1 minute read
Course Overview
RBP wants to stress that this course of instruction is not a long range shooting course. This is a precision shooting course for hunters. Different conditions, abilities, equipment, experience, etc… mean not everyone will be the same.. Many believe that in order to shoot at extended ranges you need an uber accurate rifle. An accurate rifle is necessary, but equally or possible more important is the precision of the shooter and shooting system.
We will cover:
Safety- Whether in the field or at this course we will practice in a safe manner at all times.
The Rifle- We will cover the rifle and give you the confidence to continue your journey with marksmanship The Scope- This is of utmost importance in our shooting system. We will cover nomenclature, and functionality: pro’s and con’s of different scopes, zeroing, and adjustments. Ballistics-The effects of atmospherics, their affect of the bullet and how to adjust to differing conditions. Ranging and DOPE- How to obtain the range to the target and obtain a firing solution.
Fundamentals of Marksmanship- Marksmanship methods to increase your confidence and abilities Cleaning and Maintenance- Methods and materials used as well as how to…