4 minute read
President John Datson 0412628 478 president@porscheclubqld.com.au
Vice President Steve Cooper vpresident@porscheclubqld.com.au
Treasurer Cameron Mitchell treasurer@porscheclubqld.com.au
Secretary Andrew Dalton 0411 492 111 secretary@porscheclubqld.com.au
Motorsport Director Kevin Vedelago 0418 728 671 motorsport@porscheclubqld.com.au
Membership Director Steve Vick membership@porscheclubqld.com.au
Social Director Rob Beaumont social@porscheclubqld.com.au
Editor Peter Stapley editor@porscheclubqld.com.au
Merchandise Jason Arnold merchandise@porscheclubqld.com.au
Natalie Dugdale
Marketing Director marketing@porscheclubqld.com.au
Webmaster & Instagram Monitor Toula Vlazakis admin@porscheclubqld.com.au
Contact Us
Please forward all correspondence to admin@porscheclubqld.com.au
Facebook.com/porscheclubqld www.porscheclubqld.com.au
Porsche Club Queensland
GPO Box 584
Club General Meetings
The Porsche Cub QLD Inc. holds general meetings on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm at: Porsche Centre Brisbane
146 Breakfast Creek Road Newstead 4006
(Unless otherwise notified. Check the Events Calendar on the website and the weekly PCQ eBlast for updates).
For Merchandise please contact Jason: merchandise@porscheclubqld.com.au
Magazine Contributions
Contributions from members and friends of the Porsche Club Queensland are very welcome. The opinions expressed or inferred herin are not necessarily those of the Editor, Committee or Club. Copyright is the responsibility of the submitting correspondent. Magazine contributions to: editor@porscheclubqld.com.au
Advertising for the magazine, please contact Natalie: marketing@porscheclubqld.com.au
Advertising to sell anything Porsche related, ie. cars, parts etc for members can be advertised on the club website or on our PCQ members buy and sell page. Please contact Toula: admin@porscheclubqld.com.au
For Membership, please contact: membership@porscheclubqld.com.au
Please hashtag or tag PCQ with your photo facebook.com/groups/pcqmembers
President’s Report
It has been a journey and a half to compile, edit and print the first Club magazine for 2022. After a number of hiccups along the way this year and with the assistance of Lee Cooper, the father and son team of Kent and Jack Kieseker, and editor Peter Stapley, the magazine has finally surfaced. Our apologies for its late arrival and we trust you will enjoy the various articles from the social side, motorsport, member’s contributions, and Porsche newsletters. The timing of the AGM and publishing of the magazine also coincided with a six-week driving tour around South Australia that Sue and I had planned for several months. Unfortunately, we could not take the Porsche as it was having a 36-year birthday present with a body restoration and an engine refresh. To top it off, whilst on Kangaroo Island my phone went missing. My only conclusion to its disappearance is that a seal ate it! As such, this President’s report has been written in Yorketown and reviews of the magazine undertaken whenever. On the positive side, Natalie Dugdale has joined the Committee in the Marketing role, which she has previously undertaken. It is great to have Natalie onboard. We now have a fully functioning Committee for most of the time! The magazine aims to provide coverage of the Club’s motorsport events, social drives, coffee and Porsches, and the monthly Club nights that are now being scheduled to different locations in the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Brisbane. The change to spread the meetings and events across a wider spectrum of venues came from member’s suggestions and was adopted by the committee. This approach seems to be working with a reasonable turnout of members at each venue.
The Club’s first major event for the year was the 2021 Motorsport Awards night held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in January. As well as coping with Covid matters, a torrential rainstorm caused flooding limiting numbers and attendance for the evening’s event. Overall, it was a great night with the usual celebrations for the Championship Awards, which were sponsored by Shannons Insurance courtesy of Phillip Ross.
The Australia Day B-B-Q has now become a regular event on the social calendar. This year it was held at Redcliffe under the guidance of Rob Beaumont and the Coopers. The threat of rain was ever present with the B-B-Q lunch taken early. The Woodford Pub Run as reported by Graham Hobbs was a successful event with some 40 Porsches taking over the main street of Woodford and their occupants invading the hotel for lunch.
Our first Club meeting for 2022 was held at the Brisbane Porsche Centre. with guest speaker Jeromy Moore from Triple Eight Racing. Jeromy had a previous life working for Porsche, focussing on their World Endurance Championship programme at Le Mans in 2016 and then went on to lead the development of the brand-new GTE racer; the 911 RSR. His insights into his career with Porsche demonstrated the degree of detail which the teams adopt to achieve success. A big thanks to Bill Black for moderating the evening.
We were also fortunate to have Ian Lees as guest speaker for the September Club meeting at the Porsche Centre Gold Coast. Ian was involved in what many would call the golden era of motorsport being part of Sir Jack Brabham’s rise to World F1 Champion. The Concours held at Little Stanley Street, South Bank this year was considered by many as one of the best the Club has undertaken. It was a combination of factors; accessible to the public, good range of dining venues, exposure of the Porsche brand to the passing foot traffic, and a relaxing environment to hold the event.
There are three worthy member’s articles supplied by: • Greg McWhinney’s tribute to his late friend and Club member, Bruce Absolon
•Steve Foss’s article with the interesting title of “Porsche 356 and my Family’s mythology”, •Bill Dean and Jeff Matthews report on the September 2021 Drive for Rural Relief supporting BUSH kids and the Health and Wellbeing of Rural Families, which was hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Paddington and Warwick.
AGM Tuesday 9th August 2022
Fifty-three Club members attended the AGM held at the Porsche Centre Brisbane. The following committee positions were elected unopposed:
·President: John Datson
·Vice President: Steve Cooper
·Secretary: Andrew Dalton
·Treasurer: Cameron Mitchell
·Social Director: Rob Beaumont
·Motorsport Director: Kevin Vedelago
·Webmaster: Toula Vlazakis
·Membership Director: Stephen Vick
·Merchandise: Jason Arnold
The Committee and members expressed their gratitude to Lee Cooper for her service to the Club over many years fulfilling the role of President on 7 occasions from 2005 to 2022. That is the upfront picture we all see, but it is the work she does behind the scenes that deserves mention. In simple terms, Lee is very generous with her time which tends to be a lost quality in today’s world.