Rollacoaster issue 4

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Make-up: Teint Radiance N°1, Touche Eclat N°1, Luxurious Mascara Shocking Volume N°1, Eyeliner Effet Faux Cils N°1, Dessin du Regard N°1, Rouge Pur Couture Vernis à Lèvres Glossy Stain N°9, La Laque N°1.



GLOSS ? STAIN ? LIPSTICK? WHY COMPROMISE? HAVE IT ALL. Live the sophistication of a boundless glossy colour that truly fuses your lips in a new shine. A GLOSSY STAIN you barely feel. OUR NEW MOVEMENT IN LIPWEAR IS BORN.

From the Editor

Masthead Editorial dirEctor & PublishEr Huw GwytHer assistant to Editorial dirEctor & PublishEr CHarlotte Harrison Editor BeCky Davies crEativE dirEctor way Perry art dirEction By useful sub Editor JoHn MCDonnell EntErtainmEnt dirEctor seaMus Duff ExEcutivE Fashion Editor antHony unwin Fashion dirEctor MatilDa GoaD Fashion Editor alexanDer Harley dEsignEr Joe fleMinG FEaturEs WritEr JaCk Mills contributing Editor MiCHael Harvey Fashion assistant franCesCa PruDente advErtising dirEctor stuart JaCkson (+44) 207 423 9971 advErtising managEr Ben DuGGan (+44) 020 7243 9977 italian rEPrEsEntativE kMeDia srl Paolo Cassano PaoloCassano@kMeDianet.CoM | (+39) 02 29061094 sPanish rEPrEsEntativE kMeDia sPain DaviDCastello@kMeDianetes | (+34) 91 702 3484 contributors kate BellM, yale Brislin, BrenDan anD BrenDan, Hayley louisa Brown, will BrooMe, stuart BruMfitt, Coquito CassiBBa, JessiCa Callan, CHi, felix CooPer, JoHn DaviDson, Priya elan, Holly falConer, rHys fraMPton, GiusePPe GasParin, tHoMas GiDDinGs, eval Giraffe, nik Hartley, Bella HowarD, Jesse JoHn Jenkins, aMarPaul kalirai, toBy knott, BenJaMin lee, Maxine lennorD, Ben MCDaDe, JaMes MCMaHon, Mark MCMaHon, JaCk Mills, natalie Monroe, JaMes MountforD, DaviD olDHaM, Max orteGa, JoHn-Paul Pietrus, rankin, roGer riCH, tiM riCHMonD, Peter roBinson,alex sainsBury, eMMa sells, DaviD sessions, alastair stronG, kristin viCari, CHarlotte wales, aDaM wHiteHeaD, anDrew woffinDen, ainGeru Zorita intErns aliCe alluM, HannaH BeaCH, kHaliD el-awaD, rae HaMilton, JoHn HanDforD, luke taylor, eMMa tHoMas, raCHel roBerts. managing dirEctor Huw GwytHer salEs dirEctor stuart JaCkson Financial dirEctor niGel tHoMas colour rEProduction PH MeDia usEFul www.weareuseful.CoM With thanks to saDie Mantovani at ralPH lauren, riCHarD storer at Diesel, next MoDel ManaGeMent anD luCy willis anD alistair sCott at House of fraser Print managEd By raCHael HyDe at HPa Print liMiteD Printing By tHe westDale Press liMiteD PrintEd in tHe uniteD kinGDoM reProDuCtion of any Part of tHis PuBliCation is striCtly ProHiBiteD witHout Prior PerMission froM tHe PuBlisHers, inCluDinG all loGos, titles, anD GraPHiC eleMents rollacoastEr magazinE 133 nottinG Hill Gate, lonDon, w11 3lB tel (+44) 207 243 9966 fax (+44) 207 243 9967 rollaCoaster is PuBlisHeD By visual talent ltD

Contents 18. 22. 23. 24. 26. 28. 34. 36. 40.

PEPPER Wears DIESEL Spring/ Summer12 Preview ‘W-MAToLI’ Wool Trench With Leather Trim, £420. DIzzEE Wears Black Nylon Jacket By DoLCE AND GABBANA Priced On Request.

denim jacket by LEVI’S from a selection at STARSTRUCK VINTAGE sunglasses by oLIVER GoLDSMITH achieve

BeCky Davies Hearts Henry HollanD fresH start – CHiDDy BanG talk aBout tHeir new alBuM BoDy sHoP Moves on to Create Catwalk CoMPlexions tHe Converse star CHevron sPenDs a Day in tHe life of five risinG talents Diesel DeniM looks after tHe Girls we Heart ralPH lauren DeniM & suPPly we sPeak to lonDon fasHion week DesiGner CHristoPHer raeBurn anD Jewellery DesiGner PHilliP CranGi MiCHael van Der HaM tells us aBout His uPCoMinG sHow

42. 46.

we Heart G-star


all aBoarD tHe l train – seB law Meets raPPer l MarsHall

48. 54. 58. 60. 64. 68. 70. 74. 75.

we Heart House of fraser


Photography DANIELLE LEVITT Fashion Editor ANTHoNY UNWIN

MosCHino CHeaP anD CHiC Hearts lonDon


76. 82. 83.

Photography RANKIN Fashion Editor WAY PERRY

PeoPle’s Pets – frienDs of MulBerry

Get away witH tHe BirDs – JaCk Mills CHats to tHe sCanDinavian Duo niCky anD tHe Dove

one of our Cover stars solanGe knowles DiZZee rasCal is issue four’s rollaPoster DiZZee Hearts PePPer we Heart frenCH ConneCtion Marino wool in tHe forM of tartan anD tweeD kiDs in laCoste live stella MCCartney launCHes Her new fraGranCe l.i.l.y we CatCH uP witH Cos Creative DireCtors karin Gustafsson anD Martin anDersson antHony unwin Hearts Maya leaDers of tHe sun love tHeir MusiC Missy t sPeaks of Her tees, anD katie eary tells of BranCHinG out into woMenswear Beautiful faCes Courtesy of yves saint laurent, MaC, sHu ueMura anD CHristian Dior

88. Connor MaynBarD is MaynarD Mania 89. seaMus CHats witH tyson anD DelilaH 90. way Hearts BlaCk ‘n’ GolD (witH wHite soCks) 96. tHe enD of tHe Party for seB froM skins 98. MatilDa Hearts sPorts Day 104. Mark BuDD froM self sPeaks 104. MiCHael van Der HaM 106. tHe GruMPy Git still Doesn’t Heart anytHinG 107. tHe new Gent By swatCH 108. PatriotiC alexanDer loves Great Britian 114. Girl aBout town natalie Monroe Gives us Her take on lonDon

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Jump on board the love ride, our fourth issue is all about what rollacoaster, our music and tv stars and contributors heart. At times life can make it hard to heart, even if you have the best of intentions, but putting this issue together we realised there is actually quite a lot to love…. Like our cover stars, for a start. We are so happy that music artist and model solange knowles, British rapper and music producer Dizzee Rascal and next-big-thing Katie Pepper agreed to appear on our covers. L Marshall, Conor Maynard and Tyson also appear on the pages. We also heart loads of fashion: Way black and white, Anthony the model Maya, Matilda is channeling sports day, while patriotic-to-the-core Alexander is in love with Blighty. The new pastel trend in makeup is also something else to get amorous about: we believe Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Shu Uemura and M.A.C Cosmetics deliver it the best this season – and we heart them for it. Moschino Cheap and Chic hearts London so much they are bringing their show to the capital’s fashion week for the first time, so we catch up with creative director Rossella Jardini. We also speak to some of london fashion week’s most exciting designers, including Michael Van Der Ham, Christopher Raeburn, Katie Eary and Henry Holland – both of the latter I personally heart. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our fourth issue – from the photographers, writers, celebrity publicists, make-up artists, model bookers, our pre-press repro house, to our generous and forward- thinking advertisers and media agency contacts. We hope you heart it! bEcky daviEs



UNCONVENTIONAL CHIC Unconventional Talents on

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(From left to right) GIllI CAMPBEll the Frenchie; PIPEr the cosmo dog, PIxIE and GlAdys the pugs; rufus ElPhICk the terrier, Guss the Schnauzer, ElVIs the Victorian bulldog and EdIE the Italian greyhound. GlAdys and PIxIE wear a donkey print t-shirts £60 each, PIPEr wears wax navy mac £150, rufus wears yellow mac £150, all by MulBErry

Yellow coated cotton hooded trench coat £895, yellow ‘BAysWATEr’patent leather bag £795, woven ‘ChArACTEr’ shoe £595 by MulBErry Make up MIChEllE GATArIC using NArs COsMETICs, Photographic Assistance AkIl BIll, Fashion Assistance rAE hAMIlTON, Make up Assistance AAlIyAh hErZII, Props COurTEsy Of MulBErry, Retouching fTP dIGITAl, Thanks to dIrECT PhOTOGrAPhIC


BiG GrouPs c An BE PrEt t y hEctic At thE BEst of timEs. And EsPEciAlly so whEn thE “cAninE friEnds of mulBErry ” GEt toGEthEr – A s thE y only mEEt uP A fE w timEs A yEAr And hAvE A lot of cAtchinG uP to do. to kEEP thinGs simPlE, wE sPokE to thE GrouP’s t wo Allot tEd sPokEs-doGs, Gl Ady s And PixiE, Both of whom hAvE modEllEd for thE British hEritAGE Br And.

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Being two of the original Mulberry dogs, did you have to show some of the other pooches the ropes when they joined? Both: No, not really. They all fitted in right away. Gladys: We all get on really well – we are like one big family. Pixie: A community! Who does the most modelling work? Gladys: Well Pixie has done two print ads for Mulberry… Pixie: And Gladys two catwalk shows.

Gladys: I’d say we are equals! I tend to do more TV jobs. I help my mum Brix present fashion on This Morning once a week. I’ve been told I can sit in my place nicely and melt into my role like butter. Which of the other dogs should we be looking out for in the future? Both: Edie the Italian Greyhound is very pretty and has a great set of pins!

Ro l lacoast e R S / S 1 2 Black wool dress with carrots £690 and brown leather bag with clear perspex heart £530 by MOSCHINO CHEAP AND CHIC, carrots £1.95 a bunch at THE NATURAL FOOD MARKET

… And thiS SeASon the itALiAn BRAnd ARe mAking theiR London FAShion Week deBut. We cAtch up With RoSSeLL A JARdini, the cReAtive heAd Behind the FouR moSchino BRAndS, to Find out ABout the ethoS oF cheAp And chic, And ASk Why “noW” And WhAt mAkeS heR tick .

Is there a particular reason why you’ve decided to bring Moschino Cheap and Chic to London Fashion Week now? To debut in London with Moschino Cheap And Chic is something I have been thinking about for a while. To appear in a new city gives the young line a stronger, more autonomous personality. London is renowned for its contemporary style and its famous sense of humour, making it the perfect place to exhibit Moschino Cheap And Chic’s DNA and energy. Who do you admire among the designers who currently show in London? I admire, for sure, Stella McCartney, Christopher Kane, Alexander McQueen, and also Kinder Aggugini. I love the British style and the energy of fashion in London. What about the rest of the world? There are many designers I love. I have a passion for the Japanese designers, such as Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto and Junya Watanabe. Moschino Cheap and Chic has such a fun-loving spirit. Do you and your team need to be in the right mood to come up with ideas for that particular line? Yes, Moschino Cheap and Chic has a particular touch of exuberance! My creative team and I have a lot of fun working on this line, but this is also part of the Moschino DNA, to always be original and have fun ideas. Who are Moschino Cheap and Chic’s famous fans? I’m happy to say that there are many fans of Cheap and Chic. Recently we had Katy Perry, Keira Knightley and Dita Von Teese wearing Moschino Cheap and Chic. Lady Diana was also a fan of the line. Apart from showing in London, is there anything new we can expect from the Cheap and Chic label? You can always expect something from Moschino Cheap and Chic world! We are working on special projects for next season… all of which are still confidential! Whose style do you most admire, dead or alive? Chanel is one of my icons. Then I like Lady Gaga as she has such a strong personality. What sort of personality does the Cheap and Chic girl have? She is confident, playful, positive and of course funny! This is our “I Heart” issue, what do you love most in the world? My family, my job and my new puppy I received as a gift for my last birthday (a beautiful King Charles)! I also love vintage jewels and design pieces. photogRAphy ALAstAIr strONG FAShion editoR WAY PErrY WoRdS BECKY DAVIEs


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(this page, bottom right) Mesh polo shirt £224, latex bra (priced on request), tartan kilt £196 all by House of Holland. Hair OLIVER DE ALMEIDA WAQUED using AVED, Make Up THOM TICKLEMOUSE at SOHO MANAGEMENT using CHANEL SPRING 2012 & HYDROBEAUTY SKINCARE, Fashion Assistance RAE HAMILTON, Make Up Assistance, GEMMA TYLER, Model VALERIE at SELECT

Fashion Interbiews

pHotograpHy KHaLiD EL-aWaD faSHion editor aLEXaNDEr HarLEY

BECKY HEarts HENrY HOLLaND pHotograpHy DaviD sEssiONs

He’S a national treaSure and an international party-going HearttHrob. HiS label HouSe of Holland iS Stocked worldwide, and – moSt importantly – Henroi Holland iS my pal. Scan below and you’ll See wHy “i Heart Him”.

Can you tell me a bit about your new stuff? We are launching a new range of footwear with Superga, which will be available from May. Also, House of Holland eyewear launches worldwide in September! How did we meet? We met years ago when you worked for the Evening Standard. We went on a trip with Richard Mortimer’s Boombox, and had a very fun and wild night; we ate our first meal together in a service station, at the side of dual carriageway. We have been on holidays together and all sorts! It seems we only hang out in foreign countries. The House of Holland brand is growing so fast and, season-to-season, your show is becoming – well, has become – one of the most relevant shows, especially in terms of emerging trends, in British fashion. Is this a pressure or is it fun? And how does this added limelight affect your visions moving on to the next season? You never really think about those kind of things; you just have to keep your head down and concentrate on what you are doing – there isn’t really much time to think

about much else to be honest Beckoi! What can we expect for A/W? Bigger and better. Do you still get excited when you see a House of Holland item in amazing stores in Britain and beyond or on someone properly fabulous? And, maybe more importantly, on a random person in the street? I get excited when I see anyone wearing House of Holland – even when it’s my mum. I make clothes to be worn in real life so it’s exciting when you see them, like, at the bus stop. Obviously, Rihanna or someone is a bit jazzy but it’s all the same to me. Was I annoying to fly with? Ha, you were always totally fine until your involuntary leg spasms would lead to bruises [we were in an electric storm and H was petrified too]. When I called you up from the Evening Standard offices for the first time, you’d done those t-shirts that Giles Deacon and Gareth Pugh wore at their LFW shows, and we discussed prices and details – did you know what you were talking about, or were you hoodwinking, with a pocket full of charm? I was totally making it all up. I had no stockists, no stock and no clue! But you wrote about me anyways. That’s why I let you kick me at 33,000 feet! I’ve met your mum; she is a great woman. What is she up to at the moment? She’s doing impromptu shoots in her bedroom wearing all the pieces she has from my collections, and then emailing them to me. This is not a joke. Oh, and what is that thing about your name, and her intentionally giving you two H initials? My mum thought that the double h was good for propriety – that’s why Marilyn Monroe changed her

name, apazza. Let’s hope she was on to something. I was almost called Oscar and almost called Henry Richard Holland, but my mum decided “HRH” shouldn’t be my initials. I think that is rubbish. I am a right Queen. (Joke). Tell me about the in-flight conversations you’ve recently engaged in for fun, during long hauls. I can never speak to anyone because I always end up watching a film like Marley & Me, and then sobbing when they offer out the choc-ices, so I just pretend I’m asleep. I hate people who feel the need to chat for eight hours solid. I know you don’t like to party, but when you have, in the past, what is the singular most random thing that has happened to you? When Kid Rock agreed to get off with my friend Gillian for a 50 quid bet. What a sport. Is there anything you’d really like to get out there, but no one has ever asked you? (It could even be that you like cheese and pickle sandwiches). I realised the other day that I am addicted to all Easter foods: mini eggs, crème eggs, hot cross buns. I am obsessed with them! This is the “I Heart” issue. What do you love most in the world? My boyfriend and my family. Vom. And I’ve chosen you for my “I Heart”. Do you think it is your bedazzling personality; or simply your boyish good looks that I go for? I think it is my quiff; we all know it is what harbours all of my powers. I heart you too Beckoi!

Fresh start

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ChIDDY wears bleached denim jacket by MCQ by ALEXANDER MCQUEEN at SELfRIDGES £330, printed short sleeved shirt by KIT NEALE £170, gold watch by LOUIS VUITTON £44,500. Noah wears blue cotton shirt by ACNE at HARRODS £140. Hair MEGGIE COUSLAND using BUMBLE & BUMBLE, Make up HOLLEIGH GALLON using LAURA MERCIER, Photographic Assistance JAKUB KUBA KOZIEL, Fashion Assistance JOHN HANDfORD and LUKE TAYLOR, Make up Assistance MARCIO ABRAAO

Music Interviews

PHotograPHy DaVID sessIONs fasHion editor aLeXaNDer harLeY words seamus DuFF

Having started out as sometHing of an online sensation, CHiddy Bang Have Been quietly working on tHeir deBut alBum, Breakfast, wHiCH is now ready to Be served. “It all started in Philadelphia,” Chiddy Anamege says whimsically, over a vodka cranberry in an East London dive bar. Xaphoon Jones [Noah Beresin] is next to him as he recollects exactly how their hip hop outfit – Chiddy Bang – first found life. “We went to the same uni. I was a business major who liked to rap and I used to think, ‘there’s a studio on campus, if I can find a kid who has access to it, I can get in.’” Jones proved to be that golden ticket; he too was going to Drexel University, a music major with a passion for creating sounds, and thanks to a mutual friend who noted that Xaphoon had an ability to craft beats and that Chiddy had a natural talent to rap, the two got together. The boys set to work and started immediately, releasing their music for free on the internet. With the MGMT sampling “Opposite Of Adults” (which appeared online over two years ago and clocked up just shy of seventeen million hits on YouTube) the boys were a hit, culminating in a deal with the legendary Parlophone Records – home to musical giants such as Coldplay, Gorillas and The Beatles. “They wanted to put “Opposite of Adults”, “Truth” (which samples Passion Pit’s “Better Things”) and a couple of other songs in our debut album which we actually spent a lot of time fighting over,” reveals

Xaphoon. “If we were going to do an album, we were going to do it properly in a studio and with instruments and maybe some less obvious samples. We didn’t want to jumble popular tracks that already existed in with our own material – so that’s why it’s taken us so long.” The resulting album reflects the focused attitude of Xaphoon (“I’m just the nerd one,” he says when asked who works harder. “There’s no place I’d rather be than inside the studio.”) who creates pulsating beats and electronic sounds for Chiddy to spit honest, inspired, occasionally message-filled and often tongue-in-cheek style lyrics over (he advises “Got To Wear A Glove/If We’re Going To Make Love” on the track, “Baby Roulette”). For evidence of how easily lyrics come to the rapper, just ask him about his experience of bagging a nine hour, 18 minute and 22 second world record for the longest freestyle rap. “I drank a lot of Red Bull,” he jokes, “but at the end of it I remember my mouth was burning.” Does he remember any of what he actually rapped about? “It’s funny,” he confesses, “I cannot.” Could he do a quick freestyle

for us now? “That’s not fair, man,” Xaphoon objects. “You can’t be like ‘Go!’ – you need to give a topic. You might have to do some beat boxing or some rapping. You’ve got to compliment him, or buy him a drink first, or something!” “Xaph is a secret freestyle guru,” Chiddy reveals with a knowing nod, “he can spit secretly.” And it seems it just takes a bit of gentle flattery for Xaphoon to break into an unexpected freestyle. “I’m in the UK and I kick it like soccer,” he begins, “Chiddy on my left drinkin’ cranberry vodka/sippin’ on some tea with my main man Steve/I mean Duncan, it’s ok, we ain’t talkin’/I got a whole bunch of homes in the … plunken?” An impressive effort! And just nine hours 17 minutes and 56 seconds off a record.

“You can’t order someone to start rapping. You’ve got to compliment him, or buY him a drink first, or something!”

Debut single, “Ray Charles”, is out on February 26th, with new album Breakfast out on March 5.

Fashion Interviews

CATWALK COMPLEXIONS The Body Shop haS long Been The go To for BeauTy eSSenTialS. BuT Their make-up SponSorShip of Vauxhall faShion ScouT haS puT Them in The forefronT of induSTry eyeS, experTly ShowcaSing The incrediBle makeup ThaT The eThical BeauTy Brand proVideS– aS lan nguyen aTTeSTS.

“I’ve always used The Body Shop since I was 11,” states Lan Nguyen – Head Make-Up Artist of London’s Vauxhall Fashion Scout and something of a brand super-fan. “It was perfect timing that our paths crossed; I was working with a designer on a fashion film and The Body Shop had sponsored the make-up. So, I asked if they would be interested in collaborating with Vauxhall Fashion Scout and it proved to be a winning opportunity,” she says, explaining the origins of the partnership with Britain’s premier platform for emerging designers. But it’s not just the designs that stir up interest from the shows as she assures us that The Body Shop make-up range is given just as much exposure on the catwalk. “To use their products on a fashion show demonstrates them on a different scale. The pigments are strong, the colours are there, Vauxhall Fashion Scout has definitely raised awareness to the make-up range, both the vastness and versatility of the collection. The make-up artists and designers have been amazed with the results.” With eight years of experience under her belt, Nguyen

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is well equipped for working across over thirty fashion shows this season – even though becoming a makeup artist was never strictly planned. “I feel like a fluke,” she laughs, having stepped in at the eleventh hour of a shoot without any experience. The resulting images impressed everyone and gave Lan the encouragement necessary to realise it could be a profession for her. Working hard over the following years she got her first big break at a huge, national styling award where she created make up looks on the live final. With the industry buzzing with discussion about her unique way with make-up, Lan found herself in demand and has never looked back. More than just a make-up artist, Nguyen comes as a complete package to those showcasing their work at Vauxhall Fashion Scout. “It’s a bit like mentoring,” she says of the experience. “I can provide insight and explain what it will be like back stage, or how lighting will effect things, or what will be seen from the chair. Some of the designers are quite young so I love that I can push them that little bit further and say ‘you can do this, and you can do that and don’t be scared’.” The make-up artist also has the advantage of seeing all the designs before they are shown so she can understand the concept of the designers and spot trends before they happen. “There are no rules this season. There will be lots of navy and blue, contrasted with reds and burgundy colours – but the tones have changed to more pinks and warmer tones. Luckily for me – The Body Shop has all these colours.” /

LAN’S TOP TIPS for an inSTanT refreSh: “The Body Shop ViTamin e face miST iS a fanTaSTic Spray if your Skin iS dry or Tired. iT giVeS inSTanT BacklifT.” for a daily glow: “mixing a luminouS highlighTer inTo your foundaTion will really add lighT To your Skin To make you look a loT healThier. iT giVeS a Shimmer To your face, lifTS The Skin and iT lookS naTural.”


We A cti v i s t S HE L LY Z A N D E R S HO T B Y ANTON RENBORG www. we s c. co m

Rising Stars


RollacoasteR spends a day in the life with six of london’s Rising talents. these independent thinkeRs all haVe a stReet style to match theiR diVeRse cReatiVity and shaRe an affinity with the legendaRy conVeRse staR cheVRon photogRaphy BEN MCDADE fashion editoR WAY PERRY

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BIGkIds are rosIe oddIe and Ben Hudson (yes, Mr Hudson), wHo Have joIned toGetHer to forM an excItInG new MusIcal outfIt. “I Had tHIs HunGer to do soMetHInG really london and opposIte to tHe aMerIcan sounds I’ve Made In tHe last two years,” says Ben. “wHen I saw rosIe sInGInG In caMden, I Had tHat lIGHt-BulB MoMent of tHIs Is tHe kInd of tHInG I want to Be workInG on.” tHe paIr sHare vocals and Have Made refresHInG, uplIftInG tracks tHat Burst wItH enerGy. “tHe MentalIty of BIG kIds Is tHat everyone can Be a BIG kId,” GIGGles rosIe. “It’s not pretentIous – It’s just fun!” tHe Band InvIted us to joIn tHeM In tHeIr IntIMate studIo and follow tHeM to tHe BrIxton acadeMy for a lIve perforMance.

Rising Stars

BIGkids’ first single, “Drum In Your Chest”, is out March 4th

3pm. En-route to sound-check

9pm. Rosie contemplates surfing the crowd but is unsure: “I have an image of me leaping and the crowds parting and I’ll drop to the floor.” 1pm. Recording in their north London studio: “It’s the age of computer music, but I’ve got all my instruments out of storage and into one room to record.” – Ben

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10am. “It can be a non-stop 24-hour job

–recording then playing – so it is helpful living and working in the same place.”

RACK RACK NN RUIN RUIN Music producer and dancefloor filler Matt scott is better known as his stage naMe rack n ruin. with a background in druM ’n’ bass, the dJ and Musician now Makes electronicsounding Music with a Jungle edge. having broken through with his track “soundclash” (featuring Jessie ware), Matt has gone on to reMix for MaJor labels like island, polydor and sony as well as continuing to Make tunes hiMself. we Joined the aMbitious Music Maker in his hoMe studio near alexandra palace where he spends the week creating pulsing sounds before heading off to play to packed-out dancefloors around the world.

Rack N Ruin will release a new album on Black Butter later in the year.

11am. Sorting out his records ahead of my live set tonight.

1pm. Creating music in his home

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studio: “I mix everything here because I know the sound really well. I can write, record vocals and master – sometimes I make it all here in two hours.”


Kit is a very exciting new Londonbased fashion designer. this season he has been chosen by the infLuentiaL fashion east to show his coLLection during the menswear instaLLations at somerset house under their umbreLLa. Kit’s graduate coLLection has aLready drawn positive attention to the young star – especiaLLy his taLent for creating originaL prints. this season he was inspired by his father’s aLLotment on the south coast: turnips and carrots pop out from his designs and a patchworK design (which is carried through the coLLection) is a gentLe nod towards a shed his father buiLt from a patchworK of painted boards. before worKing on the LabeL that bears his name, Kit has worKed for gareth pugh, ducKie brown and tom scott.

1.30pm. A day at the ‘office’: “I’ve just arrived back at my studio after meetings with buyers and the press. I’ve still got a full day ahead and will probably be here until about 4am.”

2pm. Reviewing his collections on the rail: “Essentially, I have eight looks, but you can make about 20 from all the pieces, as they are so versatile.”

3pm. At the moment I am spending most of my time in the studio. Here I am putting some finishing touches to everything.

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Rising Stars


Omari iS a cOOl yOung mOdel that keepS andrew, hiS bOOker at Select mOdel management, buSy. all day lOng he feedS hiS addictiOn tO twitter (@OmarilewiSdixOn), and he iS alSO an active participant tO tumblr (OmarilewiSdixOn.tumblr. cOm) aS well aS facebOOk, ObviOuSly. he lOveS muSic: “i like aSap rOcky and hiphOp and lOve tO party in lOndOn. i gO tO punk in SOhO, and dO club prOmOtiOnS fOr them.” he’S a bit Of an urban kid tOO: “i dO a cOuple Of trickS On my bmx, like the 360-degree Spin.” the mOSt caStingS he haS fitted in are Seven a day, every day, fOr a week – while in pariS: “and yOu have tO be exactly On time there. it iS eaSier tO find yOur way arOund in lOndOn aS i uSe my iphOne mapS.”

11am. “In between castings my headphones are always on so I can listen to hip-hop and rap.”

1.30pm. Catching up with some model friends 1pm. Catwalk practice at the agency.

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1pm. It’s behind you: “This thumbs up

replaced another piece of work the council removed from the same place, without the owner of the building’s permission.”


One Of the mOst prOminent Of Jack’s pieces Of street art is the ‘kentish tOwn’ scribbling, which steals the skyline next tO the area’s tube statiOn. “i finished it last summer, but it was Originally dOne five years agO. i Jumped up On the rOOf and painted leaning Over with rOllers,” he tells us. “and then the chief pOlice Officer was at my friend’s barbers, and asked my friend tO tell me tO gO Over it with sOmething different and i wOuldn’t get arrested fOr dOing it.” and there are plenty mOre Of his trademark pieces in and arOund the camden area. Jack alsO cOllabOrates with phOtOgraphers On magazine shOOts and creates pieces in his east lOndOn studiO. All of our featured Creative Innovators wear Converse Star Chevron, the first street style shoe as part of their daily uniform.

Photographic Assistance LEE WHITTAKER and LAIMONAS STASIULIS BIgKIdS, RAcK N RUIN and JAcK MURRAy wear leather STAR cHEvRON available exclusively at SIzE? from £40. KIT NEALE and OMARI wear cONvERSE STAR cHEvRON available exclusively at Jd SpORTS also from £40.

3pm. Art around town: “On my way for a cup of tea and custard tart I walk past plenty of my artwork.”

2pm. Jack’s Kentish Town street art that dominates the area’s skyline.

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(from left to right) dIesel off white flairlegg 0886l jeans £150, dIesel dark blue highkee 69p jeans £110, dIesel mid blue getlegg 0881k jeans £90, dIesel light blue myguy 0888p jeans £200, dIesel dark blue bootzee 0660d jeans £180 and dIesel blue faded grupee 0880i jeans £210 all by ‘dIesel fIt your attItude denIm’

Fashion Interviews

All clothing and footwear by dIesel, available at all stores nationwide and


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This sEAson DiEsEl is focusinG on ThE lADEEEs, AnD morE sPEcificAlly six nEw jEAn sTylEs for Girls. so whEThEr iT’s: ThE ‘flAirlEGG,’ ThAT’s A ‘70s-sTylE fivE PockET wiTh unfinishED hEm; ThE ‘GruPEE,’ AkA suPEr-slim-fiT wiTh A sculTurED skinny lEG; ThE ‘GETlEGG,’ slim-fiT wiTh A hiGhEr bAck; ‘hiGhkEE,’ hiGh-wAisTED ‘50s-inPirED; ‘booTzEE,’ ThE booT-cuT; or ThE ‘myGuy’ – ThE boyfriEnD-fiT jEAn, ThEn DiEsEl is your AnimAl. wE cATch uP wiTh ThE DEnim TEAm To finD ouT morE…

Why did you decide to start the new era in Diesel Womenswear now? Because the Diesel Womenswear collection needed to be redefined, made more distinctive, in its positioning, and style updated. We needed to be more attractive to the grown-up woman, brave and sexy, who chooses us as a complement of her everyday wardrobe and life. How would you describe the collection to someone that doesn’t have a clue about denim? The ‘Fit Your Attitude’ is a long-term concept for the way females dress in our denim. It combines six different fits with perfect washes

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Fashion Interviews

Make up, Valeria Ferreira using CHanel S2012 and CHanel HYDra BeaUTY skincare, Hair MeGGie CoUslanD using BUMBle anD BUMBle, Fashion Assistance Jess easTinG, Special thanks to eD’s easY Diner

ranging from black to indigo and through to the most highly treated and, in some cases, pop colours - all to suit every attitude and style of dressing. When is the collection available? The collection is in store from now, with new washes of each style being added throughout the year. Do you think it is more important for jeans to fit a women’s attitude or shape, or a bit of both? The collection was designed specifically with this question in mind, its very much about both fit and attitude – we hope women choose a style that best compliments her attitude of

dressing, and also fits her body shape perfectly, which ultimately will compliment the way a woman feels in her jeans. What style do you think will be most popular? We hope that all the styles are going to be popular for all the different types of females who wear denim, plus we know this new design concept for denim will appeal to women who have never worn Diesel, or who used to wear our denim and want to be re introduced to it now with improved fits and washes. However we have a feeling that Grupee and Getlegg will be the most popular.

Who came up with the names – Grupee, Getlegg etc? The names were devised by us - the denim team! They all have a distinct Diesel playfulness about them which switch up different takes on classic style names, for instance ‘MYGUY’ is a playful Diesel way of changing up the ‘Boyfriend’ fit description. We feel that names help make people feel closer to a product and can feel more personal to them and their style.

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Pink cotton sweater £80 and pink floral dress £80 by Denim & Supply Ralph lauRen, ‘Raffifa’ sandals £325 by Ralph lauRen, pink frilly socks by ameRican appaRel £8


Heart RA LPH


Denim dungarees by DENIM & SUPPLY RaLPh LaUREN priced on request, brown leather deck shoes by RaLPh LaUREN priced on request, pink cotton socks by aMERIcaN aPPaREL £7

Printed grey sweater £80 and white cotton shorts £85 by Denim & Supply Ralph lauRen, green wool hat by ameRican appaRel £17

Grey nylon jacket £195 and denim skirt £140 by DENIM & SUPPLY RALPH LAUREN, ‘Raffifa’ sandals £325 by RALPH LAUREN, pink cotton socks by AMERICAN APPAREL £7


Ro l lacoast e R ss / 1 2 All clothing available at

Christopher raeburn is known for his use of military garments as part of his design proCess – he uses them as inspiration for new work , re-appropriating the fabriCs. l ast year he won the emerging menswear Category at the british fashion awards. here he talks fireproof trousers and fish and Chips.

Describe the run-up to London fashion week. How important is it to your business?LFW is a big part of our business; it’s a focus for our creativity but above all it’s a fantastic platform to show our collections to the highest calibre of international press and buyers. How many people do you have in your core team? Quickly we’ve become a fairly big company (but still small in the big scheme of things); a busy day now at the studio is 15 people with assistants. I’m proud to have some very talented individuals in my team and we work cohesively to bring the collections together. Describe the atmosphere in the studio? What’s the business to creative ratio like? Is it all serious and heads down or calm and creative? Ha, it depends what day it is and how close we are to fashion week but as we do both menswear and womenswear (and now accessories) we actually have a fairly constant workload. I’d like to think that the atmosphere in the studio is focused and efficient but relaxed enough that people are enjoying themselves. A good barometer for that is how loud the radio is, and what’s on it…


Fashion Interviews

photography RHYS FRAMPTON fashion editor WAY PERRY words MICHAEl HARvEY

Hair KENICHI at CAREN using KIEHL’S, Make up ADAM DE CRuZ at THE BOOK AGENCY using SHu uEMuRA, Set Design LuKE ABBY at JED ROOT, Photographic Assistance ROB PARKER and TY FRAMPTON, Fashion Assistance ALEX HARLEY and RAE HAMILTON, Set Design Assistance, CALLuM CHARLES, Production ANDY PICTON at FIVE4 PRODUCTION, Digital JuLIA ESKELL, Post Digital OLIVER INGRuILLE, Shot at PARK ROYAL STuDIO

Jewellery designer philip Crangi first entered my radar when i visited new york for a mate’s wedding a Couple of years ago. he designed the rings for the blushing Couple. it beCame apparent that his whole friendship group owned pieCes from the Crangi family ColleCtion, and i found myself wanting in on it too – they are gorgeous. sinCe then the business has expanded and the Jewels have beCome more widely avail able in london. i Caught up with philip to talk Career , swarovski and superheroes. How did your fashion career and your jewellery label begin? After I had studied goldsmithing and jewellery-making, I knew I wanted to go into wears Archer necklace that. After several distractions, I finally had VALERY £110, Archer bangle £72, Archer the opportunity to start the collection with brass cuffs £105 and Forged my sister Courtney. I don’t think at the time Trove bangle £22 All by GILES & by PHILIP CRANGI I realised that it would lead to a career in BROTHER fashion, and I’m very happy about that. Hair CHARLES for How would you describe your designs and, Make Up which celebrity, alive today, most fits the SuSIE SOBOL, Fashion typical Crangi clientele? Assistance ANITA LAu, Model We try to make very personal jewellery that VALERY KA at MARILYN is distinctive from a design standpoint but can be easily “owned” by the wearer. I think the typical clientele is someone who expresses their wear and never take off? personal style through their jewellery, this could be a I made my boyfriend Darren and myself gold very big statement or an intimate one, or both! If only screwhead stud earrings, which neither of us ever take out. It means a lot to me. Liz Taylor was still with us... Having met you and your sister Courtney, I know Is there one (or more) piece(s) of jewellery that you always

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Social media – yes or no? We’re on Twitter and Facebook and the website is very important to us. It gives us the opportunity to speak directly to customers and fans; it’s amazing how honest people are online as the medium is seen as slightly faceless. What do you all eat? Can you give us your tips for local eating (by your studio/HQ)? I’m slightly obsessed with cooking poached eggs but if I’m out and about, locally The Counter Cafe in Hackney Wick does good food or the Fish House in Victoria Park Village. For buyers or press coming to London, what’s your top tip for something non-fashion related to do or see? The Museum of London near the Barbican is really interesting, and also Chiswick Boot Fair in West London is a great hidden treasure if they have a little spare time on a Sunday morning. Do you have an unlikely interest? I’m just sizing up whether to do Land’s End to John o’Groats by bike in the summer; I enjoy a challenge. Describe the collection? For womenswear we have chosen the theme of “Freeze”, it’s an exploration of feminine, functional garments based on research from Victorian Mountaineering expeditions. For menswear we’re looking at the functionality of fire equipment and protection around the simple word “Scorch”. The last couple of weeks before LFW – describe your beauty regime. Ha, Dove soap and a grin… The studio is on fire. You can only save one look from your line up. What’s it going to be and why? (And is it because it sums up what you’re doing now / is it just because it’s your favourite?) As we’ve remade a lot of our new menswear collection from fire trousers they’d be fine to leave on the rails; I think I’d take our new cross-back womenswear parka.

yours is very much a family label. Can you explain your relationship within the business? Courtney and I have a great relationship, both personally and as business partners. We’re both good at different things, and that allows us to not only work well together but to divide and conquer. She handles all the business aspect and I handle all the creative. Where are you stocked? We’re pretty much sold worldwide. We are stocked at Opening Ceremony and Bergdorf Goodman here in NYC, and Net-A-Porter and Liberty in London, to name a few. I recently saw a collection you did for Swarovski Crystals, how did that partnership start? And how was it working with them? In 2008, we won the CFDA Swarovski Accessory Designer of the Year award, and the winners of this award are usually asked to collaborate with Swarovski. This most recent collaboration was actually our second with them. They are great to work with and it’s always a lot of fun. Where is your favourite place to be in the world? Any beach. If you could turn into a superhero, which one would it be and how would you use its powers? It’s not very super, and I don’t know if any superhero was afflicted with this particular power but I think it would be amazing not to have to sleep. I would be really productive and I would get a lot of reading done. Super Reader! Is that a superhero? This is our “I Heart” issue, what do you love most in the world? I’m lucky; I love a lot of things. Not in any particular order, my family and friends, a great book, my partner Darren, and having the opportunity to make great work.

Denim ‘Eton Derby III’ shoe £80 by G-STAR RAW FOOTWEAR, light denim shorts £90 by G-STAR RAW



Blue chambray ‘Stun Scupper’ shoe £65 by G-STAR RAW FOOTWEAR

Suede ‘Patton III station’ shoe £100 by G-STAR RAW FOOTWEAR, swim shorts (worn inside out) £39 by G-STAR RAW


Black ‘Eton Wing’ cap brogue in leather and denim £80 by G-STAR RAW FOOTWEAR, dark denim shorts £85 by G-STAR RAW.




What? Biba. Why? Biba re-launched in 2010 and is available exclusively at House of Fraser stores and at Is there one person dead or alive that best depicts the Biba client? Anita Pallenberg has the most incredible style and is always a reference for us. We love her carefree, irreverent take on glamour. When and how was the Biba brand born? Biba was born in 1960s London. The sixties and early seventies are still very much a source of inspiration for the modern Biba girl. Can you give us a quirky fact about Biba? We use over 100,000 metres of leopard-print fabric each season!

BIBa pussy bow blouse £85, BIBa linen metallic shorts £69, BIBa leather ‘Gretal’ bag £145, CalvIn KleIn cashmere knee length socks £18, BertIe leather tassle ‘Noshaq’ loafer £65

LINea white Oxford shirt £40 (cotton), LINea sand ‘Kurt’ jacket £109 (cotton), LINea navy ‘Foster’ chinos £50 (cotton-twill), LINea white socks £5, DuNe tassle loafer £85

What? Linea. Why? Linea is ten years old this year. The menswear label is available in House of Fraser stores nationwide and at Is there one person dead or alive that best depicts the Linea client? Paul Newman – the greatest casual dresser there ever was. How would you describe Linea to someone that had never heard of it? A modern British heritage label, our clothes are simple, practical and stylish; we’ve paid careful attention to the details to create clothes with a crafted labour feel.

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What? Twenty8Twelve. Why? London label Twenty8Twelve is new to Frasers Glasgow & House of Fraser Guildford. Can you give us a quirky fact about Twenty8Twelve? We work with a new artist every season and have events that incorporate their installations. With others we incorporate their art into product. This season’s collaborative artist is Talya Baldwin. What do you love most in the world? Whippets, Dungeness (a headland on the coast in Kent) and sitting down with a blank piece of paper and a 0.3mm pencil.

TwenTy8Twelve white ‘Phoebe’ dress £295 (cotton), Calvin Klein cashmere knee length socks £18, KG By KurT GeiGer patent leather ‘Leonardo’ lace ups £110, Dune nude patent ‘Lassie’ clutch £65

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What? Burberry Brit. Why? Heritageinspired Burberry Brit menswear is new to Frasers Glasgow. Designer? As well as Burberry Prorsum, Brit is designed by Burberry Chief Creative Director, Christopher Bailey. Ethos? Brit is a younger, more laidback counterpart under the British heritage brand’s umbrella. What can we expect for spring/ summer 2012? Classic basics – think the trench, the jean and the perfect tee.

BurBErry Brit ‘Britton’ Trench £450

LIneA white Oxford shirt £40, PoLo RALPH LAuRen yellow sweater £110 (cotton), PoLo RALPH LAuRen grey sweater £110 (cotton), PoLo RALPH LAuRen beige slim-fit military chinos £110 (cotton), PoLo RALPH LAuRen white crew socks £10 (cotton), LoAkes black leather ‘Penny’ loafers £85

What? Polo Ralph Lauren. Why? Polo Ralph it is available at House of Fraser stores nationwide and online. Designer? Polo Ralph Lauren is part of The World of Ralph Lauren. It carries the same ethos as all the other luxury lines, but with a younger feel and more affordable benefit. What can we expect from spring/summer 2012? Acid, bright, sexy separates and accessories.

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LeS PeTITeS belted trench coat (leather & suede) £390, PIed A Terre black leather ‘LA’ clutch £99, LIneA ankle socks £7 (for two pairs), KurT GeIGer black patent leather ‘eden’ courts £150 Hair MeGGIe COuSLAnd using BuMBLe & BuMBLe, Make up HOLLeIGH GALLOn using LAurA MerCIer, Photographic Assistance AKIL BIL, Fashion Assistance ALeX HArLeY and LuKe TAYLOr, Casting nIC BurnS at STAr And CO, Models ASJA at STOrM and MAX rendeLL at eLITe MOdeL LOndOn, Shot at dIreCT PHOTOGrAPHIC All clothes available at HOuSe OF FrASer tel: 020 7003 4000

What? Les Petites. Why? Parisian label Les Petites was conceived in 1992 by designer Isabelle Benichou. The label is new to House of Fraser Oxford Street. Where was the label born? Isabelle is originally from Bordeaux. At the age of 15, she acquainted herself with fashion: Paris and the cafes, museums and libraries. In 1992, she decided to set up her own brand. Les Petites was born. How would you describe Les Petites to someone that had never heard of it? Les Petites is a contemporary readyto-wear brand for a feminine, active and determined woman. Les Petites has an appealing interplay of soft fabrics and ultra-feminine lines which combines “basic chic” with “happy flashy” colour.

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Sweater by ALTERNATIvE £30, denim shorts by DENIm & SuppLY RALph LAuREN £105, sunglasses by OLIvER GOLDSmITh achieve


H E a r t SOLaNGE

Solange Knowles

phoTography DaNiELLE LEvitt fashion ediTor aNtHONy UNWiN words iNDiGO CLarkE

Tall , liThe and lovely, wiTh a perfecT smile, rockin’ afro do and swagger To maTch, sol ange knowles can’T help buT appear a liTTle inTimidaTing. seemingly wiThouT The leasT biT of efforT on her parT, she’s been swepT up inTo The realms of fashion as a newly appoinTed sTyle icon, face of rimmel and signed To neXT model managemenT. she is also releasing her Third, much-anTicipaTed pop-TasTic solo album This april , and – oh yeah – she jusT so happens To be beyonce knowles’ liTTle sisTer.

The last thing you’d expect from this longlimbed, multi-faceted beauty is that she could actually be, well, nice – and, yet, that’s exactly what the increasingly visible Solange is. She’s actually really nice, and more than that, she’s unguarded, personable, sweet, funny and completely engaging. A normal, down-to-earth, allround-cool 25-year-old who is genuinely happy, loves her “low-key” lifestyle and has the worklife balance thing down. With raising her sevenyear-old son at the top of her list of priorities, and making “good” pop music a close second, pa g e / 5 4

Solange is an inspiring talent on the rise – and what’s her dream for the future? Just give her a little “peace” and she’s satisfied. Over coffee and cake at her favourite café in the charming brownstone and tree-lined downtown Brooklyn neighbourhood she calls home, Solange Knowles talks becoming an aunt, the pitfalls of fame and success, and creating complex pop music inspired by master songwriters of the past. You’re recording your third solo record right now – it must be an exciting process? Yes, it really is, and it’s been really different to my other experiences recording albums. It’s an amazing journey that is almost at an end after a year and a half, but it has definitely taken a lot out of me. This is the first album I’ve recorded independently so in many ways it’s been more demanding, and has been a real learning experience. I’m not on a label for the first time, and not with a manager. There have been some limitations to doing it on my own. When you’re with a record label you have tons of money to do exactly what you want – on my own I’ve had to figure out things like how much studio time I can afford. I never had to take things like that into consideration before. What is your new album about? Love and making love are definitely recurring themes throughout the album [laughs]. This has been the first time creating an album that I’ve been in a really healthy, happy, lovely relationship and so it’s really shaped the music I’m making. At first I was worried because I didn’t know how to write songs that were happy – I’m just so

used to drawing on the pain and the struggle to write songs, and it comes out really naturally. The beauty in this album is that it’s really percussive, so it doesn’t come across as really sweet and sugary because it’s still got a really multifaceted style. Then there’s a couple of songs where I hated my boyfriend for a day. So you took it out on him through your music? Exactly! No one had to get hurt [laughs]. You’re involved in so many creative pursuits: singer, songwriter, dancer, model, DJ, musician, actress – how do you find the time to do it all? I haven’t acted since I was a teenager; I was in two films and that was it. I couldn’t call myself an actress and it’s not something I really want to pursue right now. I don’t really dance anymore either – you’re not going to see me at the New York City Ballet any time soon! So really, your life revolves around music? Yes, it really does. Two years ago I started DJing and that’s something I really enjoy. When I DJ, I play everything – 90s R&B and hip-hop, and a lot of 80s pop. But because I have a young son I’m really conscious of what I listen to, as he’ll listen to it too, and that’s very limiting in 2012. You had your son when you were young – it must have been both amazing and challenging at the same time… I was 17 when I got pregnant and 18 when I had my son. I honestly don’t feel there have been any drawbacks – having a child has been the most perfect gift ever given to me. It’s been something that I fully embrace, love and enjoy, and it’s not hard when you have a kid as amazing as Juelz.

Denim shirt £65 & jeans £90 by Levi’s, scarf by Karen WaLKer £70,

“She waS and iS Such a role model, but ithink more-So it waS an inSane learning proceSS for me to have a big SiSter like that”

Rollaco aster

Cover Story

Sweater by AlternAtive £30, denim shorts by Denim & Supply by rAlph lAuren £105, sunglasses by Oliver GOlDSmith achieve


ro l lacoast e r SS / 1 2 (opposite page) Sweater by Alternative £30, denim shorts by DENIM & SuPPLY by RALPh LAuREN £105, sunglasses by OLIvER GOLDSMITh achieve Hair TAEIShA M. BLACk at ThE SALON MATChMAkER, Make up MuNEMI IMAI for, Fashion Assistance ANITA LAu, Production BETTY kIM at CLM, Special thanks to DuNE STuDIOS NYC SOLANGE kNOwLES is signed to NEXT MODEL MANAGEMENT

And when I think about it, I think part of why I had a child young was that I’d been in the industry since I was 13, so by the time I was 17 I was kind of yearning for a domestic life That would make you grow up fast. Absolutely, yes – and it wasn’t like I was a young Drew Barrymore or anything, because I was actually the most cleanas-a-whistle teenager ever. I never drank, never did drugs, nothing – but I performed in a lot of clubs with my sister, with Destiny’s Child, as a back-up dancer. That was two years on the road, then another two promoting my first album. Four years on the road will make you grow up fast. A common thread in a lot of young artists starting a domestic life very young, I think, is craving stability. How did it feel having a big sister like Beyonce, who must have been a pretty inspiring role model, finding success so young? She was and is such a role model, but I think more-so it was an insane learning process for me to have a big sister like that – to be able to see the good, the bad and everything in between that comes with fame and success, and to know

what I was getting myself into. But I really enjoy my privacy and being able to walk my son to school every morning and pick him up every afternoon. I know that I couldn’t do that if I was at that next level – privacy, as you know, it just doesn’t belong to you anymore. I definitely made a conscious effort to stay as low key as I can, and still do what I want to do. Your sister and Jay-Z just had a baby girl, Blue Ivy Carter. How does it feel to be an aunt? It’s very different to being a mother, but there’s still that sort of magnetic bond and love that you can’t even put words on to describe. I think babies in general are so lovable – and my sister’s baby, Blue, is so beautiful. She is really a beautiful little baby. It’s really special to have a niece because I have a son, so I get to have a little girl too. Have you given Beyonce any mothering tips? No, I think it’s really important for every mother to find their own way. I think it’s actually the most annoying thing when you’re a new mum and you’re getting so much advice from other mothers! You really just have to feel it out for yourself. But she’s my best friend and we talk at

Solange Knowles

“I thInk babIes In general are so lovable – and my sIster’s baby, blue, Is so beautIful”

least every other day. Last season you attended a number of shows together – you two were absolutely the talk of NYFW! How did that come about? Last season I was looking for two dresses for the Rimmel make-up campaign launch that I was in, so I was actually shopping for clothing. I ended up buying a Luca Luca metallic silver dress to wear. I wanted one other ACNE dress for the Rimmel press conference, but it had sold out everywhere – luckily at a show I sat next to the owner of Net-A-Porter [Natalie Massenet] who was really sweet and lovely and I told her, “This is really shameful, but there’s a dress I’d do anything to wear but it’s sold out on your site!” She got on the phone and made it happen. It was so sweet. The fashion world has really embraced you over the last year – how do you feel about your new status as a style icon? I feel really flattered! It’s a really big compliment – but at times I feel a little undeserving as there are so many amazing stylish women. I definitely don’t live, eat, sleep, breathe fashion, so it’s really amazing to be accepted and given the kudos, but I do take it with a grain of salt. What have been the highlights of your career so far? The highlight is always the moment when someone tells me they love my music – when I pass someone on the street who stops me to tell me how much they loved my last record, that it changed their life, that is the highlight. Just being able to relate to my audience on that level is really what it’s all about for me. PA G E / 5 7

Cover Story

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Pepper wears Diesel Spring/ Summer12 ‘Dalik’ Denim Jacket £130, Diesel Spring/Summer12 ‘D-Chys-A’ striped maxi dress £100 PA G E / 1

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Di z z e e

H e a rt s Pe P P e r

DylAn KwAbEnA MillS hEArtS KAtiE PEPPEr, AnD you cAn SEE why. ShE hAS A Dirty lAuGh with A wicKED SEnSE of huMour to MAtch, PluS An EnGAGinG EASy-to-liKE PErSonAlity with An incrEDiblE voicE – whAt iS thErE not to liKE? PhotoGrAPhy raNKiN fAShion EDitor WaY PerrY worDS BeCKY DaVies

“I’m excIted about gettIng out there on tour and people lIstenIng to the musIc we’ve been makIng. I am lookIng forward to showIng people what I am about

the girl has found herself in with the right people, to say the least. And, with this in mind, we are expecting big things for her in 2012. I catch up with Dizzee and Pepper at Rankin’s studio, they are there for one of our cover shoots. Pepper is really excited about playing dress up, and having her make-up done, and Dizzee looks glad that she is now starting to glean the rewards she has worked towards. This is our ‘I heart’ issue. What do you heart about each other? Dizzee: Singing, first of all. Pepper: Well yeah, and I was a huge fan of his for ages, so first and foremost the music. Dizzee: Sense of humour. [Pepper laughs]. She can get down with the lads. All of us can be talking about whatever and she can put her bit in. [Pepper laughs louder]. How did you get you get involved in helping Pepper launch her career? Dizzee: It is Cage [my manager] who approached me. Pepper: Cage was at the first auditions. Did you have someone that helped you when you started out in your career? Dizzee: To start off with Cage, as that’s who I’ve been with [from the beginning]. As well as that… Wiley – they are the main people. If I had brought my 91-year-old nan to the interview, how would you describe your music style? Pepper: Slightly edgier pop music, but I still fall under the pop umbrella. I have just twigged that you said to your 91-year-old grandma. Um… hahaha: “It is the stuff that the young kids would bop to at one of those discos.” Dizzee, I know that you are really into clothes. Who are your favourite designers and labels? Dizzee: I like a lot of Dolce & Gabbana stuff because it is smart/casual. I like their jackets and their jeans, and stuff like that. I’ve got into [Nike Air] Jordans – since I’ve been going to America I’ve started liking them again. Spizikes, they’re called. And Roberto Cavalli… Pepper: I was just about to say Cavalli – you rock Cavalli. Dizzee: Yeah, because it is super flash. I’ll still wear a tracksuit though. Like Nike? Dizzee: If I’m indoors, but if I’m out then D&G. Pepper: Have you worn your one-piece yet?

Dizzee Hearts Pepper

The talented solo artists - better known to the masses by their stage names Dizzee Rascal and Pepper - first met two years ago, when Pepper appeared as a contestant on the Sky One TV show Must Be The Music. British rapper, songwriter and record producer Dizzee joined Jamie Cullun and Sharleen Spiteri as a judge. And the way this particular show differs from those other TV talent contests that we know, and have drawn tired of, is the hopefuls actually perform their own songs. The winner of Must Be The Music was assured a £100 thousand pound cheque, to help kick start their music career. But, this aside, Pepper did one better forging ties, quite early on in the contest, with Dizzee Rascal’s manager and mentor Nicholas “Cage” Detnon. With music genealogy going back to early UK garage, and co-founder of Dizzee’s independent label Dirtee Stank,

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Dizzee Hearts Pepper

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Dizzee: No, sort it out. Pepper: Really? I’ve got three. I’m growing my collection. What colours do you have? Pepper: I’ve got a pink one – a bright pink one – I’ve got a grey one, with pink writing on it, and a dark grey one with a Nordic/festive pattern. What labels do you like, Pepper? Pepper: You know what, this kind of stuff happened in the last year. I’m a high street girl, I like Topshop – that’s got to be my number one. But all sorts: H&M, Miss Selfridge, River Island – I like a bit a Dorothy Perkins. What is the most annoying question you’ve ever been asked in an interview? Dizzee: [butts in]: Oh yeah, jeans that I like… Pepper: Hahahaha Dizzee: Naked and Famous So… what is the most annoying question you’ve been asked? Dizzee: Everything annoys me. Not really… Pepper: Um, I’ve got no idea. I haven’t been doing this long enough to be annoyed by questions, I guess. Dizzee: Anything that’s not to do with my genius music making pisses me off [laughs]. What are you most excited about at the moment? Pepper: I’m excited about getting out there on tour and people listening to the music we’ve been making – because people don’t know me, they saw a snapshot in the show, and I feel like I’ve grown so much since then, both in myself and musically. So I am looking forward to showing people what I am about. And I am obviously excited about getting glammed-up on photo shoots and people doing my make-up. Dizzee: The same as me – but the make-up part especially [laughs]. No, same thing: label, getting everything out there. My album as well, and I am actually quite happy with it right now. It’s just going to be a massive year, everything that we are doing – the whole umbrella. I’m just excited about all the music getting out there. It is the fifth album for me, first for Pepper. What other artists do you listen to? Pepper: I listen to all sorts. Driving here I was listen to Muse, Absolution. Really all sorts, I listen to the radio a lot. What station? Pepper: Radio One. Dizzee: You better say all those stations, boy… Pepper: AND… Capital, 1Xtra and Kiss – of course. Galaxy. I listen to all of them. And Beyonce, I love Beyonce. Dizzee: Juicy J, that’s my favourite right now – I’m always going to have a good time listening to it and it gets me through my day quite a lot. I’ve started listening to DJ Quik quite recently as well. And a lot of old Snoop [Dogg] stuff as well. Does that go with the trainers? What, a throwback thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah – I guess! That DJ Quik stuff is that old West Coast vibe – you don’t hear it like that, it’s not like that anymore, so that’s why I’m liking that. What is the thing you look forward to the most at the end of the day? Dizzee: Blowjob… Pepper: Vodka and tonic. Hahaha. That’s two honest answers. Dizzee: You can see the difference [laughs]. A man and a woman! Where do you like hanging out? Pepper: At my friend Jessica’s in Oxford. We just chill, watch trashy TV, catch up and laugh a lot – hahaha. I wouldn’t want to be her neighbours with that laugh, but I mean it in the best possible way! Dizzee: Are you talking about clubbing? Well, whatever you like to do to chill out. Pepper: I’m so sad: “my friend’s house” and he’s straight away: “clubbing.”

“I quIte lIke karaoke, I dId It wIth alex turner once.” Dizzee: No, I like chilling too, to kick back, play Call of Duty and all that. And if I go out in London then Fabric on Tru Playaz night or Ram night. And then a couple of places in the West End. And if I go out in Miami it’s Club Live. I go to the cheesy house nights too, because the women… So you go to different venues for different purposes? Dizzee: Yeah. It seems like all the best women are in one place, on one night. I don’t got to Tru Playaz nights for the girls. Have you got a favourite restaurant? Do you like eating out? Pepper: Favourite restaurant, um… Mick’s Kitchen – hahaha. Dizzee: Nando’s [laughs]. A lot of people say they like Nando’s. I wonder why… After I go Thai boxing, Nando’s is round the corner. So it is the easiest thing. It gives you a belly though, that’s the only thing. Is there something you can tell me about yourself that would surprise people? Dizzee: I don’t mind a bit of karaoke. I did karaoke with Alex Turner… Pepper: No way! Dizzee: And Kelly Osbourne, in Soho. And I did it in New York once and that was when I thought, “Yeah, this is alright.” And you Pepper? Pepper: I can’t think… Dizzee: She likes a bit of funk music, she likes… Waka Flocka Flame! This March Pepper supports Rizzle Kicks on tour. Her debut single and album are due to be release soon as will Dizzee’s widely anticipated fifth album. Find out more about Pepper on her official site:

Pepper wears DIESEL Spring/ Summer12 Preview ‘C-Bauxite’ black shirt with grey stripes £100, DIESEL Spring/Summer12 Preview silver/black beaded necklace £50 Hair PAUL MERRITT at JED ROOT using UNITE, Make up MAXINE LEONARD at JED ROOT using DIOR Spring/Summer12, Set Design LUKE ABBY at JED ROOT, Photographic Assistance NIEL DAWSON, MAX MONYGOMERY, JACK MCGUIRE, DAVID ADAMS, DOM CHINEA, EVA PENTEL, RAMA LEE, MARIA DOMINIKA, TRISH WARD and NICO TERRANEO Fashion Assistance ALEX HARLEY, RAE HAMILTON, EMMA THOMAS, ALICE ALLUM and LUKE TAYLOR Make up Assistance NATSUMI NARITA, Set Design Assistance BEN BRIBRISCA and DEREK MARTIN, Production NINA RASSABY-LEWIS and ZOE ROBERTS at RANKIN, Digital MIKE TINNEY, JIMMY DONELAN and HIRO SHIOZAKI

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Pastel blue and white striped tie up jersey dress £67

Burnt orange parka £150, white button down shirt £40 and blue linen shorts £60

red and white striped button down shirt ÂŁ35 and cotton chinos ÂŁ55

Valery wears red cotton top £72, cotton shorts £55 and red leather bag £50 All clothing French Connection S/S12 Hair Charles for, Make Up susie sobol, Fashion Assistance anita lau, Model Valery at Marilyn “I love listening to music and dancing, I especially love listening to Michael Jackson because he is incredible and legendary. And of course I love modeling! And my big family.” aris at supreMe “Eye heart Ginger bread and candy But most of all my puppy dog little Andy”

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Merino Wool

It wouldn’t be a yarn to say that MerIno wool Is the Most establIshed apparel type of sheep wool – It Is versatIle, durable and has Made Its Mark wIth sIgnature brands and fabrIcs, IncludIng tartan and tweed.

There are two important facts to know about Tartan and Tweed, which share an extraordinarily ying-yang relationship: both can be made from twill, a woven diagonal weave, and have come to signify a sense of classic, timeless heritage craftsmanship and durable fabric – as showcased with this iconic patterned lovingly finished Merino coat, here. Tweed is made from Merino or Shetland, and was initially used to help estate workers to blend in with their surroundings. Amazingly, and in keeping with the adage that the best discoveries often stem from mistakes, it got its name after an invoice clerk miss-spelt “tweel” (the border Scottish name for twill) in a letter written in London in 1930. Tweed became the style of some of Scotland, Ireland and England’s most prestigious brands and fabric designs, including Harris Tweed, Hackett, Donegal, the Borders and Yorkshire – you know, an effortless dandy reverence that only Blighty knows how to truly execute well. Tartan, on the other hand, is made from a different yarn altogether and blends a notoriously wide array of colours. Now popularly associated with blankets and throws, and 1970s punk rock through to today’s Emo gothic styling, the fabric builds a timelessly rebellious look into a much lighter array of fabrics than Tweed (although kiltweight remains a heavier-than usual zfamily member). Often referred to as “plaid” (yes, they are the same thing), Tartan brings with it an unmistakable sense of masculinity – suited for outdoor settings (think golf, forest-bound hikes and rock climbing) and even grittier – with attitude in this Vivienne Westwood Black Watch coat in Merino. Though now indelibly linked to all things Scotland, Tartan was first established by the Hallstatt culture, prevalent in central Europe between 400 and 100BC, and remains the most commonly used Tartan other than the felted Black Watch (interestingly, also referred to as Old Campbell, Grant hunting, Universal and Government) is the Royal Stewart. Refusing to be restricted to just fashion as it emerges as a key A/W trend (in keeping with its punky reputation), its uses now span wildly – from home interiors and accessories - wallpaper to tyre covers and pencil coats.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

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photography KaTe Bellm fashIon edItor maTilda Goad

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Merino wool mix tweed coat by ViVienne westwood MAN lAbel AW 12/13 ÂŁ900 Grooming soichi inagaki at Balcony JuMp using kerastase, Fashion Assistance sioBhan Frew, Photographic Assistance ed singleton, Model toMas gutierrez, Special thanks to the worx

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Bruce wears black and white graphic printed t-shirt ÂŁ40 and slim faded white trouser ÂŁ110

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Heart LACOSTE L!VE PhotoGrAPhy AdAm WhiteheAd FAshion Editor Anthony UnWin

(from left) Bradley wears slim faded black trousers £110 and sherbrooke tan boots £100, Karl wears green sweatshirt £99, black hoodie £76, black shorts £69 and white trainers £45, eve wears navy dress with detailed collar £110, red lace up trainers £45, anna wears blue polo shirt £54 and dark denim shorts P A GasE before / 109 £79, Bruce

EvE wears white bow printed t-shirt £82, red cotton hooded jacket £199 and shorts as before. AnnA (in background) wears red polo shirt £75, black hoodie £76 and pleated tennis skirt with stripe detail on hem £75 All clothing S/S12 LAcostE L!vE, footwear by LAcostE and Photographic assistance shAun hArtAs, Fashion Assistance AnitiA LAu, Hair AdriAn cLArk at using Ghd, Makeup kristin GALLEGos at for mAc cosmEtics, Models AnnA spEc at mAriLyn,EvE dELf at nEw york modELs, BrucE mAchAndo at rEquEst modELs, BrAdLEy soiLEAu and kArL stAuBE at rEd ny, Thanks to cAnoE studios NYC and Retouching by r&d uk

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Bruce wears blue and white checked waterproof jacket £195 and trousers as before Bradley wears black logo t-shirt £45 and slim faded black trouser £110

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BEinG PolAr oPPositEs, But PArAdoxicAlly Also quitE thE sAmE, i somEtimEs cArry out A BEnch tEst on my sistEr – to sEE if i “rEAlly” likE somEthinG. shE’s A BArristEr And, As you cAn imAGinE, shE doEs not mincE hEr words ABout thE lEss EArnEst thinGs this world hAs to offEr. don’t GEt mE wronG, shE lovEs A silk scArf And hAs BEEn known to hAnkEr AftEr A cErtAin Boot or PArticulAr AccEssory. shE Also hAPPEns to BE thE font of All knowlEdGE whEn it comEs to sniffinG out A clAssy scEnt. so, whEn i’m fAcEd with thE tAsk of intErviEwinG stEllA ABout hEr nEw frAGrAncE, whosE nosE do i Ask? my sistEr’s, of coursE. And shE lovEs it!

How would you describe L.I.L.Y to someone who couldn’t smell because they have a blocked-up nose? L.I.L.Y is a journey through the senses that begins with the smell of a spring morning. Walking through dappled sunlight across a forest floor and discovering moss beneath your feet. And underneath the roots and dark earth is the almost overwhelming, very masculine sensuality of truffles. This masculinity complements the delicacy of lily of the valley – the whiteness and the purity at its roots as it breaks through the soil, to the green stem rising up to the beautiful, bell-shaped flower. And its scent – so transparent, so innocent – it cannot last. L.I.L.Y is about capturing this elusive, fleeting fragrance. It is the bringing together of the male and the female in one explosive moment. Where did the name come from? First of all there is the flower, lily of the valley, whose scent I love. It’s also a beautiful name. Today, there is a new generation of young girls called Lily. And on a more personal level, my dad used to call my mum “L.I.L.Y”, as in “Linda I Love You”. And the inspiration? You can’t help but take inspiration from your own life, from your own story, but the starting point for L.I.L.Y was to create an experience that people can share. It’s not a fragrance that tries to dictate you who you are. You own it. It becomes a part of your life, a part of who you are. L.I.L.Y belongs to you. It’s the story of a girl becoming a woman, a smile, a cut-glass vase beside a photo frame and the countryside after the city skyline. L.I.L.Y is also about touching. It’s the touch of bare flesh, the earth between your fingertips. It’s about recreating the moment of sensuality in a fragrance. It’s also about taste. The taste of your lover’s lips, the morning dew on the grass and on your skin. But mostly, it’s about the taste of truffles, which, to me, is incredibly powerful. It’s something you never forget. Seeing as you’re famously against the use of animal products, was there anything you had to change in the production process of your fragrances? We worked very hard to create a luxurious range of complimentary products, with over 90 percent of the ingredients being of natural origin, including soft almond oil. The Beauty Cream for the body and the Shower Gel are paraben-free and both are infused with the light scent of L.I.L.Y. Is L.I.L.Y your new favourite fragrance, or are you still fond of your original STELLA Eau de Parfum? STELLA was my very first fragrance. It bears my name and expresses a vision of modern, confident femininity that I still cherish and believe in today. L.I.L.Y is another chapter, a different journey. Both are inspired by nature. L.I.L.Y is also a re-affirmation of the brand and of the woman who wears my clothes. It’s another facet.

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Is L.I.L.Y a fragrance for day or for night? You start with it and you end with it! For me it’s a total transitional perfume. It takes you from the day to the night, because it has the opposites in there: it has the freshness of the lily of the valley, and the darkness of the moss and the truffle, so it comes out in you as you travel through the day. This is our “I Heart” issue. What do you heart? I heart my family. Stella McCartney launches her second fragrance L.I.L.Y this week, adding to her growing empire, which includes women’s ready-to-wear, cosmetics, accessories, sportswear and lingerie. L.I.L.Y £60, will be available exclusively at Selfridges now.


(left) White short sleeved wool jacket £79 and blue cotton shirt by £59 all by COS Spring/Summer12 (right) Blue scuba blazer £150, yellow knitted sweater £59, blue linen trouser £69 all by COS Spring/ Summer 12

SurPriSinGly COS iS Still A bit Of A hiddEn trEASurE. but i think thE minimAliSt SwEdiSh brAnd likES thinGS thAt wAy. AffOrdAblE, intElliGEnt, COmPACt And bASiC ArE ASSEtS thAt h&m’S SlEEkEr And mOrE SOPhiStiCAtEd COuSin quiEtly brAGS AbOut. hiddEn yES, but unrECOGniSEd nO - PlEnty Of tOdAy’S EnviAbly StyliSh fAShiOn fiGurES trEAt COS AS A mEAnS tO bumP uP thEir OthErwiSE dESiGnEr wArdrObES. And thErE ArE PlEnty thAt rOCk thE lOOk hEAd-tO-tOE tOO. thE COS hEAdquArtErS iS bASEd CEntrAl, riGht by OxfOrd CirCuS - thE OffiCES ArE ultrA-ClEAn And ultrA-mOdErn: GlASS liftS, GlASS wAllS, ClEAn lOOS And PrEtty StAff thAt ArE tOtAlly wOrth it. kArin GuStAfSSOn And mArtin AndErSSOn ArE thE COS wOmEn’S And mEn’S dESiGn mAnAGErS.

How would you describe COS to someone who has never heard of it? KG: A fashion brand which favours style over fashion, offering high-end design at an affordable price. MA: Modern, clean and understated style for men and women. What is your favourite piece from the S/S collection? KG: A cornflower blue oversized shirt, it is the perfect relaxed piece and a great colour for spring. MA: A denim hooded jacket, it is a new twist on denim, which is quite unexpected but still wearable. What excites you most about your job? KG: The creativity it allows me. MA: That’s true and the whole creative process is incredibly exciting. It’s always amazing to think up a concept, then watch it come together in a garment, go into the store and out on the street on our customers. What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t a fashion designer?



KG: Something related to animals, I think, I loved horses as a child. But from my earlier teens I started making clothes for myself and I knew I wanted to go in this direction. MA: When I was younger I imaged myself as a diplomat, travelling the world and negotiating with different types of people. Is there something that you wish you’d designed? KG: For me it wouldn’t be an item of clothing; I think it would be a great piece of furniture, like the stackable stools by Finnish designer Alvar Aalto. MA: I admire the design of buildings; the Barcelona Pavilion by the architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe is incredible. Do you have a daily uniform? KG: Not really, it depends on what we are working on; it varies from a casual cashmere sweater and jeans, to a classic white shirt and chinos.

MA: I’m the same, it just depends how I feel in the morning. Sometimes it can be a sharp suit and sometimes just a great sweater and jeans. Do you listen to music in the studio, and if so what? MA: It is quite a mixture of different peoples’ tastes so it tends to change from day to day. KG: You can hear anything from folk music to pop just by walking from one side of the room to the other. Are there any other labels that you admire at present? MA: I admire the original Helmut Lang from the late 80s and early 90s. It’s amazing. KG: I admire the original work of Coco Chanel, the draping and simplicity of her work was so beautiful. Are most people who work at COS Swedish? KG: Not at all, the design team is all based in London and is a real mix of nationalities. What do you love most in the world? KG: My family – my little boy and my partner. MA: My family of course, but my record collection is also pretty close to my heart. PA G E / 75

Swim suit by AlexAnder WAng from a selection, khaki jacket from a selection at StArStuck VintAge, gold chain belt from a selection by chriStiAn dior, White baguette necklace with round drops £238 and Rhodium and crystal necklace £516 both by tom BinnS deSign. (Right hand) Black crystal and black pearl bracelet £380 by tom BinnS deSign, resin and diamonte yellow roses bracelet £330 by PrAdA. (Left hand) resin and diamonte pink and red rose bracelet £493 by PrAdA and white art nouveau bracelet by tom BinnS deSign £254


Hearts MAYA PhotograPhY Aingeru ZoritA Fashion Editor Anthony unwin

Silk body suit by Prada £870, MA-1 US Airforce jacket from The VinTage Showroom £165, pearl earrings (just seen) £95, crystal and pearl necklace £594 and skull xbone crystal cuff £612 all by Tom BinnS deSign (right hand) rose bracelet as before PA G E / 1 0 9

Printed swimming costume from a selection at StarStruck Vintage, khaki parka by Hilfiger Denim £150, brown leather belt by gap from a selection, gold belt as before, White baguette necklace with round drops £238 and short black and and black pearl necklace £333 both by tom BinnS DeSign, rose bracelet and black pearl bracelet as before. Earrings by praDa £320, leather and chain woven bracelets from flutter by Jill golDen from a selection PA G E / 1 0 8

Orange plastic dress and black lace body (worn underneath) by Dolce & Gabbana price on request, US Airforce N-3B parka jacket from THe VInTaGe SHoWRooM £295 cuff as before and white art nouveau crystal bracelet £254 both by ToM bInnS DeSIGn

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woven leather trench coat by BurBerry Prorsum ÂŁ4,995, black body and earrings as before, crystal and resin rose necklace by Prada ÂŁ695

Cropped top by AmericAn AppArel £32, shorts by Opening ceremOny from a selection, green metallic jacket by Diesel BlAck gOlD £2,280, flame patent leather heels by prADA £743, socks from We lOve cOlOurs £3, necklace and bracelets as before Hair FernAnDO TOrrenT at l’ATelier nyc using serge nOrmAnT prODucTs, Make up, FArA HOmiDi at ArTlisT using DiOr BeAuTy, Photographic Assistance cHris WHiTe, Amy Buckley, Fashion Assistance AniTA lAu, Model mAjA mATkOvic at neW yOrk mODels Production Wei-li WAng, Retouching kATe BryAnT, Shot at HuDsOn sTuDiOs PA G E / 1 0 9

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Music Interviews

T-RAY wears his own hat from NeW eRA, t-shirt by AMeRICAN APPAReL £17, leather belt £200 and black watch £695 by GuCCI, “Iakop” jeans by DIESEL £170. AMANDA wears ribbed cotton vest by DSqUAReD2 £115, striped cotton vest £23 and bleached denim jeans £60 by AMeRICAN APPAReL, leather belt by GuCCI £200, gold hoop earrings £35 and bracelet by WHISTLeS £25. BARMAN wears denim jacket with striped collar by DSqUAReD2 £490, white v-neck t-shirt by AMeRICAN APPAReL £17, leather belt by GuCCI £200, “Tepphar” distressed jeans by DIESEL £180. JAmAR wears white cotton t-shirt by SISLEY £27, leather belt by GuCCI £200, “Thavar” jeans by DIESEL £130

Leaders Of The sun

phoTography david sessions fashion ediTor alexander harley

The BarBadian four piece will make you love Their music, one way or The oTher.

“World domination!” T-Ray Armstrong, drummer and sometimes vocalist of Barbadian pop band, Cover Drive, confidently declares. “That is what we really want,” concurs Amanda Reifer, the strikingly beautiful lead singer of the group who shows equally unwavering conviction in her statement. Coming from a band who appeared last summer with the bouncing attitude-infused track, “Lick Ya Down” – a Bajan term that effectively translates to knock your lights out – the steely ambition of world domination could almost sound like a menacing threat to rule with an iron fist. However this energy-driven band are only looking to reign with their irresistible blend of uplifting pop and summery Caribbean beats. “As a band, we have two major influences: No Doubt and Black Eyed Peas,” Amanda smiles to nods of agreement coming from “Bar-Man” Hill [guitarist Barry] and Jamar Harding [bassist]. “We always say if they were to have a baby, we would be their love child,” she laughs, singling out Rock Steady and Elephunk as their reference points. “Our music has a lot of Caribbean influences in it and we wave our flag really high,” adds T-Ray, explaining the summer-feel of their tunes which have so far proved a hit with the British audiences. Their recent number one single “Twilight” hit the top of the charts last month with its bursting, sun-drenched melodies spilling over PA G E / 8 2

Hair MeGGIe COUSLAND using BumBLE & BumBLE, Make up HOLLeIGH GALLON using LAuRA mERCIER, Photographic Assistance JAKuB KuBA KOZIEL Fashion Assistance JOHN HANDFORD and LuKE TAYLOR, Make up Assistance mARCIO ABRAAO.

winter’s darkest month. “It’s cold. It’s wet,” Amanda shudders, still adjusting to the British capital’s grey winter. The band relocated to Britain after signing to Polydor Records. “But we’re here to work, and we enjoy the work that we do,” she notes positively. Originally the group were working on individual projects. Bar-Man – who is a classically trained pianist, but plays guitar for the band – was working on music production. Jamar got into bass after being attracted to guitars thanks to an older brother’s interest. And T-Ray can beat a note out of anything, creating sounds from drums, helmets, bottles – you name it (“If it makes a nice note, I’ll try to incorporate it into the music,” he says). While Amanda had always enjoyed singing, it wasn’t until T-Ray’s mother, Kerrie, encouraged her to take vocal lessons that she decided to take things more seriously. In fact, it was Kerrie who first suggested the four get together and she now serves as their manager. “She always has the best ideas in the world,” the lead singer gushes. “The first time we performed together was in T-Ray’s house in front of a

camera doing a cover of “Hey Soul Sister” by Train. It went online and generated loads of views and then we got interest from the label.” Since signing, the band have gone from their front room to the front of the stage, having supported Dappy on tour in the UK. They were also handpicked by fellow Barbadian beauty Rihanna to open for the Barbados leg of her Loud Tour. “You can imagine how it is for a new band to open in front of thousands of people – we were so nervous, but once we started it was just the best experience of our lives.” The crowds have been won over just as easily as the radio airwaves and the music charts. With music this infectious and uplifting, and an album of summery sounds on the horizon – thoughts of world domination? We will happily surrender.

“WE’rE likE thE lovE child of No doubt ANd blAck EyEd PEAs”

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Hair MEGGIE COUSLAND using BUMBLE & BUMBLE, Make up HOLLEIGH GALLON using LAURA MERCIER, Photographic Assistance AKIL BIL, Fashion Assistance ALEX HARLEY and LUKE TAYLOR, Casting NIC BURNS at STAR AND CO, Models MAX RENDELL at ELITE MODEL LONDON, Shot at DIRECT PHOTOGRAPHIC www. All tees available at

photography ALAstAiR stRONG fashion editor WAy PERRy words yALE BREsLiN

melissa jade aiello, who goes By missy, is 10 years old. living in new yorK By way of london with her model agent mother ros, she’s never Been one to color Between the lines. in fact, with hip hop music Bl aring in her house and an affinity for high-end fashion design, missy Began drawing some of the recognizaBle faces inside the magazines on her mother’s Bedside taBle. she started with K arl l agerfeld, moved onto anna wintour , and now, has sKetched images of amy winehouse, jay z and john galliano. her mother tooK her daughters talent into her own hands, put her sKetches on cotton tee shirts and tote Bags, and tees By missy X was Born. here, my conversation with a 10 year old.

Missy t

Hi Missy. Hi. How are you? Good. How was your day? Good. What did you do today? I went to school. How old are you? Ten. What’s your favorite subject in school? Gym. What’s your favorite thing to do in gym class? Basketball. Are you good at Basketball? Yes. I made it on the basketball team. Do you have any other favorite sports? Not really. When’s your birthday? May 15th, 2001 How do you like living in New York? Good. When did you start coloring? When I was

Branching out from just menswear, last season Katie eary’s was one of our favourite first womenswear collection to Be shown during london fashion weeK. we heart the girl and we love her worK; so here we catch up with the designer to see how she is holding it together Before the shows and what she will Be up to once they are over… It’s the final countdown before London Fashion Week: what is the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing before you go to bed? Lists, lists, lists! Will it look good? Have I gone to far? Nah f*** it, never. When you get stressed do you take deep breaths, or is there another ingenious way you calm your nerves? Citalopram. Pffff, Fashion week? No problem ;). What made you decide to move on to womenswear? And who is the Katie Eary woman? I wanted to wear the clothes. The Katie Eary women is the girl who likes the idea of being the clean looking/living Celine and Balenciaga girl, but really is more the Couture Givenchy girl. Drinking too much, scabs on knees, roots, smoking too much and crying over boys - while looking amazing- popping to Tesco in a ball gown. Is it completely different to menswear, and, if so, why? Not at all, its the same, I think - just as flamboyant, every garment is ‘a piece’ no clothes, just fashion.

How many people do you have in your core team? Hmmm, at the moment I’d say there are seven of us, but including all my homies? Way, Charlie, James, Fabs, Dean, Ye? - Art directors, stylists, consultants, and supporters - I’d say the numbers are going up, up, up! Lets say a good STRONG 12... Is the dynamic in the studio completely different in the run up to the shows, and, if so, why? Yes, it’s just all out chaos. Ha-ha. The interns turn up, I’m still in my pyjamas, trying desperately to down my tea, inhale my toast and begin the delegation! It all hits you at once; we are now on the ‘two weeks today’ day. This day is known as dooms day. There are no days left, from today it will all be a blur, it makes me feel dizzy just thinking about it! What are you currently playing on the studio boom box? A$AP Rocky! What can we expect from you upcoming A/W show? Orcs, Daemons, and all out FITNESS. I’m super excited about this show. Its totally self indulgent, no compromise... What is your daily uniform in the studio? Ha-ha... at the moment I’m in my pyjamas, as I haven’t had a spare second since I got up and started hacking away at the keys catching up on about two weeks of neglected emails... but other than that: jeans, a black hoodie and probably the staple silk leopard shirt... Will you be going to any other shows during the week?

four or five years old. Do you remember the first thing you drew? The first design I drew was Karl Lagerfeld. Why did you decide to draw him? Because I was thinking of Chanel and I wanted to draw Karl Lagerfeld Is Chanel your favorite fashion brand? Yeah. Did you look at a picture of Karl when you were drawing him? I looked at a picture and then I drew it and I did it in my own way. I added different stuff to it. What did you add? Beside it I put a Chanel bag next to him. I put a Chanel logo on him as well. How else do you decide who you like to draw? I like looking through Vogue Magazine. That’s where I saw Anna Wintour and Karl Lagerfeld and John Galliano. I like magazines that have cool clothes and shoes. Have you ever met anyone that you’ve ever drawn? No. But I want to. What kind of music do you like to listen to? Hip-hop, rap, and sometimes I listen to Beyonce, Rihanna and J.Lo. And Britney Spears. I know you just drew Jay Z. Why did you decide to draw him? I wanted to draw someone in hip-hop so I decided to draw Jay Z. Do you have a favorite song? I love Jay Z and Beyonce. Ok. Who are you going to draw next? Donatella Versace. How come you are going to draw her? Because she likes fashion and her face is quite interesting to draw. Why do you think that? Because nobody really has a face like that.

HAIR KENICHI at CAREN using KIEHL’S, Set Design LUKE ABBY at JED ROOT, Photographic Assistance ROB PARKER and TY FRAMPTON, Fashion Assistance ALEX HARLEY and RAE HAMILTON, Set Design Assistance CALLUM CHARLES, Production ANDY PICTON at FIVE4 PRODUCTION, Digital JULIA ESKELL Post Digital OLIVER INGRUILLE, Shot at PARK ROYAL STUDIO All clothing available at

I want to... but whether I have time to go will, I’m sure, be a different story... What is the first thing you’ll do once the show is over? Get bang on it. If you had one superpower what would it be? Poison IVY! – To make the fashion industry all love me! Maybe I’ll get an on schedule slot that way! LOL.. What are you most looking forward to this year? Other than a holiday? I’m reaaallly

looking forward to getting the break of a lifetime. 2011 was an incredible year, so I hope to knock that out of the park in 2012. This is our ‘I Heart’ issue, what do you love most in the world? Other than you Becky? Not much. I really LOVE my cat, she’s a Maine coon called Piggy, because her fur is actually pink! She will grow to the size of a dog! I can’t wait for her to get big. *Runs to the kitchen to feed her more*. pa g e / 8 3

Frayed straw hat by EUgEnIA KIM at nEt-A-PortEr £265, earrings by MArnI £135.




A big make-up trend for S/S is pastel and Shu Uemura’s Sunlight Peach blush is bang-on for that dandy pinch; Depsea Hydrability Intense Concentrate does the job of moisturising the complexion in preparation; and to hydrate the lip try Depsea Hydrability moisturising lip balm – all at Model also wears Emporio Armani Diamonds Summer for 100ml at Boots. She says: “It is really light and fresh.”

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Purple felt sun hat by NeW LOOk £7.99, earrings by MArNI £135

Music Interviews


For intense hydration and a youthful-looking glow, try MAC Mineralized Charged Water Moisture Gel; for a dramatic lip try Pro Long Wear Lip Cream in Approaching Storm; to add a shine and gloss to the lips further, add MAC lipgloss; then, for a strong, bold nail, try their Purple Majesty – all at While wearing this look, the model smells Diesel Only the Brave Tattoo (for him, sprayed onto Alex Hartley) £39.50 for 50ml and available at Boots. She said: “It smells good on a cute boy.”

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Music Interviews

Red silk sun hat by JAMEs LOCk AND CO. £145, gold earrings by MOsChiNO priced on request, black silk body by FALkE £119


Maxine suggests Dior New Look Mascara to strengthen the lash; for an even skin tone and more supple-looking skin, try Capture Totale One Essential; for some drama to the brow try Eyebrow Pencil in Brun; and then add Dior Addict Extreme Lip Colour, in Fireworks 756 for a brave bold lip – all at beauty. Model also wears Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb 50ml at Harrods. She says: “I love that it smells floral, but in a sophisticated way.”

Woven sun hat by JamES Lock and co. £95, earrings by maRni £95 Make Up by maXinE LEonaRd at JEd RooT for dioR, Hair JamES RoWE at d+V manaGEmEnT , Manicurist caRRiE JonES at caRoL HaYES, Photographic Assistance cLaiRE BRand and andY SWannELL, Fashion Assistance aLEX HaRLEY, Make up assistance naTSUmi naRiTa, Casting nic BURnS, Production HELEna BEnJaFiELd at LGa, Digital ian mURRELLS, Model, JULia JoHanSEn at ELiTE modEL London, Shot at SPRinG STUdioS


For a beautifully radiant complexion, try YSL Teint Radiance Enhancing Flawless Foundation; then, to conceal and reflect light, plus add a sparkling transparent element to the eye area, dab on some Touche Eclat; the lips are Rouge Pur Shine, in Frozen Mocha. Finally, for a spring take on the nail, go for Manicure Couture nail polish all at While made up in Yves Saint Laurent the model smells Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb (for him, sprayed on to Way Perry), £45 for 50ml call 020 7730 1234 for stockists. She loved the spiciness so much she asked to keep it.

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CONNOr MAYNArd wears black nylon jacket by drIES VAN NOTEN at LIBErTY £620, black cotton shirt by SELF £65 Hair MEGGIE COUSLANd using BUMBLE & BUMBLE, Make up HOLLEIGH GALLON using MAC COSMETICS, Photographic Assistance LEE WHITTAKEr, Fashion Assistance ALEX HArLEY and rACHEL rOBErTS, Shot at LOFT STUdIOS

photography Ben mcdade fashion editor way perry Words SeamuS duff

Music Interviews

Maynard Mania

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With legions of fans before he’s even released a song, Conor Maynard is living the Modern-day pop star dreaM.

“A million is not enough anymore,” brags 19-yearold Brighton lad Conor Maynard – he’s not referring to outrageous earnings, though we’re reasonably confident that that too is on the horizon. The young singer found success online by covering popular songs on YouTube, his videos racking in high audiences. A cover of Ne-Yo’s “Beautiful Monster” scored a million views and video hits followed suit. “After that it just rocketed,” he beams, “I now have two videos that have over eight million views each, and others with two or three. It’s amazing.” Discovering his talents, seemingly by accident, was a girl at school who overheard Conor singing the R Kelly and Usher song “Same Girl”. The following day word spread among the student populace and Conor found himself being hassled to sing all the time. Eventually he decided to upload his efforts on the internet and share his vocals more easily. As the online visits skyrocketed, it wasn’t long before interest came from a suspicious source. “I was contacted by someone from New York who said they worked with Ne-Yo and that he wanted to sign me,” he recalls, “the caller sounded like he had such a typical New Yorker accent that I thought it could be one of my friends down the road. But we arranged to have a meeting over Skype, and one night I received a Skype call; it said ‘Santos calling’ or something, and I thought ‘Oh god, is it going to be all my friends having a laugh?’ – but it was Ne-Yo. He said, ‘Hello sir.’” After one of the biggest names in R&B pop had shown interest, attention quickly followed from major record labels. “They were all asking, ‘who is this British kid that Ne-Yo wants to work with?’” Signing to Parlophone at the end of last year, he is now preparing for the release of his debut single. But wait, an internet star who draws the attention of a major artist and gets signed by a major label to release their own material… didn’t Justin Bieber live this modern fairy tale already? “If I am going to be compared to one of the biggest artists in the world right now, then it’s not a bad start,” Conor ripostes. “But the album will cut through the comparison,” he adds confidently. Working with major names across the globe, including Jermaine Dupri

who produced Usher’s, one of his idols, albums, his pop-infused, hip-hop-tinged beats will see him closer to his ultimate hero, Justin Timberlake (“he has done everything I want to do with my life”). But he’s already well on his way to success with awards – he was granted the MTV Brand New For 2012 gong even before he released his debut single, “Can’t Say No”. And with a 175, 000-members Facebook fan page and a YouTube channel that’s the 7th most watched channel in the UK, he’s got his online fans’ unwavering support on his side. But has he received any suggestive emails or tweets from fans yet? “I don’t think I’ve had any cases of that just yet,” he laughs. “But someone once told me that they conceived a baby while one of my songs was playing in the background. Which must have been a beautiful moment. But it’s kind of weird at the same time.” “Can’t Say No”, the first single by Conor Maynard, is out April 29.

“I Got A SkyPE cAll from NE-yo ANd rEAlly thouGht It wAS GoING to bE my frIENdS hAvING A lAuGh.”

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singer songwriTer Tyson has a falseTTo voice ThaT soars over PulsaTing elecTro beaTs ThaT he hoPes will have his auDiences “waacking off”.

make You Feel mIght Y Real

TYSON wears black cotton t-shirt by DIOR HOMME £160 and his own sunglasses by LINDA FARROW Hair MEGGIE COUSLAND using BUMBLE & BUMBLE, Make up HOLLEIGH GALLON using MAC COSMETICS, Photographic Assistance LEE WHITTAKER, Fashion Assistance ALEX HARLEY and RACHEL ROBERTS, Shot at LOFT STUDIOS

PhoTograPhy Ben mcdade fashion eDiTor way perry worDs seamus duff

This Town ain’ T big enough for more Than one Paloma , buT Delil ah is The one To DeDicaTe your hearT To . North London girl, Delilah, is telling Rollacoaster how her debut album is shaping up to be more personal than the 21-year-old could ever have expected. “This album goes back through the last ten years of my life. There is a lot of vulnerability and personal, intimate moments in this record. It was definitely a challenge to blend songs from adolescence, singing about how much you hate life, with songs from adulthood, singing about love and lust. The only way I could do that was to strip it all back to what is most real and human – vulnerability.” Titled From The Roots Up, the album’s name itself suggests it will be as honest as Delilah claims. But what is this? Delilah isn’t even her actual name? “It’s Paloma,” she reveals. She was born in Paris as Paloma Stoecker in 1990 but she relocated to London and grew up here. “I kept Paloma for a few years after signing – she has been signed to Atlantic Records for three years – but I would just get demos of my music with Paloma Faith’s name on it and vice versa. Paloma is already quite an unusual name for two British pop stars and it could have gotten confusing so I changed.” Overlooking the fact that Delilah was effectively presented with the opportunity to sabotage Paloma Faith’s career before it had begun – and didn’t even think to do so – we’re told that her stage name is reflective of her personality and music and still remains true to her family, which has pleased her mother. “I told my mum ‘I need a new name’ and she was like ‘No! I spent ages choosing that name for you!’ But Delilah was the name of my great grandmother from the Cuban side of the family. I thought it was quite apt as we look alike and it’s quite a temptress name and is quite enchanting.” Enchanting is certainly one way to describe the captivating vocals of the young musician who entered the charts at the end of last summer with

“Music now is soulless” despairs London singer Tyson. “You know what to do to sell records? You just repeat yourself. How long is that going to last for?” A long time fan of soul legends like Aretha Franklin and Tina Turner, Tyson would rather keep his ears tuned to the past rather than to the eardrum-bashing repetitiveness of modern types like David Guetta. “I have always liked diva music,” he breathes. “I still listen to “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” and Boney M and Diana Ross. What happened to the days when we carried tunes?” It’s a question he hopes to find an answer to for himself. With an incredible falsetto voice and throbbing electro beats, Tyson’s music harks back to his musical idols and is reminiscent of the works of artists like Sylvester and Prince. “Listen to “Do You Wanna Funk” and it does something to your body. Your heart starts beating and you think – what is that? That is soul. Our ears today have been trained to listen to those repetitive things again and again. It’s a hook; sure, my songs have got hooks in them, but they’ve also got the music and the vocals.” Having experienced the more generic music-making process as part of funk-pop group Unklejam back in 2006, Tyson is adamant he will never return to creating music-by-numbers. Now signed to Back Yard Recordings – home to the likes of electro duo Chromeo and lauded London MC-cum-rapper Wiley, whose ranks he joined just last year – Tyson has enjoyed the freedom to create honest songs that

speak from the heart about love, sex and relationships. The resulting reaction from his admirers has been far stronger than he anticipated. “I’ve never had such intensity,” he enthuses. “People don’t just like my music, they love it. I think when you’re real and true to yourself, people identify with it. In the past, I’ve made music and people were like, ‘I like it’ but now it’s a different thing altogether. They’re like ‘thank you man, you made me believe in music again’.” Finding that his music attracts a mix of highly-sexed women (“No comment,” he smirks when asked if he ever goes there with his rather forward female admirers) and appreciative gay men, the singer is now perfecting a live show that he hopes will reflect the more flamboyant elements of his music that he is taking to the road this month. “I’m going to get some dancers and get some waackers,” he declares, referring to a dance method that combines snappy hand movements and body pops that needs to be googled to be fully appreciated. “It’s a bit like voguing, but quicker. I found it by accident and basically the music they waack to sounds exactly like mine so I thought to myself ‘they’re dancing to my music – I need them to come and dance at my show!’. I’m making it more of a party and I want it to be spectacular and ridiculous. It will be like theatre.”

“lIsTen To The lIkes of areTha franklIn or sylvesTer and IT does someThIng To your body. your hearT sTarTs beaTIng – ThaT Is soul.”

What’s In a name

her atmospheric first single “Go” and released an EP at the beginning of this year. Her debut album is yet to come and she says it will be ready in time for the summer. But it’s not just through her own music that audiences may have heard her hypnotising vocals; drum and bass duo Chase & Status drafted her in to sing on their track, “Time”, and then took her on tour. “It’s PhoTograPhy Ben mcdade funny, I did practically live with them fashion eDiTor way perry for two years on a tour bus so I think worDs seamus duff we became too close to work together,” she says, denying the boys will feature on her own album. Keen to keep the focus on herself, Delilah is also looking forward to headlining her own tour this spring. “It’s going to be so good because there will be no rush to make time for a headline act. And although I’ve collaborated and toured with a lot of people over the last few years it’s been a deliberate decision for my first album that it should really be all about me.”

“The only way I can make musIc Is by beIng real and human and vulnerable.”

cropped silk jacket by KTZ £482 Hair SHERMAN HAWTHORNE at MANDY COAKLEY using PAUL MITCHELL PRODUCTS, Make up HOLLEIGH GALLON using MAC COSMETICS, Photographic Assistance LEE WHITTAKER, Fashion Assistance ALEX HARLEY and RACHEL ROBERTS, Shot at LOFT STUDIOS www.

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Black felt cap by Swaine adney Brigg ÂŁ160, Black studded leather jacket by VerSace Price on request, gold brooch from Vintage ModeS at grayS antique Market priced on request.

Black stretch wool sweater by Pringle of Scotland £495, Black silk shorts by YveS Saint laurent £510, White cotton socks by Burlington £4, Black leather platform shoes by calvin Klein collection Price on request, Gold chain with disk pendant from PeBBle london £75, Gold chain with heart pendant by Solange azagurY-Partridge £1,600, Gold chain with claw pendant by Wright and teague £360, Gold ring by chriStian dior Price on Req, Gold earrings (worn on socks) by theo fennell £4,500




Matt wears: Black round neck sheer sweater by William RichaRd GReen £150, Black leather trouser by calvin Klein collection £3000, Gold chain and pendant by vivienne WestWood £135, Gold cuffs from Pebble london £75 Tim wears: Black cotton t-shirt by calvin Klein collection £325, Black cotton trouser by calvin Klein collection £747. White cotton socks by buRlinGton £6 Black leather shoes by dR maRten’s £85, Gold brooch from vintaGe modes at GRays antique maRKet priced on request.

Black wool roll neck sweater by MARKS & SPENCER £18, Black linen pleated trouser by VERSACE Price on request, Gold chain by CARtiER £785, Gold chain and pendant by MoNiCA ViNAdER £145, Gold chain and pendant by SolANgE AzAguRyPARtRidgE £1,600, Gold watch by RotARy £219, Gold watch with black leather strap by uNifoRM WARES £380, Gold ring by WRight ANd tEAguE £2,750, Gold cuff by BoodlES £8,500 PA G E / 1 0 9

Black quilted leather jacket by Gucci £3,150, Black cotton t-shirt by AmericAn AppArel £15, Gold earrings from Blitz VintAGe £12

Black cotton cap by Prada £175, Black cotton t-shirt by american aPParel £22, Black patent leather belt by american aPParel £ 40, Black wool trousers by Versace price on request, White cotton socks by Burlington £6, Black leather shoes by dr marten’s £85, Gold necklace from PeBBle london £45 Hair meggie cousland using BumBle & BumBle, Make up HolleigH gallon using laura mercier Photographic Assistance ricardo simal, Fashion Assistance aleX HarleY, HannaH BeacH, alice allum, emma tHomas and luKe taYlor, Casting nic Burns at star and co, Models matt WoodHouse and tim denYer at elite model london, Shot at Jet studio

Sebastian De Souza

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As anyone that has ever watched even one episode of E4’s hit show Skins will know, those kids are pretty wild. All-night parties, run-ins with the law, promiscuous sex, drug abuse and bouts of violence – it’s an apparently accurate dramatisation of modern-day British teen culture. So after arranging a photo-shoot with Sebastian De Souza (who has played the brooding Matty Levan since the beginning of season 5) in London’s luxurious St Martins Lane Hotel, Rollacoaster are anxiously anticipating a huge bill for one trashed suite and excessive use of the mini bar bill by the end of the day. But arriving at room 302, the space is immaculate save for a pile of dark hair neatly swept into the corner (“He needed his hair trimmed,” informs his publicist, apologising for the mess as he sits quietly tapping on his iPhone from a chair). Sebastian enters the room having finished shooting in one of the corridors. He’s bright-eyed, has a broad smile and gives a confident handshake when introducing himself. Nothing so far suggests that he would have been up all night in some trendy warehouse party where 18-year-old guys presumably go to socialise. As the shoot wraps, we take the actor down to the hotel bar where we anticipate the company credit card to receive the abuse we envisioned with a demand for a table-length’s worth of midday tequila shots – but Sebastian instead only orders a cappuccino. And does so politely. “I think because of what Skins is and the age group that it appeals to, people often seem to get slightly confused about where the character ends and the actor playing the character begins,” he says, admitting to being far less rowdy than his on-screen persona, revealing he is occasionally stopped in the street by fans. “I don’t really understand celebrity and when people approach me to ask for an autograph or photograph – I think it’s bizarre.” But with Matty’s brooding attitude and Sebastian’s smoking good looks, does this not work to his advantage – with a cornucopia of admiring female fans? “I wish!” he laughs as we ask if he gets propositioned. “Disappointingly, that never happens. But please invite your readers to write in” (letters to the usual address, then). His air time as Matty, however, is soon to come to a conclusion as fans of the show will know the entire cast is renewed every two years and the sixth season finale is just a few weeks away. But for Sebastian, he is not worried about saying goodbye to his first television role. “That’s it for me,” he begins. “It’s very important to know when to turn the light off and the writers are very clear how they write in order to follow a structure that should end in two seasons’ time. The whole point is that the characters leave school at the end of the two years to go on to do other things. So for me, the party is over. But it was a party!” With Skins behind him, Sebastian isn’t feeling too much pressure as to what roles to tackle next (he has no secure plans beyond a story arch on Sky Atlantic’s The Borgias – although he is writing material himself), nor does he feel pressure to match the Hollywood levels of success that came to Skins’ first generation of stars, Nicholas Hoult and Dev Patel. “I am just interested in doing some good work in the next few years, whether that is on screens or on stage – I’m not precious about it,” he explains. “My greatest passion is the theatre but

I also recognise that that option might not be open to me in the next few years. I will take what I can get and if that’s great work, then fantastic.” And if that should fail, he has a back-up plan that couldn’t be more far removed from the debauchery of Skins if it tried – “Gardening!” he exclaims. “I’m setting up a company with a friend of mine. I sort of like being outdoors. It’ll be very hands on. Trimming. Mowing lawns. Gardening in Holland Park where people have lots of money. And gardens.” But that radical nature of his Skins character isn’t completely untraceable as he provides vocals on an underground electro track called “Stay” by Cubiq – a raw track that has Seb singing exaggerated vocals over a tinny tune that wouldn’t sound out of place blasting over the soundsystems of a warehouse party or late in the night of a music festival – something he may soon do. “We might go to South Africa this year because the label we released on has a big scene there – so I might be singing in Jo’burg,” he teases. Very rock and roll for a Holland Park gardener. “I know! Fucking rock star! I’d like to do that. Everyone wants to be a rock star and that is how I am fulfilling this dream.


As MAtty in E4’s hiGhly succEssful skins, sEbAstiAn DE souzA is usED to PArtiEs, AnGst AnD ExPlosivE tEEn DrAMA – only thAt’s nothinG likE his rEAl lifE At All .

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(this page and opposite) Blue cotton jacket £150 by COS, white t-shirt by AmeriCAn AppArel, jacket and sunglasses, his own (opposite page, bottom) striped t-shirt by AmeriCAn AppArel, black jeans by levi’S, grey neoprene sweater £45 by COS Make up vAleriA FerreirA using ChAnel S2012 and ChAnel hydrA BeAuty skincare, Hair meggie COuSlAnd using BumBle And BumBle, Fashion Assistance, JeSS eASting, Special thanks to the light BAr at St mArtinS lAne

“Disappointingly, i am never propositioneD by female fans – please invite your reaDers to write in.”

Rash vest by Roxy £20, yellow cotton jacket by Lacoste L!Ve £235, floral print shorts (just seen) by sandRo £145, bum bag by KURt GeIGeR £25, tie dye socks by We LoVe coLoURs £3, natural python skate slip-on shoes by ceLIne £637

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PhotoGrAPhy Brendan and Brendan FAShIoN EDItor Matilda Goad

Grey Brocade Bette Jacket by Christopher Kane £2,200, yellow mesh crop top from the shop £10, running shorts by ameriCan apparel £16, straw cap by BurBerry prosum £259 PA G E / 1 0 9

Pink neoprene top by Diesel Black Gold £400, black skirt with neon yellow detail by Pringle of scotlanD £1,195, rash vest (just seen) by roxy £20, printed windbreaker by nanette lePore £255, perspex bag by Kg*Kurt geiger £35, socks and shoes as before

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Pink cropped jacket by Versus £1,241, silk and crystal embellished jacket by Prada £2,100, tie-dye backpack by ToPman £24, embroidered shorts by Cos £59

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Orange visor by Asos £10, green leotard £19 by We Love CoLour, plaid cotton hooded jacket by Tommy HiLfiger £565, green silk shorts (just seen) by rALpH LAuren £495

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Citron top by NaNette Lapore £145, Neo print skirt by topshop £45, printed rucksack by DiaNe VoN FursteNberg £244 Make Up Natsumi Narita using mac cosmetics, Hair soichi iNagaki at baLcoNy Jump using bumbLe aND bumbLe, Fashion Assistance Libby page, Set Design kimberLy harDiNg, Model cora keegaN at Next moDeL maNagemeNt “I Heart standup comedy, vampire novels, beards, coffee, and Jim Morrison. ”

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All clothing available at

Fashion Interviews

Mark Budd is the cool and coMposed owner and designer of self clothing, the Brand that caMe in to Most of the fashion industries’ sights just over five years ago – when deluxe knitted iteMs were popping up everywhere, on soMe of the Most discerning fashion folk . we caught up with Mark to chat aBout his eMpire, which is now in its eleventh season.

What is your first fashion memory? Ouch! It was back in ’84, I remember wearing a waffle trouser and a knitted cardi in matching maroon. A real Shane Meadows moment. How would you define the style of the SELF man? “Self-made” probably. Drives, in the slow lane, a shabby Mercedes W123 estate, couldn’t give two hoots about trends but likes clothes, loves a spliff. And woman – as we know they are out there? I can’t begin to understand women but I guess I’d say, wishfully, Audrey Tautou. Do you personally just wear SELF or do you mix it with other designers, and, if so, which? I couldn’t live without big E Levi’s but more recently Zucci, agi&sam and Cabourn but of course, lots of SELF to complement. Can you remember seeing someone out there in SELF and getting really exciting? I do remember seeing hundreds of people around London wearing our double breasted hoody during the winter of ’09. That year we saw Alex Turner perform his debut at Glastonbury in one, plus I also hear one of the guys from Kings of Leon was wearing one – a good moment. We sold thousands. It continues to be a huge seller still today. What is your favourite decade from fashion? The current decade is always the most interesting for me but nostalgically, for fashion, American 50s and British 60s. Who is your right hand wo/man? Andy Chu, my business partner who works from our Hong Kong office, I can’t imagine working without him. Plus, of course, Miss Madeira aka Olive Oil. What is your favourite piece from the SELF S/S collection? X L - H o o d e d Rucksack Jacket and the Super Baggy Drop Back Jeans - bring on the streetwear! What are you most proud of in your fashion career? I feel proud that I am able to reach out to people all over the world through my work. People often write to photography RHYS FRAMPTON fashion editor WAY PERRY me because they have had a words BECKY DAVIES good experience with SELF and I always find that remarkable. If someone was looking to start up their own label, what advice would you give them? Firstly, make sure your idea is a good one that will hold itself in the marketplace. It’s important that you have a good support network and most importantly reliable manufacturing. Who is your biggest fashion idol? Tom Waits, of course. Would you rather be reincarnated as a dog or a cat? A tiger, in the jungle; and a dog in the hood. What is your all time favourite colour? Petrol blue. This is our “I Heart” issue, what do you love most in the world? Mabel, Betty and, soon to be, Wilbur Budd. Chillis come close too.


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Pink collage top with chiffon and silk satin £635 and cotton textured dress £635 both by Michael Van Der haM hair aDrian clark at using GhD, Makeup kristin GalleGos at for Mac cosmetics, Photographic assistance shaun hartas, Fashion assistance anita lau, Models eVe DelF at new york MoDels, thanks to canoe stuDios nyc and retouching by r&D uk

photographY ADAM WHITEHEAD fashion eDitor AnTHony UnWIn WorDs MIcHAEl HArvEy

Dutch-born Michael Van Der haM spent tiMe at sophia KoKos al aKi’s anD ale x anDer McQueen’s stuDios before his first collection, a / W 2009. he’s Well on tr acK With his se Venth collection anD talK s to us here about ZiegfelD follies anD local Veggies.

Describe the run-up to London fashion week. It seems to be all work, work, work. But I do love it. I love trying out my ideas and testing different shapes, silhouettes and techniques. There is nothing like putting on a catwalk presentation, and while it is a manic time, my label has grown every season so this growth makes it all worthwhile. How many people do you have in your core team? Around five people in my team at any given time and I do pull in other people at show time. Also, I work with a lot of great creatives for the show. Describe the atmosphere in the studio? What’s the business to creative ratio like? The studio is our creative hub and while we do take the work seriously, there is always room in a creative environment for some music, which can influence the way the collection looks. It is important, as a designer, to have outside references that reflect the look of the finished collection. What do you usually talk about? What’s your current hot topic of conversation? As it is the lead up to fashion week, the topics of conversation are pretty much all about the collection. Hemlines, embellishment and finishes are about as exciting as it gets! Social media – yes or no? I am active on Twitter and have cemented some great friendships on there. Poppy Delevigne recently tweeted a picture of herself looking radiant in one of my looks. Sum up the brand/design philosophy. My design philosophy is one of balance and diversity. I love to mismatch colours and fabrics, prints and

textures. I develop each season in a different way, sometimes more elaborate, sometimes more subtle. I source eclectic fabrics from all different countries, then mix them up. I have a luxury brand positioning but without the clinical aesthetic of a major brand. What do you guys eat in the studio? I like to eat healthily and we are often fond of fresh local produce. I often shop on Broadway Market and stock the studio from there. For buyers or press coming to London, what’s your top tip for something non-fashion related to do or see? London has a lot to offer for anyone visiting. I would go to Fortnum & Mason and take high tea and fit in as many galleries and markets as possible. Do you download box set TV shows? I am not sure if I would have the luxury to watch a box set, even after the show is over!

Do you have an unlikely interest? Probably not that unlikely but I do like biographies on great fashion designers – Madame Grès, Madeleine Vionnet and Elsa Schiaparelli. Describe the A/W 2012 collection – what can we expect? The A/W12 collection has my collage signature. The references are surrealism, mixture of textures, Ziegfeld Follies, intricate knits and ornate jewellery. The studio is on fire. You can only save one look from your line-up? I would have to save the one that sums up the bigger picture although I wouldn’t want to leave any behind! This is our “I Heart” issue. What do you love most in the world? Björk.

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You know me – I don’t like to grumble. But I’m hurting from all this I-hearting. I truly am. It pains me more than emails embellished with smiley faces, more than the bonkers lyrics of every Lana Del Rey song, and so much more than this year’s outbreak of four-lettered semi-acronymic abominations such as Stella’s L.I.L.Y. and (worse still) Madge’s M.D.N.A. Frankly, I-hearting has me clutching my chest, writhing in agony and panicking in case there’s an ambulance strike. I think I-hearting is killing me. As a scrap of clunky shorthand intended to express high-fiving approval, I-hearting is kitsch, cutesy and absolutely not cool. A noun misappropriated as a verb? Well, this is clearly a crime against syntax. Which might worry me if I especially I-hearted syntax. But it does explain why sticklers for good grammar consider I-hearting redolent of a collective inanity that heralds the end of the world. Like the fat bloke who fiddled while Rome burned, we’re gleefully (perhaps even Glee-fully) I-hearting while only a Lana Del Rey Grammy away from Armageddon. My own concern about I-hearting is its innate inappropriateness. Unless you have fruitcake for brains, you ought to realise the heart is a whole big bubble of trouble. Completely unlike its neatly symmetrical graphic depiction, this vital organ is actually a randomly shaped knot of blood and guts: big and reasonably clever, but only pretty to those who sense there’s anything beautiful about an abattoir. It’s the pump required to fire the human body’s complex apparatus of arteries and valves. That’s the clever bit. When it works, it works. But the heart is as horribly prone to breakdown as the Chrysler Jeep that cost me £28,760 plus most of my sanity. Think cardiac arrest. Think coronary. Well, that’s all I think about whenever I see a Chrysler Jeep. Or hear someone I-hearting. You think I’m taking this affair of the I-heart all too literally? Ha! I’m not convinced any figurative or emotional interpretation serves I-hearting any better. For, rather than the organ of romantic love, I’ve good reason to suspect the heart is the primary vehicle of treacherous lust. Your brain can cogitate and reason; it can work out the difference between good and evil. But your heart? Well, Nashville’s greatest-ever cardiologist, the mighty Patsy Cline, diagnosed it as predisposed to cheatin’. The heart regularly overheats; it’s given to malfunctions ranging from racing to skipping a beat – and stopping. Although all too easily broken, the heart is bloody hard

to repair. And when it ceases working, er, so do you. This surely means I-hearting flags up a quasi-suicidal tendency. It suggests you’re embracing something even though you know it’s likely to kill you. Which explains why I’m so perilously close to confessing my I-hearting of Madge’s remarkable W.E. – an oughtto-have-been-forbidden pleasure that belongs in the E.R. rather than anyone’s DVD collection. It’s also why I’m totally I-hearting Adam Sandler’s disastrous detour into drag. And why I may want to I-heart from the rooftops every horrible thing Simon Cowell unleashes on our tellies in coming months. Screens, big and small, seem to inspire such a lot of I-hearting. In recent weeks, I’ve found myself suicidally I-hearting almost anything shown on Channel 5 – most especially Celebrity Big Brother. I could definitely have died of that. And what’s not to I-heart about Loose Women? The panel’s daily load of pointless prattling provides such a splendid reminder that silence is indeed golden. You’ve possibly already guessed just how much I think the curious songs of Lana Del Rey deserve to be I-hearted. But I’m totally I-heartingto-bits the imminent prospect of two new musicals – a performance form I consider ripe for I-hearting at the very best of times. One will trundle through the cobbledtogether history of Corrie; the other will celebrate the monstrous musical canon bequeathed to us by the Spice Girls. And you thought assisted suicide was not yet legal in the UK? On a very personal note, I know I’ll soon have to start I-hearting the hair-loss, myopia, erectile dysfunction, deafness and obesity that comes with early-ish middle age. Meanwhile, I’m I-hearting the miserable diet, grueling exercise regime, and abstinence from alcohol my doctor has had the temerity to propose as the only hope of keeping a few of those vicissitudes at bay. Obviously, I’m I-hearting my doctor too. I’m also I-hearting my tax accountant who left a voicemail message last week, suggesting I owe the Revenue (why wouldn’t I want to I-heart them?) an additional eleven grand. Thrilling news, not least as I’d thought they were on the cusp of sending me a nice fat rebate. But I guess they had to find the extra money somewhere to cover increased costs of the opening ceremony at the London 2012 Olympics. Mustn’t grumble though. I’m totally I-hearted to be funding four fireworks and a snare drum.




You might not remember what you were doing 25 years ago – heck, you might not even have been born – but the designers at Reebok were creating a timeless classic when they delivered the Workout Plus trainer. Now hailed as one of their most iconic silhouettes, the shoe held great appeal for athletes due to it’s reinforced design with extra panelling on the forefront – but with it’s deliciously buttery leather materials it proved to be just as appealing on the streets and was able to stand up to being used just as hard off the running track and onto the pavements making it an instant must-have. Fans of the original can now rejoice in the knowledge that Reebok Classic have created a series of special commemorative designs which are now available at fifteen retailers nation-wide. Meanwhile for those not around the first time, do whatever you can to get your hands on these iconic trainers today.

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Ugg isn’t all about being as snug as a bug in a rug. Although, they — obviously — still produce their popular sheepskin staples and original slip-on boots, (which, before a rubber sole was added), started life as a slipper, but now there is more to be found from the Australian brand. This whimsical floral handkerchief bag for instance.

TO THE POINT The Malcolm in navy suede is one of many new offerings from Pointer Footwear. The brand, which formed in 2004 employs noteworthy people they like from artist and interns based in London and is backed by a creative staple of friends and “co-conspirators.” Go to for more information.

Orange ‘New Gent’ watch £44.50, blue ‘New Gent’ watch £44.50 by SwATcH Hair OLIVER DE ALMEIDA wAQUED using AVEDA, Make Up THOM TIcKLEMOUSE at SOHO MANAGEMENT using cHANEL Spring 2012 & HYDROBEAUTY SKINcARE Fashion Assistance RAE HAMILTON, Make Up Assistance GEMMA TYLER, Models JESSE BURGESS at STORM and VALERIE at SELEcT


New GeNt For Ladies too

PhotoGrAPhY KHaLid eL-awad FAshion Editor aLeXaNder HarLeY

If you are a kid of the Eighties the brand Swatch probably conjures up thoughts of Feargal Sharkey, (who incidentally sang A Good Heart), opening his coat to reveal a healthy collection of Swatch watches - I remember being well jealous at the time. And Swatch are going back to their original design - the Swatch Gent - with the launch of the New Gent, which this time has a slightly bigger face. The Swiss watch makers have created ten models in ten bold colourways including pure white, midnight black and petrol blue. And just because it is called New Gent it is not exclusively for men, or gents for that matter.

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Checked bow tie by AquAscutum £34.99, blue silk shirt by christopher KAne priced on request, black ‘Church’ wool suit jacket with leather lapel by religion £215



Cream wool sweater by E TauTz £695, white cotton sleeveless shirt by J.W andErson £295, black leather belt by Paul smiTh £95, checked wool shorts by ViViEnnE WEsTWood £315, yellow cotton socks by GiEVEs & haWkEs £16, red leather loafers by mr. harE £238 PA G E / 1 0 9

Navy wool blazer with yellow stripe £460 and embroidered denim shirt £275 by McQ by AlexAnder McQueen, striped silk tie by PAul SMith £69

Orange cotton shirt by French connection £87, floral print jacket by Mary Katrantzou £1,500, pleated cotton skirt by Jaeger Boutique £99

Striped cotton shirt by MHL by Margaret HoweLL £125, striped navy tie by e tautz £125, checked leather belt £55 and checked wool trouser £175 by aquascutuM

Hair aMBer rose at MODELS 1 using BuMBLe aND BuMBLe, Make Up eLIas HoVe using Mac cosMetIcs, Set Design LuKe aBBY at JeD root, Photographic Assistance LYDIa stott, Fashion Assistance eMMa tHoMas and LuKe taYLor, Retouching Peter scoVILLe at, Models HaNNaH NoBLe and wILLIaM Potter at eLIte MoDeL LoNDoN special thanks to YesterDaY’s worLD PA G E / 1 0 8

Knitted short sleeved sweater by Jaeger £120, cotton short sleeved shirt by MHL by Margaret HoweLL £145, striped wool trousers by Daks £395, green leather bag by MuLberry £795, gold necklace by ViVienne westwooD £95

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Josh Wayman has married quirky, brightly coloured designs with the highest quality materials, making him an instant hit with the likes of Rihanna, Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian. Consequently, the London-based shoe label, inspired by Wayman’s childhood candy obsession, has instantly sold out every season. Here’s a sneaky peek from his new bobby dazzler of a collection.

Rollacoaster magazine’s favourite performer Jonny Woo is starting a bi-weekly cabaret soiree at The Soho Theatre, where old and new-style drag will collide. And don’t forget you can also catch Jonny, Ma Butcher and John Sizzle on selected Sundays for Gay Bingo. Check listings.


Natalie Monroe


Ever since that first trip with my mum to Wimpy (McDonald’s was far too common, people eating with their hands and all), I can remember feeling so exotic and excited when I was allowed to order a burger - that delicious low-grade meat and stale bun forcing its way down my gullet, I was obsessed. Times have moved on and my new obsession is Lucky Chip, a pop-up burger van/diner experience. They make all their burgers with organic meat from The Ginger Pig butchers and they hand cut their chips out of organic potatoes friend in rapeseed oil. Throw a dollop of wasabi mayo on top and I guarantee you ain’t going to McDonald’s again! Curent locations: Nettle Yard, E8, The Seabright Arms, E8.

I was delighted when I was asked to perform at a TOWIE party, but how was an alabaster-skinned and red-lipped girl like me able to compete with the likes of Chloe (with those teeth), Lydia and the two Laurens, who were due to attend? Bring on my TOWIE transformation: five hours of micro-bonded, human hair extensions by givemehothair@gmail. com, a spray tan by St. Tropez and three hours choking on my teeth as bleach seeped out of a specially made gum shield. I was ready – vajazzled, bronzed within an inch of my life and totally reem! Although I wasn’t quite ready to part with a red lip.




Madonna Mdna Interscope, March 26th. The Queen of Pop returns and promises musical ecstasy PA G E / 1 1 4

Chiddy Bang Breakfast Parlophone, March 5th. Hip hop beats good enough to eat

Labrinth Electronic Earth. Syco, March 19th. Britain’s coolest music producer releases his pulsing debut

Ladyhawk, Anxiety Modular, March 19th. With luscious new tunes, the singer has nothing to be anxious about

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