Women’s Day Women’s Day is having a long history. It is not just something new that came around after UN recognised Women’s day in 1977. It is something very different from Mother’s day. Mother’s Day has many good intentions. There we are looking at saying ‘thank you’ to the mothers across the globe that brought up the nations. Mother’s Day has no sharp edge, but Women’s Day has. What time frame are we talking about? And what were the issues? We look at the 1900s. Sure enough, women in general (across the globe really) did not have the right to vote, could not own property or sign business deals, could not enrol at university, could not …. A plethora of things. So what changed? The industrial revolution which required a lot more industrial workers. Women got out of the house and into the factories. As more women got to be bread-winners and acting in their own right (not just a companion to a husband), the demand for recognition was sharpened.