Hola MaHigh School Your Life
Volume 5, Issue 1
Open Day! This is just important Grade 10 and 11 should also get on with Open Day It is not just grade 12
Racism:: the view of a teen
d Me ial oc ide ds oh an ce t m la p cis Ra No
a as but ring ee gin . n' en ee or f this y 's be ry o onl all ve to as ne ple as uld ha w achi am it w sho We fter) ? w m ct ex re ne erfe he . We to it erea anta st in th e w rity d as ne p tim tho tten ers the in ne efi is o au wri spap ed re's to ia yd pea d no pect new lack ility erel med es e e ha as m ak ut e ab th am cial Sh be b cism g in e fr in '– th er d. So es re . en voic e a ra atin e tim rity he o long worl ev ew thing th ly had ther deb ut th au n no the ab y som no b nd ith rob who ad s (a ge, y ca ange hts en? e w ct. s, p ple e alre day log hu ia oic effe thoug ed th no to ch ed er ose year peo was a 'v te tech wer al m all for e of as th in th ach us edia racist ppen n ci o e ha nc ’. W tre er so om der f p e re ives m her lo ea Th n th rese the ies fr the Mo ce o ia g ith im out d have ee e p ‘Othel e th one. l. it ed w ab ul uses hnic ross on sour th sb al m ence iend t wo ha f in play to th all in o vira it caof et ts ac ating fr 'o his g soci er ha ism e), ing ok er en as a diff her k, w Rac 'heard with at go cebo ty to n b riety resid is op ili ged ake lling boo p a w in it ca va or iliar er th d Fa e ab as om a ing bam allo even chan e, m to te n Face lic us O ly to fam emb ter an e Th fr o e te henc ted e. pub es s, ca who spac rem Twit spons solu and d op them as voic ance ey ar ide at th g ha s ab st like us re ia is be dec s in th ha ned to row ostin o ed will y in who at d in s or ne ar of p le to ing al m ere man atter an l th liste Sp ssib se th m soci lt. Th d in ple iend el, al be nny ead own. po o kn peo eir fr som Wel and if Pe inst (and e fe e an n no l. it is of th ve ore h th lows inions lic to b issu atio wel re talk ine aurant d ha ar m ub it er e as r he he p ag ' al r op 15 M ew in otions sam nsid put Im rest woul oo s w rld tw shar 'share hts o e a co e in ing wo arch kes in body to stri d eming th into l th sett the 2016 ve n also ption oug an ss al e No th o cism upt ions to vacy m Thro y ha cu ad ple ca The d be r pri w co n ra to er d dis r opin listen re ul ve : ho it o Mat ughout u al peo on. co Whe ety worl thei ust ric – like ia ha is one’ yo ese d so ion ac in w ed ion soci r the take He m they its that le! Th s an rmat hich is view s scho al m uest er fo ove be to A lot. ng p ed as ol ca for ther into . soci e q wha you ha ethi peo follow is in s. en glo itter. of w th whe el us m p Th re t rm de o ve to the ul reer Gr r nt es you ca e so mo thei urs. e fo tim Tw ad fro m re the typ ut no ed? giv ay es h ho who de befo learne accoun ate ye e 12 – in the agra ese e' b strict to is w e wit r of in th ut d in se th to re st o ac is t ar, th it , s te re is s, ar for 'sp it is re All r In e ye rm ia — s sh mat ccur the sults w and the the ng ur them r o ar yo ugh rest w ng itte ill ythi year le te med wer l in a nly o ha ri p fo o er of t llo ra mo al th Ev ill b k, Tw sim don’ learne your llow yo is. in f soci eir fo be vi com ia w boo life. u t real rs an bas ed ce are, se o d th n to sm ca ly d pa But ise Sh ca s an ai n ar io raci al m is Fa ad impo guably , is that rents the wer rmat and soci er it on fo se s s llo th Gr rta be fo 's in ture au ad he rm one’ nt sto bec , w s fin , if no consider e 11 one pic de edia ter ex t al en it m hi ed pe or ev Tw rt sa year, er cial m ve an ed e so, th as ys. long so ha se ucat an no “The We ion can becau why re are at is ists Rac This leas ta Grad t. no
Wh y 11 a it pay s ss eri to ta ous k ly a e gra d sm atr e ic
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Are we alre
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technologie some of these s. And it does of robots. these thing in the series It is a lot at a few of next article feasible. Let us look en it a bit. Here is the and more need to broad is looking at the just get more do one Actually, we larity. n brain: We robots. This vs. huma ological singu in more than uter itself y: The techn exceptional The comp n brain is r. The ultimate destin info, so you e tht the humaraw computer powe this believ of lot and petaflops. edia for a about 10 terms of speed I lean on Wikip it up yourself. operates at all. look human brain d bandwidth after may even with this There is limite Let us try now is Tianwonderful. right are uter Definitions t supercomp operate at some 52 The fastes st one: China. It will and consi can be a super he-2 from operational and system (it when fully be using Ivy Bridge computer really) which petaflops be Imagine a whatever or nodes. It will In total there will a network, gram itself of 16,000 ors. computer, can repro co-process Memory will be about uters or rful that it Xeon Phi . other comp is so powe ,000 cores . Insofar as programme some 3,120 intervention design and ut human 1,4 TiB. gramming some repro utcomp these robots witho , explosion now, the very rapid the bulky right it might be become an intelligence sede anyAlthough y surpassed yes. super alread might So, far has will cycles is there. It intelligence er power where their n can even imagine. human brain. thing a huma where ial Intelligence is this point of it: Artific amme intelliamming al singularity m it anymore and progr progr ologic to le The t fatho The techn Is it possib n mind canno unpredictable. is the word. the huma can es totally gence. If we where it becom can uters or define it, we Will the comp it. What will than scary! programme This is more us anymore? s even need a mind of their own? When we the robot inthey have programme do they do? Will where we it in 2013 telligence, Summ Is this it? amme a Singularity likely to be around not progr There was it is to go on ated that they estim a long way there is still 2050. But
in th “The e future that re are an,” says Dr Grad make pr increa Coug hlan sin e 11 ov resu isional g num . be lts, an offe rs ba r of in d even many w sed on stitutio your ns less if your ill still stro Grad admit in Gr ng. But e 12 is you have ade 11 if a noth are w your re little sults eak, ing to EXAM fall you e 11 t fiv ke back e re Teac FOCU lear and this ye on as ne .” ar on to m hers se S it as put as m very se rs shou s t Gr imic ld th rio uc ad co ey the Dr Fe e 11 m will h effo usly, Dr Coplexity format exam of Th licity Co next ye rt into of s “Tha ughlan grade and of Ed e Inde ughlan ar,” sa 12, ys pe Grad t means . says and ucatio nden , Direct t n, or help e 11 ex that ta prov most ac SA’s la Institute king ams you cr id rg ar ed er es yo unde serio She e do . ited t usly ur sa in rsta priv will nific ys the nd w ate be g an ant high help for yo d how how yoill one penulti er ed re m beca you s you to ur final ady yo u ucat INSU use ate scho ion it pr “Thi need to work ou exams. u “The RANCE s ovid ol year of yo mea year’s apply m t where It es: is a sider effort ur pr ex sure sigor ed as you pu epar and of w ams pr e focu sh t into insu at ov he OPP ould ion re yo ide s. ranc O for e sh Grade Dr Co RTUN your be treat u are, a 11 ould IT ed as final time ughlan Y TO som can be s.” EX part ethi arriv for expe says th PERIM ng goconENT rimen at Gr awry “Lea es. ting ade 11 rn agem new befo al stud re cr lows so ent unch met y met m hods ho -tim e , an ds an e d ex d st perim ress man ent with thin gs
are used 2 1 e 10 de d to b a r G an t n orta
robo ts
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arity -scar y!
Gauteng, home to Africa’s economic powerhouse, Johannesburg, boasts an exciting mix of urban lifestyle, diverse cultural and natural attractions, as well as advanced infrastructure. Call us and we’ll show you why Gauteng in South Africa is the perfect location to bring your big idea to vibrant, colourful life.
Contents 06 Editors letter 08 Writers needed 10 Meet our contributors 11 Holler at us 14 Open Day 18 Grade 11 is important
e ad ic gr tr ke a ta s m to ly a ys us pa io it er hy s s W a 11
ns tio u stitu in your yo tle lan. r of on mit lit gh be d ad is a sults m se Cou nu ba still 12 re u rs ill de ur yo on.” Dr ys sing fe w ra yo k, sa ea l of any ur G t if ea back cr na m w ll ,” s yo . Bu e re in tu an isio and if ng ar to fa am fu ex e are prov lts, even stro 11 ing 11 d ys th de e ss in here ak resu le Gra noth de an , sa S at “T at m 11 in ve ur CU Gra rm e 12 yo ill th de ha FO set fo ad w u e gr Gra king ly yo u AM rs th ta us w EX ache ic ity of rio ho y yo It – ar Te mim ex lan. that se s. 12 e ye to mpl gh ns ams tand read am re s. de , th ea co Cou m ex ders w ex whe cu Gra ar ye Dr hat 11 un d ho final t e fo a er re ate “T de u an ur k oumor ide ca Gra lp yo ing r yo wor y prov are, part ol ultimt u as ho he e do fo to appl s 16 sc the un ar be you to am re yoted 20 ill s ed ex e’s as accothe ch w he ’s ea lp on ed to in ar ar ye u he u ne year of w tr s.” M ut ew e d m ho vi have ne the yo 15 yo his re ld befinal so e ug – is u lear d llow But su ou “T ro ur ws yo an ea T lo -tim Th atric ch you re, ill fo life. nts 11 m d sh r yo - gs as EN al ch re de fo w ur M whi hat an fo an M 11 un n be lts yo d pa Gra ed an m thin cr RI in r w io er th su ss ith PE rade re at fo cade re st of an that nsid so, ion ar EX G fo stre w de se e re ners is co ore at ep d ent TO at be pr an Y ys th ting whor th lear ise, be t m educ s ur IT al ly t ds rim fo on yo re ab no an UN n sa en ho pe as of wha n’t gu t, if ar, la rim et d ex re ould ORT gh pe e , do n ar rtan al ye y m , an PP ou r ex fiv rs sh ly Modern . t n O ca ud us C po fin ys technolog io st hods as Dr e fo . im e’s sa source le arne rio into ys at w y can of powe uc at le ry se rt sa or tim rives ne met on pert fo ,” e 11 r to chan no longer be ed rn t sigve ef ar irect te ar ar ex mere ge er a en ea h ye D the world ly defin re de ar Racism is “L em gh ed as new . Socia he Gra ye muc xt n, stitut has been hi ar l media is ag “T ne la t In es or 'hear e mach there for ye is one d whyke th t as will ough en rg ivat ol nperfect inery or engin familiar 'of in the prese years, prob ho : co awry nd ’s la d pr eering example ta d pu ey C ably even with his nce sc ides but as of this. be remembe play ‘Othe of people e an as th licity depe SA ite a go n at ov who had in Shakespe llo’. Was it Fe e In ion, cred ca ng m like Twitt r that going lti it pr there alrea voices but are's time wher to the 11 hi er and Dr Th ucat t ac theatre nu e had neous de met of Ed os in those dy there a racis no authoritye it was only response Facebook all pe us 'seen' in one. Gra so days (and . We of d m er. the beca The abilit m ld The reach to debating aspect written should all be y to go e an ovid ys Well, all was huge viral. into t in shou in pr e sa t on that has , but the the newspape it? We have talk and E u pu nce absolutely Sh fican time fram to rs NC yo ra changed Imagine be listened to e lacke thereafter) was ni su RA rt d the insta as socia and henc SU effo in in a restaif Penny Spar l ntarow had e, make a diffemedia gives IN he d as us Nobody urant instead opted re “T to tellin rence with imma 'voice with of posti would side auth g
and No plac social Med ia e to hi de
22: Racism - A teen perspective
have know ng them her frien ediate ority'– effec on Face d the abilit n. When book, whatabout her racis t. y to racism t thou strikes would society in publ have happ ghts some to over the erupt and emo ic (and socia ened then where world discu l media tions to ? nothing. globe is as publ be felt. ssing to ic as it Twitter. take their opin the same issue There will be can be), A lot. He ions voices it caus from must listen into consideraand in many instances a variety of es the socia tion to all the All these l media input as no matter who , causing presi ethnicities from your 'spactypes of socia well. they are. dents acros all l media Obama s though e' but now have the is oper priva the it is restr ating on icted? question is: how cy settings wher come the e it is poss Share, in world hear ible to decide the case simple terms, of those who to is to give things allow in followers of social med something in that ia space even one's inforand their follo — it is way more that you already even pictu mation to be wers share with people! Thes have to viral in two or e peop their follo res and more peop a matt le racism commonly er of hour wers and so can also share le and We have on. The s. This occurs Twitter option with their frien in in these information storms 'share' ds or could form on allow s. a daily be thou Racists basis. Every ghts or s somecan no opinions longer not. This thing is hide beca out in is beca the use socia use open. l media, social med ia will whether it is Face bring them book, Twitt to the front whet er or Insta gram reelher they like it or us into its ac-
Contents 26 Quotes - I love them y e? rit ula ld w ing shou lS ica and g olo it? hn oid Tec e av w an .. C
d? e en of th ing es it do inn es. And logi gs. e beg chno thin it th e te ese le. e do thes of th asib n: W in e? Is e of few ore fe er m brai ional e a so m th at man pt r. Th ok and edy . hu is exce powe ps. ts. us lo more vs lr t bo r n f a t t Le ge te petaflo of ro a lo itsel brai pu we just ter man com t 10 ries It is e se bit. at the y. Are mpu e hu raw abou r all. rit te at g in th it a e co t th and
27 The Singularity -
Tian Th ve th eed erates dth af den lookin singula ticle w is 52 u xt ar broa e is belie s of sp ain op bandwi cal ht no me ist e ne ed to is on nologi so yo d r rig at so cons term an br ited ne . Th ch fo, is th pute erate l and idge an ts is in hum e is lim Here ally, we robo The te Br ll be rcom ll op iona of th Ther Actu e than stiny: lot supe a. It wi erat ing Ivy ere wi out this r a lf. op us l th est ab mor ate de se a fo fast Chin fully be be ta with try pedi up your The from when It will s. In to y will ultim t us Wiki r he-2 flops nodes. cessor Memor puton look it l. Le pe fu ta an s. ro su com e pe ,000 -p core a I le even nder the d th co be ich wo of 16 Phi 0,000 may can ly) wh or are now, rpasse s on (it f ht 12 al su Xe e 3, TiB. re rig ady em ition itsel syst atever ram ters or as som e 1,4 Defin bulky s alre ter r ence og llisom ough It ha mpu k, wh repr compu Insofa ing one: tellig r Alth ere. l In e inte a co twor can n. ine a ne at it e othe entio ramm osion yes. is th tificia ramm Ar So, wer ain. Imag puter, rful th ramm interv reprog expl anyog it: to pr er po an br com powe d prog man these lligence rsede g of min ssible hum is so n an out hurapid, inte r supe ram it po th e desig ts wi very me an will fa ine. prog . Is wher co The e word can int e and robo ight be ht be ence imag po we llig or is can is th e. If it m s mig r inte n even is th anym . we it genc e it, e it. rity cycle e thei man ca le gula fathom ictab defin ramm wher g a hu or ed l sin ters prog n we e ingica nnot unpr thin mpu t will nolo ind ca totally Whe ramm , we do e co ha n? m es tech ill th e? W r ow prog ence mme The human com y! W ymor thei e tellig progra the e it be scar us an ind of wher not m than ed wher 2013 nd ore en ne have a in m ou ev ey is ar on mit This robots ill th Sum y to beto go W ity el the do? ular is lik way they is it? a Sing at it long a Is th e was ated th still is Ther estim there they . But 2050
A ot:
34 Grade 10
32 Silly Measurements
beinging man be a hu man it by ure a hu ven rs t inj no , allow rs gi orde ay t m ction orde ch the ere su robo h ina rm. ence w. 1. A throug to ha t obey wh st La exist conflict pt or, me t mus exce e Fir own not th t its co bo s es th to ro ing ec wi n do This 2) A an be nflict t prot ectio ws in ov ov ries. e of humuld co t mus prot nd La t se al sid are Asim Asim co ch bo bo wo ro by Se su ro ethic ere ed ok up ings. the the d th ts herebelts, 3) A ng as First or th of o blish Lo lo e an pu nd’. and as th part get int tive concep e seat st te r ou th fir wi re n th ecula talk othe to unar deba are s we ok ‘R lot of s. is an will try ry sp We faste en ere ical e law bo e a This e we It is ve in this. gy, so . t th phys until e law happ ’s, nt bu Thes in hiswill se to th can 2050 tim tics. ‘IF’s’ nolo ffere ar, ’? is it being bank cle t turn 1942 you are: larity e the robo ty of an tech be di us gu t in th tics d ther ‘harm human to Wha en to ra an th let Sin rd ?). is ris pl er ha te a ‘hu e t w ing int ld be. Wha ck up passwo code een tion No rath is go at th mew arac a po ou tw se to nnot d e th be so e ch e sh nces to lo u the relea h be a situa anity this th agre ence ca it an ar nguis have hum rm’. Thes siste it also s yo all it coulde what on ellig e we give e nucle disti we for is ‘ha inc ? Is int wher fathom nnot If we that to se w an ca an g harm hum (or th rt to ’? No is good what e and need hum even e we ythin ited sta (lik er the unt? can anity rson ). So we ceed wh ict an r lim mt se man is acco robo ‘hum e pe relea ts ex lf-hu If it ics or as pred to ou ce co . a and g on ar bo ha ts) rs? if on n ue d Ro ’ en bo im cle lin (d t an orde electr grow lfellig ro man e kil a nu int d to n se build er robo obey ain is n be wh ping ca pare ts ca d can n rohalf- then a br bo (stop y is t it her brain Ro e an ratio their entit mus whet onic prov gene eding . If an cop) t on electr ? next- exce tions bo at ts Ro nden ll, an wh bo n limita depe e, we d then eir ow d th eir tissu e, an man e s an for th over tissu a hu com d selvegoals these be an at is wh does plex u themn set ove It of So pr . Yo com w? are ts ca d im ay no ble t worse out tm e aw Robo s an rri bo le in ho n ge e this ts ar ent. selve A ro my ro what bo it ca figur w. Ro onm them m no t is can self. envir ence atic ? Wha nt fro ay ur ist re am m yo ex e. dr here diffe you ve very am I not it? tim ot’ . I ha e: mes hy is is elf, is ‘iRob bots’ they ar co “w Th ie : It be itself rse?” king its mov for ro here e ask unive is as r th laws a and e the anity embe ‘thre pedi m hum u re r the f Wiki If yo embe ese of rem ed th copi
40 3 Laws 44 Obama - Genius or gambler? 46 Next issue
Editors Letter This is my first Editor’s letter in the new issue. What is the difference? This issue has been designed by ourselves. Oh yes. And it is not so easy. We went on a course in layout and design and this is the result. OK, it is not perfect. We are still learning, but hey, we have to start doing it ourselves. We have used a lot of articles which we have posted on the facebook page and the website. You may have seen some of these. It is time to have the digizine into play now. And it will be a collection of articles which we have previously posted, and some new ones, centred on a theme. The theme for this one? Open Day. It is so important! And combining this with a focus on grade 10 and grade 11, well, it should be a clear winner Grade 10 and grade 11. Very important stuff. It is so easy to just say grade 12. And after matric. But is grade 10 and 11 then just something to get past before we get to the action? Oh no. it carries importance on its own. We are also introducing new writers. They are as usual very bright sparks. Enjoy their writing. And you? If you should believe you have it in you to write for us, please contact us. Science is something quite intriguing. Robots! Read and be amazed! … and we still try to have fun. Quotes and really silly .. something…
Time for poems: Call for poems! I like poems. Those make my day. ‌ and here is the challenge. Anyone out there having poems? I would be so happy to see some. But not just any poem. As you can see, Johannes is excelling in Afrikaans poems. Can we do poems in all official languages? Can we do more? Can we use this as an opportunity to excel in our mother tongue (whatever that really is)?
Time Time is my friend Time is weird Time cannot be measured And yet we have minutes and days and years Time is now but time has gone and yet to come Yesterday cannot be measured. Yesterday is not here anymore And tomorrow has not arrived and it might never be The only time we have is now and now is important And what we do now will be forever, although it has already passed. Sybil
We need writers! Our writers are growing up and getting older That is og course good. BUT.... it means they are leaving us Therefore: would you like towrite for us? What is required? That is easy You have to be in grade 10-12 Impeccable in your preferred language-and that might not be English. We try to be more than just English Passionate about your topic of choice no dull articles here
Do you get anything out of it? Well, not money, sorrry. BUT if we publish your articles you will have: Your bio in a commercial magazine A photo of yourself You can put it all on your CV you can use us as a reference ... and it goes in your portfolio
Is it important? YES it is. Look what Rofhiwa said: My name is Rofhiwa and I love to write. I think I am rather decent writer too. I took my talent and have used it to express my thoughts on international dealings of the world which have been published in Hola MaHigh-School. It has paid off, not only is my work printed for young people in the country to read, but it also contributed to me gettng a bursary from CNBC-Africa to do my post-graduate studies. Would be a lot harder to get by if I didn’t have platform like Hola MaHigh-School.
me o
to do
n iva n co.za @romele . : nam e scho Cell n ol E-ma umber ... and il addres s we w ill tal k!
Meet our contributors My name is Masiziba, a 16 year old girl from a small rural town called Balfour in Mpumalanga. I am a matriculant in wait. My mother worked as a domestic worker and my father is a backyard Farmer. During my spare time I love reading, writing stories and watching TV. I am a confident girl who has big dreams and wants to prove that you can make it whatever your background is
Pinky Rapoo is a creative writer by nature and not yet by profession.She lives in Vosloorus and is currently in grade 12 at Vosloorus Comprehensive SecondarySchool. Listening to music is her hobby,writing is her passion. Her motto is “Think twice before speaking,think three times before acting and think thoroughly before writing”.
My name is Fikile Unifire Zulu. First and foremost I’m a career driven, bold, diligent, go-getter and self-motivated young lady from Evaton West in the Vaal Triangle. I’m a firm believer in reading because it nurtures ones’ mind and makes you see the world from a new perspective. I co-founded a non-profit organistation and I also write. I love relaxing with nothing but a book and I enjoy writing.
Hola MaHigh School The stuff we need to mention: Editor & Publisher Sybil Otterstrom sybil@romele.co.za
Advertising sales Next level Management services cc 011 614 5046 076 360 1792 sybil@next-level.co.za Publlishing Romele Publications cc 32 Eleanor street Troyeville 2094 011 614 5046/076 360 1792
Website www.romele.co.za
Hola Ma High School When you post your comments here, it will go to the website
Enquiries Romele Publications cc 32 Eleanor Street Troyeville 2094 Production and Art Direction Ivan Otterstrom ivan@romele.co.za Distribution On-The-Dot Printing United Litho
Follow us on Twitter @holamahigh When you post your comments here, it will go to the website
Toyota Inspir
If the saying “Dreamers are the saviours of the world” rings true, then one of the 15 Toyota Dream around the country aged between 5 and 15 were treated like royalty at the awards ceremony held
The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest is a platform for Toyota to engage with children in South Afric
“This year we celebrate the 10th year of this comp of entries. This competition is popular with the ch adults to see the world from a different angle. Th tition is remarkable,” says Nicole Ruiters, Senior M Africa Motors.
The contest is held annually, with Toyota affiliates in three age categories namely: under 8 years old contestants win prizes on a national level and the top three are subsequently entered into the inte Toyoda, President and CEO of Toyota Motor Corporation as the head of the judging jury. Over the past four years, four South African children have been finalists in the international comp This year, entry forms communities to enter years, the 10 to 12 year shows maturity, not team of judges for the team and the final deDraft FCB.
were sent to over 20 the competition. Ove old category illustrat only in their designs national competition cision was made by M
The three winners are equally talented but the under 8 category with his “Super-duper-Safari-trooper”, a car that acts as a home away from h swimming pool especially for the hot summer days with superb off-road capability making it perf Aashi car
Phatak won the 8 - 11 year old category with allows human kind to explore the unknown g
The which are at children.
winner for the 12 - 15 year old category is Ka would transport children to and from school work. The car would be self-driving with vario
“I would like to congratulate all the winners and wish t tion. We would also like to thank all the children and t petition and contributed to its success. My hope for t children in the future and continues to inspire them to dream. I would also like to thank the schoo support and participation,” concluded Ruiters. For a full list of winners and to view their artwork, visit www.Toyota.co.za.
res Dreamers
m Car Art Contest winners will grow to be the protectors of our world. These 15 dreamers from d at the Toyota museum in Johannesburg on 22 April 2016.
ca and around the world through a national and an international contest.
petition. It has grown from strength to strength, proven by both the number as well as the quality hildren of South Africa and is very dear to our hearts as it inspires the minds of children and allows he amount of talent we have seen through this compeManager Sponsorships and Promotions at Toyota South
s around the world conducting a national competition d, 8 to 11 years old and 12 to 15 years old. The top five ernational competition which is judged in Japan with Akio
petition held in Japan.
00 schools around South Africa as well as all Toyota dealerships with the mandate to mobilise their er 6500 entries were received, all well designed, intricate and imaginative. Similar to previous ted that their imaginations are very active and there are no limits. The 13 to 15 year old category s but also in the advanced technology used for efficiency and overall for a better South Africa. The n included Toyota South Africa Motors creative Matthys Esterhuysen, from the advertising agency
all have very different home no matter where fect for the outdoors.
vehicles. Kirsten Nel won you are. It has a built-in
h her car named “Toyota’s galaxies and learn more
Chariot Space car”. Her about the planets.
ailey Erasmus. She designed and extra-mural ous capabilities to
a “Mobile Nanny” activities when parents ensure the safety of the
them well for the their parents who this competition ols and all our
international competihave entered the comis that it reaches more Toyota dealers for their
University of Fort Hare
University of the Free State
Open Day L
ET US AGREE on one thing: Open Day at universities and colleges are not to be missed, but how to start?
Also look at it like this: how to do research on a university without being online? Doesn’t work, does it?
Life after Matric without Internet is in reality a nonstarter. The amount of information you will have to pick up is online, so there is no way out of it.
The starting point is to get acquainted with your institution of choice. Get onto the Website and look
Institutional score Total 100 100 University X Courses Total score = 70% Course 1 - Masters 60 30 Course 2 - PhD 10 5 Alternative 1 15 15 Alternative 2 10 15 Alternative 3 5 100 70 3 Accommodation Total score 10% Rooms 60 60 Campus 20 10 Friends 20 100 10 0 Transport T otal score 15% Combi 60 40 Car 15 15 Bicycle 15 0 Walk 10 100 15 5 300 95 ‌ and so on
60 198
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
ET US AGREE on one thing: Open Day at universities and colleges are not to be missed, but how to start?
Also look at it like this: how to do research on a university without being online? Doesn’t work, does it? The starting point is to get acquainted with your institution of choice. Get onto the Website and look at what they offer.
What should you look out for? Courses: Do they have what you want? At what level? It is important to see the aspects of your next move. Deadlines: you have to know. You have to be serious here. Campus: Where and how do you get there? Is accommodation available if need be? Cost of accommodation? Bursaries: What is on offere? What are the deadlines? Do you qualify? Fees: This is crucial. Life beyond studies: You do have a social life as well. Sports? Clubs? These things are important. You cannot spend the next 2-3-4-5 years locked inside your brain with just books.
Rhodes University
University of Pretoria
How to grade an institution? It is time to bring out the excel spreadsheet now. Try to evaluate what is important to you. Take in all the different factors above. It could easily look like the example on the left. Will it always work? Maybe not, but it gives you an idea of how to try to grade institutions. After all is said and done, you might still vote with your heart rather than your system. Never discard your ‘gut feeling’. There is a reason for you to have a ‘feel’ for a certain institution and its environment. It is based on an intuitive understanding of things which nobody really can put a value to. That is important in making healthy decision. And now to the day itself! So, you arrive at the Open Day event. Loads of people. All very confusing. Spend time. Do not rush it. The people are there to answer all your questions. Prepare yourself well. Have your list of questions made up before you arrive. Have your score sheet ready. Show them. Maybe they have comments. Talk to other students. Get a ‘feel’ for their daily day.
University of Stellenbosch
Tswane University of Techology
University of Cape Town
The important aspect is: The people are interested in having you to join them. They are interested in YOU! That is something worth thinking of all the time. Should you just focus on what you think you want to do? No, please go and see everything. Who says that what you decide in 2015 is what you will major in in say 2020? Maybe what you see from other faculties will make you reconsider? Ever thought about that? Maybe the choice is more than just education. Maybe it is a choice of an institution as well. True that what you decide now may have to feed you for the next 40 years (and that is scary at best).
National Institute for Higher Education, Northern Cape
University of KwaZulu-Natal
But if you decide to only go for the educational choice, you may lose out of 3-5 years of youth. And that will never come back. My only advice is: make sure you understand all the parameters. When to start? Grade 10 is an excellent time to start going to Open Day’s. After all, the more you know,
University of Western Cape
University of Venda
University of South Africa (UNISA)
Cape Peninsula University of Technology Central University of Technology Durban University of Technology Mangosuthu University of Technology Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University North-West University Rhodes University Tshwane University of Technology University of Cape Town University of Fort Hare University of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu-Natal University of Limpopo University of Pretoria University of South Africa University of Stellenbosch University of the Free State University of the Western Cape University of the Witwatersrand University of Venda University of Zululand Vaal University of Technology Walter Sisulu University for Technology and Science • National Institute for Higher Education - Northern Cape • National Institute for Higher Education – Mpumalanga
Western Cape Free State KwaZulu-Natal KwaZulu-Natal Eastern Cape North West Eastern Cape Gauteng Western Cape Eastern Cape Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Gauteng Gauteng Western Cape Free State Western Cape Gauteng Limpopo KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga Eastern Cape Northern Cape Mpumalanga
www.cput.ac.za www.cut.ac.za www.dut.ac.za www.mut.ac.za www.nmmu.ac.za www.nwu.ac.za www.ru.ac.za www.tut.ac.za www.uct.ac.za www.ufh.ac.za www.uj.ac.za www.ukzn.ac.za www.ul.ac.za www.up.ac.za www.unisa.ac.za www.sun.ac.za www.ufs.ac.za www.uwc.ac.za www.wits.ac.za www.univen.ac.za www.uzulu.ac.za www.vut.ac.za www.wsu.ac.za www.nihenc.ac.za www.nihemp.ac.za
• The last two are brand new. Source: www.smartstudent.co.za the better your choices will be. Colleges We have really only spoken about university. That is
University of Johannensburg
because the Open Days are happening now. We will follow up with more on this topic.
Vaal University of Technology
Why it pays to take grade 11 as seriously as matric 15 March 2016 Throughout one’s school career Grade 12 – Matric – is viewed as the ultimate year, the year in which you have to account for what you learned in the decade before, and the year whose results will follow you for the rest of your life. But what learners and parents don’t realise, is that Grade 11 can arguably be considered as important, if not more so, than one’s final year, an education expert says. “There are at least five reasons why Grade 11 learners should take this year very seriously, and put as much effort into it as they will next year,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director of The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. She says the penultimate school year is a significant one because it provides: INSURANCE “The effort you put into Grade 11 can be considered as insurance should something go awry
in the future,” says Dr Coughlan. “There are an increasing number of institutions that make provisional offers based on your Grade 11 results, and many will still admit you even if your Grade 12 is a little less strong. But if your results in Grade 11 are weak, you have nothing to fall back on.” EXAM FOCUS Teachers set Grade 11 exams to mimic the format and complexity of grade 12, says Dr Coughlan. “That means that taking your Grade 11 exams seriously will help you understand how you are doing and how ready you will be for your final exams. It helps you to work out where you need to apply more focus. “This year’s exams provide a measure of where you are, and should be treated as part of your preparation for your finals.” OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIMENT Dr Coughlan says that Grade 11 allows some time for experimenting before crunch-time arrives. “Learn new study methods and stress management methods, and experiment with things
you have not done before, like study groups and mind maps. Finding a variety of study techniques and approaches that work for you will allow you to enter Grade 12 with a revision system that will make you perform at your best.” OPPORTUNITY TO TEST TIMING If you keep good track of how long it takes you to master different kinds of work, that will allow you to draw up an accurate study plan next year. “Knowing your pace of work means you will be able to revise with enough time allocated right from the start, so that you don’t run out of days before you run out of work to revise.” A CHANCE TO CAREFULLY EVALUATE POST-MATRIC OPTIONS
Assessing their Grade 11 results and performance empower learners to make better decisions about their post-school direction, including about which options are available to them, what courses to apply for and where. “Learners should start working out their ‘points’ for higher education entrance from Grade 10,” says Dr Coughlan. “This means they should thoroughly research the courses they want to study and the results they need for their application to be accepted. In Grade 11, learners are then able to monitor how realistic their aspirations are and where they need to do more work, which will reduce uncertainty when applying.” Matric does not start in your last year of school, Dr Coughlan says. “Matric is not a year-long event, but rather a two-year long project. If you start applying your mind to your final exams right now and take the long view coupled with a strategy, you will be able to deliver your absolute best when you sit for your finals in a year and a half’s time, and significantly improve your chances of being able to follow your dream post-Matric.”
MAR Construction Focus Week – Grade 9 - 12 Launch My Career – Grade 11
Food for Life Holiday Program
Bloodhound Rocketry Course Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11 Fame Lab Speak2aScientist
APR Launch My Career – Grade 11
Bloodhound Rocketry Course Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11 Mathematics Week – Grade Subject Choice – Grade 9
JANUARY Life after school – Grade 12
25 Jan. - 12 Feb.
FEBRUARY Life After School – Grade 12
25 Jan. - 12 Feb.
Enquiring Minds Programme – Grade 12 - 3
1 - 29
Finance, Banking & Investment Industry Focus Days– Grade 9 - 12
24 - 25
Finding my Way– Grade 7
15 - 19
Electronics Club - (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11
Feb. - Sep.
RCH 8 - 11 7 - 11
19 Mar. - 4 Apr.
29 Mar. - 2 Apr. Feb. - Sep. 22 31
RIL 11 - 15
29 Mar. - 2 Apr. Feb. - Sep.
4 - 12
18 - 22 18 - 29 28
ak 2a
MAY Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11
Feb. - Sep.
Health Science Week – Grade 4 - 12
16 - 20
Engineering Focus Week – Grade 9 - 12
23 - 27
Subject Choice – Grade 9
Minquiz (Provincial)
Exploring Careers – Grade 10
9 - 13
Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11
Feb. - Sep.
Subject Choice – Grade 9
1 - 10
Astonishing Anatomy Holiday Programme
25 Jun. - 17 Jul.
Bloodhound Rocketry Course
27 Jun. - 1 Jul.
JULY Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11
Feb. - Sep.
Subject Choice – Grade 9
18 - 28
Astonishing Anatomy Holiday Programme
25 Jun. - 17 Jul.
Bloodhound Rocketry Course
27 Jun. - 1 Jul.
Bloodhound Rocketry Course
4 - 8 Jul.
Minquiz (National )
13 - 14
Astronomy Quiz
Exciting Careers For Girls
AUGUST Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11
Feb. - Sep.
Electronics Club – (Intro) – Grade 10 & 11
National Science Week – Grade 4 - 12
Sustainable Energy Week – Grade 4 & 12
Media Week (Mnet) – Grade 9 - 12
15 - 19
Entrepreneurship Development & Support Bootc
ICT Focus Week – Grade 9 - 12
22 - 26
Subject Choice – Grade 9 Speak2aScientist
Girl Power: Exciting Careers for Girls 5 - 6 – Grade 9 - 12 Speak2aScientist
OCTOB Maritime Focus Week – Grade 9 - 12
Transport Week (special focus on Maritime We – Grade 4 - 12 Subject Choice – Grade 9 Space Explorers Holiday Programme Bloodhound Rocketry Course Mental Maths Speak2aScientist
NOVEMBER Early Explorers Month – Grade R
1 - 30
Subject Choice – Grade 9
DECEMBER December Holiday Programme
10 - 31
Feb. - Sep. 5-9 22 - 23 1 - 30 29
24 - 28 (during Transport Week) 24 - 28
10 - 21 1-9 3-7 Oct. 27
Racism and social Media No place to hide
Modern technology can no longer be merely defined as new machinery or engineering but as a source of power to change the world. Social media is one perfect example of this. Racism has been there for years, probably even in Shakespeare's time where it was only 'seen' or 'heard 'of in the presence of people who had voices but had no authority. We should all be familiar with his play ‘Othello’. Was there already there a racism aspect written into it? We have to remember that going to the theatre in those days (and debating in the newspapers thereafter) was like Twitter and Facebook all in one. The reach was huge, but the time frame lacked the instantaneous response The ability to go viral. Well, all that has absolutely changed as social media gives us a 'voice with authority'– the ability to talk and be listened to and hence, make a difference with immediate effect. Imagine if Penny Sparrow had opted to telling her friend about her racist thoughts somewhere in a restaurant instead of posting them on Facebook, what would have happened then? nothing. Nobody would have known. When racism strikes in public (and social media is as public as it can be), it causes the social media society to erupt and emotions to be felt. There will be voices from a variety of ethnicities from all over the world discussing the same issue and in many instances, causing presidents across the globe to take their opinions into consideration no matter who they are. Obama is operating on Twitter. A lot. He must listen to all the input as well. All these types of social media have privacy settings where it is possible to decide who to allow in your 'space' but now the question is: how come the world hear of those things in that space even though it is restricted? Share, in simple terms, is to give something that you already have to two or more people and in the case of social media — it is way more people! These people can also share with their friends or followers and their followers share with their followers and so on. The option 'share' allows someone's information to be viral in a matter of hours. This information could be thoughts or opinions even pictures and racism commonly occurs in these forms. We have Twitter storms on a daily basis. Everything is out in the open. Racists can no longer hide because social media will bring them to the front whether they like it or not. This is because social media, whether it is Facebook, Twitter or Instagram reel us into its ac-
tivities to that extent that we no longer only browse the news-feed but ' share' everything ranging from what we think to what we do every minute to what we even eat with whom. Look at it this way: mom and dad might have friends and sometimes they phone each other and talk about this and that. Like how I do not clean my room (LOL) and so on. Or that they had a good weekend somewhere. Our mind has changed to just using social media the same way. We just ‘blabber’ along and talk out in the air, but this ‘air’ might be a million people before lunch. THAT is the power of social media. Social media reach is Sparrow got caught out. one-on-one across a tele-
dramatic and that is why Penny She ‘forgot’ that this is not a phone. This is Twitter.
This allows us not to be post in social media thus caught!
conscious of what we write or making racists to be easily
Social media is that one to not only show the South Africa and the World
technology that has the power current situation of racism in but to show that humans really
need to and can get along.
“Mankind is made great or little by its own will” says Frederich Schiller. And that means social media can promote good or bad, but you know what? It is there and it ain’t gonna go away, and neither are the racists.
I am Masiziba and I am on a roll!
Quotes Mt favourite “We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist.” December 1899 letter to Arthur Balfour during the “Black Week” of the Boer War, “We are not amused.” This quotation is attributed to Victoria, with varying stories. It may never have been. But it is a great quote nevertheless. Napoleon (again) He who fears being conquered is certain of defeat. Just be brave! Success is the most convincing talker in the world. I think we have used it before, .. but I still like it The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it. Churchill – have to The Times is speechless, and takes three columns to express its speechlessness. The master of English Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Fight. To the end. No matter what. If it is a just cause
Technological Singularity ... Can we avoid it? and should we?
Are we alredy there? Is it the beginning of the end? Here is the next article in the series of robots. Actually, we need to broaden it a bit. It is a lot more than robots. This one is looking at the ultimate destiny: The technological singularity.
some of these technologies.
I lean on Wikipedia for a lot of this info, so you may even look it up yourself.
The computer itself vs. human brain: We do believe tht the human brain is exceptional in terms of speed and raw computer power. The human brain operates at about 10 petaflops. There is limited bandwidth after all.
Definitions are wonderful. Let us try with this one: Imagine a computer system (it can be a super computer, a network, whatever really) which is so powerful that it can reprogram itself or design and programme other computers or robots without human intervention. Insofar as it might be very rapid, these reprogramming cycles might become an intelligence explosion where their intelligence will far supersede anything a human can even imagine. The technological singularity is this point where the human mind cannot fathom it anymore and where it becomes totally unpredictable. This is more than scary! Will the computers or the robots even need us anymore? What will they do? Will they have a mind of their own? Is this it? There was a Singularity Summit in 2013 where they estimated that it is likely to be around 2050. But there is still a long way to go on
Let us look at a few of these things. And it does just get more and more feasible.
The fastest supercomputer right now is Tianhe-2 from China. It will operate at some 52 petaflops when fully operational and consist of 16,000 nodes. It will be using Ivy Bridge and Xeon Phi co-processors. In total there will be some 3,120,000 cores. Memory will be about some 1,4 TiB. So, yes. Although bulky right now, the computer power is there. It has already surpassed the human brain. The programming of it: Artificial Intelligence is the word. Is it possible to programme intelligence. If we can define it, we can programme it. When we programme intelligence, we do not programme
how to do things. We programme autonomy. The robot must be able to be given a task and to figure out how to do it. It can be a simple task where it needs to find some tools and use them to unscrew a bolt to get to a power plug for recharging. Easy for a human. Easy for a human of 20 years. Easy for a human of 10 years. Easy for a human of 1 year? You see the point. Easy for a robot of 1 year. Easy for a robot of 1 month. Easy for a robot of 5 minutes old?
like to see. On top of, a robot may be very focused on solving the task, to the point where it overrides any other objective. A human life is not a parameter maybe?
What if a robot designs its own objectives?
Autonomous robots are there. They are clumsy to begin with. But they learn. FAST! Sony’s toy Aibo can sense when it is time to recharge the battery and go find the plug itself. Robotic lawn mowers will detect the length of the grass and adjust the mowing cycle accordingly. This leads into the Cognitive robotics. In essence: giving the robots the ability to perceive itself, its own capabilities and to do complex tasks in a complex world. This world may have conflicting goals or where the goals (or tasks) are against set parameters or ‘laws for robots’ (like not to harm a human). Now the robot must figure this out, just like humanity. Bill Gates and Elon Musk had a few things to say about AI: A robot may have the ability to make high-quality decisions. High-quality is really an alignment between the action and the expected outcome. Expected by the designer that is. But what if the expected outcome is a bit difficult to pin down? As most human expectations are? Now the robot will act outside of set parameters and these may not be aligned with what we as humans would
A massive intelligence with access (internet!) to all knowledge can have a huge impact on humanity.
Swarm intelligence is the next big thing. Ok, we now have a set of robots which can do things on their own. But humans can act together and solve a task together. Each one contributing something. This is really swarm intelligence. Can robots do that? Well, yes. Sort of. Nearly. Bees and ants and bats have been analysed. There is now even a programming language for swarm algorithms. So we will get there. Right now we have a set of drones to fly as a flock of drones and coordinate among themselves. Next step is to have them do things. Not so difficult really. Self-modifying code is the hard one. But there was a project called EURISKO. In essence a heuristic learning programme with a capability of adding new ideas, discovering new ways of doing things, etc. It found new ways of creating creativity. But in the process it also discarded initial goals and self-defined new one’s it thought were more appropriate. All by itself. It is called ‘goal mutation’. In essence, It self-modified itself very rapidly and went out of control. Imagine a drone where the goal is to scan for hostile targets. It might just self-modify its own code and like to ‘destroy’ all hostile targets. And suddenly:
what is a hostile target? The designer? Because the designer would like to switch the thing off? Basically, if the goals are poorly specified, we end up in big trouble. And can we even specify what we would like things to do? It is the genie in the lamp: we get what we ask for, not necessarily what we want. Robots themselves: can they move like humans and like, look like us? This is tough! First of all, there is a need for ‘eyes’. And eyes have to be connected to the main computer – the brain – for determining all the tihngs a human brain just does. Then we have the hearing. Then the simple motor applications – movements, touch and so on . However, it does go fast. Nanotubes are the next thing. In essence: robotic muscle tissue. And far smarter than ours. Human biceps can be replaced by an 8 mm nanotube. So robots can some day run faster than us, jump higher, lift more things, and so on. Facial expression can be done, speech recognition is easy. A lot of the disciplines are tough on their own and will take time, but they can be solved. It is engineering, not science really. …Into the future: Lego has a robotic aspect where kids can programme a robot. There are programming languages available. OpenSource is a reality in this environment now. Schools have robotics as extra-murals, Summer Robotics Camps in USA, Botball. By the way: Botball? Here is a quote from Wikipedia: “Botball is an educational robotics program that focuses on engaging middle and high school aged students in team-oriented robotics competitions. Thousands of children and young adults participate in the Botball program. It has been active since 1998 and features a robotics curriculum which focuses on designing, building and programming a pair of autonomous robots. Teams use a standardized
kit of materials, document the process and then compete in a tournament in which the challenges change annually. All materials in the kits are exactly the same for every team around the world, so there is no unfair advantages. Botball teams are mostly based in the US with over 300 teams and local tournaments in more than a dozen regions. In recent years it also holds an annual Global Conference on Educational Robotics (GCER), with an international tournament that attracts teams all over the country as well as from Austria, China, Uganda, Poland, Qatar, Kuwait, and Egypt. Putting the pieces together: Robotics – as in movements and so on: Not there yet. but coming fast Computer power: Check Programming: Check Cognitive: not yet Swarm intelligence: not really there yet Self-modifying code: Check So the pieces are coming together, but the thing we need is: what do we want to do with it? And if we can’t figure it out, are we on the way to extinction? When will the robots figure out that they don’t need us as we are ‘irrational’? And can we set laws for robots? And why should they adhere to them if we don’t adhere to our own laws? That is for next time.
A tyre? No Goodyear unve Unique spherical shaped concept tyre highlights ultimate manoeuvrability, safety and connectivity
Geneva, Switzerland, March, 2016- After 117 years of making tyres, Goodyear presented a vision of a fut Goodyear unveiled its latest concept tyre, Eagle-360, at the Geneva International Motor Show. The spher for the long-term future when autonomous driving is expected to be more mainstream.
According to a recent study from Navigant Research, 85 million autonomous-capable vehicles are expec Tech Choice Study, consumers are most concerned with ensuring safety through technology in autonom “By steadily reducing the driver interaction and intervention in self-driving vehicles, tyres will play an ev president and chief technical officer. “Goodyear’s concept tyres the boundaries of conventional thinking and as testbeds for Spherical shape for ultimate manoeuvrability and safety The unique shape of the Goodyear Eagle-360 could contribautonomous mobility.The spherical shape of the tyre is key to move in all directions, contributing to passenger safety. Active from potential hazards, such as black ice or sudden obstacles, so In addition, the spherical shape of the Goodyear Eagle-360 This helps the car to overtake an obstacle without changing its Finally, because 360 degree turns are possible with this tyre, it less space will be needed for cars fitted with spherical tyres to same role, this could significantly increase the capacity of public
Connected via magnetic levitation To connect with the body of the car, the Goodyear Eagle-360 from the car by magnetic fields, similar to magnetic levitation “Though this is purely a concept tyre, it showcases some of drivers can be addressed. Based on our own recent research[3], able cars to be part of future mobility and that reliability and could deliver a safe and sustainable solutionfor our end consumer who is likely to drive or ride in autono as inspiration for the automotive industry as we continue to find solutions for the future, together.”
Sensors ensure connectivity with car and increase sa Goodyear imagined another feature, connectivity, to cles, which is brought to life in three features. First, s the road conditions, including weather and road surf to the car as well as to other vehicles to enhance safe and pressure monitoring technology, sensors in the E tyre to extend mileage. Finally, because the tread is p based on the region where the driver lives is a new p
Biomimicry - inspired by nature Elements of the Eagle-360 design showcase biomimi Goodyear often uses in its designs. The tread mimics blocks and grooves help to secure a safe contact patch. The groove bottom has the same elements as a n and aquaplaning resistance. This texture also absorbs water on the road and ejects water from the tyre f
o, Science eils Eagle-360
ture tyre that looks radically different from tyres today -it’s a sphere. rical, 3-D printed tyre highlights Goodyear’s vision for the future and presents an inspiring solution
cted to be sold annually around the world by 2035[1], for example. According to the J.D. Power 2015 U.S. mous cars. ven more important role as the primary link to the road,” said Joseph Zekoski, Goodyear’s senior vice play a dual role in the future both as creative platforms to push next-generation technologies.” ute to safety and maneuverability to match the demands of delivering ultimate manoeuvrability. The multi-orientation tyres technology allows the tyre to move as needed to reduce sliding it contributes to staying on a safe path. provides a smooth ride by creating a fluid, lateral movement. driving direction. could tackle anticipated parking constrictions of the future, as pull into parking spots. Assuming public parking areas play the parking areas without increasing their size.
concept tyre relies on magnetic levitation. The tyre is suspended trains, which increases passenger comfort and reduces noise. Goodyear’s best innovative thinking and how the needs of future we know that young drivers are looking for smart and sustainsafety are key for them.4 We believe the Eagle-360 concept tyre omous cars in the future,” said Jean-Claude Kihn, President of Goodyear EMEA. “We also hope it serves
afety o optimize driving conditions in autonomous vehisensors inside the Eagle-360 concept tyre register face conditions, and communicate this information ety. Secondly, leveraging Goodyear’s tread wear Eagle-360 register and regulate the wear of the produced by a 3-D printer, customizing the tyre possibility.
icry, which is the imitation of nature, a principle s the pattern of brain coral, and its multidirectional natural sponge, which stiffens when dry yet softens when wet to deliver adequate driving performance footprint through centrifugal force to reduce the risk of aquaplaning.
Really Silly M If you thought
All of this is found on a website www.listverse
at was s. h t g n ent suri ds a surem d f mea a o e d Han m o eth and e en glish m and other h umb to th t, n E n th ed ou s sa h n e a c a h t w t p e s s r i Th nds from re st on ha tance e digits we sic hand wa s d i e d s a e b a th hen th s. A b hes. A n was A spa ttle finger w or 9 inche cm or 3 inc ow a li .5 h cm of the dized at 23 palm was 7 , but some and 1/4 h r A a or 2 n inc stand r 4 inches. 8 of a eing 5.7cm r at 1.9cm, / 7 o r , o ,b ge 10cm as 2.2cm tfinger s than a fin a w n an ou . r a e h s m t e o l r r fing f e y 114cm slightl as larg stance nail w A digit was was the di e shoulder, ver a it . o ell oppos o back for inches n inch. An e h t o g a t s f 3/4 o d fingertip asurement he e me stretc f thes o s d r s Reco d year n a s u tho story of Troy, a single woman was said In the ancient her with such vigor that terrible wars occurred. This her – the Helen. According to the tale, Helen was ‘the to this power. A face that can only launch one ship a beauty value of -1 milliHelen. The prolific writer of measurement; it has been used in dozens of stories so 1 Troy can be said to be a defense strong enough to 0.1 Troys. rs
nge nd Fi
The celebrity Wil Whe and when he obtained h number was deemed to Twitter user has about croWheatons. A gillett measure of how many r through. A 5-gillette l A mickey, named for Mi computer mouse moveme than 0.1mm. A byte is fa of computer information fined as half a byte. Fi to a light-year in conc tance a beard grows in
to have been so be woman, Helen of face that launched has a beauty of 1 m Isaac Asimov is th since. The city of T last this long. A de
Measurements! t ... think again
e.com. Go visit. It is really crazzzzzziiiiiiieeee.
In Europ e, a grave was a me mass that asuremen was briefl eaton is an avid Twitter user, to y w u s a e s d c b h efore its n f anged to half a million followers, this t a h me e now-m gram. ‘Gr be 1 Wheaton. The average odern kil ave’ itself ocam ‘gravity,’ a t 150 followers, or 300 mifitting wo e from the word rd te, on the other hand, is a measurem ent from, to derive such a razor blades a laser can burn but it was in favor o dro f ‘g laser can burn through 5 blades. at the end ramme’ and finally pped ickey Mouse, is the smallest ‘k of the Fre nch Revo ilogram’ measure e ent a computer can detect, less lu nergy, a ‘H tion. To iroshima when des amiliar to many of us as a unit bomb’ is u cribing la s rge amou n storage, but a nibble is defrom vario nts of ene ed us natura r g inally, a beard-second is similar y l d 60000GJ (gigajoule isasters, and it is cept, but it is the amount of diss). To me tivity, wh as ich all liv n one second. This is about 5nm. ing thing ure radioacamounts, s emit the be used to ‘banana equivalen in small td ex risks of X plain to laymen th ose’ can -rays and e equivale other com n tive proce mon radio t dures. 1 b eautiful that powerful men fought over acanana e is 78n Troy, now has a unit of beauty namedcofor Sv. For compariso quivalent dose nsidered the lowes n, 500000nSv is d a thousand ships,’ and so 1 Helen ispequal t dose for oisoning radiation milliHelen. A face which sinks a ship has hought to have first used a Helen as a unit Troy stood for 10 years before it was sieged, efense that lasts only 1 year is measured at
Grade 10: The big divide This is a story of starting in grade 10. It is based on my own experience and although a few moons back, probably still relevant. After all, how much have we changed? Starting in grade 10 was (to me) also starting in a new school and having moved to another town. So it was all new to me. On top of, my mom and dad were not particular wealthy and this was a ‘good’ neighbourhood and a ‘good’ town and a ‘good’ school. Here I am coming along. From the other side of the railway tracks. Not having a smart little motor-bike, Be a Wizard! no, a bicycle. The pedal one. And Be a Harry not designer clothes and labels. But I had one thing: brains. And the attitude that if my class mates did not want to associate with me, well, good and dandy. But it could not harm me. After all, I was there to get my matric, not to be popular. So, starry eyed and expecting the worst, I arrived with new books and the hope for … I don’t know what, really. What I realised was that grade 10-12 are voluntary. Stopping schooling after grade 9 is an option. Not a good one, but still. The mind-set had to change. It was now a matter of doing it for oneself.
Not mom and dad, the school, or whatever else. This was the first step in becoming independent. Did it still feel like school? Yes and no. Homework, classes starting at 08:00 and so on, yes, school. But no, realising that it is now. That it matters. That was the big game changer. One teacher (old man) even had the habit of addressing us by surname. Just like in Harry Potter. Except he did mean it. He treated us as adults. He respected us much more than some of the other teachers. Demanding old man, though. But it could be felt. He believed that we were there voluntarily. Strange actually. Some of the teachers were downright strange. Maybe because we could see it now, but still. The other part which was always there, but got accentuated in grade 10 was simple. We were not kids anymore. Now we were getting there as 15-16 year olds. It is obviously a progression, but hey, there is a difference. By being treated as semi-adults in school also made us feel that we were on the way ad individuals. We started to feel the responsibility of going to school, to select topics, to do our best, to do something for ourselves suddenly. Was it harder than school otherwise? Again yes and no. No it wasn’t. There was homework and test and things, and the pressure was on, but there was not a big difference in that. ‌ and yes. It was the responsibility of every single one of us to start realising that we were essentially on our own. The other big challenge was that as 15 year olds you could legally have a
job after school. Insofar as my mom and dad were not well-off, yes, I also had a job during school holidays and later after school and weekends. It prepared me for life after school. The ‘corporate’ environment, although the first jobs were not particular ‘corporate’. My first job was in the kitchen in a restaurant washing the pots and pans (not even the dishes). And if the pots were not ready for the chef he might just hurl a dirty pot at you. Duck or die! If anyone should think Ramsay is weird, just go meet a real chef. Ramsay is only using words. Some of those chefs would chuck a pot at you, threatening you with a cleaver or worse. In today’s environment he would go to jail, I think. I mean, who in their right mind will hurl a 20-pound pot at a 15-year old? Just because there is a ‘favourite’ pan not cleaned yet? Insane! It was hard. Grade weekend and trying life. But I liked the
10-12 and a job every to also have a social money.
Next summer holiday job was at a construction site. The lowest on the rung of the ladder. All the ‘professionals’ had tremendous fun in having me to do all the hardest jobs. As in climbing up a ladder with bricks for the brick-layers right up there, and a bucket of cement as well. And if not fast enough, the brick-layers would hurl a brick or two at you while climbing up. If they had hit me I would probably have fallen down and killed myself. Great fun, eh? So, I had the joy of growing up, mind-set change, first real job, first real money in the pocket , first time being as addressed as ‘Mr. Otterstrom’, having a real bank account, first time being expected to be accountable, first time… a lot of things. So, grade 10 is different. Embrace it, try it , test it, taste it.
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Human and Robot: A common future
This is another part of the robot series. This time we will try to get into the ethical side of robotics. It is very speculative and there are plenty of ‘IF’s’ in this. We talk concepts here rather than technology, so fasten the seat belts, this is going to be different. If we all agree that the Singularity can happen and that it could be somewhat in the 2050’s, we need to see what the characteristics are: Robots exceed human intelligence to a point where we cannot even fathom it and where we cannot predict anything (due to our limited intelligence compared to robots). Robots can self-improve and can build next-generation robots exceeding their own limitations. Robots are aware of themselves and their environment. Robots can set goals for their existence themselves and improve these over time. It becomes very dramatic now. A robot may ask itself: “why am I here? What is my role in the universe?” This is not different from what humanity is asking itself, is it? If you remember the movie ‘iRobot’ you may remember the ‘three laws for robots’. I have copied these off Wikipedia and here they are:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2) A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws These laws were first published by Asimov in 1942 in his book ‘Runaround’. Look up Asimov and you will see a lot of debate and things. Now let us turn to the laws. These should be rather clear, but there are inconsistences. What is ‘harm’? is it physical harm? Is it also to lock up a human being until the human gives you the password to the bank account? (or the nuclear release code?). What if a robot can start to distinguish between ‘human’ and ‘humanity’? Now we have a situation where killing one person is good for humanity (stopping a nuclear release). So what is ‘harm’. If an entity is half-robot and half-human (like Robocop) must it then obey orders? If it is dependent on whether a brain is electronics or tissue, well, an electronic brain can be grown as tissue, and then what? So what is a human now? It does become horrible complex and it can get worse. You can figure this out yourself.
But this is a contradiction because the humans Self-protection is also good. Law 3 should who will code this do not adhere to such senticover this, but what if there is a need to go into ments at all. They might drink and drive, cheat a nuclear reactor to switch something off. No in tax or far worse. And what is a robot to make human can do it, and out of that? if a robot is doing it, it The genie paradox: will succeed but melt we have the sitYou get what you ask for, Now in the process. If the uation where a robot robot is obeying the not what you want is designed to be selforder (law 2) it is in aware and to establish conflict with law 3. Even my (human) brain will goals according to a higher meaning of its life. short circuit on an order like this. Then it is looking at its creator and having to obey ‘commands’ from an imperfect entity. I If we look at the good ol’ movie of Terminator, can just see the placards coming our way now. we may remember that Skynet was invented to protect humanity. Humanity is a concept, In essence: the robot may ask itself why it whereas a human is a concrete entity. Skynet should obey laws from a human insofar as a determined that the best way of looking out for humanity was to kill them all off; hence it started a nuclear war. Poorly defined goals will cause problems and we have the paradox of the Genie in the lamp: You get what you ask for; not what you want. What should be simple is not simple – well, it never is. Here is another solution: we will somehow code a robot to always be ‘nice’. Always compassionate and ethical. Never able to harm anything. A real goodie robot.
human is not adhering to laws itself. It is the same with us after all. Why obey orders from a flawed entity. ‘Do what I say, not what I do’ is
the command from leaders across the board.
But it gets worse.
So, appealing to a coded robot is not really possible either.
What is the legal status of a robot? If it is selfaware – meaning it can think and reflect on life – we cannot treat the robot as a slave. As an entity with no right and no feelings and so on. Robots have rights, isn’t it?
Additional laws have been suggested, like these: A robot must establish its identity as a robot in all cases A robot must know it is a robot Obviously, if a robot and a human cannot be distinguished from each other, it would be nice to know who you are talking to. But for what purpose? To bully the poor robot? Or is it actually racism? And a robot must know it is a robot. That smacks of inferiority. So a robot must know it is not human, as though being human is the ultimate goal. This is racism. Anybody watched the film ‘District 9’? yes, exactly.
Now we need to have laws governing how we interact with robots and have laws protecting them. Robots cannot have owners then. That is slavery. Can we marry a robot? But it gets much worse. We all know we cannot travel to the stars to settle a new Earth. But we could send a robot family. After all, we power up the reactor and
off they go. But who says they would like to? And what are they going to do when they find a new Earth. Settle it? As robots or humans? It is impossible to guess now. But it gets much much worse. This entire discussion is, after all, about how to define humanity and our existence. Why are we here? Can we define life? Can we ‘upload’ ourselves (look it up on Wiki) and become immortal? Is a robot immortal? Why? Is DNA really a computer programme? It gets very complex. And that is why it is so fun writing these things. My friends: go and think!
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Obama: Genius or gambler?
The latest initiatives from Obama’s side are quite stunning: Diplomatic ties with Cuba and the nuclear deal with Iran.
Castro that USA was not a great friend. Castro invited Soviet to place missiles which could reach the better part of USA.
Is it genius or is it a gamble? Maybe both?
Sanctions got slapped on Cuba so it could really only trade sugar with USSR. USSR bought sugar at a higher than market price to support Cuba, but that of course fell away as USSR dissolved.
It is of course correct that a gambler can only act with some certainty of the outcome and will these initiatives bring peace or more trouble in the world. Cuba is a nice ‘gem’ of international politics. Let us just look at that one first (Iran is complex!).
Fidel retired in favour of his brother Raul.
Cuba In few words: US backed the previous dictator (Batista) against a popular uprising (late 1950’s). Batista had strong ties to the Mafia. Now, Remember the name Fidel Castro? That’s him. The whole thing was a part of the past and not going forward anyway. Cuba is not the hardliner communist country anymore and USA is not in the middle of the Cold War either. So, somebody had to normalise it. … And that was now and it was Obama. Unfortunately USA at that time saw Castro as communist so no support, instead an invasion (Bay of pigs: Look it up). It somehow convinced
Genius? It was about time. Gamble? Maybe. Some are not so impressed and it might detract from his popularity in the US. The thing is: it is his last term anyway, so what.
The world is applauding him for his move. So it pays off anyway. Iran Now this is different. Iran is simply too important to not be a player in this world. Read Rofhiwa’s article of late. It does go into a lot of the basics in terms of Iran. In short: Iran is big, has oil and is a leading country in terms of research and democracy in the Middle East. Iran is not Arabic. Iran is Persia. Obviously after the occupation of the US
How did Obama tackle this situation? US was in all likelihood the creator of the virus called Styxnet (look it up. It is rather fantastic). That was the one which killed parts of the Iranian nuclear manufacturing capacity. The other thing Obama did was to institute an oil embargo on Iran. Where Iran might have thought that all would like to trade with them because, well, they have oil. Obama basically told them to think again. So, the Iranian economy suffered. Then the real bad one: The suspension of trade in the Iranian currency. That sounds rather lame, but it was worse. Nobody wanted to see the Iranian Rial. They had to trade in US dollars but how would they get those things? Exactly! They couldn’t either. So the time was now in terms of Iran. And the price was basically: scrap the bomb and behave like any other country in this world. Which they did.
embassy in 1979 with its hostage crisis and the fall-out of the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988), US was not interested in Iran. The current (new) president (Rouhani) was a key negotiator in the release of the embassy hostages so he knows his way around. The problem was really that Iran embarked on an enrichment programme of nuclear material. It can only be used for a bomb. Obama did not like this.
Genius or gambler? It was time anyway, but there is a lot of resistance here. Israel is not happy. Some of the neighbours in the Middle East fear that Iran will now try to capture the leadership of all Islamic countries. The real problem is that some of the countries were fine with Iran being isolated. An Iran as a world player is, well, big! And can set the tone for a lot of the politics in the Middle East. Is Iraq going to be dominated by Iran? Will Iran challenge Saudi? Gamble to bring Iran into the world? Or genius to bring Iran into the world? You decide!
Next Issue M
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