Cocktail Roner_ Winter collection 2014-15

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Cocktails Roner

Winter Collection 2014/15 -


3 cl Bombardino Roner 3 cl Haselnussgeist Roner 1cl Honig/miele 2 cl Sahne/panna



5 cl Kranewit Roner Schweppes Rosa Pfeffer pepe rosa Orange/Arancia Rosmarin/Rosmarino 2 dash Alpler Roner

by Armando Garbin & Antonio Pedullà - AIBES TN-BZ

Wintercooler 4 cl Williams Roner 3 cl Zitronensaft/ succo di limone 1 cl Waldhonigsirup/ sciroppo di miele 3 cl Apfelsaft/ succo di mela



Gingerberry Collins


4 1 1 1

cl Kranewit Roner cl Myrtillo Roner cl Fragole di Bosco Roner Scheibe Ingwer/ fetta di zenzero 3 cl Zitronensaft/ succo di limone 1 cl Fr端chtetee/ tisana alla frutta

Roner Hauspunch by BARCODE

3 cl Roruhm Roner 2 Cl Prugna Roner 3 cl Zitronensaft/ succo di limone 2 cl Roses Limejuice 8 cl Traubensaft/ succo d’uva 1 cl Lavendelsaft/ essenza di lavanda 2 Dash oldtime Cocktailbitter

6 cl Grappa Gewürztraminer Roner 3 cl Pink Berry Roner Saft 1 Limette/ succo di 1 lime 2 cl Zuckersirup/sciroppo di zucchero

Lady Holly by Armando Garbin & Antonio Pedullà - AIBES TN-BZ

GEW sour

6 cl Grappa Gewürztraminer Roner Zitronensaft/ Succo di limone Zucker/Zucchero Eiweiss/Albume

by Armando Garbin & Antonio Pedullà - AIBES TN-BZ


Wintercooler 6 cl Grappa GewĂźrztraminer Roner 3.5 cl Erdbeerpuree/ 3 cl Bombardino purea di fragole 3 cl Haselnussgeist Zuckersirup/sciroppo di zucchero 1cl Honig /miele Lime mashed/pestellati 2 cl Sahne /panna

by Armando Garbin & Antonio PedullĂ - AIBES TN-BZ

Plum Sour

6 cl Prugna Roner Zitronensaft/ Succo di limone Zucker/Zucchero Eiweiss/Albume

by Armando Garbin & Antonio PedullĂ - AIBES TN-BZ

Pomme Spritzzz

8 cl Prosecco 3.5 cl Pomme Roner 6.3 cl Cedrata

by Armando Garbin & Antonio PedullĂ - AIBES TN-BZ

Funny girl

5 cl Fragole di Bosco Roner 1.5 cl Chokito Roner Cedrata

by Armando Garbin & Antonio PedullĂ - AIBES TN-BZ

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