WHO Committee Topic A

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Draft 1.A Sponsors: Argentina, Luxembourg, Russian Federation. Signatories: Albania, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Belize, Bhutan, Brazil, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, China, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, India, Italy, Kuwait, Mali, Malta, Morocco, Pakistan, Paraguay, Rwanda, Togo, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, United States Of America TOPIC A: MDG6- Target 6.A / Target 6.B (Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it) The World Health Organization, Considering the urge to find solutions by 2015 in respect of the United Nations Millennium Declaration, adopted by Heads of State and Government at the Millennium Summit of the United Nations, and the development goals contained therein, in particular the health-related development goals, Recalling World Health Assembly resolutions 48.13 of 12th May 1995, 54.14 of 21st May 2001 and 56.28, 56.29 of 28th May 2003 and 59.27 of 14th January 2005, Recognizing that Member States have to strengthen their efforts to halt and reverse, by 2015, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases, Reaffirming its Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS adopted by the General Assembly (55/13th June 2001), Noting with concern that family planning measures have to be improved in many Member States, Reaffirming the need to increase protection against diseases that disregard national borders, Fully aware ofthe fact that low and middle income countrieslack infrastructures and funds toprograms in the fight against HIV, Welcoming the efforts of the World Health Organization, in cooperation with Member States, the United Nations system, the private sector and civil society, in enhancing capacity-building in global public health and in promoting public health at the country level, Acknowledging the shortcomings and pre-existing HIV health projects,

1. Urges Member States to participate actively and reach the Millennium Development Goal on HIV/AIDS by: improving the global health system, including system of prevention and monitoring, improving infrastructures effectively and public health mechanisms, improving information exchange and training of national health personnel;

2. Bears in mind the need to respect the cultural and religious diversities of each country while providing information on HIV spreading,

3. Promotesthe creation and the mass distribution of more cost effective and efficient points of care

diagnostic tools especially for the most disadvantaged groups in rural areas such asthe home HIV diagnostic toolkit widely used in the United Kingdom and Australia working with the WTO providing the ART in developing countries;

4. Encourages the development of mapping software and databases to identify HIV endemic communities in rural areas that are not currently well mapped, as is being attempted by the Bill Gates Foundation;

5. Focuses on improving the prevention and the medical research of HIV/AIDSin the developed and developing countries;

6. Calls upon the developing countries to improve upon medical facilities and training of the medical staffon HIV AIDS and other infective diseases and provide an insurance cover for anti-retroviral treatment for developing countries;

7. Further invites to empower the Global Fund and other funds such as the Qatar Foundation, David and Victoria Beckham, Bill Gates Foundation, and other celebrities’ foundations to promote the sponsorship of many others countries;

8. Suggests the creation of social support structures as well as HIV preventive measures to benefit high risk groups such as sex workers, drug abusers, but also rural populations in HIV affected communities such as the international project, “Dance 4 life�;

9. Emphasizes the importance of: education programmes in the schools to be developed including programmes for adults, information exchange through the media and through local experts, cost-effective advertisement in order to raise awareness of good public health practices among the civil society;

10. Encourages the development of cultural exchange programs between Southern, Middle East countries and Northern countries to reduce the presence of discrimination

11. Suggests some measures to maintain the goals reached in the fight against TB, malaria and polio, to prevent the re-emergence of the diseases where defeated and to decrease their incidence rate, such as;

Monitoring of water sources in order to have moisture free areas and hence prevent the breeding grounds of mosquitoes; Improving the DOTS strategy incidence and more in general increasing the surveillance of diseases spread;

12. Urges the need to continue successful programs of malaria TB and Polio as such congratulates India on totally eradicating polio in their country.

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