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General Information Name : Roland KANTCHEKON Role :  Current MCVP iGV AIESEC GHANA  Former iGV CEEDer AIESEC GHANA Email : Skype : roland.kant2 Phone Number : +233(0)209306503 Nationality : Beninese

oGV in UCC(2013) 5 leadership roles 13 conferences(Nat’l & Int’l) 4 years in AIESEC 28 years old

5 TMP & 5 TLP 4 countries visited worked in 2 AIESEC entities

Who am I ?

2. Your 3 main areas of expertise and achievements and how it connects to your MCP aspiration Area of expertise


Connection to my MCP aspiration


I achieved a total number of 29 exchanges as LCVP X and 35 realizations as LCP in a newly established expansion back then, and currently I already hit 70% of the total realizations of last year

Having a very good knowledge of how exchange is run, I am going to maintain a very keen eyes on how our various X department are operating and provide strategies on how to improve and upscale our results next term


All the above results were not achieved solely by me but in strict collaboration with my executive team made up of 5 individuals-who all happened to be my classmates – I should confess that my LCP experience was the most challenging @ XP so far but despite all the challenges, i was able to manage my team and lead them to achieve 50% of our year plan. Currently I an also leading a team of 5 LCVPs iGV alongside with 2 international NST and so far we have been doing fair good

Having had already these experiences, I am very confident that this is going to help me a lots in managing my MC Team and AIESEC GHANA national plenary as a whole.


In 2014, my LC was recognized by the MC during EST’co June 2014 as ‘’BEST LC for QUALITY XPERIENCE’’ It is obvious I am very concerned about the kind of XP we deliver to our customers(members, EPs, stakeholders) because I believe the only way we can really develop leadership in young people is to enable them to live a very good experience whereby they actually explore and develop their fullest potential.

As an MCP I believe it is very key to come up with measures and strategies to ensure there is quality(embed LDM) in every experience we deliver across the entity.

1. Most relevant positions with dates and results POSITION


LCVP X (Jan 1st-Dec 31st 2014)

7 outgoing exchanges 22 incoming exchanges LC house

LCP (Jan 1st – Dec 31st 2015)

2 outgoing RE 33 incoming RE Financial sustainability(iGV) Permanent intern house Term end talent recruitment 15 active members by Dec 31st 2015 6 official partners/TN takers

CEEDer (Feb 15th-20th April 2016)

Auditing and alignment to SDG of all AIESEC GHANA iGV opportunities Visit and enhancement of iGV team capacity across LCs to prepare for Summer peak Opportunities promotion, application conversion rate and EPS experience tracking across LCs 5% growth in Summer

3. Analyze your 3 mains strengths and weaknesses.


STRENGTH S I am very good at getting job done, and not


I usually tend not to talk when it is necessary , I can be observing and stay quiet on things that matter till they get worst before I speak up my mind. I have been working so hard to correct that thanks to my current team experience


When it is time to bring ideas on board to work out something, I barely have none at first until everyone talks, then I contribute with my own which often comes out to be the wisest, at the same time when learning something new, I need to encounter it more than once to grasp it entirely.


I am never satisfied with results I achieve, I always believe I could do more if I had put extra effort and this makes me not to appreciate the efforts of people working with me but over the year I have been learning that even small results must be celebrated so people can feel they are contributing in something and get motivated to go for more

only I can get things done but I so much care also about the efficient way they are done as well PROACTIVENESS


I am a type of person who does things I feel is right to be done, I don’t need to be told or shown what need to be done and I don’t always wait for people to get on my task. I am very confident about what I do or say, I know who I am and what I am about, wherever I go, people tend to easily and quickly trust me and I do whatever in my effort to take good care of my interpersonal relations with people and keep a life-long relationship with every single individual I come across with in my life.

4. What are the main principles/values that drive your behavior? PASSIONATE & HARDWORKING



I am very dedicated in everything I undertake and I always give 100% of myself to make sure I don’t just do what I am supposed to do but that I always strive to do it very well by giving as much attention not only to the bigger details but to the smallest ones as well

Results are something I am still a lots of difficulties to compromise on. No matter what the challenge is, I always manage to deliver results because I do believe that the more you push, the more you get to developed yourself personally and professionally. My childhood education and post-teenage self-education added to the various experiences I have been having so far, made me a very humble person and this can be noticed in my daily interaction with people around me, I respect everybody regardless who you are or how old you are, and always I am ready to give a hand to whoever is in the need.

5. What moments of your life have defined who you are now and why?

The very moment that made me who I am today was when I decided to join AIESEC and take a leadership role right after my return from exchange in September 2013. In fact, from the time I signed up for the GV(oGCDP then) till I went for the program, I had absolutely no idea about the journey I was embarking on until I completed the program and had a reflection space on the whole experience and realize impactful it was, then subsequently decided to join the organization not only to explore my potential but contribute in impacting other people lives. That is when I got on board 4 other of my friends to create AIESEC in my city which I lead for 2 years. That was like a click that pushed to where I am currently.

6. What’s your plan for the next 5 years? How do you see this particular role contributing to it?






GT in China + MBA in Business marketing & Communication management(Night courses)


Used cares and brand new tires importation business (from Asia, US and Europe) operating under ‘’Kant&Kazu Global Group Ltd’’


Set up a family company ‘’KANTCHEKON&Fils SA’’ for the low educational background and illiterate persons of my extended family


It is pretty obvious that from 2020 ongoing I will be holding a highly management role and responsibilities and being MCP next year and being able to manage my team, the entire AIESEC Ghana plenary, our stakeholders and other third parties, would definitely equip me and prepare me for the responsibilities ahead.

AIESEC in Ghana 7. What is the unique contribution AIESEC in Ghana gives to Ghana? How do we become even more relevant to our stakeholders? AIESEC GHANA had trained and produced so far 2,000+ young Ghanaians leaders who have made impacts on the global AIESEC network by becoming MCVPs, MCPs(at home and abroad), and even part of AIESEC International(VP operation for Africa in the past years), but also young people who have local and national impacts by creating business, working in the big companies and multinationals representatives(DHL) as well as participating at different levels of government. We have also run a lot of projects (EDUCATE, INSPAYA, MEDISIST, EDUWORLD, MOIST LAND, HEALTH CARE…) and programs(Children conference, blood donation, etc) which have contributed to societal development. We can even become more relevant to our stakeholders by:  delivering on our partnership terms, becoming more transparent and accountable while, collaborating to run nationwide community projects, Engaging them during national Summit, Seminars/conferences as well as national youth events,

8. What are the main trends that are shaping Ghana at the moment? What are the main opportunities and challenges you see for AIESEC in Ghana in the upcoming term, and what is your role in this context? 1) YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT: According to the World Bank latest report on jobs in Ghana, 48% of the youth in the country aged 15-24 are: jobless(, they are many reasons behind this phenomenon such as misalignment between the background and job opportunities, lack of the job market required skills, lack of pre-required work experiences, etc. I see a huge opportunity to grow both our GV and oGT programs to contribute in solving to some extend this problem. 2) NEW GOVERNMENT: from January we would have a new government in office that would be standing for change in economic and social aspects. We could research on the specific government Youth Policies and align our programs to them to co-run the government agenda of change in 2017. 3) ECONOMIC GROWTH: Thanks to its stable currency, the Cedi, and pro-business government, Ghana has emerged as a preferred option for Western investors looking for African investment opportunities. It has also, been reported that Ghana will be the fastest growing African economy(8.7 projected growth rate) in 2017 according to the Think tanks experts(, this is another huge opportunity for AIESEC GHANA to grow its iGT/GE during the term 17.18 4) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/COMMUNICATION: The National Communications Authority reported that mobile phone rose to 127,63 per cent( ) after the country’s voice subscriber base climbed to over 35 million in December 2015. Communication is a sector which is growing largely. AIESEC Ghana can capitalize on this to digitize our products and improve our external positioning/relevance since AIESEC Ghana branding is crucial and we want to be the global youth voice.

9. Make a SWOT analysis of the current state of AIESEC in Ghana. How do you expect it to look like at the end your MC term? Based on this create a START, STOP, CONTINUE for all our operations.

SWOT STRENGTHS 1- Strong Board of Advisors 2- Strong MC-LC relationship 3- Large membership base 4- Strong support from UNDP & UNV Ghana

OPPORTUNITIES 1- Government Youth policies 2- Ghanaian Economy encourages foreign investors foreign investors which is an opportunity for Global Talent. 4- Tertiary Institutions (numerous untapped tertiary institutions). 5- . Large pool of entities interested in partnering with AIESEC Ghana 6- Endorsement of the Ministry of Youth & Sport AIESEC GHANA‌ and UNDP Ghana 7- New government of Change

WEAKNESSES 1- Poor membership pipeline 2-Financial difficulties 3- Low knowledge of members 4- Two(2) national partners 5- Lack of clear strategies and focus in LCs





Focus more on capacity building in LCs and expansions, Holding localized Summit, Conferences/Sem inars

Assuming members know

Being friend with members and keep strong MCLC relationship, Promoting R&R


Encouraging exchange national competition(battle ) among LCs, Being operational, Focus more on VD

Hunting just for the number(results)

Promoting IXP, Getting more project partners on board


Raising new OP Takers(especially for GE)


Engaging GT EPs and using their testimonies to attract more

THREATS 1- Visa acquisition processes 2. Perception of the youth in Ghana 3. Mindset of some stakeholders in AIESEC Ghana. 4. Other student organization with similar products. 5. Detractors of AIESEC 6. The Academic calendar of universities in Ghana 7. Unfavorable new government policies


10. What have been the main contributions of the previous MC terms and how do you plan to deliver continuity and build upon their legacies?


AIESEC 2010 Implementation and Focus on Result

After years of struggle and empowerment, AIESEC Ghana made a strong impression on the network with significant increase in exchange number delivery. Over 100 Exchanges were delivered. This was over 200% increase from the previous year. AIESEC Ghana was recognized and rewarded by AI for maintaining high level of accountability and transparency in operations at IC in Brazil. AIESEC Ghana also bid for WACS and got it. However we started losing the connection with our members


Accelerated Growth

AIESEC Ghana has been growing at a tremendous rate (over 100%) for a second year in a row. This is also as a result of the final sprint of AIESEC 2010, especially with growth in OGX and X+L. We also see AIESEC Ghana well represented outside the AIESEC network. We had significant growth in LC performance and also exchanges. It was in this year that CUC, KNUST and UCC were officially recognized on WACS Ghana was successful and memorable and this conference brought the PAI to Ghana. However the MC was in crisis due to the resignation of the MCP by an effort from the BoA.



Growth and AIESEC 2015 is introduced

This year marked the maturity of LCs in increasing their performance. Exchange kept moving and members also stepping up for new challenges. Members were involved in Global support teams and also international conferences. This increased AIESEC Ghana’s impact in the Network. The BoA also became very much active. The relationship between MC and LC started deteriorating in this term. The operations of LCs got into new areas and this helped in signing on of new corporate partners to support AIESEC activities. Another chapter of the organization was launched, AIESEC 2015.

New AIESEC Experience and the BHAG

This year was also another significant year as members were challenging their abilities and picking up roles globally. AIESEC Ghana became more visible and was well represented on the global network. Exchange numbers increased but not significantly. Implementation of AIESEC 2015 began. The new AIESEC experience and was launched and it affected the quality of experience members were getting. Members knowledge deteriorated and MC and LCs started to have issues. Members experience was not properly documented on the system due to the migration from the old system to the new one and other reasons. The BHAG is driven‌


Era of Transformation and collaboration

A new generation of dynamic leaders is born. AIESEC becomes more visible and well positioned in Ghana. Information and Communication is recognized as a national strategy for driving growth. Increase in the impact of our reach. Members, alumni and expansions are focus areas. Members picking up roles globally. AIESEC is well represented on the global plenary. Over 200% growth in life changing team experiences, increase in exchange realization. GIPi and GCDPo are national drivers. There is collaboration between LCs and also entities in the sub-region. LCs connects more with MC and collaboration is ensured. CUCG is officially registered on the system as a local committee. However members low knowledge and redundant attitude towards work becomes a threat to growth/result.


Stakeholders management and membership development for growth

iGCDP process standardization Implementing Focus Programmes Capitalizing on Projectizing programmes Social business model implementation Brand positioning. Organizational Clarity


Growth and external positioning

BOA management and relationship with the MC improved tremendously this year. - A lot of emphasis was placed on sub-regional collaboration. AIESEC Ghana and AIESEC Nigeria co-won the Regional Award for Collaboration at AfroXLDS in Kenya. AIESEC Legon won Role Model LC in Africa - Significant growth in OGIP .


Decline and losing trust

Partial decline in almost all operations, Bad MC-LC relationship Successful IYLS, Very poor membership capacity,

To deliver continuity and build upon the legacies of the previous terms, we need to learn some good case practice from their terms and adapt it to our current context and equip our members to drive operations and ensure good pipeline for the generation to come.

11. How will you describe the current organizational culture of AIESEC in Ghana, and what do you intend to do to improve it? There is a very good collaboration between the MC and LCs and it can be noticed that members are ready to learn and do amazing stuffs but they lack operational & organizational knowledge, discipline and pro-activeness. To improve this situation, I intend to put the right structure that could facilitate talent education and drive the behavior of members commitment and engagement across LCs

12. What are the first three actions you will take as MCP to ensure that we strengthen our talent capacity and ensure operational and financial sustainability for the term? 1st action: MC team selection: Select my team with a strategic selection of an experienced and knowledgeable MCVP TM & BD to ensure LCs structure evolvement, right talent education and an effective members development to drive operations as well as an actual partnership relationship management and financial sustainability.

2nd action: recruitment: Plan and provide tools to support LCs in recruitment the right people in the entity and start implementing Local Volunteers 3rd action: Internal communication: put strategies and measures in place to foster internal communication in order to strengthen MC-LC relationship.

13. Explain in percentages how you would divide your time across your different functions as MCP and what would be your main focuses and key legacies for each one of them.  MC TEAM AND NATIONAL PLENARY MANAGEMENT : focus would be having the right structure and behaviors in the entity to leave a stronger talent pipeline in the organization by the term end.

GOVERNANCE AND STAKEHOLDERS MANAGEMENT: align global directions to national strategies with a focus on stakeholders(Partners, BOA, Alumni, members) management and transparency in reporting to regain totally our credibility. AIESEC GHANA REPRESENTATION: foster our external positioning(nationally) and rebrand our positioning in the global network.

MCP function time allocation MC team and national plenary management Governance and Stakeholders manageement

Global Context 14. What is the implications of the global roadmap on the direction of AIESEC in Ghana in 17.18? How do you see Global & Entity planning evolving? The global roadmap is our milestones for the next five years (A2020), It is not too specific and does not give solutions but rather stating what needs to be figured out depending on the realities and needs of the generation we would be in. As AIESEC Ghana it might be a little challenging for us to easily catch up with the projected strategies for 17.18, especially the IMPROVE & INVENT AIESEC XP and the ENTREPRENEURIAL & AGILE AIESEC. In that regard it is important we start reviewing all the strategies for 2017.2018 and see whether they would make sense or not for the organization next year, then start putting measure in place for its implementation.

15. In light of the question above, what measures should be put in place to ensure that AIESEC in Ghana is aligned to the global network and at the same time meeting the needs of the national plenary and Ghanaian context? if we want to have more flexible AIESEC XP to shape what we do around what the world needs, become more accessible and innovate in our business models, our systems and the way we run programs should evolve around what Ghanaian youth need, together with the way we recruit, induct and educate our membership, which is our greatest asset that we have to take care of for our organizational sustainability in order to move ONE step closer to A2020 and being more relevant to Ghanaian society.


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