PS 201 SYLLABUS 2011

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UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS FACULTY OF ARTS AND LETTERS Political Science Program First Semester, AY 2011-2012


Course Title (Code): Course Credit: Instructor;

Political Science as a Profession (POL 201) 3 units Ronald M. Castillo

Course Description: Politics as a Profession is a twofold introductory course. For one, it establishes the basic skills and knowledge of the study of politics to the students. Another significant aspect of this course is that it also acquaints the students with the various career options that stem from a Thomasian Political Science Education. The course will expose the students to diverse activities in the study of political science as a discipline and the practice of politics as a profession. Course Objectives: 1. Students are expected to appreciate the significance of politics and understanding its issues and phenomena to man’s everyday life. 2. Students are expected to be acquainted with the opportunities and prospects of a career in politics or any career related to the understanding and practice of politics. 3. Students are expected to be equipped with the basic skills in the pursuit of political science as a discipline. 4. Students are expected to determine the relation of political science to other social sciences.

Course Design and Methodology: The class makes use of the Socratic method of pedagogy in the discussions of topics and issues. A readings list is provided through the course syllabus which will be focal point for discussion and other activities. Students are also given research and writing tasks aside from individual oral recitations and discussions, along with class group activities such as debates and presentations. There will also be subject related films presented and evaluation input will be required from the students regarding the film. In line with exposure to the practice of the profession, classes will also have a scheduled tour of local political institutions such as those of the two Houses of the Philippine Congress, and the MalacaĂąang Palace. Suggested References and Readings List: Main Reference: Goodin, Robert and HansDieter Klingemann., The New Handbook of Political Science, New York , 1996. Supplemental Reference: The University of British Columbia Library. (2009). Getting Started with APA Citation Style. Retrieved May 25, 2011, from The University of British Columbia Library:

Readings: 1. Grigsby, E. (2011). History of the Discipline. In J. T. Ishiyama, & M. Breuning (Eds.), 21st Century Political Science (pp. 3-10). California: Sage Publications. 2. Miller, M. C. (2011). Neoinstitutionalism. In J. T. Ishiyama, & M. Breuning (Eds.), 21st Century Political Science (pp. 22-28). California: Sage Publications. 3. Franklin, M. N. (2006, November 23). Putting the ‘Science’ into Political Science: notes for a biography of a discipline in transition. Retrieved May 25, 2011, from European University Institute: ugural_Lecture.pdf 4. Heaney, M. T., & Hansen, J. M. (2006). Building the Chicago School. American Political Science Review , 100 (4), 589596. Stable URL: eaney_Hansen.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011). 5. Morton, R. M., & Williams, K. C. (2008). Experimentation in Political Science. In R. E. Goodin (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology (pp. 339-356). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 6. Rothbun, B. C. (2008). Interviewing and Qualitative Field Methods: Pragmatism and Practicalities. In R. E. Goodin (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology (pp. 685-701). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

7. Patchen, M. (2006). The Rule of the People: Arendt, Archeˆ , and Democracy. American Political Science Review , 100 (1), 1-14. Stabel URL: arkell.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011). 8. Blyth, M. (2006). Great Punctuations: Prediction, Randomness, and the Evolution of Comparative Political Science. American Political Science Review , 100 (4), 493-498. Stable URL: lyth.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011). 9. Farr, J., Hacker, J. S., & Kazee, N. (2006). The Policy Scientist of Democracy: The Discipline of Harold D. Lasswell. American Political Science Review , 100 (4), 579-587. Stable URL: arr_etal.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011). 10. Knight, K. (2006). Transformations of the Concept of Ideology in the Twentieth Century. American Political Science Review , 100 (4), 619-626. Stable URL: night.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011). 11. Legro, J. W. (2007). What China Will Want: The Future Intentions of a Rising Power. Perspectives on Politics , 5 (3), 516-534 Stable URL: gro.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011). 12. de Mesquita, B. B. (2006). Game Theory, Political Economy, and the Evolving Study of War and Peace. American Political Science Review , 100 (4), 637-642. Stable URL: uenoDeMesquita.pdf (Accessed: May 25, 2011).

Course Outline / Learning Methodologies I.

Introduction A. Course Overview 1. Political Science, Discipline and Profession 2. Careers in Political Science B. Skills in the Study of Political Science 1. Issue Discussion and Presentation 2. Article Analysis and Construction/Writing 3. Research 4. Leadership 5. Debate C. The History of the Discipline D. Political Science and the Other Social Sciences


Areas of Study in Political Science A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.



Political Institutions Political Behavior Comparative Politics International Relations Political Theory Public Policy and Administration Political Economy Political Methodology


Future of the Discipline


Course Requirements / Grading System: Class Participation: Includes individual class discussions and group activities, along with submission of assigned projects. • Individual class discussions (recitations) exercise the students in oral communication and expression of thoughts and ideas learned and analyzed from lectures and readings. Students are expected and will be evaluated on capacity to identify and raise themes, issues (40%), realizations reflections, and counterpoint cases (40%), comments and questions from the readings (20%). Students are given 5pts per discussion (max. of 25 pts.)

Group Activities usually are conducted as Group Debates. These bolster the students’ abilities to work in teams and to reason verbally in a dynamic manner. Debates follow either the Asian or British Parliamentary formats, and will be marked accordingly through Manner (of speech, 40%), Matter (or content, 40%) and Method (of though and speech organization 20%). Assigned Projects train students in the ability to transfer knowledge into practical realization. It may be in a form of short presentations or creative works (which may use various forms of art or media). Students are evaluated

based on creativity (50%) and relevance of output with the course topics (50%). Quizzes: Announced and unannounced quizzes are given two weeks after the start of classes and after that of the Preliminary Exams. Quizzes may either be in written objective form or essays. It tests students not just in knowledge but also, understanding and capacity for application of lectures and readings. Thought Papers: Scholarly written outputs, it helps students hone skills in analysis, writing, and research. For students in this course, students are expected to construct and write 1-2 page articles which contain your analysis on topics specified by the Professor, and supported through library research (may also contain online cited materials if necessary). Appropriate citations must be used and must follow the APA style format. Upon assignment of topic, the thought paper must be submitted on the exact date specified. It must be printed in short bond paper, Times New Roman/or Calibri Font, size 12, double spaced, 1� margin. 3 Thought papers will be required within the semester. Marks are scaled through: Analysis (40%), Style (40%), and research citations (20%). Major Exams: There are two major written exams within the semester, Prelim Exam and Final Exam. Both of which evaluates students in their knowledge of subject matter and the capacity to reason and think critically.

Grading System: Requirement Percentage Allocation Class Participation 25% Quizzes 15% Thought Paper 20% Prelim Exam 20% Final Exam 20% Total 100%

Note: Changes in the course material or evaluation may be necessary at times. Students will be notified of any changes. Other references (books, journals) may be used for written class assignments/thought papers/assigned presentations.

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