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Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club
Hi Everyone. So, Mother’s Day has passed again; hoping all mothers had a great day. We had a Mother’s Day Trivia, which as usual was a lot of fun and got the brain thinking.
Phil, Sue, Layne and John were the winners. Cheryl and Nina won the raffle and members draw. Thanks to Lounds’ Fresh Seafood again. Thanks to Phil and Bruce for a good job on the BBQ, and the ladies for the yummy sweets we all look forward to. A bus load plus some, went to Ingham markets for some goodies then onto Silly Solley’s for more bargains. How we like to shop. Next stop was the Hinchinbrook Hotel for a very satisfying lunch which all enjoyed immensely. Since our last newsletter we attended the Anzac Day Service and our President Bruce and Patron Ken laid a wreath on behalf of our club. Sadly, we recently lost another well-known resident and Club Member, Gwen Cahill. Gwen and Peter were long time members of our club. Now they are together forever. Next outing, will be to Willows Markets and lunch at Brothers Leagues Club on Sunday 21st. May. Then on the 11th June, we will be lunching at the Bushland Beach Tavern. Should be another great day. For enquiries or to join our friendly club, contact Linda on 0499343573
Till next month
I visited the Townsville Museum and Historical Society and was very impressed with their display of all things relating to history. Well worth the visit if you have not done so yet.
This flyer below caught my eye, just thought I would share it with you all. How tough were times back then.
Stay safe and all the best from your Committee.
TUESDAY 30TH MAY, 7pm to 9pm
TICKETS $2.00 EACH OR 3 FOR $5.00
Proceeds Will Go Towards The Purple Poppy Project
Just a little about the Artist: Mr. Fred Hannigan was born in S.A. He enlisted in the army in World War 11 and fought in New Guinea as a tank driver. During that deployment he was injured and returned to Australia.
He already had an interest in drawing and in later life was a self - taught painter. He died in the 1980’s.
You can purchase your tickets from RTC or Op Shop
Raffle drawn 29th July 2023 at the Art Exhibition.