EMDR Therapy | Agoraphobia | Digestive Disorders

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SYNOPSIS I. EMDR Therapy II. What is EMDR Therapy and How Does it Work? III. AGORAPHOBIA IV. Signs Of Potential Agoraphobia V. Major Causes Of The Digestive Disorders VI. Commonly Known Digestive Disorders


EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. It is a form of psychotherapy that relies on eye movements to help reprogram the brain. Francine Shapiro developed EMDR therapy in 1989. She noticed that while she recalled a stressful thought, her eyes moved involuntarily. When she brought the movements under voluntary control, she became less anxious.

Stressful events are known to adversely affect many people. EMDR is based on the theory that persistent, prolonged reactions to trauma are due to partially or entirely unprocessed memories. EMDR is believed to be related to the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) that occurs during deep sleep. Through a similar process to REM sleep, EMDR is thought to release and assist in the processing of traumatic memories. It is believed to help alleviate trauma symptoms and is often used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. EMDR has also been used to treat panic attacks, phobias, stress, and addiction.

People often believe emotional trauma takes a long time to resolve. EMDR therapists believe the mind can heal from trauma much as the body recovers from injury. When the body is injured it will recover; if something remains in the wound, or re-i jury o urs, the ou d o ’t heal. Heali g a happen, once the blockage is removed from the wound. Practitioners believe EMDR is the instrument that can clear the blockage from a mental injury.

EMDR patients are first asked to recall a traumatic event or image. Next, the practitioner performs different kinds of sensory input, such as hand tapping or side-to-side eye movements during part of the session. The EMDR therapist pinpoints a memory to serve as a starting point and continues performing therapy through eye movements and other sensory strategies.


The first stage of EMDR o sists of the therapist’s assess e t of the lie t’s history. A therapist ust k o a out their lie t’s past i order to properly assist ith EMDR therapy. Uncovering past childhood traumas, repressed memories, and other emotional distress can be utilized in the formation of a treatment plan.

• Stage 2 •

This phase of EMDR therapy ensures that the client understands and has the ability to practice stress-relieving techniques so that the patient can access these techniques during an EMDR session. Maintaining a balance between accessing traumatic memories and relieving stress is crucial for this process.

• Stages 3-6 •

In the assessing stage 3, the patient must focus on an image or picture of the event. Secondly, the patient identifies a negative belief, regardless if the belief is true or not.


Thirdly, the patient chooses a positive belief to counteract the negative one. Eye movements, taps, tones, and feelings are employed during these phases in order to bring the client closer to the positive belief and therefore the closure stage.

• Stage 7 •

The losure stage’s goal is to lea e the patie t feeli g ore positi e a d physi ally a d emotionally better than before the session began. The therapist will then instruct and guide the patient in using a journal to log thoughts, feelings, and any problems or experiences in between visits to the office. The journal logging also allows for a patient to have control and learn techniques on handling stressors and emotions.

• Stage 8 •

This finals stage begins at the start of the following meeting between patient and therapist. The patient will inform the therapist of any progress or problems experienced since the previous session.

AGORAPHOBIA • Agoraphobia is defined as an anxiety-related disease that keeps the affected people away from the circumstances and the areas that are likely to make them have a trapped, helpless, panicked, embarrassed, and a scared feeling. • Major Symptoms That Arises Due to Agoraphobia •

Agoraphobia can be detected if the person is always anxious, is always estranged from other people, fears to be in an area that is not easy to escape from, fears to lose control in a place that is public, fears to be alone in a situation that is social, and finally he or she fears to leave their home for a long period of time.

Agoraphobia is mostly accompanied by panic attacks that come with a number of severe symptoms that are physical. These symptoms are like pain in the patie t’s hest, a heart that is ra i g, a reath that o urs for a short period of time, dizziness effects, trembling effects, choking effects, sweating effects, flashes that are hot, and chills effects.


Agoraphobia makes patients have an experience of panic-related attacks every time they are in a situation that is stressful or one that is not comfortable. This is what activates the fear that arises as a result of being in an uncomfortable situation.

• Causes of Agoraphobia •

Agoraphobia has no exact cause. However, there are factors that can contribute most to developing agoraphobia. Examples of them are depression effects, claustrophobia effects, social phobia affects, a generalized type of anxietyrelated disorder, history pertaining of abuse of sex or physical abuse, a problem arising from substance abuse, and finally a family history that is related to agoraphobia.

SIGNS OF POTENTIAL AGORAPHOBIA • Signs of potential agoraphobia: •

The avoidance social situations in free time and in the workplace

The complete avoidance of situations that may cause embarrassment

These feelings last more than 6 months

The realization that the anxiety is greater than the situation at hand

Making excuses to avoid what is believed to be potentially disabling situations

• If a person experiences these feelings for more than 6 months than a consultation of a medical professional or doctor may be needed. If these symptoms are severely hindering day-to-day life, such as jobs, relationships with friends and family, and generally leaving the house, then agoraphobia could be present.

MAJOR CAUSES OF THE DIGESTIVE DISORDERS • Allergy To Some Foods And Intolerance To Food •

Digestive disorders are caused by some foods that mainly lead to allergic reactions like the swelling of the lips, swelling of the mouth and also swelling in the back side of the throat. These are also in a position of causing vomiting issues and nausea effects.

• A Diet That Is Poor •

Digestive disorders are also caused by the highly fatty diet, foods that are sugary, low fiber foods, and foods that are fried. These diets cause slow passing of stool via the large intestine. Also, failure to take adequate can lead to constipation that causes digestive disorders.

• Infection By The Bacteria •

Digestive disorders can be caused as a result of the viral infection, bacterial infection and parasite infection. A person will realize that he/she has been infected of all the three if there signs of acute diarrhea. However, they can be treated using antibiotics apart from a viral infection.


Digestive disorders can arise due to the harming of the body tissues involving some parts of the digestive system by the immune system. There are diseases due to the autoimmune that leads to the problems that affect the gastrointestinal.

• Causes That Are Structural •

Digestive disorders are caused by some abnormalities in the digestive system that are structural. These are likely to hamper the normal functioning of the digestive system. A good example is an ulcer situated in the lining of the intestines or the stomach.

• Causes That Are Genetic •

Digestive disorders like type 1 of diabetes, cancer of the colon, a disorder of the Croh ’s, liver disorder and much more are said to be genetic.

• Choi es That Are Made I O e’s Life •

Digesti e disorders a e aused y a perso ’s hoi e i life. These hoi e are like having stress in each and every time, avoiding exercises, and many more. Thus, it is see that a perso ’s ay of li i g is likely to affe t hi /her i o e ay or a other.


Digestive disorders that affect the small intestine are identified as celiac. This type of disorder interferes with the normal way through which the nutrients are absorbed from the meal. Those patients affected by the celiac disorder are said to be gluten sensitive whereby gluten is one form of protein that is mainly found in the foods like wheat and others. The commonly observed symptoms by the people affected by the celiac disorder are fatigue, loss of weight, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, bloating in the abdomen, anxiety, seizures, and many more.

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome •

Digestive disorders that arise as a result of the changes that affect the normal working of GI tract are identified as irritable bowel syndrome. This kind of disorder is currently affecting approximately 17 % of the adult in the whole world whereby twice a number of women as compared to men are affected by this same disorder. The commonly observed symptoms by the people affected by this kind of disorder are the pain in the abdomen, bowel habits start to change and also cramping signs are observed.


Digestive disorders that make the lower part of the esophageal sphincter to become weak or to relax when it is not required to, are identified as gastroesophageal reflux diseases. This type of disorder makes the contents of the stomach to changes their destinations to the esophagus where they trigger the heartburn. The commonly observed symptoms include wheezing, feel of pain when swallowing something, vomiting, feeling pain in the chest, nausea, having a bad breath, a cough that is dry and chronic, and a sore throat.

• Inflammatory Bowel •

Digestive disorders that arise as a result of the combination of the genetics, human immune system that is faulty and the environmental factors, are referred to as inflammatory bowel diseases. These type of disorder has been recorded to be affecting a large number of people. This disorder is the one that gives a pathway to the diseases like the ulcerative colitis disorder and the Crohn disease. The associated symptoms are diarrhea that is persistent, bleeding of the rectal, constipation and pain in the abdomen.

THANK YOU For more details, please visit: http://www.hhccentre.com/emdr-therapy/

http://www.hhccentre.com/agoraphobia/ http://www.hhccentre.com/digestive-disorders/

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