Ronn Torossian on the Sony Hack, and the Secret Revealed

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Sony, the Hack and Secrets Revealed

When Sony Co-­‐Chairman Amy Pascal first heard about the hack that brought the massive entertainment and electronics company to the front page of nearly every news outlet in the world, she wasted liBle Cme in responding. Coworkers and colleagues were warned of a potenCal avalanche of embarrassing emails and other communicaCon known to be criCcal of Sony clients and partner businesses. The Cme for plugging the dike was over. Damage control was the primary concern.

Any bruised egos would need to be mollified, and any potenCally bruised business relaConships would need to be repaired if Sony had any plans of coming through unscathed. And Pascal was the perfect person for the job. Known for close, creaCve relaConships with filmmakers and certain stars, Pascal also knew her emails contained criCcal and, in some cases, insulCng asides about people she trusted and who trusted her in return.

To be fair, most of us have said or at least thought nasty or uncomplimentary things about coworkers and friends in the past. Many of us have fired off emails in the heat of the moment that we may not have sent at another Cme. And, while there are consequences of those decisions, they should not be ulCmate consequences. That is the message Pascal is sending out, and it is one that anyone in business should consider. A momentary lapse or even a current opinion should not define a previously successful working relaConship. Opinions change. Feelings, no maBer how strong, subside. Then there’s work to be done; work that can be profitable for all involved.

If we are honest with ourselves, this sort of email, which so many have said would be cataclysmic for Sony, should not be much of an issue at all. Hurt feelings can – and should – be easily mended when there are millions on the line. More importantly, momentary lapses should not define relaConships. Pascal may have said some things and sent some things that she meant at the Cme…but that does not define her. Or Sony…or even the subjects of those messages.

Now, this is not a clarion call for wholesale rudeness and thoughtless discourse, merely a suggested course correcCon. Those pundits who are aghast at the contents of these leaked emails are not honest with their readers or viewers … or themselves.

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