Barangay good governance

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Barangay Good Governance

Pr es. Aquino’s Development Pr ogr am was cent er ed on Good Gover nance governa ncecan (Sec. be seenColoma) as t he exer cise of

economic, polit ical and administ r at ive aut hor it y t o manage a t he bar angay foair atrnaall afGo d gsove ncelevels. is, among ot her t hings, par t icipat or y, t r anspar ent and account able. I t is also ef f ect ive and equit able, and it pr omot es t he r ule of law.  I t ensur es t hat polit ical, social and economic pr ior it ies ar e based on br oad

Characteristics of Good Governance in the Barangay

Participation Rule of Law Transparency Responsiveness Consensus Orientation

Characteristics of Good Governance in the Barangay

Equity Effectiveness and Efficiency

Accountability Strategic Vision

Principles of Good Governance in the Barangay

Good governance means f ocusing on the organization’s purpose and on outcomes f or citizens and service users Good governance means perf orming ef f ectively in clearly def ined f unctions and roles

ďƒ˜Good governance means promoting values f or the whole organization and demonstrating the values of good governance ďƒ˜through Good governance behavior means taking inf ormed, transparent decisions and managing risk ďƒ˜Good governance means developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be ef f ective

ďƒ˜ Good governance means engaging stakeholders and making accountability real

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