Portofolio Muhammad Arif Ronindio Wardhana_1601174426_AD9_UAS Content Writtinng

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My Portofolio Muhammad Arif Ronidio W 1601174426 AD9

Content - Curriculum Vitae - Portofolio

Personal Branding


Muhammad Arif Ronindio Wardhana Birth Date

Jakarta, 17 April 1999

Hello! Everyone

Hello my name is Muhammad Arif Ronindio Wardhana, with the nickname Dio. I am a student majoring in Visual Communication Design at Telkom University. I have an easygoing and collaborative personality. If there is work, I do it professionally and stay consistent. I am an expert in design, cinematography, content creator, and social media management. I think that's enough for a brief introduction about me, thank you.

Personal Address

Klampisan 02/07 Kaliancar, Selogiri, Wonogiri, Central Java Occupations

Students Religion


CURRICULUM VITAE MUHAMMAD ARIF RONINDIO W V I S U A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N D E S I G N E R Hello my name is Muhammad Arif Ronindio Wardhana, with the nickname Dio. I am a student majoring in Visual Communication Design at Telkom University. I have an easygoing and collaborative personality. If there is work, I do it professionally and stay consistent. I am an expert in design, cinematography, content creator, and social media management. I think that's enough for a brief introduction about me, thank you.

Personal Data Birth Date

Jakarta, 17 April 1999 Klampisan 02/07 Kaliancar, Selogiri, Wonogiri, Central Java


At this time, I was entrusted with the documentation and publication media team at the 2017-2018 Telkom University Roadshow which was held in the cities of Sukoharjo and Wonogiri at student associations. I make teasers, posters, documentation, after movies and other designs.






E DU C ATI O N SD Negeri 1 Wonogiri (2005-2011) SMP Negeri 1 Selogiri (2011-2014) SMA Islam Al Azhar 7 Solo Baru (2014-2017) Telkom University (2017-present)

Daws Production is a group of a production team from my Videography course. At this time I was entrusted with being a Director, DOP, and Editor. In this course, I made several projects such as, TVC, Music Videos, and Short Films. And I've submitted some of these projects to film festivals.

STAFF OF MEDIA INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS BEM KEMA TELKOM UNIVERSITY 2019-2020 I was entrusted as a Staff of Information and Communication Media of BEM KEMA Telkom University 2019. Here I served as a Staff of Videography. I made Video Teasers, Video Profiles, Event Documentation, After Movies, and Other Content Videos.


S K I LL S at and

Adobe Premiere Adobe Photoshop Adobe Ilustrator Adobe After Effects Teamwork


Personal Address

I have a skill cinematography editing software.


At this time I was entrusted with being the Chief Minister of Information and Communication Media at BEM KEMA Telkom University. Here I am in charge of Media Content and Publications, Design Services, Social Media Management, and Documentation. In this era of the Covid-19 pandemic which is completely online, the media is a very important means of information for Telkom University students, therefore I have to be more professional so that information can be conveyed correctly. And I was once crowned the best Chief Minister of the month.

ACH I E V E M E NT - 1st Winner Video Competition Anti Corruption Telkom University (2018) - Best Director at Videografi Course (2019) - 1st Winner Video Competition from Diskop UKM JATENG (2020) - Nominate Video Competition from Kementerian Perdagangan (2020) - Best Chief Of The Month BEM KEMA Telkom University (2020)

FOLLOW ME @ronindiowardhana

+ 6 2 8 13 - 9 03 2-70 70



Curriculum Vitae

Content Writting

Product Review Kali ini kita bicarain soal yang segar-segar yuk. Yes! ini dia minuman rekomendasi dari aku yaitu “Teh Kotak.” Teh Kotak adalah produk minuman dalam kemasan yang dapat diminum kapan saja dan dimana saja. Apalagi kalo lagi panas-panas begini nih, pasti pengen nya yang seger-seger kan. Teh Kotak ini terbuat dari pucuk daun teh pilihan dan dipadukan dengan bunga melati agar dapat menciptakan rasa dan keharuman teh yang nikmat banget. Teh Kotak cocok banget di minum sehari-hari saat cuaca panas maupun lagi dingin. Produk ini baik di konsumsi di segala usia, mulai dari anak-anak usia diatas 2 tahun, remaja, dan juga dewasa. Teh Kotak ini mengandung mineral air segar yang dicampur dengan ekstra daun teh segar, sukrosa, dan bunga melati. Pantesan ya rasanya nikmat banget, hehe. Produk ini juga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mineral kita, terutama setelah beraktivitas dan berolahraga. Nah buat kalian yang nggak suka manis-manis, Teh Kotak juga menghadirkan varian rasa “Less Sugar”. Selain itu Teh Kotak juga menghadirkan beberapa varian rasa lain seperti rasa apel, stroberi, madu, anggur. Kalau kalian suka yang mana nih? Cara minumnya pun praktis banget, Teh Kotak sudah menyediakan sedotan pada kemasannya. Jadi nggak perlu repot-repot cari sedotan lagi ya, dan bisa diminum dimana saja dan kapan saja. Yuk cobain!

Product Testimony Coca-Cola adalah produk minuman bersoda produksi dari PT. Cocacola Amatil Indonesia. Produk minuman Coca-Cola ini sangat cocok buat kamu yang ingin melepas dahaga dengan rasanya yang manis dan menendang. Coca-Cola sangat cocok untuk diminum dimana saja dan kapan saja. Coca-Cola ini dapat di temukan di mana saja, warung kecil, minimarket, hingga supermarket di sekitar kamu. Ayo cobain Coca-Cola.

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