8 minute read
Coffee Run to Kilmore & Mt Macedon
Saturday 20th May 2023
Story by Helen Zlotkowski
An early start which promised a lot of rain, was quite cloudy and rather chilly. We met at BP/Hungry Jacks in Bulla next to The Black Horse Hotel which was a handy spot if you needed to fuel up, and a great viewing platform for watching people drive in.
The BP/HJ’s had the tiniest café with only a few seating options so it was a warm and cosy area for members to enjoy their meet and greets. The little café was inundated with coffee orders and I don't think they quite expected so many people so early. Kon Gogos organised everyone outside and there was an array of mixed and interesting Porsches. Wholey cow! I didn’t know which way to look!
It felt like there was quite a bit of anticipation in the air and thought this would be a good run. Kon went through the run notes and expressed the impending dirt road and everyone nodded in response. We all jumped into our cars, and one by one followed each other in convoy. The roads were fairly dry, and as we had previously done runs around Macedon Ranges it was the case of have we been here before? In no time we were overlooking beautiful paddocks full of sheep and the most interesting stone formations.
The first leg of the run was when the clouds began to rise, there was a hint of warmth in the air with glimpses of blue sky and the sun poking through. We met up at the Rose Garden Café in Kilmore for breakfast and to stretch our legs. This little café had the loveliest rose garden and an outdoor seating area where most of us sat. The café was excellent at producing delicious quality food and quite quick. I spotted a few people having yummy things to eat and a highly recommended place to visit.
After a good hour or so of chatting and catching up with new and previous members we had met before, we all jumped back into our cars, and we set off for Mount Macedon. I vaguely remember Kon had mentioned there was a dirt road around Dry Creek Road… Well, once we turned out of Kilmore onto Dry Creek Road there were cars going in every direction possible! Was there or wasn’t there a dirt road? All we could see was people turning around on a narrow road and so did we. It was literally the case of follow the leader. Ken and Harriet were once behind us and they too went another way, also did a U-turn and they were back in front of us! Right, lets follow them! Then zoom, zoom, zoom, there were cars coming from the opposite direction, obviously confused too and we were dedicated to following Ken and Harriet. We did a big circle and came through Kilmore once again. Then there was a fork in the road, Ken and Harriet were heading up Northern Highway and another car was heading towards Dry Creek Road. Yes! Let’s follow them, 2.0.
We too came across another dreaded dirt road which made us do a U-turn and alas, we were back at the traffic lights and onto the Northern Highway! We were back on the straight and narrow and back on track. As we drove up Northern Highway and passed the other end of Dry Creek Road we wondered how on earth people drove their cars through the dirt road.
I’m an adventurous type and getting lost is absolutely part of the fun. For me, I love the enjoyment of figuring out a route along with the theatre of joining the group at the end and everyone going, what happened to you! Where were you! arrrhhhh yeah, well, we went down there, did a loop around there and ended up here!
Driving up Mount Macedon was beautiful and majestic. We could see clouds and misty rain closing in as we trekked up the mountain. Once we got to the top, it was like the cloud mood had changed and it was very misty, icy cold and visibility became poor. We spotted Porsches and we knew we were in the right spot. We parked, ordered coffee, scones and cakes at the Top of the Range Tea Rooms and the group erupted in cheer that we had finally arrived!
By the time we sat down, the clouds had shifted away to display beautiful views of regional Victoria and across the valley. It was actually perfect timing.
Final thoughts to self. If you see Ken and Harriet, stick with them! I told them this at the café and they burst out laughing. They know what they’re doing. And definitely stop at The Rose Garden Café for the egg and bacon roll. The vision of Kon’s egg trickling down his hands made it look like a very scrumptious breakfast burger!
A big thankyou to Kon for organising a very enjoyable day and the turnout was incredible. It was an excellent Porsche drive around the Kilmore/Macedon area.
Autumn Social Run - Yarra Valley High Tea at Chateau Yering
Nearing the last days of autumn and about to proceed into winter, the later start of our Autumn Run was certainly welcomed by most of the participants. Even the overcast skies and drizzly rain didn’t diminish attendance with 61 vehicles and 114 participants assembling at Porsche Centre Doncaster at 10:30am for a “light brunch” before setting out on our drive. There was even one canine member very fashionably dressed for the occasion in a pink coat.
As usual the PCD folk were great hosts providing a great setting and atmosphere for the participants to meet up or catch up with warm coffee, pastries and delicious fudges catered for by Katrina’s Fudge Van.
Geoff and Clyde extended our appreciation to Flavio, Ozlem and the other members of PCD staff who were more than happy to chat with us and explain all the latest features on the marvelous range of vehicles on display.
Upon leaving PCD we were fairly quickly into a rural atmosphere winding our way out to Warrandyte, crossing the upper reaches of the Yarra onto the Kangaroo Ground – St Andrews Road and through the delightful little village of Paton Hill. Some very nice twisty roads between St Andrews and Kinglake through majestic stands of Mountain Ash. From Kinglake we turned east and eventually south to bring us out in Healesville, all with nice winding roads and thankfully not too much traffic. The last segment took us down to Woori Yallock then west to Coldstream and up to the finish at Chateau Yering.
The misty rain added to our first taste of winter but along the way there were lots of lush green fields offset by trees displaying a beautiful range of autumn colours. There were also crackles of cockatoos brightening up the trees that had already shed their foliage.
Arriving at Chateau Yering always has a special feel and we were ably marshalled into our parking spaces and then directed off to the Oak Room where we were welcomed with a glass of French champagne. The high tea was comprised of tiered layers of cakes and pies set on round tables covered with crisp white table linen. The Oak Room layout and the quality of the food certainly made for a great atmosphere.
Geoff and Clyde again managed proceedings and introduced our 4 new members and their partners who had joined us on the day, bringing along a range of vehicles from the latest 992 to a beautifully maintained 1985 Carrera 3.2. A welcoming complimentary bottle of wine to each of the new member couples, made for a nice introduction to a PCV event.
With the high tea winding up around 4pm, it was an easy drive back to Melbourne after a very relaxed and enjoyable day.
Many thanks to the following club members who assisted in our event: - Magazine article: Tony and Chris Carolan
- Photographs: Neville Sampson - Check runs: Stan Tzatzimakis and Mark Vulling
Also, many thanks to the staff at Porsche Centre Doncaster in providing the venue, food and drinks at the start of the event.
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