Dominion Traveler Dec 2010 Vol 35 Issue 2

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District 66 Toastmasters, Region 7

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

THE DOMINION TRAVELER Inside this issue: Another Experience


C & L Award Nomination Form


Call for Nominations


Central Division Governor

5 13

Contact Us District 66 Achievements


District Governor


Eastern Division Governor


District Theme: Steps to Success

Fall Conference Review


Seth Austin

Fall Contest Winners


Important Dates


Positive Speakers, Club 1529155 Submitted by Glennys E. Fleming, ACB, CL

Leading Edges


Laugh Out Loud


Lt Governor of Education




Western Division Governor


The names "Toastmasters International, "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

In November 2010, Central Division chartered two new clubs from Chesterfield County Public Schools (CCPS). Seth Austin was instrumental in getting Toastmasters on board within CCPS. As reflected below in his own words, this is also a good fit for him personally, and for CCPS overall.

What were your objectives in starting the Toastmasters Club for Chesterfield County Public Schools’ staff members? I think the interesting thing about how we came to Toastmasters was our objectives. We didn't just find Toastmasters and think, “Oh this looks really great; I wonder what we could get out of it." We had a plan and clear vision, under the great leadership of Cheryl George, concerning what we wanted professional development at Chesterfield County Public Schools to look like. We were building a professional development program from the ground up. The professional development opportunities that were being compiled and offered were to support the values, vision, beliefs, and mission of the school system. We had clear ideas of the types of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) (Continued on page 2)

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

The Dominion Traveler

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Seth Austin, Positive Speakers, Club 1529155 (continued)

Leading Edges Handling Table Topics With Ease

(Continued from page 1)

that we wanted CCPS employees to be able to learn and develop through the opportunities that were offered. When we came across Toastmasters, it was immediately clear that this organization was able to fulfill a wide range of those KSAs all at once. We sought an affiliation with Toastmasters to help our employees become better communicators, gain confidence, learn positive and constructive feedback skills, and to become better listeners. We also love the fact that Toastmasters provides so many employees with, not just leadership training, but practical leadership opportunities; it also gives participants a chance to plan, research and meet deadlines. Lastly, and perhaps most important, it allows CCPS employees from all over the school division to form engaged relationships with people they may not normally interact with, thereby building a stronger and more connected organization.

Please share about the experience of giving your first speech. The experience of giving my first speech in our Toastmasters group was unbelievable. I did not have the book or even know I was going to be speaking until the afternoon before I was to speak. This was probably a good thing for me because I am the type of person who can just freak myself out if I have too much time to worry about things. When I read through the first project, I was put at ease. How could I have an easier topic than to simply talk about myself? I really enjoyed the process of thinking about all the things that people might find interesting about me and thinking of interesting ways to share them. When I got up to present for the first time I was shaking like a leaf. I was told afterword that nobody could even see that, but I felt like I may just fall over right there in front of everybody. The audience was so receptive and supportive, however, that I quickly became more comfortable and got into a groove. I was rolling and it felt great to get up there and conquer a fear and have all of those people there to support me. I was a little sad when my time was up--by the end I was actually having fun. I was so happy that I had been given the opportunity to be the first to present in our group. I cannot wait until next time to hear the great things my fellow Toastmasters will have to say. Thanks Seth for such candid remarks about Toastmasters and your sense of accomplishment. We are proud to have you on board in Central Division.

Always repeat the question. This

give you a few seconds to organize your thoughts. Decide immediately if you like or

hate the issue. Let your emotions guide your thoughts. Don’t hesitate—jump into the water and swim. Start off strong with confidence.

“I believe...”; “My experience shows…” Organize your thoughts. One ap-

proach might be: “There are three things that come to mind.” This gives some good organization to the response. Another approach could use the “pro and “con” method. Illustrate your point. Look for a

lesson. You could also relate the topic to a book, movie, or some community event. Bring your family into the re-

sponse. This makes your response believable. Use a personal experience. Answer

the who, when, why, where, what and how questions. Build Humor into your response

or an “off the cuff” remark. Have a strong conclusion that lets

everyone know your position.

The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2 Page 3

DG Jerry Keast, DTM “Does our involvement Matter” and “WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME” For me, living our District theme of “Steps to Success” is the reality that we can do anything we step up to do by standing up TOGETHER, which echoes the International President, Pat Johnson’s theme “Achieving Greatness Together” and hopefully challenges each of us to discover opportunities to serve this great organization. These two linked and supportive themes cause me to consider the many ways our personal and collective involvement benefit the toastmasters, serve the members and to be thankful for those members who stepped up to make my Toastmasters journey a learning experience and a joy. My personal journey answers positively the long standing questions “Does our involvement Matter” and “What’s in it for me.” Yes, I’m convinced our involvement matters but maybe you’re not so consider the following!

Club Level – Someone took me under their wing and helped me overcome my fears to step up and give speeches and as a result they ensured I confidently realized my personal goals and grew. Through my growth I was better prepared and more confident to step up to serve as a club officer and in so doing was instrumental in the growth of other members in their personal journeys.

Area Level – Someone saw in me the willingness and capacity to serve and ask me to step out of my home club to be an Area Governor. I really loved that job as it gave me opportunities to not only serve more members but an appreciation that the Toastmasters’ journey was boundless through its District and International level Programs.

Division Level – Someone encouraged me to step up and serve in a District leadership role with the promise that they would be supportive and advise me in areas where I needed help. The help was confidently there and with it I had opportunity to continue my learning experiences, building friendships and developing a strong support base.

District Level – Someone convinced me that I could successfully be part of the District TRIO and with their support successfully stepped up to be your Lieutenant Governor Marketing. I continued to serve as the Lieutenant Governor Education and Training and this year as your District Governor with the confidence that having served at each level and with the joy of service built relationships that was so essential in successfully meeting my responsibilities.

International Level – Someone convinced me that sharing the TRIO training experiences with the other District leaders would allow me to expand my boundaries past the District, open opportunities to continue building personal relationships that I eagerly embrace and remain connected with.

The single thread that built my confidences to serve and knowledge to successfully meeting my responsibilities was through the dedication and support of so many “Someone’s”, whom I will remain forever grateful. Are you a servant leader willing to embrace the joy of service and if not are you the support base that recognizes and encouraged others that have the heart for service to reach their goals. Have you stepped up to “Thank Your Heroes” for their contributions to ensure your Toastmasters journey and its rewards realized and if not “Why Not.” Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season! Jerry Keast, DTM District 66 Governor

The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

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Holiday Gift Ideas

Alan Tuten , DTM

Author Oren Arnold To your enemy, forgiveness.

Some of you Another dimension of “reach” may recall the has to do with the Toastmasters remarks I shared at Fall Conference Educational Program. I often ob(Saturday morning) , and for you serve that it is a self-paced program, this will be something of a review, but “self-paced” does NOT mean but many of you may have missed “open-ended”. The program works the Conference or the session. So, when you use it, and that means setwith this Toastmasters year nearly ting goals and working to “reach” halfway over, as we challenge ourthem. selves to re-double our efforts, let me Finally, an important dimension share an abridged version here. of “reach” has to Do you remember the do with reaching rhyme that begins “Bend and This provided me out to our fellow stretch, reach for the sky …”? members in the an opportunity As I look back over my own spirit of cooperato “reach” in a Toastmaster career, I can idention and accountdifferent tify four dimensions of “reach” ability. There’s an direction and that have contributed to my interesting dyprogress. I’ll bet many of you help others in namic in Toastcan make similar observations. masters in that their journey. The first dimension of my “we cook what we “reach” came when I first eat” and “we eat joined Toastmasters. I was exposed what we cook”. If we want to have to some strange practices I must adgreat meetings, then we need to be mit – counting uhs and ahs, red and faithful in attendance, ready to acgreen lights, and handoffs at the leccept roles, and show up every time tern. I found myself “reaching” forfully prepared. If we want great ward to those who had gone before. clubs, then we need to be great conI’m glad I did, and in fact I still do. tributors and willing to assume the After a few speeches in the Com- responsibilities of servant leadership petent Communicator manual, I when called upon to do so. noticed that others were joining the Ours is a great organization with club, with many of the same quesmuch to offer, and from it we can tions and concerns I had experigrow and benefit in so many ways. enced. This provided me an opporSo let’s all “bend and stretch and tunity to “reach” in a different direcREACH FOR THE SKY” tion and help others in their journey.

To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.

District 66 2010-2011 Performance Division Award

D 66 Cent





















































The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2 Page 5

Central Division Governor Glennys E. Fleming, ACB, CL

We are now in the 2010 Holiday Season; therefore, I want to encourage the Central Division to keep on giving the gift of the Toastmaster program, as prescribed by Toastmasters International. Doing the right things the right way allows us to continue to grow our member base with new members and new clubs. The Central Division has given the gift of two new clubs to the District: Positive Speakers and

Toastmasters 2.0. To date, the addition of these new clubs has enabled District 66 to meet 96% of its new club goal! Both of these clubs are affiliated with the Chesterfield County Public Schools and we are so excited to be working with the two clubs. Positive Speakers is being sponsored by PID Patricia H. Jordan. PDG Christine S. Al-Amin and AG-21 Linda S. Kennedy are serving as the club mentors. Toastmasters 2.0 is sponsored by PID Patricia H. Jordan and Mr. Seth Austin, who had the idea to offer Toastmasters to Chesterfield County Public School’s staff members. The mentors for this club are PDG Christine S. Al-Amin and Division Governor Glennys Fleming. Both clubs have begun their trek toward giving speeches and fill-

ing in roles at each meeting. Congratulations to the Sponsors and Mentors for your support of the new clubs in the Central Division. More importantly, we welcome the members of Positive Speakers and Toastmasters 2.0 to the Central Division. As we continue to discuss our critical success factors, we continually look at our progress with educational goals. Congratulations to the Central Division for taking the lead on achieving the highest number of educational goals thus far for the district year. You are keeping in mind the reason you came to Toastmasters….that is your personal growth! The Central Division won the traveling trophy for the last quarter and because of our diligence in earning awards, we will continue to excel in all that we do! I extend special thanks to the Central Division area governors and all members of the Central Division for all that you do. We are looking forward to another year of being a President’s Distinguished Division. My holiday wishes are that you have safe travels for you and your family, as well as blessed and memorable moments throughout the season. See you in 2011.

Eastern Division Governor Peter Moyer, ACB, CL A Toastmaster Club is a safe place to practice our leadership and communication techniques. Use your learned talents at work and in your organizations. Be prepared to share where you have learned your skills. I have many success stories to share in my work place and associations I belong too using what I have learned. I want to hear your success stories too. I The median hope you are learnnumber of ing. We learn by years that participation. We wage and speak, we evaluate, salary workers and we lead. This had been with experience we practheir current tice at our own Toastmaster Clubs employer was can really propel us 4.4 in January in our careers. Espe2010... cially with the state of our economy jobs are harder to find and keep. The median number of years that wage and salary workers had been with their current employer was 4.4 in January 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported back in September. We all will be (Continued on page 6)

The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

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Eastern Division Governor (Continued) (Continued from page 5)

looking at job changes and advancing within our organizations. I would like us all as Toastmasters to help each other reach our goals. Let’s lift up those and help those Toastmasters who are out of work. I hired a Toastmaster in the past and it was a great hire since I knew what I was getting. Toastmasters may show us our abilities as communicators and leaders. Do not under estimate the power of Toastmasters. Be prepared always because your next career may be discovered at a Toastmaster Club meeting. Happy Holidays and have a wonderful New Year to you and your club.

Western Division Governor Linda Davis, ACB ALB Seasons Greetings from the Western Division: Now that 2010 is coming to a close we would like to highlight a few of our successes. On Saturday October 16th the Western Division held its Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests at the Rockbridge

Library in Lexington VA. This fascinating event created a platform for us the hear some of the best speakers in the Western Division and we had a great time listening to all of the wonderful speeches. Each contestant did a great job, which made the judging tough, but our Judges were prepared to select contest winners.

Division Evaluation Contest Steven Fulton Case Mitchell Marie Bliss

Humorous Speech Contest Davis Bass Mike Richards Steven Fulton The District 66 Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests was held in Roanoke, Virginia on November 12th & 13th. I'm proud to announce that all 3 Western Division contest participants placed in their prospective contests:

District 66 Evaluation Contest 1st Place : Steven Fulton Area 23 - Talk of the Town Club

Humorous Speech Contest 2nd Place: Michael Richards Area 22 - Piney Mountain club 3rd Place: David Bass Area 10 - Franklin County Club In addition to our success in the Speech Contests, the Western

Division won the first District 66 Pep Team Cheering Competition! The Western Division Pep Rally Team: Nelson Ayala, Linda Davis, Shirley Everett, Ian Henry and Victor King did an awesome job of showing why the West is the

Best! We are excited to announce that our team is on track to finish the year Distinguished. Our Area Governors and Club Officers are working hard to insure that each club member meets or exceeds their Speaking and Leadership goals. Since July 1, our club members have achieved 34 educational awards (see chart below). Be sure to mark your calendars and attend a session of the next set of District sponsored Club Officer training: January 15 –National College

in Salem, Va January 29 - Central WLI, with

DEC meeting to follow February 5 - (Hampton, Va) February 19 –(Va Beach, Va)

For additional details about the Club Officer training, visit As we point out our successes, we hope that your 2010 has been successful also and look forward to hearing about your 2011 victories. Enjoy your holiday season and have a prosperous New Year!

Dominion Traveler December 2010, Volume The 34, Issue 2

The Dominion Traveler December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2 Page 7

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Another Experience A Visit to Australia This is a true story that our department director recently shared. He received the story from a fellow local government Technology Administrator.

Christine Horrocks, CC, ALB (right) President of the Miranda Club 3554 New South Wales, Australia Ian Henry, ATMG District Treasurer (left) One of the most beneficial learning aspects of Toastmasters is learning not only more effective methods for communication, but experiencing so many effective ways to accomplish the same goal. Visiting other clubs and participating in their programming used to be a recommendation in Toastmasters Distinguished Club Plan. Ian Henry, ATMG, our current District Treasurer, recently had a golden opportunity to experience Toastmasters in a very difference way. Here is his experience in his own words.

“I think it is probably one of the earliest clubs established in Australia. The meeting was interesting because there were two contests held that night. One was a contest to propose a toast, called ‘The Master of the Toast’ and the other a Tall Tales Contest. In addition, there were table topics in which every person at the meeting took part and every speaker was evaluated. It is not surprising that the meeting started at 7pm and went for three hours.” I challenge each of you to see opportunities to expand you knowledge and understanding through experience the full breadth of what Toastmasters offers.

I just had a funny e-mail/phone discussion with our Employee Relations Office related to internet site blocking that I have to share with all of you. I ran across a Blog site called Microsoft Exchange Tips (MSexchangetips) that was being blocked by our filtering software. We generally block blog sites. The Employee Relations Office controls the filters, so I sent them a request to have the site unblocked. I got an e-mail response to my request and the ER staff person asked me if I was sure that a blog site for “sex change tips” was job related. We all see things through our own lens…

The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

Page 8





Central Division 1. Applegate, Sarah


30. Mallory, Doris A


2. Beattie, Kathy Ann


31. Maloney, Patrick M


3. Brown-Burton, Linda D.


32. Markus, Cheryl L


4. Chandler, Trumekia D.


33. Mayer, Brian M.


5. Coleman, Josette M.


34. Nelson, Meredyth


6. Davis, Jacquelyn K.


35. Nowlin, Jessica


7. Davis, Kimberly


36. Pegram, Shirley T


8. DeAstra, Lore


37. Quenan, Tricia


9. DeAstra, Lore


38. Reilly, Karen


10. Dozier, Diana H.


39. Rowe, Emmanuel


11. Eget, Lisa L


40. Sanders, Elwood


12. Fleming, Jeffrey C.


41. Saultz-Dikteruk, Roxi


13. Ford, Reginald D.


42. Schultz, Mary Lee


14. Frick, Janet


43. Schultz, Mary Lee


15. Green, George


44. Shanbhogue, Raghavendra P.


16. Guruvell, Venkata Subbarao


45. Short-White, Malissa


17. Guruvell, Venkata Subbarao


46. Short-White, Malissa


18. Haltom, Rickey W. 19. Hartman, Tammy J. 20. Hein-Harmon, Carmen


47. Stevens, Claude 48. Sudhakar, Tharak 49. Toliver, Pamela A


21. Hess, David M.


50. Wakefield, Ericka


22. Hill, Daphne A.


51. Wakefield, Ericka


23. Howard, Jawea D.


52. Wallace, Brenita


24. Jones, Gregory Dean


53. Way, Susan J.


25. Kolonay, Elizabeth Ann


54. Williams, Douglas W.


26. Leaton, Janet K.


55. Wilson, Joyce H.


27. Lehr, Amy H.


56. Wilson, William T.


28. Londow, Deon E.


57. Wood, Frank E.


29. Lynch, Abby


Member Eastern Division 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




Barnes, Marie Barnes, Marie Bolton, Tabetha Boyd, Brian A. Boyer, Richard E.


25. McCarthy, John A. 26. McGlone, Evora H. 27. McGlone, Evora H. 28. McKnight, Lakeisha Monique 29. Miller, Kent Robert


6. Burke, Teressa Faye 7. Caragan, Napoleon 8. Carroll, Debra J. 9. Collins, Eureka F. 10. Fink, Yvonne T. 11. Gardner, Christy Lyne


30. Morgan, Andrea C. 31. Morgan, Andrea C. 32. Morgan, Andrea C. 33. Morgan, Andrea C. 34. Moyer, Pete G. 35. Myrick, Angela


12. Gillerlain, Frank H. 13. Gleason, David Alan 14. Harman, Harry Edward 15. Harman, John G. 16. Harman, John G. 17. Keast, Jerry L. 18. Keast, Jerry L. 19. Keast, Jerry L. 20. Langlands, Peter B. 21. Laury, Joyce C. 22. Ledbetter, Jessica M. 23. Lewis, Michelle A. 24. Lewis, Michelle A.


36. Naylor, Thomas 37. O'Malley, Virginia M. 38. Raymond, Patricia L. 39. Riddick, Raye L. 40. Robinson, Reginald N. 41. Seibert, Jeffrey L. 42. Seibert, Laura D. 43. Smith, Crystal T. 44. Smith, Crystal T. 45. Tyree, Shirley Hunter 46. Weston, Terrie Lynn 47. White, Celeste Nichole


Western Division 1. Baranauskas, Jonas M. 2. Broaddus, Anita W. 3. Brubaker, Daryl Mark 4. Brubaker, Daryl Mark 5. Campagna, Joseph M. 6. Carter, Melvin D 7. DeVries, Eric Nolan 8. Gamble, Dian C. 9. Gonyer, Kenneth E. 10. Harris, Kelvyn A. 11. Harris, Kelvyn A. 12. Hoffman, Katherine Ballard 13. Hogle, Jean G. 14. Huang, Ruomei


18. Miles, David A 19. Mitchell, Case 20. Mungle, Bruce W. 21. Owens, Patrick D. 22. Rosillo Dominguez, Claudia Fabiola 23. Saxby, Morgan P 24. Seymour, JoAnn 25. Sherbin, Karin 26. Smith, Karen Lovegren 27. Stevens, Moses B. 28. Stickler, Ben N. 29. Taylor, Jennifer V. 30. Tipsword, Pamela 31. Turcotte, Robert

15. Hung, Daniel


32. Tuten, Alan A.



33. Zayas, Karen 34. Zayas, Karen


16. Jani, Dipal 17. Jani, Dipal


The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

Page 10

District 66 Call for Nominations! Nominations are being accepted for District Governor, LT. Gov Education &Training, LT. Governor Marketing, Treasurer, Central, Eastern and Western, Division Governors. Review the criteria for each position and submit your name to Alice Blake, DTM, PDG, Nominations Chairman. The deadline for submission of names for elected positions is February 15, 2011. The submissions form is found on page 10.

Alice Blake, DTM, PDG, Nominations Chairman 916 Ayers Way, Glen Allen, Virginia 23060

District Officer Mission, Purpose and Qualifications

District Governor Mission/Purpose - As the District's chief executive officer, directs the District in a way which fosters strong Clubs; produces maximum growth in education completions, Club and membership; and is consistent with the interests of members of Toastmasters International. The District Governor is responsible for motivating the District to achieve Distinguished District. The District Governor must work to achieve the Mission of the District in a manner which motivates volunteer leaders and promotes a standard of excellence in all District activities.

Qualifications At the time of taking office, the District Governor shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor or Division Governor or a combination thereof.

Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training


Mission/Purpose - Under the guidance of the District Governor, strives to have every Club and each member reap the benefits of the Toastmasters educational program and to have every Club become a Distinguished Club. The LGET is responsible for achieving Distinguished District goals for CCS, ACS, and Distinguished Clubs. The LGET provides direction and counsel to Division Governors, Area Governors, and Club officers on the educational opportunities in Toastmasters. The LGET is also responsible for the design and conduct of successful District training programs, conferences, and other District educational events.

The Lieutenant Governor Education and Training shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, Division Governor, or an Area Governor, or a combination thereof.

(Continued on page 11)

The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2 Page 11

Call for Nominations! (Continued)

(Continued from page 10)

Lieutenant Governor of Marketing


Mission/Purpose - Under guidance of the District Governor, makes the benefits of Toastmasters membership available to greater numbers of people. Plans, develops, implements, and directs short-term and longterm District marketing objectives. Develops and directs programs for new Club development, Club rescue efforts, Club membership promotion, and membership retention. The LGM is responsible for achieving Distinguished District goals for membership and Club Growth. The LGM also promotes standards of service to the member and to the Club.

The Lieutenant Governor Marketing shall have served for at least six (6) consecutive months as a Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, a Division Governor, or as an Area Governor, or a combination thereof.

Division Governor


Mission/Purpose - Achieves the Mission of the District within the Division, accomplishing District goals in membership building and retention, Club extension, and educational accomplishments. The Division Governor ensures that each Club realizes its Mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. Responsible for achieving Distinguished Division Program goals and for ensuring that Areas and Clubs within the Division achieve Distinguished status. The Division Governor serves the Division Clubs by providing District support and resources through the Area Governors.

A Division Governor shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a member of a District Council (e.g., Club President, Vice President Education, Area Governor, District Secretary, or District Treasurer).

District Treasurer Mission/Purpose - Establishes and maintains effective fiscal management of the District. The treasure promotes the growth of Toastmasters by providing sound fiscal guidance to the District. Produces monthly reports reflecting the District’s financial status and ensures that expenditures remain within the budget approved by the District Council. The treasurer also ensures that the District maintains the financial controls established by Toastmasters International.

Qualifications Should have accounting experience and understand basic bookkeeping practices.

The deadline for submission of names for elected positions is February 15, 2011. The submissions form is found on page 10.

District Officer Nominating Form Are you interested in nominating yourself or someone else for district officer position? Please complete the form below and submit to the nomination’s chair, Alice Blake, DTM. PDG. If you are nominating someone else, you may submit more than one person's name for each position. To be nominated or elected, a person must be a member in good standing, meet the qualifications of the office, must consent to being nominated, and must sign an Officer Agreement and Release Form. I wish to have the nominating committee consider the following person for the office of:

District Governor

Lt. Governor Education & Training

Lt. Governor Marketing Division Governor (please specify division_______________) District Treasurer Name __________________________________________________________________


Address ________________________________________________________________ State___________________ City ___________________________________________________________________ Zip Code _______________ Telephone (H) _________________________ (B) _____________________________ (C)____________________ FAX _______________________ e-mail: ____________________________________________________________ Home Club Name __________________________________________________ Club No. ______________________ Please describe any club and district offices held by nominated individual (include dates of service if possible). Please share with the nominating committee why you believe the nominated individual should be considered for the specified position. If there is additional information you would like to include about this candidate that you feel would assist the nominating committee in their deliberations, please attach it to this form. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Submitted by:

The deadline for submission of names for elected positions is February 15, 2011. __________________________________________________________ Mail or E-mail to:

Alice Blake, DTM. PDG 916 Ayers Way Glen Allen, VA 23060


The Dominion Traveler

December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2 Page 13

The Dominion Traveler is your newsletter. It’s purpose is to educate and communicate important news across the district. As such, it’s success and quality depends on your input and feedback. Please take a minute to drop us a line concerning our effectiveness in meeting our purpose. You may contact the Dominion Traveler Editor directly at: Mary White, DTM Attention: Dominion Traveler Editor 401 Monticello Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23510-2408 Mary.White@Norfolk.Gov

2010 District 66 Fall Contest Winners! Speech Evaluation Contest First Place – Steve Fulton Second Place – Sally Norton Third Place – Sarah Applegate

Humorous Speech Contest First Place – Rita Moore Second Place – Mike Richards Third Place – David Bass

Contact Us District Leadership District Governor

Jerry Keast

Lt Governor of Education & Training

Al Tuten

Lt Governor of Marketing

Daphne Hill


Kathleen Gillerlain

Public Relations Officer

Shaun Skow


Ian Henry


Wade Randolph

Central Division Governor

Glennys Fleming

Eastern Division Governor

Pete Moyer

Western Division Governor

Linda Davis

Retention Chair

Chris Al-Amin

Dominion Traveler Editor

Mary White


Rick Brannon

Regional Leadership (Region VII International Directors) Region VII International Director

Heath Suddleson, DTM

Region VII Region Advisor Marketing

Joe Jarzombek, DTM

Region VII Past International Director

Annelie Weber, DTM

Email options available on regional website.

District 66 Toastmasters, Region 7 December 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2

District 66

Region 7

Toastmasters International

1-888-TM-SAY-59 [1-888-867-2959

1-949-858-8255 www.Toastmasters.Org

Important Dates Dec 30

Deadline for Club Officer List to WHQ

Jan 15

Western Division Club Officer Training Western Division Club Officer Training

Jan 29

Central Division Club Officer Training District Executive Board Meeting

Feb 1

Talk Up Toastmasters Membership Drive Begins Eastern Division Club Officer Training

Feb 5 Western Division Club Officer Training Eastern Division Club Officer Training Feb 19 Western Division Club Officer Training Feb 28

Deadline for Club Spring Contests

Mar 1

Semi-annual Reports Mailed to Presidents

Deadline for submission of club dues Deadline for Area Spring Contests Mar 30 Deadline for Area Governor Visits to Clubs Talk Up Toastmasters Membership Drive Ends Apr 9

Eastern Division Spring Contests

Apr 29-30

District 66 Spring Conference

May 1

Beat the Clock Membership Drive Begins

May 31

Deadline for Club Officer Elections Beat the Clock Membership Drive Ends

Jun 30

Deadline for Club Officer List to WHQ 20102010-2011 Administrative Year Ends!

Thank you for a great Fall Conference! I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate the District 66 Team on a fantastic conference last month in Roanoke. It was a fantastic event run with the perfect mix of professionalism and fun. The Friday night event at the Taubman was incredible. What a fantastic place for the speech contest to have the landing on the stair case as the speaking platform. The unique venue and the creative use of the space was masterful. The contest was followed with a scavenger hunt and dancing, which really ended the evening nicely. The Saturday conference was impressive from start to finish, whether it was the C&L Awardee playing Rhapsody in Blue in a way that I have never heard it, or the fantastic educational sessions, or a spirited business meeting, or the Humorous Speech Contest, it was a great event. The Humorous Speech Contest even had the USMC Color Guard letting their hair down, which is not easy to do with a high and tight haircut. The Sunday Pep Rally was a fantastic idea. It’s too bad that some people missed it because it was a brilliant way to end the weekend of fun and friendship. The conference team did a top notch job, and it was one of the best run conferences I have ever attended...and I have attended a lot. My deepest thanks to all who worked hard to put on such a great event, to the District leadership who made me feel so welcome, and especially to the members who took the time to speak with me so that I could get to know you better. I hope to see you again soon. All the best, Heath Suddleson, DTM International Director 2009-2011

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