Hola MaCollege - April 2019

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MaCollege Volume 1, Issue 2 - April 2019

Go vote please

Occupational An Industry view Vocational Overseas

Gauteng, home to Africa’s economic powerhouse, Johannesburg, boasts an exciting mix of urban lifestyle, diverse cultural and natural attractions, as well as advanced infrastructure. Call us and we’ll show you why Gauteng in South Africa is the perfect location to bring your big idea to vibrant, colourful life.

e t n o C e l Tab of

Editor’s Letter


Short-term and vo08 cational Contributors


Holler at us


Please go vote


We need writers



Occupational learning


Meet Delisile


Vocational Overseas


North Korea


Movie time



44 46

Next issue

Sybil Otterstrom Editor and CEO

Calling all college students! April issue. Sort of. We are happy to provide this issue. It is focused on vocational training and short-term courses. This is a huge area but also where South Africa is now changing a bit. It is not ‘university or nothing’ anymore. With all the stigma that can entail. We try to look at the trends from overseas and also what is available in South Africa. Not an easy task! Funding is a big part of it. There is no way out of it. It will have to be a separate edition. … but we also have a bit of fun! Movies, gadgets, films and a great conspiracy! Good read

The world i


Vocational and sho

here are many things we need to adjust to in South Africa. We are quickly progressing towards the ‘global village’ and that goes for types of education as well.


y opinion: The white paper from Blade was the major shift in priorities. The focus became more broad and I think tried to catch up with what else is happening. It is not university or nothing.


et us look at vocational training and short-term courses outside of university

have found an interesting article here: (*) This is the European Union view of education 2020-2030. And let it be said: we need to take into account what is going on in Europe!

VET as work-based/dual initial training – The German model


his is where students are both at a school and employed (and paid!) at a workplace. The goal is to provide the dualism of using what has been taught in a practical sense.

VET as initial vocational training – the Swedish model


his is class room training. But the training regime can be broader and is not directly linked to a specific occupation (workplace).

VET as further training – The Irish model

On-the-job training for all ages, really. Goal is to provide the industry with skilled workers

VET as life-long learning As it says on the tin.

is changing

ort-term educations T

he focus in Europe in the 2020-2030 time frame will be on • Practical skills • Diversification: more age groups and more diverse fields • Access to university level education through vocational skills • Improved perception of vocational education


hat they surely see is a far heavier integration of trade unions, government policy goals and industry needs.

hey are not averse to challenges experienced as too narrow a focus may be optimal for industry but not for the individual person in a job-hopping environment. And the other way as well.


o what do we do in South Africa?

here are a set of interventions we must look at (all aligned with Europe): • Get all TVETs to work – it is imperative that these are seen as offering superior vocational education; • Understand the dualism in vocational education – and that means TVETs working with the industry in the area where they operate; • Get an alliance between unions and industry where the focus is life-long education – and that means SETAs to become far more outgoing • Ensure that private colleges diplomas and grades are standardised and enforced • The funding models must be re-looked.


his is at least a view of it all!

(*) Author and copyright: Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 2017

Meet our contributors Masiziba Hadebe is a final year Agricultural Economics student at the University of the Free State (UFS). She is driven to make a change and is a passionate volunteer for community projects. She loves reading and writing about science, agriculture and anything in between. She believes you can wear a smile whatever the weather! My name is Marcia Ramodike a 22 year young lady from Limpopo Tzaneen at lenyenye. Besides being a student at the university of the free state i am also an author. I am passionate about writing and i live to give hope and wish to change the world. I love reading and in most of my time i write my favourite book is ‘Her Mothers Hope by Francine Rivers and favourite quote is when the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world it turned into a butterfly My name is Fikile Unifire Zulu. I’m a career driven, bold, diligent, go-getter and self-motivated young lady from Evaton West in the Vaal Triangle. I’m a firm believer in reading because it nurtures ones’ mind and makes you see the world from a new perspective. I co-founded a non-profit organistation I love relaxing with nothing but a book and I enjoy writing.

HOLLER AT US MaCollege The stuff we need to mention:

Website www.romele.co.za

Editor & Publisher Sybil Otterstrom sybil@romele.co.za Advertising sales Next level Management services cc 011 614 5046 076 360 1792 sybil@next-level.co.za Publlishing Romele Publications cc 32 Eleanor street Troyeville 2094 011 614 5046/076 360 1792

Hola Ma High School When you post your comments here, it will go to the website

Enquiries Romele Publications cc 32 Eleanor Street Troyeville 2094 Production and Art Direction Ivan Otterstrom ivan@romele.co.za

follow us on Twitter @holamahigh When you post your comments here, it will go to the website

South West Gauteng TVET College Profile South West Gauteng College is a public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), formerly, FET college, operating under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in terms of the Continuing Education and Training Act, Act No.16 of 2006, as amended. The College is accredited by Umalusi and several Sector Education and Training Authorities (Seta’s) to offer education and training, mostly in the FET band (NQF Level 2 to 4). Some programmes are offered in the Higher Education band i.e. the N4 to N6 levels. With its head office located at Molapo Campus, Soweto and campuses spread through Soweto (3) to Roodepoort (2) and Randburg (1),Including the “LAND IS WEALTH FARM” in Sterkfontein, the College is a real citadel of education and training for communities in its wide catchment area and beyond. With the Distance learning and e-learning mode, driven through the Technisa Campus in Randburg, it is no exaggeration to say “we now surface everywhere!” Starting from 2007, the (FET )TVET colleges have been offering the new three year TVET curriculum, which culminates in the awarding of the National Certificate (Vocational) [NC (V)] to students. This qualification is opening two doors to the successful students. Since their education will have had a deliberate vocational slant, the students completing the NC (V) Level 4 qualification are able to enter the job market. The first cohort of NC (V) graduates came out at the end of 2009 and was received well by the economy. The Level 4 NC (V) graduates are also able to proceed to the Higher Education and pursue some post-NQF Level 4 education at Universities or Universities of Technology, depending on their results in Level 4. If they choose this route, they do so on a very strong technical foundation, which they have obtained from their three years at the College. The entry requirements for Higher Education for students who have completed NC (V) Level 4 qualification can be obtained from the College’s Student Support or Marketing Offices and in the College Prospectus. The important thing is that if one wants to follow a vocational direction, either in Engineering Studies, Business Studies, or Utility Studies, one does not need to stay at school until one has passed Grade 12, since colleges are offering a three-year vocational qualification. To enrol for this qualification, one only needs to have passed the minimum of Grade 9, but the qualification is more suitable for learners with a higher school grade, e.g. Grade 11 or even Grade 12. The qualification will give students vocational training culminating in an NQF Level 4 qualification, which will open doors to the world of work for them. Students are not able to enter this National Certificate (Vocational) at Level 3 or Level 4, even if they have passed Grade 11 or 12 at school. They have to start this qualification at Level 2, and continue with it for three years, until they complete the NQF Level 4 NC (V) qualification, which is where they will be awarded the NC (V) certificate. The Department of Higher Education and Training has also made millions of rands available for bursaries. Any NC (V) student may apply for a bursary, subject to a means test. The means test determines if the student is needy and therefore qualifies for assistance in the form of a bursary. The bursary does not only consider economic need, it also factors in the student’s scholastic academic capability. So, good performance (results), after enrolment, guarantees continuation of the bursary until completion. The DHET bursaries also cover N-courses for needy and academically capable students. It is a condition of the bursary that the recipients commit to their studies and attend their lectures and classes regularly. The drastic skills shortage in the economy has resulted in the Department allowing colleges to continue enrolling students in the N-courses (Report 191 NATED Courses) in Engineering, from N1-N6 and N4 to N6 in Business Studies and Utility Studies. This arrangement is not intended to dissuade students from NC (V) to N-courses, even though the N-courses appear shorter than the NC (V) on the surface. Prospective students must note that whereas the NC (V) is a complete qualification incorporating some practical learning in a workplace, after completing N6 at the College, for a student to be awarded an N6 Diploma, he/she must find a workplace to do experiential learning for a period of 18 months. Work hard and make our Top Ten Student List college-wide and possibly join a fully sponsored study excursion to our partner college in Holland!

College Principal







The College is offering an opportunity to all Grade 10-12 learners as well as youth seeking to further their education or advance their careers in the fields of Engineering, Business and Utility Studies.

2 1


National Curriculum (Vocational) [NC (V)]: Levels 2 - 4 Finance Economics & Accounting | Management | Marketing | Office Administration

We are therefore inviting all eligible and interested prospective students to visit any of our campuses for more information.

Prospective Students who wish to study at the College through NSFAS Bursary must APPLY ONLINE ! To enquire more about bursaries, contact/visit Student Support Offices at the Campuses headoffice@swgc.co.za | www.swgc.co.za |

086 176 8849


National Certificate (Vocational) [NC (V)]: Levels 2 - 4 Civil Engineering & Building Construction | Electrical Infrastructure Construction | Engineering & Related Design


National Certificate (Vocational) [NC (V)]: Levels 2 - 4 Education & Development | Hospitality | Information Technology & Computer Science | Primary Agriculture | Primary Health | Safety in Society | Tourism | Transport & Logistics

SWGC Period! Enough Said!






Voting Citizen Duty

Elections 8 May 2019 Here we go again. Every five years. Another election. Why should I bother? Excuse me? It is your only chance to let your views be taken seriously. What society do you want? Go vote! What must South Africa look like in years to come? Go vote! It is hard to figure out what to vote for. True, life is hard. Maybe I can protest by not voting? Or spoiled ballot? Well, you cannot be serious if you are only AGAINST something. You have to be FOR something. They tell me it is my right to vote. True. And in Australia is it compulsory to go vote. Sounds harsh? It will force anyone to actually grasp what the future holds and what the parties stand for. You have to educate yourself in the future of the country. And that is not so bad after all, is it? The South African DREAM can be reality, but only if you also push for it. So go vote!

Do you youhave havea aGrade Grade 9 certificate or higher? Have decided Do 9 certificate or higher? Have you you decided which career path to follow? which career path to follow?

Well choose thethe National Certificate Vocational - NC (V)- NC(V) and Well don’t don’tlook lookany anyfurther further choose National Certificate Vocational start studying for your career path? and start studying for your career path.

What is National Certificate Vocational NC(V)?

What is National Certificate Vocational (NCV)?

TheNational NationalCertificate Certificate Vocational NC(V) is aand new and modern qualification The Vocational (NCV) is a new modern qualification offered offered at South Tshwane College since offered at Tshwane TVETSouth CollegeTVET since January 2007. It isJanuary offered at2007. LevelsIt2,is3 and 4 of National Framework are equivalent to Grades 10, 11 and at the Levels 2, 3Qualifications and 4 of the Nationalwhich Qualifications Framework which are 12. It is regarded as one of quality andas high knowledge pro- skills, equivalent to Grades 10,the 11high andskills, 12. Ithigh is regarded one of the high grammes that and provides of the workplace environment andexperience is intended toof high quality highexperience knowledge programmes that provides directly respond to the priority. This qualification will also provide you an opportunithe workplace environment and is intended to directly respond to the priority. ty to be admitted atwill higher studies is subjecttotobe appropriate This qualification alsoeducation provide you an that opportunity admitted subject at higher combination. education studies that is subject to appropriate subject combination.

Duration of the qualification:

Duration of the qualification:

NCV is aisthree yearyear qualification offered at Levels 2, 3 and Each4.level takes a full NC(V) a three qualification offered at Levels 2, 4. 3 and Each level takes year of study. A student is issued with a certificate on the successful completion of a full year of study. A student is issued with a certificate on the successful each level of of study. completion each level of study.

At TSC TVET we offer the following NC(V) programmes: At TSC TVET we offer the following NC (V) programmes: •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

Finance, Economicsand andAccounting Accounting Finance, Economics Office Administration Office Administration Information Technology andComputer Computer Science Science Information Technology and Engineering BuildingConstruction Construction CivilCivil Engineering & &Building Electrical Infrastructure Construction Electrical Infrastructure Construction Engineering and RelatedDesign Design Engineering and Related Hospitality Hospitality Tourism Tourism

Want to be part of the fourth industrial revolution let TSC TVET assist you to achieve the future! LIL\17619086

Do you you have Grade 9 certificate or higher? Have decided Who Do arehave we?a aGrade 9 certificate or higher? Have you you decided which career path to follow? Tshwane South TVET College is one of the TVETs regulated by Department of Higher which career path to follow?

Education. Well choose thethe National Certificate Vocational - NC (V)- NC(V) and Well don’t don’tlook lookany anyfurther further choose National Certificate Vocational start studying for your career path? and start studying for your career path. We are one of the biggest TVETs with several campuses across Tshane and we offer a range all ofCertificate which carry its own recognition. Whatofiscourses, National Vocational NC(V)?

What is National Certificate Vocational (NCV)? TheNational NationalCertificate Vocational NC(V) is aand new and modern qualification The Vocational (NCV) is a new modern qualification offered Our Vision Certificate

offered at South Tshwane College since offered at Tshwane TVETSouth CollegeTVET since January 2007. It isJanuary offered at2007. LevelsIt2,is3 and 4 To be a world class further education and training college. of National Framework are equivalent to Grades 10, 11 and at the Levels 2, 3Qualifications and 4 of the Nationalwhich Qualifications Framework which are 12. It is regarded as one of quality andas high knowledge pro- skills, equivalent to Grades 10,the 11high andskills, 12. Ithigh is regarded one of the high Our grammes that and provides of the workplace environment andexperience is intended toof high Mission quality highexperience knowledge programmes that provides Tshwane South College empowers learners through high quality vocational education directly respond to the priority. This qualification will also provide you an opportunithe workplace environment and is intended to directly respond to the priority. and training. ty to be admitted atwill higher studies is subjecttotobe appropriate This qualification alsoeducation provide you an that opportunity admitted subject at higher combination. education studies that is subject to appropriate subject combination.

Our Values Duration of the Excellence in all wequalification: do Duration- of the qualification:

Fairness in allyear our dealings NCV is ais-three qualification offered at Levels 2, 3 and Each4.level takes a full NC(V) a three year qualification offered at Levels 2, 4. 3 and Each level takes Respect towards one another year of study. A student is issued with a certificate on the successful completion of a full year of study. A student is issued with a certificate on the successful Trust in one another each level of of study. completion each level of study. Integrity - in our ethical behaviour

At TSC TVET we offer the following NC(V) programmes: At TSC TVET we offer the following NC (V) programmes: How to contact us • Finance, Economics and Accounting • Finance, Economics andStr.) Accounting 85 Francis Baard (Schoeman •• Office Office Administration Administration PO Box 151 •• Information Information Technology andComputer Computer Science Science Technology and PRETORIA •• CivilCivil Engineering & Building Construction 0001 Engineering & Building Construction •• Electrical Electrical Infrastructure Construction Infrastructure Construction •• Engineering Engineering and Related Design Tel: 012 401 5000and Related Design •• Hospitality Hospitality General Enquiries •• Tourism Tourism E-mail: info@tsc.edu.za

Want to be part of the fourth industrial revolution let TSC TVET assist you to achieve the future! LIL\17619086

We need writers! Hola MaCollege is YOUR magazine. That is why we would love to see students writing for students about student life and everything of importance to a student in any college student across the country. What is required? That is easy: You have to be in a college - TVET, SETA, private college or university of technology. Impeccable in your preferred language-and that might not be English. Passionate about your topic of choice - no dull articles here. Do you get anything out of it? Well, not money, sorrry. BUT if we publish your articles you will have: Your bio in a commercial magazine A photo of yourself You can put it all on your CV you can use us as a reference

Is it important? YES it is. Look what Rofhiwa said: My name is Rofhiwa and I love to write. I have used my skills to express my thoughts on international dealings of the world which have been published in Hola MaHigh-School. It has paid off, not only is my work printed for young people in the country to read, but it also contributed to me gettng a bursary from CNBC-Africa to do my post-graduate studies. Would be a lot harder to get by if I didn’t have a platform like Hola MaHigh-School.


What me on

to do?

ivan@ ro name mele.co.za : Cell n u E-ma mber il ... and address we wi ll talk !

Occupational Skills

An Industry View from Boston City Campus & Business College

Occupational Skills, short term courses, skills pro grammes and a lot more. It is a bit confusing; hen we have asked for an industry view on all this. Th views below are not necessarily ours.

Never stop growing your skil and your career – but make sure you get started somewhere!


he most important career message to all South African learners is to continue inves in themselves, their skills and their careers, sa Nonhlanhla Dube of Boston City Campus & B ness College, the award-winning private high education institution.


Never stop growing your skills and your ca because that has a large impact on your qu of life and the quality of life of your loved on she reiterates.


hat are the benefits of any tertiary educ tion? Access to better work opportuniti and being able to offer prospective employe more when new opportunities arise.


nd the benefits of occupational skills in particular? Occupational skills make you work ready. When you complete a bookkeep course, you hit the ground running in the offi ready to tackle a set of books. You are armed with the skills and do not need the employer spend weeks training you for your new job. are able to contribute straight away to the ne work place.

once The


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n addition, you begin earning, and from there you can continue to grow your career with either occupational modules, or with a degree should your life plan be to complete a degree.


nce you have the skills, you can work, and earn, and begin part-time degree or diploma studies, should you have further ambitions. When you invest in growing your skills and your career, you show that you believe in yourself. You become also a great role model. The people around you - colleagues as well as family – will see that you respect yourself and expect to be respected.


nternationally, it has been argued that the expansion of the requirement of higher qualifications is leading to a form of ‘credentialism’. Employers increasingly require people to have qualifications or degrees because it helps them to screen applicants – a degree shows them that you have the perseverance and commitment to yourself and your studies.

caies ers


ping fice, d r to You ew


owever, occupational skills accruement show that you have a passion and an interest in a particular skill or industry, and that you want to be able to roll up your sleeves and get working! Thus, job specs are often used to allow fewer entries, rather than indicating an actual job requirement.

hile having a degree opens doors for you, it does not always make you work-ready. Having the actual skills required makes you able to do the job required of you.

Occupational Skills



hat are the other benefits of occupational courses? The biggest two w most important in most people’s lives – time and money.

ince occupational courses focus on the skills and the practical applicatio theoretical content.

ou know those learners in the matric classes who can’t fathom why they History dates and times off by heart? And those who complain about th time taken to learn regions and weather patterns in Geography? “When am use this again?” is the popular conversation as they leave the class.


ell, those who battle theory, and find it a useless endeavour, are those cus on practical skills. They are well suited to a shorter course that tea

hey will learn the skills, and then work in that skill. And they are likely to successful in their selected course, as it is what they WANTED to study.

What is the official line? I found this info at labourguide.co.za. The link is he

Short course provisioning is one of the most dynamic features of South Afr larly associated with ‘just in time’, and ‘just enough’ learning to meet specifi mon method for optimal workplace functioning in many contexts. It makes ees money, time, energy and resources.

In the new approach to education and training, short course provisioning h up-skilling and multi-skilling of human resources.

- an Industry View


would be what is

on, there is far less

y have to learn he amount of study m I EVER going to

e who need to foaches job training.

o be much more


nd, of course, there are the fees. Short learning programmes also require a lesser financial commitment than a degree or diploma. Committing to what you can afford, and ensuring you come out in a shorter space of time with a completed qualification also means that you are more likely to be successful and less likely to drop out due to the financial stress a three-year qualification may put you under.


ll in all, we believe that you need to look at the student with a broad perspective, take all environmental and personal factors into account, career choice and industry preference, and then make the best possible selection of the qualification that is best suited to the individual.


rica’s emerging education and training system. These courses are particufic needs in workplace environments. This approach is a viable and coms access to learning manageable, and saves the employers and the employ-

has a particular place in the system and is important in the development,

Meet Delisile

Student Assistant at the Gender and anti-discrimination unit at UFS Being at university is a bit more than going to lecturers. Students also have a LIFE. That also means that students will have the same type of problems, challenges and uphill as the rest of the society. Masiziba Hadebe spoke to Delisile and has composed the below. It is – in many instances – also things we all as a society is grappling with/ Meet Delisile Mngadi, a final year mixed farming student and Student Assistant at the Gender and anti-discrimination unit at the University of the Free State.

Q: Who is Delisile? A: I am a fun and bubbly person who loves animals and has a recently found passion for people. My friends describe me as the mother of the squad because I am responsible and quite good at scolding them. Q: What do you do as a Student Assistant at the Gender and Anti-discrimination unit? A: When I first applied for the job, I had assumed that the work was going to be all administration but I was happy to learn that there is more to my role. I facilitate training and dialogues. I meet up with students on the ground and give feedback to my superiors. With training for example, we have a Safety Zone, a training session that focuses on defining LGBTQI+ community and what the different words in the acronym mean. We also focus on how to treat and respect the people part of the LGBTQI+ community and that makes campus inclusive. I believe for you to understand someone you need to know who they are. After dialogues, we get feedback from students on what needs to be improved and what they have learnt throughout the session. These dialogues show that there is stereotypes against LGBTQI+ community. For instance, that a gay person wants to be or identifies as a girl, that is not necessarily the case or the tendency of referring to a muscular lesbian girl as a “he�. People need to know that Gender expression and Sexuality are two different things.

Discrimination - it is: In human social behavior, discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong. These include age, colour, criminal record, height, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender identity, generation, genetic characteristics, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. from Wiki

Meet Delisile

Student Assistant at the Gender and anti-discrimination unit at UFS Q: What have you taken from the experience as a Student Assistant at the Gender and Anti-discrimination Unit? A: How important it is to work with people and how to work with people. More importantly, that you do not have to go through something to advocate for it. For example, advocating against sexual and gender based violence does not mean you have had to go through rape. I also learnt a lot about myself and grew as person. I also learnt new perspectives in addressing people in the LGBTQI+ community, for example, we no longer use ‘transsexual’ as it is seen as reducing a person to their sexual organs, rather use transgender. I also learnt that if you see a person in a wheel chair for instance, do not call them a disabled person instead say a person with disability because they are a person before their disability. Q: Why is gender Equity and Anti-discrimination important? A: We live in a diverse world, it being diverse, we need it to be inclusive. Since we come from different backgrounds gender equity and anti-discrimination speaks to the issues that are not addressed in our homes and communities. With reference to campus, it allows students to unlearn toxic traits of discrimination and provides teaching tools that allow an inclusive campus and is an eye opener. It also shows that before everything, I am a human being, you are a human being.

Q: Any tips f are willing to gender equi crimination? A: First, you d through som cate for it. Fo don’t need to to advocate f Secondly, you before everyt human factor you to speak ty and anti-d

Q: Your mot A:”Before I am am a woman

The Wo

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for people who o participate in ity and anti-dis? don’t have to go mething to advoor example, you o be an Albino for Albinism. u are a human thing and that r should press k for gender equidiscrimination.

tto in life is: m black, before I n, I am human”


onyms! LGBT as an acron ym came lary in th into our e 1990s. vocabuIt did ge read LGB t enhance TQ – but d to also that met ‘Queer’ w some res as felt to istance. be derog atory. However , in the 2 000s it g the term ained cre turned fr dibility a om nega s tive to p ositive. But it did n’t end t he where th e ‘Q’ now re: LGBTQ was u sed meant ‘q uestionin g’. … and th en anoth er handf ul of Qs got adde The mos d. t inclusiv e I have ism LGB seen is: T TTQQIA he initialAP (lesb transgen ian, gay, der, tran b is ssexual, intersex, queer, q exual, asexual, uestionin ally, pan g, sexual). But what about th is one: Q and que UILTBAG stioning, intersex, ( der and lesbian, t queer two-spir r a it nsgen, bisexua and gay l, asexua and gen l and ally derquee , r).

Compiled by Masiziba Hadebe.

We provide loans and bursaries to students at all 26 public universities and 50 public TVET colleges throughout the country.

Vocational in Germany

Vocational Education: The German Model


f course we have all heard about ‘Made in Germany’ or ‘German Engineering’. Sure, it is not bad things coming out of Germany, but they are not 10 meters tall either.


e will use the German model as a case study to see what the dualism in vocational education can provide. Is it something we should just go and copy? probably not, as there are major differences in a cultural aspect.


he obvious question to ask is: How can German products be competitive when the labour cost is so high?


t is not about robotics and automation. It is about productivity and productivity at its root is about education and skilled workforce. Matric is hardly enough even in the starting-job anymore. The big difference is that any worker will have to work in a team with robotics and other workers. Without a thorough education productivity cannot be reached.


have looked at the official website of the German Federal Government. The focus is Vocational Training and the link is here:


rogrammes usually last between two and three and a half years and comprise theoretical as well as practical elements. You will spend one or two days a week, or several weeks at once, at a vocational school where you will acquire the theoretical knowledge that you will need in your future occupation. The rest of the time will be spent at a company.


his combination of theory and practice gives you a real head start into your job: by the time you have completed your training, you will not only have the required technical knowledge, but you will also have hands-on experience in your job.


n Germany, students pursuing a vocational training programme receive a monthly salary from the company they work for. On average a trainee earns around 908 Euros gross. (ed: this is some R16,200 – there is a difference in buying power so don’t too starry-eyed).


our teachers, instructors and colleagues will give you all the support you need during your programme. After the first half of your training programme, you will sit an examination to assess what you have learned at school and how you have been able to apply this knowledge at your company.


obs: Engineering, nursing, IT, physicians (and I think electrician, plumbers, and everything else!)

et it be said: it can only work if there is a working relationship between unions and industry… but this might be the reason for Germany to square the circle between labour costs, competitiveness and productivity.

Vocational in Denmark

Vocational Education The Danish Model


e can also look at the Swedish model as it is implemented in Denmark.

his is from the Danish Government website and the link is here: he demand of vocational education and training

he vocational education and training system (VET-system) offers more than 100 different types of vocational educations. You can become a carpenter, hairdresser, gardener, electrician or several other skilled professions which are in demand in the labour market.


ach of the educations can lead to a number of vocational specializations. The social partners have considerable influence on and great responsibility for VET.


he majority of the VET-programmes is practical training in an approved company or organization.


he VET consists of a basic programme. The basic programme finishes with an examination and then follows a main programme. The basic programme is a school-based course, while the main programme is build upon the dual principle, where the students alternate between school and apprenticeship.�


rade 9 is compulsory in Denmark. However, Denmark has implemented a set of choices after grade 9. One choice is the traditional Matric years (3 years). However, in parallel to this we find the more typical educational streams.


t is all based on the notion that the compulsory system will teach youth how to study, but not provide a specific set of skills for a specific job.


his is a rather important distinction. It entails that if we look at the examples given above (a hair dresser is a good example) it is not possible to attain a job without a diploma from a VET school.


he basic part is the school-based education leading into a specific job. The further part is a combination of school and practical education at an employer.


he Danish/Swedish model is really a combination of the German model (100% dualism) and a pure school-based system.


he latest is that Danish students can opt for a 100% apprentice-based education in a specific job: “The student enters a training agreement with a company and during the first year the student is expected to acquire the same knowledge and qualifications as the students who have followed the basic programme at a VET college�.


gain: the benchmark is the VET college.

t all means that Danish students will enter the job market after a minimum of 12 years of schooling – one way or the other.














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North Korea vs USA (world)


his one ‘deal or no-deal’ might have overlooked a little bit. US president Trump and North-Korea’s Kim-JungUn met in Vietnam. This was a direct follow-up on the historic meeting last year.


he statements from last year were vague. That is probably also fine if the intent is to get it all firmed up a bit. That was what the Vietnam meeting was supposed to do.


orth Korea had already started dismantling test sites and were willing to do more. North Korea had stopped all testing of missiles and nuclear bombs. But they wanted some concessions from US.


S may have thought that it could mean a lot of things, like formally ending the Korean war and so on. But North Korea wanted something simple: lift sanctions against us in parallel to us doing even more.


hat is where the wheels came off. US (and Trump) were not willing to recognise that North Korea had started the process unilaterally. It was rather predictable after all.


ow what?

orth Korea then started rebuilding its test sites. The one they are busy on is actually an engine test site and cannot be used for any missile launch. It is a message.


he message was clear: we still have the capacity to get going on nuclear missiles again if no deal is the reality.


et us thin a little bit. Why is North Korea so interested in developing nuclear weapons capacity? Does it make any sense at all?


ere is my take on it all.

orth Korea is poor. The living standard in general is not impressive. Malnutrition is the order of the day.


he only real trading partner North Korea has had for years is China (98% of all trade is with China). China used to be just as poor, but not anymore. China is a part of the world and motoring along to prosperity

North Korea vs USA (world)


n many instances the North Koreans could only compare themselves to China and see no difference. Now they can see that being poor is not the order of the day. It is not a natural state and the outside world is not waiting to pound on them. The new leader Kim Jung-Un had to make a move.


he nuclear weapons and missiles are all bargaining chips (in my opinion). Insofar as China would rather trade with US and Europe and the rest of the world, China would not be loyal to North Korea for much longer. China even agreed to limited sanctions (oil) against North Korea. In essence: countries don’t have friends, they have interests.


he plan is: North Korea will disarm if the sanctions go away and normal trade is established. It will also mean access to international banking facilities I should think.

“You cannot ban flow as much as hide a mountain rising in the mo


orth Korea can prosper as China is prospering. It only takes to be admitted back into the world as an equal partner. If that entails that the nuclear arms must go, then they have indeed served their purpose.


e can ask ourselves why now? Simple! If the general population can see that they need not stay poor they are going to react if the leadership does not improve their lot. Arab Spring in North Korea could be a reality.


o, North Korea stopped its testing and stopped deploying ballistic missiles. Big summit and vague agreements

to be followed by a more substantial agreement. ... and then the wheels came off


he end goal is to have an agreement with USA as only USA is seen as being able to get the sanctioned lifted and facilitate the re-entry into the world. It is probably true after all. If USA leans on Europe on this, Europe cannot have any objections after all. It is not core to Europe so concessions are ‘cheap’.


f Trump does not want to strike a deal, then pressure must be put on Trump. And how is that possible?

ere is Kim Jung-Un off to Russia to ‘meet-and greet’ Putin. Why Putin? If Russia is starting to have a deal with North Korea, Trump will look bad And Putin would love to stick this one up Trump’s nose. Just because he can.


ill anything come out of the Putting meeting? Nothing substantial in terms of Russia, but yes: Trump must go back and talk to Kim Jung-Un.

n information s you cannot n or the sun orning”


ust to convince Trump: North Korea tested a few short-range missiles. Nothing big, nothing threatening, nothing ballistic. A few missiles with a range of 50 km. Just to get the message across.


y opinion? A deal will not be made this year. Trump is not likely to focus on North Korea right now. Kim Jung-Un has got another year or two until the pressure cooker will start to erupt.


020 will be election campaigning in the US. If Trump gets re-elected, Trump’s legacy must include a non-nuclear Korea. If Trump does not get re-elected, the new president will in all likelihood just get it settled.


orth Korea ought to ‘win’ the game.

It is mov

Any nice flicks I looked at https://www.v

The boy who would be king Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they become knights who join forces with the legendary wizard Merlin. Together, they must save mankind from the wicked enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors. Click the poster and watch the trailer.

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Ballet – at the most beautiful, impressive, exquisite and a lot more. The Bolshoi Ballet is simply speaking the tops. Nothing comes close. The movie in itself is the classic: The Princess Aurora falls under the curse of the Evil Fairy Carabosse on her sixtenth birthday, falling into a deep slumber of one hundred years. Only the kiss of a prince could break the spell. A resplendent fairytale ballet perfomed by the Bolshoi Ballet Click the poster and watch the trailer.

Conspiracy Black Squirrels


ver heard of black squirrels? They should be red or grey, but black? And bigger than normal? According to rumours they have ‘powers’ as well.


hey only live somewhere in the Midwest of the US, so we are safe, but how? Where did they come from?


he rumour is as well that Mr. Kellogg (Yes! Him! The one with the cereals in the morning) imported them to chase away the red squirrels which he hated with a passion.


he truth is that the black squirrels are real, they do not have ‘powers’ and the colour is really a genetic mutation from the usual grey one’s. It just got a bit darker as evolution can do.


hey are supposed to have been around since 1700s anyway. There are now some in the UK and the rumour is that those are from the US – somehow.


ut I like the Mr. Kellogg version the best! (This I found on https:// bestlifeonline.com/true-urban-legends/)

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