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Parlerà ai consumatori e agli architetti, a chi consiglia e a chi sceglie.

ADOK sta investendo molte energie e budget in comunicazione. Sui propri prodotti e servizi sta costruendo una comunicazione costantemente aggiornata, puntuale ed esauriente allo scopo di fornire ai suoi rivenditori strumenti e supporti strategici come cataloghi prodotto, listini, campionari finiture e colori.

“When you say something make sure you said it” D. Ogilvy ADOK will talk about itself online and off-line, inside and outside the retail locations. It will speak to consumers and architects, to those who advise and to those who choose.

ADOK is investing a lot of energy and budget in communication. On its products and services it is building a constantly updated, punctual and exhaustive communication in order to provide its resellers with strategic tools and supports such as product catalogues, price lists, finishes and color samples.


Cataloghi / Catalogues

Monografia / Monograph

ADV riviste di settore / ADV on industry magazines

Visual merchandising


Sito web / Website

Social media Newsletter

Google Ads

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