are they alw ACTRESS KINGS true? ListTON, reasons. 1 ALEX iches, us sandw would mumthey arepack as reliable as factual accounts. Rea My• Yes, of our a reader has to b map reliable, a street intthey • No, are on nota very pinpo my and me send and ood careful. bourh Reasons: neigh would friend on our expedition. We a with lanes and roads d whizz aroun when we great sense of achievement ation. destin the arrived at

2 GEORGE MICHAEL, SINGE R One of my most vivid childh ood memories: a goat bit my hand at Golders Green Children’s Zoo.

ER 3 EMILY MAITLIS, NEWSREAD hallway. I grew up in a house with a long a child I have an abiding memory. As the ring would I l, schoo from ing A return The Australia n Census forg 2006 the that 44 per cent reveals through I was starin aswere thenns bell, Australia born either overseas or to at least one p my see would I door, the on born inwa country other than Australia, and windo to open it. Asians are qui g up the hall catching up to European mother runnin s to be a dominan s t source of imm alway would hug hello rst fi And that She put a huge smile on my face. to welcome always looked so delighted that. me home. It was as simple as17, of Iraqi and Welsh desce B Marwan Field, B two uncles who recently claimed asylum. were tortured, he says, in one case for fail 4 CHRIS TARRANT, TVa PRES Hussein on disp ENTE of Saddam R portrait have One of my earliest memories is my firsthis home. 14 ever day’s fishing. My grandad took me. I was just four. I caught a fish, dropped grandad’s rod and fell in the river. All in all, it was pretty typical of most of my fishing days since.

R 5 SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR, SINGE my little August 10, 1987, was the day d excite so was I and brother was born is my to be a big sister. Jack’s father was I d arrive Jack step-dad and when happy with my dad, who was really l coin to for me and made me a specia being mark the occasion. I remember t an wasn’ nally fi I that proud not just that my only child any more, but also things better to on parents had moved since their divorce.

Get the hang of it! je sklop nalog, namenjenih usvajanju in utrjevanju jezika v vsakdanjih situacijah. Naloge v teh sklopih temeljijo na avtentičnih, življenjskih primerih. Naloge so različnih tipov in so večinoma zasnovane za delo v parih in skupinah.

C The results of a rese arch survey amongst UK residents show that not matter what their ethnic background is, the majo rity are in favour of one national identity. Whe n asked whether anyo ne who has recently come to the to attend courses abou country should be required t British way of life, seve British citizenship and the nty-eight per cent of all the people surveyed answ ered yes.

B Watch a video about Athina Bortigao, the daughter of immigrants living in Greece. Don’t worry if there are some expressions you don’t understand. Complete the sentences.

1 The programme is about a teenager

ity with which ly underscores the rapid H The CILS data vivid foreign languages atrophy among t English triumphs and rebutting concerns abou t US, the in ts gran in immigran children of immi gn-language enclaves the perpetuation of forei posing a threat to the dominance than communities. Rather eliminated rapidly is the ability of g of English, what is bein fluency in the language of their tain these children to main ficant loss of scarce and valuable signi US in an immigrant parents, a individuals and for the bilingual resources for omy. increasingly global econ

and or A.

. 2 Greece doesn’t let immigrants stay . 3 Athina feels just like other Greek teenagers because . 4 The country’s laws are not appropriate because . 5 Athina wants to be a Greek citizen because she feels she

Get the hang of


A ten-yea y ar stu udyy reveals factss about immigrrant ch hildrren in the US

she was about 2 years old. memory dates from when 1 Sarah’s ¿rst childhood parents’ back garden.” eath the ¿r trees in my “I remember crawling undern ended aeroplanes. Daniel later used to build miniature Daniel er, young was he 2 When to gain his interest during time to music, which started up dedicating most of his his teenage years. days out all. She remembers the in the countryside in Cornw the 3 Rochanne used to live years old at the time. Beside Sooke. “I was around 8 nowadays. bit in the forest with her dog a quite I still do riding and swimming, which walks, I often went horse having a walk together, us ber remem I a. of my grandm My earliest memory is one old at the time.” I must have been 2 years not long before she died. al phy and especially physic geogra be to used school in ts gs, 4 Alex’s favourite subjec Live’ on Saturday mornin the TV programme ‘Going watch to used “I tion: educa .” 10.30 am football match but only until I left for the er uniforms, I ask Alex wheth to be forced to wear school 5 Wondering what it’s like 4 both in primary and in he was in school. He did, jumper he used to wear one when and ties. We also had a shirts rs, trouse blue dark secondary school. “We wore leave it at home.” ¿t well so I preferred to didn’t mine But winter. and for autumn

n of o nt S


A ten year stu udy reveals facts about immi ant chil

6 A What are the differences between writing an informal letter and writing an informal email? Tick 9 the statements that are true and re-write the statements that are false.

1 In an informal letter, you often have your own address at the top, but this is not necessary in an informal email. 2 For informal letters and emails, you write the date before you begin. 3 The greeting in an email is sometimes ‘Dear …. ,’ but it can also be ‘Hello’, or ‘Hi’. 4 In emails, senders ofteen use more informal language than in letterrs. 5 The sender often uses shortened words in bo oth letters and emails. 6 The ending in an emaail is always the same as in an informal letter.

Is Britain multicul Most people supp tural? a British identity ort Th

CILS CI LS data data vvivi ivi v dly un under dersco s re the ra id sco idii


IMMIGRANT CHILDREN IN THE US GLISSH PEAK ENG PREFER TO SP Die dataa viividdly unddersscoree thhe

B Write an email to Athina to say what you thought of the video. Tell her:

• • •

5 A

3 A Read the five statements about how to use used to and would. d

1 2 3 4 5

We use used to and would to talk about habits and repeated actions. We use used to and would to talk about temporary, continuous, or repeated states. We use used to to describe permanent past states (not would). We sometimes use the Past Simple instead of would or used to, for variety. Used to describes action in the past, not the present. The question form is Did you use to …?? The negative is: didn’t use to.

B Tick 9 the correct sentences. Put a cross 8 for the incorrect sentences. Write the numbers of the statements in 3A that give a reason for your choice.

1 My mum used to pack us sandwiches. Statement number: 2 When I looked through the window, I saw my mother running up the hall. 3 Now that I’m grown up, I use to go fi fishing every summer. 4 August 10th was the day my brother used to be born. 5 When he was younger, Daniel would often build miniature aeroplanes. 6 When she was a child, Rochanne would live in Cornwall. 7 She used to go horse riding and swimming. 8 Alex’s favourite subjects at school were geography and physical education. 9 Did Alex used to like wearing his school uniform?

4 A On a slip of pape paper, write a blog about an early memory. Don’t put your name on it. Some of these questions can help you.

• • • • • • • • • •

How old were you when it happened? Where were you living? Is your memory about something that used to happen often? Was it a happy situation or event? What were your feelings about it then? Do you feel differently about it now? Did something funny happen? Who were you with? How did it end? Why do you think you still remember it?

Did you like the video? Why or why not? What did you particularly like in it? Do you think it’s a good idea for her to fight fi for citizenship? Do you want to wish her luck with her campaign? Good luck with your campaign. I hope you win!


I am the child of an illegal immigrant. (anecdotal) One in five children in the United States today has an immigrant parent. (factual)


Workbook, page 11


B In groups, put your slips of paper into a box. Each of you then picks out one slip. Read the blog and write an answer. In it, say:

• • •


Writing an informal email





What did you find interesting in the memory? Is it like a memory of your own, or very different? Would you like to know more about it?

C Read your answer to the group. Can they guess whose blog you read?

Ob koncu vsake enote so v rumenem okvirju navedene slovnične strukture s primeri rabe. Referenca na delovni zvezek dijaka napoti na strani, kjer lahko utrdi pridobljeno znanje, številka ob navedbi slovnične strukture pa na slovnično razlago v priloženi knjižici.

G 5, 7 Past Simple, Past Continuous

My parents were living in Rome when I was born. 6 used to/would

My mum would pack us sandwiches. What did she use to do in summer? She used to go swimming. f MORE PRACTICE:

Workbook, pages 8–10

10 We used to wear dark blue trousers, shirts and ties.


Dijaki na različne načine utrjujejo in širijo znanje slovnice, ki jo večinoma usvajajo z izbranimi primeri iz besedil, dopolnjujejo slovnična pravila in tabele ter dodajajo svoje primere. Rabo slovničnih struktur utrjujejo v situacijah, ki se navezujejo na tematsko področje.

Zasnova učbenika Way up Enota D, poimenovana Skills enhancement, je namenjena postopnemu razvijanju jezikovnih spretnosti ter tehnik reševanja nalog. Dijaki razmišljajo o strategijah, ki jih uporabljajo pri reševanju, izmenjujejo izkušnje in nasvete, ozaveščajo tehnike reševanja in gradijo na že prej pridobljenem znanju. S tem spremljajo in vrednotijo lasten napredek in prevzemajo soodgovornost za svoje znanje.

Vsak modul se začne z uvodno stranjo, ki dijake seznani s prihajajočimi temami in besediščem. Namen te strani je, da dijake spodbudi k razmišljanju o vsebinah, preden se lotijo aktivnosti. Poleg slikovnega gradiva, ki ponazarja vsebine modula, dijaki rešijo tudi nalogo, povezano z besediščem, in tako dobijo kratek pregled tem, o katerih se bodo učili. Sledita enoti A in B, predstavljeni na prejšnjih straneh, v dveh daljših lekcijah vsakega modula pa sta dodani še enoti C in D.

Enota C je namenjena spoznavanju s širšim družbeno-kulturnim okoljem, pogosto z vidika najstnikov. Dijaki se tako srečajo z vprašanji, ki so aktualna v obdobju najstništva, od šolskega vsakdana, zdravja in športa, zlorabe alkohola in drugih prepovedanih substanc do uporništva in uporabe različnih medijev, ter primerjajo razmere v drugih državah z razmerami v Sloveniji. Tako razvijajo medkulturno kompetenco in strpnost do različnih kultur.

Module 4 3

1 Use the clues to find the ten words or expressions. Which one is the ‘odd-one-out’ – the one that doesn’t fit the overall theme of ‘Communications’?

7C Teenage health in our world


You do this when … 1 you hang your photographs in a gallery 2 you produce a movie 3 you use a computer to write and correct a text 4 you revise and correct a text already written 5 you write an account of something for a newspaper 6 you produce a text or pictures to sell something 7 you use strong lamps to make a scene brighter for filming 8 you surf the web 9 you do rhythmic quick movements with your feet in time to music 10 you stand up and present ideas to people 1















n g


n g

n g n g






n g




n g





n g


i s

n g


n g n g

B Count up your score (go to page 139) to find your fitness level. Compare with others in the class. What are the things that most of you could do to be fitter?

at le ast once 2 Do you have dif f icult y sleeping a week? No Ye s tired or ‘low’? 3 Do you usually wake up feeling No Ye s




ache, 1 Do you have stomach ache, back or he adache at le ast once a week? No Ye s i


1 A Answer the quiz for yourself.

4 Do you smoke? Ye s


a week? 5 Do you drink alcohol at le ast once No Ye s 6 Do you re ally love going to school? No Ye s at school? 7 Do you of ten feel bullied or unhappy No Ye s high sugar 8 Do you of ten e at junk food with and fat content? No Ye s ast half 9 Do you e xercise briskly for at le an hour a day? No Ye s


Eat a more balanced diet Cut out smoking

Exercise more Cut down on alcohol

2 A Listen to a news report comparing the fitness of American and European teenagers.

In which of the nine categories in 1A do Americans have: • a lower score for fitness than Europeans: • a better score than Europeans: • about the same score as Europeans: B What are the things that most American teenagers could do to be fitter?

3 Match these words or expressions from the recording (1–8) with the right description (a–g). One description is missing. Write it. You can listen again, and use the context to help you find the meanings.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

aches and pains counterparts co-ordinated locations peer relationships related to fatigue ranked in the middle range

a brought together b put into an average category c places d the same kind of people e the ordinary little hurts that people can get f getting on with people our age g associated with

12D Skills enhancement Part I Reading

By Tamar Weiss

“I spend too much time writing out the answers for the fi first questions, then I run out of time.”

“I understand the text, but can’t fi find the right words for the answers.”

B Put the words or expressions into the right column.

Useful if you agree with the statement

2 Now work on your own to do the exercise. Read the questions first. Then read the text. Write your answers in note form.

1 What three things do parents dislike about pictures their children put up in their rooms?

2 Do you jot down other words that could be useful in writing about this subject? 3 Do you write a first fi draft? 4 Discuss what you find fi most diffi ficult about writing an essay. (to) damage (to) show some improvement damaging (to) object to objectionable an aid beneficial unobjectionable hurtful a detriment (to) (to) work to the detriment of (to) help with helpful (to) do a disservice to (to) impair (to) improve (to) promote a disadvantage useful unhelpful (to) assist (to) enhance

4 Can parents change the way teenagers behave?

1 CONTENT (what you say: is it interesting? Do you say enough about it to let the reader understand your points?) 2 LANGUAGE (the way you say it: is it easy and clear to read? Is the grammar reasonably correct? Do you use a rich variety of appropriate vocabulary? For a formal essay, remember: do not use shortened words – write: do not, NOT don’t, cannot, NOT can’t, is not, NOT isn’t, etc., and, especially: do not know, NOT dunno!!!) 3 ORGANISATION/LAYOUT (the structure of the essay: is the development of your ideas clear? Do your ideas follow one another in a logical manner or do they jump from one thing to another?)

“Kids today have an impossible standard of ‘look great, be cool, act cool now and at any expense,’” says Bettie B. Youngs, Ph.D., author of the “Taste Berries for Teens” series. “Today’s teens need to hear from each other that it’s OK to look great, be cool and act cool, but the standards for it, and the time table in which it must be done, are not at the expense of mental or physical well-being.”

5 What two things can reduce the influence fl that the media have upon young people? 6 Who is in the best position to reassure teenagers that they don’t have to follow trends if they don’t wish to?

8 Next class: Work with a partner. Read each other’s drafts. Tell each other:

What is the thing you like best about your partner’s draft? Is it clear? Do the ideas follow each other in a logical way? Is there a clear introduction? Is there a conclusion? Is the language reasonably accurate? Are there some sentences that you can help your partner to improve?

It is possible for the media to have less effect on teens than parents may fear. “If a young person has emotional/psychological security as well as open lines of communication with parents, the actual infl fluence is minimal,” Taublieb says.

3 What in the role models attracts teenagers?

7 Write your draft..

5 The three important aspects of an essay are:

“My kids seem to go with what’s trendy,” Lachterman says. “I know I can’t win every battle. I just try to figure out what I can and can’t compromise on and I try to stick to those decisions.”

2 What are the two main infl fluences on the behaviour of teenagers?

Useful if you disagree with the statement

ra n't amb ise ts do n ition studeneducatio value INFLUENCE encourage students to stay at school OF CELEBRITY stud en CULTURE work ts don't drug hard anti- ign mpa caam


Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Support your opinion.

Whatever the reasoning may be for a child choosing a particular role model, parents may be faced with an uphill battle if they don’t like what they see. “Television and media make it really hard for parents,” says Ilona Lachterman, mother of three teenagers. “I want certain standards in my family, and pressure from TV and peer pressure work against me sometimes. I try to draw the line at some point when I vehemently disagree with a mode of dress or behaviour,” she says. “Yet at the same time I try to compromise so that my kids don’t stand out too much.”

B Join a small group and compare the problems you ticked or added. Write one sentence of advice for each one.

• A net plan? For example:

Celebrity culture is harmful for teenage students.

In Taublieb’s experience, many teens choose models for themselves who they see as having particular characteristics that they, the teens, are lacking. For example, a teen who perceives herself as unattractive may choose a supermodel as a role model. When a parent feels there is something wrong with the role model their child has chosen, the parent needs to try to figure out what the teen is trying to compensate for by choosing that model, then address that issue directly with the teen.”

My problem:

A Introduction: why should celebrity culture be harmful at all? B First section: reasons for considering it to be harmful C Second section: reasons for thinking that it could also be positive D Conclusion: my own conclusion about the topic …

4 A Look back at your notes for Unit 12B, exercise 4. You will use them to write an essay (180–200 words) on this topic:

“Children choose models for themselves very early,” says Dr. Amy Beth Taublieb, a clinical psychologist in Buffalo, NY. “The type of models changes as children grow and develop.

“I always like to write complete sentences, but that’s not the right thing for short answers, it seems.”

1 Do you start by making a plan? What kind of a plan? • A vertical plan? For example:

Part II Writing

Clearly the personalities that teens today model themselves after are a far cry from the ones that were popular with their parents. Yet with the television and media exposure and peer pressure that teens are faced with, it’s no wonder that they dress, act, and look the way they do.


6 Join a small group. Talk about the first steps you take when you start to write an essay.

B Go through the text together, and tell each other what words you found difficult. With your group, help each other to find ways of understanding the overall meaning of sentences with difficult words in them.

Walk into your teenager’s room and you are likely to come across posters of teen idols wearing too much makeup and too little clothing. You may spot an item of your child’s clothing lying around and you wonder, “How did I ever let my kid purchase such a thing?”



3 A Join a partner or a small group and compare your answers. Discuss what you found easy or difficult fi in the texts or in answering the questions.

Model Behavior:

Today’s Teens and the Role Models They Choose


1 A You are going to practise both reading skills and writing skills in this activity. Read this list of particular problems that a student could experience when trying to write short answers showing reading comprehension. Tick 9 any that you think might apply to you. Then add any problems you yourself have had, or might have.

• • •

9 Note your partner’s comments. Then, for homework, rewrite a ‘fair draft’ of your essay. Write it carefully and clearly. When you have finished, proofread it carefully. Pay attention to grammar: are the subjects and verbs right for each other? Are the verb tenses correct? Can you check spelling? 10 Hand in your essay and relax!




4 In the UK, as in the US, obesity (being too fat) and inactivity (not doing enough physical exercise) are the main threats to health. Here are some statistics from the UK National Health Service (the NHS). With a partner, guess the numbers.


• 6

• •

Only out of 10 people do enough exercise, but out of 10 think they do. people If present habits continue, by 2020 one in will not fit in a standard office chair. % of coronary heart disease deaths are related to % related to smoking. inactivity, compared with

5 A The NHS is worried about the inactivity of British teenagers, and has recommended these 10 fun ways for teenagers to get fit. Match the photos and the activities.

karate football climbing paintball basketball hockey mountain biking


orienteering dancing skateboarding

Priloga k učbeniku ponuja: • • • •

dvojezično razlago slovnice s primeri rabe in poudarkom na razlikah med angleščino in slovenščino, seznam nepravilnih glagolov, seznam fonetičnih simbolov, dvojezični slovarček izrazov iz učbenika z izgovarjavo.

B Join a partner. A: read the instruction card on page 139. B: read the instruction card on page 140.


6 A Divide into five groups. Watch a dance exercise video. You are going to hear instructions for five moves. Each group will write the instructions for one move. Before you start, look at the notes below: these are the key words for each move. Decide who will be responsible for completing the instruction with each one.

Move 1: Move 2: Move 3: Move 4: Move 5: 9

point turn start go up jump



main clause

iff clause

turn swing take put click push bring tap flick push jump step move

al c zero condition first cconditional

Present Simple Present Simple

seconnd conditional thirdd conditional

Past Simple Past Perfect

Present Simple willl + verb would/couldd + verb participle wouldd + have + past

rst or with iff can come fi Thhe part beginning . If it comes first, a seecond in the sentence before the main clause. ccomma must be used no comma is used. Iff it comes second,

na koncu ǟ U 16A – stoji na začetku ali football striker (n) IȐWEǚɏO VWUDǰNǟ Pogojni odvisnik lahko vejico c začetku, moramo uporabiti povedi. Če stoji na vejica ǟUHǰW 16B – ustv variti Če pa stoji na koncu,generate (v) pred glavnim stavkom.

if nott), also use unlesss (= IInstead of iff you can condition that ... pprovided that ..., on

B Do you feel like trying the moves? Have fun!

grasp (v) hint (n) unless o tudi in the face of veznika iff lahko uporabljam

ni potrebna.

Namesto that ... that ..., on condition (= if nott), provided

Use Us

Grammar an d Vocabulary Booklet


19a Zero condition

ts used for general statemen Zero conditional is events always true) or for (something that is happen under certain and actions that always n can when type of conditional conditions. In this iff be used instead of

playy video games. I pl have any homework, don’tt ha If I don melts. heat ice, it mel When you hea


al 1 First condition 19b

r event used for a particula First conditional is in or can probably happen or activity that will conditions. the future under certain

party, he will bbe comes late from the If he come grounded. feel , you can fee If you work oout regularly much better. won’tt catch the bus. hurry, they won Unless they hurry

inertia (n)


journalism (n)


lay sdb off (phr v)

ǰ ǘI

readability (n)

readership (n) naloge, igram igrice. Če nimam domače recommend (v) Ko led segrevaš, se stopi.

rehearsal (n) rehearse (v) reluctantly (adv)

o za določen dogodek Prvi pogojnik uporabljam v revenue (n) ali pa se lahko zgodi ali dejanje, ki se bo i pogoji. scattered (adj) prihodnosti pod določenim

separate (adj)

slangy (adj) z zabave, nekaj časa Če bo prišel pozno smooth (adj) ne bo smel ven. počutil. se boš boljestill (n) Če se boš redno rekreiral, subtitle (n)

Če ne bodo pohiteli,

tactile (adj) ne bodo ujeli avtobusa. tech-savvy (adj)

delih povedi update (v) V slovenščini v obeh . weblog (n) uporabljamo prihodnjik

worthwhile (adj)


– pasivnost,,



– odp pustiti koga

letters to the editor (n) n)) / OHWǟ] WXɏ ²²Lɏ HGǰWǟ U o za splošne trditve Ta pogojnik uporabljam in dejanja, res) ali za dogodke (nekaj, kar je vedno 6B – pav peacock (n) pod določenimi pogoji. ki se vedno zgodijo if prehensile (adj) HQVDǰO 16B – stavkov lahko namesto V tem tipu pogojnih uporabimo when.



– prijeti, zgraabiti nasvet; namig IHǰV ǘY 16B – o ob soočenju


OǟWǰ 16B – beerljivost 16B – krog g bralcev PHQG 16A – priporočiti

– vaja – vaditi


ǟQWOǰ 16B – nerad,

– prihod dek 16B – razttresen – ločen – slengovsski – gladek afija fi – podnasslov – otipljivv 16B – kii se spozna



posodobiiti, ažurirati spletni d dnevnik ǰO 16A – koristen,

abandon (v) (v) ǟ E¨QGǟQ 17C – zapu ustiti according to (adv) ǟ NǚɏGǰč WX 17CC – glede na, po besedah adjust (v) Ϟ GȘȒVW 17A – prilagoditti, nastaviti 17 7C – kljub against all odds Ϟ JHQVW ǚɏO ǘG] J vsem težavam age (v) HǰGȘ 17A – postarati assume (v) ǟ VMXɏP 17B – domnevati, predpostaviti 56

bottle blond (n) EǘWO EOǘQG 17B – oseba, ki si s peroksidom barva lase broadcast (n) EUǚɏGNǗɏVW 17A – prenos, oddaja camera operator (n) N¨PǟUǟ ǘSǟUHǰWǟ U 17A – snemalec camera shot (n) N¨PǟUǟ ȉǘW 17A – kader cater for (v) NHǰWǟ Iǚɏ U 17B – oskrbeti come across (phr v) NȒP ǟ NUǘV 17A – priti do izraza con artist (n) NǘQ ǗɏWǰVW 17B – prevarant consult (v) NǟQ VȒOW 17A – posvetovati se z/s contestant (n) NǟQ WHVWǟQW 17B – tekmovalec counter (v) NDȐQWǟ U 17C – nasprotovati current affairs (n) NȒUǟQW ǟ IHǟ] 17A – aktualni dogodki dead-tree stuff (n) GHGWULɏ VWȒI 17C – stara šara devout (adj) Gǰ YDȐW 17B – goreč director (n) GDǰ UHNWǟ U 17A – režiser downright (adv) GDȐQUDǰW 17B – prav, naravnost dressing room (n) GUHVǰč UXɏP 17A – garderoba dump (v) GȒPS 17B – pustiti, zavreči dupe (v) GMXɏS 17B – retentati, ukaniti ensure (v) ǰQ ȉǚɏ U 17A – zagotoviti entrant (n) HQWUǟQW 17B – udeleženec exercise (v) HNVǟVDǰ] 17B – uresničiti, uveljaviti eye-opener (n) DǰǟȐSǟQǟU 17C – spoznanje facilities (n) Iǟ VǰOǟWǰ] 17D – oprema, naprava, infrastruktura floor manager (n) ᚐ ǚɏ P¨QǰGȘǟ U 17A – vodja snemanja genre (n) ȘǗɏQUǟ 17C – žanr greedy (adj) JULɏGǰ 17B – pohlepen gullible (adj) JȒOǟEO 17B – lahkoveren headquarters (n) KHG NZǚɏWǟ] 17A – sedež, centrala imply (v) ǰP SODǰ 17B – namigniti impose (v) ǰP SǟȐ] 17A – uvesti inappropriate (adj) ǰQǟ SUǟȐSUǰǟW 17B – neprimeren insulting (adj) ǰQ VȒOWǰč 17B – žaljiv jot down (phr v) GȘǘW GDȐQ 17C – na hitro zapisati knock one's socks off (idiom) 17C – šokirati lighting (n) ODǰWǰč 17A – osvetljava make-up artist (n) PHǰNȒS ǗɏWǰVW 17A – masker

Zasnova delovnega zvezka Way up 5 Keeping in touch 1 Look at the pictures and use these verbs or verb phrases to fill the gaps.

not allowed have to don’t have to ought should allowed mustn’t

Delovni zvezek dopolnjuje in nadgrajuje učbenik. Po zgradbi mu sledi, saj je sestavljen iz 20 lekcij, ki so razdeljene v štiri module. Vaje v delovnem zvezku so namenjene utrjevanju slovničnih struktur in besedišča iz učbenika, besedotvorju in razvijanju spretnosti branja, poslušanja in pisanja. Tako kot v učbeniku je tudi nabor vaj v delovnem zvezku pester in raznolik. Vaje temeljijo na aktualnih temah in vsakdanjih situacijah iz življenja najstnikov ter upoštevajo njihove interese.

had to mustn’t


Hi Jem believe how My new school is so depressing! You wouldn’t came with me to see the unwelcoming it is. The first day, my mum 1 inside the school school, but she wasn’t even 2 go and sign in at grounds! Even as a visitor, she I opened the gate and Skip the front desk, how ridiculous is that! then I saw that you bounced in with me, frisky as usual, but to the 3 let dogs into the grounds either. The path You 4 front entrance is just bristling with signs! 5 run or shout in the halls, stay on the path, you Stop remove your muddy boots, what next? you 6 s are 7 breathing when you approach? Student about ball games on to smoke, I can understand that, but what into the classroom? their precious grass, or taking your snacks 8 be able to grab a little bite Surely students er? Inside the class when they’re working hard on their comput 9 to come and visit and you’d is no better. You 10 Mead, where you soon see how lucky you are to be at Queen’s lead such a regimented life! lol Jo

2 Write short answers to the questions. Don’t repeat information unnecessarily. Begin your answers with Yes, or No, ...

1 Are you allowed to run in the halls of your school? 2 Can students smoke inside your school building? 3 Can visitors bring dogs into your school? 4 Must visitors report to the front desk when they go to your school? 5 Can you eat snacks when you’re working at a computer in school? 6 Must students wear the right shoes in the gym?

Posamezni modul se konča s sklopom Skills enhancement, tj. s tremi stranmi vaj izpitnega tipa, ter stranjo Blogs and logs, katere namen je, da dijaki razmišljajo o svojem napredku, ga spremljajo in ocenjujejo ter tako prevzemajo soodgovornost za svoje znanje.

7 Ought you to thank teachers at the end of the year?

9 Do you need to text your parents when you are late getting back home?

8 Should you use your mobile phone in classrooms?

10 Did you have to do homework last year?


Module 3 Skills and exam training Part I Reading 1 Match all statements 1–8 with paragraphs A–G. More than one statement may refer to the same paragraph. Write your answers in the space on the right. An example is given.


The survey interviewed people all over the world.

1 The media encourage people to be jealous of richer, more famous people and to want to outshine their neighbours. 2 The cause of ‘affluenza’ is an economic system, based on private ownership of production, that makes people think only of themselves. 3 UK citizens have much higher levels of anxiety and mental troubles than people in Europe, the Far East or Africa. 4 James recommends that people live within their means and be satisfied, even if they can’t have everything they desire. 5 People whose main desires are for money and fame risk suffering greater stress and mental illness. 6 Knowing yourself well and setting yourself goals you can achieve are ways of ensuring better mental health. 7 The survey results are surprising because they show great disparities between different countries. 8 There are grounds for optimism in the fact that countries are not all imitating each other as much as is often stated.


Affluenza A WHY IS THERE SO MUCH STRESS IN TODAY’S SOCIETY? Why is the UK rate so much higher – twice the average of mainland Western European countries and nearly six times that of Shanghai or Nigeria? The big question is: Can we do anything about it? Distinguished psychologist and bestselling author Oliver James thinks we can and, having identified the source of this emotional turmoil, he has dubbed it ‘The Affluenza Virus’. B The Affluenza Virus is the placing of too high a value on money, possessions, appearances (physical and social) and fame. During his research into the ‘affliction’, Oliver James found that those obsessed with these values are at a greater risk of suffering the most common forms of emotional distress – depression, anxiety, personality disorders or a tendency towards substance abuse. C Okay, so far. Some television programmes lead you to believe that everyone is obsessed with celebrity, is envious of those who have what they believe should be theirs and has a desperate need to keep up with the Jones. So, can it be possible to be successful and still stay sane? D Studies were carried out in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, China, Russia, Denmark and America, interviewing in depth at least thirty citizens per nation. The majority of people concerned were middle and upper-middle class professionals and while most were infected with the virus, there were significant exceptions. Alongside personal interviews, Oliver James looked at scientific studies devoted to particular countries to provide a wider view. His findings from country to country are startlingly different and provide clues to how society can be improved. E Above all, James demonstrates that English speaking nations (Britain, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada) are twice as prone to emotional distress compared with mainland Western European ones. Over a fifth of Australians are now emotionally distressed, having been widely exposed to the Affluenza Virus by Selfish Capitalism. To his surprise and pleasure, Oliver finds that the much-vaunted globalization of the world has by no means infected all of it, and that there are strong grounds for hope. F Oliver explains the cornerstone of Chinese emotional well-being: “If you fail, if you really have given it your best shot, you are not culpable”. You must accept it and move on and take responsibility for yourself. It’s interesting to read his account of a depressed young Chinese woman called Tai. He suggests: “Form as truthful and accurate an assessment as possible of yourself and your society, rather than living in a rose-tinted bubble of positive illusions.” He encourages positive volition, and “to believe in your capacity to achieve goals, however modest they may be, so long as they are realistic”.

Part II Use of Language

Part III Listening

2 Write the correct form of the words in the spaces on the right. There is an example at the beginning: Gap 0.


1 Who do teenagers turn to first when they have problems?

Blue Hair, Nose Rings, and What Really Matters They were engaged in 0 conversation, laughing often, and clearly enjoying each other’s company. They staged a mock fight with their chopsticks for a 1 egg roll. A mother and her teenage son were feasting on the mid-week Chinese buffet special at Mandarin Garden. I 2 that they had come directly from the son’s soccer game, since he was still wearing his grass-stained uniform and cleats, like many other soccer kids 3 the restaurant. They garnered their fair share of rubbernecked and 4 stares because of the teenager’s hair. It was blue. A soft, sky-blue. And there wasn’t much of it. His head was shaved, with the 5 of a four-inch strip of blue hair that began at his forehead and ended at the nape of his neck. The buffet was 6 that evening, but that didn’t seem to bother this mother and her blue-haired boy. They were having a good time together. I 7 another family – father, mother, and son – in the produce aisle of my local supermarket. The son pushed the shopping cart and they walked closely together. They were joking about 8 to California to escape the high cost of New England’s imported winter fruits and vegetables. There was an ease and comfort in the rhythm and tone of their discussion. And there was something rather 9 that distinguished the young adult son – he had more facial body piercings than any person I had ever seen. I will admit to 10 by them at the Granny Smith apples to tally up the number of piercings. Eyebrows, cheeks, nose, bottom and upper lips, ears ... and maybe even a 11 tongue. Ten facial piercings, 18 if you count the ears ... and 19 if I was right about the tongue. Times may change, but life’s passages do not. My teen and college years were spent in the ‘60’s. I wore my hair long in high school. Blue hair, piercings, and tattoos were not in style when I was a teenager. Back then, nothing said 12 like your hair. My mom and dad teased me about my hair from time to time. But we too went to restaurants together and shopped in public as a threesome, no matter how I looked. Those two sons and I had parents who never let how we looked 13 how much they loved us or wished to be with us ... anytime, anywhere. Our parents knew what really mattered. So did we.

2 What is the peer helper programme designed to help with?


3 What is the main reason for organising it? 2




4 What second purpose does the peer helper programme serve?



5 What are three problems that can face teenagers?





6 Could peer trainers give wrong answers since they are inexperienced?

7 When would a teenage trainer seek an adult’s help? 9 STARTLE 10 LINGER

8 How many young people are prepared to help in the programme?


Part IV Writing a formal letter 4 After hearing the programme about peer helper programmes, your online pal Jamie forwards you this advertisement from his local paper. He wants you to go with him to the training sessions when you are staying with him in England. Your parents give their permission. Write to Dr Mullens at the address given in the advertisement.

Summer Holiday


TRAINING COURSE FOR TEENAGE HEL PERS A training course for teenage helpers is being organised by Lincoln Borough Education Council during the summe r holidays. The aim is to train young people to lead the peer helper programmes that are currently being organised in schools across the county. If you are between the ages of 16 and 19 and are interest ed in helping others, get in touch now! Make sure you let us know all about yourself, your hobbies, your interests, and why you would like to become a peer helper. Send your details to the organiser, Dr A.J. Mullens, at:

The Borough Health

and Education Counci l 3 Nottingham Road Norwich LE75 8GH

9 What two conditions are there for a successful peer helper programme?

13 DIMINUTION 10 What is it recommended that listeners should do?

G Highlighting the confusion of ‘wants’ with ‘needs’, Oliver also explores his own disappointments and urges the enjoyment of what you have and an acceptance that you can’t have everything.


You will hear a short account of a peer helper programme for teenagers. As you listen to the recording, answer the following questions. Listen to the recording twice. Now read through questions 1–7. Answer in note form!



NOTE: Pay attention to the organisation of your thoughts, the choice of vocabulary, the structures you use. You will be awarded more points for an appropriate response to the task which demonstrates the use of suitable vocabulary and structures.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I must finish my homework before I My parents set limits for the time I’m My brother is 18 so he doesn’t have to He ought to, though, because they Students should Many teenagers are not Teenagers mustn’t Parents talk about online dangers, and teenagers Texting is less embarrassing because other people Texting is convenient because you don’t have to

5 Some readers replied to Sarah’s blog. Write in the verb or modal verb, using the right tense.


1 Alexa said: (talk) I liked the blog because it about committing yourself to your school/school work, and outside stuff as well. I (have) to think about that this year because (be) so busy with all my I commitments.


2 Hailey said: I really (like) this one because (say) here was everything you true. Most adults say they were teenagers once ... but they really don’t know how things (change), and how much we (obligation with ‘do’ ) now.


3 Molly said: Yes, teens (obligation with ‘take on’ ) major obligations, and it’s too much pressure for people so young. You (do) a good job pointing them all out. Of course (obligation we with ‘work’ ) hard at school, but maybe we (lack of obligation with ‘do’ ) so much outside school. After all, we’re only human.


4 Mr Minotti said: You are right when you say that recently teens (have) many (maybe too many) obligations imposed on them. This (possibility with ‘be’ ) difficult for many of us to manage. But here’s the trick: you (advice with ‘learn’ ) how to manage and maybe limit your obligations effectively, then you will become a much happier, more successful person when you become an independent adult. Sometimes (obligation with we ‘prioritize’ ) what is important in our lives. We (possibility with ‘discover’ ) that there (negative possibility with ‘be’ ) room for all of the obligations that we (undertake). We (possible obligation with ‘say’ ) “no” to certain things or certain people. It is difficult for sure, but (advice with ‘try’ ) you because doing so (possibility with ‘help’ ) you stay happy in life.

4 This is a blog posted by Sarah, a teenager. Read it and underline the right verb choice.

Teens have many obligations. One major obligation 1is / has been school. Teens 2had to / have to balance school with anything else they have committed themselves to. School itself 3 comes/doesn’t come with its own responsibilities. First of all you 4don’t need to / have to get up early to go to school. Many teens 5don’t need to / decide to stay up later during the night, but then in the morning they 6are / have to be really tired and 7 musn’t / don’t even want to go to school in the first place. When you are in school you 8don’t need to / have to make sure you get to your classes on time, which sometimes 9mustn’t / can be hard if your classes are far away from your locker. In school you 10can have / don’t have a lot of work to do, but outside of school you also 11need to / mustn’t commit yourself to extra work like homework, projects , and studying. The commitments from school 12are not / can at times, be stressful. When a big test is coming up, many students don’t bother studying until the day before. But if you do this, sometimes you will get a lot of homework in all of your other classes that you either don’t study or you don’t get all your homework done.

Ena pomembnih kompetenc, omenjenih v učnem načrtu za angleščino, je kompetenca učenja učenja, zato delovni zvezek v sklopu Study skills dijakom ponuja nasvete za uporabo referenčnih gradiv in učenje slovnice ter besedišča, ozavešča pa jih tudi o različnih učnih slogih (vizualnem, avditivnem, kinestetičnem) in o učinkovitem upravljanju časa (time management skills).


Blogs and Logs I Blogs Write your reactions to the work you’ve done in Module 2. If you like, you can post your reactions to the author and the publishers by going online to: www.wayup.si and clicking the ‘Write to us’ button.

1 What did you like best about the module? Can you say why?

Study skills I Learning styles

II Logs

1 A Many experts feel that different people learn in different ways, and that knowing what your own learning style is can help you to study more efficiently. Read the statements and write numbers about yourself.

Keep a record for yourself to chart your own progress. This is just for you, so you can say frankly what you think about your own strengths and weaknesses! Good luck as you continue to work through the course.

1 = This is not like me at all. 2 = I’m sometimes like this. 3 = This is exactly like me.

1 In the spaces, write: 9 C - if you feel you can do these things confidently 8 W - if you feel it would be useful to do more work with these things

1 I can follow instructions that I hear better than those I read. 2 I need to read words in a new language before I can remember them. 3 I remember the words of songs much better than words on a page. 4 I find playing a role really helps me to learn useful language. 5 I understand if the teacher explains, but not when I just read rules. 6 I like information to be presented on a PowerPoint rather than just hearing it. 7 I like drawing graphs and maps, and that helps me to understand ideas. 8 If I see a diagram, it helps me to imagine problems. 9 I need to repeat words and phrases out loud before I can really remember them.

I can ...

2 Was there a topic you found particularly interesting?


1 ... ask/write indirect questions subject and object questions

2 ... compare/contrast, using comparatives and superlatives

3 ... describe with adjectives in the right order 4 ... use active

and passive


and since

5 ... talk about the past/present with for

6 ... create emphasis with emphatic pronouns 3 Was there anything you didn’t particularly like? Can you say why not?

7 ... use infinitives

and -ing forms


8 ... remember and use vocabulary for: • income and expenditure • celebrity • ecological issues • narrating stories • fashion and design

4 Were some parts quite easy? Say which ones.

B Some ways in which learning styles are categorised are the following: A Visual learners (learn things more easily if they can see them) B Auditory learners (learn things more easily if they can listen to them) C Tactile/kinaesthetic learners (learn things more easily if they can touch them or work with them) Now look at the numbers you chose in 1A. Complete the profile for yourself.

9 ... describe money matters ... describe people ... agree or disagree ... use numbers easily ... buy and talk about clothes

If in 1A I’ve written 3 ... 1 For sentences 1, 3, or 5: … that means I’m likely to be a . 2 For sentences 2, 6, or 8: … that means I’m likely to be a . 3 For sentences 4, 7, or 9: … that means I’m likely to be a . • If in 1A I’ve written the number 2 more often than other numbers: 4 This could mean … [tick the one(s) you think apply to you]: I use more than one learning style. I respond differently to different situations. I haven’t worked out yet how to learn in an effective way.

2 I think I’m getting better at . 3 The skill where I need most work is 5 Were some parts quite hard? Say which ones.

. My strategies for improving this skill:

2 Taking into account your profile as a learner, tick the choice(s) which seems most effective for your personal learning style. Write a short reason for your choice. [for example: Because I’m a visual learner ..., because my learning style is mainly visual but sometimes also tactile...]

1 You have a complicated task to do: you’ve never done it before. 1 You ask a parent or teacher to tell you clearly what to do. 2 You read a set of instructions. 3 You go for it and are confident you can learn by doing it. Reason: 2 You have a role in a play, and need to learn your part for tomorrow. 1 You read the play with your part colour-coded. 2 You get a recording of the play and listen to it. 3 You ask a friend to rehearse the play with you. Reason:

CALEB: I can’t judge how much time I should allow for each task, so I spend too much time at the beginning, and don’t get through it all.

Monday 8:00–9:00

A Write a short note about your learning profile, and the steps you think you could take to make your learning more efficient.

9:00–10:00 10:00–11:00 11:00–12:00 12:00–13:00 13:00–14:00 14:00–15:00 15:00–16:00 16:00–17:00 17:00–18:00 18:00–19:00 19:00–20:00

B Write an email to one of your classmates to describe your learning profile and ask what steps you could talk to make your learning more efficient.

20:00–21:00 21:00–22:00 22:00–23:00 23:00–24:00



DAWN: I start, get tired, leave the work, then go back and have to start all over again.

1 Notice the time you take to finish a piece of work. Record it in a notebook and consult it the next time you have to do this task. 2 Decide which are your strongest and which your weakest subjects. Decide whether to give more time to the weakest, but don’t spend all your time on this one. 3 Make a grid for your time out of school hours. Divide the grid into half-hour slots. Put in the time you need for homework/study, sports, socialising with friends, watching TV or videos, and so on. Do this for one week. Then re-arrange the slots and try to get the right schedule so that all your work gets done.

4 You have to remember the way to the station in a new city you’re visiting. 1 You ask the hotel receptionist to tell you exactly how to go. 2 You find a map and memorise the route on it. 3 You walk along the route several times to make sure you remember. Reason:

3 Choose one of the options below:

BRIAN: I do easy things first, then I run out of time.

4 A Which of the students could benefit from these tips about managing their time? Write A, B, C or D for each tip. Some tips could be useful for more than one student.

3 Your coach tells you that something in your game needs to be corrected. 1 You keep on practising as much as you can. 2 You ask her/him to describe exactly how you can improve. 3 You read a manual with diagrams showing you how to do it. Reason:

5 You’re writing an essay and you have a block: you just can’t think how to go on. 1 You look up the notes you took in class and re-read them. 2 You draw a mind map and try to brainstorm possible ways to continue. 3 You phone a friend and talk over your problem with them. Reason:

4 Prioritise! Divide the tasks you have to do into three lists: 1 Very important, very urgent J Do these first!

II Time Management ANNA: I never finish my work. There’s just never enough time!


never use their own details for their online name. arrange to meet people they’ve met online. text my parents to keep in touch. can go out. had better not tune them out. still stay up worrying. can’t hear. aware of the dangers of communicating online. arrange to call at a specific time. allowed on the computer.


a b c d e f g h i j


3 Find the right endings (a–j) for the sentence beginnings (1–10).



2 Important, but not very urgent J Do later, don’t forget! 3 Not important J Don’t do until everything else is done! 5 Start with your first priority task. Don’t start another one until the first is finished. 6 Include breaks in your study schedule after every hour. You can’t keep concentrating nonstop. A short planned break means you go back to your work with a fresh mind. B Reflect upon your own time management.

A Are any of the four students like you? B Do you already do what the tips recommend? C Which of the tips could be useful for you? D Have you got other tips you could give the students? Write them down.

E Compare your ideas next time you are in class - or email one of your friends to discuss these ideas.





Gradivo za uÄ?itelje

PriroÄ?nik Pri pripravi uÄ?beniĹĄkega kompleta Way up Intermediate smo imeli v mislih tudi uÄ?itelje in njihovo vsakdanje delo v razredu. Da bi Ä?im bolj olajĹĄali priprave in pouÄ?evanje z uÄ?beniĹĄkim kompletom Way up Intermediate, smo pripravili priroÄ?nik, ki bo maja 2010 na voljo v elektronski obliki na spletni strani www.wayup.si.

Joanne Collie

V priroÄ?niku najdete: • navodila in nasvete za delo z uÄ?benikom in delovnim zvezkom, • reĹĄitve nalog iz uÄ?benika in delovnega zvezka, • transkripcijo zvoÄ?nih posnetkov in videoposnetkov iz uÄ?benika, • dodatne zamisli za delo v razredu, • motivacijske dejavnosti, • teste.

Intermediate ZA UÄŒITELJEij PRIROÄŒNIK1. in 2. letniku gimnaz za angleĹĄÄ?ino v

Komplet CD-jev k uÄ?beniku Pri pripravi avdioposnetkov k uÄ?beniku smo k sodelovanju povabili tako rojene govorce kot slovenske dijake. Nekatere naloge namreÄ? prikazujejo situacije pri pouku angleĹĄÄ?ine v slovenskih ĹĄolah ali pa komunikacijske situacije med slovenskimi govorci in tujci.

Joanne Collie

Intermediate AVDIO CD K

UÄŒBENIKU za angleĹĄÄ?ino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij

Spletna stran Spletna stran www.wayup.si bo na voljo profesorjem in dijakom. Profesorji bodo na njej dostopali do elektronske oblike priroÄ?nika, video posnetkov za delo z uÄ?benikom in nabora nalog ter aktivnosti za interpretacijo literarnih besedil. Slednje bomo dopolnjevali glede na izbor del na maturi ter postopoma gradili arhiv gradiv. Na voljo bodo tudi uÄ?ne priprave.

Joanne Collie

Joanne Collie


za angleĹĄÄ?ino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij


Dijakom bo na spletni strani omogoÄ?en dostop do avdio- in videogradiva za delo z delovnim zvezkom, povezav na razliÄ?ne spletne strani, vezane na gradivo v uÄ?beniku in delovnem zvezku, dodatnih interaktivnih dejavnosti, kvizov itd.


za angleĹĄÄ?ino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij

Joanne Collie

Tako profesorji kot dijaki bodo lahko prek spletne strani www.wayup.si pisali avtorici ali zaloĹžbi.

À teachers À students À contact us


Bi radi bolje spoznali Way up? Z veseljem bomo pripravili kratko praktično predstavitev gradiva na vaši gimnaziji. Pokličite nas in dogovorili se bomo za datum in uro! Nika Robek, svetovalka za angleški jezik GSM: 031/688 730 E-pošta: nika.robek@rokus-klett.si

Vabimo vas tudi na seminarje z urednico kompletov Petro Bizjak. Za vas je pripravila zanimivo delavnico, na kateri bo predstavila praktične vidike in zanimive zamisli za poučevanje z Way up. Seminarji bodo potekali po spodnjem razporedu, vsakič z začetkom ob 15. uri. Kranj

12. april 2010

Ekonomska gimnazija Kranj, Kidričeva cesta 65

Novo mesto

14. april 2010

Šolski center Novo mesto, Šegova ulica 112


15. april 2010

Škofijska klasična gimnazija, Štula 23

Nova Gorica

19. april 2010

Gimnazija Nova Gorica, Delpinova 9


21. april 2010

Šolski center Celje, Pot na Lavo 22


3. maj 2010

Gimnazija Koper, Cankarjeva 2


10. maj 2010

Zavod Antona Martina Slomška, Vrbanska c. 30

Za več informacij in prijavo obiščite www.srednja.net.

Naročila in informacije

podpora kupcem Anja Potočnik, tel.: 01 513 46 46 anja.potocnik@rokus-klett.si


Telefon: 01 513 46 46, 01 513 46 47 Brezplačni telefon za naročila: 080 19 22 Telefaks: 01 513 46 79 E-pošta: narocila@rokus-klett.si


Čist simpl Angleščina – maturitetne teme Besedila, naloge in nasveti za pripravo na maturo Izdaja je namenjena samostojni pripravi na maturo. V 35 poglavjih prinaša teme, ki so se najpogosteje pojavljale na maturi iz angleščine od leta 2001. Poglavja vsebujejo: – aktualne članke, – vprašanja za razumevanje, – iztočnice za diskusijo, – govorne in pisne aktivnosti, – dejstva in podatke z izbranih področij, – naslove knjig, filmov, člankov, pesmi in spletnih strani, ki obravnavajo izbrano tematiko, – slovarček težjih izrazov. Na koncu priročnika so še nasveti za pisanje eseja in pisma ter za pripravo na ustni izpit. S pomočjo priročnika dijaki poglobijo svoje poznavanje najpogostejših maturitetnih tem, razširijo besedni zaklad in se pripravijo na pisni in ustni del mature.

Format A4, 156 strani.

Samo 12,90 EUR

Šolski slovar – Angleščina angleško-slovenski in slovensko-angleški Obsežen in sodoben Šolski slovar – Angleščina je namenjen uporabi v osnovni in srednji šoli. Vsebuje najaktualnejše besedišče s prevodi in primeri rabe v stavkih, razlage slovničnih in kulturnih posebnostih ter številne dodatke, uporabne v šoli in doma. V slovarju so tudi pregled slovnice, vzorci pisem, tabele glagolov in druge preglednice. – – – – – – – – –

75.000 besed fraz in primerov najaktualnejše besedišče gesla v modri barvi za boljšo preglednost razlage kulturnih posebnosti slovnične razlage ilustrirane barvne strani kratek pregled slovnice tabele nepravilnih glagolov, števnikov, ulomkov in mer vzorci pisem (v ločenem zvežčiču)

Format 12,5 x 20 cm, trda vezava, 1150 strani.

Samo 32,50 EUR

Založba Rokus Klett, d.o.o.

Založba Rokus Klett

Z nakupom delovnih zvezkov Založbe Rokus Klett

Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana

je članica Evropskega združenja

prispevate sredstva za razvoj učnih gradiv za otroke

telefon: 01 513 46 00

šolskih založnikov (EEPG).

s posebnimi potrebami. S prilagojenimi učnimi gradivi

telefaks: 01 513 46 99

bodo lažje premagovali težave pri učenju in razvijali

e-pošta: rokus@rokus-klett.si

svoje sposobnosti.


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