It is always fascinating to look at impossibilities. Faster than light travel is such an impossibility – we all think. But is it? All inspired by wiki and others. With Einstein’s E = mc2 in hand, we can deduce quite a lot. Here is a quote from “Scientists have found that the faster you go, the more your spatial dimension in the forward direction shrinks and the slower your clock runs when viewed by an external observer. If you look at the equations which are at the core of Einstein’s theories of relativity, you find that as you approach the speed of light, your spatial dimension in the forward direction shrinks down to nothing and your clock slows to a stop. A reference frame with zero width and with no progression in time is really a reference frame that does not exist. Therefore, this tells us that nothing can ever go faster than the speed of light, for the simple reason that space and time do not actually exist beyond this point. Because the concept of “speed” requires measuring a certain amount of distance traveled in space during a certain period of time, the concept of speed does not even physically exist beyond the speed of light. In fact, the phrase “faster than light”