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Senior Honoraries

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Steve Thompson

Steve Thompson


Andrea Boissy Lyon

James Alan Burnette

Ellen Eagle Caldwell

Elizabeth Grant Cheney

Barbara Joan Clements

Laura Jane Crutchfield

James Auther Earhart

Patrica Riste Gleason

Barb Ellen Henning

Sandra Jade Hill

Jenifer Sara Kaplan

Eleanor Eqenia Kibbler

Gregory Sands Mercer

Charles Henry Perlo

Maruiedo Ketter Peterson

Ronald Michel Soldo

Arlinda Ann Staley

James Ernest Vastan

John G. Borden

James Alan Burnette

Reginald Brock

John F. Lowman

Randy James Xenakis


Ellen Eagle Caldwell

Barbara Joan Clements

Laura J. Crutchfield

Patricia R. Gleason

Barb Henning

Jennifer Sara Kaplan

Claudia Decamp Wray

Sandra Jade Hill

Debra Lee Holmes

Doris E. Jinkins

Bruce Barnhill

Activities that kept you busy at Rollins: Varsity Soccer, TKE fraternity and intramural sports.

If you could choose your major today, what would it be? Physics

Favorite Class: Semester abroad in London.

Funniest Moment: Induction into TKE fraternity.

What went through your mind on your first day as a student? At first I was overwhelmed, but then I met the other members of my quad housing and settled in quickly.

Partner in crime and your favorite memory together: Bob Barry and having a stable roommate for 3 years.

Your biggest moment of triumph: Making the varsity soccer team my freshman year.

Lesson you learned as a student that you still value today: Perseverance will always be rewarded.

Person you met at Rollins who you will always respect: Bob Barry, my roommate, and Bob Maynard, my fraternity big brother.

Life Since Rollins: I spent 35 years with Northwest Airlines, living in six different countries and met my wife in Korea. We have been married for 36 years and after numerous international and domestic moves, ended up in Paradise Valley, Arizona. We have two daughters who, after what seems like a lifetime of schooling, have both settled back in Arizona where they practice medicine.

Mary Davis

Activities that kept you busy at Rollins: I fell in love with theatre the first time I set foot in the Annie Russell green room. And now I am a Tony-winning Broadway producer! That feeling of family and belonging and acceptance that I felt then is why theatre has remained at my very core. I’ve got 3 shows on Broadway now! Thanks to Rollins I found my heart’s true home. Bonus points if you recognize that quote!

If you could choose your major today, what would it be? Theatre

Favorite Class: History of Theatre

Funniest Moment: Laughing our heads off in the green room.

What went through your mind on your first day as a student? I’m gonna like it here!

Partner in crime and your favorite memory together: I was only there for freshman year. All my memories are of auditions and the makeup room and that glorious green room.

Your biggest moment of triumph: Getting a tiny role in a show.

Prank you can’t believe you got away with: Nope. I was a good girl…back then.

Lesson you learned as a student that you still value today: Get your work done first. Then play.

Life Since Rollins: I met my first husband there. He was down from Cornell with their baseball team. We fell in love. I transferred to Elmira. The marriage didn’t last, but I still think of Rollins as my college, not Elmira. Fast forward a few decades, and my daughter graduated from Rollins.

Alex Calder

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