5 Mistakes to Avoid With An Online Business Unfortunately the majority of people who start a business fail. A larger percentage of people who start an online business fail because online businesses are so easy to start up but not always easy to make money at. You have to have a solid marketing plan. You have to understand marketing funnels. You have to learn how to nurture your client so they keep coming back for more. Even if you're selling physical items, you can always find additional items that are similar to sell to people with your recommendation. It doesn't always have to be your item, you can also get affiliate sales.
Getting Hung Up On Making Mistakes
Do you suffer paralysis of analysis? Do you need everything guaranteed before you try something? You'll have to give that up to run an online business successfully. Don't wait too long to release a product because you want to be sure it's right. Not taking chances and testing things.
Not everything will work and that's OK. Always be testing and trying. Failing is not a bad word. Of course, you need to learn from what the tests tell you, otherwise you'll continue to waste your time.
Not Really Hearing Your Customer
You may think you're listening but are you hearing what they're saying. Use surveys and follow ups. If they say they want something, don't forget to tell them when you have it to offer. Also, ask them about ideas you're
thinking of. Don't waste time solving a problem they don't have, or that they don't want to spend money on.
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Trying to Do Too Much At Once
You want to release a podcast and a YouTube channel and a blog and an eBook. Great. Have a plan where you roll it out over a period of time. If you try too much at once, everything will fail. Plus, if you have a roll out plan, it will give you time to evaluate and test where new customers are coming from and how well they respond.
Trying to Be Like Everyone Else
If you look like everyone else, why would they choose you? You need to be better than the rest in their mind. Even if it's something simple. For example, rice advertises itself as gluten-free. It never had gluten. They're trying to pull in more people now that being gluten-free is a trend. So what can you
highlight that may seem simple to you but catches the attention of a potential client?
Planning On Being An Overnight Success
All successful businesses started out slowly. Granted, Amazon built itself up in ninety days. You can do an amazing amount in 90120 days (Read The 12-Week Year). However, don't expect to write something and be a millionaire the next day. Even the people who were able to do that were in business testing things for quite some time.
You will make mistakes. The key to success is not making the wrong kind of mistakes and knowing how to recover from them. Be like Buzz Lightyear and fall with style.
Lara J Fabans has been selling her services on the internet since 1998 and has seen all kinds of opportunities... both good and bad... so she decided to put together some websites to help people find the best online business opportunities from their home.
Please check out the websites and let me know what topics you'd like addressed in the blog: http://tinyurl.com/j9vzwwx