Bamboo beneficial or maybe not In the previous article, we determined that African governments are using Bamboo plants to foster the reversal of Environmental damage. In this article we look into the uses and look at whether some of the uses of the plant are beneficial or not. Keeping in mind that the bamboo plant is one of the most versatile plants on earth. Firstly, the bamboo plant can be used as food. There are handful species of Bamboo that are edible for humans. This is with reference to the sprouts and the shoots. These sprouts and shoots are known for their impact on weight loss, balanced cholesterol and anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, they are said to contain high amounts of vitamins and fibre. Of course, this can be beneficial to all populations. If we look at any good Chinese shop, we will see plenty of bamboo in jars or tins. It is an integral part of a lot of dishes. The second most popular use of Bamboo is Construction. This is because bamboo plants possess strength coupled with lightweight characteristics. The plants are used as a source for building bridges, houses, scaffolding and floors. Furthermore, due to the