3 minute read
Chair report—Kay Lovell
Chair’s Report
Where does the time go? Keeping busy certainly makes it seem to go much faster! As a member of our u3a, I hope you’re finding plenty to keep you occupied and for you to enjoy. Our monthly meetings, special events, and a myriad of Interest Groups to attend, offer a variety of ways for you to fill your time, build friendships, learn new things and, most of all, have fun. As I write, I reflect over the past few weeks during which we have experienced weather conditions that some have found difficult to bear. Despite our efforts, gardens and parks have suffered from the hot, dry conditions, with lawns turning from green to brown. Hopefully, in the fullness of time, they will recover. Growing vegetables this year has tried our patience too, as has endeavouring to keep the colours of summer flowers bright. This summer will definitely be one for the record books! So…what has been happening in our u3a these past three months? Firstly, our AGM was held in May and I would like to thank those of you who attended, either in person at Crosfield Hall or via Zoom. Business was conducted efficiently and six people were re-elected to our Committee of Trustees. Our constitution allows us to have up to twelve Trustees so, if you would like to join us, then please come forward. We will welcome you with open arms! As the 14th century proverb proclaims: Many hands make light work. Our monthly meetings at Crosfield Hall are now being reasonably well attended, although not quite up to the numbers pre-Covid, and some of you, who are unable to come along in person, are taking the opportunity to join us on Zoom. We are hoping that, as time goes on and all over-50s have had their second booster, we will see more of you in the Hall with us. Do be sure to make a note of the next few meetings in your diaries so that you don’t miss out. You will find details of the programme further on in this edition. On Wednesday 1st June, fifty or so of us joined together for a Picnic in the Park which was held in recognition of the u3a movement’s 40th anniversary. Did you realise that u3as all over the country were doing the same thing either on that very day or around that time? Being British, we all arrived prepared for rain which was just as well because there was a short shower! You can read more about this event further on in this newsletter; there are a few photos as well. Plenty has been going on in our town too, and we have been involved in some of it. During the weeks of the Romsey Festival, many of the town’s bollards were covered with an attractive array of cosies. I’m sure you saw them. Seven of them were created by our members and advertised u3a, whilst still adhering to the theme of Trees and Woodlands, inspired by the Queen’s wish that trees should be planted to commemorate her Jubilee. Many thanks go to the volunteers who contributed to this commendable effort. Next year the theme will be All things bright and beautiful. If you’d like to participate again, or even for the first time, perhaps you’d like to start knitting or crocheting during the cold, dark days of winter? The Mayor’s Picnic this year was a grand success all round. I have heard it said it was the best ever! The weather was perfect, the atmosphere congenial, the various entertainments enjoyed by all and our joint stand with Romsey Archway u3a visited by a great many passers-by. It was a joy to chat to so many interested people as well as to many of you who dropped in to give your support. Enjoy reading the rest of this newsletter; there are plenty of interesting articles as well as information to help you make the most of your u3a membership.