Machzor for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 5774 by Rabbi Michael Lerner

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Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur As developed through the Jewish Renewal movement by Michael Lerner

This Machzor represents the collective energies of the Jewish Renewal movement through many decades of spiritual work. In its present form, major contributions were made by Rabbi David Wolfe Blank z"l in his work with the Aquarian Minyan, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Rabbi Pamela Fryman Baugh, Rabbi Burt Jacobson and Rabbi David Zaslow.

The final formulations, including the major parts of the translations, English readings, and selections of how to handle different parts of the text, were all made by Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tukkun magazine and rabbi of Beyt Tiikkun synagogue ( and were made in accord with ideas developed in the Network of Spiritual Progressives (

The design and layout of this beautiful machzor were done by Larry Newhouse in consultation with Rabbi Lerner. Rabbi Lerner and Beyt Tikkun synagogue have graciously made this machzor available to the Rom emu community without any charge, as part of Lerner's own philosophy that there should be no private property in ideas and words.

Table of Contents ':t'1~~ .

Tl'in'V ..-: -

Ma'ariv- Evening Service


Shacharit - Morning Service


n11r-1D . . n~'1l? 1拢)1't1 .-

Torah Service

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Shofar Service



Musaf - Additional Service


Kol Nidre




N e' ilah .: Oosing Service


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Pronunciation Key This a key to pronunciation of the transliteration-that is the Hebrew words written with English letters.

Consonants ~ "ch" is

always pronounced like the "ch" in Johann Sebastian Bach.

"kh" is always pronounced like the "ch" in Johann Sebastian Bach.

''k" followed by anything besides "h" is pronounced like an English "K" (kite, kitchen, etc.) Except for the consonants described above, all consonants sound exactly the way you think they should. 路 路

Vowels In English, each vowel makes several different sounds. Consider, for example, the "a" in "base", ''back", "call". To avoid confusion, the vowels used 路 in the transliterations are very predictable: "a" sounds~ the vowel in "rock," "sock," and ''bottle" . "o" sounds like the vowel in ''bowl," "role," and "soul" "i" sounds like the vowel in "meat," ''beet," and "eat"

"e" sounds like the vowel in "bet," "net," and "pet" "u" sounds like the vowel in "stew,""do," and "shoe" "ay" or "ey" sounds like the vowel in "stay," "play," and "day" "ai" sounds like the vowel in "rye," "cry," or "dry"

"ee" is used in the scune way as "i" (as in "meat," ''beet," and "eat") 2

Welcome to Romemu! We welcome you to participate with us in the prayer services and in building the community. We are elated that you're here! In Hebrew, "romemu" means to ascend, go up, soar. At Romemu, we are all invited to ascend to the fullest expression of who we are. We are a progressive, egalitarian community that is postdenominational and committed to the vision of Judaism that is emerging in the works of many contemporary teachers, particularly that articulated in Rabbi Michael Lerner's books jewish Renewal: A Path to Healing and Transformation and Spirit Matters: Global Healing and the Wisdom of the Soul, and in the works of his, and Rabbi David Ingber's teachers Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.

"But I can't read Hebrew and I don't know the melodies, so how welcome can I feel?" You are not alone. Many of the people in this room are just learning, and while some have known Hebrew all their lives, most who seem to know the music learned it last year or the year before- by attending the services and just faking it, singing along, and slowly picking it up. We've seen it happen to people who had zero previous connection, so it can happen to you if you stick with it, keep coming back. just hum the melodies. You are welcome here at whatever level of knowledge you have. Don't worry about the Hebrew- use the time to do inner work, and let the music be the background for that.

"But I'm not even sure I believe in God!" Many members of Romemu have trouble with the traditional conceptions of God - to often portrayed in the past as an authoritarian figure sitting in heaven and swinging from anger to love depending on how well we recite prayers or do commandments. We believe it is time for you to let go of these and other visions of God that you don't believe in, so that you can open yourself to experiencing or conceptualizing the God that you might believe in. So here is our message: the God that you don't believe doesn't exist. We stipulate to that. Also, please don't waste your time at our services arguing against the God you don't believe in because he doesn't exist. Let go of all those old concepts and pictures that have become a stumbling block or a minor irritant. Forget that God. Now, while you are here, how about using this time to open yourself to whatever spiritual experience could actually be real for you? See what comes to you if you just allow yourself to be open to receiving any form of contact you can with any aspect of the spiritual reality of the universe. This is not going to be easy. There will be moments during our service when the older language throws you back into the old arguments in your head against God you don't believe in. We invite you to notice that, and move beyond it. Our community does not require or invite any orthodoxy or religious belief. But we do invite you to read the account of God and judaism developed in Rabbi Lerner's book jewish Renewal: A Path to Healing and Transformation to hear an approach that will challenge you, and possibly show you that there


is a way to understand God that does not require any subordination of your rational mind, your commihnent to science, your psychological. sophistication, or your integrity! Yet that is . only one approach, and we invite you to. develop your own. , By using this space while you are at our services, you will help us. We co-create for each other the safety to get into spiritt;.tal reality by e~ch of us using this time to be "real" about our own spiritual work. It's very disruptive to that to have people who are just glaring, buzzing to their neighbors, or projecting an attitude of "show me bec'luse I don't think any of this makes sense." We can't show you-it takes your own individual work to get yourself in a space where something real can happen spiritually, and we invite you to use your time with us to do that inner work. 路

How to Pray or davven (it's hard for everyone> Prayer is always hard. It requires opening ourselves to. a level o~ spiritual reality that is scary and embarrassing, because we have ~o get beyond our own self-consciousness and ourselves. To "get into it'' means to lose some of our self-conception of ourselves as selfcontained, goal-directed and in control. We have many inner voices ~at tell us we are being ridi-culous if we allow ourselves to really get involved in something greater tl:tan our own lives and personal struggles. 路 路 . 路 Prayer is about responding to the universe and the experience of living with joy, awe, wonder and radical amazement. It is the. opposite of the self-assured, savvy, manipulative, cynical, technocratic consciousness that gets rewarded in the competitive marketplace. . No wonder it seems so counter-intuitive to let go and sing to the universe. But we invite you to do just that-to let go of your self-constraint and to jump into the experience of relating to the world from the standpoint of joy and wonder. We invite you to be "silly"-let go of being serious, and have fun celebrating the miracles of creation. That's what this prayer service is all about


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We might think of God as the mind of the universe, including every part of the universe within it and yet not reducible to any part of it. We are part of this mind, as a particular theory or orientation might be part of our minds. If that's true, then we might be the particular way that God is becoming self-conscious, the mechanism in God for God's becoming self-aware. Human beings do not originate consciousness-they only tap into a larger pool of consciousness that surrounds and pervades all Being. The Kabbalists talk of God contracting in order to create the space for human beings, so we might say that God's contraction is a contraction of the consciousness pool in order to allow specific beings to embody that consciousness and to develop it toward self-consciousness. The process through which we come to know ourselves is a process of recognition of ourselves through the other, and recognizing the other as a self-determining and freely choosing embodiment of God's energy, whiCh, as it shines through the other, has the capacity to recognize each of us as similarly embodying God's energy. I am most authentically recognized by the other when I am recognized not only for my particularity but for what I have in common with the other, namely, the pulsation through me of God's Being and energy. Mutual recognition becomes the necessary condition for the fullest development of each component part of God's universe. . . -Rabbi Michael Lerner in Jewish Renewal: A Path to Healing and Transformation 5

The Nature of God An impoverished person thinks that God is an old man with white hair, sitting on a wondrous throne of fire that sparkles with countless sparks. Imagining this and similar fantasies, the fool corporealizes God. He falls into one of the traps that destroy faith. His awe of God is limited by IUs imagination. . But if you are enlightened, you know God's oneness; you know that the divine is devoid of bodily categories-these can never be applied to God. Then you wonder, astonished: "Who am I? I am a mustard seed in the middle of the sphere of the moon, which itself is a mustard seed within the next sphere. So it'is with that sphere and all it contains in relation to the next sphere. So it is with all the spheres-one inside the other-and all of them are a mustard seed within the further expanses. And all of these are a mustard 'seed within further expanses. Your awe is invigorated; the love in your soul expands. . When you contemplate the Creator, realize that liis/her encampment extends beyond, infinitely beyond, and so, too, in front of you and behind you, east and west, north and south, above and below, infinitely everywhere. Be aware that God fashioned everything and is within everything. There is nothing else.

THE ESSENCE OF DIVINITY The essence of divinity is found in every single creature-nothing but it exists. Since it causes every thing to be, no creature can live by anything else. It enlivens them; its existence exists in each existent路 Do not attribute duality to God. Let God be solely God. If you suppose that EIN SOF emanates until a certain point and that from that point on is outside of it you have dualized, God forbid! Realize, rather, that Ein Sof exists in each existent. Do not say, "This is a stone and nm God." God forbid! Rather, all existence is God, and the stone is a creature pervaded by divinity. . Before anything emanated, there was only EIN SOF. It was all that existed. Similarly, after it brought into being that which exists, there is nothing but it. You cannot find anything that exists apart from it There is nothing that is not pervaded by the power of divinity. If there were, EIN SOF would be limited, subject to duality, God forbid! Rather, God is everything that exists, though everything that exists is not God. It is present in everything, and everything comes into being from it. Nothing is devoid of divinity. Everythlng is within it; it is within everything and outside of everything. There is nothing but it. --from a I<abbalistic text

AN ALL ENCOMPASSING UNITY The essence of reality is an all-encompassing UNITY that embraces and indeed generates relative diversity. It is not that you and I are creatures fashioned by God. It is rather that you and I are temporary manifestations of God. We are real. We are worthwhile. We are unique. What we are not is eternal, separate and independent. We are God, though certainly not the totality of God. The relationship between God and creation is like that between an ocean and its waves. Each wave, while unique and distinct in time and space, is yet a manifestation of the same ocean. Without the ocean there could be no wave. Yet waves are no less real for their having no existence separate from the ocean. Similarly, you and I, and the myriad details of creation are no less real for being manifestations of the one God. Our separate reality is dependent upon that larger reality. Our separate reality is momentary, transient, and relative, but that . . does not make it illusory or unreal.


Jewish spiritual practice does not supplant the self with the One, but awakens the self to its inseparability from the One. Jewish spiritual practice awakens you to the complementary awareness of One and the Many as equal manifestations of God, and allows you to function in the relative world of separate selves while at the same time encountering through the relative world the absolute world of inseparable unity. It is not that the relative is more or 路 less real than tl'le absolute, but that both are authentic expressions of God as we encounter God. -selected from :MINYAN by Rami Shapiro

THE UNITY OF ALL BEING It is our estrangement from the oneness of all being, from the God Who IS ONE, that is the source of our greatest illusion, sickness and misunderstanding of ourselves. This estrangement leads to idolatry--our tendency to absolutize or worship some part of the universe or some configuration of reality at a particular moment as though it were the ultimate reality, rather than what it is, a split-off part of the whole. Instead of seeing current tendencies toward extreme individualism and selfishness as the flourishing 路Of an unchanging and unchangeable "human nature," the politics of meaning recognizes that the current way in which people relate to one another is only a m~estation of this particular moment in history when market societies shape our views of what is natural. It is not the absolute, and the world could be very different. The fundamental aspiration of. many spiritual movements today is to help us overcome the false pride and egotism that comes from conceptualizing ourselves as the center of the universe and acting from the arrogant assumption that the world was made to serve our individual needs. This egotistical arrogance has led us to the brink of ecological disaster. A similar arrogance underlies our belief that one country (or race or religion) has the right to impose its needs on the rest of humanity, to appropriate a disproportionate amount of the world's resources and wealth, or to impose its agenda on everyone else. We live in a globally interconnected world, and the destruction of the web of life in one part of the planet or in one urban neighborhood will have dramatic consequences for all of us in the not-too-long run. We are at a moment when the highest ideals of the Bible and of the spiritual heritage of the human race can no longer be marginalized. Recognizing the God in each other, recognizing our place as part of the totality and unity of all being, is no longer a task for an enlightened minority-it is the practical survival requisite for our planet. In the coming generations, we shall be exEeriencing the next stage in the evolution of Spirit, what some people call God-in-the-making, or what other traditions would call the full acceptance of our numan role as partners with God in tikkun (the healing and transformation of the world). The God energy in the universe, working through the human race, is realizing itself, becoming more aware of itself and its task, and is manifesting itself more fully. As Ken Wilber puts it, "Spirit is not some particular stage, or some favorite ideology, or some pet god or goddess, but rather the entire process of unfolding itself, an infinite process that is completely present at every finite stage, but becomes more available to itself with every evolutionary opening." We human beings, created in the image of God, are one of the vehicles for this evolutionary process. And we are on the threshold of one of the major advances in self-understanding, as we fully realize that our survival depends on our ability to love and care for each other and our ability to respond to the universe with awe and wonder. We are the beginning of a process in which human beings will recognize each other, and treat each other with the respect and caring that hereto.fore seemed only a distant ethical aspiration. There are millions of people already moving in that direction, and millions more ready to move the moment they see that they will not be alone (so that they can feel safe enough to withstand what will still be the dominant cynicism that will come at them from the media and the larger society). This is a wonderful moment in human history. -Rabbi Michael Lerner from The Politics of Meaning


May We Always Remember May we always remember Where we come from, May we see the whole In every part. May all blessings Pour down on everyone As love flows from the heart.

N~1~P 1~n~ oV)? il'tl~'~'P~ N~r1 :t'l~ For the sake of the Unity of the Holy Blessed ONE and the Holy Blessed CREATION

We Believe We believe that the world is beautiful and worth singing about We believe that the world is good and is worth shouting about. We believe that the world is full of kindness and of faith and that behind the facade is a design, profound and wonderful. We believe that the success of evildoers, of bigots, of tyrants--is only temporary. That the righteous will strike deep roots and will grow in stature and in power. They will grow in esteem and the admiration of humanity like the stately palm tree and the mighty cedar. We believe that our ancestors made a Covenant with God at Sinai--never to forget Pharaoh and the current systems of economic and political oppression, from sweat-shops to homelessness to hunger to the growing inequality the world's rich and the world's poor. --based on writing of Rabbi Noah Golinkin.

Praise Yourself.... Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself every day how well you are doing every little thing. 8

~~~ 1'1~• Yedid nefesh • • 1~010 l~ \U~~ 1'1~ .:f~i~l ?~ :f1~~ 7f)'l.i~ ?!~ i~f :f1~~ ~~j! ·:t'l1D ?~·Y.) ?~ T'l)Qt:l\U~ :f'{li1'1~ 1? J 1).]~ .0~\? ?~1 ')~~ 1l~i)~

Yedid nefesh ave harachaman meshoch a-odecha el retzon-echa Yarutz avdecha ke moe ayal, yeeshta-chaveh el mul hadaraecha Ye'erav lo ye'di'du'techa . Meno-fet tzuf v~chol ta'am.

O~i)'O ,,, il~~ j~10 Hadur na'eh zeev ha'olam .. :rrt~O~ n~in '~~~ nafshee cholat ahav atecha. 1 11~ N~ 11~1 N~ ?~ N~~ ·Ana El nah, refa'a nah lah, . •:)')'' 0).!.) D~ 11iNlD~ b~ har'ot lah no-am zeev-echa N~1flf-11 PliJflf-1 lt< Az teet-chazeyk ve'teet'rapeh . .o?i)' nnn'V n' 11!1'11, ve hai tah lah seem'chat olam. ,.





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Vateek ye hemu na rachamecha ve'chusa nahal ben ahoo-vecha Kee zeh kamah neech'sofneech'saftee, leer ot be'tiferet u'zecha. Eleh chamdah, chamdah leebee ve'chusah nah ve'al teet'aleym

l'~O ,'lJ"j~~ N~ il~~D Hee galeh nah ufros chav eevee :)'~1?\U !1~?. Tl~ '~{' alie et sukat she'lomecha :t'lilf~ ~l-~ 1'z:<!'J Ta-a-eer eretz mee'kevo'decha, :r~ no~¥'~1 i1~,~~ nageelah venees'mecha becha 11).!)Y.) N~ '~ ,J ~i1t< 11DY;l Maher ehov kee va mo'ed D~i)' 'P.'~ '~~01 ve'cha'a'neynu keemey olam.


Yedid N efesh You who loves my soul, compassion's gentle source Take my disposition and shape it to Your will. Like a darting deer I will flee to You, Before Your glorious presence humbly do I bow. Let Your sweet love delight me with its thrill, Because no other dainty will my hunger still. How splendid is your light, which worlds do reflect My soul is worn from craving for Your love's delight. Please good God do hear her and show to her Your face So my soul can see You and bathe in Your grace. There she will find strength and healing in Your sight, Her joy will be complete then, eternal her delight What pity stirs in You, since days of old, my God! Be kind to me Your own child, begotten by Your love. For long and longing hours, I yearned for Your embrace, To see my light in Your light, basking in Your grace. My heart's desire is to harmonize with Yours, Do not conceal your pity, hide not that light of Yours. Help us to unfurl your canopy of peace, Enfold all human beings, may our tensions cease. Your presence on this earth plane do make known to us And we shalf respond then with song and with dance, Rush my love, be quick, the time for love is now, Let You~ gentle favor grace us as of old.


Reb David's Kavannah In the evening of the year just past the twilight of months:

the seventh month, the seventh hour of months past the afternoon of Tammuz, Av, and Elul. As we enter the months of harvest, the hours of evening, We ask ourselves "Are we ready?" These are the days of the ripening of the year. These are days ready for picking, harvest ready at harvest moon. In the Shabbat of months, the seventh month it's time to harvest our life's fruit and drop our seeds toward the renewal of spring that seems so far away. When nature turns in, we follow: inward and deep. The Holy One calls to each of us, Ah-yekah. Where are you? Are you hiding? Hiding from Me? Hiding from yourself?" "Hinayni, " each of us has the chance to respond. Hinayni. Here I am! No I'm not hiding from my mistakes any longer. Here I am. I am ready enough to ~ay 'Hinayni! '" These are the hours of judgment and rebirth; dressed in white garments of both coronation and death; placed in the season of harvest, hope, repentance, and return. These are the hours when the Holy One we call to as Melech seems as ~lose as the field outside; as close as the field inside. As close as the heart is broken; as near as the autumn is turning. Hinayni! And gives us the precept of lighting candles for the Day of At-one-ment. II



A Prayer Before Prayer



I now prepare to unify my whole self : heart, mind, consciousness, body, passions, with this holy community with the Jewish people everywhere, with all people everywhere, with all life and being to commune with the Source of Being. May I find the words, the music, the movements, that will put me in touch with the vast unity of which 路 we are all a part. May the rungs of insight and joy that I reach in my devotion flow from me to others and fill all our actions in the world. May the blessings of God rest upon us. May we be conscious of God's presence more and more each day. And may the example of our lives be a light to others on their path.

r=r>tl~'~'?i~ N~n

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LeShaym yikhud kudshah brikhu u 'Shekhintay.

For the sake of Unity of the Holy Blessed Oneness and the Holy Blessed Shekhinah


Rosh Hashanah Evening Candle Blessings Rosh Hashanah:

~ ,~~ ,o~1)'0 :r~~ ~r>t:l?~ i11i1' n!J~ 7f~,~ . ,-:) ;b ~!k ~J~11? tifie~r

.,,,~,~o o1' '¥~ ,~ rn~no~ ~mq ''fl'~Y,)~ Barukh atah Adonai Eloheynu Melekh Ha'olam asher kideshanu bemitz 'votav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Yom HaZikaron.

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·Blessed are You, 0 Lord our God, Spirit of the Universe, Who makes us holy by giving us the mitzvah of. lighting candles for this Day of Remembrance. .

When Rosh Hashanah falls on Friday Evening;

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·111~'\tl 01'1l1~~ ?~ ,~ P'~1D? ~Jl~11'!J1~~~ Barukh atahAdonai Eloheynu Melekh Ha'olam asher kideshanu bemitz'votav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat ve'Yom HaZikaron. Blessed are You, 0 Lord our God, Spirit of the Universe, Who makes us holy by giving us the mitzvah of lighting candles for the Sabbath and the Day of Remembrance.

When Doing Something New or Seasonal

,o~1)'D -:t~~ ~J'D'~ 11111' 11fl~ 7f~,~ .11!D 1~\2 ~J{''~t11 ~J>?~P1 ~J~OD~ Barukh atah Adonai Eloheynu Melekh Ha'olam Shehekheyanu vekiyemanu vehigiyanu lazman hazeh.

Blessed are You, 0 Lord our God, Spirit of the Universe, Who has enlivened us and sustained us and brought us to this season.


The Heaa of the Year The moon Is dark tonight, a new moon for a New Year. It is hollow and hungers to be full. It is the black zero of beginning. Now you must void yourself of injuries, Insults, incursions. Go with empty hands to those you have hurt and make amends. It is not too late. It is early 路 and about to grow. Now is the time to do what you know you must and have feared to begin. too as you yourself, of all you

Your face is dark turn Inward to face the hidden twin must grow to be.

Forgive the dead year. Forgive yourself. What will be wants to push through your fingers. The light you seek hides in your belly. The light you crave longs to stream from. your eyes. you are the moon that wUI wax in new goodness. --Marge Piercy


Tov l'hodot .

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Mizmor shir l'yom hashabat: Tov l'hodot ladonaz,ulzamezr I sh.zmcha elyon.

:11~~~ 11'~t1 '~~ ?~~ '~~l 11·VJ~ '~~:n1?'~~ :ftl~~~~l :r:Y?D 1i(J.4 1'~D? L'hagid baboker chasdecha,v'emunat'cha baleilot. alei asor va'alei navel,alei higayon b'chinor.



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Ki simachtani Adonai b'fo'olecha, b'ma'asei yadecha aranein.

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Ma gad'lu ma'asecha Adonai, m'od am'ku machsh'votecha.

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Ish ba'ar lo yeida, uchsillo yavin et zot.

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Bifroach r'sha'im k'mo eisev vayatsitsu kol poalei aven l'hischam'dam adei ad.

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V'ata marom l'olam Adonai.

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Ki hinei oy'vecha Adonai. ki hinei oy'vecha yoveidu yitpar'du kol poalei aven.

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Vatarem kireim karni, baloti b'shemen ra'anan

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Vatabeit eini b'shurai, bakamim alai m'rei'im tishmana a znai.

:n~\U~ 11)~~4 ll~f n1£?~ 1~!:1~ P'1~

Tsadik katamar yifrach, k'erez bal'vanon yisgeh.

:~n'1!l' ~)'ii?N n11~nJ. " l'l':JJ. O'?~n0 • I -






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Sh'tulim b'veit Adonai, b'chatsrot Eloheinu yafrichu.

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Od y'nuvun b'seiva, d'sheinim v'ra'ananim yih'yu,

.1J. nn?1~ N?1 '1~~ " 1\!.h 'J 1'ln? 't"

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L'hagid ki yashar Adonai, Tsuri, v'lo avlata bo.

Psalm. A song; for the Sabbath day. It is good to give thanks to The Transformative Power of the Universe, to sing songs to Your name, who is most high! To talk of your kindness in the morning, Your faithfulness in the nights with a ten-stringed harp, with voice and lyre together.

You have gladdened me by Your deeds, YHVH, I shout for joy at Your handiwork. How great are Your works, Yah, how very subtle Your thoughts!(Mah gadlu ma'asecha Yah, me'od amku machshevo'techa)A brutish man cannot know, a fool won't understand it this way, but in my faith I see that: though the wicked sprout like grass, though all evildoers blossom at this particular moment in world history, we will bring about a different historical moment, so that all the fires of fear and the inherited legacies of pain and cruelty that result in evil will eventually be transformed and utilized for good, the tendency toward passing on evil will be extinguished or bum out, as we no longer feed that dimension of our reality. It is this possibility which we affirm when we affirm You, God. Surely, Your enemies, Yah, surely, the voices of fear and despair that sometimes manifest within us, these shall perish; all certainty that evil is the truth of this world will be dramatically undermined. You raise my hom of hope high like that of a wild ox; I am soaked in freshening oil. . I shall see the defeat of my fearfulness, hear of the downfall of the legacies of pain that undermine all peoples and have played out in ways that have hurt me personally. At that moment, I will again know most fully: The righteous shall bloom like a date-palm; they will thrive like a cedar in Lebanon; planted in the house of the Transformative Power of the Universe, they flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they still produce fruit; they are full of sap and freshness, attesting that YHVH is the straight path to healing our planet, a firm and loving foundation which yields goodness and abundance. 15

Evening Prayer


••••• Evening Prayer ••• •• .

~1:l'?D !~ 11~ ~=»1~

. Barchu et Adonai Hamvorach Let us all praise the One who showers us with blessing!

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BaruchAdonai Hamvorach Le'olam Va'ed How blessed is the One who bestows blessing forever and ever!

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Ahavat olam beyt Yisra'el, amcha, amcha ahavta. Torah u'mitz'vot khukim u'mishpatim, otanu lee'mad'eta. AI ken Adonai Eloheynu be'shakh'veynu uve'kumeynu,

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kee hem chayeynu ve' orech yameynu. u'vahem neh'hegeh yomam va'lailah ve'ahvat'cha a1 taseer, mee menu, le'olamim, mee menu le'olamim. Baruch Ata, Adonai, ohev ohev amo Yis'rael.

We are loved by an unending love. · We are embraced by arms that find us, even when we are hidden from ourselves. We are touched by fingers that soothe us, even when we are too proud for soothing. We are counseled by voices that guide us, even when we are too embittered to hear. We are loved by un unending love. We are supported by hands that uplift us, even in the midst of a fall. We are urged on by eyes that meet us, even when we are too weak for meeting. We are loved by an unending love. Embraced, touched, soothed and counseled, Ours are the arms, the fingers, the voices; Ours are the hands, the eyes, the smiles; We are loved by an unending love.


Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad.


o~1)'~ 1Tl~J~Q 11:1f o~J ~~,~ Baruch Shaym Kevod Malchuto Le'olam Va'ed.

Listen Israel, the Source of all our being, that Source is One! Hear 0 Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. Blessed is the holy presence. The splendor of itS majesty shines throughout time.

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V' ahavta et Adonai Elohecha bechol levavcha, uvechol naj'shecha, uvechol me'odecha. Vehayu hadevarim ha'ayleh asher anochi m 'tzav'cha hayom al levavecha. Veshinantam levanecha vedibarta bam beshivtecha beveytecha · uvelechtecha vaderech, uveshach 'becha uvekumecha. Ukeshartam le 'ot a/ yadecha. Vehayu letotafot bayn aynecha. · Uchetavtam al mezuzot beytecha uvisharecha.

19 )

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might And these words which I command you on this day shall be in your heart (shall be in your heart) And you shall teach them diligently (gently, gently) unto your children. And you shall speak of them when you're sitting in your house, and when you're walking by the way, and when you are lying down, and when you rise up (and when you rise up.) And you shall meditate on them day and night. And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts· of your house and upon your gates, that you may remember every day of your life that God is One, that God is One. Adonai Echad. And you shall love yourself, for you are a spark of the Divine. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. And you shall love the stranger, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt. Let love fill your heart for all being. I call heaven and earth to witness before you today: Life and death have I set before you; the blessing and the challenge. Choose life, so that you and your children may live fully and joyously. Love the Source of being, the Power of your powers, by heeding the Voice, and by realizing that you are a part of the Oneness of all life. For God is your life and the fullness of your days. Thus you will become aware and carry through all the divine direction you receive from the One. And your lives will be bound in holiness to the Power within you. I AM that Infinite Power that drove you to leave Egypt to become your God. I AM the infinite, your power in truth.

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Emet v'emunah kol zot v'kayam alaynu Adonai Hu Elohaynu ayn zulato . Va'anakh'nu banav uv'notav.

--: -

All of these words are true and real. For there is nothing which is outside of Divinity. And we are the sons and daughters of Divinity.


Dancing on the Shores of Freedom As the Children of Israel left the slavery of Egypt, they crossed the Sea of Reeds. When they saw the miracle of their liberation, they burst out in praise and thanks to God Whom they perceived as their Divine Liberator. They accepted the leadership of the One who had taken them out of their distress. Moses and the men responded with great joy, singing these words all together. Miriam, his sister, took out her timbrel, and all the women danced and sang these words together:

?il\il~ 0~~~ il~·)J~ '~ Mi Khamokha ba'aylim Adonai? 1'lJ~tP~ 11~~ n~~;» ')~ Mi Kamokha ne'edar bakodesh, ?N~~ ilW)J TJ)~tl.fl Nl)J Norah tehilot osay fele :p~~ ~N1 :r~~:>{>;l Malechutcha ra-u vaneicha il~t.) '~!?~ 0{' ~p,t~l Bo~-a yam lifnei Mosheh ~1t.)N1 ~)}! '~N ill Zeh eili anu v'amru 1).!1 O~·)J{ 'J~~~ !~ Adonai yimloch l'olam va-eid il1~-'~ 1Y:;l~~1 V'ne-emar ki fadah lP~!- n~ !~ Adonai eit Yaakov ~J~~ P!O 1!~ 1~~1~ Ug'alo miyad chazak mimenu ?~1¥'~ ~~~ !~ ilfl~ 7)'~1~ Baruch ata Adonai ga-al Yisrael I






"Who is like unto You among the powers, oh God? Who is like You, transcendent in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders?" Your children saw You in Your majesty, splitting the sea before Moshe. "This is my God!" they cried, and said: "YHVH yimloch l'olam va'ed." YHV will be our Power as long as space and time endure" (Exodus 15:11, 18) And it was said: "Yes, God has rescued Ya'akov, saved him from a power stronger than his own!" Baruch Ata YHVH, Ga'al Yisrael. A Fountain of Blessing are You, YHV H, Redeeming Power ofYisra'el.




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Hashkiveynu YHVH Eloheynu ['shalom, v'ha-amideynu malkeynu l'chayyim. U'fros aleynu sukkat shlomecha.. Vetakeuenu ve'etzah tovalt milefanelta vehoshi'enu lema'an shemeha. V'hagen ba-adenu v'haser may-aleynu oyev, dever v'cherev v'ra-av v'yagon, v'lzaser satan mi'faneinu u-me-achareinu uvtzel kenajeha tastirenu ki el shomrenu umatzilenu atah ki el meleh hanun verahum atah. Ushmor tzeytenu uvo'enu lehayim ulshalom me'atah v'ad olam. Ufros aleynu sukkat shelomeiUl. Baruh atah adonay hapores sukkat shalom aleynu ve'al kol amo yisra'el ve'al chol yoshvey tey'veyl ve'al y~rushalayim. Let us down, YHVH Eloheynu, in peace, and rise up again, our Melech-Living, Flowing Source-into life. Spread over us the sukkah of Your Peace and guide us well. Save us for Your Name's sake. Be a shield around us, removing adversity and sorrow. Help us resist all that is not good for us. Shelter us with Your protecting love, for You are the Power that guards and rescues. You are the Source of grace and compassion. Guard our going out and our coming in, with life and peace, now and forever. Spread over all of us (on this entire planet) the sukkah of Your peace! Baruch Ata YHVH, ha poreys sukkat shalom aleynu v'al kol amoe Yisrael, v'al Yerusluzlayim. A fountain of Blessing are You, Holy One, spreading your sukkahof peace over us, over Yisrael, over all who dwell on this planet, and over Jerusalem-uniting all humanity in peace. Ufros aleynu-sukat Shalom. Spread Over all of us, wings of peace, shalom. Draw water in joy from the Living Well. Mayim Chayyim-Waters of life-Shalom..


.~)~0 o1'? n9~~ 1~1'V 'Vtn~ ~Yi?r-J .J·p~~ 't:i~N~ t>~yJ>;J N~n ~~1¥'~~ p·n '~ Tiku bachodesh shofar bakeseh I'yom chagaynu. Ki chok I' Yisra 'el hu, mishpat laylohay Ya 'akov. Blow the shofar on the new moon. When the moon is hidden from our view, that is the sign of our New Year Holy Day. It is the law for Yisrael, that this day be a day of Sacred Judgment.

Meditative Song to Open to the Silence Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my heart Build there your shrine and never depart Let every passion spring from you Let every song be new · Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my sight Consume the veil that hides your light With holy joy and grace divine Let every moment shine Oh Lord, transform this lowly sphere That boundaries may disappear · In mutual dependency Let every soul be free Our burden Lord is great indeed For everywhere are people in need Reply respond with healing word Let every call be heard Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into our lives With peace that blesses, love that revives The unity of all in all Let every thought recall Oh Lord let us be slaves no more Fling open wide.Messiah's door Salvation's boundless benefit Let every breath admit Oh Lord may we be ever one A world of friends with quarrels none Let every person know their soul Let every heart be whole. Halleluyah! Halleluyah!!


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[We invite you to pray the traditional prayer in Hebrew or English, or create your own prayers, or you can sit back down and simply meditate. If you choose to meditate, we invite you to use our communitY mantra: "I am part of the Unity of All Being, a manifestation of God's love on earth."] (English begins on page 28)

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(Hebrew begins on page 25) Help me. 0 God. to pray. Our ancestors worshipped You. Abraham and Sarah. Rebecca and Isaac. Jacob. Rachel and Leah stood in awe before You. We too reach for You. infinite, awesome. transcendent God, source of all being whose truth shines through our ancestors' lives. We, their distant descendants, draw strength from their lives and from your redeeming love. Be our help and our shield, as You were theirs. yve praise You, God, Guardian of Abraham, Helper of Sarah. Your power sustains the universe. You breathe life into dead matter. With compassion You care for those who live. Your limitless love lets life triumph over death, heals the sick, upholds the exhausted, frees the enslaved, and helps us to keep our faith in the midst of the pain and suffering of life. Who is like You, God of splendor and power incomparable? You govern both life and death. Your Presence causes our souls to blossom. We praise You, God, sustainer of all life. Sacred are You, sacred is Your mystery. Seekers of holiness worship You all their lives. We praise You, God, ultimate mystery. Blessed be the compassion within us, the Power of holiness. May each of. us, may all creatures sense the awesome power of the Divine at our core, wholeheartedly surrendering to the unity of the Whole, joining into a single Community to complete the Grand Design. We know, we have always known. that God, the Eternal, embraces all creation. Let us devote ourselves to the work; let us allow this unity to flow through all time and space. Let Israel, our people, let all people, glory in God; let those who are filled with awe sing for joy! Let those who seek God find their hope, bringing joy to the earth, and gladness to all people, giving birth to enlightenment--Messiah, kindling the light of David soon in our days. May we be holy. May we see and be glad in our rejoicing. May we celebrate in song as the dominion of arrogance is swept from the earth, and evil dissolves and vanishes like smoke. How holy we are in our essence. How awesome we are in the depths of our souls. No power is really separate from our inner collective unity. As it says in the teachings, "the Source of this teeming universe becomes lifted through justice and lovingkindness." The place of new beginning is here in our souls. Can we bring this vision forth? Can we make it real in our world? Our past says no. but our hearts say yes. It is not impossible. It can be done! We have tasted the vision. We are one with the Power of goodness. Let us work and struggle to give it birth.

Our people has bef!n chosen; all peoples have been chosen; you and I have been chosen. We have felt Divine love in every spark of love. We have sensed Divine holiness in our moments ofjoy, in our deeds ofjustice and love, (this Shabbos day,) on this day of reminding and remembering, this day of listening, of hearing the Shofar blast, this time for gathering, in holiness, to remember the going forth from Egypt.


Would that Your people at prayer gained delight in the spiritual path. Would that we were aflame with the passionate piety of our ancestors' worship. May You find our worship acceptable and forever cherish Your creation. If only our eyes could see Your glory perennially renewed in Jerusalem, and all Holy places throughout the world. We praise You, God, whose presence forever radiates from Your creation in Holiness.. On this, the Holy Day of(Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur) may the grace of God ascend within us, opening our ears, opening our hearts and minds to the flame of our ancestors, to the flame of enlightenment, to our people Israel, and to all humankind. May the joy and depth of this day thread its way into our day-to-day lives, and bring us and those we meet goodness and blessing, life and peace. You are our God today as You were our ancestors' God throughout the ages. Firm foundation of our lives, we are Yours in gratitude and love. Our lives are safe in Your hand, our souls entrusted to Your care. Our sense of wonder and our praise of Your miracles and kindnesses greet You daily at dusk, dawn, and noon. 0 Gentle One, Your caring is endless. 0 Co-mpassionate One, Your love is eternal. You are forever our hope. Let all the living greet You with thankfulness, delight, and truth. Help us, 0 God. Sustain us. We praise You, whose · touchstone is goodness. May our prayers bring us to a state of joy. 0 God, from whom all peace flows, grant serenity to the Jewish people, and to all people, Your creation. Consider us kindly. Grant love and mercy, life and goodness to all of Your creation. Bless us with tranquility at all times and in all seasons. We praise You, God, whose blessing is peace. Concluding paragraph of the Amidah:

'~~~ '2{i?~~1 ,11~1~ 1:;)1~ 'tl~\p!) Y1~ '~1\li{ 11~~ ,'D't< :p{li~~~~ :t'{l1i11~ '~~ nt~~ .n~;:-tr-J ?"z,2 1~{'~ ''?'~~1 ,o11fl

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'~1 ,,~1'f'~-'-~ ?~1 ~J'~{' Oi'¥i ilW~~ N~i1 ,1'0i1~~ Oi'\U i1~Y

·1~2$ ~1~~1 '~D '~'Pi' '~ May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. When confronted by negativity may my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me, God, because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my mouth and in the feelings of my heart, 0 God, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain harmony in the heavens, so grant peace to us, to the whole Jewish people, to all . peoples everywhere, and to the world. Amen. Amidah ends here.


Oseh Shalom May the One who creates harmony in the cosmos above create peace within and amongst us, for all Israel, and for all who dwell on the earth, and let us say amen.

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Oseh shalom bimromav Hu ya'aseh shalom aleynu ve'al kol Yisrael, ve'imru amen. Ya'aseh shalom aleynu ve'al kol ha'olam.



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~~,2~ Aleynu ?::>iJ 111~2 IJ~'?i1 ~)'~~ Aleynu le-shabeyach la'adon hakol, n'~N1.;t 1~\'? i1~~1~ ntJ~ -Iatet gdula le-yotzer bereysheet, n\~1~0 '?.)lf ~)·¥'~ ''~ she-loe asanu ke' goyey h~'aratzot, i1Y.l1Ni1 n1n9\UY.)::> ~)Y.)\lj )') ve'loe samanu eem mispechot ha'adamah, Y-1 Ot;J~ ~)f:?10 O¥J 1?~ she'loe same chelkeynua ema-hem, o'\)'i1 ':::> 0~ ~)?11l1 vegoraleynu eem kol ha'olam 'I'
















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va'anacnu koreem u'meesh'tachaveem u'moe-deem leefney Melech Malchey Ham'lachim ha kadosh baruch bu. She'hu noteh shamayim veyosed aretz umoshav yekaroe bashamayim mee'ma'al, ush'china uzo, uschinat uzo, be gav'hey meromim, Hu Eloheynu, eyn ode, emet malkeynu efes zulat, ka'katuv be'toratecha, ve'yadata hayom ve'ha-~heyvot a

:r~~1 '~ .el li va'vecha, O'ii'Nil . .... ... N~il i11i1' '::l. Kee Adonai Hu Ha Elohim, '~En --.

0'Y.l\U::t ·-,.- ba'shama'yim mee-ma' ai

~1~0 '~1 va'al ha'aretz, va'al ha'aretz, mee'tachat. 1))' 1'~ Eyn od, Eyn od. !~ i1!01 1~~~1 Vene-emar: "va'haya Adonai,


~1l$0 '~ '~ :T~~? Lemelech ai kol ha'aretz: N ~iliJ Oi'~ bayom hahu, bayom bah~ 10~ !~ il~i;'J~ yih'yeh Adonai echad 1nN \n\!i~ u'shemo ushemo ushemo·echad." ,.




0 come let us praise the Light of the world, and add to the greatness of the Shaper of Life, who made every people a spark divine, and blessed each one in its own special way; who gave to us a Torah of truth, and destined us to hallow this world. Let us lift up our hearts, in praise and joy and thanks, receiving the spirit, the Life within all life, the Holy Blessed One.

11).1 1'~ ~)'ti?~ N~n Hu elohaynu ayn ode. This is our power; there is nothing else! And we hope how we hope that all the many gods of divisiveness and distortion, of pride and destruction, that all these gods, broken pieces of the whole, will find their way back into the single vessel of life, that the One might become truly One. We pray for a Tikkun Olam, a universal healing and transformation of our world: *for peace *social justice *ecological sanity *reconciliation of antagonists *repentance and forgiveness *joyful celebration *gentleness *pleasure and fun *fulfilling relationships .*fulfillment in our work *meaning to our lives *evolution of consciousness *expansion of our understanding *recognizing the Unity of All Being Love Permeating All May we hold to this vision which seems so incomprehensible, . despite history, in the face of despair, that some day the Source of all being will be the center of all being forever and ever. On that day the Source will be known as One by all the faces of its glory!


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Vene 'emar: "ve'haya Adonai lemelech alkol ha'aretz: bayom hahu (bayom hahu) yih'yeh Adonai echad ushemo (ushemo u'shemo) echad." : On that day the Source will be known as One by all the faces of its glory.

And then all that has divided us will merge, And then compassion will be wedded to power, And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind, And then both men and women will be gentle, And then both women and men will be strong, And then no person will be subj~ct to another's will, And then all will be rich and free and varied, And then the greed of some will give way to the needs of many, And then all will share equally in the earth's abundance, And then all will care for the sick and the weak and the old, And then all will nourish the young, And then all will cherish life's creatures, And then all will live in harmony with each other and the earth, And then everywhere will be called Eden once again. Oudy Chicago)

And then, and then, all men and women will be gentle and then, · and then! Both women and men will be strong. And then all will be so varied rich and free That everywhere will be called Eden once again.


Mourner's Kaddish i=11,HY1~ Nl~ '1 N~?>!~ N~1 ilP.'f} 'li1Q~~1 ~1~~~

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Yitgadal veyitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay veyamlich malchutay becha'yaychon uv'yomaychon uvchayay dechol bayt Yisrael ba'agala uvizman kariv ve 'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevorach le'olam ulalmay a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyithadar veyitaleh veyit'halal shemay dekudeshah brich hu. Le 'ayla ulayla mikol birchatah veshirata tush' bechatah venechematah da'amiran be'almah ve'imru amen. Ye'hay shlama raba min shemaya vechayim alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve'imru amen. Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya'aseh shalom alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve'al kol yosh'vay tayvel ve'imru a'men.

May the great essence flower in our lives and expand throughout the world. May we learn to let it shine through so we can augment its glory. We praise, we continue to praise, and yet, whatever it is that we praise, is quite beyond the grasp of all these words and symbols that point us toward it. We know, and yet we do not know. May great peace pour forth from the heavens for us, for all Israel, for all who struggle toward truth. May that which makes harmony in the cosmos above, bring peace within us and between us, and to all who dwell on this earth, and let us say, Amen. 34

ADONOLAM .N)~~ 1'~~-?~ 01.'(~ :J~~ 1~~ O~))J )11~

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Adon olam ashayr malach beterem kol yetzir nivra le 'ayt na 'as a vecheftzo kol azai melech shemo nikra Ve 'acharay kichlot hakollevado yimloch nora vehu haya vehu hoveh vehu yihe 'yeh betifara. Vehu echad ve'ayn shayni lehamshil/o lehachbira beli rayshit beli tach/it velo ha'oz vehamisra Vehu Ayli vechai go'ali vetzur chevli be'ayt tzara vehu nisi umanos li menat kosi beyom ekra. Beyado ajkid ruchi be'ayt ishan ve'a'ira ve'im ruchi geviyati Adonai li veto ira. Source of all th~t was and is, before and beyond creation's time. The central core expressed through being, each speck of life reflects its will. And when the world's delights are gone, alone it rules in mystic awe. It was, it is, always will be within the depths of all beauty. One alone, there is none else to match our God, to share all space. Without beginning, without end; all force and power spring from it This is my life, my victory, bedrock of faith in time of pain. My banner high, my refuge sure, my inner wine I call in prayer. So in its hand I set my soul, both when I sleep and when I wake, and with my soul, my body too, God is in me I will not fear.


Yigdal :111~N'~~ ~~ 11).! 1'~1 ,N~~~ ,n~~tp~1

'0 O'ti~~ ~1~~

Yigdal Elokim chai v'yishtabach nimtza v'ein et el m'tziuto.

:111~11;1~~ ~1o 1'~ 0~1 ,o~~~ ,11~n~f 1'tl~ 1'~110~ Echad v'ein yachid k'yichudo ne'lam v'gam ein sofl'achduto.

:11l짜J1i? 1'~~ :r11~~ N~ /1~l 1J'~1 ~~lD n~n11? 1'~ Ein lo d'mut hagufv'eino guflo na'aroch elav k'dushato.

11'\UNl. 1'~111\UNl ,N1~~ 1~~ 1~1 ~~~ 11n112 :111'\!JN . 1? .. :

Kadmon l'chal davar asher nivra rishon v'ein reishit l'reishito.



1111' .1~1J

~~? ,o~1Y 111~ 1~n

Hino adon olam l'chal notzar yoreh g'dulato umalchuto.

:1r-11~~n11n~~l? 'W~~ ~~ ,1Jfl~ 1n~~:t~ Y~W Shefa n'vuato n'tano el anshei s'gulato v'tifarto.

:1n~~nf-J n~ "'4~~ N'~~ ,11Y 11짜in~ ?~l'P~~ Oi( N? Lo kam b'Yisrael k'Moshe od navi umabit et t'munato.

:111'~ 1~~~ 1N'~~ 1! ?~ ,?~ ,1~~? ltl~ n~~ n11r-1 Torat emet natan l'amo el al yad n'vio ne'eman beito.

:1l1~~l? 0'~~1)1? ,1Ir! 1'~~ N~1 ?~O ~'?t)! N? Lo yachalifhaEl v'lo yamir dato l'olamim l'zulato.

:11l>;l1it~ 1~1 ~1o? "'4~ ,~J'lJ1? ~11'1 n~1~ Tzofeh v'yode'a s'tareinu mabit l'sof davar b'kadmato.


Y1 )J짜]1{ 1D1J ,1?~~~f 190 'lh~{ ~~1l Gomeill'ish chesed k'mifalo noten l'rasha ra k'rishato.


'<l?. '~0~ 1111~~ ,~JO'vJ~ 1'~~D '<i?.{ n2yJ~

Yishlach l'ketz hqyamim m'shichenu lifdot m'chakei ketz y'shuato.



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:111~ ?~ rl!O~


Meytim y'chaiyeh el b'rov chasdo Baruch adei ad shem t'hilato.


YIGDAL Great is the living God, to whom we give our praise. Who is, and whose great being, is timeless, without days. The One to whom in oneness no one can compare, Invisible, in unity, unbounded everywhere. Who has no body's form, has no material dress, Nor can we find the likeness of God's holiness. More ancient than all things, brought forth in Creation, The first of everything that is-Beginningness ~nb~gun! Behold the Supreme Being whose universal Power, Whose greatness and whose rule, all creatures shall declare. Whose flow of prophecy was granted to a few, The treasured ones who stood amid God's splendor, ever new. In Israel none arose as a prophet like Moshe, A prophet who would come to see the "image" in the sneh (burning bush) Torah of truth God gave the people Yisrael, By truest prophet's hand that in God's house would dwell. And God will never let the Torah pass away Its doctrine will not change, but through all th~ change will stay, God sees and knows all things, and even what we hide, Can look upon how things begin the end of things to find, Rewarding acts of love, when love for love we'll find, And paying to all wickedness a recompense in kind. God shall deliver all, upon the end of time. Redeeming all who wait for God, who for salvation pine God wakes all beings to life. Abundant love shall reign. Blessed evermore, the Glory of God's Name!


Psalm 27 ,~~

Yah, you are my light, my Savior, whom need I


dread? Yah, with You as my strong Protector,

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n~ ;·~~7 ,C"¥"1~ '7¥ ::l1~~ ;'1~~ T•• '' • '::l.,.N1 - : : "1! -T ".1W!1 •T:

who can make me panic? When hateful bullies gang up on me, to oppress and terrorize me, they are the ones who

'737 ~lnT-1 CN :~7!)l1 ~7tz}~ -T

stumble and fall.





c~p~ c~ ,"~7 Nl'~ N7 ;,~0~ :n~iJ "lN 11~t~ ~~n7~ "'37 fl11iN ,., 11N~ "T-l,NW 11nN

Even if a gang surrounds me, my heart is not weakened,


if a battle is joined around me;



my trust in You is firm.




•• ••

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,~~ 7~ '~~ 11"~~ 'T:l~tP tVjP.~~

Only one thing do I ask of You, Yah, just this alone do I seek: I want to be at home with You, Yah, all the days of my life. I want to delight in seeing you when I come to visit You in Your Temple. You hide me in Your succah on a foul day. You conceal me unseen in Your tent and also raise me beyond anyone's reach. And now, as You have held my head high, despite the presence of my powerful foes, I prepare to celebrate and thrill, singing and making music to You, Yah. Listen, Yah, to the sound of my cry, and, being kind, answer me. My heart has said: I turn to seek You. Your presence is what I beg for.

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'~it~ ~~:p ~l3 '~ ',~~£?

Don't hide Your face from me. Don't just put me down. You who nave been my helped, don't abandon me, don't forsake me, God, my support. Though fatner and mother have left me, YOU, Yah, will hold me securely.

7N1 'ltVWT-1 7N- 'T11'"~ '111Tl7 -: • •• ; • T; •,• ':lN 'll :'l7tV' ';-J'N ., l:::l T37T-l :'l!lON' "1 'l~::lT37 '~N1

Please teach me Your way and guide me on the strcught path. Discourage those who defame me. False witnesses stood up against me, belching out violence. Don't let me become the victim of my foes. I would not have survived if I had not hoped that I would yet see Yah's goodness fully alive on Earth.

.,~ ~~~ .,~

So, friend, you too, hope to Yah. Be sturdy! And make strong your heart! And most of all--keep hoping to Yah.

PIQ ,~~ 7~ ir:liC :C"~lJ Yl~:P :~; '~ ir:liC11~7 f?t~~1





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Achat Sha'al'tee mey-eyt Adonie oe-tah avakesh (2) Sheev-tee beh-veyt Adonie kol yemey cha-yie, lachazot benoe-am benoe-am Adonie ul 'eh vaker behey-cha-loe One thing I ask, yes, just one little thing, I ask the Lord my God (2) To dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to taste in the goodness and kindness and love that the God of the universe sustains, to be God's real image, to be love and peace, ~o be kindness and gentleness and joy.



CLOSING BENEDICTION May the Blessings of God Rest Upon You. _ May God's ~eace Abide With You. May God's Presence illuminate Your Heart Now and Forevermore.

L'shanah Tovah

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Le'Shana Tova Teekateyvu, Le Shana Tova Teekateyvu, Teekateyvu ve Tee-cham-teymu . May We all be Inscribed for a Fulfilling, Healthy and Joy-Filled New Year.

Kiddush for Rosh Hashanah Eve :1~~D '1~ Nl)l O~)}'tJ 1~~ ~J'ti~~ !~ i1fl~ :p1~ o).' ~J~n111 O)!-?~ .oY. ~J~ 10~ 1~~ o~1YO :r~>? ~J'ti'~ !~ i1f1~ :r~1~. I

n~~n o1'> n~ n~o~~ ~Jti?~ !~ ~J~-l{lt-11 .1'!11~~~ ~J¥i1P111\U~-?~ 1~l 'V1P Nll?~ (i1~0~~) i1~~1t"l (111~\) 0)' .i1~D 111~\D tJ)' (Tl~1 i11iJ .tJ'1~Y.) llN'~'' P'~~O-?~ _tJ).t ~'P1P Ufi1N1 fllD~ ~J~ '~ .1~~ O!f-'111~~ :fl~l~ • ,. I


?~1YJ~C1 n~~tl) 'V:"!itY:l ~1~0 ?~ ?~ :r~~ !~ i1fl~ 1~1~ :111~~D 01'1 ,tJ~)).ti;J :r~~ ~J'ti;,~ i11i1' i1{=1~ :1~1~ .i1~tl 1~\2 ~))/'~D1 ~)~~i?1 U!DtJ~ Barukh atah Adonai Eloheynu Melekh Ha 'olam Shehekheyanu vekiyemanu vehigiyanu lavnan hazeh.

Prayer for the apple Dip an apple in honey and say: Baruch ata Adonie Eloheynu Melech Ha 'aolam, borey pree ha 'etz. Thank you, the transformative power, who who had created the fruit of the tree. Yehey ha 'Shanah ha zot shanah tovah u 'metukah-May this coming year be good and sweet.

============================================================ 40

.-·• -

Morning Prayer · Shachreet for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur



Donning the Tallit King David sang:

Borchee nafshee et Adonai, Adonai gadaltah me'od, hod v 'hadar lavashta. Oteh or kasalmah, noteh shamayim kaiyiri 'ah.

Let all my being praise God, who is ciothed in splendor and majesty, wrapped in light as in a garment, unfolding the heavens like a curtain. Weave for us a garment of brightness; May the warp be the white light of morning, May the weft be the red light of evening. May the fringes be the falling rain,



May the border be the standing rainbow. Thus weave for us a garment of brightness, That we may walk fittingly where birds sing, That we may walk fittingly where grass is green.

,o~1YD J~~ ~)~;j~~ ~~ ilfl~ .!1'~~~~ C)\?)!fltl~ ~)l~11~tJ1~~~ ~)~1P


I ~

Baruch ata Adonai Elohaynu melech ha 'olam asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu lehitatayf ba 'tzitzit.

Blessed are you, Adonai, our God, all pervading Spirit of the Universe. You have made us holy through Your precepts, and given us the precept of wrapping in fringes. Open unto me: Joy for my sorrow Comfort for my pain Healing for my hurting Love for my hate Wisdom for my confusion Calm for my impatience

Courage for my fears Compassion for my coldness direction for my wandering Faith for my doubt light for my darkness Yourself for myself YAH, GOD, OPEN UNTO ME!

Dazzle us, God, a day full of amazing embraces, capricious, uncalculated caring, great hearts, kind souls and doers of good deeds. (based on a poem by Molly Fumia).


Birchot HaShachar- Morning Blessings

'nO'P~ ':;1

fll10tl\}i O!R1 'D :T~~

:p~~1 '~~ (i111~) i1110 .:f!l~~~~ n~1 n~~t;l~

Modeh (modah) ani lefanecha melech chai vekayam shehechezarta bi nishmati bechemla raba emunatecha. I am grateful to you, God of life, for remembering me again. Your grace has awakened my body and soul. For this gift of life, I thank you. With deep humility I awaken as a newborn babe from a dreaming world and open my eyes. I leap to my bygone dreams to retain and regain connection with all that is now receding into unconsciousness as my eyes open wider into physically visual appearances. With all that I, this consciousness container, am-- part awareness and obviously part unawareness as my dreams recede-- my first commitment is to broaden my awareness to connect with the Most High infinitude, beyond present imagination. I surrender my sense of the current boundaries of awareness to an ocean of dynamically changing complex supersystems in awe and grateful abandon, in growing awareness and appreciation of the intricacy and richness of the Source of the weather changes of my own rapidly shifting awareness. I enter this day with commitment to recovering, and maintaining connection with, and. certitude of, the unlimited orders of complexity increasing with each morning's awakening. I offer my thanks before you, God of life, enlivening me once again. your grace has renewed for me today my soul and body. For this continuing blessing of life, I offer my thanks. Master of all the worlds~ You instructed us in the sacrifices that were appropriate to the Temple in Jerusalem in ancient times. Now that the Temple is destroyed, may we learn to sanctify our bodies as the temple of the living spirit. May it be your will, our Source and Center, that the prayers we offer be answered, that our thoughts and intentions be pure, that our actions be timely, and that our highest visions be manifested as part of Your ever-unfolding creation.


Mah tovu ohalecha Ya'akov mishkenotecha Yisrael.

How lovely are your sanctuaries 0 people of Jacob, Your houses of study and prayer, 0 Israel.

:f\U1i? '~'D ?~ ill0t1'P~ :f~'~ N1J~ :f1?D J:"1~ '~~1 '~~1 ·:f11J~ l~'t!i~ OiP'?~ :f!l'~ liY>? ~f-J~Dz;< !~ .::r!'J~1~~ n~ !~ :!'~ 'rt~~fl '~~1 .'iV.iY !~ '~~~ il~l:;t~ il{'1~~1 ill[)tl'Pt< .:f{J\U~ l1~~~ '~~~ :fl?D J·1~ O'ti?~ 11~1 Your great love inspires me to enter Your house, to worship in Your holy sanctuary, filled with awe for You. I love Your house, the place of Your glory. Before my Maker will I bow in worship. I pray that this be an acceptable time for my prayer. 0 God, Your love is great; answer me with Your true deliverance.

nf'IJ:'l~~ n!J~ ,nf'll~~ i1f'l~ ,nllN1:;t n!J~ .N'tl i11ii1'? ':;1 !'ltl~~ nYy)¥}~ ,'ti?~ ,,n~? ':;1 n1''0D{~ ,'~>?P n~'P~ 1'tl)J n!-1~1 ,':;lli?::;t nl>fl~~ i1!1~1 ,':;1 'tl?~ !~ ,:p~~? '~~ cn-rin nJp)?) n1in ,':;lli?:;t n>?~qo~ 1~' ?? .NiJ~ 1'U)~D ,!~ i1f!~ 7f~1~ .nin~qo ?? )i1~ ,o'VJ~~D ?? )i:ll ,'tli:J~ 'D?Nl

.0'11Y.l •


0'1l~? •y l

11iY.l\UJ T


My God, the soul You have placed within me is pure. You created it; You fashioned it; You breathed it into me; You safeguard it within me.

N1~~ ,n>??O::;t 012$0 11~ 1~~ 1~~ ,o~iYO :r?~ U'ti?~ !~ i1fl~ :r~,~ or,~~~ o~'?' ,:rr1:J? N~~ ,~~~ ~~1!1 '~'~ .o'~~'o o'~~'o ,o':;li?~ o':;li?~ 7r~1~ .:p~~{ 11Y.l~~1 0'?.t?fltl{ 1~~~ '~ ,Ot)>,O 10~ 01.1¥'~ iN ,Oi:;l>,O 10~ :11i'V~~ N'~~~~ 1~~ ?~ N~)1 ,!~ i1t-J~


Blessing the Body: Blessed are You, YHVH, our Source, who has created human beings with these incredible bodies of complexity and magnificent coordination. We know that if any one part would stop functioning, any of the openings would close or the closed would open, we'd be unable to be with You. We appreciate it all, the constant miracles that are going on every moment around us and within us. Blessed are you, YHVH, who heals all flesh and makes each of us an ongoing miracle. I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections. And it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly that I am ill. I am ill because of wounds of the soul to the deep emotional self, and the wounds to the soul take a long, long time, only time can help and patience, and a certain difficult repentance, long difficult repentance, realization of life's mistakes, and the freeing oneself from the endless repetition of the mistakes which mankind at large has instead chosen to sanctify. (Based on a prayer by D.H. Lawrence).


Morning Blessings n~':;l ,,~W~ 1tl~ ,\P~


:r~>? ~)'D'~

n1n' nfi~ :r1,~ .n?~? 1'~~ oi' 1'~ 1'D:;tD1

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha'olam asher natan lesechvee veena lehavcheen bayn yom uvayn lailah.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who has given the rooster understanding to distinguish between night and day.

.nn,~::l I




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il' T

T-lN n:>~i::l :




Bruchah at Yah Shechina ru'ach chay ha'olamim she'asanee betzalma.

Blessed are you, Shechina, living spirit of the universe, who has made me in your image.

(11~) 1~ '~~{'~ ,O~)YO J~'? ~)'tl?~



ilfl~ J~i~

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha'olam she'astanee ben (bat) chorin.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who has made mefree. ·

.0'11).' Dt?19 ,o?i)'O

:r~>? ~)'tl'~


ilfl~ :r~,~

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha 'olam pokayach ivrim.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who opens the eyes of the blind.

.o'ni)' •


il~'J'n T




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T-lN ilJ~iJ I




Bruchah at Yah Shechina ru'ach chay ha'olamim malbeesha arumeem.

Blessed are you, Shechina, living spirit of the universe, who clothes the naked .




:t~'? ~r>b'~


ilfl~ :r~,~

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha'olam mateer asureem.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who releases us from our physical prisons .

.O'~~!:If 11~f?1l ,0'~?1YO 'IJ D~1 il~'~'P il! flt< il~~i~

Bruchah at Yah Shechina ru'ach chay ha'olamim zokefet kefufim.

Blessed are you, Shechina, living spirit of the universe, who raises up those who are bowed down and moves us beyond our constricted limitations.


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ilfl~ :Y~i~

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha 'olam rokah ha 'aretz al hamayeem. Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who has stretched out the earth over the waters.


·'~1~ ?~ '~ n~'fJ{'~ ,0'~~1)'0 '0 0~1 n~'~'P i1! {ll$ n~~,~ Bruchah at Yah Shechina ru'ach chay ha'olamim she'asta li kol tzarki.

Blessed are you, Shechina, living spirit of the universe, who provides for all of my needs.

.,~a '1~~~ 1'~D ,~~ ,o~1)'o ~<~ ~J'D'~ n1n' n~l.:{ ~~,~

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha 'olam asher haychin mitzaday gavayr.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who guides our karmic path.

.i11~J.~~ 'n1N 11l.l1N ,0'~~1)J0 '0 1J~1 i1~'~y.i i1! {12$ i1~~1~ Bruchah at Yah Shechina ru'ach chay ha'olamim ozeret oti bigvura.

Blessed are you, Shechina, living spirit of the universe, who has girded me with strength.

.i1ll$~n~ 'n1N 1P.1)' ,o~1)JO 'J~~ ~J'DJ~ i11i1' i1fl~ 'J~1~ Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu melech ha 'olam otayr oti betifara.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, all pervading spirit of the universe, who has crowned me with radiant beauty.

n·~ C)~!~ n~tJ1JD ,0'~~1)'0 '0 0~1 n~'~'P i1! {1~ n~~,~ Bruchah at Yah Shechina ru 'ach chay ha 'olamim hanotenet laya 'ayf ko 'ach.

Blessed are you, Shechina, living spirit of the universe, who gives strength to the weary.

1~111 ,n~~o

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Let us have the courage to look squarely at our brief lives on this planet, meditate about it in our hearts, and acknowledge to ourselves the following truth: We can't approach the Sacred Spiritual Reality of the Universe with a sense of entitlement or demand, but only with a strong appreciation that the universe is governed by a Force that is filled with love and compassion and hence reflects on us in a spirit of kindness, gentleness, and mercy. When we are ready to be honest, we can say: "What are we, what are our lives, how deep and serious has been our compasssion, how powerful our righteousness and our search for justice, what have we done with the talents and strengths we have been given? What can we really say to YOU, the Fqrce of Healing and Transformation, that would give us standing to challenge or make demands? Are not all of strengths that we've assembled rather unimpressive when viewed from the perspective of eternity? And the people whom we think of as famous or deserving reward for their accomplishments-doesn't their fame look a bit ridiculous? The wise ones--as though really lacking the most profound wisdom, and the discerning ones as though they were barely understanding the universe in which we live. For most of our deeds are empty when looked at from this larger perspective, and even our lives seem of only limited · importance when seen from the standpoint of the multi-billion year evolution of the universe. And yet, there is something which makes it possible for us to evolve beyond the most unfree or beast-like parts of our being, a NOTHINGNESS unlike any "existing thing 11 which is the Spirit of God as Eyn Sof, the ultimate EMPTINESS from which all flows, and in the face of which every specific thing looks like vanity and without substance. Recognizing all this is our special lineage as the children of Abraham, who put everything at stake in his life by following YOU where he heard YOU ask him to go, of Isaac who responded with mystical intensity to what otherwise appeared to him to be an irrational and hurtful world, to Jacob who despite his many shortcomings got to experience your loving energy. From this line of limited, sometimes distorted, unhealed-healers, and from a thousand generations of people filled with the aspiration to be close to YOU and to do as much as they could to bring YOUR presence· into greater actuality on this planet, we have evolved, and so in our generation we ARE the embodiments of this people Israel. Therefore, in joyous recognition of the incredible inheritance that we've received through the generations, we can full-heartedly proclaim Ashreynu, mah tov chelkeynu, mah na'eem goe'raleyunu, mah yafah yerusateynu: We are so happy, how very good is our portion, how very appropriate that this should be our fate, and what a wonder is our spiritual inheritance!!!!


Ana BeKo' ach


n:Jl -


N~N ,. "r

Source of mercy

:r~,~~ n21~ .n1~1~ 1'T-ln .,


With loving strength Untie our tangles .


11~1 '~w

Your chanting folk

~)~~~ ,:r~~

Raise high make pure

.Nl)~ ~~1.0\:?

Accept our song.

1)l~ N~

Compassionate power

:r1~n~ '\?il11 .01Y.l \!} 11JJ~ ••a ...

Who seek your union.

o1nt> OJ1l ••-a ••

Cleanse and bless us,

Guard the precious



:rflw1~ 'P-01 .O'Y.ll .. ,., 1'Y.lT-l .,.


Infuse us ever With loving care.


Gracious source

'l~~t) J)1~

Of hoi y power,

·:T!11~ 'D~

Do guide your folk.

nNl1'n' nJ.~ :TY:J).!{ .I :r~~1J? '1.?1l •:


Awesome one


Turn to those Who mirror the holy.

'~w ~~D{'1~

Receive our chant

~)tl~~~ )'~y,i~ .ll)O~J)'r-J )'1)' -:- - ..

0 hear our cries You know our secrets.

.1)11 o~1)'{ in~:>{~ 11J~ o~ 1~1~ Baruch shaym Kevod malchuto le 'olam va 'ed. Blessed is the Holy One guiding throughout Eternity. 48

Psalm30 I acclaim You my God You set me free so that my foes could not gloat at my troubles. Yah, my God, I pleaded with You. You healed me. Yah, You lifted me from the pit; From the brink of the grave You brought me back to life. Join me in my song, fellow devotees, Remembering what is sacred, let's give thanks. For a moment I felt You angry, Then I felt life and acceptance. Though weeping as I fell asleep, I woke up singing. You, Yah, made my mountain firm, I thought I was safe; That I won't ever stumble. But when You hid your face from me, I panicked. I call to You, Yah! I plead with You, Adonai! What use is there in my death, to go down to ruin? Can dust appreciate You? Can it discern Your truth? Listen, Yah! Be kind to me! Yah, please help me. You turned my grieving into a happy-dance, You took off my rags and wrapped me in joy. Now Your glory is my song, I won't hold back. Yah, my God, I will ever be grateful!


From Psalm 19 The mystery is in the heavens, which speak the glory of God. 路 The sky itself recounts the work of hidden hands. From day to day the mystery is voiced. From night to night the story is retold. There is no sound, no words at all, and y~ . we hear the call of a wordless language penetrating the universe. The darkness is a love-tent for the sun, which now rises, like groom from bride of night, like a joyous runner, trembling to start the race. From one end o~ the heaven, climbing into the sky, arching to the horizon. Where sun sets into the night, nothing can hide from the sun's heat and light.路

'~? 11'~01 ';1 '1.~~ 11~1~ ~'D~

.'?~1l1 '1~~

;n;p ,:f'~~~

Yiheyu leratzon imray fi veheg 'yon libi lefanecha Adonai tzuri vego 'ali. May the words of my mouth and the. meditations of my heart be acceptable before You, 0 God, my rock and my redeemer.


Hymns P'sukay DeZimra Baruch she'amar v'haya ha'olam.

O~))JQ i1~01 1>.;)~~ 1~1~

Blessed is the One who spoke, and the world came to be.

Baruch hu.

N~il 'l~1~

Brucha hi.

Blessed is He.

Baruch oseh v'rayshit.


n:J~1l ... :

Blessed is She.

n'~Nl.~ il~))J 1~1~

Blessed is the Source of creation.



7f~1~ .n~1))1. 1~1N 1~1~

Baruch omayr v 'oseh. Baruch gozayr umekayaym. Blessed is the One whose word is deed, whose thought is fact.

.n1'1~D ~~ n~01'? n?~1~ :~1.~0 '~ n~01'? n?~1~ Brucha merachemet al ha 'aretz. Brucha merachemet al habriyut ~

Blessed is the One whose compassion covers the earth a~d all its creatures .


o~w1 1~~

'D 1~1~


.1'~1.'? :t1" 1?~ .o~~~ 1~1~

1~1~ .~,~~~. i1119 1~1~

Baruch merachaym sachar tov li 'rayav. Baruch chai la 'ad vekayam lanetzach. Baruch podeh umatzil. Baruch Shemo. Blessed be the One who prizes the wonder-full, the living and eternal God, the source of our deliverance and help. Praised be the Name. We who serve with love celebrate you with songs of praise, Ruler of life in the universe. Blessed is the Master to whom our song is due.

'~t!>?D 1~010 l~O '~v o~1~tJ 1~~ ~J'D'tt

.:fl?~ 1r1 '1.'~:;t~ 1'1~~1 :flt<~~~ :ro~~~~ :r?l~~

;nn' n~z::-t :r~,~

1'1'PO 11'V?~ ,~·!)~~ n~~'? 1~~ '~~ .n11~,:;t~ n1n~'P~ ~J'D'~ ;nn' :r?~D~

n~~~ :r~~ 0'~~1~0 '0 1'tl! ~J'D?tt ~J~?~ :f1'~>?~1 :r~'?i ,,~,~1


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n1n' n~z::-t ';1'~,~

.,1,~D 1~'P 1).J '1~ ,~·!l>?~

.nin:::t \!Jn~ T


Baruch atahAdonai Elohaynu melech ha'olam ha'el ha'av ha'rachaman ham'hulal b'.fi amo meshubach u'mefo'ar bilshon chasidav va'avadav uv'shiray david av'dechah. Ne'halel'chah Adonai Elohaynu bish'vachot uviz'mirot. N'gadel'chah un'shabay'chachah unfa'er'chah v'naz'kir shim'chah v'nam'lich'chah malkaynu Elohaynu yachid chai ha'olamim melech m'shubach um'fo'ar adai ad shemo hagadol. Baruch atah Adonai melech m 'hulal batishbachot.



Psalm One In Bliss is the person who *does not seek the advice of the spiteful *who does not stand on the path of the wayward *who does not associate with those who disparage everything *but whose longing is- for the guidance of YAH *who keeps pondering it day and night. Such a person is like a tree at the confluence of rivers that gives fruit in season and whose leaves do not wilt. All that such a person does is appropriate. Not so are the malicious ones who drift like chaff in the wind. Therefore the wicked cannot stand justice, nor do the wayward feel at home when the just ones gather to bear witness. This is how Yah looks at the righteous ones, but the way of the spiteful lead to their doom.

Psalm 130 From the deepest place in me I call You forth Yah hear what is in my voice Let Your ear hear the pleading tone If You, Yah, were to watch for sins Oh Yah-who could stand it? Though You are so generous with pardon We are too scared to seek it. Still I hope Yah My very soul hopes for it Please send me Your loving word. Among the watchers for the dawn Yah, am I yearning for Your Grace to end my darkness. Israel looks to You Yah You are so gracious, Yah So much do you free us all. Yes, She/He will definitely free Israel from all its sins.







Praise God for ... 'J1 ... :

'l~ ~~


and all the forests

fruit tree


0'l1N . -r-:

0'>:JN' •

•.. I

'J1 I


• T


~1~ '~{~

and all nations

leaders of lands

n1,~n::t young women

D'l~n~ young men

0'1~) • 'I' I


0'~1?., elderly


l''li ......


•11:1~ ... ...







fl'nn ... - -

nnn::t T





domestic animals

wild things


'1~~ 119~1


sea creatures

birds with wings

creepy crawlers

Halleluyah All of creation


D).!l~ ,:r~~o~ n~ :11.~~ ,:r~~ n~ Tl{''~in O?)yn ,. ,. 1~- ON~)) .. : - :

Hoshi'a et amecha, u 'varech et nach 'latecha, ur'eym, ur'etjm, ur'eym, ur'eym ve'na-sem, ur'eym ve'na-sem ad ha'olam. Transform your peoples, bless your inheritance, lift us beyond our smallness of vision to that of the vast.

:ftl'~ '~~,, . . 'l.~~ .

i1~W :p?~tl~ 1)Y ,:tfl'~ '~Vii' '1.¥-i~ 1';;1?~ n1n'~ o~o '1.\U~ ,i? n~f~ o~o '1.'P~

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Ashrey Happy are those whose living is suffused with God. Happy is a nation whose guidance is from God. A Psalm of David: You are my guide. Through my praise of You, I become elevated. Every day I live I find more to bless. I sing out with joy when in touch with eternal being. Each generation is in awe of creation; amazed by the marvels of the universe they perceive. Beauty surrounds me everywhere. Words of wonder fill me, and pour out in sharing. Amazing patterns dance before me, to the profundity do they direct me. Memories of goodness enliven me. Kindne~s and righteousness do I witness. Compassion and mercy are of the Essence, tolerance and much love. Love is given to all, compassion to all creation. Thankfulness rises up in me like waves. Humanity, too knows the greatness of creation. Majesty and honor I witness everyday. Power is everywhere. Consciousness is offered to varied creatures, awareness of awesome patterns. I see dignity and power fill the universe at every level and age to which I am exposed. I see the fallen lifted up through GOD, the spirit of the humble raised high. Each being develops unique nourishment-needs sensitive to . the changing environment. The cravings of our nourishment system matches the seasons of each day. The universe unfolds for us through God opening. Saintliness is possible because it forms the structure of the universe. God is close to me when I am broken-hearted; every time I call out in whole truth. We stumble onto the Way. We fall away from the Way. More often than not we are sheltered. Praises and blessings we offer to the Holy, all flesh evokes the holy name throughout all exchange and interchange. This is my song to Yah. For ever and ever. HalleluYah.


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:i1~~1nI ''~?~:::t ••1a.•: ~n~??n 1. :fl'~??n ;:p ?~nn nn~;:,n Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Haleluyah, Hallelu Kol Hanshamah Tehallel Yah, Hallelu, Hale-luyah. &-'I'










,,,, :r'tl~ n~ ~!~~ '" ~~ n~\!Jl. Nishmat kol chai t'varech et shimcha Adonai elohaynu,

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The soul of all that lives shall bless you, Holy One, and the spirit of all beings will adorn and exalt your Name with every breath and with inspiration. Throughout all dimensions you are the constant Source. Without You we have no guide to sustain, redeem, and renew us, to nourish and care for us in times of trouble and distress. You are the only power which truly rules us. God of all beginnings and ends, essence of all living beings, commanding power behind all events of history. You guide your world with love and kindness; compassion is your covenant with your creation. The Eternal Being is never asleep, but awakens those who slumber in darkness. God empowers those without voice, and frees those who are bound and bowed. It is to this powerful Power that we offer thM~. Even if our mouths were filled with as much song as the ocean holds water, and even if our speech could ring with praise as the roaring wave, and even if our lips could form words of prayer to fill the wide expanse of heavens, and even if our eyes could shine light as the sun and moon, and even if our hands could stretch out in prayer as the eagles of the sky. and even if our feet could run joyfully as the deer, we would still be unable to sufficiently thank and bless you for even a tiny fraction of all the good things you have done for our grandparents, our parents, and for us. Therefore, with what we do have, with the limbs you graced us with, with the spirit and soul you breathed into us, with the speech you gave to us uniquely, we will thank and bless and praise you. We will make sacred and special the holy Name of the incomparable, Eternal Oneness. You dwell in eternity, Holy One. The wisely righteous rejoice at the experience of life. Those who are in touch with wonder will praise you. The lips of the compassionate will bless

you. The dances of the free spirited will sanctify you. The depths of the clear ones will experience you. And we too, joining in the harmony of eternity, add our dances and singing to the circle of honor before You, our Guiding Center. For it is the path of all created to be naturally grateful. May we learn to thank, bless and sing praises with our whole beings, with every kind of song and music, with every kind of poetry, writing and art, with everything that we are, with everything that we know, and with everything that we do.

Interpretive Nishmat When the night slides under with the last dimming star and the red sky lightens between the trees, and the heron glides tipping heavy wings in the river, when crows stir and cry out their harsh joy, and swift creatures of the night run toward their burrows, and the deer raises her head and sniffs the freshening air, and the shadows grow more distinct and then shorten, then we rise into the day still clean as snow. The cat washes its paw and greets the day with gratitude. Leviathan salutes breaching with a column of steam. The hawk turning in the sky cries out a prayer like a knife. We must wonder the sky now thin as a speckled eggshell. that now piles up its boulders of storm to crash down That now hangs a furry grey belly into the street. 57

Every day we find a new sky and a new earth With which we are trusted like a perfect toy. We are given the salty river of our blood Winding through us, to remember the sea and our kindred under the waves, the hot pulsing that knocks in our throats to consider our cousins in the grass and the trees, all bright scattered rivulets of life. We are given the wind within us, the breath To shape into words that steal time, that touch Like hands and pierce like bullets, that waken truth and deceit, sorrow and pity, and joy that waste precious air in complaints, in lies, in floating traps for power on the dirty air Yet holy breath still stretches ~ur lungs to sing. We are given the body, that momentary kibbutz of elements that have belonged to frog and polar bear, corn and oak tree, volcano and glacier. We are lent for a time these minerals in water and a morning every day, a morning to wake up, rejoice and praise life in our spines, our throats, our knees, our genitals, our brains, our tongues. We are given fire to see against the dark, to think, to read, to study how we are to live, to bank in ourselves against defeat and despair that cool and muddy our resolves, that make us forget what we saw we must do. We are given passion that rise like the sun in our minds with the new day and bum the debris of habit and greed and fear.


We stand in the midst of the burning world primed to burn with compassionate love and justice, to tum inward and see the world that is all of one flesh with us, see under the trash, through the smog, the furry bee in the apple blossom, the trout leaping, the candles our ancestors lit for us. Fill us as the tide rustles the reeds in the marsh Fill us as the rushing water overflows the pitcher. Fill us as the light fills a room with its dancing. Let the little quarrels of the bones and the snarling of the lesser appetites, and the whining of the ego cease. Let silence still us, so you may show us your shining, --Marge Piercy and we can out of that stillness rise and praise. 58

Meditation on the Melody of Rosh Hashanah.

Ha-Melech Yoshev al Kee-sey Ram Ve-nisah. The Guide of our Path is Today envisioned as Though He Was in Charge, and we could let go of control and allow the world to be run by God and in the spirit of God.



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You are the Holy One of blessing, strength and power, glory and greatness, awesomeness and splendor, guidance and endurance. You are Source of wonders, Commanding power, Creator of souls, Master behind all doings, who responds to sacred song. You are the Guide and Life within all the worlds.

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Chatzi Kaddish :f)~~!1 nr,l~~l~ N1;t )1 N~?~~ N~1 ilP.짜} 'li11(t1~1 ?1~fl~

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.N!~~~ '~~l.J~~ o~~~ 1,~~ n;, n~~ Hu'= n1~fl~1 11Dfl~1 NV;lfl~1 o~i1fl~1 ,~~fl~1 n~~'P~1 :T1~fl~ ?~~ N~).!{~ N~).!? .N~111',~ N~1f:?.1 ilP.yJ ?~Dt1~1 ~1~~1 N~~{'~ 11)~~1 Nfl~0~1 N!JO~vJt!

Nfl1)Vi1 Nfl~l4 .,,~

Yitgadalve'yitkadash sh'may rabah be'almah divrah chirutay ve'yamlich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvcha 'yay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'agala uvizman kariv ve'imru amen. Yehay sh'may raba mevorach le'olam ulalmay almaya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyit 'hadar veyitaleh veyit'halal sh'maydekudeshah brich hu. Le'aylah ule'aylah min kol birchatah veshirata tush' bechatah venechematah da 'amiran be'almah ve 'imru amen.

Let us make the great Name known and holy. Let the name fill the world, formed by its will. May the earth be its realm. May it fill our lives and days. May it spread throughout all Israel, swiftly and soon, and let us say Amen. May the great Name be blessed and blessed for as long as the universe lasts. Let the Name be praised and glorified. Let the Name become potent, lifted up, raised on high. Let the name be graced in beauty, praised in song, ascend in joy. The name, the Name of the Holy, blessed be the Name. And yet the Holy that we name is far beyond all blessing, all prayers, all songs of praise and hymns of glory, all words that we utter in this world. So let us chant our praise, then cease and say, Amen.


Shema U'Birhotechah

1'n,:rt~l~ )'~'V

Shema and Her Blessings Call To Prayer· :T1J.~D ~~ n~ ~:>1~ Barchu et Adonai Hamvorach

Let us all praise the One who showers us vvi th blessing!

1{'l o~1)J? :Jil~D ~~ :]'~1~ Baruch Adonai Hamvorach Le'olam Va'ed

How blessed is the One who bestows blessing forever and ever! ·

o~1YO :r~~ ~J'D~~ ~~ i1~~ :1~1~ ~1>D Tl~ N1.1l~ ,01~~ i1~)y ,:r'Pn N11l~ 11N 1~)' Baruch Atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech Ha 'olam yotzayr or uvoray choshech, oseh shalom, uvoray et hakol.

Blessed are You, ruling force of the universe, forming light, creating darkness, making peace, creating the whole.

On Yom Kippur do the blessing this way:

,0'~01 '1.~~ ~J~ DD19D ,o~))JtJ :T~~ ~J'D~~ ~~ i1f'J~ :]'~1~ i1W"Y ,:]'¥in N1.1l~ 11N 1~1' ,1T10'~?~ 0'~0~D '~').! 1'~P.~ .~1>D n~ N1.1l~ 01~~

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.~11{(1 o11~ ,~111( oi'~ 'li111? '1)? n~? .~J1~1' ~J? n~u ~J1~~ ~JN\?n ••:






God, blessed in profound awareness, formed and fashioned splendors of sun; the fullness of creation reflecting honor to the Name. Heaven lights were placed to orbit their Center; pinnacles of stars, holy beings lifting praise to the Highest One, continually chanting the glory of God's celestial holiness.



,n~짜i~ '~ ';>4 1iJ.~~ 1~1~ ,o'~~~iJ ?~ ?~ 111~ ?~

El adon alkol hama 'asim. Baruch um 'vorach befi kol neshama .

.)niN O'~~io 11~1 ,o~i)' N~~ iJ.~"1 1'1~

Gadlo vetuvo malay olam. Da'at ut'vunah sovevim oto.

,il:f~l~D ?~ 1iJ.~4 11;:-t~l ,'VtPD 11i'tl ?~ i1t<~fl~O Hamitga 'eh al chayot hakodesh. Veneh 'dar bechavod al hamerkava.

.i1iJ.~ '~~~ 0'~011 1~Q 1iN9~ '~~~ 1i'li'~~ 11~:>~


Zechut umishor lifnay chiso. Chesed verachamim lifnay chevodo.

,?~짜JD;n i1~':;14 11~14 01~~ ,~)';j?~ N1~~ 11i1iN~ 0'~it> Tovim me'orot shebara Elohaynu. Yetzaram beda'at bevina uv'haskayl.

.?~r:t J.1i?4 o'~~iY.l 11i';:-t~ ,oo~ 1tl~ n1~J.~~


Ko'ach ug'vura natan bahem. Lih'yot moshlim bekerev tayvayl.

,o~iYD ?~4 Cll'~ il~~ ,ild) 0'P';>~~ 1'~ 0'~~~ Melayim ziv um'fikim noga. Na'eh zivam bechol ha'olam .


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Cl'tlP.\p .

S'maychim b'tzaytam v'sasim b'vo'am. Osim be'ayma retzon konam.

,111~,,~ 1~1? n~11 n~o~ ,in짜)~ o'~tli) 1iJ~1 1~~ P'ayr vechavod not'nim lishmo. Tzahala v'rina l'zaycher mal'chuto .

.i1~:f~D 111~~ 1'i?flt11. T1~1 ,1iN n1~~1 'lh~~2 N1i? Kara lashemesh vayiz'rach or. Ra'ah vehitkin tzurat halvana.

,011~ N:f~ ?~




Shevach not'nim lo kol tzeva marom,

.'VtPD11i'tl1 0'~~iN1 0';>1\p ,n~~,~~ 111t<~rt Tiferet ug'dula, serafim v'ofanim, vechayot hakodesh.

ELADON Almighty power, hub of time and space, Blessed and praised through every living breath - Creation is filled by such goodness and such might. .. Deep is the wisdom embedded in the whole -Exalted throughout all holy living powers, Far greater this brilliance than all the radiant skies - Great is the justice that pours forth from our core.... How can one measure this glorious love and grace? Illumining lights within us and without us Join us to mind-seeds from which creation springs - Kindling all being with power and with strength, Liberating life to evolve and grow divine -Manifold their splendor, beautiful their grace,


Nature is aglow with their pure and glorious flame - 0 what joy when they rise and when they set, Passing in order through the grand design Questing to give their beauty to God's fame, Rejoicing and dancing out the majesty supreme-See now the sun--how it shines its brilliant light, The moon in her phases--a gift to the night Unified together the cosmos chants its hymn, Vast beyond knowing, this great and radiant maze-Wild is the vision, exalted is the song, You and I with all earth in Zest complete God's praise! Come then, let us climb the mountain, together ascend to the peak of our souls. The Voice, still and small., is calling from within, illuminating, pointing, urging, engraving its covenant into our hearts, bidding us open to the infinite truth, to compassion and love, to harmony and justice, to the ever present faith flaming within. The Voice of the One calls from our souls, bidding us to descend to the wilderness without, to uncover the divine in all we do, to discover and create, to struggle and serve, to learn and teach and to walk in truth. Joyful are those who are whole on the path, walking in the teachings of the Source. Joyful are those who treasure God's guidance, seeking the One with their whole heart. Joyful are those who act with justice, who live righteously at all times. Joyful is the one who says: Above all earthly might and fame, I crave for love. Would that the words my heart and lips express were balm for wounds, to soothe and heal and bless. 0 that my eyes send forth a blaze of light to be a beacon in another's night.

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Ahavah rabah

il:lilN Almvah rabah ahavtanu adonay eloheynu -a 'I'

~J'~~ fl?~t' il1.t1'1 n~11~ n~>?O hemlah gedolah viterah hamalta aleynu. U'tli:l~ 1~:1~~ ~J~?~ ~J'~~ Avinu malkenu ba'avur avoteynu ve'imoteynu cu~?~ ~J'~~) :r~ ~n\'~'fJ shebatehu ve11ll (avinu malkenu) O'~D ' i?.D. 01Ytl~fll vatelamdem hukey hayim ~YI~~.p~ ~J~Ofl1~ ken tehonenu utelamdenu. ,1~010 :1~0 ~J'~~ Avinu ha'av harahaman ~J'~~ 001 ,001'?tl hamrahem rahem aleynu ,1'~0~ ~J~~~ 11.11 veten belibenu lehavin ).in0? ?':::i'lln?~ ulhaskillishmo'a ni'V~~1 1n0~ ',~~?~ 1n?~ Iilmod ulelamed lishmor vela'asot '1.~1-?~-31~ o~.R?~ ulkayem et kol divrey il~Q~~ :ff11i11 i~Y.J?il talmud torateha be'ahavah. ..






,:fft1)11~ ~Y>~'~ 1~tJ1 v•ha-ayr aynay-nu b•tora-techa Enlighten our eyes to Your Torah

~)~~~ 10!1 ,:f'fti~Y:l~ ~)~? P:;J11

v•dabake lee-baynu b 1mitzvo-techa vya-chade l'va-vaynu and cause our hearts to cleave to Your mitzvot. Unify our hearts

.1{'1 o~i)'? 'liiJ~ N~1 ,:r~~ 11~ n~1~~~ n~r::n~? Vahavah oo-lyeerah et sh•mecha v•[o-nayvosh [•o[am va-ed... to love and fear Your Name, and may we never suffer shame ...

And we will NOT be embarrassed, and we will not be afraid, and we will not be ashamed now or evermore. And we will work for peace, and save our planet too, for love and justice can prevail, and we can make this true. (gather the four tzitzit- fringes of your tallit and hold them in your hand)


111£)~~ )'~l~>d o1~¥}~ ~)~'~01

... Vaha-veeaynu [•shalom mayarba konfote ha-aretz ... Bring us in peace from the four comers of the earth

J)~,~~ 11~~Y:)~1p ~)~?1111 v•toleech-aynu ko-m •meeyoot [•artzaynu and speedily lead us with dignity to our land.

.n~Q~~ ~~D ':j\Ui'1 '~1\!J~ )}3~~ 1D1:::tD ,n1n' i1f-1~ :]'~1~ Baruch Atah Adonai habochar b•amo Yisrael b•ahavah Blessed are You BELOvED ONE, who chooses Your people Israel and the whole world with love. LATE FRAGMENT by Raymond Carver And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on earth.


10~ ~~ ~)'tiJ~ ~~ )~1¥'~ )'~~ •

Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohayn~ Adonai Echad. Usten all of you who struggle to connect to God, the Transformative Power of the Universe is the Force that Created all, and manifests through the Unity of All Being. Hear 0 Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.

Baruch Shem Kevod, Malchuto Le 'olam Va 'ed. Blessed is the holy presence. The splendor of its majesty shiries throughout time.

:pij?~ !~ 11~ ~~D~1 :J'¥-i;1~ ?~~~ . .1~~? ?~~ .~riN>? ??~~ n~~D 0'1~1D ~'v1

V'ahavta et Adonai Elohecha bechollevavcha, uvechol nafshecha, uvechol me'odecha. Vehayu hadevarim ha'ayleh

:J'1~'? '~)~ '1~~ asher anochi m'tzav'cha .:J'~~{ ?~ Oi'tl hayom allevavecha.

~p~~? 0~~~~1 Veshinantam levanecha :J'{l'~·,:J'f-J;t'?J~ 0~ fll~i1 vedibarta bam beshivtecha beveytecha 71'11~ :J'fl1~~~ uvelechtecha vaderech, .:J'~~p~~ :J'~1~;t~

:J'1! ?~ !liN?



uveshach'becha uvekumecha. Ukeshartam le'ot al yadecha.

t::t''~').! 1'~ n·!:l\:~it>? ~'D1 Vehayu letotafot bayn aynecha. :J'{l':;J. !lil~l'? ?~ 0!1~t11~ Uchetavtam al mezuzot beytecha

.::J''1{'¥J~ ~

uvish 'arecha.

And you must love YHVH, the Transformative and Healing Power of the Universe, with all our passions, with every breath, with every fiber of your being. Take these words by which I join myself to you today, into your heart. Pattern your days on them so that your children will discover Torah within you. Make your life into a voice of God, both in your stillness and in your movement. Renew these words each evening and morning with devotion. Bind them as t'fillin on your forehead and arm, as symbols of thoughts and acts sacred to me. Write them in mezzuzot at the entrance to your home, as a sign that all people may discover Me as they enter your home and your life.


Alternative translation: Love YAH, who is your Goo, in what your heart is, in what you aspire to~. in you have made your own. May these values which I connect with your life be implanted in your feelings May they become the norm for your children: address them in the privacy of your home, on the errands you run. May they help you relaX and activate you to be productive. Display them visibly on your arm, let them focus your attention. See them at all transitions at home and in your environment. <Deuteronomy 6:4)

o~fJ~ nl~>;J '~)~ ,~~ ,'tli~~ ~~ ~)'~'Pn ~n'P o~ n~o1 ?:JJ~ T I

O:JJJ? '•'. I



~:Jl i1JY?~ T 1 I T I

O:J';i?N i11il' TlN '•'




ilJilN~ ,.. -: • I

Oi'il -

:r~a1 t'J~P~1 ~ip{~~ illY' in).'~ o~~l~ 1\:?~ 'r-tt1~1 :O~'fi~~ .~~~~1 !11~~1 :r~~O;t~ :rr¥'f. J~).! 'f-1!1~1 ::r1o~~1 :r\U1'.Tl1 0'10~ 0'tl~~ 0~1l~l OtJlP1 O~;tl{ iltJ~~ 1~ 0~~ ~1>;J'Ptl N?1 O~~~D Tl~ 1~~1 0~~ il1il' '1~ i1101 .Ot)~ 0tl'10tl'Pt11 '~~ n1D~ o~1l~1 ,n~~J~ nt< 1~n N"~ n~1~01 1\'~ n~o~

?~ n~~ '1~1 n~ OtJ~~1 .o~~ ltl) n1n' 1~~ n~\'tJ '\1.~0

ri!l'}i\.?{ ~'01 0~1~ ~~ TliN{ OfiN Otll~i?~ ,O~'fi~l ?~1 O~;tl{ :rt,.,:;Jf. :r{l;t'?i~ o~ 1:;J1{ o~'~f. n~ ofiN 0~1~~1 .0~'~').! 1':;J :f{l':;J nit~?? ?~ O~;ttl?~ .:r~~P:;t~ :f~?'P;t~ :T1ll :ffl?~;t~ Y~'P~ 1~~ i1~1~0 ~~ O~'~;t '~'1 0~,~~ ~ll~ 1~~{ ·:f'1{'¥i~~

·~1.~0 ?~ O~~~D '~'~ ,Oi)~ Tltl~ 0~'tlJ~2 il1il' .

!11~~1 ?~1¥J~ '~f. ?~ 1:;J1 :inN~ n~n ?t< il1il' 1~N.'l Tl~'~ ?~ ~)fJ~1

,Oli1'1{ 0i)'11~ '~~i) ?~ l1~'~ Ot)~ ~\lj{'1 1 0Q~~ n~ Of11~'~ iriN OV'~l~ ,n~P~? o~~ n~o1 .n~~f-1 ,.,.n~ '"l~~D '1.Q~q o~;tl{ '1.0~ ~1~n!l N?1 .o!iN OV'VJ~l ,n1n' ni~~ ~~ ?~ n~ Otl''?'~l ~1~~f-l1~~{ .0tJ'1.0~ 0'~t Ofl~ 1~~ 0~'~').! 1\P~ O~'D'~ il1il' '~~ .O~'D'N~ 0'\P1i? 0tl'~i;11 '~i~Y:J il1il' '~~ ,O'tl?N~ 0~~ l1i'~~ 0~1~~ ~1~~ O~flt\ 'flN~iil

.l1nN O:J'>;i?N ... •: ·: •• •.•a


How good it will be when you really listen and hear my directions which I give to you today, for loving Yah who is your God and to act godly with feeling and inspiration. Follow this Torah, with its call for us to build a world based on justice and peace, kindness and generosity, love and joy, stewardship of the earth and celebration of the grandeur of creation, and the world will work. The sun will shine, the rain will fall just as it is needed, and the earth will give forth its produce. Your earthly needs will be met at the right time appropriate to the season. You will reap what you planted for your delight and health. Also your animals will have ample feed. All of you will eat and be content. Be careful--watch out. Because if you don't create a world based on the mitzvot, if you don't make a world guided by peace an~ economic justice, kindness and generosity, caring for all, spreading of love and joy to all who are alive, producing only what is really needed and making sure to protect the planet from danger, then the world will not work. The sun will not shine, the rain will not fall at the appropriate time, the earth will not give forth its produce--there will be an ecological catastrophe that could lead to the end of all human and animal life on this planet. So don't let your cravings delude you; don't become alienated; don't let your cravings become your gods; don't debase yourself to them, don't horde when you can share, for there is enough for all, enough love, enough food, enough for everyone on this planet if only you learn to share. Don't let the cravings for more distort the God-sense within you. Heaven will be shut to you, grace will not descend, earth will not produce. Your rushing and your being too busy to have time for the big picture will destroy you. And earth will not be able to recover her good balance in which God's gifts manifest. May these values of Mine reside in your feelings and aspirations: determining what you produce, guiding what you perceive. Teach them to your children so that they are addressed: in making their homes; in how they deal with traffic on the road, when they are depressed, and when they are elated. Talk about the need to fashion a world of peace and justice, love and generosity, kindness and celebration of the goodness of the universe--and do it in public, when you walk by the way, even when others might think it inappropriate, because reshaping our world with a new direction of love and generosity is the central survival need of the planet. But also, talk about this in private, with your friends, when you sit in your house or theirs, and don't be embarrassed to raise it even at the expense of being seen as "too serious." Talk about it when you go to bed at night, and when you wake up in the morning. Write this upon the doorposts of your house (mezzuzot) and upon your gates! In every way possible, make this a central way that you conduct your life. So that your days may be long, and the days of your children, on the good earth that I promised to your ancestors to be yours to share with all other life forms. So live by this message. I have already shown you, by taking you out of Egypt, out of slavery, out of the house of narrow consciousness, that it is always possible to broaden your understanding, to break out of constricted consciousness, to get the big picture, to see the world in a new way, and to liberate yourselves from all that has held you bound down. This is what it means to be created in My image. I am the Force of Healing and Transformation in truth.


Praise God! We have been set free from slavery, the dominion of bondage, dependency, submission; the confines we had cherished as our only home. Apparitions of the past marched after us through the desert-night of memory to reclaim or destroy. Then we came to the seas of separation, and halted, caught between desire for the unknown, and desire to return, fear of the unknown, and fear of return. To say Yes to freedom, to enter unfathomed waters, to really make the crossing, is to witness the past drowning, and to embrace the future, whatever it may demand, wherever it may lead. The waters of death became the waters of new life! Yea, the waters of death become the waters of new life!

Fixing Our Yearning for Freedom

,'li1P~ 11~~ n~o~ ~~ ,n,n~ o~~~ n~n~ ~~ Mee cha-mochah ba-ayleem Adonai, mee ka-mochah nedar bakodesh

Who is like You among the gods that are worshipped? Who is like You glorious and holy?

· 1~) 0~1~? 1~'?~ n,n~ .N~~ ny/~ li~Dfl N)i) Nora t'heelot osay feleh. Adonai yimloch l'olam va-ed.

Awesome in splendor, amazing in miracles. The ETERNAL will reign forever and ever!

0, Rock of Israel, arise to help your scattered folk, Deliver all who are crushed beneath oppression's heal. Be our saving power, 0 God, Redeemer of Israel. Tzur yisra 'el kumah b 'ezrat yisra 'el

J~1'P~ n1~~~ n~~P J~1'P~ ,~~ U 'feday khinumekha yehudah veyisra 'el.


i11~i1~ :r~~~~ i11~~

Go'alaynu Adonai tz 'va 'ot shemo )n\!iz ll)N:l~ il1i1' ~JJNl Kedosh Yisrae '1. 'I"


•• - : ·

.J~1¥J~ 'V11l? . Baruch Atah Adonai Ga 'al Yisra 'el .

.~~1\V~ ~~~ i11i1' n~~ ~~,~ 69

Am ida

n1~)' T • :"I~~ ':1~1~ Baruch atah

:'11:'1' U':i'K .. -:: 'U'1i;"' - ':'..17K1.. :11W1 C:'11:l~ ":'17K TTl-"~


Let me channel your blessings, You who are The Power of Healing and Transformation

YHVH Eloheynu

Power source!

v'Elolzey horeynu, Elohey Avraham v'Sarah

,:-r~~!J PO¥~ '07~ Elohey Yitzak v'Rivknh,

,n~?J '01 ,:1·p~~ "~'~ · 1i!ll:'1 ;;,ln ;K:-r 'li'7¥ 'tt '~1il;:IJ •-


•• T

God for Abraham and Sarah God for Isaac and Rebecca

Elohey Ya'acov, Rachel, v'Leah, God for Jacob and Leah and Rachel Ha-El Ha-Gadol Ha-Gibor · The great Powersource God

v'Ha-Norah, El Elyon! GomeZ clzasadeem tovim C':Ji~ C'1Cn -s ;~il\ •. ,;·~0 :-r~iPJ p'konay lza-kol, v'zochayr chasadey '10M 1::liT1 .. I • " I ni:-r~K1 1'1i:JKT avot v'imalzot T ' I ;ttil K"~~~ u'mayvee go'el c~.,~~ "~17 livney v'neylzem i~lp n.7~7 l'ma'an Sltemo •

Source of all our ancestors' love!

And Awe-some, Transcendent to all Causer of goodness

• 'I'

.:-t:l:"'K!l T""l•l


,C'~07 U"'J~l Zaclzreynu le'cha'yim, ,C"~ljf Y~O ':J??t melech chafeytz b'clza'yim, C'~lJLI ,~9f u~~~J ve'chatveynu besefer ha clta'yim ~~~~? le'ma'ancha C":'.17K-:: Eloheem .C"~lj chayyim.


Holding all in love Container of memory for the entire universe Quickener of evolution Of the children of the universe With purpose to bring consciousness and Matter together Through the power of love.

Remember us to life You who lead us on the path of affirming life Inscribe us in the Book of Life So that we can be for You and in Your image build a world that Sustains life. Mover and


1!il7 ozeyr

Helper of spirit to live in limitations

W"Wi~~ umo'shiah ·1~~~ umageyn. ;; :"'J;I~ ':1~,~ Baruch ata Adonai cvl~~ ,~~ Mageyn Avralzam ve'ezrat Sarah. .:11to 111Tl71 •; ":I TT

And rescuer from limitations Shielder of the heart. Channel though me your blessings, Yah! The shield of Abraham and Sarah.


,i::ll ;'1T-lN ,').,N-a c'i'i:s7'i' ;"Tz:lN C"l'l?.l ;"T"n?.l .37"Win'i' :l, •





'r -



.. -




Ata gibor I'olam Adonai, M'chayeh maytim ata rav l'ho'slli'a

You are a unique form of power Forever overwhelming Bringing life-energy to our deadness Multiplying the ways we can be transformed


C""n 'i'::>'i'~?.l '• "Z • ,,cn::1 ~"' C"l'l?.l . .. ;,"n?.l: C"!l, C"?.ln,::l ' ·•-a-z

M'cluzlkeyl cha'yim

Sustaining life


With Kindness

M 'cluzyey meytim

Bringing dim consciousness to awareness

b'rachamim rabbeem,

With non-threatening compassion

C"'?~i) ~~ic C''i'in N~;,, • •• I

someych noflim

Lifting the fallen

v'rofay cholim

Healing the sick

C",~CN ,.,T-l?.l~ • -a • -

u 'matir asurim,

Freeing the enslaved

inl~?.lN C"P?.l~ 1' -:1 ... I

u'm'kayeym emunato liy'sheyney

Sustainiing our confidence in the ultimate victqry of goodness Even for those of us who have been


lured to sleep in the dust of despair

Mi chamolzclza

You are like a Great Mother

ba'al gevurot

Master of many powers

u'mee domell laclz,

Though every analogy misses your uniqueness


·Mover of energy

meymeet u'm'clrayeh

Who makes die and makes alive

umatzmiyach yeshuah.

And makes transformation flourish inside and





"~W"'? .,~37 T T

~;~~ .,~ l'li1~:ll't: 'i'37::1


'":1'? ;'1~;, .,~~

":1?~ ' l'l"?.l?.l ...

;,"n?.l~ ·:-

.n37~W" n"?.lX7.l~ T I ' I •

around us

~i?.l~ .,~

Mi clzamohcha

Yet we seek analogies,

C"7.ln,;, :lN

av haracluzmim

seeing you as an en-wombed father,

zocheyr yetzurav l'chayim b'raclzamim

Who remembers all his creation and infuses them with A life-enhancing compassion

v'ne'eman Ata

And you remain ever confident

C"J:l~ J"li"Qtl?

l'ha'clzayot meytim

That the lost can be recovered.

~~,::1 1'

Baruch ata Adonai

Let me channel your blessings, Yah

m'clzayeh lza-meytim

Making alive that which was dead.




,. C"~Q!:P





;"Tz:lN 17.lN), T •

.,., ;"lz:lN Tl


T -:: ... :

C"ZJ~:j ;,:.,Jj~


L'ayl Orech Deen (During the repetition of tJ:te Amidah the ark is opened)

~,,f-1~! ?~D

:r? 1~:;t~

We now proclaim the sovereignty of God

1'1 ';f1\)' ;,~~ Who calls us to judgment. 1'1 0)'~ n\:t~11D1!1{ You search all hearts on the Day of Judgment: .1'1~ n\~);?.~ i1~1l{ You reveal the hidden things, in judgment. 1'·1 Oi';t 0'1~'P. 1~ 11'{ You send righteousness on the Day of Judgment: .1'1~ n1Y1 n~1t1{ You know our innermost secrets, in judgment. ' 1'·1 0)'~ 1t'J;l il'¥J\Y) P'fll~ You bestow mercy on the Day of Judgment: ·1'·1~ \n'l~ 1~\l{ You remember Your covenant, in judgment.

1'1 0\';t 1'~~>.;) ;,>;;lin{ You spare creation on the Day of Judgment: .P1~ 1'9\n 1iJ\'{ You clear those who trust You, in judgment. 1'1 0\';t n\:l~Q>_;) ).;111'~ You know our thoughts on the Day of Judgment: .1'·1~ iU~~ \U~1!){ You suppress Your wrath, in judgment. )'·1 Oi';t nip1~ \U~ \~{ You are righteous on the Day of Judgment: ·1'1~ n\)\~ '1)11l~ You pardon wrongdoing, ,in judgment.

1'·1 0)'~ n\~'i:-J,P N1\l{ You are revered on the Day of Judgment: .1'1~ 1'9~0~~ O~itJ{ You forgive Your people, in judgment. ' 1'1 Oi';t 1'~liP{ n~i)'{ You answer our plea on the Day of Judgment: .P·1~ 1').?()1 ;,~)!){ You invoke Your compassion, in judgment. 1')1 Oi';t n\1~9~ il~i~~ You seach secrets on the Day of Judgment: .1')1~ 1'1~~ i1~11'{ You accept Your faithful in judgment. )'·1 01';t )r.:l)._) 00,{ You show mercy on the Day of Judgment:

.1'·1~ P~I:J)N 1>;;))~ { You guard Your beloved, in judgment. .1'1 0\')~ )')>_;)')~{l ';fP.1n1 You support us on The Day of Judgment.


KEDUSHAH (said when this prayer is being


repeated aloud-when you are reading to yourself, skip this section and go to the next (U've'cheyn)

~~l{i 1'1~ lli'!i!~ N'kadeysh et shimcha

c'?il7::l ,. ,.


ba-olam C"lP'i~~tf CW~ k'slteym sh'makdishim otoh .c;,~ "~W::l bislunay ma'rom. I • :l~n:J:J Ka-ka-tuv -~~.,~~ 1~-'?~ al-yad n 'viyechah. T




;"'i '?~ ;"I! K1~1 :,~K,

- ,. '

Vekara zeh El zeh v'amar:

Kadosh Wi1v,. Kadosh Wi1j:',. Kadosh


Adonai tzeva'ot

The Singularity with a Multitude of Manifestations

7ip~ T~ az b'kol '?i1l,. tUl7, - - ra-ash gadol

Every ounce of being is filled With the Divine luminosity" In response With huge noise Overwhelming the equilibria of identity

adir v'cltazak

'?i v C'~"~lfl~ C"Klvll'l~ . : -: .

Opening the self to echo the Divine vibration

maslzmiyim kol mit-na'seem C"e:l,lvl"1~l7'? l'umat serafim a - ••• : Cl"1~l77 l'umatam .~,~K·., ~~,~ baruclz yohmeyru. •

Through the instrument of prophecy By a surge of energy Passing between poles of consciousness: Sacred

i1i:l~ Yl~;;J-'?~ K;?t Melo kol ha-aretz kevodo

v!~1 ,.,,~

Just as they sanctify it In the upper world of insight By songs and by words:

"Exquisite God connection


niK:lX ;,,;,., ,. '

Our actions of kindness and love are our way to Sanctify your name in this world

Lifting themselves To bring the self into angelic consciousness



Mirroring the passion of the self

T '••:

~~,:::! ,.

An influx of receptive flow is released:


''Blessed be


kevod-adonai .i~iP?p~ mimkomo. Tl

the Divine luminosity in touch with the center of the universe."




Mimkomecha malcheynu tofi-ah v'timloch aleynu

From that center of the universe Please, our Pathfinder, Radiate and Appear to us

C'~n~ .,~

ki me'cha-keem

Because it is for this that we have been waiting So that we can be fully manifesting You.

~7~T:l ., lJ~

anachnu lach. Ma 'tie timloch

u~;~ .. :-


~l.,?t' ~;;~1:11

-~i ~l~~~~ 1i'~~

1l'~Z~ :li,i?~ ,,ll1l1 --: .


c:?w~,~ ~il'l~ ~l"~

,;,, ,;,;. ,.


C"~MXl MXl?~ • T: - ••: :-tl"~N,l'l ~l"l.,l1, T


: •




.,~~N:-1 ,:l1~ T 7



~!V. '1"W~

,;; ,,., '~ •




~~1~ tl'lP~

c?il17 :~ ~;~: 1i.,¥ ~:D;~

,;,, ,;,; ,.


il'~''il T



And take over the running of this world

Oy, when, when, when will You take over this world? . And when will You take over in Zion?

b'tziyon b'karov b'yameynu titgadal v'teikadash

be permanently altered, evolve and transform

b'toch yerushalayim ir'chah

The reality of Jerusalem so it truly becomes Your city, (and not the manifestations of our distortions and power-tripping)

ledorvador ul'ney'tzach n'tzachim

And let that remain

v'eyneynu tirena malchutecha

ktzdavar ha-amur b'shiray uzecha al yedey david ma'slzi'ach tzid'kecha yimloch Adonai le'olam elolza'yich tziyon l'dorvodor lzalleluyah

Let it be quickly, in our own days, NOW!!! And let our ordinary awareness and illusory world

the case forever. Let our eyes see Your Presence Ruling the World (because we humans will suffused be with Your loving and compassionate Spirit and act from that place of our being) The way it has been foretold In the songs recognizing that that is Your strength. Made visible through the instrument of loving Friendship (David) who brought us a vision of Messianic caring goodness and justice and caring for others: "Let the Power of Healing and Transformation manifest and shape the world! Let this be your real God, Zion! From one state of being through its transformations Let Yah energy be kindled where it is not yet burning!



1.t:1 1;?~~


U've'cheyn teyn pach'd'cha


U've'cheyn teyn pach'd'cha ~l"ii?K .,., Adonai eloheynu ''



;,?;l ?:D ?37 •


alkol mah she-bar-ata

c?:J ,.... ~W37", ., .. , Ve'ye'asu chulam nnK :11lK agudah achat

You are Transformative Power,

Then all beings will radiate that awe And all created things will praise you.

And all will create a single community, overcoming all the Things that divide us,

..... -"1

~~ill nitu~? la-asot r'tzonecha

and dedicate all their lives and energy

.c?w :l:l?~I b'leyvav shaleym.

To completing the Grand Design.

~l371"tU i~:DI K'mo she'ya'da'nu I -'I'':

For we have known

.. T


~l":17K .,., Adonai eloheynu "


The Transformative Power


~"~97 li~?Viv'f ~,.,~ ITI

sheha-shil'ton lJanecha r'37 ohz b'yadcha

~~"~"¥ :11~:lt~

That ultimate reality is You All power is in Your hand

ug'vura biminecha

And real strength is living in harmony with You. And that awesome recognition

K1il ~~W' veshimcha nora .11K1~W T., •: :17;l • ?:D ?37 alkol mah shebarata. 'I


Pervade the consciousness of all creatures And a sense of wonder at the unity & at the divinity at their core Fill all that you have created

C"W~~tl ?~ ~~K1"~' v'yira-ucha kol ha'ma'aseem ~"~97 ~,QtHP~' v'yista.'cha'vu lJanecha •C"K~1~:1 ?:D,. kol hab'ru'eem. • a-

,. ?

Let our sense of the awesome,


~"f~~ ?~ ?~ al kol ma-asecha ~~~"t\' v'eymat'cha .11K1~W '1''1' 'I

U've'cheyn- And therefore


permeates and directs all You have created.

1~:l~ 1J::1 J~~~ U've'cheyn teyn kavod ka dAd

, ,h t ~~~7 ~~ 1i:l~ 1-t11~~~ U ve c eyn eyn vo ~"~'1"7 :17iJT;l tehilah li'rey-echa

U've'cheyn- And therefore

. , ha And therefore lift all heaviness from our onar 1amec hearts So that we can experience the joy of serving each other and becoming full embodiments of Your plan. Let Your energy flow though all who are in awe of you, And give hope to all of us who seek to bring Your spirit into fuller actualization on this planet Let it happen in a way that nourishes

:1~ lin~!?~ ufitechon peh

•';}7 C"7Q~~'£ ~¥ltt7 :1t'??W ~T¥7 1ituty'

lam 'yachalim lach. Simcha l'artzecha v'sason l'irecha ll~ 111]"~~~ utzmichat keren l'david avdecha ~1~~ 1 1l.. 11:J",37, - ·-:- va-arichat neyr l'ven yeshai m'shi'checha ~~.,w~ .,,~ bimheyra v'yameynu :~l"~":l :1,:1~~ ... ,. : ,. •• l •

those who yearn for you All, so that Your earth is happy, And in every city people rejoice. Let those who are involved in God-seeking and Tikk.un-ing the world have great gladness and joy in the process, and let that gladness and joy give birth to the Messiah, kindling the light of David, soon in our days.



Oi yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi oy yoi. 75

C.,i?.,!~ 1~~~

U've'cheyn tzadikim

U've'cheyn-And therefore

C"i?"i~ l~~~

u've'clzeyn tzadikim

~n~w.,, ~N,.,

yiru v'yismaclzu

And since this is so, Let those who aspire to embody more holiness see the triumph of goodness and the God-seekers celebrate in song!



n'?31" -:-

• I


C",W", ." .

visharim ya-alozu C"1"0M, v'chasideem

.~;"l" ~:ii~ • T


• I

For the movement of healing and transformation will triumph!!!!

Be'reena yagilu.

V"~ Y~~T:\ ;"'J;17i31J V'oulata tikpatz pee'ha

;,;::, ;'131tZ.h;'l T•••




The Earth will see a real Tikkun-ing. (wizen saying this next line, raise fist in solidarity with all those still struggling for social justice): And all forms of oppression will be overcome,

;~, v'cltol harisha kula T I

.;'17~T:\ lW~~ k'aslzan tichleh. ,.,::13111 . '::l. Ki ta-avir

All evil will dissolve and vanish like smoke When we sweep from the earth the dominion of arrogance, and the planet will be saved from destruction! · Oy, yoi, yoi, yoi, oi, yoi, yoi,


n7t¥~~ memshelet Zlldon ·Yl~V 1~ min ha-aretz.


;"'J;Il( ';Ji,~t11 V'timloclz ata ~l;l? ~~ Adonai l'vadecha ~.,,~~-'~ '~ al kol-ma'asecha

Then the One will reign alone,

,tt~ b'har tzi'on ~1i:l:p l~t?i~ misldcan k'vodecha . C'~tll~i:l~ u'vi'Yerushalayim ~W1~ 1 '¥ ir kadsheclza :~tf1~ 'j~i:p :lU'lf~ Kakatuv b'div'rey kad'shecha ,c?il77 ~~ ~;~~ yim'loch Adonai l'olam, li'¥ ";J~tt;~ elohaiyich tzi'yon .;,~~'?tt , ,.,~ l'dor vador halleluyah.

li'::t • •


Within amongst beneath beyond all peoples and faiths Every heart will be God's temple, Every hill and valley WILL BE ZION, Every place where humans dwell will be


Jerusalem, the Holy City. As it teaches in Your holy Torah: "The Forces of Healing and Transformation will hold sway everywhere, the Power of all your Powers, 0 Zion, is from age to age, hallelu Yah" Oy yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi oi yoi yoi

;"'J;I~ vii1~ Kadosh ata

How holy the One.


How awesome the Name.


v'nora slz'meclza

~"1¥7~~ :Ji;~ 1"~1 v'eyn elolza mibal'adeclza ::lU'l::l::l kakatuv: TniN:l! '' (l~l.,, vayigba Adonai tz'va-ot T I Tl - l •'N;'l, ~!IW~::l bamishpat v'ha-eyl "T: ·W1~~ vii,~;:r hakadosh nikdash •;'1~1¥¥ bitzdaka.

No power is really separate. As our traditions teaches: "The Source of this teeming universe becomes lifted through justice; Our Holy Energy becomes more holy through our lovingkindness.


-?!) Cl7 UT-I,n:l ;"'Z:,N s.0"~37:1 . -,. ~lniN Z:,:l:"'N T



1' •



~l~ '

I •







?!)~ ~lr-\~~;,, "' •


,.. 1 -




u:p?~ ~lz;t:t1in ,';Jl:)1i:l~'{ llii1~;:t' ;;,~;:r ';J~~,

.nN,P ~l"?l7 T T




~l"ti'~ ;~

U7-1.f!IT;l1 Ci"-nN••• :1:li1N~ 'I'-:(Ci" 1'1·:a·:N, :1Ti1 n~lli:-t) Ci" ;"'!;:t 1i,~T;:t

Ata v'chartanu eem cholha-amim . Ahav'ta otanu v'ratzita banu, v'romam'tanu mikol halshonot, v'kidaslrtanu b'mitzotecha, v'keyrav'tanu malkeynu la'avoda'techa, v'shim'cha hagadol v'hakadosh aleynu karata.

(hashabbat hazeh v'et yom)

we have God's love, we have sensed God's holiness in our moments of joy, in our deeds of justice and love.

hazikaron lzazeh yom

(i1:li1N~) :"'l7~,,r:,

t'mah (b'ahava)


,W1P N1~~ ,~l";:t'?~ ;~ ,~l7

We have been open to You,

(this holy Sabbath and) this Day of Remembrance so that we can return to our highest and truest self

b'ahava et-yom



chosen each people for its own special role.

V'tee'teyn-lanu Adonai eloheynu Grant us, God, your loving one



You have chosen us just as you have

mikra kodeslr,


Va'tee'tetjn lanu Adonai eloheym. (on Yom Kippur say: this Day of Atonement) for taking honest account Ci" n~ :"'~Q~~ b'ahavah et yom (hashabbat of who we have become and how we might change and transform ourselves, n~lli;"!) lzazeh l'keduslzall uleem'nucha ,. cleaning our beings, atoning for wrong i1W~1~7 i1f;:t v'et yom) lza'Kippureem done to others and ourselves, erasing i1n~l~?~ hazeh, leem'chee'la our inner distortions), I' 1 0",~9!);"1 (Ci" nN, v7ees'lee'cha1r ul'chaparah,






:-t7"J:t~'?,:"'~;:t v'leem'cha-boe et kol


:10"'?9'?, · avonoteynu (b 'alzavah)

?!) 1'1N i~-?n~?, T


T I • 1

meektalz kodesh

(:"1~Q~~) ~l"tlili~ zmJclrer litzi'yat mitzrayim.

,WtP N1~~ .C",'!~ 1'1N"'!"' ,~T •

'I' t



... ••


a day which reconnects us to the freedom and liberation of the Exodus from Egypt.

,~l"ji;,";:J;Kl U'';:l;~ Eloheynu velohey horeynu,

.!'";~J ~f:l:J ;,?w~ ya'aleh ve'yavo ve'ya'gi'ya. 31~W~J ;,'1~J n~1~1 V'yeyra'eh v'yehratzeh v'yishama 1~!~J 1j2~~J v'yipakeyd v·'y'zaclzeyr ,~l~i1~~~ u~i,~T zich'roneynu uftk'doneynu, Jl'ji:-tli1~TJ v'zicharon horeynu. IJ'lP~ li1~TJ V'zicharon mashiach ,~j~W 111-1~ ben-david av'decha, c~?w~,~ li1~TJ v'zicharon y'rushalayim -~W1~ 1'~ ir kad'shecha. ~~W-;f li1~TJ V'zicharon kol-amcha ,~.,~~7 7~1\p~ M"~ beyt yisra-ell'fanecha, ,:-t~i~{~ ;,~.,7.~7 lif'leyta ultova, ,C'~Q'1{~ 19U{~ ltl{~ ulclzeyn el'chesed ul'rachamim, ci'W7~ C"~tr7 l'chaiyim ulshalom •:1!;:1 1i1fTV Ci":p b'yom ha-zicharon hazeh. ~l";::i;~ :1,:1, U'1~! Zach'rey'nu Adonai eloheynu ,;-r~io( i:l vo l'tova, ·

,:111~'? i:l ~l'!~~~ ufak'deynu vo liv'raclza, .C'~IJ{

i:l ~l~!"tPi:1J

v'hoshiyeynu vo l'chayim.

C"~M,, ;'131~t0' 1:11:1~ • -;

Uvid'var y'shua v'rachamim u~n, c~n clzus v'clzaneynu ••T: ~l"'37 en,, v'racheym aleynu ~ l37"Wi ;-r, v'lzoslziyeynu ,~l"~'~ ~-,7~ .,~ ki eyleclza eyneyuu, ,~~IJ ';I?~ s~ .,~ ki etjl meleclz clzanun .:1T-IK v'rachum ata . ., c~n,, -:




.. T


Our Holy Parent, who parented our parents Let tfie best of who we have been be what You remember about us

Remember our messianic aspirations symbolized in the way we imagined Jerusalem as a city of peace. Remember this entire people for kindness, compassion, life and peace. On this Holy Day in which we have to give accounting for our past! May the grace of God ascend within us May the joy of this day thread its way into our day-to-day lives, and ring us and those we meet with goodness and blessing and peace,

l •



For You are the Force that makes it possible for us to overcome our personal limitations and angers so we can embody Your salvific generosity of spirit For You are the One who leads us into a womb-energized compassion


for All Being!


"i17K, U";'l;~ c?i31;'1-?::> ?31 ';Ji?tl

~~,,;;, .. T









Elocheynu veylohai horeynu

God, take over this world and give it direction,

m'loch al kol-haolam

Reshape it in ways that will make it

1li:J~~ i~~ kulo bich'vodecha

-?~ ?¥ Nfp~;:IJ v'hinasey alkol

a closer embodiment of the loving energy which we feel as individuals but which has yet ruled in the public sphere.

11~"~ Y1~V ha-aretz bikarecha

,1~~ 31~i;'1J v'hofo ba'hadar

Let your loving energy which has flowed through alJ our ancestors and through all godly peoples of all faiths now rise up within us

1f~ 1i~~ g'on uzecha ":lWi'-?:l) ?31 al kol-yosh'vey p.~,l~ ~;,IU teyveyl ar'tzecha

and Jet it pour out into the world.

?~31~-?~ 311~, v'yeyda kol-pa-ul i.t:17W? ;'1J;1~ .,~ ki ata p'al'toe ,~X'~-?:l) 1.,::1.,, v'yavin kol-yatzur . T T • TS


Let us flood the world with God's goodness and love-so that every creature comes to know its loving creator, so economics and political and every form of social life is permeated with generosity, goodness, justice, joy and love, And then everything that breathes will proclaim:

i1J;1~ .,~ ki atat y'tzar'to.

,,~ ?~ ,~N;J V'yomeyr kol asher

iS~~ il~W1 n'shama b'apo

";J7~ ?~jlp~ '~;:17~ =~ Adonai elohey yisra'eyl melech

.;o,?t.litl ?~~ TTT

in~~?tl~ umal'chuto bakol mashala. 1-


On Rosh Hashanah; On Rosh Hashanah:

"i17N, ~~.,il'?N

~l'l'li:JN .. .,




(~l'l"'n~l7.~:J •• T t •

;,x,) " I

Yud Hey Vav Hey, the Transformative and Healing Power, the energy that excites Israel (all those struggling to be connected to God and who wrestle with God), IS THE CENTER OF ALL BEING, and of our being, embracing the Whole.

On Rosh Hashanah:

Eloheynu veylohey avoteynu

Our God of the God of our ancestors

(r'tzai vim'nuchateynu)

(on Shabbath add: Let our Sabbath rest be renewing)

1"~i¥~:P ~lWli? kad'sheynu be'mitz'vo'tehcha

Let our pursuit of a morally coherrent life be

'';j~jil'l~ ~lie?Q 11J1

sanctified by Torah-inspiration. v'teyn chel'keynu b'toratecha, Satisfy us with our goodness and let us rejoice in 1~~w~ ~l¥~W sab'eynu mituvecha your salvation .';j~~~w.,:p ~ltJ~WJ v'sam'cheynu bishu-atecha, ~lil'?N .,., ~l?'nlm) (v'han'chileynu Adonai eloheynu (on Sabbath add: and let us fully taste the joy •• ':I TZ " • I-S and pleasure of Shabbat, lilj~~ il~~t\~ b'ahava uv'ratzon

1Wl~ n~w shabbat kad'shechd

?N,W' rr:J ~n~l',, •• 'I": •



resting and revealing the holy essence of our souls and giving us spiritual nourishment to carry into the rest of our lives). Purify our hearts So that we may

v'yanuchu va yir'ra-eyl

(1~lf/ "Wii?~ m'kad'shey sh'mecha) ~l~? ,;,~, v'taheyr libeynu -. "-,

.l"'~N~ ... -:1...

';j':::f:J31? T I

l'av'd'cha be-emet.

serve you in truth.

C'~:'T'?N il.T-lN ":l)• Ki ata elohim • n ., J"'~N 1,::11~ l'l~N -t





.1~? C~j!'

For You are the God of truth,

emet ud'var'cha emet

And your path is the true path (and there are

v'ka'yam la'ad.

many paths to you) That will always be open for us.



:lz;ltt ~~,~ Baruch ata Adonai

Let us channel Your blessings, God,

f"J~O-l;J~ ;~ ~?~ melech al kol-ha-aretz

(J n~w;:r> W!i{~ .1i1~TiJ

Ci'J ;~no/~

You who are the true Ruler of all the earth, Who brings holiness into the lives of the people Israel (the God wrestlers), To all people {to the Shabbat) and to the Day of Rememorance.

m'kadeysh (ha'Shabbat v') yis'ra-eyl v'yom hzikaron.

Oy yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi, oy yoi. }}

On Yom Kipper:

On Yom Kippur: On Yom Kippur:

,~l"Ui:l~ ";:t?NJ ~l"~'~

eloheynu veylohey avoteynu, Ci"::l ~l"T1ili37l;J m'cholla-avonoteynu b'yom .. -:- 7nll -; (Ci':l~ :1T:1 T1::ltU:1) (ha'Shabbat hazeh uv'yom) a


,:l!iJ .

,. - -



ha'Kippureem hazeh,

We open to the cleansing energy within us, And Power of Purification present in every age, Which You make available to us particularly on this Yom Kippur.

~l"V.f' 1~~uJ :10~ m'chey v'ha-aveyr p'sha-eynu Help us clear out our distortions and wash .~"~"~ 1~7;) ~l"UN.~IJJ v'chatoe'teynu minegd eynecha. away our mistakes and our suffering, ,~~N:::> T T



So we may truly see, as our tradition teaches:

"L only I, the healing and transformative

':llN ":llN anochi anochi hu •



power, the Self of your Self, the holiest reality of the universe,

,~~~? ~'¥W~ ntill mochehfsha-echa l'ma-ani .i:::>T~ . . N? ~'lJN.~lJ1 . . v'chatotecha lo ez'kor. :,~Nl, - 0::":1


"Indeed, I have swept away your wrong paths

~'¥W' :l¥~ 'J:l"IJ~ mahiti cha-av p'sha-echa ,~"J;tN.~lJ H~~J v'che-anan chatotecha, .~'.D7t'~ '~ '7~ :l~~tU shuva eylie ki ki g'al'ticlm :1T:1 Ci':l- ':::>. 1~Nl, .... - v'ne-emar ki vayom hazeh C:l'l;J37 y'chapeyr aleychem ... --: ,51:l' --: c:mN ,;"'~l;J le'ta'heyr et'chem

like clouds blown away, like mists that vanish. So-turn back to me-l have already freed you." And as our Torah says: "On this day,


·•· : ...


amending will be made for you, to cleanse you from all your mistakes.

.. - :

- ?:::>1.3. micol chatoteychem



Before the Transformative Power, you shall be clean."

.~1:1~n , ~l!:ll;J lifney Adonai tit-haru. T




erase your lack of faith in the truth of God and the value of our own Self, so that you can become your holiest self once again.

t "'

,~l'1i :1 '::J7N1 ~l'ti?~

Eloheynu ve'Elochey horeynu, Our Power and Power of our parents and grandparents, .[~llJOU~~ :1~11 (r'tzey vim'nuchateynu). let us make our lives holy through ~'~i¥~~ ~ltp1j{ kadsheynu b'mitzvotecha

,~1J1iT1~ ~lie?O


deeds of justice, love, kindness, generosity and joy." v'teyn chel'keynu b'toratecha, Let us find our parts in living Torah, and let us get spiritual nourishment from the richriess of Jewish rituals, Courage to live according to your ethical guidance.

80 .

11~~?:l ~l~~W sab'eynu mituvecha

Let us enjoy God's world and rejoice in freedom ,~.O¥~lli":P ~liJ~WJ v'sam'cheynu bishu-atecha, (on Shabbat: May we taste the spiritual ~l"ii7N i11i1" ~l"7"nli11] (v'han'chileynu Adonai eloheynu nourishment of obserying Shabbat, and •• -: " ' I- I bring that into the rest of our week). n~w 1i31~~ i1~tJ~~ b'ahava uv'ratzon shabbat 7~1'P~ il~ ~n~l;J ,1W1~ kadshecha, v'yanuchu va yisra-eyl .r~~o/ "W1i?~ m'kad'shey sh'mecha). ~l~7 ,i1~1 Let us purify our hearts so that we can ve'ta'her libeynu '" • •• - I .l"l~N~ 1,~377 serve you in truth. ... .., v :: 1' l l'av'd'cha be-emet.

7~1'P~7 1~79 ilJ;l~ .,~ Ki ata sal'chanl'yisra-eyl ,~,~~ .,~~w7 1?0~~ um'chalan l'shivtei y'shurun

,;,, ,;, 7::>~

b'chol dar vador ~"1¥(~?:l~ umibal'adecha 17~ ~l71"~ eyn lanu melech n;;o, - : ?ni~ moe-cheyl v'soley-ach .il~N N~N ela ata. T T T 'l 1'


.,., ilr-lN 1'1

and the ultimate Pardoner of Israel in every generation.

1' I


For you are the Source of forgiveness,

,. -

~~,l ,.

Baruch Ata Adonai

71Ji~ ';}7,~ melech moe-cheyl ~l"nili37' v'soleyach la-avonoteynu ... - : -n7ioi -": i~37 nili3771 v'la-avonot amo

Blessed is the Compassionate One, the Force of Transformation and Healing, You who forgives and teaches us to forgive, you who release all suffering, removes our guilt,

- -:-: 7N,lu" l1"l

beyt yisra-eyl . ~l"l'1i~WN nN ,.,:l37~~ u'ma'avir et ash'moteynu M







,il~TfJ il~~ 7'::>~ b'clzolshana v'slzana,

,Yl~v 7·~ 7~ ~?~ ?f C!i ;~1lp~ W'!i(~ .C",9~i1 ''•• •-

melech al kollza-aretz, m'kadeysh yisra-eyl eem'chol

Ci"1z C"~37il ha'amim v'yom lzakipurim. • T


gives us a new chance to start with a clean slate each year, Who year in and year out passes over our limitations and reconnects us with our purity and holy possibilities. You who are the true ruler and Guide and Pathfinder for this earth, and for the entire universe, You who make Israel and all peoples holy, You who makes holy (the Sabbath and) this Yom Kippur.

;'1~1 Retzay · ~l"v'?~ :1,:1, ;'l~l Retzay Adonai eloheynu

RETZAY Find favor Yah, Our God, In the dimmest parts of those who struggle to straight with their Deepest force And in their prayers, Return from coarseness This offering

7~1~~ 1~~~ b'am'cha yisra-eyl C11~D11:l~ "1'. z. u'vit'fila'tam. :ltD;'!, v'ha'sheyv. "


;,,i:l37:111N '-1 T



,,:3,7 . :.

et ha'avoda lid'vir

So that we can enter Your sanctuary

1U"~ beytecha

7N,W" .. ,. . "WN, . .:

v'ishey yisra-eyl C117D11~ ut'filatam T T •


'~i2~ ;'!~~~~

:1l"Tn11, 1i"¥7 ~1~V}~

~l"l"37 "



-:-:; "::

.C"~Q'1~ ;,;,'~ :lz;l~ ~~,~

.li"¥7 i11~.,~~

~? ~l~~~




U":l;N ;,,;,, "



T - -:

1l",i:1 ":'l;N, c~; S ,"", 37 ~ ,




And keep burning the fires of passionate commitment of our people And their true, heartfelt connectings b'ahava t'kabeyl Weave together with Your love. Let our efforts at prayer reflect our intention to be straight with the Divine Force However dim our current level of understanding. v'techezena eyneynu Let us vision with our awareness A return of holy and loving energies to Zion, b'slzuv'cha l'tziyon So that it becomes the embodiment and b'rachamim. manifestation of compassion. Baruch ata Adonai Let me voice and channel Your presence, God, As your Divine Presence re-enchants lzamachazir sh'clzinato l'tziyon. the deep heart of humanity and is manifest through the kindness and goodness of our own people in Israel and· everywhere. Offering gratitude To You, God, Modim anachnu lach Who we address both as personal she-ata hu Adonai eloheynu 'Thou" and transcendent "It". •

v'eloheynu horeynu

The Eternal and our Energizing power And the energizing power of our ancestors Through space and time.

, 1olam va-ed,

~l~f.P~ 1;~ 1l"~IJ ,~l tzur clzayeynu magey11 yish'ey11uArtist in our lives Guarding the wonders

.,,,J ,,,7 . ·



that we really need You are both a personal experience and a transcendent reality

N~:l :lz;l~ ata 1m 1dor vador.



,~J:;~?0r;t ,~9~~ ~7

;,1il c,,~c~;, u,,n ?37 . : - -- ~1;~

v'al nishmoteynu ni,~i''tr lwp'kudot lach ~,9~ '~J v'al nisecha I


al clury'yey'nu ham'su'reem b'yadecha


~J,ni~llil "

Nodeh l'clza un'sapeyr t'hilatecha, We thank you And through praising You .

and our souls are left in Your care.




~J~37 T '

slte'be'chol yom imanu ~,J:;IiN(~~ ?~J v'al nifl'otecha 'f'



,1'1~-?~~~ ~,J:;Ii::li~J

v'tovoteclza sheb'clwl-eyt, .C~"l~'J ,~·::lJ :::11¥ erev vavoker v'tza'ha'ra'y~em. ~?;, N7 ,l) :Ji~;, Hatov kilo chalu raclza'me'cha ,~,~JJ1 rachamecha N7 ,:;,• en,.~;,, v'hamracheym kilo " -I -I ,~,19Q ~?;llJ tamu clzasadecha, T


·':'17 ~l,1i?


allow Your loving energy to flow through us recognizing our lives as surrendered into Your hand

Thank you for the changes of perspective that cause miracles which are present with You and recognizable to us every day and for the wonders. And the myriad ways that everything fits together That are present at all times Evening, and morning and afternoon. Everything fits together in goodness



meyolam kivinu lach.

Because energy is never destroyed Because compassion is basic to the structure of the universe. And this compassion never ends because Your Divine energy is never static but is always freshened and reawakened by openness to love. Only from the dimness of our current awareness do we await You as if we were outside You.

c?e ,~,

v'al kulam yit'barach For all these Let Your name be blessed ~l~(~ 1~TP C~iiz;'!~J v'yitromarn sltim'clza mal'keynu and exulted,Our Path-finder

.,3, c?i37? '•' T

C,::li~ •



C,,n? •- I


,,~r-1· tamid l'olam va-ed. '


.1J;l,!~ ,~~

~~1i, C,~m:r

constantly with us, even when we do not understand the dimensions of Your presence




Uch'tov l'cluryim tovim kol b'nai v'rit'echa.


V'cholllaclzayim yoducha sela, ,n~~~ ~~TP-1'1~ ~?(tr,1 vilial'lu et-shimcha be-emet, U1'137~ll}, ?N:1 ha-eyl y'slzu'ateynu •• T : - 1' .:1?0 ~l1'1,f3n v'ez'rateynu selell.



" T:-:

And inscribe us for a life manifesting goodness. Both us and all of the evolving and emerging humanity of which we are a part. All that loves seeks to increase intimacy constantly and so kindles yet more connection throughout all levels of Being.


:11;1~ ';1~,~

Baruch ata Adonai ~~Vi :Ji~tJ hatov sltimclza .1'li,i:1( ;'"!~~ ~(~ ul'cha ne-eltl'hodot.

I channel Your name through blessing the universe as Fully good (fitting all togethe in intimate connection)


ci;tli,. C'lu. :1~,:J~ :1:JiU T



C'~Q1J 1~~)

7K,lu' ;:;, 7371 ••TS'





Bring peace,

tova uv'racha

Goodness and blessing Grace and kindness, Acceptance of flaws In our relationships And into the lives of all Israel (those of every ethnic and racial and religious background who are struggling to align with Your Divine Presence) And to all the inhabitants of the earth

heyn vachesed v'rachamim

~l';37 aleynu v'al kol yis'ra-eyl .. ,.

.;:J.n ':JtUi' ;:;, 7371 ·:-

sim shalom



~l':JN ~J::l,::l • T •• JT

v'al kol yosh'vey tey'vel. Bar'cheynu avinu

Let Your energy come into us as parent,

.~.,~~ ,;M~ ,~~~ ~l?e Ku'lanu k'echad b'or panecha. Touching each and every one of us in whatever

way we are open to You With the luminosity that comes from Divine · revelation ~l':1?K :11:1' ~l; 111'1J natata lanu Adonai eloheynu You radiate to us The Force of Transformation as our very life force C'~Jj 11111-1 torat cha yrm Through vital teaching .

,1l'9 '~








19V .n~~l(J

C'~M,1 :1::l,:J~ • •



Ki b'or panecha


v'ahavat chesed utzedaka uvracha v'rachamim

.ci;W1 C''M1t ';f'~,~~ :JiUJ U1'1iK 11~7

·v'cha'yim v'shalom.

7::l:J~ T:

b'chol eyt uv'chol



Through expanding love Through inner integrity reaching even our lowest awareness; Through acceptance of ambiguity; Aliveness and completeness and inner wholeness.


1'137 ;:::1::1 ..


V'tov b'eynecha

So may it fit in the Divine Mind to unite with our perception Connecting to the dimmest awarenessEspecially to those struggling to connect with the Spiritual Center of the universe And make this connection available to us at all times. So that we can taste the tranquility of connection with You at every time.

l'var'ech otanu

.';f~i;lp:;l :1~tf sh-ah bish'loe'me'cha.

C"M ,~C::l ci,W1 :1:::1,::1 :1:JiU :1Cl!~~ ,.


'l •• I





,. ,. ·

,~.,~~7 :Jt1~~1 1;?H

b'seyfer chayim b'rcha v'shalom

Let us be inscribed in the book of life, blessing and peace.

vJar'nasa tova

Success in providing enough of our basic material needs and our spiritual needs. n'zacheyr v'ni'katev lJanecha, Let us be remembered and inscribed

~~~-;~1 ~J~~~ anachnu v'chol-am'cha ,7~1tf~ 1'1'~ beyt yisra-eyl ;:J.n ':JtUi' ;~1 v'chol yosh'vey tey'vel •: .. .. t T t .ci;w;~ C':JiU C'"M; l'chayim tovim ul'shalom. 1 ,. =



For goodness in our lives, and for full actualization of peace. Let us channel your blessings, Yah,


:11:1" :11;1~ ~~,~ .ci;W::l ~J1'1iM ~,:::1~:1 ,.

Bring this blessing to everyone on the planet who seeks to align themselves with Your energy, Along with all of the people of Israel



Baruch ata Adonai

ham-vo'rech otanu b'shalom. Who creates the ongoing possibility of a world of peace and spiritual integrity.



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·lP.~ MyForce. · Let me be careful Not to dissipate (through inattention or narcissism) the real connection attained here And let my lips Guard from passing words which might mislead me or others. And from the inner critics already at work in my consciousness to downwardly shift the positive effects of this. service. Let my spirit exude humbling confidence And let my Spirit be undefensively nurturing To all that is. Let my attention focus on further opening my heart To Your ongoing teachings, which the keys to the universe. And to the ways of joining my personal path to the Highest Self Let my spirit run wild. . And to those parts within me that are inclined To bring me thoughts that will create imbalance and push me toward negativity Quickly disassociate their inner allies And lighten the anxiety behind their concerns. . Make my life be a manifestation of the highest hopes that are invested in Your Name And a manifestation of the power that comes from being connected to You And a manifestation of the holiness that can flow from You to us. And a way of making Your Torah be instantiated in the world we humans co-create with you. For the sake of rescuing Your friend, the personality I call myself · Let your powerful reality l;>e a saving answer to my life. Let me transcend elements of my small consciousness so that I can see the big picture and contribute in a positive way to the next stage in the evolution of the universe. Let me fully recognize that my well being and the well being of all whom I love depends upon the well being of everyone else alive today, and on the well being of this our planet earth-so let me contribute positively to their welfare and to the sustainability of the planet. Let it be Your will That these words of my mouth And the meditation of my heart Be acceptable before You My Rock and My Redeemer You who make peace and integrity in the high places Bring common purpose into this actualized world Wholeness into our personalities And into the personalities of all who struggle to make the world right with God, And into the personalities of all who dwell on this planet and all who struggle to keep the planet alive, And we will guard these intentions with help from your Faithful Force, always seeking Tikkun of self and Tikkun of the world, and remaining seriously committed to being Your partner and the highest embodiment we can possibly be of Your loving and healing energy. Ameyn.


Amidah Silent Devotion/Meditation

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Blessed are we, and blessed is the chain of our generations, and blessed is the Compassion, the Justice and Power that we are. This is the Power that filled our parents, the Power that filled Abraham, the Power that filled Sarah, the Power that has filled all who have ever heard truth--profound, abundant, awesome, sublime, surrounding and filling all dimensions and worlds. Power of courage, strength and drive. Power of love, gentleness and joy. Power of discernment, guidance and faith. The Power that is all deeds of love, gradually involving the whole universe, inspiring us through kindness from kind teachers and friends, from family and strangers, rousing us to awaken Divinity within each of us, to realize on earth the loving Presence of the One. May our lives be renewed as we touch the Source of all life. Blessed is the compassion ¡within us, giving courage to those who are open to Truth. We see the divine wherever we tum, sustaining the living with kindness, compassionately filling dead matter with life, stirring us to lift the fallen, to heal the sick, to free the bound, and to teach faith and trust. Blessed be the Compassion within us, filling matter with living spirit. God is holy, God's essence, holy; and all creatures filled with this holiness day after day experience our unity with everything around us. Blessed be the compassion within us, the Power of holiness. May each of us, may all creatures sense the awesome power of the divine at their core, wholeheartedly surrendering to the unity of the Whole, joining into a single community to complete the Grand Design. We know, we have always known, that God, the Eternal, embraces all creation. Let us devote ourselves to the work; let us allow this unity to flow throughout all time and space. Let Israel, our people, let all people, glorY' in God; let those who are filled with awe sing for joy! Let those who seek God find their hope, bringing joy to the earth, and gladness to all people, giving birth to spiritual awakening. Then the One will reign, within, amongst, beneath, beyond all peoples and faiths. Every heart will be God's temple, every hill and valley will be Zion, every place where humans dwell will be Jerusalem, the hoi}" city. As it teaches in the sacred scriptures, "The Everpresent will hold sway everywhere. The Power of all your Powers, 0 Zion, is from age to age, Hallelujah!" The place of new beginning is here in our souls. Can we bring this vision forth? Can we make it real in the world? Our past says no, but our hearts say yes. It is not impossible. It can be done! We have tasted the vision. We are one with the Power of goodness, let us work and struggle to give it birth.

Our people has been chosen; all peoples have been chosen; you and I have been chosen. We have felt Divine love in every spark of love. We have sensed Divine holiness in our moments of joy, in our deeds of justice and love, (this Sabbath Day).

On Rosh Hashanah: This day of Rosh Hashanah is a day of reminding and remembering, a day of listening, of hearing the Shofar blast, a time for gathering in holiness to remember the going forth from Egypt. On Yom Kippur: This day of At-one-ment is a time for forgiving, for clearing, for at-one-ing. It is a time for gathering in holiness to remember the going fortn from Egypt.


On this, the Holy Day of (Rosh Hashana) (Yom Kippur) may the grace of God ascend within us, opening our ears, opening our hearts and minds to the flame of our ancestors, to the flame of spiritual awakening, open, to our people Israel, to all humankind. May the joy and depth of this day thread its way into our day-to-day lives, and bring us and those we meet goodness and blessing, life and peace.

On Yom Kippur, continue with Selichot prayers (pagel88). On Rosh Hashana, continue here: Let this energy that flows through us, the energy that has flowed through our ancestors, and through all peoples and faiths, let this energy rise up within us. Let us flood the world with the glory of our understanding that We Are All One. May every creature come to know its Creator, so everything that breathes will proclaim the Glory of the Great Spirit of Oneness. Our God and God of our parents and grandparents, let us make our lives holy through deeds of justice, love and joy. Let us find our own ways of Torah. Let us enjoy your world and rejoice in freedom.

On the Sabbath: May we always taste the love of Shabbos, resting and revealing the holy Essence in our souls. May we purify our hearts to serve the One in awareness and truth, for God is Total Awareness, and God's word is Eternal Truth. Blessed be the Compassion within us making Israel and all peoples and faiths holy, and making holy the Sabbath, the day of re-minding and re-membering.


May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. When confronted by negativity may my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me, God, because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my mouth and in the feelings of my heart, God, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain harmony in the heavens, grant peace to us, to the whole Jewish people, to all pe<;>ples everywhere, and to the world. Amen. Let us be peacemakers, to bless Israel and all peoples as one with the light of the divine. ,-~~ 1 and through this light may we spread the Torah of life, the love of kindness and justice, ..,....,.,,,... of blessing and tenderness, of life and peace. We open to peace, blessing, grace, love, tenderness. Blessed is the source within us, making peace.

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0 'seh shalom bimromav Hu ya 'aseh shalom alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael, ve'imru amen. Ya 'aseh shalom aleynu ve 'al kol ha 'olam. May the one who creates harmony in the cosmos above, create peace within and amongst us and for all who dwell on the earth, and let us say amen.


Alternative Amidah--

On our feet we speak to you We rise to speak a web of bodies aligned like notes of music. 1. Bless what brought us through the sea and the fire; we are caught in history like whales in polar ice. Yet you have taught us to push against the walls,

to reach out and pull each other along, to strive to find the way through if there is no way around, to go on. To utter ourselves with every breath against the constriction of fear, to know ourselves as the body born from Abraham and Sarah, born out of rock and desert. We reach back through two hundred arches of hips long dust, carrying their memories inside us to live again in our life, Isaac and Rebecca, Rachel, Jacob, Leah. We say words shaped by ancient use like steps worn into rock.

2. Bless the quiet of sleep easing over the ravaged body, who quiets the troubled waters of the mind to a pool in which shines the placid broad face of the moon. Bless the teaching of how to open in love so all the doors and windows of the body swing wide on their rusty hinges and we give ourselves with both hands. Bless what stirs in us compassion for the hunger of the chickadee in the storm starving for seeds w~ can carry out, the wounded cat wailing in the alley,


what shows us our face in a stranger, who teaches us what we clutch shrivels but what we give goes off in the world carrying bread to people not yet born. Bless the gift of memory that breaks unbidden, released from a flower or a cup of tea so the dead move like rain through the room. Bless what forces us to invent goodness every morning and what never frees us from the cost of knowledge, which is to act on what we know again and again.

3. All living are one and holy, let us remember as we eat, as we work, as we walk and drive. All living are one and holy, we must make ourselves worthy. We must act out justice and mercy and healing as the sun pses and as the sun sets, as the moon rises and the starts wheel above us, we must repair goodness. We must praise the power of the one that joins us, Whether we plunge in and thrust ourselves far out finally we reach the face of glory to bring for our eyes and yet we burn and we too give light. We will try to be holy, we will try to repair the world given us to hand on. Precious is this treasure of words and knowledge and deeds that move inside us. Holy is the hand that works for peace and for justice, holy is the mouth that speaks for goodness holy is the foot that walks toward mercy. Let us lift each other on our shoulders and carry each other along. Let holiness move in us. Let us pay attention to its still small voice. Let us see the light in others and honor that light. Remember the dead who paid our way here dearly, dearly and remember the unborn for whom we build our houses. Praise the light that shines before us, through us, after us. Amen. -Marge Piercy


Avinu Malkaynu ~~~~)? ~~,~~ :p~~? ~JN~O ~J~?~ ~J'~~ Avina Malkeynu, chqtanu lefanecha,

ilfl~ N~~ :f~'? ~J~ 1'~ ~J~?~ ~)'~~ Avinu malkeynu, eyn lanu melech eleh atah

:p~~? n~~¥' n~~'litl~ ~J1.''0D ~J~?~ ~J'~~

Avinu malkeynu, ha-cha-zee-reynu beeiTshuvah shleymah lefanecha

n:tit> T

nJ~ ~J''~ ••y 'rY.

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Avinu malkelynu chadeysh aleynu shanah tovah.

:r~~ '~in? il>;l~~ n~~!)l n~~ ~J~?~ ~J'~~ Avinu malkeynu shlach refu Iah shleymah leIcholey amecha.

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Avinu malkeynu hafer atzat oy'veynu


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Avinu malkeynu zachreynu bezeechron tov lefanecha

D'l1t> O''n • ·-

1!)0~ ~Jln::J ~J'lN ·.··· ··a., ~J::J?o ••a- . . ,.

Avinu malkeynu kat'veynu belseyfer chayyim toveem il~~'li'1 il~Nl 1!)0~ •,•••a ~JlTl::J •.• , .~J::J?O · · a - ~J'lN .,. Avinu malkeynu, katlveynu belseyfer gelulah veelshu'a n?::J?:J1 noJ1!) 1!)0~ ~Jln::J ~J::J?o ~J'lN TTI-t TTz•:••: ''l"r ••a'T Avinu malkeynu, kat'veynu belseyfer par'nas'a ve'chal'kalah n1~Jl 1!)0~ ~Jl!l::J ~J::J?o ~J'lN '•• : •: •• I I T •• I • Avinu malkeynu, kat'veynu be'seyfer zechu'yot. n?,nn~ nn,?o 1!)0~ ~Jl!l::J ~J::J?o ~J'lN ,.., T •z •:••a ''IT ••a.,.. Avinu malkeynu, katlveynu belseyfer sleecha ume'cheela T

,. •••




:t11w~ n~~~~ ~)~ n~~D ~J~?~ ~)'~~ Avinu malkeynu, lzatz'mach lanu yeshula be'kavor

:r~~ '~1¥-'~ 1l.i? 01.0 ~J~?~ ~J'~~

Avinu malkeynu, harem keren Yisra 'el amecha



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Avinu malkeynu, shma koleynu chus ve Iracheym aleynu

~JD~~tl n~ 11~1:;t~ o'~01~ ?~w ~J~?~ ~J'~~ Avinu malkeynu, kabeyl belrachameem uv'ratzon et tefee'lalteynu ~J9t>1 ~Y>??1)' ?~1I ~J''~ ?1nn ~J1)?o ~J'lN •• I •• •• I • Avinu malkeynu, chamol alyeynu, v'al ola'leynu, veltapeynu. 'I'






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Avinu malkeljnu, aseh le'malan baley va'esh uva'mayeem al keedush shemecha 91

Our parent, our pathfinder, we have missed the mark! Our parent, our pathfinder, we have no other guide but you. Our parent, our pathfinder, return us to our Center through a complete transformative process of Teshuvah (repentance and inner recentering). Our parent, our pathfinder, renew for us a Good Year. Our parent, our pathfinder, send a complete healing to the sick among us. Our parent our pathfinder, thwart any negativity directed against us. Our parent our pathfinder, remember us in a good way! Our parent our pathfinder, inscribe us for a life of goodness. Our parent our pathfinder inscribe us for redemption and salvation. Our parent, our pathfinder, inscribe us for adequate material well-being and sustenance. Our parent, our pathfinder, inscribe us for a year.of making powerful positive contributions to our world. Our parent, our pathfinder, inscribe us for a year in which we are forgiven and forgiving, transformed and compassionately contributing to the transformation of others. Our parent, our pathfinder, cause salvation to flourish for us quickly! Our parent, our pathfinder, let the best aspects and potentials for goodness of our people Israel become our dominant reality quickly. Our parent, our pathfinder, hear our voice, be kind and have mercy in light of our obvious failings! Our parent, our pathfinder, accept with enwombed compassion and favor our prayer. Our parent, our pathfinder, have pity on us, our children, and the child within us that has not fully recovered from its own psychic wounds. Our parent, our king, be inspired to compassion for us by thinking of those who endured the pains of fire and water and gave their lives in order to sanctify Your name by sticking to Your vision for our world in face of the overwhelming power of the oppressors.

Our Source and deep inner guide, we have let ourselves move from the truth. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, let our darkness be illuminated with light. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, help us to find inner peace. Our Source and our deep inner guide, may we find you in all things. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, please let us learn to be healed. 0 Father, our guide on the way, help us to heal our world. Our Source and our deep inner guide, we know we are infinite being. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, we know too that we are but dust. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, please make Your Self known through us. Our Source and our deep inner guide, forgive us for the suffering we inflict. 0 Father, our guide on the way, renew for us now a good year. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, may we open to compassion within.


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nw1~ ~J~Y. ~VJ~

Avinu Malkaynu chanaynu va 'anaynu, ki ayn banu ma 'asim. Asay imanu tzedakah vachesed, vehoshi'aynu. Imaynu Rachamaynu, chaninu va 'aninu, ki ayn banu ma 'asim. Asi imanu tzedakah vachesed, vehoshi 'aynu.

Our Center, Whole being that we are, Now open the ears of our hearts. Our deep inner Self, Oh now open our hearts, That we grace this world with our deeds. Let us bring forth all we are, through lives of justice and love. Let us become more loving and just to set free the God that we are. Yai lai lai ...

Meta-Kaddish Magnified in force and increased in sensitivity be the Self-Knowledge of the Universe (Amen) In this functional world which was initiated with consciousness. May it be guided towards a better future by an evolving human-divine interaction in our lifetimes, in our daily experience, and in the lifetimes of our corporate assembly of those who work towards societal peace and justice and integrity with the One soon, in a close-to-now time, and let us say, Amayn. Let the dynamic charter of the Universe's design be clearly revealed in the microenvironments within the macro-environments within the larger universe. May this dynamic intelligence come ever closer to our sensations and be acknowledged in fullness. May its elegance surface, its mission be highly valued, and its presence yearned for. May the product of this realization shine with an inner glow, intensify in clarity, receive the support which encourages the evolution of the self-knowledge of the sacred; and may it come to penetrate our lives in the deepest ways. This can all happen because the object of this prayer is transcendent of all definitions of existing boundaries and creative conjecture, and transcendent too of all self-delusion and human projections and comforting self-congratulation that can be put forward in a world of verbal communication, and us to that say Ameyn. As these goals become closer to becoming achieved, may a great upsurge of harmony reflecting the unitary depths of the space-time continuum flow as increased vitality to us and to those who work towards peace and justice and kindness and generosity, all of which are goals of the societal integrity with the One which we seek, and let us affirm that by answering Ameyn. May that increase in consciousness which unites the extremes of the cosmos manifest to harmonize us with our future evolution and the evolution of those who work towards societal integrity with the One and all those who are live on the planet. And let us begin by saying Ameyn.


Torah Service


Torah Service Service for Removing the Torah From the Ark May you be shown - so that you may know - that God is everywhere, in all thin9s and in all beings. God is, God was, and God will be the ultimate power always. May God gtve strength to each of us. And May we be blessed with peace.

1'~~~f 1'~1 ,'~1~ O'ti'~~ :r1n~ 1'~

Ayn kamikha va-elohim Adonai v'ayn k'ma-asekha. There are many forces but only one Source; its acts are incomparable.

1111 111- ?~~ :ft'J?~~~~ 0'~~1Y ?~ !HJ?~ :ftJ~J?~ Malkhut'kha malkhut kol olamim umem'shal't'kha bkhol dor va-dor. Its guidance spans all the worlds and its governance oversees all generations. 111~1 o~1Y? :f?~~ n,;, 1~Y;l n,n, 1?~ n,n, Yah melekh, Yah malakh, Yah yim'lokh l'olam va-ed. The Eternity of this Being was, is, and will rule throughout all time and space.

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Adonai oz l'amo yitayn, Adonai y'varaykh et amo vashalom. It empowers those it ~des and blesses with peace those it governs.


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Av harakhamim haytiva virtzonekha et tzion. Tivneh khomot yerushalayim. Ki v'kha l'vad batakhnu. Melekh el ram v'nisa daon olamim. Compassionate Father; be good to Zion, help in the peaceable rebuilding of Jerusalem. We turn to You because You. are our only contant resource, the one Honest Ruler, Ultimate Master of all Worlds.

:n~n 1~N.~l i1~tJ }.ft:J~~ 't'l~l

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n,n, n~~P

Vayehi bin'so-a ha-aron vayomer Moshe: Kuma Adonai v'yafutzu oy'veka 路 v'yanusu m'sanekha mipanekha. When the ark was moved, Moses would say "Arise Powerful One; let all negativity be dispersed by exposure to your truth".

0~~~~1'~ !~ 1~1~ i111l1 N~t:l 11'~~ '~ Ki mi-tzion taytzay Torah u-d'var Adoni mi-yerushalayim Because from love arises true teaching and prophecy comes from a place of . holiness.

1n~1P~ '~ 1YJ~ 1~).!?


1tl~W 1~1~

Barukh sheh-natan Torah l'amo Yisrael bi-k'dushato. Blessed be the One who has provided guidance and teaching to the Jewish people and to all those of faith.


Open the Ark and recite:

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Bay ana racheytz velishmay kadisha yaldra ana emar tushbechan. Yehay rava kadamach detiftach liba'i be'orai ta vetashlim mishalin deliba'i veliba dechol amach Yisraelletav ulechayin velishlam. Amen.

In You I trust; I value the Holy. May the Divine will grace my heart to open in the light of wisdom, and satisfy the longing of my heart, and the heart of our people, for happiness, life, and pe.ace. Source of Time and Space, A vinu Malkeynu! From infinity draw down to us the Great Renewal. Attune us to Your intent, so that wisdom flows into our awareness, to awaken us to see ahead, so we help instead of harm. Open our minds so that our consciousness may expand in ways that will give us the capacity to see what really needs to be done to repair the damage that has been done to our planet and to the psyches of the human race--and give us the courage to act upon what we understand. May all the devices of which we make use be sparing and protecting of Your creation. Help us to overcome the many voices that tell us that security comes from money, power, fame or owning and accumulating things. Let us build security through loving connection and cooperation with others. Help us to set right what we have debased, to heal what we have made ill, to care for and to restore what we have injured. Help us to stop saying hurtful things about other people. Help us to stop spreading stories. Teach us the path of purity of tongue, so that our speech is a speech of joyous affirmation and love. Help us, also, to stop relentlessly critiquing ourselves without acknowledging our own inner beauty and goodness. Bless our Earth, our home, and show us all how to care for her, so that we might live your promise given to our forebears "to live heavenly days right here on earth." May all beings whom You have fashioned become aware that it is You who has given them being. Assist us in learning how to partner, with family, neighbors and friends. Aid us in dissolving old enmities. Teach us how to embody in our daily lives the highest ideals we hold. Help us to overcome cynicism and to reject the counsel of those who insist that we be "realistic" by 96

accommodating to a world that inflicts pain and cruelty on others. Help us sustain righteous indignation and a 路commitment to peace and social justice that does not get worn out or burn out. And help us to find the most effective path to heal and transform the world. Let us become a House of Healing and Transformation, a Beyt Tikkun. Help us to reach out to others in love and embody a spirit of generosity and kindness. Help us to remember how much the people around us are motivated by the same desire for loving recognition that . we ourselves desire--and help us to reach out to them, to be sensitive to their needs, and to be effective in helping them feel safe and cared for, honored and respected, cherished and recognized for the best within them. May we come to honor, even in those whom we fear, Your image and form, Your light dwelling in their hearts. Give us the courage to be nonviolent and the wisdom to see the potential for good in everyone. May we come to recognize that our well being depends on the well being of every single person on this planet--and let us affirm the Unity of All Being. Let us quickly see the day when our people embody the compassion for all people, the caring for everyone, the ecological sensitivity, the spiritual depth, and the joyful celebration that can make Your House a House of Prayer for All Peoples. On that day, You will be one and one with all cosmic life. Amen. 路 based on a prayer by Zalman Schachter Shalomi

,n~~1,1t't;l :111,0~~~ :1'1~ ,l~JJJ1 ,o~n1,.,~ ,ntn~ ,ntn~ .i1f:?~1,i1~\?01 ,Y~~l,)1{' N\Jt.J ,0'~~~~ 1t't:) 1~) Adonai, Adonai, El rachum vechanun, erech apayim verav chesed ve 'emet. Notzayr chesed la'alafim, nosay avon vafesha vechata'ah venakay.

Yod Hay, Vav Hay, Compassion and Tenderness, Patience, Forebeararice, Kindness, Awareness. Bearing love from age to age, lifting guilt and mistakes and making us free. Adonai... 路


First Leader, then Congregation:

.1nN '' ~J'rlJN '' ?N;~' YY-10 T






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Shema Yistael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai &had. Listen Yisrael, the Source of all our Being, that Source is One First Leader, then Congregation:

~)'~11~ ?11~ ~)'D'~ 10~

.1n'P N11)1 'V11i?

Echad Elohaynu Gadol Adonaynu Kadosh Venorah Shemo One is our power, great is our guide, holy and awesome, its name. Leader only:

11n' 1n'V T:-


nnn11)~ 'T-lN il1i1'' ~?1l T:




Gadlu L'Adonai iti un'rom'ma shemo yachdav. Open wide the Source within me! Let us extend its glory together. (Torah is taken around to the congregation) On Rosh Hashanah:



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Harachaman yitayn rachamim ve 'ahava ben b'nai Yitzchak u'vayn b'nai Yishma'el. Harachaman yitayn rachamim ve 'ahava ben b 'not Sarah uvayn b 'not Hagar. Compassionate one, let compassion and love be between the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ishmael; between the daughters of Sarah and the daughters of Hagar.


Torah Blessing Before reading from the Torah:



~~ l1~ ~Jl~

Barkhu et Adonai Hamvorakh. Bless the Source of Being that is always blessing us .

.1~l o<iY~ lil~D ~~ :)'~1~ Baruch Adonai Homvorach le'olam va'ed. Blessed is the Source o~ Being that is always blessing us throughout all time and space.

0'~~0 ~~ oY,-~J~ 10~ 1楼i~ ,o<iYO :r~~ ~J'D~~ !~ ilfl~ :1~1~ .i111r-JD 1tliJ ~~ ilfl~ 7f~1~.1l11iT-l !1~ ~)< 1tl~1 Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha 'olam asher bachar banu im kol ha 'amim venatan lanu et Torato. Baruch Atah Adonai notayn HaTorah. Blessed are You, cosmic force of the universe, who has chosen us to receive the Torah, as You have chosen each people to receive its special gift. 路 Blessed are You, 0 Lord, Giver of the Torah. After reading from the Torah:

~)< 1tl~ -iW~ ,o~iYO :r~~ ~J'D~~ ~~ ilf'l~ :r~1~ 1tliJ ~~ ilf"l~ :r~1~ .~J~in~ Y\:?~ o<iY '?.01 n~~ n1in .i11ir-li1 T


Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu Melech Ha 'olam asher natan lanu Torat emet vechayay olam nata betochaynu. Baruch Atah Adonai notayn HaTorah.

Blessed are You, Cosmic Force of the Universe, who has given us the law of truth and has implanted within us everlasting life. Praised be You, 0 Lord, Giver of the Torah.


Reading for First Day of Rosh Hashanah Genesis, Chapter 21

The Lord took note of Sarah as was promised, and the Lord did for Sarah as was spoken. Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the season of time of which God had spoken. Abraham gave his newborn son, whom Sarah had borne him, the name of Isaac. And when his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God had commanded him. Now Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter; everyone who hears will laugh with me." And she added, "Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would suckle children?! Yet I bore him a son in his old age." The child grew up and was weaned, and Abraham held a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. Sarah saw the son--whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham-playing. She said to Abraham, "Cast out that handmaiden and her son, for the son of that handmaiden shall not share in the inheritance with my son Isaac." The matter distressed Abraham greatly, for it concerned a son of his. But God said to Abraham, "Do not be distressed over the boy or your slave; whatever Sarah tells you, do as she says, for it is through Isaac that offspring shall be continued for you. As for the son of the handmaiden, I will make a nation of him, too, for he is your seed." Early the next morning Abraham took some bread and a skin of water, and gave them to Hagar. He placed them over her shoulder, togetheJ; with the child, and sent her away. And she wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the water was gone from the skin, she left the child under one of the bushes, and went and sat down at a distance, a bowshot away; for she thought, "Let me not look on as the child dies." And sitting thus afar, she burst into tears. God heard the cry of the boy, and an angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "What troubles you Hagar? Fear not, for God has heeded the cry of the boy where he is. Come, lift up the boy and hold him by the hand, for I will make a great nation of him." Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. She went and filled the skin with water, and let the boy drink. God was with the boy and he grew up; he dwelt in the wilderness and became a bowman. He lived in the wilderness of Paran; and his mother got a wife for him from the land of Egypt.


At that time Abimelech and. Phi col, chief of his troops, said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything that you do. Therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my kith and kin, but will deal with me and with the land in which you have sojourned as loyally as I have dealt with you." And Abraham said, "I swear it." Then Abraham reproached Abimelech for the well of water which the servants of Abimlelech had seized. But Abimelech said, "I do not know who did this; you did not tell me, nor have I heard of it until today." Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them to Abimelech, and the two of them made a covenant. Abraham then set seven ewes of the flock by themselves, and Abimelech said to Abraham, "What mean these seven ewes which you have set apart?" He replied, "You are to accept these seven ewes from me as proof that I dug this well." Hence that place was called Beer-sheba, for there the two of them swore an oath. When they had concluded the covenant at Beer-sheba, Abimelech and ~hi col, chief of his troops, departed and returned to the land of the Philistines. Abraham planted a tamarisk at Beer-sheba, and invoked there . the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God. And Abraham resided in the land of the Philistines a long time.


4. Observe the Sabbath Aware of the suffering produced by excessive focus on "making it'' and obtaining material satisfactions, I vow to regularly observe Shabbat as a day in which I focus on celebrating the world rather than trying to control it or maximize my own advantage within it. I will build Shabbat with the Beyt Tikkun community and enjoy loving connection with others. I will use some Shabbat time to renew my commitment to social justice and healing. I will also set aside significant amounts of time for inner spiritual development, personal renewal, reflection, and pleasure.


5. Honor your mother and father Aware of the suffering caused by aging, disease, and death, I vow to provide care and support for my parents. Aware that every parent has faults and has inflicted pain on their childre~ I vow to forgive my parents and to allow myself to see them as human beings with the same kinds of limitations as every other human being on the planet. And I vow to remember the moments of kindness and nurturance, and to let them play a larger role in my memory as I develop a sense of compassion for them and for myself. 6. Do not murder Aware of the suffering caused by wars, environmental irresponsibility, and eruptions of violence, I vow to recognize the sanctity of life and not to passively participate in social practices that are destructive of the lives of others. I will resist the perpetrators of violence and oppression of others, the poisoners of our environment, and those who demean 路others or encourage acts of violence. Aware that much violence is the irrational and often selfdestructive response to the absence of love and caring, I vow to show more loving and caring energy to everyone around me, to take the time to know others more deeply, and to struggle for a world which provides everyone with recognition and spiritual nourishment.

7. Do not engage in sexual exploitation Aware of the suffering caused when people break their commitments of sexual loyalty to each other, and the suffering caused by using other people for our own sexual purposes, I vow to keep my commitments and to be fully honest and open in my sexual dealings with others, avoiding deceit or manipulation to obtain my own ends. I will rejoice in my body and the bodies of others, will treat them as embodiments of Divine energy, and will seek to enhance my own pleasure and the pleasure of others around me, joyfully celebrating sex as an opportunity for encounter with the holy. I will do all I can to prevent sexual abuse in adults and children, the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases, and the misuse of sexuality to further domination or control of others. I will respect the diversity of non-expletive sexual expression and lifestyles and will not seek to impose sexual orthodoxies on others.


8. Do not steal Aware of the suffering caused by an unjust distribution of the world's resources, exploitation, and theft, I vow to practice generosity, to share what I have, and to not keep anything that should belong to others while working for a wise use of the goods and services that are available. I will not horde what I have, and especially will not horde love. I will support a fairer redistribution of the wealth of the planet so that everyone has adequate material well-being, recognizing that contemporary global inequalities in wealth are often the resultant of colonialism, genocide, slavery, theft and the imposition of monetary and trade policies by the powerful on the powerless. In the meantime, I will do my best to support the homeles~ and others who are in need. · A ware that others sometimes contribute much energy to keeping this community functioning, I will give time and energy to the tasks of building the Beyt Til.<kun community, and, when possible, will donate generously of my financial resources and my talents and time. 9. Do not lie Aware of the suffering caused by wrongful speech, I vow to cultivate a practice of holy speech in which my words are directed to increasing the love and caring in the world. I vow to avoid words that are misleading or manipulative, and avoid spreading stories that I do not know to be true, or which might cause unnecessary divisiveness or harm, and instead will use my speech to increase harmony, social justice, kindness, hopefulness, trust and solidarity. I will be generous in praise and support for others. To heighten my awareness of this commitment, I will dedicate one day a week to full and total holiness of words, refraining from any speech that day which does not hallow God's name or bring joy to others. 10. Do not covet Aware of the suffering caused by excessive consumption of the world's resources, I vow to rejoice in what I have and to live a life of ethical consumption governed by a recognition that the world's ·resources are already strained and by a desire to promote ecological sustainability and material modesty. I vow to see the success of others as an inspiration rather than as detracting from my own sufficiency and to cultivate in myself and others the sense that I have enough and that I am enough and that there is enough for everyone.

Meditate on the following ·mantra: Shema Yisra'el, YHVH (adonai) Eloheynu, YHVH (adonai) Edzad. · Hear, you who struggle to connect to God: The Power of Healing and Transfonnation is the ultimate reality and shaper of the universe, the Transformative Power unifies all being as One spiritually· alive, mutually inter-dependent, awesome and fantastic totality.


Haftorah Blessings Blessing Before the Reading:


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On Yom Kippur:

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Haftorah for First Day of Rosh Hashanah I Samuel, Chapters 1 and 2 There was a man from Ramathaim of the Zuphites, in the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. He had two wives, one named Hannah and the other Peninnah; Peninnah had children, but Hannah was childless. This man used to go up from his town every year to worship and to offer sacrifice to the Lord of Hosts at Shiloh. Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were priests of the Lord there. One such day, Elkanah offered a sacrifice. He used to give portions to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters; but to Hannah he would give one portion only- though Hannah was his favorite- for the Lord had closed her womb. Moreover, her rival, to make her miserable, would taunt her that the Lord had closed her womb. This happened year after year: Every time she went up to the House of. the Lord, the other would taunt her, so that she wept and would not eat. Her husband Elkanah said to her, "Hannah, why are you crying and why aren't you eating? Why are you so sad? Am I not more devoted to you than ten sons?" After they had eaten and drunk at Shiloh, Hannah rose. The priest Eli was sitting on the seat near the doorpost of the temple of the Lord. In her wretchedness, she prayed to the Lord, weeping all the while. And she made this vow: "0 Lord of Hosts, if You will look upon the suffering of Your maidservant and will remember me and not forget .Your maidservant, and if You will grant Your maidservant a male child, I will dedicate him to the Lord for all the days of his life; and no razor shall ever touch his head." As she kept on praying before the Lord, Eli watched her mouth. Now Hannah was praying in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice could not be heard. So Eli thought she was drunk. Eli said to her, "How long will you make a drunken spectacle of yourself? Sober up!" And Hannah replied, "Oh no, my lord! I am a very unhappy woman. I have drunk no wine or other strong drink, but I have been pouring out my heart to the Lord. Do not take your maidservant for a worthless woman; I have only been speaking all this time out of my great anguish and distress." "Then go in peace," Said Eli, "and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of Him." She answered, and was no longer downcast. Early next morning they bowed low before the Lord, and they went back home to Ramah.


'Y I

Elkanah knew his wife Hannah and the Lord remembered her. Hannah conceived, and at the tum of the year bore a son. She named him Samuel, meaning, "I asked the Lord for him." And when the man Elkanah and all his household were going up to offer to the Lord the annual sacrifice and his votive sacrifice, Hannah did not go up. She said to her husband, "When the child is weaned, I will bring him, for when he has appeared before the Lord, he must remain there for good." Her husband Elkanah said to her, ~'Do as you think best. Stay home until you have weaned him. May the Lord fulfill His word." So the woman stayed home and nursed her son until she weaned him.

When she had weaned him, she took him up with her, along with three bulls, one ephah of flour, and a jar of wine. And though the boy was still very young, she brought him to the House of the Lord at Shiloh. After slaughtering the bull, they brought the boy to Eli. She said, "Please, my lord! As you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you and prayed to the Lord. It was this boy I prayed for; and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. I, in tum, hereby lend him to the Lord. For as long as he lives he is lent to the Lord." And they bowed low there before the Lord. And Hannah prayed: My heart exults in the Lord; I have triumphed through the Lord. I gloat over my accomplishments; I rejoice in Your deliverance. There is no hoi y one like the Lord Truly, there is none beside You; There is no rock like our God. Talk no more with lofty pride, Let no arrogance cross your lips! For the Lord is an all-knowing God; By God, actions are measured. The bows of the mighty are broken, And the faltering are girded with strength. Those once sated must hire out for bread; Those once hungry hunger no more. While the barren woman bears seven, The mother of many is forlorn. The Lord deals death and gives life, Casts down into Sheol and raises up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He casts down, he also lifts high. He raises the poor from the dust, Lifts up the needy from the dunghill, Setting them with nobles, Granting them seats of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's; God has set the world upon them. God guards the steps of the faithful, But the wicked perish in darknessFor not by strength shall man prevail. 116





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Haftorah for 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Thus says the Transfonnative Power of the Universe: . A people who survived the sword found favor in the wilderness; I proceed to give rest to Israel. YHVH appeared to Israel from afar (saying): with love everlasting have I loved you; with faithful love I draw you near to Me. I will build you up again, 0 innocent daughter of Israel, and you shall be rebuilt! You shall take up your tambourines once more, and dance among the merrymakers. Again you shall plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria; those who plant shall enjoy the fruit. For a day is coming when lookouts shall cry out on Ephraim's hills: Come, let us go up to Zion, to the Eternal, our God! For thus says the Transformative Power of the Universe: Shout joyfully for Jacob, raise a loud cry for the first of the nations, exclaim in praise, and say: YHVH, save your people, the remnant of Yisra'el (those who wrestle with God). Behold I am bring them from a northern land, gathering them from the ends of the earth, the blind and the lame among them,. the woman with child and woman in labor among them, a great company returning here. Weeping they shall come, and with compassion will I guide them. I will bring them to streams of water, on a smooth path, where they shall not stumble. For I am like a parent to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn child. Hear the word of the Transformative Power of the Universe, you nations, tell it to the islands from afar, and say: The one who scattered Israel will gather them in, and watch over them as a shepherd guards the flock, and redeemed him from one too strong for him.


Let me and those whom I love become ever more deeply involved, energized and nurtured by being part of this community. Let me raise my children in this congregation and let them, through their expos~e to this community and its teachings, discover and teach me aspects of the tradition that deepen my life and theirs. And let me make a significant part of my larger contribution to the world through the vehicle of this particular congregation and group of people, accepting its and their limitations and rejoicing in its and their strengths. Let me contribute in significant ways to saving our planet from ecological destruction. Let me become a conscious ethical consumer, buying only goods that are not harmful to the environment and that have been produced and marketed in ways that are respectful to, ~d provide adequate compensation for, all workers who have been involved in the production and marketing process. Let me contribute to the development of ecological consciousness and to transform the environmentally destructive practices, Let me and let us find the ways to engage in true healing of our planet. Help me deepen my capacities for awe, wonder, and radical amazement at the grandeur of creation. And let me feel less inhibited to talk about this with others, less inhibited to sing and dance about it, to write poetry or music to express this sense of awe and wonder. Let me dedicate at least one day a week, Shabbat, to making this celebration my major focus of attention. Help me overcome all the excuses I give myself for why_I can't possibly take off a full25 hours once a week to focus on celebration of the universe. Let me find meaning in my life. Let my life be purpose-driven and my daily choices reflect my largest vision of the world I want and the kind of person I would most like to be. Let my life be a blessing for others. Let my compassion and generosity and loving capacities grow each day, and let me be surrounded by others who are on this same path. Let me grow in humility and awareness of all the goodness that has been passed on to me through the gifts of past generations. Give me guidance. Let me be joyous and find great pleasure in my life, and let ine be the best possible vehicle I can be for manifesting Your goodness and Your love, and let them be me. Please send your loving and healing energies to me and my loved ones. Protect us, and allow me and them to be ready when it is the time to pass from this particular life form and merge back with You. Let that transition from this life to whatever form of being comes next be done with a spirit of acceptance and openness and appreciation of all that I and we have been able to experience in this world. Help me feel fulfilled, and at peace, with all that I have done, with all that I have been, with all that I have known and experienced. . Let all that I ask for myself be given also to all others on this planet. Let me fully understand and deeply accept and rejoice in the fact that my own well being is intrinsically connected to and dependent upon the well being of every other person on this planet and on the well being of the planet itself. As my awareness expands in this way, let me become ever more fully loving and ever more fully rejoicing in the temporary gift of life that has been granted to me. Let me be ever more capable of transcending my own ego. Let me be increasingly aware of being part of the Unity of All Being. . Thank You. Hallelu-Yah. Praise be. Shalom. And so it is. Amen. A prayer written for Beyt Tikkun Synagogue by Rabbi Michael Lerner,




. SHOFAR BLOWING(Rosh Has~anah) .n~ :lDl~~ '~~)} n~


1~P.D 1~

.. 01~ ''- n~~~ n~ ,Nl'~ N? ''- ~~

Min ha'maytzar karati Yah, anani ba'merchav Yah. Adonai Li, lo irah, Mah ya 'aseh li Adam.

From the narrow place I called to You; You answered with openness. God is with me. I shall not fear. What can mortals do to me?

路'fl{'1~~ 'fl011~ :f~~~ O?.).'t=l ?~ ~).'~~ '~1p Koli shamatah al ta'laym azn'cha l'ravchati l'sluiv'ati.

Hide not from the sound of my voice; listen please, to my prayer.

路~i?i~ "~Vl~ ?~ o~1~?~ l1~~ :fl~i 'VN1 Rosh d'varcha emet ul'olmay kol mishpat tzidkecha.

From birth through eternity, a path of truth has been provided.

.0'1! '~t?.'P).!! '~ :11\:>~ :f1~).! :i1~ Arov avd'cha letov al ya'ash 'kwii zaydim.

Keep me on that path, let not distortions divert me.

.l1 ?~~ N~1nf :ftll>?~ ?).!

'~J~ 'v'fJ

Sds anochi al im'ratecha k'motzay shalal rav. Sho~

me th~ joy of this way; the great treasure of existence.

路 .'r-l~~~o :r'fl1~~~ '~ '~1>?~ n).!1l o).!'=' :1~" Tuv .ta 'am vada路'at lamdayni ki v 'mitz 'votecha he'emanti.

Teach me wisdom, openness, awareness; I strrely trust in this Way.

.'~1~~ :f'\?~Vl~~ i11i1' N~ n~l '$ nt11~ Nidvot pi r'tzay na Adonai umishpatecha lamdayni.

Please accept this prayer and show me what I must learn. Hasidic teaching: Each series of blasts begins and ends with tekiah--a whole note. In between, shevarim and teruah are broken notes. The theme of Rosh Hashanah-We begin whole. Along the path of life we become broken (through pain, mistakes, loss, failure, illness, weakness, forgetting what we know, etc.). The end is whole, we can be whole again. There is hope: The. shevapm and tru' ah express our pain, tears and grief over the brokenness of our lives. But we surround this with Tikkun--an awareness of our wholeness through gladness and joy.


Blessings for Blowing the Shofar

1'~1~Y:J~ ~J~1i? 1~~ o~1)JO

:r?>? ~J'ti'~ 11111' 11fl~ :1~1~ .1~1~ '~P ).!1n'P~ ~Jl~1

Baruch atah Adonai Elohaynu melech ha 'olam asher kid' shanu b 'mitz 'votav v'tzivanu lishmo'a kol shofar. 路we bless the Ever-Present, Boundless Energy, Unfolding the universe, who listens deeply to the sounds of the sf!.ofar.

O~))JO :r?>? ~)'tl'~路 11111' 11fl~ :1~1~ .11lD 1~~~ ~)~,.,~t'l-1 ~J~~P1 ~J!OD~ Baruch atah Adonai Elohaynu melech ha 'olam shehecheyanu v 'kiyemanu, v'higiyanu lazman hazeh. We bless the Ever-Present, Boundless Energy, unfolding the universe, enlivening us, sustaining us, and helping us to reach forward to this point in time. Tekiah. Sh 'varim. Tekiah.

.n~'Pfl .0'1~'P .11)J'i?fl

Tekiah. Teru 'ah. Tekiah.



.11)J'Pfl .11)J'Pfl .11).}~1{1 0'1~~ .11)J'Pfl

Tekiah. Sh'varim Teru'ah. Tekiah.

Master of the Universe, help us to break down the barriers which keep us separated from You; open the shielding on our hearts and bring us near to your presence. In Your great mercy, may the notes sounding from the shofar 路 pierce through to You, as a child's cry reaches to its parent, transforming all judgments to love. Master of J~~gment, respond with mercy when we sound the shofar.

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my heart Build there your shrine and never depart Let every passi9n spring from you Let every song be new Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my sight Consume the veil that hides your light With holy joy and grace divine Let every moment shine




路 .11~'t't"l


.11),!'i?fl .11{''ilfl

Tekiah. Teru 'ah. Tekiah. Tekiah. Teru'ah. Tekiah.

Oh Lord, transform this lowly sphere That boundaries may disappear In mutual dependency Let every soul be free Our burden Lord is great indeed

For everywhere are people in need Reply respond with healing word Let every call be heard Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into our lives With peace that blesses, love that revives The unity of all in all Let every ~ought recall

Tekiah. Sh 'varim. Tekiah.

.11),!'1?{1 .11)1~1{1 .il).J't'fl .11),!'t'fl .0'1~yj .il{''Pfl .11),!'t'fl .0'1~楼-i .i1).J't?fl

Tekiah. Sh 'varim. Tekiah.

.11~'t'fl .0'1~楼-i .i1~'Pfl

Tekiah. Teru 'ah. Tekiah. Tekiah. Sh 'varim. Tekiah.

Oh Lord let us be slaves no more Fling open wide Messiah's door Salvation's boundless benefit Let every breath admit Oh Lord may we be ever one A world of friends with quarrels none Let every person know tlieir soul Let every heart be whole. 路 Halleluyah! Halleluyah!!


Master of Judgment: Tear apart the screens that separate us. Hear our cries. Help us deal with our pain. Awaken the unconscious ones lost in illusion. Shatter the web. Transform us. Redeem us . . Inscribe us to life as we hear the sound of the Shofar. Tekiah. Sh'varim Teru'ah. Tekiah. Tekiah. Sh'varim Teru'ah. Tekiah.

.il{''Pfl .il{''Pfl

Tekiah. Sh'varim Teru'ah ..

.n{'~1fl 0'1~\U .i1{''Pfl .n~~1fl 0'1~\U .i1~'iifl .i1{'~1fl 0'1l'P .n~'Pfl


Tekiah Gedolah.

Wage Peace


Wage peace with your breath Breathe in firemen and rubble, breathe out whole buildings and flocks of redwing blackbirds. Breathe in terrorists and breathe out sleeping children and freshly mown fields. Breathe in confusion and breathe out maple trees. Breath in the fall and breathe out lifelong friendships intact. Wage peace with your listening: hearing sirens, pray loud. Remember your tools: flower seeds, clothes pins, clean rivers. Make soup Play music, learn the word for than you in three languages. Learn to knit and make a hat. Think of chaos as dancing raspberries, imagine grief as the outbreath of beauty or the gesture of fish. Swim for the other side. Wage peace. Never has the world seemed so fresh and precious. Act as if armistice has already arrived. Don't wait another minute. --Mary Oliver



Imagine (Updated and revised from John Lennon's original version) Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try 路 No hell below us, Above us only sky. . Imagine all the people, Living for today. Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, And no oppression too. Imagine all the people, Living life in peace.... You, you may say I'm a dreamer, But I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! I hope someday you'll JOIN US, And the world will be as ONE. Imagine no possession, I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, No folk with empty hand. 路 . Imagine all the people Sharing all the world .., You, you may say I'm a dreamer, But I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!_ I hope someday you'll JOIN US, And the world will live as One. Imagine love is flowing, no scarcity of care, Holiness surrounds us, the sacred everywhere. Imagine awe and wonder Replacing greed and fear. You, you may say we're all dreamers, But WE'RE NOT THE ONLY ONES. TIKKUN and Spirit soaring, And the world wil~ live as one!!!

OdeYavoe Ode yavoe shalom aleynu, ode yavoe shalom aleynu, ode yavoe shalom aleynu ve'al kulam. Salaam, aleynu ve'al kol ha'olam. Salaam, Shalom. Peace can still be built for our world, peace can still be brought to our world, peace is what we all desire, for everyone. Sal' aam, for us and everyone in the world-build peace, build peace.

The Yearning to Be Holy May we find each other in the silence between the words. May we heal the loneliness of our expertise with the wisdom of pur service. May we honor in ourselves and all other the deep and simple impulse to live. . To find sacred space and open land. May we remember that the yearning to be holy is a part of everyone and the only hope for the next thousand years. --Rachel Remen, M.D. Commonweal Cancer Help Program


Remember who we Really Are We are the outpouring of God's love waiting to be fully expressed. We are the platform on which the evolution of consciousness of the universe is about to take its next step toward fuller awareness. We are the universe's best hope for bringing an awareness of Unity and interconnection and interdependence. We are the vehicle through which the world will be healed and repaired. For a brief moment we have come to consciousness--and we get to experience the ~ystery and wonder of all Being. And then we will pass on. While we are here, while we still have life and consciousness, we can praise God and sing the song of all creatures: Hallelu-Yah. (Say the above in the form of "I am the ..." and then pick two other people in your life and envision yourself saying these same words to them: "You are the .... " Bring that consciousness with you to all you do during the day. Be gentle with yourself and with others. And now, bring this consciousness with you into the prayers.)

When returning the Torah to the Ark:

.~:t·~~D ?~ 'n11T-l ,o~~ 't-ID~ :t1\.J nt?~ '+' Kee Lekach tov natatee lachem, toratee at ta'azovu. I have given you a good vision for building your lives, so don't abandon my Torah!

'?1 0).!.) '~11 i;P~11 .1¥J~~ i;P~Y;)rq ,n~ 0't"~0~2 N'D 0'~0 ~).! .CJ1i?f ~)'P.! 'lJ1JJ n~~'V~1 :f'1~ i11i1' ~)J'~O .oi'¥1 ~p~iJ.'tl~ Etz chayim hi lamachazikim bah, vetom'cheha me'ushar. Deracheha darchay no'am vechol netivoteha shalom. Hashivenu Adonai aylecha venashuva. Chadaysh yamaynu kekedem. It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it, and

all of its supporters are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace.

. n~~'V~1 :f'1~

i11i1' ~)J''?iO


~)'P.! 'li1D

Hashivenu Adonai aylecha venashuva. Chadaysh yamaynu kekedem.

Turning, returning unto the One. Toward the one, in the One; Know the Self as One. Renew our days as before. 136






.,... . ----路路路路. .


Musaf Chatzi Kaddish

7r'~~~1 iltl~Yl~ N1~ '1 N~?~f. ,N~ 1 11P,¥} 'V1Q~~1 ~1~~~ 1t1~~~ n<~~~ ~~~1~~ l'l'~ ~~~ '?.D~~ 11J'P.1'~~ 11J'?.D~ 11tl~J?t1 ·l~~ ~.1~~1


.N!~~~ '~?~?~ a~~~ ,,~~ n~, n~~ Nt1'~ n~~~~1 11D~~1 N'?.'~~~1 0~11~~1 1~~il~1 n~tt¥J~1 :T1~tl~ Nfl?l~ ~~~ N?).!?~ N?).!? .N,11 ~,,~ N~1f:?.1 i1P.¥i ~2D.fl~1 ·l~~ ~1~~1 .N~?{'~ 11'~~1 Nfl~0~1 N~Qf.'Pt! N~1'~1 .Yitgadalve'yitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay ve'yamlich malchutay becha'yaychon uv.'yomaychon uvcha'yay dechol bayt Yisrael ba'agala uvizman kariv ve 'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevarach le'o/am ul'a/may a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyit'hadar veyitaleh veyit'halal shemay dekudeshah brich hu. Le'ay/ah ule'ay/ah mikol birchatah veshirata tush'bechatah venechematah da'amiran be'a/mah ve'imru amen.

Translation of the Chatzi Kaddish Let us make the great Name known as holy. Let the Name fill the world, formed by its will. May the earth be its realm. May it fill our lives and days. May it spread throughout all Israel, swiftly and soon, and let us say Amen. May the great Name be blessed for as long as the universe lasts. Let the Name be praised and glorified. Let the Name become potent, lifted up, raised on high. Let the name be graced in beauty, praised in song, ascend in joy. The name, the Name of the Holy: blessed be the Name. And yet the Holy that we name is far beyond all blessing, all prayers, all songs of praise and hymns of glory: all words that we utter in this world. So let us chant our praise, then cease and say, Amen.


Musaf Amidah n1~~ T • -



,001~~ 'D!7~ ,~J' ~ti!7Nl ~J'tl!7~ n1n' ill-1~ ~~,~ ,nw;t1 'D!7~ ,n1~ 'D!7~ ,ip~~ 'tl?Nl ,PO~'. 'D?~­ ,N11JD1 1i::l~D ?11~0 ?~0 ,nt<~1-?D1 'D?N1 ,?"::>D n~iP1 0'~;" 0'190 !7P.1~ ,1i-'~{' _!7~ in'P 1).!~? _OtJ'~;t '~;t~ !7~il N'~P.~ niJ.t< '1?0 1~il1 . .i1J.i1N::l ,. -: :

Baruch ata YHVH, Eloheynuu ve'elohey horeynu~ elohey Avraham, elohey Y~tzhak, ve' elohey Ya'akov, elohey Sarah, elohey Rivka, ve'elohey Rachel ve'Leah, ha'El ha gadol hass geebor ve ha noraah, El elyon, go'mel chasadim tovim ve'ko'ney ha'kkol, ve'zocher chasdey avot, umey'vee goe'ellivney ve'neyhem, le;ma'an shemoe be'a' havah.

0'~1J~ "~0 :t?P. 1O'~D? ~Jl.~l .0'~D O'ti'~ :f~).!~? 0'~DD 1~P4 ~J~~~1 -1

Zach'reynu le'chayyim melech chafetz ba chayyim, ve'chat'vveynu be'sefer ha chayyiim (4) le ma 'ancha Elochim chayyim. ·

·1~~~ ).!''?iin~ 1!iY ~~Pz .n1~ n1\~1 OIJ1;t~ 1).~ n1n' nt-J~ :r~,~ melech ozer u'moe-shee'yah u'mageyn. Baruch ata YHVH, mageyn Avraham ve 'ezrat Sarah .

.).!''?iin~ :11 ni"J~ o'nP. n?.o~ ,,~,~ o~i~? 1i::1~ ni"J~ At a geebor le 'oolam Adonai, me'chayey meytim ata rav le 'hoshia.




n?.D~ ,100~ O'~D ?~~:;)>? _

Me chal-keyl chayyim be'chesssed me'chayey meytim be 'rachamim rabeem


1'fl~~ 0'~in N~111 0'~~iJ


So-mech nofleem ve roe 'feh choe-lim, u ma teer asurim



.1~{' '~~'~ 1n~~n~ O?.r;?~~ um'eh kayeym emunatoee lee-sheyney afar.


11~11 '~~ l111~:1~ ?~~ :f)Y.l? '~

Mee cha-mocha av ha 'racha 'meem u 'mee doe--meh lach

.11).!~'l..i~ D'~~~~ n~D~~ ll'~P. 1~~ Melech meymeet ume 'chayey u 'matz 'mee-ach ye 'shu' a

.tP~01~ ·O'~D~ 1'1~~~ 1~1l .0'~010 :1~ :r1n~ '~ Mee cha-mocha av ha 'racha 'mim, zoe-cheyr yetsurav le chayeeem be 'rachamim

.O'flP.D n?.O~ i11i1' il!-1~ 1~1~ .O'flP. lli'DD? il!-1~ 1~~~1 ve ne 'eman ata la 'cha cha yot meyteem. Baruch ata YHVH, mechayey ha meyteemm. •

~f?T-l n~tl~~ U-n'ta~eh


Group: This is the Day of Judgment! . For even the hosts of heaven are judged, as all who stand on earth are arrayed before You. As the shepherd seeks out his flock, and makes the sheep pass under his staff, . so do You gather, and number, and consider every soul, setting the bounds of every creature's life, and decreeing its destiny .


~J'DJ~ il!-1~ '~


n?~tl :r?~ l~:;t~

Reader: May our sanctification of Your Name ascend to You. For you are our God and Sovereign

We will observe the mighty holiness of this day, for it is one of awe and anxiety. Here, Your dominion exalted. On this day we conceive You as sitting on Your throne of mercy, sitting there in truth. We behold You, as judge. and Witness, recording our secret thoughts and acts and setting the seat thereon. You record everything. Yes, You remember the things forgotten. You open the records, and the deeds therein inscribed tell their own story for lo, the seal of every person's hand is in there.


NW~n t1~ ;01'~1

NJ1J N~n '~ ,o1~D l1W1J? ~wn n~tl~~

'~ n't~ .n't~~ 1'~).1 :t~D1,:Tt<?~ 1lt0~ 11;,~1,:Tfl~:J{~ 1~1U1 ,OD1n) JD1J1 ,1).!) ).!11'1,1J'~1Y.J~ 1!1 N~n il!-1~ ,n1J11?~D 1~p n~ nt=~~n1 ;n1n~'P~D ~~ 111l,f11 ,n~1n~ ·1~ 01~ ~~ 1~ 0r11n1 ,N1.i(~ 1'~~P,~ U'netaneh tokefkkedushat hayom Ieee hu nora va'ayom U'voe tenasseh malchutecha ve'yi'kon be"chesed kee-secha, ve'teyshev al"av be"emet. Emet kee ata hu dayan u'moe'chi"ach ve'yo'dey"ah va'ed, ve'choteyv vehoteym ve'sofer u'moe'neh, ve'tizkor kol hha'nis~'chot ve'tiftach et sefer ha zich'rono'not u'mey'alav yee"karehh, ve'chot'amm kol adam voe The great Shofar is sounded, and a still small voice is heard. The angels in heaven are dismayed and are seized with fear and trembling, as they proclaim:. "Behold the Day of judgment!" The hosts of heaven are to be arraign~d in judgment for in Thine eyes even they are not free from guilt. All who enter the world You cause to pass before You, one by one, as a flock of sheep. As a shepherd musters his sheep and causes.them to pass beneath his staff, so dost You pass and record, count and visit, every living soul, appointing the measure of every creature's life and decreeing its destiny. I•



,1~'~0?. 0'~~?~~ ;)'~¥)~ nu1 n~~1 ?1P1 ,)'it~~ ?11~ 1~1'V~~ N~~ ~~ 11p~~ ,1'1'D 01' il~D ~1~N.'1 ,1~l0N.' ilj).Jl~ 7'tl1 1~1~~~ 0~1)' '~~ ?~1 ·1'·1~ :T'~'~~ ~;,\~ N~ '~ ,1'1~ 0.11>?

l11J~. )JN·~ 1':;1~~ ,111~ il~11 l11i?~~ .111t;1 '~~~ :T'~~{

:r1nJ:'ltl1 ,'D ~~ 'V~~ 11p~n1,n~~n1 119?rt1 ,,:;~~~ 1~ ,1"~yj .0~'1 11~ l1t< :t1T-1?f11 ,il!1~ ~~? il~~tiU'veshofar gadol yee takah, ve kol de',ma'ma daka yeeshama. Umalacheem ye'chfeyzun, ve cheel ur'e'ada yo'cheyzun, ve'e'yomru heeney yom ha"deen. Leefkod al tzva ma'rom ba'deen, kee lo yizku ve'eynecha ba'a'deen. Ve chol ba'ey olam, ya'avrun lefanecha, ya'avrun lefanecha kee'vney maron. Ke'vakarat ro'eh ed'ro, ma'aveer tzo'no, ma'aveer tzo'no tachat sheev'to. Ken ta'aveer ve'tees'por ve"teem'neh, ve'teef'kod nefesh nefesh kol chai, ve'tach'toch kitzvah lechol be'riyah, ve teechtov et ge'zar dee'nam.






On Rosh Hashanah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed: How many shall pass on, how many shall come to be;· who shall live and who shall die; who shall see ripe age and who shall not; who shall perish by fire and who by ~ater; who by sword and who by beast; who by hunger and who by thirst; who by earthquake and who by plague; who by strangling and who by stoning; who shall be secure and who shall be driven; who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled;· who shall be poor and who shall be rich; · who shall be humbled and who exalted~

,'J(l?. 1~9~ Oi~ Oi'~~ ,l~:ltl~~ n~~D 'VN·1~ Be Rosh Ha'shanah Yee ee'katey'vun, u've'yom tsom Kippur · yey'cha 'tey'mun. ;l~Nl.~~ n~~1 ,1~1~~! n~~ Knmahya'avrunvekamahyeebarey-un; ;ll~Y.l~ 'Y:)~ 1il~J:l~



'Y:) mee Yich-yeh U:'mee ya'mut; 'Y:)~ ,i~t'? 'Y:) meeve'kee'tzoeumeeloeve'kee'tzoe;

;0~~~ '~~ 'v~~ 'Y:) mee va'eysh u'mee va'mayeem; ·il~n:l 'Y.l~ :t1n:l 'Y.l mee va'cherev u mee va'cha'yah; 1 •:•t • ,



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;il~'P?~ 'Y:)~ 1 T11?'~t)~


mee va'ra'av u'mee va'tza'mah;

'Y.l mee va'ra'ash u'mee va"mageyfa; •


mee va'chaneeeka. u mee vas'keela;

;~~~~ 'Y:)~ ,lJ~~~

'Y:) mee yanu'ach, mee ya'nu'a; ;"ll.\;1~ '~~ 1\Ji?.~~ 'Y:) mee yee sha'ket, u'mee yee'ta'reyft ;1~!~~ 'Y:)~ 11~~~ '~ mee yee"shalev, u'mee yeet'ya'sar; ;1~{'?. 'Y:)~ 1'~{'?. '~ mee ye'anee, u'mee ye'a'sher; .0~1~ 'Y:)~ ,?~~~ '~ mee yee'shafeyl, u'mee ya'rum . . But t'shuvah, t'fillah, and tzadakkah temper judgement's severe decree


nw1~~ n~~rn n~~v~~ .n11~D ~, n~ 1'1'~~~

U'teshuvah u'teffilah u'tzeda'akkah ma'a"veereen et roe'ah ha gezeyra. 142


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kee ke'sheem'cha keyn te'heelatecaa, kasheh leech-as ve'no'aach leer'tzot. kee loe taschpotz be'moet ha'meyt kee eem be"shuv'oe mee'dar'koe ve'chayah. Ve"ad yom moetoe te'chakeh loe, eem ya'ashuv mee'yad te'kabloe. Emet kee atah hu yoe-trzam ve"atah you"deya yeetz-ram kee heym ba'sar ve'dam You evoke in us praise, because You are hard to make angry, and easy to satisfy. You do not desire the death of those of us who are inwardly dead, but rather that we awaken ourselves to life, return 路 from the paths that have deadened us, so that we can flourish. For until the very day of our death You wait for us, and if perchance we are willing to come back to our Center and Highest God place of which we are capable, You will immediately receive us and strengthen that part with us. It is true, that you are our creator, and for that very reason you know our weakness and tendency to go astray, because we are only limited beings of flesh and blood. .

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Adam yee'soe'doe mey'afar ve'soe"foe le'afar. Be'naf'shoe yaveee lach'moe, me'shul kee"chereslta'neeeshbar. Ke"hatzeer yavesh u'cltetzitz noe'veel, ke'tazel oveyr u'che-anan kalah, u'chee'ru'ach no'shevet, u'che'avvak poe-reyach ve'chalom ya'oof Each of us originates from dust and dust is our end. Each of us is as a shattered urn, grass that will wither, a flower that will fade, a shadow moving on, a cloud passing by, a particle of dust, floating the wind, a dream soon forgotten .

.O!i?1 '0 '~ 7f?~ N~i1 i1f1~1 v'atah hu melech El chai ve'ka'yam Only the Eternal is everlasting.

1},!~? 1'~1 ;:r'~! 7f1N? ~i?. 1'~1 ,:rfliJ'P~ rl::J.~i? 1'~

Eyn kitzvvah leesshnotecha, ve'eyn keytz le'orech ya'mecha, ve'eyn le'sha'eyr There is no end to Your years, and no limit to the length of Your time.

:r? n~~ :r~~ ;:r9'P

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mar'kevot ke'vodechaa, ve"eyn le'faresh eelum shemecha .Sheemcha na'eh lecha And there is no way to unpack fully the secrets of Your being



flNli? ~JP.~~ ,:r~'P~ n~~ ilf'l~1


ve'ata na'eh leesh'mecha. Ushmeynu karatz bee'shemecha And all Your names allude to You, and our own names are a manifestation of You. -il\:>~ ~,:or o~• il?Y~ ~,:-r y••T Y'l••T

Darey malah eem darey matah That which is above and that which is below


ill ?~ ill N1w1 ::r~~~~ 1! ?~ J'n~~

ka'katuv al yad ne'vee'echa ve karah zeh el zeh veh'amar As it is written by your prophets, and by the angels who called one to another

:n1N~~ ~~ .

'ti11i? ,0111? ,0111? .111:lf' ~1~ 0 '~ N'~

Kadosh kadosh, kadosh YVHV tze'va'ot me'loe kol ha'aretz kevo'do

Holy, holy, holy, the transformative power of the universe permeates the entirety of the earth and fills an~ is manifest in every bit of it.



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ke'vo'do maley olam. me"shar'tav show'aleem zeh la zeh: Ayeh mekom ke'voe'doe.le'u"ma'tam baruch yoe-meyru Your presence fills eternity, and the· angelic energies ask where is the place of this glory, and respond .1~1p~~ ~~ 1):1? :r,,~

Baruch shem kevod YHVH meemkoemoe Blessed is the transformative power in all places.

l1~ 1n'P 0'10!>?D O).! in~1 ,0'~01~ 1~~ N~n 1n1p~~ :0'1Y:l1N )'~y) i1~Q~~ 0~~~~ ,1'~{1 0)' ~?~ ,1iill Meem''koe-moe hu yeefeyn be'rachameem ve'yachon am ham'yachadeem she'moe erevee va vokeyr be'chol yoom tameed, pa'a'mayeem be'ahavah She'mah omreem: And from God's place compassion will radiate, and reach those who proclaim the "Shma" and meditate on the oneness of all being at least twice a day, morning and evening . .1nN ~~ ~J~ii?N '~ ?N1~; )1~\!,i 4f' •: T : , •• •:: T : 1 •• T I • ; Sh'ma Yisra'el YHVH Eloheynu, YHVH echad Hear, all you who wrestle with your connection to God, the transformative power of the universe is also the ultimate creative power in the universe, permeating all and unifying all into a Oneness that transcends our fullest comprehension.


N~111 ,~J).!,~)n N~i1 ,~J~?~ N~il ,~J,~~ N~i1 ,~J,;j?~ N~i1 o:>? n1,n? :'n ?::> 'J,~? •,•,. I',.? ••••a Tl'J'lJ ••• 1'nni::t ,.-.-z ~J~'n'll' n•:-

-o,ii?N? . .. hu Eloheynu, hu aveenu, hu malkeynu, hu moe'shiyeynu. ve'hu yashmee'eynu be'rachamav sheyneet le'eyney kol chze · lih'yot lachem le'lo'eheem S/He is our God, S/He is our parent, S/He is our pathfinder, S/He is our messiah, and S/He will cause our message of open-hearted compassion and love to be heard once again by all who live so that · all people can be aligned with their God-place.

.O:Pii?N '' 'JN -a •,•




Anee YHVH Elo'heychem


I am the Transformative Power and the Creative Power.

:r~~? ~~ n~o1 ·~1~0 ?~~ :r~~ ,,,~ n~ ,~J,~,~ ~~ ,~YP1~ ,,,~ ·

.. iQ~ 1n'P~ 10~ ~~ i1~D~ N~i1ti O)~~ ,~1.~0 ?~ ?~ Adeer adeerreynu, YHVH adoneynu, mah adeer sheemcha be'chol ha'aretz. Ve ha'yah YHVH le melech all kol ha'aretz. Ba yom ha'hu yichyeh YHVH eechad, ushe'moe echad. How magnificent Your presence is for all beings throughout the earth! And it shall come to pass, that the Transorinative Power will be the guiding force throughout all of the planet, and on that day YHVH will be one and your name will be one.

:1nN~ :1~n~

:r¥-i1t? '1.:rr~~

uve'divv'rey kad'shecha kaatuv leyy'mor And in the hold writings it is also written: The Transformative power will reign forever, and that vision of God will become Zion's reality and be passed from generation to · generation.

.n!~?{D :1'11 i1{ 11~~ J~ti?~ ,o~1Y{ ~~ j?~~ yim loch YHVH le'olam, ellohayeeech Tziyon le'dor va'dor, Halelu 'yah From generation to generation we will tell of the greatness of this vision, and bring higher and higher levels of holiness into our daily lives. And the possibility of this world-transformation will never depart from our lips. We will insist on telling everyone that Your presence in all human beings as a force of love and kindness and generosity is ever-possible, ready to burst forth at a moment's notice, because your holiness permeates all being despite all the social im:d psychological restraints that keep us from "getting it" and actualizing it in our lives and our institutions·.



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Uv'cheyn teyn pachdecha YHVH alkol ma'asecha, ve'eymatcha alkol mah she. ba'rata, veyira'ucha kol ha'ma'asim, va'yeesh'tachavu lefanecha kol ha b'ru'im, va yeh-esu kuam aguda achat la'asot retzon'cha be'elyvav shaleym, ke moe she ya'danu YHVH Eloheynu, she'ha'sheel-ton lefanecha, oz be'yad'cha u'g'vurah bee'mee'necha, ve'sheemcha norah al kol mah she'ba'r'a'ta.

,:P~l11? il~i" illi?tl1 :f'~1.'? n?nf-1 ,:f}fY.? ,!~ ,1iJ~ 1tl 1~~~ TIIJ'~~~ ,:Jl.'Y.? 11\!J¥J1 :J'~l~? i1(l~\!J ,7f~ 0'?0!~2 i1~ 1intl~~ ·~)'P.!~ i11D~=;i ,:J'O'~~ '~~-1:t? ~~ Tl~'!~l ,:f1~Y. 111? 111? .

Uv'cheyn teyn kavod YHVH le"amecha, tehillah leere'echa, veTikvah tovah le'dor'she'cah. Ufit'chon peh lam'yahcalim lach, Simcha la'artzzecha, ve'sason le'eerecha, utzmichat keren le'daveed avdecha, va'aree'chat neyr le'ven Yish-ai me'shi'che'cha, beem'hey'ra ve'yamey'nu.

When chanting this prayer calling for the elimination of the kingdoms of arrogance, we lift our fists in solidarity with all the generations of people struggling for social justice.

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·~1.~0 1~ Uv'cheyn Tzadeekeem yeer'u ve'yees'macahu, vee-shareem ya'alo'zu, ve Chasidim bereenah ya'geelu, ve'o'vlata tik"patz peeha, ve'chol ha'rish'a kula ke'ashan teech'leh, kee ta'aveer memshelet zadon meen ha'aretz.

~~t:1~~ 1'~1 ~~~D~1~ ?~~ ~);('01tl~1 ~)~l~P. ~)'~~ ~)'~\?0 '~~~~ Nli?~~ \U11Qt11 ?11~iJ 11~~~ ,:ftll'D~ 11'~~ ~)'tJ)J.)n 111\v~~ tJ'~tJ~ ~~'D?tt !~ ,:p~~~~ 11~1 'tl~ .:r\9·1i?~~ ilQ~~'P~\9 1!D '~~~ ,1'~).1 :r~~ :P>?01~ :r'P·1i?~ ?).!1 U'?.~ OIJ1tl~ J.~\U~~ , 1~01 :f~'? ,~J'tJ)J~ 'D?NJ. :rt1~=>~~ 11J.~ n~~ ,~)~~~ ~)':;t~ .111J.~ ?1~tl~ n1o~ ~n~?n1 ,o':;t10 ,o~hD v~~ ~J'1.n~ J1.i?1 ,'0 ?~ ,~,).!~ ~)'~~ N·~~rq )'~1n1 ,n1D>? ~J'~~ 11'~ o~~¥}~1'~1 ,il~l:;t :r1'~ 11~~? ~)~':;ltJl ;~1~ 't1~1~Y:J u~~ ~)'tJ1~~£>~~ ·,o~1)' 110~~:;t :r'P1i?~



Malchuyot - Divine Sovereignty

~~,~~ Aleynu , ~;::>D li1~~ D~~? ~J'~~ Aleynu le-shabeyach la'adon hakol, l1'~N1.f, 1~i'? t1~~1~ l1tl~ latet gdula le-yotzer bereysheet,

ni~1~0 '?.ilf ~J'P)} ''~ she-loe asanu ke'goyey ha'aratzot, i1~1~0 nin~'P~~ ~)~~ i'1 ve'loe samanu eem mispechot ha'adamah, Ot;l~ ~Jt??Cl OVJ 1?~ she'loe same chelkeynua ema-hem,

O~iYO '~ 0).' ~J~1il1 vegoraleynu eem kol ha'olam



~Jf;l~~l va'anacnu koreem

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Ieefney Meleeh Malchey Ham'iachim ha kadosh baruch bu.,

0~~¥) i"l\)iJ N~i"l~ She'hu noteh shamayim veyosed aretz

').!>;;l~ 0~~~~ l1i(~ :J'Pin~ umoshav yekaroe bashamayim mee'ma'al, Cf1 ~i1>? 'tl~~f, il).!. l1~'~'P~ ush'china uzo, uschinat uzo, be gav'hey 1iY 1'~ ,~J'D'~ N~i1 meromim, Hu Eloheynu, eyn ode, in~~l 0~~ ,U~?~ J1Yyl~ emet malkeynu efes zulat, il11il1~ :l~l1~;> ka'katuv be'toratecha, ~l ~01 Ol'iJ l-1~1!1 ve'yadata hayom ve'ha-sheyvot a :J~+? ?~ el li va'vecha, O'ii?Nn N~n i11i1' '::l• Kee Adonai Hu Ha Elohim, ' •:s or 'Y~Y.l 0'Y.l'li::J. ba'shama'yim mee-ma' ai --· ·-,.l11Jfl~ '{1~0 ?~1 va'al ha'aretz, va'al ha'aretz, mee'tachat. 1iY 1'~ Eyn od, Eyn od. !~

i1!01 1~~~1

Vene-emar: "va'haya Adonai, '{1~0 ?~ ?).! :r?~? Lemelech alkol ha'aretz: N~i"ltl Oi'~ bayom hahu, bayom hahu

11Jt< !~ il~i;l~ 1nN in'li~ T



yih'yeh Adonai echad u'shemo ushemo ushemo echad."


It is our privilege to give praise to the Master of all Being To acknowledge the mystery and grandeur of the Shaper of Creation. Who made us Hers as She made all peoples Hers And placed us in relationship to Her as She has done with all the families of the earth. She placed our fate and their fate Inextricably bound with the fate of the entire planet and its ability to manifest Her goodness.

And we bend our knee Prostate ourselves in gratitude for all that is and acknowledge our fate in your hands (then, fully lying in contact with the ground, silent prayer) Before the king of the king of kings The Holy One, blessed be Her name. She stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundation of the earth Her holy abode is in the heavens above And Her sacred presence and strength manifests in the highest places She is our God, there is none other In truth, she is our pathfinder, nothing exists apart from her As it is written in Her Torah, And you should know this day And consider in your heart That The Transformative power is also the creative power In the heavens above And in the earth beneath THERE IS NOTHING ELSE BUT GOD. And it is written, and the Transformative Power Shall be King over the entire planet On that day The Transformative Power will be One and Her name will be ONE.


Ruler of all worlds, help us to find the inner authority to guide us through the difficulties we face. Inspire the hearts of our appointed ~eaders with divine guidance so that our planet may reflect the guiding wisdom of its Creator. We are here by Your choice and ours, By Your love and ours To serve You and to renew ourselves and to celebrate this Day of Remembrance, beginning a ten day process of taking account of our lives and asking ourselves which new directions we wish to move. Our tradition teaches us that it was our fault that got us exiled. We did not love enough We did not share enough. 路 So we can not celebrate as You would have us celebrate in Your Holy plan. But we can give You our love, though even in loving we need Your assistance. Rebuild in us Your sanctuary, so we can again offer ourselves to You, dedicating our lives to building a world that reflects Your presence. Therefore we hope soon to see Your rule established. All flesh serving You, all evil turned to gopd, every to:'lgue singing Your song, every spine bending in worship, Every will surrendered to You. So You be the ruler of life now and always. God, rule over us, over the whole Earth, with your splendor revealed, your precious glory apparent, your might all manifest. So all sentient beings can sense You, All conscious beings be conscious of You, as You rule, as You pervade, as You energize all being. 路 Make us holy. Make Your will ours. Fill our mind with Your Torah. Make us good. Fill us with Your goodness. 路 Make us glad when we experience You as helper. Make us pure by residing in our heart. You true God, who utters the truth, whose being Is-Always. Baruch atah Yah, melech alkol ha'aretz, me'kadesh (haShabbat ve) Yisra'el ve Yom Hazikaron. Let us channel your blessings, yah, Ruler over all the earth, our ultimate pathfinder, who makes holy (the Sabbath), those who wrestle with God, and the Day of Remembrance. , T..

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Hayom harat olam. Hayom ya 'amod bamishpat kol yetzuray olamim. Im kevanim im ka 'avadim. Im kevanim, rachamaynu kerachaym av al banim. V'im ka'avadim aynaynu l'cha teluyot ad shet 'chanaynu vetotzi cha 'or mishpataynu, Ayom Kadosh.

Today the world emerges from its pregnant status. Today all forms and all worlds stand before their Conceiver. We can choose to relate to God as children, as slaves. If we can become children, Father I Mother, then womb us with love. If we get to a level in which we can surrender to the Unity of All Being, and offer our will like slaves, we can recognize that we are dependent on You and wait for grace, for light in the judgment, for holiness in awe.


"~:;1~ 1'~~~~ )'~P. .N~~1 01 ?~ :p~~? l1~! ~J'.T.l~\!J 11~1~ .~J~1.1i'~?~ 11P 1i~1~~ 0'~01~ ?~Q~~ .~J1.l{''ilfl ?ip? :t''?il?~~ Areshet sefataynu ye 'erav l 'fanecha el ram venisah. May'vin u'ma'azin mabit umakshiv l'kol t'kiyataynu. ut'kabayl b'rachamim uv'ratzon sayder Malchuyotaynuu. May the flowings from our lips blend sweetly before the Maker of l<indness. May the One who is listening to our shofar sounding perceive the compassion and heart in our rites of invoking Divine Sovereignty.

Zichronot- In the Labyrinth of God's Memory You remember .how You made the world, how You conceived the beings before they were shaped. 路 Everythiitg hidden is manifest to You Even the masses of mysteries which were secrets when You began. Where You sit there is no forgetting. Where You look no thing can hide. The all is known to You as you scan and check to the ends of time. So You bring memories back, engraved awareness, conceiving each spirit, each breath, each soul. You are the only consistent witness through all time and transformations of our being. Today is t}:le very first day of Your actualization, just as it was on the first day of Creation. 路 路 Every shape appears before you, each person's karma and its results-the plots of each person's drama and the steps one takes to play ones role. Human thoughts and their schemes and the drives and fears and yearnings which move them. Happy is the person who. does not forget You and whose life is connected to You. Those who seek you do not stumble, never are those who trust You disappointed. Ruler of all worlds, help us to find the mental constructs that will enable us to clarify our lives. Inspire our hearts with divine remembering so that our planet may come to fully reflect the destiny that was inherent in the origins of its beginnings. 路 .


We remember Noah today: When You brought the flood waters Noah and his family were remembered so that he would be protected, pitied and saved even though others were destroyed. As the Torah states: "God remembered Noah and all the beasts, all the cattle that were

with him in the ark; God calmed the storm and the water was stilled."


So we pray: Please remember Noah, and we who are his children. You promised him to increase his seed like the sands of the sea. And so may it be for us. You remembered Abraham and You promised: "~will remember my covenant with Abraham and the land I will remember too." So may it be for us and for all the earth. The release from the oppression of Egypt is remembered today: And God heard their 11

whimpering. And God remembered them." So may we be remembered today. And you sent us word through Your prophets, "Go out, Call out! So that Jerusalem's ear will hear it. Say to them, "God said: I remember-how you loved me when we both were young. Our love was a honeymoon. You followed me into the desert, a wasteland, a land where nothing grows." and "Ephra'im, my lovechild, my precious son, I talk to you as I always do when I think of you and my guts hum, I womb you in compassion, My word as I am God!"

Our God, our parents' God, remember us among Your good memories and conceive for us a compassionate redemption sent down from the eastern sky. Remember for us the pact, the oath, the promise You made to Abraham on Moriah's height: Keep for us the promise you sent us through Moses. · · Let us embody your memory, and keep alive those holy moments when we became most closely attuned to You. Let our memory expand- of our own history and the history of the experience of the entire human race to become more fully an embodiment of Your developing consciousness, Your emerging Will, Your fullest development of Your Being in and through us. And in that way, let us become the Covenant, and live to the highest possibilities of Who We Really Are. Where You sit there is no forgetting. So do be mindful today of the binding of Isaac to benefit his and Rebecca'~ children this very day.

Baruch Ata Adonai, Zoe-cher Ha-Brit. Blessed are You, Yah, Rememberer of the Covenant.

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Tekiah. Shevarim Terua'ah. Tekiah. Tekiah. Shevarim. Tekiah. Tekiah. Terua'ah. Tekiah Gedolah.



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Hayom harat olam. Hayom ya 'amod bamishpat kol yetzuray olamim. lm kevanim im ka 'avadim. Im kevanim, rachamaynu kerachaym av al banim. V'im ka 'avadim aynaynu l'cha teluyot ad shet'chanaynu vetotzi cha'or mishpataynu, Ayom Kadosh.

Today the world emerges from its pregnant status. Today all forms and all worlds stand before their Conceiver. If we find favor as Your beloved children, please, Divine Parent, have compassion for us. If we find favor only as servants, our eyes are watching and waiting that our judgment come forth as light.

0':;1~ 1'~~~~ 1'~~ .N\!J~) 01 ?~ :f'~~? l1~! ~)'tl~'{J 11~1~

.~)'tJ1J11?~ 11P 11~1~~ 0'~01~ ?~Q~~ .~)tl{''i?fl ?1p? :t'\Ui?~~ Areshet sefataynu ye'erav l'fanecha el ram venisah. May'vin u'ma'azin mabit umakshiv l'kol t'kiyataynu. ut'kabayl b'rachamim uv'ratzon sayder · Zichronotaynuu. May the flowings from our lips blend sweetly before the Maker of kindness. May the One who is listening to our shofar sounding perceive the compassion and heart in our rites of Our Re-Member-ing.

Shofrot- Calling On Our Divine Mother/Father You uncovered yourself to connect with human beings. For the very heaven You made them hear Your voice and in the midst of the misty clarity there You were manifest The whole cosmos became hollow to contain You. As the creatures of the beginning shivered into life at Your breath. That moment You made Your majesty appear on the height of Sinai and we perceived Your presence as though we were hearing an intense Shofar blast. Sound the shofar again, at this appointed New Year. For it is a statute for Israel, ordained by the God of Jacob .

..Our prophets taught us that we would hear that Shofar blast again when we had eliminated all private prope~ and redistributed the wealth of the world so that all would have enough. Then, the great Shofar will vibrate a great Sound, and all will come, those lost in Ashur, those outcast in Egypt, and they will bow in worship on the holy mountain in Jerusalem. And then, Yah will be visible coming out like an arrow of lighting.


Our God, our parents' God, free us as You sound the great Shofar, Raise us to amazement so we become recollected from our estrangement. Gather together our scattered ones from amidst the nations. Our strayed ones from the ends of the earth. Bring us to Zion, Your city in song, to Jerusalem Your sanctuary with a joy that lasts. A joy in which all peoples can join. There we will offer ourselves, our lives, in your sacred mission to increase love, generosity, kindness and peace-and when we reflect that love, embody it in all our deeds, then we shall be in Zion. We sound the shofar to remind us of the part of our own being that yearns for that returning to our highest humanity when we can see ourselves as united with our pasts and united with all other humans and united with all life, and united with all Being. Master of all potentialities, help us to find the creative power within us that will create for our children a livable future. Inspire our hearts with imagination so that our planet may meet the trumpet call that sounds Divine satisfaction with creation.

Our God, and God of our parents and grandparents: H~rald ·us to a living future. Show us the potentials latent in your creation. Uncover for us the forgiving . intelligence of our world, so that we may yet blow the shofar in joy, love and thankfulness to You as we reach forward to the shofar of enlightenment, the trumpet sound of unprecedented ways of being. ·

Br:uchah at Yah Shechina shoma'at kol ama Yisrael berachamim. Blessed are You Holy Shechinah, Who compassionately hears the call of Her people Israel.

Tekiah. Shevarim Terua'ah.Tekiah. Shevarim Tekiah.Tekiah. Tekiah. Terua'ah.Tekiah Gedolah

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Hayom harat olam. Hayom ya 'amod bamishpat kol yetzuray olamim. Im kevanim im ka'avadim. /m kevanim, rachamaynu kerachaym av al banim. V'im ka'avadim aynaynu l'cha teluyot. Ad shet'chanaynu vetotzi cha'or mishpataynu, Ayom Kadosh. Today the world emerges from its pregnant status. Today all forms and all worlds stand before their Conceiver. If we find favor as Your beloved children, please, Divine Parent, have compassion for us. If we find favor only as servants, our eyes are watching and waiting that our judgment come forth as light.



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May the flowings from our lips blend sweetly before the Maker of kindness. May the One who is listening to our shofar sounding perceive the compassion and heart in our rites of Calling Out.

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157 )

Walking the Path of Blessing Witnesses say the folJowing after each part of the blessing during the repetition of the Amidah

11~1 'tl~ 1~

Kayn Yihee Ratzon Yes, if it is Your will Upon a Man or a Group of People The one(s) who blesses chants:


rnrP :f?1~~

Y'vare-ch'cha Adonai v'yeesh-m'recha. May the HoLY ONE bless you and watch over you .

.q~tP1 :f'~~ 1'~~ n1n' ,~~ Ya-ayr Adonai panav ayle-cha veechu-necha May the HoLY


surround you with light and be gracious to you .

.01'楼i :f{ O\'l~1 :f'?~ 1'~~ il1il' N~~ Yisa Adonai panav ayle-cha v'yasaym l'cha shalom May the HoLY ONE fill you with light and grant you shalom.

Upon a Woman The one(s) who blesses chants:

7fl.~yj~1 i11il' 7f~l~~ Y'var-chaych Adonai v'yish-m'raych May the HoLY


bless you and watch over you. 路

7f~0~1 7f~2~ 1'~~ il1il' ,~~ Ya'ayr Adonai Panav Ay-la-yich, vee-y'cha-naych May the HoLY

ONE surround

you with light and be gracious to you .

.o1'W :r~ o~;1 :r~2~


n1n' N~~

Yee-sa Adonai Panav Ay-la-yeech, v'ya-sem lach shalom. May the HoLY ONE fill you with light and grant you shalom.


19Ql 10 i1~1;t~ n~1" oi?~ O'W . 0't;l011 .?J.n 'J.\U1, ?J ?~1 ?N1~' ?J ?~1 ~)'J~ a • ~·


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O'~IJ~ J~1'P~

~1~>f1~fl o1~D


Today, Please make us strong


~)~l~fl o1~D


Today, Please bless us


~)~1~fl o1~D


Today, Please help us grow


n~ 1\.?{ ~)~11r-1 o1~D


1P.~ Ameyn!

Today, Please help us be happy

0'~ 1\.? 0'~D{ ~):;J{l?t-1 Oi'D Today, please write us in the Book of Life

1P.~ ~)tl~;>flll~ 11~1~~ 0'~01~ ~~l?fl o1~D Ameyn!

Today, Please hear our voice

1P.~ Ameyn!

1P.~ Ameyn! lP.~ Ameyn!

~)t1{'1~ Y~yjt-1 o1~D Today, Please accept our prayers

:t'i?1~ 1'~'~ ~)~'?.fltl o1~D Today, Please keep us safe with your justice

... oi~D Today, Please....(add your own prayers here)


Chatzi Kaddish ,i-"l'tl~)'l~ N1~ '1 N~~~~ .N~1 i-lP.'P 'V1Rfl~1

'J'~>?!1 ?1~fl~ N~~~~ -'~1¥J~ Tl'~ ?~1 '!.D:;t~ 11:J'P.1'~~ 11J'!.D~ PPD~J~~

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Shofar--final soundings Tekiah. Shevarim Terua'ah. Tekiah. Shevarim Tekiah. Tekiah. Tekiah. Terua'ah. Tekiah Gedolah.

,?~1¥J~ ~~

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.,,~ ~,~~ 1 J~tl '~'Pi' ?~ ?~1 Vene 'emar: "ve'haya Adonai lemelech alkol ha'aretz: bayom hahu (bayom hahu) yih'yeh Adonai echad ushemo (ushemo u'shemo) echad." On that day the Source will be known as One by all the faces of its glory. May You Who make peace in the ultimate reaches of the universe teach us to make peace within ourselves and between each other among all the families of Abraham, all the families of the human race, and all the forms of life that You have created on our planet. May the day soon come when strength and gentleness will be woven together, and may You give gentle strength to women and men who today challenge those who make war, those who perpetuate social injustice and ecological insensitivity and those who close their eyes and ears to the suffering of others. And may You give such leaders the wisdom not only to hear and see the pain of those stricken by war, injustice, and ecological destructiveness, but to bring that suffering to an end by doing Your will and making peace. And let it all happen through a great flourishing of love, gentleness, hope and generosity of spirit. And let it begin witll us.




-1 \

Mourner's Kaddish i=ltl~Yl~ N):;t '1 N~{~~ N~1 i1P.~ ~11?P~1 ?1~p~

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Yitgadal veyitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay veyamlich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvchayay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'agala uvizman kariv ve 'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevorach le'olam ulalmay a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyithadar veyitaleh . veyit 'halal she may dekudeshah brich hu. Le 'ay/a ulay/a mikol birchatah veshirata tush 'bechatah venechematah da 'amiran be'almah ve'imru amen. Ye'hay shlama raba min shemaya vechayim alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve'imru . amen. Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya 'aseh shalom alaynu ve 'al kol Yisrael ve 'a/ kol yosh 'vay tayvel ve 'imru a 'men.

May the great essence flower in our lives and expand throughout the world. May we learn to let it shine through so we can augment its glory. We praise, we continue to praise, and yet, whatever it is that we praise, is quite beyond the grasp of all these words and symbols that point us toward it. We know, and yet we do not know.

_I J

May great peace pour forth from the heavens for us, for all Israel, for· all who struggle toward truth. May that which makes harmony in the cosmos above, bring peace within us and between us, and to all who dwell on this earth, and let us say, Arne~. 161

O~)y 111~


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Adon olam ashayr malach beterem kol yetzir nivra le'ayt na'asa vechejtzo kol azai melech shemo nikra Ve'acharay kichlot hakollevado yimloch nora vehu haya vehu hoveh vehu yihe'yeh betifara. Vehu echad ve'ayn shayni lehamshillo lehachbira beli rayshit beli tachlit velo ha'oz vehamisra Vehu Ayli vechai go'ali vetzur chevli be'ayt tzara vehu nisi umanos li menat kosi beyom ekra. Beyado afkid ruchi be'ayt ishan ve'a'ira ve'im ruchi geviyati Adonai li velo ira.

Source of all that was and is, before and beyond creation's time. The central core expressed through being, each speck of life reflects its will. And when the world's delights are gone, alone it rules in mystic awe. It was, it is, always will be within the depths of all beauty. One alone, there is none else to match our God, to share all space. Without beginning, without end; all force and power spring from it. This is my life, my victory, bedrock of faith in time of pain. My banner high, my refuge sure, my inner wine I prayer. So in its hand I set my soul, both when I sleep and when I wake, and with my soul, my body too, God is in me I will not fear.

Afternoon Kiddush ·l~~D '1~ Nl.i1l ,o~i~O :r~~ ~J'D~~ ~~ nf-1~ :r~,~

Baruclt Ata Adonai Elolteynu Meleclt Ha'olam, borey p'ri h.agafen. Blessed is you, the Transformat:ive Power of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.




p1~Y:)~ ~)~1P ,~~ ,o~1)'D :r~~ ~)'0~~ n,n, nt-J~ :r~,~ .0'1~9'~D 0)' ~~ 1~ P'~1D? ~)1~1 Barukh atah Adonai Eloheynu Melekh Ha'olam asher kideshanu bemitz'votav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Yom HaKippurim. Blessed are You, 0 Lord our God, Spirit of the Universe, Who makes us holy by giving us the mitzvah of lighting candles for the Day of At-one-ment. When Yom Kippur falls on Friday Evening:

,,!J)~Y:)~ ~)~1P ,~~ ,o~))ICJ :r~~ ~)'tl~~


n!l~ :r~,~

.0'1~9'~D 0)'111~ '4.i ~~ 1~ P'~1D~ ~)1~1 Barukh atah Adonai Eloheynu Melekh Ha 'olam asher kideshanu bemitz 'votav vetzivanu lehadlik ner she/ Shabbat veYom HaKippurim. Blessed are You, 0 Lord our God, Spirit of the Universe, Who makes us holy by giving us the precept of lighting candles for the Sabbath and the Day of At-one-ment. As Yom Kippur begins, a powerful transfm:rnative experience is accessible. Let us enter a holy state together through the preparatory prayers. To enter with our whole being into this state and fully realize the purification of at-one-ment, we have to let go of attachment to our problems-the heaviness, the burdens, the feelings of guilt and powerlessness weighing down our hearts. We take off the bindings which keep these masks in place, and we nullify the power that keeps our lives motionless, crystallized, and obstructed from transformation.

Viddui- Confession of Forgiveness Master of all Worlds, I hereby forgive whoever has hurt me, And whoever has done me wrong, whether they did it by word or deed, In this incarnation or in previous ones. May no one be punished on my account. . May it be your will, our God and God of our parents, That I fall short no more, that I do not revert to my old ways, That I do not cause anger with my actions, And that I do not do that which is evil in your sight. Wipe away the misdeeds that I have committed with your great compassion, But not through sickness or suffering. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable before you, my God, my rock and my redeemer.



Kol Nidre Before we begin to atone for last year, we make clear that we know how we vow. Our word to keep we mean indeed, which we give when we want to bribe God with good deeds. So we state that next year we will with less fear live our weakness and strength as it flows. No more vows, no more bribes, no more oaths will we pledge. and if in weakness we vow, we do void them right now! so that freely we can see God and Human Beings. 路 路 By consent of this group gathered here in this space and consent of the powers on high; we will share in this prayer and admit we were wrong all toether and apart, you and I. Release of Vows (A member of group)

My friends, hear my words. During this past year-five thousand seven hundred and I have spoken vows to myself which I have not been able to fulfill, made promises to others which I have not been able to keep, and made resolutions which I have not been able to accomplish. (Here you are free to mention specific vows). Whether made intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously I sincerely regret all these utterances and come before you to seek release from them. (Group)

All is permitted to you. All is pardoned. Everything is proper. Here there is no vow, promise, unfulfilled resolution or expectation. But there is here forgiveness, love, acceptance, and release. (When all have finished the entire congregation says together):

May we all, in the year to come, five thousand seven hundred and - - - - - , grow in our awareness of ourselves and the world around us so that we may experience a deeper unity of thought, word, and actiofl: in our lives. Amen.


Reb Isaac Mozeson's Prayer Living God, Help me always to feel Like the blind, to see Like the deaf, to hear Like the mute, and to love Like the dying. Forgiveness For transgressions between a human being and God, repentance on Yom Kippur brings atonement. For transgressions between one human being and another, Yom Kippur brings no atonement until the injured party is reconciled. (Mishna Yoma) A light which transcends all limits and bounds can be found in our hearts. We ask now that this light clean and purify us, renew us in joy, And release the Tzaddik within us to shine forth .

.nQ~~ :t~ '1.楼}~~~ P'1~2 ).!1! 11N Or zaru'ah la'tzaddik ule'yishray layv simcha. Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart Come, Come whoever you are Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. . Ours is not a caravan of despair Even though you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet come again.

n~~~ ?~ il~'\U':;t ,?Qi?D n).!1 ?).!1 O)P>?D n).!1 ?).!

.0'~!1~~0 0~ '~~fltl? 1'i't-l~ ~Jt< ,il\.(~ '~ Tl~'~':;t~ Al da 'at hamakom v 'al da 'at hakahal, bi 'shiva shel ma 'alah vuivi'shiva shel mata, anu matirin lehit'paleyl im ha'avaryanim.

By consent of this group gathered here in this space, 路 and consent of the powers on high, we will share in this prayer, and admit we have erred, all together and apart, you and I.




Chant together:

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Kol Nidre


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Kol nidre ve'esaray ushevu'ay vacharamay vekonamay vekinusay vekhinuyay. Dindarnah ude'ishtabanah ude'acharimnah udi'asarnah al nafshatana. Miyom kippurim zeh ad yom kippurim habah alaynu letovah. Bekhulhon ikharatnah vehon. Kulhon yehon sharan. Shvikin shvitin betaylin umevutalin. Lah shririn velah kayamin. Nidranah lah nidray ve 'esaranah lah esaray ushvu 'atanah lah shvu 'ot. Concerning all vows, oaths, covenants, promises and all manner of bindings of soul with which I may bind myself and limit myself, constrain and confine myself, from this Yom Kippur until the next Yom Kippur (may it come upon us all for a blessing), I proclaim: I hereby recant, release, disavow and declare null and void from this time forward. The bindings shall not bind me; the roles I take on shall not constrain me; and the limitations snail not in any way limit my power.

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Venislakh lekhol adat benay Yisrael velagayr hagar betokham, ki lekhol ha'am bishgaga. Grant forgiveness to all the people of Israel, and to the peoples who live amidst us, for all the people have flaws.

n1t1 o{'? ntlN'?'~ ,~~~1 ,:rr~o '1lf n1t1 O{'O 1i~~ N~ n~" :1~~~ 0~1 ,n~D 1~1 0~1~~~ Selakh na la 'avon ha 'am hazeh kegodel khasdekha vekha 'asher nasata la 'am hazeh mimitzrayim ve 'ad hayna. Vesham ne 'emar. Pardon the errors of this people, according to your abundant lovingkindness; just as you have forgiven this people since they left the confinements of Egypt. There, it was written:

~1:;.1~ 'T:l~?9

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(three times) Vayomer Adonai SalakhtiKidvarekha.

And God said ui have pardoned, as you have asked."

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Barukh atah Adonai Elohaynu melekh ha'olam shehekheyanu vekiyemanu vehigiyanu lazman hazeh.

Blessed is our Creator, guiding force of all worlds, who has kept us alive, . · provided for us, and enabled us to reach this season.

Call To Praye_r . 7f'1J>?D

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Barchu et Adonai Hamvorach Let us all praise the One who showers us with blessing!

1{'l 0~1)'? JiJ'?tl !~ J~1~ Baruch Adonai Hamvorach Le'olam Va'ed How blessed is the One who bestows blessing forever and ever!

· ,0'~1{' ::1'1~~ 11~1:;11~~ o~i)'D :r?~ ~J'DJ~ ~~ n~~ -;r~1~ O'~~~D Tlt< <)'~0~~ O'rtY. n~~'? n~~J.~:;t~ ,O'!{'¥} 1Jtl19 n~?O~ O)'> Nl.i::l .1Ji~l~ ~'1?1~ 0;:J'tli1'?¥JY:)~ O'>~~i~D 11~ 11P>;l~ N'>:;l);?~ Oi'> 1'~~~~ ,11N '~~Y:) :y~n1 J~n '~$Y:) 11N ?~il il~~~l O!t?1 'IJ ?~ .i~¥} niN~~ !~ ,n~~~ 1'~~ oi' 1'~ ''1:;t~~ n~~~ .0'~1~ J.'!~~D !~ n~~ 1~1~ .1~l o~1)'? ~J'~{' Ji?>?~ 1'Y:)il Wondrous are You, depth of our souls, foundation of the universe, bringer of evening. Through insight, you unlock the gates of time, and through understanding, you repeat and vary the cycles of time, setting the pathways of the stars and planets in space. You bring forth day and night, transforming light into darkness and darkness into light. YQu are the life in all life, in this world and throughout eternity. May your living presence be our amazement forever.

.0':;11~ J.'!~~D !~ n~~ 1~1~ Baruch atah Adonai, hama 'ariv aravim. Blessed are You, the One, bringing on the darkness.


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11:1T1N - -: - ·Ahavat Olam.

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beyt Yisra'el, ameba, ameba ahavta. Torah u'mitz'vot khukim u'mishpatim, o'tanu, otanu lee'mad'eta. AI ken Adonai Eloheynu be'shakh'veynu uve'kumeynu, na'si'ach be'chukecha,

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venismach be divrey to'ratecha,

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uv'mitzvot'echa, Ie'olam va'ed,


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kee hem chayeynu ve'orech yameynu. u'vahem neh'hegeh yomam va'lailah ve'ahvat'cha al taseer, mee menu, le'olami~, mee menu le'olamim. · Baruch Ata, Adonai, ohev ohev amo Yis' rael.


We are loved by an unending love. We are supported by hands that uplift us, even in the midst of a fall. We are urged on by eyes that meet us, even when we are too weak for meeting. We are loved by an unending love. Embraced, touched, soothed and counseled, Ours ijl"e the arms, the fingers, the voices; Ours are the hands, the eyes, the smiles; J

We are loved by an unending love.


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Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad. Listen all of you who struggle to connect to God, the Transformative Power of the Universe is the Force that Created all, and manifests through the Unity of All Being. f Hear 0 Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.

Baruch Shem Kevod, Malchuto Le'olam Va'ed.

Blessed is the holy presence. The splendor of its majesty shines throughout time. We are loved by an unending love. We are embraced by arms that find us, even when we are hidden from ourselves. We are touched by fingers that soothe us, even when we are too proud for soothing. We are counseled by voices that guide us, even when we are too embittered to hear.

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.:f'1{'¥J:;l ~ V' ahavta et Adonai Elohecha bechollevavcha, uvechol nafshecha, uvechol me' odecha. Vehayu hadevarim ha'ayleh asher anochi m'tzav'cha hayom allevavecha. Veshinantam levanecha vedibarta bam beshivtecha beveytecha uvelechtecha vaderech, uveshach'becha uvekumecha. Ukeshartam le'ot al yadecha. Vehayu letotafot bayn . aynecha. Uchetavtam al mezuzot beytecha uvisharecha.

And you shall love yourself, for you are a spark of the Divine. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. And you shall love the stranger, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt. Let love fill your heart for all being. I call heaven and earth to witness before you today: Life and death have I set before you; the blessing and the challenge. Choose life, so that you and your children may live fully and joyously. Love the Source of being, the Power of your powers, by heeding the Voice, and by realizing that you are a part of the Oneness of all life. For God is your life and the fullness of your days. Thus you will become aware and carry through all the divine direction you receive from the One. And your lives will be bound in holiness to the Power within you.


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.n~~ I AM that Infinite Power that drove you to leave Egypt to become your God. I AM the infinite, your power in truth.

n1'~~ 0~1~Y:l ~1~~ O~flt\ '~N~1n 1W~ o~'D'tt n1n' '~~ !1~~ O~'tl?tt il)il' '~~ ,O'ti?N~ 0~~ Ani Adonai Elohaychem asher hotzayti etchem may-eretz mitzrayim liyot lachem laylohim, ani Adonai Elohaychem emet.

God is Truth. Let us validate for one another that our own Truth is part of the reality of cosmic consciousness. Gone is the age where one religion can claim to dictate faith. The Divinity in which we each believe is a True Divinity. We are the children of the Creative Force which created and nurtured us in the womb of our mother. We are the children of the Creative Force whim we call God. 171

U'~{' 0~121 11N_l J~ il~~Y.l~1 11~~ Emet v'emunah kol zot v'kayam alaynu i11?~l 1'~ ~J'tlJ~ N~il il\il~ '~ Adonai Hu Elohaynu ayn zulato . .1'11iJl~ 1')::1 ~Jn)N) Va'anakh'nu banav uv'notav. I T l --z 'I'


All of these words are true and real. For there is nothing which is outside of Divinity. And we 'are the sons and daughters of Divinity.

Dancing on the Shores of Freedom As the Children of Israel left the slavery of Egypt, they crossed the Sea of Reeds. When they s·aw the miracle of their liberation, they burst out in praise and thanks to God Whom they perceived as their Divine Liberator. They · accepted the leadership of the One who had taken them out of their distress. Moses and the men responded with great joy, singing these words all together. Miriam, his sister, took out her timbrel, and all the women danced and sang these words together:

?il\il~ 0~~~ il~Y.l? '~ Mi Khamokha ba'aylim Adonai?



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Mi Kamokha ne'edar bakodesh, Norah tehilot osay fele Malechutcha ra-u vaneicha Boke-a yam lifnei Mosheh Zeh eili anu v'amru Adonai yimloch l'olam va-eid V'ne-emar ki fadah Adonai eit Yaakov Ug'alo miyad chazak mimenu Baruch ata Adonai ga-al Yisrael

"Who is like unto You among the powers, oh God? Who is like You, transcendent in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders?" Your children saw You in Your majesty, splitting the sea before Moshe. "This is my God!" they cried, and said:

"YHVH yimloch l'olam va'ed." YHV will be our Power as long as space and time endure" (Exodus 15:11, 18) And it was said: "Yes, God has rescured Ya'akov, saved him from a power stronger than his own!"

Baruch Ata YHVH, Ga'al Yisrael. A Fountain of Blessing are You, YHVH, Redeeming Power of Yisra' el.


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Hashkiveynu YHVH Eloheynu l'shalom, v'ha-amideynu malkeynu l'chayyim. U'fros aleynu sukkat shlomecha.. Vetakenenu ve'etzah tovah milefaneha vehoshi'enu lema'an shemeha. V'hagen ba-adenu v'haser may-aleynu oyev, dever v'cherev v'ra-av v'yagon, v'haser satan miJaneinu u-me-achareinu uvtzel kenafeha tastirenu ki el shomrenu umatzilenu atah ki el meleh hanun - verahum atah. Ushmor tzeytenu uvo'enu lehayim ulshalom me'atah v'ad olam. Ufros aleynu sukkat shelomeha. Baruh atah adonay hapores sukkat shalom aleynu ve'al kol amo yisra'el ve'al yerushalayim. Let us down, YHVH Eloheynu, in peace, and rise up again, our Melech-Living, Flowing Source-into life. Spread over us the sukkah of Your Peace and guide us well. Save us for Your Name's sake. Be a shield around us, removing adversity and sorrow. Help us resist all that is not good for us. Shelter us with Your protecting love, for You are the Power that guards and rescues. You are the Source of grace and compassion. Guard our going out and our coming in, with life and peace, now and forever. Spread over all of us (on this entire planet) the sukkah of Your peace! Baruch Ata YHVH, ha poreys sukkat shalom aleynu v'al kol arnoe Yisrael, v'al Yerushal~yim. A fountain of Blessing are You, Holy One, spreading your sukkah of peace over us, over Yisrael, over all who dwell on this planet, and over Jerusalem-uniting all humanity in peace. Ufros aleynu-sukat Shalom. Spread Over all of us, wings of peace, shalom. Draw water in joy from the Living Well. Mayim Chayyim-Waters of life--Shalom. 0



On Yom Kippur, we declare:

O:J';,y 19:J' nln oi'J '::> .r1n"n nin' 'Jn;, .O:J'riN"n ;,"z,n o:JnN in";, •,•




•• -:


•• -



•: -





Ki vayom hazeh y 'chapayr alaychem l'tahayr etchem mikol chat'otaychem. Lifnay Adonai Titharu.

On this Day of At-one-ment you shall be forgiven and purified from your mistakes. Your deficiencies will be transformed in the sight of God and in your own sight. You will be cleansed. Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my heart Build there your shrine and never depart Let every passion spring from you Let every song be new

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into our lives With peace that blesses, love that revives The unity of all in all Let every thought recall

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my sight Consume the veil that hides your light With holy joy and grace divine Let every moment shine

Oh Lord let us be slaves no more Fling open wide Messiah's door Salvation's boundless benefit Let every breath admit

Oh Lord, transform this lowly sphere That boundaries may disappear In mutual dependency Let every soul be free

Oh Lord may we be ever one A world of friends with quarrels none Let every person know ilieir soul Let every heart be whole. Halleluyah! Halleluyah!!

Our burden Lord is great indeed For everywhere are people in need Reply respond with healing word Let every call be heard


.•. ... ...

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~tel ~Lt.dt.O ..


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'' Nuu

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~a~tc.L Nu N~a~u,c~ tc~



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V'al kulam elohai s'lichot, s'lach lanu, m'challanu, kaper lanu.

Oshamnu. Bagadnu. Gazalnu. Dibarnu .


~){~\? ·~)9~0 ·~YTl ·~)~~ltl1 ·~)'1~0

He'evinu. V'hirshanu. Zadnu. Chamasnu. Tafalnu sheker.

Ya 'atznu ra. Kizavnu. Latznu. Maradnu.

·~l:Y ~)'~i? J)l1~ .~)~~~ .~)'1{1 .~)119 .~)~~~ Ni'atznu. Sararnu. Avinu. Pashanu. Tzararnu. Kishinu oref.

•~)YT-JYT-1 J)'YT-1 . ~):J.)}T-1 •~)11n\U . ~)~\!J1 :-r:• '?




Rashanu. Shichatnu. Ti'avnu. Ta 'inu. Titanu.

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r11'Y.)Y ,. . -: (alternative English versions on pages 70-90) Amidah

Help me, 0 God, to pray.

Our ancestors worshipped You. Abraham and Sarah, Rebecca and Isaac, Jacob, Rachel and Leah stood in awe before You. We too reach for You, infinite, awesome, transcendent God, source of all being whose truth shines through our ancestors' lives. We, their distant descendants, draw strength from their lives and from your redeeming love. Be our help and our shield, as You were theirs. We praise You, God, Guardian of Abraham, Helper of Sarah. Your power sustains the universe. You breathe life into dead matter. With compassion You care for those who live. Your limitless love lets life triumph over death, heals the sick, upholds the exhausted, frees the enslaved, and helps us to keep our faith in the midst of the pain and suffering of life. Who is like You, God of splendor and power incomparable? You govern both life and death. Your Presence causes our souls to blossom. We praise You, God, sustainer of all life. Sacred are You, sacred is Your mystery. Seekers of holiness worship You all their lives. We praise You, God, ultimate mystery. Blessed be the compassion within us, the Power of holiness. May each of us, may all creatures sense the awesome power of the Divine at our core, wholeheartedly surrendering to the unity of the Whole, joining into a single Community to complete the Grand Design. We know, we have always known, that God, the Eternal, embraces all creation. Let us devote ourselves to the work; let us allow this unity to flow through all time and space. Let Israel, our people, let all people, glory in God; let those who are filled with awe sing for joy! Let those who seek God find their hope, bringing joy to the earth, and gladness to all people, giving birth to enlightenment--Messiah, kindling the light of David soon in our days. May we be holy. May we see and be glad in our rejoicing. May we celebrate in song as the dominion of arrogance is swept from the earth, and evil dissolves and vanishes like smoke. How holy we are in our essence. How awesome we are in the depths of our souls. No power is really separate from our inner collective unity. As it says in the teachings, "the Source of this teeming universe becomes lifted through justice and lovingkindness."

The place of new beginning is here in our souls. Can we bring this vision forth? Can we make it real in our world? Our past says no, but our hearts say yes. It is not impossible. It can be done! We have tasted the vision. We are one with the Power of goodness. Let us work and struggle to give it birth. Our people has been chosen,路 all peoples have been chosen; you and I have been chosen. We have felt God's love in every spark of love. We have sensed God's holiness in our moments ofjoy, in our deeds ofjustice and love. (This Shabbos day.) This day of At-one-ment is a day for forgiving, for clearing, for at-one-ing--this time for gathering in holiness to remember the going forth from Egypt.


Would that Your people at prayer gained delight in the spiritual path. Would that we were aflame with the passionate piety of our ancestors' worship. May You find our worship acceptable and forever cherish Your creation. If only our eyes could see Your glory perennially renewed in Jerusalem, and all Holy places throughout the world. We praise You, God, whose presence _forever radiates from Your creation in Holiness. On this, the Holy Day of Yom Kippur may the grace of God ascend within us, opening our ears, opening our hearts and minds to the flame of our ancestors, to the flame of enlightenment, to our people Israel, and to all humankind. May the joy and depth of this day thread its way into our day-to-day lives, and bring us and those we meet goodness and blessing, life and peace. 路 You are our God today as You were our ancestors' God throughout the ages. Firm foundation of our lives, we are Yours in gratitude. and love. Our lives are safe in Your hand, our souls entrusted to Your care. Our sense of wonder and our praise of Your miracles and kindnesses greet You daily at dusk, dawn, and noon. 0 Gentle One, Your caring is endless. 0 Compassionate One, Your love is eternal. You are forever our hope. Let all the living greet You with thankfulness, delight, and truth. Help us, 0 God. Sustain us. We praise You, whose touchstone is goodness. May our prayers bring us to a state of joy. 0 God, from whom all peace flows, grant serenity to the Jewish people, and to all people, Your creation. Consider us kindly. Grant love and mercy, life and goodness to all of Your creation. Bless us with tranquility at all times and in all seasons. We praise You, God, whose blessing is peace. May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. When confronted by negativity may my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me, God, because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my mouth and in the feelings of my heart, 0 God, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain harmony in the heavens, so grant peace to us, to the whole Jewish people, to all peoples everywhere, and to the world. Amen.


Oseh Shalom May the One who creates harmony in the cosmos above create peace within and amongst us, for all Israel, and for all who dwell on the earth, and let us say amen.

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-: -

Oseh shalom bimromav Hu ya •aseh shalom aleynu ve'al kol Yisrael, ve'imru amen. Ya'aseh shalom aleynu ve'al kol ha'olam.

Prayer for Peace May it be Your will, Lord our God, and God of our ancestors, that you dispel wars and the shedding of blood from the world, and extend a great wondrous peace in the world. And nations will no more lift up sword against nation and they shall no longer study war. Instead, they will know and recognize all the inhabitants of the world, and the truth in its fullness--that we have not come to this earth for strife and dissention, God forbid, and not for hate, jealousy, enmity, and shedding blood, God forbid. We have only come to this world in order to acknowledge and know You, Blessed be You for eternity. And the verse shall be fulfilled, "and I gave peace on earth. And you laid down and there was none to frighten, and I turned back Evil animals from the Land. And the sword will not pass through in your land." Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, 18th Century May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. VVhen confronted by negativity may my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me, God, because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my mouth and in the feelings of my heart, 0 God, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain harmony in the heavens, so grant peace to us, to the whole Jewish people, to all peoples everywhere, and to the world. Amen. Amidah ends here.


Ya'aleh Ya 'aleh tachuneynu mey'erev Let our supplication ascend at dusk




ve'yavoe shav'ateynu mee'bokeyr. our pleas approach Your Presence from the dawn

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ve'Yey'ra'eh ree'nu-neynu ad arev. and let us sing a thanksgiving praise at dusk.




Ya'aleh koleynu mey'erev Let our voice arise at dusk . ve'yavoe tzidkoteynu mee'boker and our righteousness approach Your presence from the dawn

~J~1'1~ i1~1?.1 ·ve 'yey 'ra 'eh fid 'yoneynu ad arev

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and our redemption shine forth in the at dusk.


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Ya'aleh een'yuneynu mey'erev Let our affliction ascend at dusk Ve 'yavoe slichoteynu mee 'bokeyr and our pardon come from the dawn

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Ve'yey'ra'eh na'akateynu ad arev and our groaning appear till evening.




Ya'aleh me'nuseynu mey'erev May our refuge ascend arise at dusk



Ve'yavoe le'ma'anoe mee'bokeyr and may it come for God's sake from the dawn

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Ve'yey'ra'eh kippur-eynu ad arev and may our atonement appear till evening.




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Ya'aleh Yeesheynu mey'erev May our deliverance ascend from the dusk




Ve'yavoe tahareynu mee'bokeyr and may our purification come from the morning

Jl.~ 1~



Ve'yey'ra'eh chee'nu 'neynu ad arev and may our supplication appear till evening.




Ya 'aleh zeech 'ro 'neynu mey 'erev May our rememberance ascend from the dusk.

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Ve'yavoe Vee'oo'deynu mee'bokeyr And may our gathering come from the morning

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Ve'yey'ra'eh had'rateynu ad arev and may our splendor appear till evening.




Ya'aleh daf'keynu mee'erev May our knocking ascend from the dusk

~)~')~ Ve'yavoe gee'leynu mee'bokeyr and may our joy come form the morning

Jl.~ 1~



Ve'yey'ra'elz baka'shateynu ad erev and may our requests appear till evening.




Ya'aleh en 'ka 'teynu mee 'ereve May our sighing ascend from the evening.






Ve'yavoe ey'lecha mee'bokeyr And may it come before you from the morning. :11)'1~ ... .,.



Ve'yey'ra'eh ey'leynu ad arev And may the effects of our atonement reach you by tomorrow evening!


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:r~~~ .?~ np~n

Haneshamah loch, v 'ha-goof pa-aloch,· chusah ahl ih-maloch


The soul it is Yours. And the body is Your work. Have compassion on Your creation.

n;n'~1't1 l\1~ Adon haS'lichot Master of Forgiveness nin'~l'u 1i1~ Adon haS •liehot ni~+~ l"i:l bochayn levavot

Master of forgiveness, Who searches the heart,

nip~~,., n~b goleh amukot .nip,-~ ,3;, dovayr tzedakot.

Who speaks righteousness.

!f'~~~ ll~"" .ll'~l' .. .,. en, .. -

We have missed the mark, Have compassion on us .

Who reveals all deep things,

Chatanu lefanecha . rachaym alaynu.

niM~tU3 ,~11'1 Hadur baneefla'ot v or <r ni~o~~ 1''t1l ateek banechamot ni~~ ,,,~ ,~it zochayr breet avot chokayr kela'yot. .ni'~~ I



riM,,3~ !1'"~l ~i" ni,t1l'l. ~~ ~1.;' nili~ ~3;~ .nip,-~ ~~;~ '




Tov umayteev labreeyot yodayah kol neestarot kovaysh avonot lovaysh tzedakot.

ni'l't~ M~~ Malay zechuyot

ni;'1.1J:1 M1b

norah teheelot nhi~ "~;~ so/ayach avonot oneh be'ayt tzarot. .n;,~... nl'a .. ' nli" ... ni~~~'~ ~~iS» Po'ayl yeshu'ot ni1'~~ n~i~ tzofeh ateedot ni,i1t1 N,ip koray hadorot .ni!11).! !1~;, rochayv aravot.

ni~'~f-11'~itd Shomayah tefi/ot t •




,;,1. fl'~"

emeemdayot .!f'~~~ llM\'f) chatanu lefanecha .t1'~~ CJ:), rachaym aleynu. ~I



Beautiful in wonders, Ancient in comfort, Remember the covenant of our ancestors, Search our kishkes. You are good and do good to all creation, You know all our secrets, You overturn our errors, You are dressed in righteousness. Full of merit, Awesome in praise, Forgive our errors, Answer us in times of distress. Maker of salvation, Watcher of the future, Rader of generations, Rider of the deserts. Hearer of prayers, Completer of understanding, We have missed the mark, Have compassion on us.


,190 l11


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,o~n1 ,'J'f::!. ,i11i1' ,i1111'

Adonai, Adonai, El raehum vechanun, erech apayim verav chesed v •emet.


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NW.J ,o,~~~~ 190 1~.J

Notzayr chesed la'alafeem, nosay avon vafesha vechata'ah venakay.

Yod Hay, Vav Hay, Compassion and Tenderness, Patience, Forebearance, Kindness, Awareness. Bearing love from age to age, lifting guilt and mistakes and making us free. Adonai ... Expanding Force of Kindness, Merciful Womb, Graceful Giver, Long-Stretched Web, Many Faceted Jewel, Maestro of Generosity, Dispatcher of Truth, Funnel of Kindness, Helper of Thousands, Tolerator of Distortions, Who Puts Up With Intentional Error, Shoulders Omission and Oeanses. Adonai, Adonai, El rachum vechanun, erech apayim verav chesed v'emet. Notzayr chesed la'alafeem, nosay avon vafesha vechata'ah venakay.

1tJt'l Cltn':l "t« a~~PJJ.t ~':'1$

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Sitting on the j1,1dgment side, moving to the kindness side. You engage us one by one. As we grow in understanding of our frailties. you offer forgiveness for our inadequacies. You deal righteously with every breathing being-Not according to our worst parts alone do You reckon with us. You taught us the song of the thirteen attributes of mercy. Remember that song today, as you taught it to Moses once long age, when your spirit descended and encompassed him. And as he experienced your spirit, he called out Your name: Adonai, Adonai, El rachum vechanun, erech apayim verav chesed v 'emet. Notzayr chesed la'alafeem, nosay avon vajesha vechata'ah venakay.

YOU HOLD OUT A HAND ... to those who rebel. You are conciliatory, thus modeling for us how we could be. Your Grace helps those who wish to tum back to You. In this way You taught us, Yah, our God, to admit and confess to You our failings, our sins, our shortcomings. You want us to refrain from taking what is not ours-what others have worked for. You wait for us and will accept us when offer our egos, like fervent offerings, like pleasing sacrifices. In this way, Your hope is fulfilled. You , in Your great mercy, take pity on us! You don't want this world destroyed, as it is written: "Seek Yah in the place where 5/He can be found, call Yah because God is so near." And again: "Wicked one, leave your ways! Humans, give up your sinful schemes. Tum to Yah. God will have pity. To Elohim, for God will pardon again and again." Let us start anew and give us chance after chance! Even then our kindness is puny, our righteousness a pose, our strength a gesture, our heroics an act. We go to therapy, we sit in silent meditation, we listen to gurus of the spirit, we do silent retreats, we sing our prayers with fervor, we quote Torah or Buddha or Jesus or Gandhi or King or Hasidic Masters or Kabbalah or we dance with energy or we write pious phrases- but then continue to hurt others. We can't · pretend that we are who we know we want to be.


Yet You choose humans and in giving us consciousness You gave us major help to see what needs to be done. You give us this Yom Kippur, this forgiving day, this time of holy evocation. You can put an end to our sins, when you forgive them, when you pardon us, and in this way, free us from our Karma. So now we come, God of Pardon, Kind One, Merciful One, Patient One Gracious One, Honest One, Beneficent One. You want the wicked to turn and not to die You said, "Tell them as I live," said Yah Elohim, "I don't want the wicked to die--! want them to come to Me and leave their former way. I so want them to live a full life. House of Israel, Turn, Tum, Tum.! Leave your bad ways. Please don't seek death." Yes indeed you are Israel's pardoner, You do this for every generation. No other will do this for us. Elohai, before I was created I was not much, and now that I am created I am not much more. If I am a clod while in this life, how much more so when I will be dead? I stand before You like a vessel filled with shame and remorse. Please help me. God, I don't want to sin ever again, and that which I incurred with my past sins, blot out with Your mercy, and not with the bad consequences I deserved. I don't want to be sick, I don't more suffering. I want your kindness. Amen.


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Ve'ha'vee-oteem el har kadshee, ve'see'mach'teem be'veyt tefee'latee. Oe-loe-tey'hem


??'? N1.i?~ n~~f1l1'~ 'D':;J '~ ,'n~v~ ?~ 11~1'? oo'D?'1

ve'zeev'chey'hem le ratzon al meez'bechee. Kee veytee veyt tfee'lah yee'kareyt le'clzolllll'ameem.

n~ 11~1~~ O'P01~




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Sh'ma koleynu YHVH Eloheynu chus ve'racheym aleynu. Ve kabeyl be rachamim u've'ratzon et tefila-teynu

.o·n?~ ~)'P.! 'li·1D ,n~~'li~1 :p~~ !~ ~)J''?iO Hashiveynu YHVH ve na'shuvah, chadesh yamey'nu ke'kedem

~):;}~ 11'~01 ~)'~ '1.~~ 11~1'? ~'i;l~ .U~'~O i1~':;1 ,!~ i1~,,~D ~)'1.~~ .~)~~i:q ~)1.~~ !~ ,~,~~'? Ama'reynu llll'zeenah Adonai, bee1lllh Jlllgee'geynu yeeh'yu l'ratzon eem'rey feenu v'heg'yon leebeynu l'fanechalz, Adonai tzureynu v'go'aleynu .


nur-t ?~ :r¥i1i? 0~11 ,:r'~~~P

~)~'~'Pt:l ?t<

Al taslzlieeceynu meel-fonec[uz, ve'ruaclt kadslzecaha, al teekaclz mee-menu

.~)J~~t:l ?~ ~)tl::> n1'~~ ,n~p' n~? ~)~'~\Ut:l


Al Tashleecheynu le'eyt zeek-nah, Kee'clte'loat koe'cheynu al ta'az'veynu .(2)


"And you shall bring them to my holy mountain, their various ways of getting close to me will all be acceptable, because My House shall be a House for ALL PEOPLE." Now hear our voices, awaken all mercies, accept our prayer from our current level of awareness. Bring us back to our core being and we will return there with gladness, Renew us as you have in days gone by. Cast us not away from before you. Take not your holy spirit away from us. As we grow older do not abandon us. When we become weaker, stay close to us.


'>ij?Nl ~J'>O?~,i1~1\J? n1N ~Jt}Y. i1W~ .~:)~~ PDlf-1 ?~ ,U'>;j?~ !~ ,~l~~~tl ?~ ~J~ll? .~J~~ :Tt1'1~ 1~~ ?~1 ~J~'~?tl ?~1 ,~J~\PrJ ?~1 u~'~tl ?~ ,~J'tliJ~ ~J~~?n~

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We are as Clay We are as day in potter's hand. She does contract, she does expand. So we are Yours to shape at will, we yield to you, our passions still.

A boat is steered by navigator's might, who turns to sea, turns to shore As long as you keep straight our keel, we yield to YOU --please help us feel!

Like mason shaping rough hewn, We are our stuff in flesh and bone. You deal with us in death, in life, We yield to you--Please Heal our Strife

As glass is shaped by blower's pipe and vessels made of every type. So YOU shape us that we may contain, we yield to YOU--in us remain.

The smith can shape a blade of steel, shape the edge ana bend the heel So through life's fires you temper us, We yield to YOU, surrender us.

As tapestry's formed thread by thread, and color is to texture wed. Our life is woven on your loom, we yield to YOU, save us from doom.

As jewelry is wrought from gold, and silver too is poured in mold. So you our souls, created, built, we yield to YOU, erase our guilt.


(leader chants)


~~'l11nN1 ~~'l11JN .• • I


'ii?N1 ~~'rl?N






Our Creator, Guiding Power of our ancestors,

.~~' 19:E> J~? ?nn .~~? n?o ?


•: -






(all together we chant)

selach lanu, m 'challanu, kafer lanu

Forgive us, pardon us, cover for us all. (leader chants)

~~'~t< ilfl~1 :f'~~ ~)~ .~~i;j?~ ilfl~1 :r~~ ~~~ ')~ (leader chants)

(group responds)

For we are Your people, We are Your children We are Your helpers We are Your body We are Your images We are Your flock We are Your plantings We are Your creation We are Your beloved We are Your treasure We are Your ...

and You our Holy Source. and You our Parent and You our Guiding Spirit and You our Designer and You our True Essence and You our Shepherd and You our Gardeners and You our Origin and You our Lover and You our Dearest Friend and You our...

.~~?-19:E> 1~~' ?nn ~~' n?o 1~~'ntJN •• -: 'ri?N1 •• •• ~~'ri?N •• 'T

•.• -








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.~~1);~)') ilfl~1 ,:r~~~.~ ~Jt< ;~Jl.\?1~ ilf-1~1 ,:r~l~ ~J~ .~J~)1i? i1fl~1 ,:r~~~y ~~2$ ;~~1)1 ilf-1~1 ,:r~~~1 ~Jl$ .~~1.'~~>.? ilfl~1 ,:r'l.'~~>.? ~Jt< ;~J~?>.? i1fl~1 ,:r'f~ ~J~

11~ nf-1~1 ~i)'

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;1~~D1 o~n1 ilf-1~1 ,o'~~ '1~ ~~2$

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:pt"J1JyJ~ N~il ilfl~1 ,1~1Y

(all together we chant)

We are the channels for Your Divine ruling force We are the holy sparks of Your glorious light

selach lanu, m 'challanu, kafer lanu

Forgive us, pardon us, .cover for us all.

•• I Have Pardoned

-,nn?o •


-: T

It is true, we cause pain to ourselves and others Still, the Source of mercy says... '.f1J:1~9 salachti, I pardon! Silence the inner voice that always condemns myself and other Source that grants pardon say... '.flf;1~9 salachti, I pardon! Even though we internalize anger and take it out on others, salachti, I pardon! '.f1D~9 . Source of love say... Heal our wounds, transform all suffering to healing, salachti, I pardon! Source of compassion say... '.f1'7l~9 Even if I feel unclean and undeserving, salachti, I pardon! Source of purification say... 'r-tD?.9 Grace us with a strong center of faith and harmony, 't-~D2.9 salachti, I pardon! Source of beauty say... Even though I stray from my pure essence and path of righteous '.f1'7l2.9 salachti, I pardon! Source of kindness say... Hear our voices, answer our prayers, Source of limitless potential say... '.f1D?.9 salachti, I pardon! Even though our world contains so many out of balance forces, 'r-tf;1?,9 salachti, I pardon! Source of creation says... Cleanse all our blemishes, clarify all our dark places, salachti, I pardon! Source of salvation says... 't-~D?.9 Eventhough____________ Source of _____ says ... salachti, I pardon! -J


(Group reads together)

Please pardon the errors of this people Through your limitless loving kindness As you have pardoned this people Since they left the narrow places of Egypt And until the present.

And The Source responds: "I do pardon you as you have asked."

NJY.)n1 Rachamana T T



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Rachamana d'anei

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D 'anei la-ani-yey Anei-na Rachamana D 'anei lit 'virei liba Aneina aneina

N~,~~ N~nn1 '1''1'


•• ,.


N::J.? '~~1 -r • '1':111? •• • I

N~,~~ ,N~,~~

Compassion's power who listens, wlto listens to the poor, answer and respond to us. Compassionate One who listens, and who listens to tlte broken hearted--answer, respond to us!!! Answer us! You who know our nature, respond to us. You who transfonn anger, transfonn us! You who can respond in an exquisite moment, answer us: have mercy, redeem, deliver, enlighten us now. Answer us!


D~~flf-1 ~~1 ,~)tl~~fl :t''~~? N·:J~ ,~)'fli:J~ 'O~Nl ~)'0·?~

~~ :f'~~? 1~1~ /11)' 'Vli?~ 0'~~ '1~ ~)~ 1'~~ ,~)tl~DflY:J

~~~ ,~)N\?D N?1 ~)J:1~~ D'P'1~ ,~)'tli:J~ 'OJNl ~)'D~tt .~JN\Jn ~J'l1iJ.N1 ~)nJN T -a : --: ttt


Renewal Oshamnu Who are we? We're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've abused, we've betrayed, we've been cruel, yes, we've destroyed. At our Core we're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've embittered, we have falsified, we have gossiped, yes, we have hated. Our real being is light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've insulted, we have jeered, we have killed, yes, we have lied. SWEEP IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! WIPE IT OUT! YES, CLEAN IT ALL OUT!

Who are we? We're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we have mocked, we've neglected, we've oppressed, we have perverted. At our core we're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we have quarreled, we've been racist, we have stolen, yes, we've transgressed. Our real being is light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've been unkind, we've been violent, we've been wicked, we've been xenophobic.

SWEEP IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! WIPE IT OUT! YES, CLEAN IT ALL OUT! ·Our essence is light. Yet the pristine purity of our essence is obscured by unwholesome attachments. Misguided attitudes of ourselves and others CU:t us off from the core of our being, bringing us darkness. But the holiness of our true selves can never be fouled or destroyed. Even in the midst of darkness we can always return to the real foundation of life. And we take responsibility to continually evolve our lives towards greater truth.

Traditional Oshamnu .'!:i1 ~J1l1 .~JJll .~J1l::l JJY.J'VN • I • Z -,. : I T 'r

Oshamnu. Bagadnu. Gazalnu. Dibarnu dofi

.1f?W ~J?~\? .~J?~O .~J11 ·~J~~lt11 ·~J'1~v He'evinu. V'hirshanu. Zadnu. Chamasnu. Tafalnu sheker . .~)11Y.) .~)~J .~):J':::> .~1T ~)~~' :--r :·:-• :-T Ya'atznu ra. Kizavnu. Latznu. Maradnu .

.l)-j)J ~J'~P J)l1~ .~J)(~~ .~J'1{' .~Jl19 .~)~~~ Ni'atznu. Sararnu. Avinu. Pashanu. Tzararnu. Kishinu oref. .~J)'n~n .~J,~n .~J:l~n .~Jnn'V .~J)''lJ1 :or:• •T :-• :-• :-T Rashanu. Shichatnu. Ti'avnu. Ta'inu. Titanu.


We have trespassed; we have dealt treacherously; we have robbed; we have slandered; We have acted perversely; we have done wrong; we have acted presumptuously; we have done violence; we have practiced deceit; We have counseled evil; we have spoken falsehood; we ~ave scoffed; we have revolted; We have blasphemed; we have rebelled; we have committed iniquity; we have transgressed; we have been oppressed; we have been stiff-necked; We have acted wickedly; we have dealt corruptly; we have committed abomination; we have gone astray; we have led others astray.



For the sin of condemning their extremists while "understanding" our own; And for the sin of tolerating our own teaching of hatred and ignoring the ways that our communities too frequently teach our young to demean Palestinians, Arabs, and sometimes even all non-Jews; For the sins of allowing Jewish institutions to be governed by those with the most money rather than those with the most spiritual and ethical sensitivity; And for the sins of not putting our money and our time behind our highest ideals and really giving the support that is needed to build Jewish institutions that do in fact represent our highest values; For the sins of not learning the Jewish tradition and studying Jewish history, literature, and holy texts; And for the sins of not teaming the depth and wisdom and meaning for our lives that can be found in Jewish spirituality, prayer, and in a Jewish path; For the sins of not recognizing and celebrating the beauty and grandeur of the universe that surrounds us; And for the sins of not recognizing and giving adequate attention to the beauty and miracles that are with us daily; 路 For the sin of not seeing the spirit of God in others; And for sin of not recognizing and nurturing the spirit of God within ourselves, For the sin of being "realistic" when our tradition calls upon us to transfonn reality; And for the sin of focusing only on our sins and not our strengths and beauties; For the sins of not adequately rejoicing and celebrating the beauty and grandeur of God's creation; And for the sin of not transcending ego-so we could see ourselves as we are: manifestations of God's loving energy on earth.

,~J? n2p ,nin'~9 oi?~ .~J?,.

19::> ~J? v-1 ,.

o~~ '~1

?nn 1

Ve'al kulam Eloha slichot, slach lanu, mechal lanu, kaper lanu. For all these, Lord of Forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement. (In some congregations the service stops after this is read, and people divide into small groups offour to five to discuss what particular aspects of this prayer make most sense to them, what they are going to do differently in the coming year, what support they need from others to help make changes in their lives, and what they are going to do to secure that support.)


Avinu Malkaynu ~)~~>? ~))~~ :p~~{ ~JN\?Q ~J~{~ ~)':;1~ Avina Malkeynu, clzatanu lefanecha,

illlt< N~~ J~~ ~)~ 1'~ ~)~{~ ~)':;1~ Avinu malkeynu, eyn lanu melech eleh atah

:p~~{ n~~¥' il~~'litl~ ~Y1''0D ~)~{~ ~)':;1~ Avinu malkeynu, ha-cha-zee·reynu bee ITshuvah shleymah lefanecha

il:J 1" ilJ'l.i ~J'J~ 'l.i:-rn ~J:::>~nJ ~)':tN T


•• "r"






Avinu malkelynu chadeysh aleynu shanah tovah.

:r>?~ '!.in? n~I.'P ilt<~£l1 n~'P ~)~?~ ~)':;lt< Avinu malkeynu shlach refu Iah shleymah leI choley amecha. ~)')'iN 1l~Y 1£lil ~)1>JY.l ~)':tN Avinu malkeynu hafer ptzat oylveynu ''




•• T





:p~~? ))" 111i'::l ~)l.i! ~)~?~ ~J':;lt< Avinu malkeynu zaclzreynu bezeechron tov lefanecha . 0':11" 0''n ~)).J11> . ·- 1£lU::l •,••• ··:,. ~)1>JY.l ··:- ~)':tN . ,. Avinu malkeynu katlveynu belseyfer chayyim toveem il~~'lh1 il~Nl 1£lU::l ~J)111> ~JJJY.l ~)':lN T'•,l •,•••:. ••:.,. ••:Avinu malkeynu, katlveynu be'seyfer gelulah veelshula · n?1>?:n il\?)1£l 1no::1 ~):l.n:::> ~):::>JY.l ~)':tN "ror:-: "''TZ•:••z ''IT ••:Avinu malkeynu, katlveynu belseyfer parlnasla velchal'kalah "r



1l)~:Jl ••• :

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Avinu malkeynu, kat Iveynu be Iseyfer zechu Iyot. n?,nY.l~ nn,?u 1nu::1 ~):l.n::> ~)JJY.) ~)':tN '•'''I ''IT ••:Avinu malkeynu, kat Iveynu be Iseyfer sleecha ume Icheela "'''•:




:111w~ n{'~'V~ ~J~ n~~D ~J~?~ ~)'~t< Avinu malkeynu, hatz Imach lanu yeshu Ia be lkavor

:r>?~ '~1¥'~

11\? Ol.D

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Avinu malkeynu, harem keren Yisra Iel amecha


0011 u~n ~)l.ip Y~\U ~J~{~ ~)'~t<

Avinu malkeynu, shma koleynu chus ve'racheym aleynu

~Jtl~~fl n~ 1i~1~~ 0'>;)01::1 ?~w ~)~?>:;) ~J'~~ Avinu malkeynu, kabeyl belrachameem uvlratzon et tefeellalteynu ~)9"1 ~J'JJ))J ?~1 ~)'J}' ?iY.ln ~)JJY.l ~Y>:tN T Avinu malkeynu, chamol alyeynu, vial ola'leynu, veltapeynu. •• -



•• ...



•• T





'li~1j? ?~ O~)?J~ 'li~:f '~~ 1~~{ il~~ ~J~{~ ~)'~~

Avinu malkeynu, aseh leI ma Ian ba Iey va 'esh uva Imayeem al keedu~h shemecha · 199

Our parent, our pathfinder, we have missed the mark! Our parent, our pathfinder, we have no other guide but you. Our parent, our pathfinder, return us to our Center through a complete transfo~ative process of Teshuvah (repentance and inner recentering). Our parent, our pathfinder, renew for us a Good Year. Our parent, our pathfinder, send a complete healing to the sick among us. Our parent our pathfinder, thwart .any negativity directed against us. Our parent our pathfinder, remember us in a good way! Our parent our pathfinder, inscribe us for a life of goodness. Our parent our pathfinder inscribe us for redemption and salvation. Our parent, our pathfinder, inscribe us for adequate material well-being and sustenance. Our parent, our pathfinder, inscribe us for a year of making powerful positive contributions to our world. Our parent, our pathfinder, inscribe us for a year in which we are forgiven and forgiving, transformed and compassionately contributing to the transformation of others. Our parent, our pathfinder, cause salvation to flourish for us quickly! Our parent, our pathfinder, let the best aspects and potentials for goodness of our people Israel become our dominant reality quickly. Our parent, our pathfinder, hear our voice, be kind and have mercy in light of our obvious failings! Our parent, our pathfinder, accept with enwombed compassion and favor our prayer. Our parent, our pathfinder, have pity on us, our children, and the child within us that has not fully recovered from its own psychic wounds. Our parent, our king, be inspired to compassion for us by thinking of those who endured the pains of fire and water and gave their lives in order to sanctify Your name by sticking to Your vision for our world in face of the overwhelming power of the oppressors.

t u












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Our Source and deep inner guide, we have let ourselves move from the truth. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, let our darkness be illuminated with light. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, help us to find inner peace. 路 Our Source and our deep inner guide, may we find you in all things. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, please let us learn to be healed. 0 Father, our guide on the way, help us to heal our world. Our Source and our deep inner guide, we know we are infinite being. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, we know too that we are but dust. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, please make Your Self known through us. Our Source and our deep inner guide, forgive us for the suffering we inflict. 0 Father, our guide on the way, renew for us now a good year. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, may we open to compassion within.

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Avinu Malkaynu chanaynu va'anaynu, ki ayn banu ma'asim. Asay imanu tzedakah vachesed, vehoshi 'aynu. Jmaynu Rachamaynu, chaninu va'aninu, ki ayn banu ma'asim. Asi imanu tzedakah vachesed, vehoshi 'aynu.

Our Center, Whole being that we are, Now open the ears of our hearts. Our deep inner Self, Oh now open our hearts, That we grace this world with our deeds. Let us bring forth all we are, through lives of justice and love. Let us become more loving and just to set free the God that we are. Yai lai lai. ..


Mourner's Kaddish

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Yitgadal veyitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay veyamlich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvchayay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'a gala uvizman kariv ve 'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevorach le 'olam ulalmay a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyithadar veyitaleh veyit 'halal shemay dekudeshah brich hu. Le 'ayla ulayla mikol birchatah veshirata tush' bechatah venechematah da 'amiran be'almah ve 'imru amen. Ye'hay shlama raba min shemaya vechayim alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve 'imru amen. Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya 'aseh shalom alaynu ve 'al kol Yisrael ve 'al kol yosh'vay tayvel ve'imru a'men.

May the great essence flower in our lives and expand throughout the world. May w~ learn to let it shine through so we can augment its glory. We praise, we continue to praise, and yet, whatever it is that we praise, is quite beyond the grasp of all these words and symbols that point us toward it. We know, and yet we do not know. May great peace pour forth from the heavens for us, for all Israel, for all who struggle toward truth. May that which makes harmony in the cosmos above, bring peace within us and between us, and to all who dwell on this earth, and let us say, Amen.


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latet gdula le-yotzer bereysheet, she-Joe asanu ke'goyey ha'aratzot, ve'loe samanu eem mispechot ha'adamah, she'loe same chelkeynua ema-hem, o?i).li1 ?.::> DY !))?1il1 vegoraleynu eem kol ha'olam T






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'li"lii?D ha kadosh baruch hu. '<1~ iP.1'1 0~~~ i1\;)"l:J N!)i1~ She'hu noteh shamayim veyosed aretz ?).:'~Y:) 0~~~~ ),j?~ J.~)Y.)!) umoshav yekaroe bashamayim mee'ma'al, D'>>;)),~ 'D:;t~~ il~. n~':;>\U!) ush 'china UZO, uschinat uzo, be gav'hey ii)) 1'~ ,!)J'D'~ N!)i1 meromim, Hu Eloheynu, eyn ode, 1n~n 0~~ ,u~?Q n'?~ emet malkeynu efes zulat, 1n,1n:::t J.!)n::>.::> ka'katuv be'toratecha, n"J.'lii1'l oi>n- T-J))j'>) ve'yadata hayom ve'ha-sheyvot a -a"'' T l ~;t;J.? ?2:;'( el li va'vecha, O'>ii,Nil . ,., ... N!)i1 i1'lil' '>:;). Kee Adonai Hu Ha Elohim, '~Y.:)Y.) o>n'li=::t ba'shama'yim mee-ma' al -- • •-Tno~>;) '<1~0 ?).!1 va'al ha'aretz, va'al ha'aretz, mee'tachat. i))) 1'~ Eyn ad, Eyn ad. Vene-emar: "va'haya Adonai, " i1'>i11 ,Y.)N)1 •.-1 r '<1~0 ?~ ?~ :r~~? Lemelech al kol ha'aretz: N!)i1D Oi'~ bayom hahu, bayom hahu inN .,. . . "y. i1'i1' ·.· .. yih'yeh Adonai echad inN in'li!) u'shemo ushemo ushemo echad." T



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11Y 1'~ ~J'DJ~ N~n Hu elohaynu ayn ode.

This is our power; there is nothing else! 0 come let us praise the Light of the world, and add to the greatness of the Shaper of Life, who made every people a spark divine, and blessed each one in its own special way; who gave to us a Torah of truth, and destined us to hallow this world. Let up lift up our hearts, in praise and joy and thanks, receiving the spirit, the Life within all life, the Holey Blessed One.


Andwehope howw~hope

that all the many gods of divisiveness and distortion, of pride and destruction, that all these gods, broken pieces of the whole, will find their way back into the single vessel of life, that the One might become truly One. We pray for a Tikk.un Olarn, a universal healing and transformation of our world: *for peace *social justice *ecological sanity *reconciliation of antagonists *repentance and forgiveness *joyful celebration *gentleness *pleasure and fun · *fulfilling relationships *fulfillment in our work *meaning to our lives *evolution of consciousness *expansion of our understanding *recognizing the Unity of All Being Love Permeating All May we hold to this vision which seems so incomprehensible, despite history, in the face of despair, that some day the Source of all being will be the center of all being forever and ever. On that day the Source will be known as One by all the faces of its glory!

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Vene'emar: "ve'haya Adonai lemelech alkol ha'aretz: bayom hahu (bayom hahu) yih'yeh Adonai echad ushemo (ushemo u'shemo) echad. 11 On that day the Source will be known as One by all the faces of its glory.


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Adon olam ashayr malach beterem kol yetzir nivra le'ayt na'asa vecheftzo kol azai melech shemo nikra Ve 'acharay kichlot hakollevado yimloch nora vehu haya vehu hoveh vehu yihe 'yeh betifara. Vehu echad ve 'ayn shayni lehamshillo lehachbira beli rayshit beli tach/it velo ha 'oz vehamisra Vehu Ayli vechai go'ali vetzur chevli be'ayt tzara vehu nisi umanos li menat kosi beyom ekra. Beyado ajkid ruchi be'ayt ishan ve'a'ira ve'im ruchi geviyati Adonai li velo ira. Source of all that was and is, before and beyond creatiqn's time. The central core expressed through being, each speck of life reflects its will. And when the world's delights are gone, alone it rules in mystic awe. It was, it is, always will be within the depths of all beauty. One alone, there is none else to match our God, to share all space. Without beginning, without end; all force and power spring from it. This is my life, my victory, bedrock of faith in time of pain. My banner high, my refuge sure, my inner wine I call in prayer. So in its hand I set my soul, both when I sleep and when I wake, and with my soul, my body too, God is in me I will not fear.




Psalm 27 Yah, you are my light, my Savior, whom need I

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dread? Yah, with You as my strong Protector,






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who can make me panic? When hateful bullies gang ~p on me,

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to oppress and terrorize me, they are the ones who Even if a gang surrounds me, my heart is not weakened, if a battle is joined around me,

Listen, Yah, to the sound of my cry, and, being kind, answer me. My heart has said: I turn to seek You. Your presence is what I beg for.

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Only one thing do I ask of You, Yah, just this alone do I seek: I want to be at home with You, Yah, all the days of my life. I want to delight in seeing you when I come to visit You in Your Temple. You hide me in Your succah on a foul day. You conceal me unseen in Your tent and also raise me beyond anyone's reach. And now, as You have held my head high, despite the presence of my powerful foes, I prepare to celebrate and thrill, singing and making music to You, Yah.


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my trust in You is firm.




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stumble and fall.







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Don't hide Your face from me. Don't just put me down. You who have been my helped, don't abandon me, don't forsake me, God, my support. Though father and mother have left me, YOU, Yah, will hold me securely. Please teach me Your way and guide me on the straight path. Discourage those who defame me. False witnesses stood up against me, belching out violence. Don't let me become the victim of my foes. I w9uld not have survived if I had not hoped that I woUld yet see Yah's goodness fully alive on Earth. So, friend, you too, hope to Yah. Be sturdy! And make strong your heart! And most of all-keep hoping to Yah.


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1~~,D~ 1P.J?~ ~n 0{')~ l11l[)~ Achat Sha'al'tee mey-eyt Adonie oe-tah avakesh (2) Sheev-tee beh-veyt Adonie kol yemey cha-yie, lachazot benoe-am benoeam Adonie ul 'eh vaker be~ey-cha-loe One thing I ask, yes, just one little thing, I ask the Lord my God (2) To dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to taste in the goodness and kindness and love that the God of the universe sustains, to be God's real image, to be love and peace, to be kindness and gentleness and joy.

CLOSING BENEDICTION May the Blessings of God Rest Upon You. May God's Peace Abide With You. May God's Presence Illuminate Your Heart Now and Forevermore.

Le'Shana Tova Teekateyvu, Le Shana Tova Teekateyvu, Teekateyvu ve Tee-cham-teymu. May We all be inscribed for a year of goodness, peace, health, fulfillment and love.



•• •

Yizkor Service


Yizkor: The Memorial Service To every thing, turn, tum, tum, There is a season, tum, tum, turn, A time for everything under the sun. A time to be born and a time to die, A time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to seek and a time to lose. This is the time we remember those who gave meaning to our lives. The is the time we remember the bonds that tied us together, the love that we shared, and the memories that remain with us all. God, what are humans that You care for them; the children of humanity that You should take account of them? Teach us to number our days, so that we can develop a wise heart. You turn us to contrition saying, "Return, you whose days are so limited." Would that we were wise and could really live in full acknowledgment of the death that will inevitably overtake us and break through our arrogance, our pretences, our vain attempts to accumulate power or money or fame that will last beyond our death. When we die we take nothing away. Our glory will not descend along with us, and those who have known us will also die. Seek to live a life of goodness and kindness, to promote the tikkun of the world, to give away much of what you have earned in order to alleviate the suffering of others. Support the movements that seek a world of love and kindness and generosity and peace-with your time, your energies, your money, your enthusiasm. Follow the path of righteousness as best you can understand it. Be an embodiment of the world you seek to create--to the greatest extent you can. Have compassion, for yourself and for others. The peace that comes to all with death can be lived as inner peace and wholeness right now. Learn that path now, live that path now, and help others to overcome poverty, war, and oppression even as you develop your own inner life. This is the path of peace. The Eternal can be trusted to redeem the soul of the righteous. No one who trusts in God shall be abandoned-you will live in the light of God forever.


Those I have loved, though now beyond my view, Have given form and quality to my being. They have led me into the wide universe I continue to inhabit, and their presence is more to me than their absence. Rabbi Morris Adler

Lim 'not yamaynu kayn hodah venavi levav choch 'mah. Teach us to treasure each day, that we may open our hearts to your wisdom. from Psalm 90 (The Yizkor prayers below are only suggestions-they are place holders for you to bring to mind the memory of those whom you loved and who are no longer alive. Please feel free to bring up the memory of your departed and to say to them whatever you wish to say. It is perfectly appropriate to have a mixture of feelings that range from sadness about having lost these people to joy in recalling the good parts of your relationship to anger at what didn't feel right. Be real and speak your heart, and if the suggested yizkor statements below resonate, feel free to use them.)


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·1~~ Yizkor Elohim nishmot ahuvataynu shehalchu le 'olamam. Ana tihe 'yehnah nafshotayhem tzerurot betzror hachayim. Began eden t'hay menuchatam. Venomar amen. May the souls of our loved ones who have departed to the next world be in the memory of God. May their spirit be wrapped in a warm embrace of eternal life. May they be at rest. And let us say amen.


In memory of a father:

In Memory of a Life-Partner:

Your memory, my dear father, fills my soul at this solemn hour. It revives in me thoughts of the love and friendship you gave me. I pray that the good parts of what I learned from you will remain alive in me 路and be passed on to others in my life, and through the evolution of the consciousness of the human race your soul will be bound in the bound of eternal life. The Eternal God is your inheritance; may you rest in peace. Amen.

Your memory remains with me though I can no longer fully experience the joy and pleasure that came througn sharing so much with you. I miss you, and I still have a part of my heart that loves you and misses you. There are so many things I wish I had said when you were alive, so many ways that I wish I had been different and more fully present to you. And my memory of you is full, acknowledging the difficult moments that we had, but seeing them as far less important than the many fulfilling moments. I honor the depth of our relationship, its complexity, and its beauty, its many joys and pleasures. You remain alive through me. The Eternal God is your inheritance; may you rest in peace.

In memory of a mother: Your memory, my dear mother, fills my soul at this solemn hour. I remember the days when you were among us on earth, and the tender love and friendship you gave me. The bonds that unite our souls can never be severed. I pray that the good parts of what I learned from you will remain alive in me and be passed on to others in my life, and through the evolution of the consciousness of the human race your soul will be bound in the bound of eternal life. The Eternal God is your inheritance; may you rest in peace. Amen.

In Memory of a Child: Nothing will ever fully reconcile me to the loss of you. My heart aches for the pain of that loss. And yet, I wish to remember you not only in having lost you, but also in the moments of joy that I had with you. My darling child, I do not pretend to understand why you were taken from this life, but know that you remain alive in my memories and in my love for you. The life energy that flowed through you was a source of joy and pleasure when you were with me, and I affirm your spirit with its beauty and depth and goodness. The Eternal God is your inheritance; may you rest in peace.

Conclude all the particular Yizkor memories with the following: May those who I grieve today be bound in the bonds of eternal life. To honor their memory, I will take the following actions (Fill in what ever is really something you will do ........Suggestions: a donation of time and/ or money to a movement for social justice, peace, ecological sanity or to Beyt Tikkun or to a spiritual practice, to observance of Shabbat or to study of Torah). In addition, I will make sure that those in my life who I treasure fully understand how much I care about them, how much joy and pleasure their presence in my life gives to me, and I will take concrete steps to bring more love and joy into my life and into the life of those who encounter me.


Yizkor for the Martyrs 0 Lord of Life. All life is in Your hands. One generation comes into the world to be blessed with peace and safety-we get to .enjoy the best tha~ this w~rld offer~, not by our merit, but by chance that we are so sttuated. Others, alive at this same time, or at other times, go through the valley of the shadow, enduring the cruelties of persecution and war, not because they deserve it. There is too much suffering, God! We see it in the deaths of children who could not have healed this world yet. We see moments in which the just are defeated, the innocent drives from their homes, and the righteous suffer a martyrdom as merciless as any age has witnessed. At this Yizkor we recall with grief all Your children, from all peoples, all races, all religions, who have perished through the cruelty of the oppressor, victims of demonic hate, victims of people who have misused ideologies, religious systems, visions of "scientific progress," precious ideals like democracy or freedom or socialism or even misused the ideal of love itself, and turned these ideals into weapons that could be used to hurt others. We live at a time when millions of children die every year from malnutrition and preventable diseases, yet most people pay no attention or don't want to consider the changes in the world economic system that could eliminate these unnecessary deaths. We have watched as people closed their eyes and shut their ears to tile pain and the cries of those who were being unfairly imprisoned, tortured, maimed, and killed, the people who "didn't want to be bothered" or who were "too busy to get involved" or "couldn't afford to donate" or who otherwise opted out of the struggle to build a world with more social justice, peace and loving-kindness. Today we stand in witness of all those who have suffered or are still suffering: the aged and young, the learned and unlettered, the homeless and the hungry, tlle children who died for lack of food, the elderly who died for lack of adequate health care, the victims of oppression and neglect, the courageous who challenged systems of oppression and the random victims of violence and wars. We remember our own people, Jews who were driven in multitudes along the road of pain and pitiless death. Their very presence on earth was begrudged tllem, for the brought Your covenant of mercy and justice to the recollection of those who have chosen to be Your enemies. These Jews perished because they were a symbol of Your eternal message of peace and kindness and justice and truth. Their deaths have brought darkness to the human soul. All of these victims, the victims of the Holocaust and the victims of all the other sufferings of the human race, lie in nameless graves, in far-off forests and lonely fields. Yet they shall not be forgotten. We take them into our hearts and give them a place beside the cherished memories of our own loved ones. They now are ours. May their memory be for a blessing.


El Malay Rachamim '~~~ nQtJ i1~tJ~ i1Q~)'? N~'?D ,0'>;))1)f~ 1;.>)\!.i ,O'Y:J01 N7,~ ?~ n~ ,D'l'tlV~ ~'i?1iJ 1iJ.l~ 0'11n'?~ O'yj11f? n1?~>.;l~ ,n~'~'PD ,N~~ .OtJD~)~ Ntlf111).! 1~~ ,o~~1Y{ ~:J{D\9 ~)'t1J~i1~ n1n'P~ 1i1~~ 1)1~~ ,O'Y:J~)Y{ :p~~f 1tJP~ DtJl.'fl9iJ 0'Y:J01i) ?~~ ,o~~~p ?~ o1?楼i~ ~n~J!1 ,Ofl~O~ N~n !~ ,Oi)'Din'P~ n~ 0'~DD 路1~~


El malay rachamim, shochayn bam 'romim, hamtzay menucha n 'chonah tachat kan 'fay ha'sh'china, bema'alot kedushim ut'horim kezohar harakiya mazhirim, et nishmot ahuvataynu shehalchu le'olamam, began eden tehay menuchatam. Ana ba'al harachamim hastiray'hem besayter kenafecha le'olamim, utzror bitzror hachayim et nishmotay'hem, Adonai hu nachalatam, v'yanuchu b'shalom al mish'kevam, v'nomaramen.

0 God, exalted and full of compassion, grant perfect peace in your sheltering presence, among the holy and the pure, to the souls of our loved ones, who have departed from this world. Source of Mercy, bring them into Your presence. Let their souls be bound up in the bond of eternity. May their memory inspire us to live justly and kindly.. May they rest in peace, and may they be bound up in the bond of eternal life. And let us say: Amen.

When I'm Gone (by Phil Ochs) There's no place in this world where I'll belong when I'm gone And I won't know the right from the wrong when I'm gone And you won't find me singin' on this song when I'm gone So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here And I won't feel the flowing of the time when .. . All the pleasures of love will not be mine when .. . My pen won't pour out a lyric line when ... So ... And I won't breathe the brandy air .. . And I can't even worry bout my cares .. . Won't be asked to do my share ... So .. . And I won't be running from the rain .. . And I can't even suffer from the pain.. . There's nothing I can lose or I can gain.. . Won't see the golden of the sun ... And the evenings & the mornings will be one ... Can't be singing louder than the Sun, So .... All my days won't be dances of delight... And the sands will be shifting from my sight. .. Can't add my name into the fight... So ... And I won't be laughing at the lies ... And I can't question how or when or why ... Can't live proud enough to die ...So ...


El Malay Rachamim

by Anne Brener and Ivan Ickovits. Womb god Cauldron of Compassion, Dweller in the High places: May the rest that is deserved be found Under the wings of the Shechinah Your dwelling place on High: The Holy, Pure, Shining, Radiant Firmament for the soul of our Beloved Relatives and Friends who walk in their place of eternity. Please, Holder of Compassion, Veil them in the mystery of the infinite winged dwelling place. Bind them there, among the bundled souls 路 alive to the stillness that is You. You are their Inheritance. May they Rest in wholeness. And may we say Amen.

We Will Remember In the rising of the sun and in its going down, we will remember -In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we will remember them; In the opening buds and in the rebirth of spring, we will remember them; In the rustling of the leaves and the beauty of autumn, we will remember them; In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we will remember them; When we are weary and in need of strength, let us remember them; When we are lost and sick at heart, let us remember them; When we have joys we yearn to share, let us remember them; So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us, As we remember them.


MEDITATION BEFORE KADDISH: lit the Name of God, Source ofAll Becoming: I say to my [cltoose one or more: holy, revered, beloved, devoted, sweet} ffather, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband or wife} [his or her name}: 路 In every place and in every space in this great cosmos, it is known and revealed tit at you /rave left your Earthly body and this plrysica/ world. God It as called you home. I remain ever-glad and ever-grateful for the Divine-gift ofyour life, and though my heart still yearns for your physical presence, with love, wit/1 honor, and with blessing, I give you back to God, and release you to eternity. I celebrate your soul-journey to tlte Lightto tltat awesome place of revelation and knowing, of redemption and salvation, ofpeace and harmony, of grace, and compassion, and infinite love. I am comforted and heartened knowing that you dwell in God's Slreltering Presence, immersed in God's Holy Spirit For, with God, it is safe, and sweet, and good. To tlte Name of God, Source ofAll Blessing: I come before You at tltat most sacred and wondrous place where Heaven and Earth touclt. I stand with all those of the Divine Assembly, and with all who desire to do holy work, to speak these words tltat eclto through tlrere, and here, and everywhere, tltrouglt tlten, and now, and forever; these words of hope and promise, transformation, and evolution, faith and love. To You, 0 God, I speak tlrese ancient and ageless words ofpraise and glory, to Your Great and Holy Name.


Mourner's Kaddish :p~~!1 ntl~~l~ N1:;t '1 N~~~~ N~1 il~\U 'V1t?~~1 ?1~tJ~ N~~~~ ?~1¥J~ l1'~ ?~1 '?.D:;t~ 1i''~i'~~ 1i''?.D~ i1tl~,~~ .,,~ ~1>?~

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.,,~ ~1~l:<1 ?~tl '~~i' ?~ ?~1 ,~,¥'~ Yitgadal veyitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay veyamlich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvchayay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'a gala uvizman kariv ve'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevorach le'olam ulalmay a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyithadar veyitaleh veyit'halal shemay dekudeshah brich hu. Le'ayla ulayla mikol birchatah veshirata tush'bechatah venechematah da'amiran be'almah ve'imru amen. Ye 'hay shlama raba min shemaya vechayim alaynu ve 'al kol Yisrael ve 'imru amen. . Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya'aseh shalom alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve'al kol yosh'vay tayvel ve'imru a'men.

May the great essence flower in our lives and expand throughout the world. May we learn to let it shine through so we can augment its glory. We praise, we continue to praise, and yet, whatever it is that we praise, is quite beyond the grasp of all these words and symbols that point us toward it. We know, and yet we do not know. May great peace pour forth from the heavens for us, for all Israel, for all who struggle toward truth. May that which makes harmony in the cosmos above, bring peace within us and between us, and to all who dwell on this earth, and let us say, Amen. 216

Psalm 23

MIZMOR LE'DAVID :10nN ,. : ... NJ '>)'.1 . 111.11' ... : Adc:nai roe-ee lo echsar

The LoRD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

:'>J?nJ' n1nJn 'n-?~ 'J~'::l1' N\!J~ n1NJ::l • •• -: -


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Bin'ot desheh yar-bitzeni a/ may m'nu~hot ye~a-haleni.

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In lush pastures He makes me lie. He leads me besides tranquil waters.

:1n~ 1~~? P1~-,?.~~~~ '~D~! :t~1\!J~ ''?i~l Nafshi yeshovev yancheni b'ma'aglei tzedek l'ma'an sh'mo.

He restores my soul, and guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of His Name.

'l~Y. n.u~-'~ )J) N)'>~-N~ 11V~~~ N'~~ 12~-'~ 0~ Gam ki elech b'gei tzal-mavet lo ira ra ki Atah ee-madi,

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me

:'~~Ol~ n~o l~~~y)Y:l~


Shiv-t'cha oo-mish'antecha hemah yena-cha-muni.

Your z:od and Your staff, they comfort me.

''Jl~ 1~~ 1D~~ '~~? 7(1~B Ta'aroch l'fanai shu/chan, neged tzo--rye,

You prepare a table before me in the full presence of my enemies.




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Dishan-ta vashemen roshi, kosi revayah.

You annoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

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Ach Tov va-chesed yir-d'funi kol yemei cha-yai,

Surely goodness and m!!rcy shal~ pursue me all the days of my life.

: 0'>>;)~ 11N? J11J1~- ll'>:;}~ 'r-l~ ~1 V'shavti b'vayt Adonai l'orech yamim. And I will dwell in the house of the LoRD for long days.

May the great essence flower in our lives and expand throughout the world. May we learn to let it shine through so we can augment its glory. We praise, we continue to praise, and yet, whatever it is that we praise, is quite beyond the grasp of all these words and symbols thi;tt point us toward it. We know, and yet we do not know. May great peace pour forth from the heavens for us, for all Israel, for all who struggle toward truth. May that which makes harmony in the cosmos above, bring peace within us and between us, and to all who dwell on this earth, and let us say, Amen.


MUSAF for Yom Kipper ';p~~!) ntH)'1~ N1~ '1 N~{{'~ ,N~1 n~\U 'li1i?fl~1 ?1~fl~

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路1~~ ~1~l:'<1 .N~?{'~ 11'Y:l~1 N{lt;10~1 Nfi0~楼Jt.!

Yitgadal ve 'yitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay ve 'yamlich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvcha 'yay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'agala uvizman kariv ve'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevarach le'olam ul'almay a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyit'hadar veyitaleh veyit'halal shemay dekudeshah brich hu. Le'aylah ule'aylah mikol birchatah veshirata tush'bechatah venechematah da'amiran be'almah ve'imru amen.

Translation of the Chatzi Kaddish Let us make the great Name known as holy. Let the Name fill the world, formed by its will. May the earth be its realm. May it fill our lives and days. May it spread throughout all Israel, swiftly and soon, and let us say Amen. May the great Name be blessed for as long as the universe lasts. Let the Name be praised and glorified. Let the Name become potent, lifted up, raised on high. Let the name be graced in beauty, praised in song, ascend in joy. The name, the Name of the Holy: blessed be the Name. And yet the Holy that we name is far beyond all blessing, all prayers, all songs of praise and hymns of glory: all words that we utter in this world. So let us chant our praise, then cease and say, Amen.






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Amidah (English for Musaf) Help me, 0 God, to pray. Our ancestors worshipped You. Abraham and Sarah, Rebecca and Isaac, Jacob, Rachel and Leah stood in awe before You. We too reach for You, infinite, awesome, transcendent God, source of all being whose truth shines through our ancestors' lives. We, their distant descendants, draw strength from their lives and from your redeeming love. Be our help and our shield, as You were theirs. We praise You, God, Guardian of Abraham, Helper of Sarah. Your power sustains the universe. You breathe life into dead matter. With compassion You care for those who live. Your limitless love lets life triumph over death, heals the sick, upholds the exhausted, frees the enslaved, and helps us to keep our faith in the midst of the pain and suffering of life. Who is like You, God of splendor and power incomparable? You govern both life and death. Your Presence causes our souls to blossom. We praise You, God, sustainer of all life. Sacred are You, sacred is Your mystery. Seekers of holiness worship You all their lives. We praise You, God, ultimate mystery. Blessed be the compassion within us, the Power of holiness. May each of us, may all creatures sense the awesome power of the Divine at our core, wholeheartedly surrendering to the unity of the Whole, joining into a single Community to complete the Grand Design. We know, we have always known, that God, the Eternal, embraces all creation. Let us devote ourselves to the work; let us allow this unity to flow through all time and space. Let Israel, our people, let all people, glory in God; let those who are filled with awe sing for joy! Let those who seek God find their hope, bringing joy to the earth, and gladness to all people, giving birth to enlightenment-Messiah, kindling the light of David soon in our days. May we be holy. May we see and be glad in our rejoicing. May we celebrate in song as the dominion of arrogance is swept from the earth, and evil dissolves and vanishes like smoke. How holy we are in our essence. How awesome we are in the depths of our souls. No power is really separate from our inner collective unity. As it says in the teachings, the Source of this teeming universe becomes lifted through justice and loving kindness." 11


The place of new beginning is here in our souls. Can we bring this vision forth? ~an w_e mak~ it real in our world? Our past says no, but our hearts say yes. It IS not Impossible. It can be done! We have tasted the vision. We are one with the Power of goodness. Let us work and struggle to give it birth.

Our people has been chosen; all peoples have been chosen; you and I have been chosen. We have felt God's love in every spark of love. We have sensed God's holiness in our moments of joy, in our deeds of justice and love. (This Shabbos day.) This day of At-one-ment is a day for forgiving, for clearing, for at-one-ing--this time for 路 gathering in holiness to remember the going forth from Egypt. Would that Your people at prayer gained delight in the spiritual path. Would that we were aflame with the passionate piety of our ancestors' worship. May You find our worship acceptable and forever cherish Your creation. If only our eyes could see Your glory perennially renewed in Jerusalem, and all Holy places throughout the world. We praise You, God, whose presence forever radiates from Your creation in Holiness. On this, the Holy Day of Yom Kippur may the grace of God ascend within us, opening our ears, opening our h~arts and minds to the flame of our ancestors, to the flame of enlightenment, to our people Israel, and to all humankind. May the joy and depth of this day thread its way into our day-today lives, and bring us and those we meet goodness and blessing, life and peace. We praise you, God, whose liberatory, compassionate and forgiving energy allows us every year at this time to transcend past mistaken paths and to find our way back to our highest essence, You, the Pathfinder that leads us back to a life in which holiness can flourish. You are our God today as You were our ancestors' God throughout the ages. Firm foundation of our lives, we are Yours in gratitude and love. Our lives are safe in Your hand, our souls entrusted to Your care. Our sense of wonder and our praise of Your miracles and kindnesses greet You daily at dusk, dawn, and noon. 0 Gentle One, Your caring is endless. 0 Compassionate One, Your love is eternal. You are forever our hope. Let all the living greet You with thankfulness, delight, and truth. Help us, 0 God. Sustain us. We praise You, whose touchstone is goodness. May our prayers bring us to a state of joy. 0 God, from whom all peace flows, grant serenity to the Jewish people, and to all people, Your creation. Consider us kindly. Grant love and mercy, life and goodness to all of Your creation. Bless us with tranquility at all times and in all seasons. We praise You, God, whose blessing is peace.


Renewal Oshamnu Who are we? We're light and truth and.infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've abused, we've betrayed, we've been cruel, yes, we've destroyed. At our Core we're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've embittered, we have falsified, we have gossiped, yes, we have hated. Our real being is light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've insulted, we have jeered, we have killed, yes, we have lied. SWEEP IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! WIPE IT OUT! YES, CLEAN IT ALL OUT! Who are we? We're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we have mocked, we've neglected, we've oppressed, we have perverted. At our core we're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we have quarreled, we've been racist, we have stolen, yes, we've transgressed. Our real being is light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've been unkind, we've been violent, we've been wicked, we've been xenophobic. SWEEP IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! WIPE IT OUT! YES, CLEAN IT ALL OUT! Our essence is light. Yet the pristine purity of our essence is obscured by unwholesome attachments. Misguided attitudes of ourselves and others cut us off from the core of our being, bringing us darkness. But the holiness of our true selves can never be fouled or destroyed. Even in the midst of darkness we can always return to the real foundation of life. And we take responsibility to continually evolve our lives towards greater truth.


AI Cheyt .. ~J~ ,~~ ,~)~

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Ve 'a/ kulam Eloha slichot, slach lanu, mechallanu, kaper lanu. For all these we ask God and one another for forgiveness, We sin against You when we sin against ourselves; For our failures of truth, 0 Lord, we ask forgiveness: (Cong.) for pretending to emotions that we do not feel; for using the sins of others to excuse our own; for denying responsibility for our misfortunes; for refusing to admit our share in the troubles of others; for condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves; for condemning in our parents the faults we tolerate in ourselves; for passing judgment without knowledge of the facts; for remembering the price of things but forgetting their values; for teaching our children everything but the meaning of life; for loving our egos better than truth . (Leader)

.~)~ ,~~ ,~J~

'DY:l ,~J~ n~p ,nin')~? Di'~ o~~. '~1

Ve'al kulam Eloha slichot, slach lanu, mechallanu, kapayr lanu. For all these we ask God and one another for forgiveness, We sin against you when we sin against ourselves; For our failures of love, 0 Lord, we ask forgiveness: (Cong.) for using people as stepping stones to advancement; for confusing love and lust; for hiding from others behind an armor of mistrust; for treating with arrogance people weaker than ourselves; for condescending toward those whom we regard as inferiors; for the sin of filling the common air with poisons; for the sin of making our waters unfit to drink and unsafe for fish; for the sin of pouring noxious chemicals upon trees and soil; for the sin of war; for the sin of aggressive war; for the sin of appeasing aggressors; for the sin of building weapons of mass destruction; for the sin of obeying criminal orders; for the sin of lacking civil courage; for the sin of silence and indifference; for the sin of running to do evil, but limping to do good. For all these sins, 0 forgiving God, forgive us, teach us to forgive ourselves, and help us to overcome them . (Leader)

.~)~ ,~~ ,~)~ JD~ ,~J~ n~? ,nin')~? DiJ~ o~~. '~1 ve'al kulam Eloha slichot, slach lanu, mechallanu, kapayr lanu. For all these we ask God and one another for forgiveness. 233

Avinu Malkaynu Our Source and deep inner guide, we have let ourselves move from the truth. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, let our darkness be illuminated with light. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, help us to find inner peace. Our Source and our deep inner guide, may we find you in all things. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, please let us learn to be healed. 0 Father, our guide on the way, help us to heal our world. Our Source and our deep inner guide, we know we are infinite being. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, we know too that we are but dust. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, please make Your Self known through us. Our Source and our deep inner guide, forgive us for the suffering we inflict. 0 Father, our guide on the way, renew for us now a good year. 路 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, may we open to compassion within.

0'\U~~ ~J~ 1'~ ,~ ~J~~l ~J~O ~J~?>.;l. ~J'~~


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Our Center, Whole being that we are, Now open the ears of our hearts. Our deep inner Self, Oh now open our hearts, That we grace this world with our deeds. Let us bring forth all we are, through lives of justice and love. Let us become more loving and just to set free the God that we are. Yai lai lai... Concluding paragraph of the Amidah:

'~~~ '~?t?~~,1~~1~ 1~1~ 'tl~~!) )'1P. '~i'V? ,,~~ t'tl~~ :pt'li~~~~ :t'{l11n~ '~~ ntl!p .n~i;lt-1 ?'1)~ i~{'? ''?i~~1 ,o11n ~i?.?t?1 Oil~~ 1~0 ii1D~ ,i1{'1 '~{' 0'~楼-iinD-~~1 .''?i~~ ~11lf-l ,:J't'l~!J? 1~>?? ilW~ ,:f~'~~ 1~~? il~~ ,:f~~ 1~~~ il~~ .or-t;t~O~ 234

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May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. When confronted by negativity may my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me, God, because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my mouth and in the feelings of my heart, 0 God, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain harmony in the heavens, so grant peace to us, to the whole Jewish people, to all peoples everywhere, and to the world. Amen. Amidah ends here.

Oseh Shalom May the One who creates harmony in the cosmos above create peace within and amongst us, for all Israel, and for all who dwell on the earth, and let us say amen.

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Oseh shalom bimromav Hu ya 'aseh shalom aleynu ve'al kol Yisrael, ve'imru amen. Ya 'aseh shalom aleynu ve 'a/ kol ha 'olam.


Musaf Yom Kippur I am the Reflection of You Help me to let go of my preoccupations with the future. Give me the strength to stop my futile attempts to predict and control the future. Rid me of my senseless questions about tomorrow and of all my desires to manipulate and control others. Remind me that my fears and uncertainties of tomorrow are only related to my unfounded fear of You. Help me be still Help me listen and love Awaken me to the truth of Your Presence being only in the now of this moment. Lift me up into Your Arms and remind me that I am Your creation, and that I am the Perfection of Love. Help me to acknowledge that I am Your Messenger of Love, and free me to shine Your Light everywhere. Let me feel Your freedom within me, and let me laugh at the illusions that my ego once made me feel were so real. Let me be the Light,路 let me be joy; Let me know that I am the reflection of wherever I am and wherever I go. --Gerald G. Jampolsky

Musaf is the "Additional Service" recited on the Sabbath and holy days. Today we recite Musaf after Shacharit (the Morning Service), I<riyat HaTorah (the Torah Service), and Yizkor (remembering those who have died). The following prayers and thoughts are from the traditional Musaf Service. Centuries ago when our ancestors lived in the holy land and the Temple stood in Jerusalem, the worship on Yom Kippur Day was elaborate and inspiring. In culmination of the day's observance, the High Priest alone entered the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was a small room in the Temple which housed the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark contained the Ten Commandments and the Torah. With the destruction of the Temple, prayers recounting the intensity of this experience were introduced to sustain the Yom Kippur experience of being cleansed from the less wholesome parts of our lives. May these prayers unlock the sacred depths within each of us so that we more fully experience the unique possibilities inherent in this Musaf Service.


Invocation to the Avodah Service (Please rise.) Beloved Oneness, Shechina: You dwelled in the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem. You were visited there by the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, on Yom Kippur. Inspire our he~s a~ we stan~ before you today. May our spirits soar amid the prayers and chants, the meditations and ntuals that we are about to perform. Inspire our hearts with blessings to bless this New Year, to pray for our families, to bless this planet, the cosmos, each human being, and all life.. ~ay o1:1r ~piritualleaders lead us to awaken in this sacred time. May we open to the potentiality Within us and emerge cleansed and free. Standing before the Congregation, the Shalichey Tzibur, the leaders of our worship, chant the Aleynu. They bow and prostrate themselves in remembrance of the people's bowing and prostrating in Temple times. They do this before the Ark, symbolic of the Holy of Holies, whlch in tum is symbolic of that part of us most sacred and unified with the essence of God.

Aleynu - Accepting Our Responsibility

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.11)' 1'~ no~~ ~1~0 Aleynu l'shabeyach la'adon hakollateyt gedula l'yotzeyr b'reyshit, shenatan lanu Torat emet v'cha'yey olam nata b'tocheynu. Va'anachnu korim umishtachavot umodim lifney moreynu, mekor hachayim simchat libeynu, hakadosh baruch hu. Shehu noteh shamayim veyosed aretz, haporeys k'nafav aleynu u 'meynikeynu b 'chasdo. Hu Eloheynu eyn od; anu yakirav nafsheynu tzama lo, kakatuv b'Torato v'yadata hayom v'hasheyvota ell'vavecha ki Adonai Hu ha'Elohim ba'sha'mayim mima'al v'al ha'aretz mitachat eyn od. We are called to see the Mastery within everything, to increase our wonder at the forces that formed the universe from the beginning. We were given Truth, in the form of Torah, and inner life was planted within our midst. We now kneel and bow and fall on our faces before our greatest mentor, the source of our life, the joy of our hearts, the Holy One, who is stretched across the light years of heaven, who undergirds earthly matter, who spreads Her wings over us and nurses us with generosity. You are our God with no comparisons. We are Your dear ones whose souls thirst for your active presence. As it says in the Torah, "May you know this very day, and take deeply into your hearts, that the Eternal is the God of nature everywhere, in the highest heav~ns and undergirding the essence of earthly matter."


Calling on the Divine Name¡ In Temple times, as part of the Yom Kippur observance, the Kohen Gadol (I;figh Priest) would recite the Divine Name, the Yod Hay Vav Hay. When the Kohani.~ (Priests) and all the people standing in the courtyard of the Temple, heard the D1vme Name pronounced by the Kohen Gadol, in holiness and purity, they knelt down and fell on their faces saying,

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Baruch Shem Kevod, Malchuto Le'olam Va'ed. "Blessed be the glorious majesty of the Name throughout all time and space."

The Kohen Gadol prolonged his utterance of the Divine Name in awe-inspiring fashion until the people completed their blessing. Then he called out to them and they heard him call from within the holy of Holies, "Tit'haru. You are purified.'' Let's take a moment to listen to our breath and feel the Divine within us, the "breath inside the breath." And let's respond to the sound of our breath with this sacred word: ~jflt)T-1 T



Tit'haru. You Are Purified.

The Escape Goat Offering In Temple times, the Kohen Gadol would then emerge from the Holy of Holies. Two goats were then brought before him. Th~ goats were alike and equal and stood ready to be ~sed as an atonement for the Children of Israel. Two lots made of gold were thrown into a basket from which the Kohen Gadol drew one lot to determine which goat was to remain in the Temple and which was to be sent away to the steep rocky wilderness. The Kohen Gadol tied a red thread around the head of the goat fo be sent away and another on the edge of the altar in the outer court where the sacrifices were offered. The goat was sent off to the landing from which it would be sent to the wilderness with special attendants. Then the Kohen Gadol stepped back into the Holy of Holies and prayed: (Read the italics in unison here and on the next few pages.) Holy One, we have done less than what was required, we have veered from the way that ensures life, we have created situations of abuse. By the power of the Holy Name, wipe clean the omissions, wrong patterns and illusions that we have caused, myself and my household, the children of Aaron--the Priestly Tribe -- as the Torah of Moses your servant recounts the sacred promise, ''And you shall be cleansed of all the residue of wrongful actions. You shall become pure before God."


As the. High Priest prayed for the priestly tribe, so do we pray now for our families, our commuruty and our world. We pray for the well-being of each member of our families and those close to us. May our community and the greater Jewish community be blessed with a fulfilling and inspiring year. May our nation and our world be healed and blessed in this New Year. May we develop tolerance and love for one another as we become aware that we are each created in the Divine Image. Sending Away the Escape Goat

And then the Kohen Gadol placed his hands on the head of the goat to be sent to the wilderness. Each person witnessing this event prayed, "May everyone in our whole nation and our entire planetary family fix what each can fix and let go of what they cannot fix, even as we here today send away this goat to the wilderness as a sign that some of the acts of our lives must be released." The goat was then sent away with trusted attendants. As the goat was lead away, everyone witnessing felt that some of their own actions which they had not been able to fix during the past year, were being led away and they did not have to carry the weight of these actions or their regret any longer.

Prayer for a Year of Prosperity May it be Your will oh God, and God of our ancestors, that this New Year become for all of us, a year of plenty, a year of blessings, a year of corn, wine, and oil, a year of growth and prosperity, a year of assembly together in holy places, a year of abundance, a year of happy life, a year of dew and rain and warmth, a year of ongoing purification for our souls, a year in which our water and bread will be blessed, a year of excellent trading and merchandise, a year of safe travel, a year of travel to sacred places, a year of pleasure, a year of blessing of the womb, a year of peace and tranquility, a year in which the Divine treasury will be open to us, a year in which the people of Israel may not need support one from the other nor from another people, but may instead offer support to others, a year in which You will send your blessing to the work that we shall begin.

Protection from Earthquakes Sharon is a rift valley in the holy land. For the people of the Sharon Valley and for all those who live in peril of sudden earthquakes, a prayer rang out from the Holy Temple: May it be the will of the Eternal, God of life and continuity, God of our ancestors, that our homes not become our graves. May we who live in regions where earthquakes are common, be shi~lded from the extreme intensity of earthquakes. May our earthquakes be mild. May the earth's core adjust to emissions of energy which are mild enough to prevent human suffering from earthquakes. And let us say: Amen.


Mincha Afternoon S~rvice

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· Haftorah for Yom Kippur Afternoon The Haftarah is a Torah supplement. It includes Biblical passages from the Books of the Judges, Kings and Prophets which remind us of each week's Torah portion. The Haftarah for this afternoon is the Book of Jonah.

Haftorah Blessings Blessing Before the Reading:

o~,:;t~:;l 10~ 1~~ ,o~1)'0 :r~>? ~~'ti'~ i11i1' i1t-J~ :r~,~ 101::tD i11i1' i1f-l~ ";f~1~ .11>?~~ 0'1>?~~0 OtJ'1.:f1~ i1~11 ,0':;11\.J ·Pl~ll1>?~0 '~':;t~:;H 1~~ ?~lYJ~~~ 11~~ i1~~~~ i111rl4 The Book of Jonah The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: "Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim judgment upon it; for their wickedness has come before Me." Jonah, however, started out to flee to Tarshish from God's service. He went down to Jaffa and found a ship going to Tarshish. He paid the fare and went aboard to sail with the others to Tarshish, away from the service to the Lord.


But God cast a mighty wind upon the sea, and such a great tempest came upon the sea that the ship :vas in danger of breaking up. In ~h~ir fright, the sailors cried out, each to his own god; and they flung the ships cargo overboard to make it lighter. Jonah, meanwhile, had gope down into the hold of the vessel where he lay down and fell asleep. The captain went over to him and cried out, "How can you be sleeping so soundly? Up! Call upon your god! Perhaps your god will be kind to us and we will not perish." The men said to one another, "Let us cast lots and find out on whose account this misfortune has come upon us." They cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah. They said to him, 'Tell us, you who have brought this misfortune upon us, what is your business? Where have you come from? What is your country, and of what people are you?" "I am a Hebrew," he replied. "I worship the Lord, the God of Heaven, who made both sea and land." The men were greatly terrified, and they asked him, "What have you done?" And when the men learned that he was fleeing from the service of God-for so he told them--they said to him, "What must we do to you to make the sea calm around us?" For the sea was growing more and more stormy. He answered, "Heave me overboard, and the sea will calm down for you; for I know that this terrible storm came upon you on my account." Nevertheless, the men rowed hard to reach the shore, but they could not, for the sea was growing more and more stormy about them. Then they cried out to God: "Oh, please, God, do not let us perish on account of this man's life. Do not hold us guilty of killing an innocent person! For You, 0 God, by Your will, have brought this about." And they heaved Jonah overboard, and the sea stopped raging. The men feared God greatly; they offered a sacrifice to God and they made vows. God provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah; and Jonah remained in the fish's belly three days and three nights. Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish. He said: 242

"In my trouble I called to God, and He answered me; from the belly of Sheol I cried out, and You heard my voice. You cast me into the depths, into the heart of the sea. The floods engulfed me; all your breakers and billows swept over me. I thought I was driven away out of Your sight: Would I ever gaze again upon Your Holy Temple? The waters closed in over me, the deep engulfed me. Weeds twined around my head. I sank to the base of the mountains; the bars of the earth closed upon me forever. Yet You brought my life up from the pit, 0 God. When my life was ebbing away, I called the Lord to mind; and my prayer came before you, into Your holy Temple. They who cling to empty folly, forsake their own welfare. But I, with loud thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You: What I have vowed I will perform. Deliverance is the Lord's!" God commanded the fish, and it spewed Jonah out upon dry land. The word of God came to Jonah a second time: "Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it what I tell you." Jonah went at once to Nineveh in accordance with God's command.

Nineveh was an enormously large city. It took three days to walk across it. Jonah started out, made his way one day's walk into the city, and proclaimed: "Forty days more, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" The people of Nineveh believed God. They proclaimed a fast, and great and small alike put on sackcloth. When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his robe, put on sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he had the word called through Nineveh: "By decree of the king and his nobles: No man or beast - of flock or herd - shall taste anything! They shall not graze, and they shall not drink water! They shall be covered with sackcloth- man and beast- and shall cry mightily to God. Let everyone tum back from his evil ways and from the injustice of which he is guilty. Who knows but that God may tum and relent? He may turn back from His wrath, so that we do not perish." God saw what they did, how they were turning back from their evil ways. And God renounced the punishment He had planned to bring upon them, and did not carry it out. This displeased Jonah greatly, and he was grieved. He prayed to God, saying, "0 Lord! Isn't this just what I said when I was still in my own country? That is why I fled beforehand to Tarshish. For I know that You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in kindness, renouncing punishment. Please, God, take my life, for I would rather die than live." God replied, "Are you that deeply grieved?" Now Jonah had left the city and found a place east of the city. He made a simple sukkah there and sat in it in the shade, until he could see what would happen to the city. God provided a large gourd plant, which grew up over 243


Jonah, to provide shade for his head and save him from discomfort. Jonah was very happy about the plant. But the next day at dawn God provided a worm, which attacked the plant so that it withered. And when the sun rose, God provided a sultry east wind; the sun beat down on Jonah's head, and he became faint. He begged for death, saying, "I would rather die than live." Then God said to Jonah, "Ar.e you so deeply grieved about the plant?" "Yes," he replied, "so deeply that I want to die." Then God 'said: "You cared about the plant, which you did not work for and which you did not grow, which appeared overnight and perished overnight. And should not I care about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand.people who do not yet know their right hand from their left, and many beasts as welll" Blessing After the Reading:

P'1~ ,O'Y:l~ll'O ?~ 1~~ ,O~ll'i;l :Y~Yvl ~)?.ii?t< i11i1' i1f'J~ :Y~1~ 1'1;t1 ?~~ ,O?.QY;J~ 1~1Y;)iJ ,n~iY1 1~iNO 1~t<~O ?~v ,ni111D ?;>¥ ·P1~l n~~

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On Shabbat add the words in brackets:

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Ve al kulam Eloha slichot, s/ach lanu, mechallanu, kaper /anu.

For all these w~ ask God and one another for forgiveness, (Leader) We sin against You when we sin against ourselves; For our failures of truth, 0 Lord, we ask forgiveness: (Cong.) for pretending to emotions that we do not feel; for using the sins of others to excuse our own; for denying responsibility for our misfortunes; for refusing to admit our share in the troubles of others; for condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves; for condemning in our parents the faults we tolerate in ourselves; for passing judgment without knowledge of the facts; for remembering the price of things but forgetting their values; for teaching our children everything but the meaning of life; for loving our egos better than truth .


,~~ ,~)~ ?JJ~ ,~)~


,n1n~~? D1?~ o~~. ?~1

Ve'al kulam Eloha slichot, slach lanu, mechal/anu, kapayr lanu.

For all these we ask God and one another for forgiveness, (Leader) We sin against you when we sin against ourselves; For our failures of love, 0 Lord, we ask forgiveness: (Cong.) for using people as stepping stones to advancement; for confusing love and lust; for hiding from others behind an armor of mistrust; for treating with arrogance people weaker than ourselves; for condescending toward those whom we regard as inferiors; for the sin of filling the common air with poisons; for the sin of making our waters unfit to drink and unsafe for fish; for the sin of pouring noxious chemicals upon trees and soil; for the sin of war; for the sin of aggressive war; for the sin of appeasing aggressors; for the sin of building weapons of mass destruction; for the sin of obeying criminal orders; for the sin of lacking civil courage; for the sin of silence and indifference; for the sin of running to do evil, but limping to do good. For all these sins, 0 forgiving God, forgive us, teach us to forgive ourselves, and help us to overcome them .


,~~ ,~)~ ?D~ ,~)~


,n1n~~? D1?~ o~~. ?~1

ve'al kulam Eloha slichot, slach lanu, mechallanu, kapayr lanu.

For all these we ask God and one another for forgiveness.


Mourner's Kaddish I.

:1''~~!1 i=lf.l~Yl~ Nl:;t '1 N~?{'~ N~1 i1P.'P 'V1it~~1 ,1~~~ 1~~:;1~ N~~~~ '~1¥-'~ 11'~ ';>1 '?.D:;t~ 11~'P.1':;t~ 11~'?.D~ nn~~?~

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Yitgada/ veyitkadash shemay rabah be'a/mah divrah chirutay veyamlich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvchayay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'agala uvizman kariv ve'imru amen. Yehay shemay raba mevorach le 'olam u/almay a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyithadar veyitaleh veyit 'halal she may dekudeshah brich hu. Le 'ay/a ulayla mikol birchatah veshirata tush'bechatah venechematah da'amiran be'almah ve'imru amen. Ye'hay shlama raba min shemaya vechayim alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve'imru amen. Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya'aseh shalom alaynu ve'al kol Yisrael ve'al kol yosh'vay tayvel ve'imru a'men.

May the great essence flower in our lives and expand throughout the world. May we learn to let it shine through so we can augment its glory. We praise, we continue to praise, and yet, whatever it is that we praise, is quite beyond the grasp of all these words and symbols that point us toward it. We know, and yet we do not know. May great peace pour forth from the heavens for us, for all Israel, for all who struggle·toward truth. May that which makes harmony in the cosmos above, bring peace within us and between us, and to all who dwell on this earth, and let us say, Amen 246

Ne'ilah Closing Service .i1~9 :r~~?D~ 11Y ,:Ttl'~ '~'?'1' '1~~

Ashray yoshvay vaytecha, od yehalelucha selah.

:ir!? il~tlfl



.1'0~~ i11i1'~ o~o '1.'P~ 1)~ il~~~ O~D ~1.'P~

Ashray ha'am shekacha lo, ashray ha'am she'Adonai Elohav. Tehila leDavid:

.1{'1 o~1Y? :r>?Vi n~1~~1,~~~t1 'D1~~ :r>?~11~ Aromim 'cha Elohai hamelech, va 'avarcha shimcha l 'olam va 'ed .

.1{'1 o~1)'{ :r>?~ n~{D~1 ,q~l~~ o1' ~~~ Bechol yom avarcheka, ve'ahalela shimcha le'olam va'ed.

.1(?1J 1'~ 111~1~~1 ,iN)f ~~Q'?~ i11i1' ~)1~ Gadol Adonai um 'hula/ me'od, velig 'dulato ayn chaykayr.


:pv1~J1~ ,:p'?'~~ n~~~

i11? 111

Dor Ledor yeshabach ma 'asecha, ug 'vurotecha yagidu .

.ilQ'~~ :t'VN~~~ '1.~11 ,:r11n i1J~ 110 Hadar kevod hodecha, vedivray nifle 'otecha asicha .


:f~~1~~ ,~1}dN.' :J''t'lNl)) t~t~l

Ve 'ezuz nor'otecha yomayru, ug 'dulat 'cha asap'renah.


:tl;l~1~ Zachayr rav tuv 'cha yabi 'u, vetzid'kat'cha yeranaynu .



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Chanun verachum Adonai, erech apayim ugdal chased.

.1''?'~~ ?~ ~~ 1'~011,?·-:J~ rnn' J it>

Tov Adonai lakol, verachamav alkol ma'asav.

.n~~:>l~~ :f'1'~01

,:f''?'~~ ?~



Yoducha Adonai kol ma 'asecha, vechasidecha yevarchucha .

.~1~1~ :f~1~J:p ,~1P.N.' :(~~:>'?~ 1)Jf Kevod malchut'cha yomayru, ugvurat'cha yedabayru .

.i11~:J{~ 110 1iJi~ ,1'li•~=q 01~0 '~~~ ~'1~11? Lehodi'ah livna ha'adam g'vurotav, uch'vod hadar malchuto .


111 ?~~ :f{l{~~~~ 0'~~)' ~~ n~:>{~ :r~~,?~

Malchut'cha malchut kol olamim umem'shaltecha bechol dor vadol.

. O'~~!)~iJ ~~{ '1P.1l1,0'~~.)D ?~{


Somaych Adonai lechol hanoflim, vezokayf /echo/ hakefufim.


.ir-lY.~ 0~~~ 11~ Oi)~ 1t11~ i1fl~1· ,~1~~~ :p~~ ~:J '~').! Aynay chol aylecha yesabayru, ve 'ata notayn lahem et achlam be 'ito.


.11~1 'IJ ?~? ~':;!'?'~~ ,~1! n~ D.T.119 Potayach et yadecha, umasbi 'ah [echo! chai ratzoi'J .

.1'\U~~ ?~~ 1'P01 ,1'?11 ?~~ i11i1' P'1~

Tzadik Adonai bechol derachav, vechasid bechol ma'asav .

.nQ~~ ~il~li?~ 1~~ ?':>? ,1'~iP ??? n,n, J.11R

Karov Adonai [echo/ kor'av, /echo/ asher yikre'u ve'emet.

.0~'~''1 )'~~~

ov~1~ n~1 ,n~~! ,,~,.~ 11~1

Retzon yeray'av ya'aseh, ve'et shavatam yishma veyosh_i'aym

.1'~¥)! 0').'¥)10 ?~ nz~q ,1'~t:JN ?~ n~ i11i1' 1}d10

Shomayr Adonai et kol ohavav, ve 'et kol harsha 'im yashmid.

.1).Jl 0~1)1?


OV) 1~~ ?~ :Y1.~'1 ,'~ 1~1~ i1,il, Tl~t'lf-1

Tehilat Adonai yedabayr pi, vivaraych kol basar shaym kadso le'olam va'ed.

.n!~??D .o~))' 1~1 ilfl~P. ,n~ :Y1.~~ ~~t;l~~l Va'anachnu nevaraych yah, mayatah ve'ad olam. Halleluyah. Happy are those whose life is suffused with God Happy is a nation whose guidance is from God, and a people who know how to be grateful. A psalm of David. · You are my guide. Through my praise of You, I become elevated. Every day I live I find more to bless. I sing out with joy when in touch with eternal being. Each generation is in awe of creation; amazed by the marvels of they universe that they perceive. Beauty surrounds me everywhere. Words of wonder fill me and pour out in sharing. Amazing patters dance before me, to the profundity do they direct me. Memories of goodness enliven me. Kindness and righteousness do I witness. Compassion and mercy are of the essence-plus tolerance and much love. Love is given to all, compassion is available to all creation. Thankfulness rises up in me like waves. Humanity, too, knows the greatness of creation. Majesty and honor I witness every day. Power is everywhere. Consciousness is offered to varied creatures, awareness of awesome patterns. I see dignity and power fill the universe at every level and age to which I am exposed. I see the fallen lifted up through God the spirit of the humble raised high. Each being develops unique nourishment needs sensitive to the changing environment. The cravings of our nourishment system matches the seasons of each day. The universe unfolds for us through God opening. Saintliness (goodness and caring) is possible because it is pat of the fundamental structure of the universe. God is close to me when I am broken-hearted, every time I call out in whole truth. We stumble onto the Way. We fall away from the Way. More often than not we are sheltered even when we have lost our way. . Praises and blessings we offer to the Hoi y. All flesh evokes the holy name throughout a1 exchange and interchange. This is my song to Yah. For every and ever. Halelu Yah. 248


Song of Peace

Tnu lashemesh Ia 'alot laboker le'ha'ir hazaka shebatfilot otanu lo tahzir

Let the morning sun so bright Shine and lead the wayWe'll no longer see its light No matter how you pray.

Mi asher kava nero oo 'Ve 'Afar nitman Bechi mar lo ya 'iro lo yahziro le 'chan Ish otanu lo yashiv mibor tachtit a'fel kan lo yo' ilu lo shirei hanitzahon Velo shirei hallel Lachen rak shiru, shir lashalom al tilhashu tfila lachen rak shiru, shir lashalom bitze 'aka gdola tnu lashemesh lahador miba 'ad laprahim al tabitu le 'achor hanichu la 'holchim

When someone's light blows out and dies He's buried in the graveHe can't awake by mournful cries and shouts That he was brave. No one now can bring you back From deep darkened caveNo it won't help us If you sing the fighting songs That tell us to be brave. So only sing of songs of peaceDon't softly say a prayer. So only sing now songs of peaceJust shout it loud and clear.

Hebrew by Ya'akov Rotblit, English translation by Sue Roemer

s 'oo eina 'yim betikva

lo derech kavanot shiru shir la'ahava velo lamillzamot al tagidu yom yavo lzavi 'oo et hayom ki lo halom hoo oove'kol hakikarot hari'oo lashalom

Loe Yisah Goy Loe yisah goy el goy cherev loe yil'me'du ode mil'cha'mah Let everyone 'neath her vine and fig tree dwell in peace and unafraid And into ploughshares beat their swords, nations shall learn war no more. 249

Chatzi Kaddish

7P~~!1 i1tl~)Jl~ Nl:;t ~1 NQ?{'~ ,N~1 i1P.'P 'V1Qf'~1 ?1~fl~ ,~,:;t~ n~~~~ ,?~1'?'~ n~~ ?~1 '?.tl:;t~ 11J'P.1':;t~ l~J'?.tl~ Tltl~J{~

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.N!~?~ '"?~!?, 0~~~ ~,~~ 11~, 11,~ Mu'~ i1~~fl~1 11tlfl~1 NYt~fl~1 0~11f1~1 1~~f1~1 n~t1楼J~1 7f1~fl~ Nll~l~ ?~~ N?~{~ N?~{ .N,11 ~,,~ N~1Q.1 i1P.'P ?~Dfl~1 路l"tc ~1'?~1 .NQ{{'~ 11'~~1 NllQ0~1 Nf~Q~楼Jt! Nfl1'~1 Yitgadalve'yitkadash shemay rabah be'almah divrah chirutay ve'yam?ich malchutay becha 'yaychon uv 'yomaychon uvcha 'yay dechol bayt Yisrael ba 'agala uvizman kariv ve'imru amen. Yehay shmay raba mevarach le 'olam ul 'a/may a/maya. Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa 'ar veyitromam veyitnasay veyit 'hadar veyitaleh veyit'halalshemay dekudeshah brich hu. Le'aylah ule'aylah mikol birchatah veshirata tush'bechatah venechematah da'amiran be'almah ve'imru amen.

Let us make the great Name known as holy. Let the Name fill the world, formed by its will. May the earth be its realm. May it fill our lives and days. May it spread throughout all Israel, swiftly and soon, and let us say Amen. May the great Name be blessed for as long as the universe lasts. Let the N arne be praised and glorified. Let the Name become potent, lifted up, raised on high. Let the name be graced in beauty, praised in song, ascended in joy. The name, the Name of the Holy: blessed be the Name. And yet the Holy that we name is far beyond all blessing, all prayers, all songs of praise and hymns of glory: all words that we utter in this world. So let us chant our praise, then cease and say, Amen.

Meditation You, my God, my Helper, know that I have not found ordering my life to be easy. My struggles are before You. Keep at my side as I strive I am not as good as I wish to be Put forth Your light and lead me Please guide my steps on Your path Up to the level I can live on Raise my actions to my values


Kindness plant in my heart Atte11tion to the ~ays I am relating to others who cross my path And help me to live in balance, neither in haste nor in sloth Give me joy in Your service Making bright the lives of my loved ones Embracing the lot You give me Morning, noon and night in Your service How may I come to you if I did not heed Your word? What you have made pure I have polluted What You have loved I despised What You have ordered I have disrupted, I have opposed Take my ways and turn them so that I might make pure what I have polluted That I may love what You love That I may order what I have disrupted That I might intend what You intend May I be renewed like the moon. May I reflect Your light ever waxing. Please, God, give me the strength and seriousness to take what I have learned in the past ten days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur and build new paths of life for myself that make me a fuller embodiment of Your loving presence on earth. Help me to stop the voices inside that will discount all that has happened here, or that will lead me to believe that this is merely a spiritual sidelight and has no place in "the real world." Help me to become the highest being I can possibly be, the most loving, the most generous, the most sensitive, the most committed to fighting for social justice and peace, the most dedicated to building this community of Beyt Tikkun and finding my own place within it, the most present to the needs of others, the most filled with joy and happiness at the course of my own life.. Bless me with inner peace and bless our world with peace, justice and joy. And let me stay true to me and stay true to You. based on a prayer by Zalman Schachter Shalomi


We come now to the last Amidah, the last silent devotion of the day. Please rise if you are able. Bring all of your attention into focus: _ mind, body, feelings and spirit. Let us pray in silence:

'D~~ ,001~~ 'D?~ ,~~'l.ii1 'D?N 1 ~~,D~~ i11i1' i1t"J~- 1~1~

,n~~1 ?IJ1 'D~Nl ,nQ~1 'D~~ ,n1~ 'D?~ ,:ip~! 'D~Nl ,PO~~ n~iP1 0':;ti\.? 0'190 ? ,1i'~~ ~~ ,N1i~D1 1il~D ~i1~D ?~Q

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N e' ilah Amidah

<version one)

We rise to speak A web of bodies aligned like notes of music

1. Bless what brought us through the sea and the fire; we are caught In history like whales in polar ice. Yet You have taught us to push against the walls, To reach out and pull each other along, To strive to find the way through If there is no way around, to go on. To utter ourselves with every breath Against the constrictions of fear, To know ourselves as the body born from Abraham And Sarah, born out of rock and desert. We reach back through two hundred arches of hips Long dust, carrying their memories inside us To live again and again in our life, Isaac and Rebecca, Rachel, Jacob, Leah. We say words shaped By ancient use like steps worn into rock.

2. Bless the quiet of sleep Easing over the ravaged body, who quiets The troubled waters of the mind to a pool In which shines the placid broad face of the moon.


Bless the teaching of how to open In love to all the doors and windows of the body Swing wide on their rusty hinges And we give ourselves with both hands. Bless what stirs in us compassion For the hunger of the chickadee in the storm . Starving for seeds we can carry out, The wounded cat wailing in the alley, What shows us our face in a stranger, Who teaches us what we clutch shrivels But what we give goes off in the world Carrying bread to people not yet born. Bless the gift of memory That breaks unbidden, released From a flower or a cup of tea So the dead move like rain through the room. Bless what forces us to invest Goodness every morning and what never frees Us from the cost of knowledge, which is To act on what we know again and again.

3. All living are one and holy, let us remember As we eat, as we work, as we walk and drive. All living are one and holy, we must make ourselves worthy. We must act out justice and mercy and healing As the sun rises and as the sun sets, As the moon rises and stars wheel above us, We must repair goodness. We must praise the power of the One that joins us. Whether we plunge in and thrust ourselves far out Finally we reach the face of glory too bright For our eyes and yet we bum and we too give light. We will try to be holy, We will try to repair the world given us to hand on. Precious is this treasure of world and knowledge and deeds That move inside us. Holy is the hand that works for peace and for justice, Holy is the mouth that speaks for goodness Holy is the foot that walks toward mercy. Let us lift each other on our shoulders and carry each other along. Let holiness move in us. Let us pay attention to its small voice. Let us see the light in others and honor that light. . Remember the dead who paid our way here dearly, dearly And remember the unborn for whom we build our houses. Praise the light that shines before us, through us, after us. Amen. --Marge Piercy. 258

Before Before the last gate has closed, before the last question is posed, before I am transposed. before the weeds fill the gardens, before there are no pardons, before the concrete hardens. Before all the flute-hol~s are covered, before things are locked in the cupboard, before the rules are discovered. Before the conclusion is planned, before God closes his hand, before we have nowhere to stand. (by Yehudo Amichoi (trnos/ated by Stephen Mitchell)

N e' ilah Amidah

(version two)

Invoking our Ancestors Abraham and Sarah were founders of our faith. They were imperfect, with flaws like every human being possesses. Let us remember our teachers and those who have guided us through the important turning points in our lives. May their guidance be with us when we need them. May their guidance be with us now .

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Baruch atah Adonai, magayn Avraham v'ezrat Sarah.

Blessed are you oh God, shield of Abraham, help of Sarah.

Source of Life, Master of Nature Let us be in touch with the wonders of nature and the sweet simplicity of life. May we draw our power from the very source of life. The stronger we are inside, the more gentle we can be with others. The more powerful we are at otir core, the less we will be influenced and hurt by the fleeting powers of our appetites and our adversaries. .O'tU~iJ il?.O~ ilr-t~ 1~1~


Baruch atah Adonai, m 'chayay hamaytim.

Blessed are you, Source of Life, who brings life into dead matter.

Holiness Holy means "special". As you read and recite these words, be aware of your own holiness. If you could fathom your own holiness, your life would be transformed forever.


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Kadosh kadosh kadosh Adonai tzeva'ot. Melo kol ha'aretz kevodo.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. The whole world is filled with God's glory.



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Baruch kevod Adonai mim 'komo.

Blessed is the Glory of God which fills the universe.

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Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad.

Listen oh Israel, the Lord, whom we call God, is Oneness.

.'V11i{tl ?~D i11i1' i1f'l~ :7~1~ Baruch atah Adonai, ha 'El hakadosh.

Blessed are you, God of Holiness.

Invoking the Spirit of the Day The sun is setting, the day draws to a close. Open for us the gates to our own heart. Show us the way into our own soul. We are as a ripple on the lake, as a wave in the ocean. Show us the way. Help us to experience the unity of all humanity, of all living things-the Oneness of which we are a tiny part.


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Baruch atah Adonai m'kadaysh Yisrael v'hazmanim.

Blessed are You oh G-d, who sanctifies the Jewish people and the seasons.

Accept Our Prayers 0

Be gracious unto us and with new purpose, new melovingly accept our prayers. Our words are like the paintings of small children. Children need to express themselves. We need to reach out. Help us to make sense out of all this, so that our lives may be filleaning.

.)1'~~ n~,~~ 1'\0~D i11i1' i1f'l~ :r~,.~ Baruch atah Adonai, hamachazir shechinah l'tziyoli.

Blessed is the One who returns the Spirit of Holiness unto our Spiritual Heart.

Thanksgiving Let us take a moment to give thanks .


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Baruch atah Adonai hatov shimcha ulecha na'eh lehodot.

Blessed are You, to whom all praise is due.

Peace Grant peace, goodness, and blessing to the entire world; graciousness, kindness and mercy to us and to all of our people. Let us pray for peace for all those in need of peace. Let us pray for the troubled parts of our world and of ourselves.

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Baruch atah Adonai oseh hashalom.

Blessed are You, Source of Peace.

Meditate in Silence. (Sit down for this, if you prefer.) Amidah ends here.


Opening the Gate May all the words we have expressed, the levels of soul we have attained, and the feelings we have experienced now unfold in one unified outpouring of heart and soul. May we use this time to reach the ultimate gate of unity, instilling this moment into us as a deep memory, so that we can draw strength from it in the year to come .

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Petach /anu sha 'arb'ayt n 'ilat sha 'ar, ki fana yom. Hayom yifneh. Hashemesh yavo v'yifneh. Navo'ah sh'arecha. Ana El nah, sana, se/ach na, m'chal na, chama/ na, rachaym na, kapayr na, k 'vosh chayt v 'avon.

The cycle of the day draws to a close. Open for us a gate at this time of the closing of the gates. As our experience of Yom Kippur approaches completeness, Let us cry out with our whole being: Please God. Show us the mystery of unity! Release us! Purify us! Teach us forgiveness! Transform our negativity into compassion and understanding For our fellow human beings.

Pitchu lee sha'arey tzedeck Av'oe vam odeh YAH Open the gates for me, gates of justice, I will enter in and thank you God. Open the gates for me, gates of kindness, I will enter and be God's soul-mate.

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Yod Hay, Vav Hay, Compassion and Tenderness, Patience, Forbearance, Kindness, Awareness. Bearing love from age to age, lifting guilt and mistakes and making us free. Adonai...


Traditional Oshamnu

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Oshamnu. Bagadnu. Gazalnu. Dibarnu dofi .


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He'evinu. V'hirshanu. Zadnu. Chamasnu. Tafalnu sheker .


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Ya 'atznu ra. Kizavnu. Latznu. Maradnu.

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Ni'atznu. Sararnu. Avinu. Pashanu. Tzararnu. Kishinu orej. .~))'T-l~n .~)')'r-t .~):J~n .~)nn\U .~J~\U1 ITt• 1-• &-• z-y Rashanu. Shichatnu. Ti'avnu. Ta'inu. Titanu. 1


We have trespassed; we have dealt treacherously; we have robbed; we have slandered; We have acted perversely; we have done wrong; we have acted presumptuously; we have done violence; we have practiced deceit; We have counseled evil; we have spoken falsehood; we have scoffed; we have revolted; . We have blasphemed; we have rebelled; we have committed iniquity; we have transgressed; we have been oppressed; we have been stiff-necked; We have acted wickedly; we have dealt corruptly; we have committed abomination; we have gone astray; we have led others astray.

Renewal Oshamnu Who are we? We're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've abused, we've betrayed, we've been cruel, yes, we've destroyed. At our Core we're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've embittered, we have falsified, we have gossiped, yes, we have hated. Our real being is light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've insulted, we have jeered, we have killed, yes, we have lied. SWEEP IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! WIPE IT OUT! YES, CLEAN IT ALL OUT! Who are we? We're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we have mocked, we've neglected, we've oppressed, we have perverted. At our core we're light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we have quarreled, we've been racist, we have stolen, yes, we've transgressed. Our real being is light and truth and infinite wisdom, eternal goodness. Yet we've been unkind, we've been violent, we've been wicked, we've been xenophobic. SWEEP IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! WIPE IT OUT! YES, CLEAN IT ALL OUT!



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Eyl Nora Ali'lah

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Elnora ali/a, Elnora ali/a, Ham'tzay lanu mechila besha'at ha'ne'ilah.

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Metay mis'par keru 'im lecha ayin nosim, um 'sa/deem bechila besha 'at hane 'ilah.

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He'yay lachem lesit'rah vechal'tzem mim'ayra,

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vechatmaym lehod ul'gila besha'at ha ne'ilah.

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Micha'el sar Yisr'ael Eliyahu veGavri'el, bas'ru na hage'ula. eisha'at ha'ne'ilah

God of mercy and awe, bring forth forgiveness at this time of Ne'ilah. All present, concentrating on the One, shiver with excitement at Ne'ilah. Miracles of mystery rescue us from misery, ensuring for us radiant joy, at this time of Ne'ilah. Michael, Archangel of kindness, Elijah, Messenger of Mashiach, Gabriel, Archangel of might: Please announce the great renewal At this rare moment of Ne'ilah. Grant us pardon, God our Judge, Do not from your mercy budge On our behalf, d9 not judge, loosen the chains of those stuck in moral sludge. Recall with your kindness art, our ancestors pure of heart. On their behalf, grant us a fresh start, let us break through to You, do not depart .. 0 God of awesome acts, 0 God who opens our hearts. Give us strength to be our highest self, at this moment of gates shutting. 0 God of awesome acts, we know now the gates are closing.



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Our Source and deep inner guide, we have let ourselves move from the truth. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, let our darkness be illuminated with light. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, help us to find inner peace. Our Source and our deep inner guide, may we find you in all things. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, please let us learn to be healed. 0 Father, our guide on the way, help us to heal our world. Our Source and our deep inner guide, we know we are infinite being. 0 Father, our nurturing guide, we know too that we are but dust. 0 Mother, our guide on the way, please make Your Self known through us. Our Source and our deep inner guide, forgive us for the suffering we inflict. 0 Father, our guide on the way, renew for us now a good year. 0 Mother, our nurturing guide, may we open to compassion within.






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.~~).!">'?iin1 1Pt'l 11\?1~ ~~~Y. ">'?J~ Avinu Malkaynu chanaynu va 'anaynu, ki ayn banu ma 'asim. Asay imanu tzedakah vachesed, vehoshi 'aynu. Imaynu Rachamaynu, chaninu \Ia 'aninu, ki ayn banu ma 'asim. Asi imanu tzedakah vachesed, vehoshi 'aynu. Our Center, Whole being that we are, Now open the ears of our hearts. Our deep inner Self, Oh now open our hearts, That we grace this world with our deeds. Let us bring forth all we are, through lives of justice and love. Let us become more loving and just to set free the God that we are. Yai la lai,

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Blessed be the Divine power which forgives, makes pure, cleanses, releases crookedness and sets us aright year after year. You are the Guide for us and for the whole world; sanctify the world as we sanctify ourselves on this Yom Kippur Day.

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Vayomayr Adonai Salachti Kidvarecha. And God responds, "I have forgiven you, as you have asked."

Shomer Yisra' el Shomer, shomer Yisra 'e/. Shomer, shomer Yisra 'el. Shomer She 'eyrit Yisra 'el, shomer she 'eyrit Yisrae 'el. Va 'a/ yovad al yavad yisra 'el yisra 'le, ha 'qmrim Shma Yisra 'el. Protect, protect, Isra 'el. Protect, protect Isra 'el. (those who seek to connect to God), Protect the remnant ofYisra'el, protect the remnant of Yisra' el. Don't abandon us, don't abandon us, those who say Hear 0 Isra'el.

OdeYavoe Ode yavoe shalom aleynu, ode yavoe shalom aleynu, ode yavoe shalom aleynu ve'al kulam. Salaam, aleynu ve'al kol ha'olam. Salaam, Shalom. Peace can still be built for our world, peace can still be brought to our world, peace is what we all desire, for everyone. Sal' aam, for us and everyone in the world--build peace, build peace. )


Heart Op.ening Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my heart Build there your shrine and never depart Let every passion spring from you Let every song be new Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into my sight Consume the veil that hides your light With holy joy and grace divine Let every moment shine Oh Lord, transform this lowly sphere That boundaries may disappear In mutual dependency Let every soul be free Our burden Lord is great indeed For everywhere are people jn need Reply respond with healing word Let every call be heard Oh Lord, Oh Lord, come into our lives With peace that blesses, love that revives The unity of all in all Let every thought recall Oh Lord let us be slaves no more Fling open wide Messiah's door Salvation's boundless benefit Let every breath admit Oh Lord may we be ever one A world of friends with quarrels none Let every person know their soul Let every heart be whole. Halleluyah! Halleluyah!!


As we approach the final moment of sealing in the personal and cosmic changes that have been generated during these Days of Awe, we partake of Divine Consciousness one last time: Listen! Israel, listen! Still the mind's chatter, quiet the heart's desire. The rush of life flows through me. The heart of eternity beats in my own chest. Listen. You are the fingers of a divine and infinite mind. There is only One Reality, the Singular Source and Substance of all diversity. This One alone is God. Blessed is the One who manifests the Many.




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Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad Listen, you who seek to be connected to the Divine, the Creative Power of the Universe is the Force of Healing and Transformation, and that Power is the Ultimate Unity of All Being .

. .1~1 o~i)'~ in~J~~ 1i:J~ oyj ~~,~ Baruch shaym kevod mal' chuto le 'olam va 'ed. ·Blessed by the name of God's ruling presence, the Energy that guides us throughout Eternity.

Adonai Hu Ha 'Elohim The Transformative Power is the Creative Power-all Is God, God is All.

Shofar Blast

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Le 'shana haba 'ah bi 'yerushalayim she/ shalom. Next year in a Jerusalem of Peace. . May we see such a reality in our lifetime. ******************************************************************************************************


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Shiviti A-donai (Hashem) le'ne3di tamid. (I place God before me always.)

3. Hareini mekabel al/ai et miczvac ha'borei. ve'ahavta /e'reiacha kamocha. 4. Ahava. v'rachamim. chessed. v'sha/om. (Love. compassion. generosity & peace)

5. Zeh ha'yom asah Hashem nag ilia ve'nismecha bo. (This is the day the Lord has made, let us be joyous and happy on it.) 6. Olam Chessed yibaneh ...yadada .... I will build this world from love_.. And you must build this world from love ....

And if we build this world from love .... Then God will build this world from love. 7. Rachamana d'anay le'aniyeh anena. Rachamana d'anay /e'teviray liba anena. (Compassionate One who answers the humble poor. answer me. Compassionate One who answers the brokenhearted. answer me.) 8. Alia ELOHJM b'teruah YHVH (A'donai) b'kol shofar. 10.

Shomer Yisrael. shmor sheirit Yisrael. AI yovad Yisrael ha'omrim Shema Yisrael.

II. Pitchu li sha'aray tzedek. avo vam odeh Yah.

Beshem Hashem £/ohai Yisrael. Mi'yemini Michael umi'smoli Gavriel umi'lefanai Uriel. ume'achorai Rafael. ve'a/ roshi Shechinat £1.


13. Halleluyah. Mah Gadlu ma'asecha Yah me'od amku mach'shevotecha. 14. Yehi Shalom b'cheilech shalva b'armenotayich. 15. Mi shebeirach horeinu Avraham Yitzhak ve'Yaacov. Sarah. Rivkah. Rachel ve'Leah Hu yevarech ve'yerape et ha'cholim. £1 na refa na Ia. 16. Mi Hu zeh Melech ha'kavod Hashem tzeva'ot Hu Melech ha'kavod.

17. Yah melech Yah malach Yah yimloch le'olam va'ed.

18. Atah zocher ma'aseh olam.

Le'fanecha niglu ko/ ta'alumot. Ve'hamon nistarot she'mibreishit. V'ein nistar mi'neged einecha. Ein shichecha Jifnay kisay kvodecha. V'ein nistar mi'neged ei'necha.

You remember the deeds from all Eternity. In Your presence, all Secrets are revealed. And all the Hidden mysteries from the moment of creation: and nothing escapes Your watchful eye. Nothing is forgotten before Your throne of Glory and nothing escapes Your watchful eye.

19. Ve'haya bayom hahuyitaka ba'shofar gadoL. Uva'u ha'ovdim me'eretz ashur ve'hanidachim me'eretz mimitzrayim. (2 x's) Ve'hishtachavu Lashem b'har ha'kodesh (4 x's) Byerushalayim (4 x's) 20. Yevarechecha A'donai ve'yishmereka.

Ya'ir A-donai panav eilecha vichuneka. Yisa A'donai panav ei/echa ve'yasem lecha Shalom_.

May God bless and keep you friend and shine a light upon you. And may the garden of the life you tend bring forth graciousness and peace. The road is long and the journey it can be quite hard. And no one's strong enough to travel it alone. May be be a blessing and be blessed by everyone who knows you and may you always do your best to serve your God with love. (Priestly blessing by Jhos Singer) Mizmor /'David Hashem Roee, Hashem roee v'/o echsar. Binot deshehyarbee'tzeh'nee, a/ meh m'nuchoty'na'haleh'ni. The Lord is my shepherd I will not fear, a shepherd is my Mother who leads me here. She brings me to lie down in pastures green, and leads me beside the water clear. 21.

Nafshi y'shovev, yancheh'ni b'mag'leh tzedek L'ma'an /e'ma'an /e'ma'an shmo, le'maan shmo. My breath is returned and my soul can rest, though I travel the path of the shadowed end. Even there. even there. I will not fear: For you my Beloved are with me here. (Psalm 23) 22. Mother of all that is Alive (Linda Thiel)

Mother of stars, Mother of galaxies. Mother of all that is alive. Mother of mountains. Mother of rivers. Mother of all that is alive. For your children are remembering slowly to honor all that is alive. For your children are remembering slowly the oneness of all that is alive. Mother of winged ones. Mother of the animals. Mother of the wings of the sea. Mother of winds. Mother of grasses, Mother of the rains and of the trees. 0 help us. your children. to remember to honor all that is alive. 0 help us. your children, to remember the oneness of all that is alive. Mother of infants, Mother of the aged. Mother of all that is alive. Mother of dreams. Mother of wonders. Mother of the great wheel of time. 0 help us, your children, to remember to honor all that is alive. 0 help us, your children, to remember the oneness of all that is alive. Mother of stars, Mother of the galaxies. Mother of all that is alive. Mother of dreams. Mother of wonders. Mother of the great wheel of time. For your children are remembering slowly to honor all that is alive. For your children are remembering slowly the oneness of all that is alive. The balance of all that alive. the wonder of all that is alive.

23. Knocking on Heaven's Door Mama. take this badge off of me .. I can't use it anymore. It's gettin' dark. too dark for me to see. I feelli ke I'm knockin' on heaven's door. Knock. knock. knockin' on heaven's door (4 x's) Mama, put my guns in the ground, I can't shoot them anymore. That long black cloud is com in' down, I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door. Knock. knock. knockin' on


door ( 4 x's)

24. Heaven's Here On Earth (Tracy Chapman) You can look to the stars in search of the answers Look for God and life on distant planets Have your faith in the ever after While each of us holds inside the map to the labyrinth And heaven's here on earth We are the spirit the collective conscience We create the pain and the suffering and the beauty in this world Heaven's here on earth In our faith in humankind In our respect for what is earthly In our unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise Of ordinary people leading ordinary Iives Filled with love, compassion, forgiveness and sacrifice Heaven's in our hearts In our faith in humankind In our respect for what is earthly In our unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding Look around, Believe in what you see The kingdom is at hand, The promised land is at your feet We can and will become what we aspire to be If Heaven's here on earth If we have faith in human kind and respect for what is earthly And an unfaltering belief that truth is divinity And heaven's here on earth I've seen spirits. I've met angels Touched creations beautiful and wondrous I've been places.where I question all I think I know But I believe, I believe, I believe this could be heaven We are born inside the gates with the power to create life & to take it away The world is our temple, The world is our church Heaven's here on earth If we have faith in human kind and respect for what is earthly And an unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding .This could be heaven here on earth

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