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Chicago Street Journal

Only 15 percent of Chicago voters in the 2012 primaries went with the GOP. That was up from less than 9 percent in 2010.

Why the Democratic Party? It goes back to the days of William Dawson and Mayor Daley. The lock is on. The Democrats have been the party of ease, embracing Black causes and candidates. The Democrats have presented the best Black opportunities. The late Mayor Daley not only courted the Black vote, he trained them with an army of precinct captains. The election of President John F. Kennedy was won from South Side voters. Members of the BARC Committeemen say they are “reopening the door of the GOP to Blacks” in time for the November 11 election, thanks to an incredible, outstanding show of support” Percy Coleman, said that the “Chicago Black community has increased its position and ability to not only insure a governor victory, but to also insure a two party system in the city of Chicago and Cook County.” Don Beachem, 21st ward co/ committeeman and the top Black Republican vote –getter in the said “Chicago like other cities across the country, is going to see an increased effort and a more citywide presence of young Black Republicans who highly visible and hard to work in the predominately Democratic wards of Chicago.” Waylon Johnson, 9th ward republican committeeman, echoed Beachem’s remarks, adding, ‘the young Republicans are the Blacks only hope to break the stranglehold and Democrats have on the loyal but misguided Black voters are 45 and up>“ Agreeing that Black voters can make a difference, Charles Seavers 21st ward and Jacoby Crutcher, 20th ward Committeemen and the oldest and youngest committeemen, respectively cited that a break from traditional voting” may prove very beneficial to the Republican ticket, locally and nationally, if we take this valid opportunity to increase and expected 6 percent voter writeo f f i n t h e Black community.” According to Coleman, newly elected Black Republican commit-

teemen are poised to hip hop political talk move their efforts into show host, he founded the strongholds of the the Martin Luther King Democratic Party. ’The Republicans organizadays of the smoke filled tion. backrooms where De"Voters in Cook mocrat ’shot-callers’ County and Illinois are split the Black vote are eager for an alternative vanishing. The new to the current all Deyoung Republicans are mocratic leadership that attempting to has delivered very litbecome the tle," Tillman remarked, party of inclu"It is important that our sion for young, Don Beachem community is repreaggressive sented in both political Black voters.” parties and not neglected by either." Committee members said As the largest African American that their party efforts to district in the nation, Tillman would promote their candidates be advocate for African Americans on the federal, state and as incense that the Republican Party county level “shows a was founded on and intended to be, sincere concern and inter- after the great principals of; Fredrick est to reach out to our Douglass, Monroe Trotter, Martin community. By doing so, Delaney, and Rev. Dr. Martin Luwe can only gain the ther King, Jr. needed prestige for the Tillman feels that "this is now for GOP and more exposure the community to send a representaand popularity for our present and tive to the party in the majority to future candidates.” make certain that African American Jimmy Lee Tillman, II is the only such as the Voting Rights Act, candidate for the Republican in the HR40, and HR5593 are addressed 1st Congressional District in Illinois while President Barak Obama is in primary. A political strategist and office. Photo Chicago Suntimes

Donnell Robinson Staff Reporter The ongoing struggle over the direction of the Republican Party between the conservative principles its known for and those who want to take a more moderate, pragmatic approach that could resonate with a broader cross section of voters is now in the mist. The party has struggled to win over younger voters and minorities, and Percy Coleman committeeman of the 34th ward and chairman of Black Alliance of Republican (BARC) said broadening the party's reach to potential new voters is a top Percy Coleman priority this election year. Coleman pointed out the Democrats in Chicago and overall the country has assumed that Black voters will vote in mass for the party because of its history and with the election of President Barack Obama. “They think ninety percent of all of the black votes are in one basket.

March 13-25—19, 2014

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Tillman says he will recruiting and selecting advocate for Chicago to candidates. The 150 have two party municipal people who responded elections to end the one were asked to fill out a party rule that has caused questionnaire and then disenfranchisement, disenstand before a commitgagement, and distrust of tee to make their case. the election process. 18 of them were apTillman is the son of Dr. proved and subseJimmy Lee Tillman, I and quently filed petitions former alderman Dorothy to be on the ballot. Tillman. He is a graduate Chicago Republican of Central State University Party Files an Unpreceand father of three. dented 18 Candidates Tillman said the RepubThe Chicago GOP will lican Party must move Jimmy Lee Tillman, II launch “Season 2” of ahead and set out to rethe campaign. build the party in a state says he will advo“We’re determined to where Democrats control cate for Chicago fill as many ballot posiboth houses of the legisla- to have two party tions as possible,” said ture and mostly every state- municipal elecChicago GOP spokeswide elected office. man Chris Cleveland. tions to end the In other movement of one party rule “We recruited an The Chicago Republican that has caused outstanding crop of Party, it a new candidate candidates in the last disenfranchiserecruitment campaign entiround, and we’re looktled “A Republican Ameri- ment, ing forward to meeting a can Idol, Season 2”. The campaign n e w g r o u p o f h o p e f u l s . ” is designed to attract candidates to The campaign will consist of roborun for state legislature in the City calls, emails, social media placeo f C h i c a g o . ments, and general press releases. Last year, the Chicago GOP ran an “American Idol”-style process for

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