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Vendor: Cisco Exam Code: 200-150 Exam Name: Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking (DCICN) v6.0 Version: 13.03 Q & As: 177
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QUESTION 1 Which three addresses are valid forms of an IPv6 Address: 2001:0DB8:0000:FE01:0000:0000:0000:0000? (Choose three.) A. B. C. D.
2001:0DB8:0000:FE01:: 2001:DB8:0:FE01:: 2001:0DB8::FE01:: 2001:DB8:0:FE01:0:0:0:0
Correct Answer: ABD
QUESTION 2 Which VTP mode disallows the creation of local VLANs? A. B. C. D. E. F.
transparent tunneling server client off native
Correct Answer: D Explanation: "A VTP client behaves like a VTP server and transmits and receives VTP updates on its trunks, but you cannot create, change, or delete VLANs on a VTP client. VLANs are configured on another switch in the domain that is in server mode." ration/guide/swvtp.html#wp1205076
QUESTION 3 On a Cisco router, which configuration register setting bypasses the contents of the NVRAM? A. B. C. D. E.
0x102 0x2102 0x2120 0x2124 0x2142
Correct Answer: E
QUESTION 4 For witch reason would you implement a VSAN? A. B. C. D.
to overcome the limitation of zoing to virtualize storage to segment the physical fabric into multiple logical fabrics to overcome the limitations of LUN masking
Correct Answer: C Guaranteed Success with EnsurePass VCE Software & PDF File
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QUESTION 5 Which Cisco UCS power policy mode enables a configuration that can tolerate the loss of an input power circuit? A. B. C. D.
nonredundatnt Grid N+1 in normal mode N+1 in high-density mode
Correct Answer: B Explanation: Grid Redundant (N+N) - below: The purpose of the grid redundant mode is to enable a configuration that can tolerate the loss of either a power supply or a input power circuit. In gridredundant mode the system can withstand the loss of any two power supplies. The Figure 5 shows the required wiringScheme for Grid Redundant power where N=2.
QUESTION 6 Refer to the exhibit. Which host can securely to the switch by using SSH?
A. B. C. D.
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 7 Which two descriptions of a Fabricpath network are true? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D. E.
A leaf node connects to servers. Leaf nodes can be Layer 3 devices. A spine node connects to other switch in the fabric. There is a spanning tree protocol running between leaf and spine switches A spine node connects to servers. Guaranteed Success with EnsurePass VCE Software & PDF File
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Correct Answer: BD
QUESTION 8 Which two networking devices forward data based on destination MAC address? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D. E.
Repeater Bridge Switch Router Hub
Correct Answer: BC Explanation:
QUESTION 9 What happens when there is no entry in the Layer 2 CAM table that corresponds to the destination MAC address of an incoming frame? A. The frame is flooded out of all forwarding ports in all VLANs. B. The frame is flooded out of all forwarding ports in its VLAN, except the port on which it is received. C. The switch drops the frame. D. The frame is flooded out of all forwarding ports in its VLAN, including the port on which it is received. Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 10 Which two of the following statements are true with respect to STP in this network? (Choose 2) A. B. C. D. E.
Both 5k's have BPDU Guard and BPDU Filter enabled by default, while both 7k's do not Both 5k's bridge Assurance enabled, while both 7k's do not 7k's is the root bridge for VLANs 100-150 Both 7K-3 and 7k-4 being vPC peers, are the root bridge for VLANs 100-150 No devices have a root cost higher than 1, since all devices are no more that 1 hop away from each other
Correct Answer: BE
QUESTION 11 Which statement about SAN zooming is true? A. B. C. D.
Describes can belong to more than one zone. zones must be the same size. zone membership can be configured only on a pWWN basis. Hard zoning can be disabled
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Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 12 Refer to the exhibit. What type of network communication is depicted?
A. B. C. D.
802 3 frame TCP packet UDP packet Ethernet frame
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 13 Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be mode based upon the output? (Choose two.)
A. B. C. D. E.
regular fromat WWNs are being used the command show flogl database was run the command show fcns database vsan 1 was run registered name formate WWNs are being used extended format WWNs are being used.
Correct Answer: BE
QUESTION 14 Which field in an Ethernet II frame performs the same function as the DSAP field in an 802.3 Ethernet frame? A. Start of frame B. EtherType C. Frame check sequence Guaranteed Success with EnsurePass VCE Software & PDF File
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D. Subnetwork Access Protocol E. Logical Link Control Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 15 Which two VTP modes allow the creation of local VLANs? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D. E.
transparent native server client on
Correct Answer: AC
QUESTION 16 What is the minimum number of disks that are needed in RAID 1? A. B. C. D.
4 disks 2 disks 8 disks 16 disks
Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 17 What is the default bridge ID priority for Rapid PVST+? A. B. C. D.
128 32769 32768 4096
Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 18 Which two options describe what can happen when devices are in the same broadcast domain? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D.
They are on the same VLAN and the same switch. They are on different VLANs and the same switch. They are on different VLANs and different switches. They are on the same VLAN and different switches.
Correct Answer: AD
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