Thackeray Fun Time aka Primary Research and Revelations 505
Going to the Thackeray has really helped in giving me a focus for, conceptually what I’d want to create for this project. It also has helped me in focusing on how it could expand if I were to push it further. The Interactive elements within the Thackeray are the most Interesting. Specifically the 1842 Street. Which immerses you into the type period, using this format as away of both entertaining and informing you. It works for nearly all ages and makes you understand not just how people got infected but why. Personally I’d of liked to have seen a more of the exhibitions to have been like 1842. I know that it’s made for all ages to be able to engage with it so they won’t go too graphic or gory in some respects. However I am not aiming my work at young children so I have no issue pushing my work into the a bit more not safe for work area. I still have to think though, If I made an interactive exhibit would it be more focused on the horror aspects of living with these diseases in which ever historic time period or would it be more focused on the informative side.
The Personification of Diseases in historical imagery was used a lot. Especially in satirical and Medical texts.
Similar to what I’ve begun to do in characterisation of diseases. Makes it easier for people to understand because people try to find human qualities in things so that they can relate and empathies with them.
The Interactive element of the Thackeray, 1842 Street was an immersive and informative look at the lives and diseases of both the rich and the poor in the 19th century. The character cards teach you about the many lifestyle of the 19th century and allow you to feel apart of the setting.
The card boards cutouts, are a good way of adding 3-D interaction as well as illustrating the information that needs to get through. Also I could probably make these giant cut out scenes?
Ideas Generated By Thackeray Visit • An interac4ve exhibi4on/tour in-‐between Thackeray 1842/Yorvik center and London Dungeons • Focus on diseases in Tudor 4mes and the illness you could get • Maybe Focus on Tudor Leeds the lives of the rich/poor & men/women. • Use the Personified Diseases as guides/mascots of this. • Have cardboard cut out of the personified diseases with informa4on on them though out the tour. • You have a choose your own character deal like in Thackeray 1842. • Maybe instead of being a person you are the disease and you learn who best to infect and the condi4ons needed to spread etc. • The Characters card for each infec4on could also have the people they aim to infect. And at the end you see if you were successful.