Energy Psychology Energy psychology addresses the relationship of energy systems with our thoughts, emotions, behavior and aspects of our health. There are various modalities or systems including working with the electrical activity of the nervous system and heart, energy meridians, biophotons, biofields, etc. Although our psychological functioning involves chemistry, neurology, genetics and environmental aspects, at an essential level ‘bio-energy’ is also involved. Just as an audiotape or computer hard drive contain information in electromagnetic fields, similarly our brain and body operates electromagnetically. Energy psychology is applicable to a wide range of areas including psychotherapy, counseling, health, pain management, personal development and more. Energy psychology also includes clearing negative ‘stuck energy’ in our mind/body our environment, food we eat, and much more. Many approaches to energy psychology also focus on our thoughts, consciousness and spirituality. Energy psychotherapy is compatible with many standard approaches to therapy. A process widely used internationally is called ‘Access Energy Transformation’. Access Energy Transformation was founded by American, Gary Douglas. The objective of Access is to promote enhanced consciousness, to help people escape limitations and to thrive in various areas of our life. Gary Douglas started to formulate Access Energy Transformation in 1990 when he ‘channelled’ information about special points on the head where thought patterns could be accessed. After teaching the process Access Energy Transformation began to expand around the world. Access works on the idea that our thoughts are expressed in an electromagnetic field around the body. The clearing of these fields helps erase a person’s personal issues from the energetic source. The idea is that traumas and dramas do not need to be re-experienced; instead the energy that gives these traumas power is removed directly. The result is that people will potentially experience more freedom in their lives and will become more awakened to greater opportunities in life.
Some simple ‘Energy Clearing Processes’ These simple processes are to facilitate learning to live in the question rather being stuck in the answer and can give greater freedom. The question is the answer! Simply ask the following questions and do not wait for an answer. If you do answer you may have just set a limitation. As you ask the question, allow the ‘energy’ to run to collapse polarity that has held the old program in place. For beginners, it is beneficial to say these process out aloud. As you feel more confident you may simply say them to your self, and then just think it. “Who does this belong to?” … allows stuck energy to be released, as most of the stuck energy does not belong to us. “How does it get any greater than this?” ….. ask this to any situation, whether judged as good or bad, to allow it to become better than it was. “What’s right about this that I’m not getting?” … rather than asking what’s wrong! If rather you ask; what is right, this is the response you will receive.
Clearing negative energy in food, drinks, etc “Go to the ‘point of creation and turn polarity’ of anything that is not good for me” …. (and just let the clearing energy run) … the same as most things, the more you practice it, the easier it gets.