Center for Leadership & Community Engagement

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Educating yourself may begin with books, midterm papers, and cram sessions, but that is merely the first step in an amazing transformation. At Rollins, the classroom is your first teacher; the world is your final exam. Rollins College educates students for global citizenship and responsible leadership. Leadership & Community Engagement fosters, encourages, and promotes leadership development and active citizenship within the classroom, on campus, in the community, and beyond. Through service-learning courses, leadership development, community service, innovative immersion programs, and academic resources, CLCE is deeply committed to fostering a lifelong commitment to personal and social responsibility within our communities. As Margaret Mead has shared, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” In between spending your first night in a residence hall and walking across the stage at graduation are service & leadership experiences that can be found in the Rollins community. You’ll forge a stronger bond with your classmates, a closer connection to the global community, and a more profound understanding of not only what you learn in the classroom, but what you can contribute to the world. You’ll learn that service & leadership isn’t just an opportunity - it’s a responsibility.

A place where you will find your PURPOSE through ACTION.


Engage in a course that brings your classroom experience to life while meeting pressing 21st century needs of local and global communities. At Rollins, courses with a community engagement component (including service-learning, and/or community-based research) are offered under the designation CE (Community Engagement) in the Rollins Course Catalogue. As a part of CE courses, students will apply what they are learning in the classroom in the community through service-learning, research, civic participation, and involvement in active dialogue and reflection. CE courses engage students in roughly 15-30 hours of direct community-based work throughout the semester with non-profit organizations throughout Central Florida. Community partners will also serve as coeducators in service-learning courses and community-based research experiences. Their expertise is a critical element of the teaching and learning experience at Rollins. Each year, Rollins academic courses work with a multitude of community organizations through academic partnerships that are mutually beneficial for all entities.

CITIZENS TAKE ACTION Immersion hosts over 20 weekend and weeklong experiences throughout the year, where students learn about the history and culture of new places and gain first-hand knowledge about social issues like poverty, education, and the environment. Recent Immersion experiences have taken students to New York to study education and equality, Tampa to learn about food and food access, and to our nation’s capital to study urban poverty and healthcare. Immersions allow students to use their time off as time on, preparing them to be the global citizens and responsible leaders of tomorrow.


Participating in immersions has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. You don’t just learn about crucial social issues, you learn about conflict resolution and leadership. What I find most rewarding is learning new and profound things about myself and about my community relationships. I feel more in tune with myself and more empowered to lead and set an example. -Immersion Participant


EMERGING LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE The Emerging Leadership Institute is a weekend-long experience aimed to facilitate the empowerment, development and fellowship of first and second year emerging leaders at Rollins.

Emerging Leadership Institute

The weekend focuses on developing leadership potential through discourse, interactive workshops, and fun! Students return to campus with new friends, an understanding of leadership, and a greater connection to Rollins College.

Emerging Leadership Institute

LEADERSHIP ALLY PROGRAM The Leadership Ally Program provides students with an opportunity to attend various leadership conferences or institutes. Students travel to conferences such as LeaderShape, Camp Pride, the Social Justice Training Institute, the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute, and more. Each fall these

Leadership Ally Program

student travelers return to campus with a renewed vigor and dedication to put their new skills to use in creating change. Each of the students participating in leadership conferences or institutes are paired up with a faculty or staff member who serves as their ally in their leadership journey. Leadership Ally Program

This program honors President Emerita Rita Bornstein and her extraordinary leadership of Rollins College. Because of her commitment to educating students for leadership in their careers and communities, the program creates opportunities for Rollins students to enrich their educational experience through special interactive


programs that bring

Learn about yourself, skills, and strengths through the use

demonstrated leaders to

of personality inventories such as the Myers-Briggs Type

campus. Each Bornstein

Indicator (MBTI), Gallup’s StrengthsQuest, the Leadership

Student Leadership Forum

Practices Inventory (LPI), and True Colors. Each instrument

seeks to help students

highlights personality differences as well as strategies

develop an understanding

to develop your leadership capacity and self-efficacy,

of real-world leadership in

increasing your ability to engage in teamwork with others!

preparation for their own leadership journey.




A four-year, campus-based community service opportunity, the Rollins College Bonner Leaders Program provides scholarships to students who are passionate about working directly with local non-profit organizations. Designed for full-time undergraduate students, the program empowers participants to address some of the greatest challenges of our time through community-based learning and service. Bonner Leaders receive a scholarship to help defray the cost of tuition and to encourage their continued efforts to positively impact their communities. Developed by the Bonner Foundation, a national philanthropic organization based in Princeton, New Jersey, the Bonner Leaders Program transforms not only the students who are directly supported by the program, but also the campus and community in which they serve and learn. At the core of the Bonner Leaders Program is

SIX CORE COMMITMENTS • International Perspective Develop international understanding that enables Bonners to participate successfully in a global society.

the belief that colleges play a vital societal role

• Community Building Establish and sustain a vibrant community of place, personal relationships and common interests.

in nurturing and mobilizing thoughtful, caring

• Diversity Respect the many different dimensions of diversity in our public lives.

and diverse leaders dedicated to community

• Social Justice Advocate for fairness, impartiality and equality while addressing systemic social and environmental issues.


• Civic Engagement Participate intentionally as a citizen in the democratic process, actively engaging in public policy and direct service. • Spiritual Exploration Explore personal beliefs while respecting the spiritual practices of others.

its kind in the state of Florida, SPARC is a one-day service of all incoming first-year and transfer students. Service projects are connected to the content of Rollins College Conference coursework, creating a unique blend of realworld experience and academic understanding. SPARC is a highenergy, campuswide highlight of Rollins’ orientation programming with the goal of igniting a life of service and activism.

Service Passion Action Rollins College

experience required


The only program of

DEMOCRACY PROJECT The Democracy Project at Rollins College is intended to increase and elevate the civic engagement of the Rollins community by preparing students with the knowledge and skills to impact social change, spark civic interests, and find their voice within local and global democracies. Through programming and education, this nonpartisan initiative strives to empower students as the next generation of active citizens by fostering a civic ethos and advancing civic action.


A student service organization

An organization that helps bridge the language,

committed to assisting in local and

cultural, and social gap between staff and

international relief efforts. Rollins

students. Rollins staff are given the opportunity to

Relief has sponsored relief trips for

take English as a Second Language (ESL) classes,

students, faculty and staff journeying

empowering them with the skills to properly

to St. Bernard Parish, New Orleans

communicate in the English language. In addition

to assist with the rebuilding of the

to classes, each staff member is paired with a

region. Rollins Relief also creates

Rollins student who serves as a free English tutor

additional opportunities to serve and

through Project Bridge.

lead including trips to New Orleans and local community relief projects.


MAKING LIVES BETTER Perhaps no other organization on the Rollins campus is more perfectly named than Making Lives Better, which is in the business of doing

Connect and engage in events,

just that. Two Rollins students, who both call

programs, and initiatives that make

Nepal home, decided three years ago that they

a difference in communities across

wanted to do something to help the underserved

Central Florida. JUMP is an all

in their home country and at the same time

student led committee that does

share the wonders of Nepal with their Rollins

everything from connecting with

friends. Making Lives Better was established to

community partners to organizing

provide basic medical care at health camps in the

events with them, bringing children on

impoverished Doti district. Rollins students have

campus, going to homeless shelters,

traveled there regularly with medical supplies as

and working with other student

well as books, computers, and sports equipment

organizations on campus.

for local schools.






This is an annual event that allows

50 foster children from the Central Florida

students, staff, and faculty to meet

community to the Rollins campus during the

community partners from around the

holiday season to participate in games, crafts, and

Central Florida community. Rollins

other holiday activities. This is a free event for the

members are able to learn about the

foster care children, families, and organizations,

missions of these organizations as well

giving the foster parents and staff members a

as upcoming service opportunities.

break for one night and giving children a night


An annual event in December that brings over

of holiday fun. Volunteer opportunities include: being a buddy for the day to one of the children,

A campus-wide initiative that

purchasing a gift for one of the children, or

connects students, faculty, staff,

running an activity table.

alumni, and friends of Rollins


College, #summerSERVE gives them the opportunity to continue their

An event that brings awareness on campus

engagement with the local community

and provides education about hunger and

throughout the summer. Through direct

homelessness as a major worldwide issue. The

service, community engagement, and

objective of the event is to stimulate the reality

education, this program provides the

of social injustice and unequal food distribution

chance for everyone involved to build

in the world. During this interactive dinner, each

meaningful relationships.

participant will have a chance to experience the social injustice that many people in the world face every day and then learn about ways they can volunteer and be active in their community. Students with a passion for addressing or exploring these issues further are encouraged to serve on the planning committee.


HALLOWEEN HOWL An annual event in October that brings over 1,500 members of the Central Florida community to campus for a Halloween celebration. This is a free event for families to attend; it provides a safe space for children to dress up and celebrate Halloween as a community. Rollins students participate by hosting carnival booths and craft activities on The Green, creating haunted houses out of residential space, getting involved on the planning committee, and being general volunteers at the event.


As a member of our Rollins community, you have the opportunity to positively impact the world and serve as an agent of change. Your leadership is critical as we approach issues and challenges facing the 21st century in both Central Florida and in the world. The time is right to step up to the plate and be the difference. Stop by and together we can connect your passion to create change in our communities.


Mission Statement: CLCE inspires action and cultivates positive social change through leadership development and community engagement.


Vision Statement: A community committed to educating and empowering global citizens, responsible leaders, and lifelong learners.

Presidential Award Winner for Community Service 1000 Holt Ave. – 2789 Winter Park, FL. 32789-4499 T 407.691.1250 Visit Us: 3rd floor of Mills Memorial Building Email: Facebook: Instagram: @rollins_clce Twitter:

Rollins has received the following recognition for its community engagement initiatives: • Presidential Award, 2010 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Rollins was one of six colleges and universities nationally out of more than 600 to receive this award, which is the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to community service. • Recognition from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Rollins consistently performs above average in number of students who participate in community service, living learning communities, class discussion, and student/faculty collaborative research. • 2008 Community Engagement Classification by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Less than 5% of colleges and universities nationwide have achieved this prestigious academic classification. Additionally for the last four consecutive years, Rollins has received the highest federal recognition for commitment to service-learning and community engagement • Top Engaged Campus Award by Florida Campus Compact Rollins faculty have received recognition for excellence in service-learning for eight consecutive years. • Orange County Public Schools Partners in Education Award • Winter Park Chamber of Commerce Community Organization of the Year

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