2 minute read

Events Calendar

Wed 15th February 2023 Time: 10.30am, doors open at 10.00am, refreshments after the talk.

Speaker: Paul Whittle is our speaker again this month.


Topic: BurmeseDays.

Description: In this talk he recounts from Rudyard Kipling and travels by vintage steam train and the Irrawaddy steamer touring Myanmar, visiting Rangoon, the ancient temple at Bagan and much more.

Wed 1st March 2023

This is a Zoom presentation

Time: 10.30am (Zoom will open at 10.15am)

Speaker: Diane Downie

Topic: Sleep

Description: This talk will explore the who, what and why of Sleep, with illustrative stories along the way.

Wed 29th March 2023

Time: 10.30am, doors open at 10.00am, refreshments after the talk.

Speaker: Rosemary LeGrand

Topic: Spectacular South African Flora & Fauna

Description: An opportunity to experience the gorgeous flowers, wonderful wildlife and fantastic scenery of this amazing country, ending with an exciting safari.

Wed 19th April 2023

Time: 10.30am, doors open at 10.00am, refreshments after the talk.

Speaker: Patrick Kempe

Topic: Backstage with Lorenzo and his amazing Lusitano Horses.

Description: An enthralling talk whether you know anything about horses or not. Behind the scenes with any renowned star is fascinating, add to this colour, music and film and this creates an enjoyable experience.

Lorenzon's training is out of this world and the horses love working with him at his shows, in the fields and in the sea. Lorenzo is an incredible horseman who has had shows in Europe, England, the Middle East and at his farm on the Camargue in France.

A full list of current events is available on our web page at https://u3asites.org.uk/romsey/events

This is the current schedule for the next few meetings at Crosfield Hall. If you are unable to attend we hope you will be able to join in from home, via Zoom.

Meetings start at 10.30 am., ZOOM log-in is from 10.15 am.


Charity No. 11082501


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Romsey & District u3a Will be held in Crosfield Hall Romsey and via Zoom

On Wednesday 17th May 2023 commencing at 10:30 am

The purpose and business of this meeting is to :

1. Agree the draft minutes of AGM 18th May 2022

2. Receive the Trustees’ Annual Report

3. Approve the accounts

4. Elect the Trustees and Officers for the year 2023-2024

A formal agenda will be sent out closer to the meeting date together with all other documents – the draft minutes from the AGM held 18th May 2022 can be found on the Romsey & District u3a website. https://u3asites.org.uk/romsey/page/112761

Election of Trustees and Officers

Our constitution requires that all trustees, including those who are officers, are elected annually and that there shall be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 12 trustees.

The trustees make up the management committee of our charity and they typically meet 6 times each year.

The officers are the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

If you would like to stand for election as a trustee or officer, you must submit a nomination form which is included herewith and is also available from our website or the Secretary. You and your proposer and seconder can submit your nomination form by email or post as indicated on the nomination form. It is important that you indicate on the form whether you are standing as a trustee or for one of the officer positions.

Before submitting your nomination it is recommended that you read the Charity Commission’s guidance ‘The Essential Trustee’

If you wish to discuss your interest in standing as a trustee you should contact Kay Lovell, chair@romseyu3a.or.uk or 07905 798136

After election an induction will be given.

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