Social doctrine of the church

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Sources of PCP II Vision of a Renewed Church

Vatican II Vision of the Church as Communion and as People of God – a priestly, prophetic and kingly people MSPC (Mindanao-Sulu Pastoral Conference) Vision of the Church as a witnessing, worshipping and serving community

The FABC (Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference) vision of the Church as Church of the Poor.

Announcing the Message of Liberation

Evangelization and Liberation The Church essential mission, following that of Christ, the mission of evangelization, drawing the zeal of divine love. Evangelization is the proclamation of salvation, which is a gift from God. Through the sacraments of the church, we are being FREED from SIN and the power of evil.

The Church, a Flawed (defective) but Potent (strong) Resources The church can and should be a power towards national development, as divine institution. And as human institution, it has enormous resources in Basic Ecclesial Communities in remote areas rarely reached by the government. The church can and should be a power towards national development, as divine institution. And as human institution, it has enormous resources in Basic Ecclesial Communities in remote areas rarely reached by the government.

The church has vision of human person and human dignity, a vision of society and the common good which have implication for how society was organized. The church is first and foremost the “light that illumines, a spiritual force that needs to critique the social, political and cultural fields.

A Vision of a People and nation Renewed MAKA-TAO, MAKA-BAYAN, MAKA-DIYOS. We need to exercise a healthy nationalism which requires the living of such values, pagsasarili, pagkakaisa, pakikipagkapwa-tao, pagkabayani.

As a renewed nation, with the vision “that all may have life (magbigayan ng buhay)� We shall have to create a free nation where human dignity and solidarity are respected and promoted; were moral principles prevail in socio-economic life and structure; were justice , love, and solidarity are the inner driving forces of development



As professional catechist: What is your vision in catechizing towards renewed evangelization? In crafting vision: realistic, achievable/ it is the guiding principle in every institution/individual in pursuit to build his/her image or achieve its goal

Social Apostolate towards transformation Filipino long for Kaayusan, peace and order in life.

Social Action Apostolate in every Diocese Social consciousness of people, deliver relief and rehabilitation in times of disasters, help and train the poor, Through BEC, internalization of social concerns, Most SAC fails to acquire desired social impact on their apostolate in the national institution

生态旅游, 让人类回归自然,保护环境,筑造 我们共同的未来……

A Spirituality of Social Transformation Spirituality of following Jesus Christ, Fidelity of His Gospel, Justice, and Love Our struggle to build the Kingdom of God is a pilgrim journey, a journey to truth and justice, to love and peace, a journey to full life.

The Social Doctrine of the Church Offers guidelines to persons on how to live the gospel of Jesus. It present’s principles of reflections, criteria of judgment and directives for actions oriented towards moral conduct.

A. Integral Development – Human dignity Solidarity ●

Today development focuses on economic ventures (investments, infrastructure) ignoring social and cultural consequences. Development to be integral, must serve the total person in all dimension and eternal salvation or human person. (current situation/ flesh trade, exploitation, human rights violation/ too much dependent to foreign trade)


To be integrally develop should serve for the common good, for the welfare of everybody.

B. Universal Purpose of earthly Goods and Private Property God destined the earth and all it contains for all men and they will share fairly under the guidance of justice and charity (student reaction/situationer) Unjust distribution of goods and services in the contemporary world The right to private property is subordinated(less importance) to the right to common use, goods are meant for everyone (universal dimension, Pope John Paul II).



Do you agree in situation that by giving job to people becoming workers of their land is having a just and fair use of earthly goods? Why?

C. Social Justice and Love Social justice is the justice for the common good. Social development cannot be realized unless justice prevails. Justice is not sufficient without love. Justice attains its inner fullness only in love. In love the other is a friend, even a brother or sister in Christ. Love is fraternity; love is at the heart of solidarity.

D. Peace and Active Non-Violence The kingdom of God is built by love, the love of suffering servant. Love bears peace. Peace cannot be equated with the absence of war nor with a certain balance of power. Peace is the harmony of human heart and in the social order brought by justice. Peace is likewise the fruit of love.

In our socio-economic situation, “people power” is a passive resistance to unjust laws and civil system. This is an act of Active Non-Violent method to bring social transformation.

E. Love of Preference for the Poor

Demanded by Christ as his disciples SIC Vision – preferential option for the poor. Eternal salvation depends on the living out of love of preference for the poor because the poor and needy bear the privilege of Christ.

F. The Value of Human Work Christ work as carpenter, St. Isidore is a farmer, St. Joseph is the patron of workers Just development would have to give full recognition to the dignity of human work.

Human person is the subject of work and must not be treated as an instrument of production.

Activity 3: In what areas in our government system that they were able emphasize valuing the work of Filipinos?

G. Integrity of Creation A true and just development must fundamentally be concerned with a passionate care of our environment. Our natural resources are not to be exploited. Protection of creation is task given by the Creator to human person.

H. People Empowerment

Persons are the active and responsible subjects of social life. Peoples participation is a recognition of God’s fundamental gifts of freedom and responsibility. We need to activate this fundamental charism of freedom and responsibility and encourage the emergence of people’s organization, sectoral association inspired by the principle of solidarity.

The church and the Political Community Current issues of political system in the Philippines. A. Basic Premises The task of the church as evangelizers of the Message of Gospel of Christ necessarily have political repercussion/consequence Political community and the Church autonomous and independent in their own field. Cooperation between two institutions must prevail to serve the people independently

B. Implications on Preaching The church teaching must bolstered/strengthened by its acts


Genuinely prophetic The Laity’s Involvement and Leadership in Politics Our plenary council may stands on record to urge lay faithful to participate actively and lead in the renewing of politics in accordance with values of the Good News of Jesus.

Our participation should be: ● The basic standard for participation be the pursuit of the common good. ● Participation be characterized by a defense and promotion of justice ● Participation be inspired and guided by the spirit of service ● Imbued with love and preference for the poor ● Empowering people be carried out both as a process and as a goal of political activity.

Religious Freedom â—?

Right to practice our own religious belief

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