How To Get Million Dollar Business Through Online Presence?

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How To Get Million Dollar Business Through Online Presence? /blog/how-to-get-million-dollar-business-through-online-presence/

‘How to get valuable business through online medium’ is the foremost question haunting entrepreneurs of SMEs as well enterprises. Well, we have cracked the code to successful online business! To all those CEOs who are struggling in establishing a secured online impression, sit back patiently as we are presenting to you the cheat sheet to earn million dollars. Past Scenario Businesses were conducted effectively earlier prior to the launch of internet services. Just that the approach to connect with niche audience was different based on their consumption patterns. Marketing strategy during those times looked something like this: Setting up hoardings at prime locations where targeted group of audience is most likely to visit. Distribution of pamphlets at IT events and conferences to spread a word about your company’s offerings. Informative brochures that guarantee a permanent solution to client’s problem with contact number of sales representative and company address. These tactics were among the most effective ways to get noticed among prospective clients. The scenario completely changed with the advent of internet, which opened up host of new marketing opportunities for businesses at high level. Learnings from Tried & Tested Successful Marketing Strategies After deep market research and discussions with industry experts, we have listed down a list of factors that strongly influence the incoming traffic and leads through business websites. But are websites the only way to influence online world? If you think so, you are highly mistaken! Remove the misconception that equates the word ‘online presence’ with ‘business website’. Though it contributes a major share, it cannot be summed up entirely for establishing a powerful online business. Let’s understand different metrics that set up a recognizable platform for business in the highly fluctuating online world: 1/3

Build an Impressive Website: Company’s Face in the Online World The first and foremost rule to mark a presence in digital space has no exceptions for small or medium-sized businesses. Website is the first place potential and existing customers will land on while gauging your company’s authenticity and capabilities. Let’s suppose your friend has referred you a prospective customer with whom you are going to have video or voice conversation to discuss business prospects. What do you think will be the first move of that prospective customer after the end of your conversation? He/she would search for your company on the internet to take a sneak peek into the kind of service or products offered, work portfolio and engagement models. This is a natural human tendency to cross check the lauding words of sellers with its actual existence. Customers are becoming smarter; they expect you to be the best to take the handle of their project. No website or poorly structured business website can directly lead to loss of potential customers, a loss which otherwise could have been mended. Modern TechnoLabs helps you to be the first choice of potential customers by offering high-end website design and development services. An example here would give clarity on the topic discussed. Suppose that you are a restaurant owner who has yet not explored the strengths of digital space. You may not have realized the importance of having a website for this business. Or say, you would have a website that was developed decades ago, but isn’t updated yet. Now, I am new to the town and looking for restaurants in town that serve my favorite delicacies. I would hit the internet to get a list of food joints that can satisfy my taste buds. Here you lose me as you’re a visitor to your restaurant. To broaden the customer base, it is worth mentioning that the number of internet users has seen a significant upsurge with count coming as high as 3,488 million in 2016. This figure gives you an idea of how much exposure you are missing on by not having an online presence. It’s The Time for Website Optimization: SEO Practices ‘Yes’ because your website has the potential to get foreign as well as local leads ‘No’ because your website doesn’t have good reachability and exposure yet What Can Be Done to Establish a Powerful Online Presence? Dedicated SEO practices and generation of quality back links will make your website capable of generating sales. Purpose behind SEO practices is to get higher authenticity of your business website in popular search engines. Higher ranking in search engines increase your exposure to audience. A noteworthy fact to mention here is that approximately 90% users do not browse through results of 3rd page suggestions. The above statement is self-explanatory and highlights the importance of having good SEO rankings to target the right set of audience with relevant keywords, meta-tags and description. Modern TechnoLabs has earned a good reputation in offering reliable and fully customized digital marketing services as per your business requirements. Measure The Return On Investment (ROI) Of Strong Online Presence How do you know you have benefitted from digital marketing practices? How will you analyze whether you are on the right track or not? When you get enquiries through organic means from Google search results or say someone connects with you on social media profiles and starts interacting, you will get an idea of your ROI. 2/3

Instead of neglecting the power of online presence, start dedicated efforts in this direction to secure long term business benefits. The results of these efforts will be considerable and measurable enough to realize its usefulness.


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