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Poultry around the globe
from PoultryNL
Poultry around the globe: a multilingual business
Dutch / Spanish / French / Chinese / Russian / German
Cuticle (bloom) Shell membranes
Kalkschaal / Cáscara / Coquille / 蛋壳 / Скорлупа / Eischale
Inner thin albumen
Binnenste dunwit / Albumen fl uido interno / Albumen liquide interne / 内稀蛋白 / Внутренний жидкий альбумин / Inneres Eiklar (dünnfl üssig)
Thick albumen
Dikwit / Albumen denso / Albumen épais / 浓蛋白 / Плотный альбумин / Mittleres Eiklar (gallertartig)
Yellow yolk
Donker eigeel / Yema amarilla / Jaune / 黄卵黄 / Желтый желток / Gelber Dotter
Hagelsnoer / Chalazas / Chalazes / 系带 / Халаза (канатик) / Hagelschnüre (Chalazae)
Air chamber (air cell)
Luchtkamer / Cámara de aire / Chambre à air / 气室 / Воздушная камера (пуга) / Luftkammer Eihuid / Cuticula / Cutícula / Cuticule / 胶护膜 / Кутикула / Oberhäutchen (Kutikula) Schaalvliezen / Membranas de la cáscara / Membranes coquillières / 壳膜 / Подскорлупные оболочки / Schalenmembranen
Outer thin albumen
Buitenste dunwit / Albumen fl uido externo / Albumen mince externe / 外稀蛋白 / Внешний жидкий альбумин / Äußeres Eiklar (dünnfl üssig)
Germinal disc
Kiemvlek / Disco germinal / Disque germinal / 胚盘 / Зародышевый диск / Keimscheibe
White yolk
Klaar eigeel / Yema blanca / Jaune « blanc » / 白卵黄 / Белый желток / Weißer Dotter
Yolk or vitelline membrane
Dooiervlies / Membrana vitelina o de la yema / Membrane vitelline ou membrane du jaune / 蛋黄膜或卵黄膜 / Желточная (вителлиновая) мембрана / Dotterhaut oder Vitellinmembran
Outer shell membrane
Buitenste schaalvlies / Membrana externa de la cáscara / Membrane coquillière externe / 外壳膜 / Внешняя подскорлупная оболочка / Äußere Schalenmembran
Inner shell membrane
Binnenste schaalvlies / Membrana interna de la cáscara / Membrane coquillière interne / 内壳膜 / Внутренняя подскорлупная оболочка / Innere Schalenmembran
Don’t ruffl e the feathers
Translation often sounds easy - especially with today’s arsenal of machine translation engines. It’s simply a matter of replacing each source word with the corresponding target word, and that’s it. Right? Wrong! Below are some examples that ruffl ed the feathers of ‘target reader discomfort’ by using sensitive terms or words that could be misconstrued or cause embarrassment. One notable error was made by HSBC when its ‘Assume nothing’ slogan was translated into the equivalent of ‘Do nothing’ in several countries. The company had to rebrand its global private banking operation at a cost of $10 million and chose the more translatable slogan: ‘The world’s private bank’. Closer to our industry are the two ‘C-words’. Cocks and chicks to put it bluntly. Far better just to stick to males and females, and day-old chicks. Apparently, a dictionary in China published in 2003 defi ned the Chinese word ‘chicken’ as either a kind of poultry, or the derogatory short form for prostitutes. And the word ‘pimp’ was listed as one of the meanings of the Chinese word ‘duck.’
The poultry sector has an important, global presence. So your company may trade with various countries. This also means: other languages. But do you know your way around these languages when it comes to poultry terminology? In the following three pages, we will give you a helping hand.
Dutch / Spanish / French / Chinese / Russian / German
Kam / Cresta / Crête / 冠 / гребень / Kamm
Neusgat / Narinas / Narines / 鼻孔 / ноздри / Nasenloch
Snavel / Pico / Bec / 喙 / клюв / Schnabel
Kinlellen / Barbillas / Barbillon / 肉垂 / сережки / Kehllappen
Hals / Pluma / Cou / 颈羽 / оперение на шее / Hals
Borst / Pechuga / Poitrine / 胸 / грудь / Brust
Voorkant vleugel / Ala / Aile / 翅 / крыло / Flügelvorderseite
Oor / Oreja / Oreille / 耳 / Yхо / Ohr
Oorlel / Lóbulo de la oreja / Oreillon/ 耳叶 / ушная мочка / Ohrlappen
Nek / Cuello / Nuque / 脖子 / шея / Nacken
Schouder / Hombro / Épaule / 肩 / плечо / Schulter
Rug / Dorso / Dos / 背部 / спина / Rücken
Staart / Cola / Queue / 尾 / хвост / Schwanz
Preen gland
Stuitklier / Glándula sebácea / Glande uropygienne (glande de lissage) / 尾脂腺 / копчиковая железа / Bürzeldrüse
Cloaca / Cloaca / Cloaque / 泄殖腔 / клоака / Kloake
Legbuik / Vientre / Ventre / 腹 / живот / Legebauch
Teen / Dedo / Doigt / 足垫 / палец / Zehe
Nagel / Uña / Griff e / 趾甲 / коготь / Nagel
Loopbeen / Pata / Tarse / 胫 / плюсна / Laufknochen
Foot pad
Voetzool / Almohadilla plantar / Coussinet plantaire / 足垫 / мякиш стопы / Fußballen / мякиш стопы / Fußballen
Caution is also advised if you are considering using a slogan like ‘Bringing Home the Bacon’ in a campaign aimed at the Middle East. In the dairy sector a mismatch between a US ad campaign and the Spanish translation almost resulted in ‘Got milk?’ being rendered as ¿Tienes leche?, which means ’Are you lactating?’. American brand Perdue Chicken also made an epic mistake when their tagline ‘It takes a strong man to make a tender chicken’ was translated into Spanish as ‘It takes an aroused man to make a chicken aff ectionate’. Proof of how much can get lost in translation…
Sue op het Veld AgroLingua translation services
Dutch / Spanish / French / Chinese / Russian / German
Muscle bundle
Spierbundel / Haz muscular / Faisceau de muscles / 肌束 / Пучок мышечных волокон / Muskelfaserbündel
Spier / Músculo / Muscle / 肌肉 / Мышца / Muskel
Muscle fi bre
Spiervezel / Fibra muscular / Fibre musculaire / 肌纤维 / Мышечное волокно / Muskelfaser
Myofi bril
Myofi bril / Miofi brilla / Myofi brille / 肌原纤维 / Миофибрилла / Myofi brille
Muscle fi laments
Spierfi lamenten / Filamentos musculares / Filaments musculaires / 肌丝 / Актиновые и миозиновые миофиламенты / Myofi lamente
Fused nuclei muscle cel
Celkern gefuseerde spiercel / Célula muscular multinucleada / Noyaux fusionnés cellule musculaire / 融合肌细胞核 / Ядра слившихся миоцитов / Zellkern verschmolzene Muskelzelle
Scientifi c name
English / Dutch / Spanish / French / Chinese / Russian / German
Musculus biceps branchii and musculus triceps branchii
Upper arm muscle (wing 1st section) / Bovenarmspieren (vleugel 1ste lid) / Músculos del brazuelo (1.ª sección del ala) / Muscles du bras (aile 1ère phalange manchon) / 上臂肌 (鸡翅的第一节) / Мышца крыла (крыло 1-ая секция) / Oberarmmuskeln (Flügel erster Teil)
Musculus latissimus dorsi (anterior and posterior)
Back / Rug / Dorso / Dos / 背 / Спина / Rücken
Musculus quadriceps femoris
Thigh / Dij /Contramuslo / Haut de cuisse / 大腿 / Бедро / Schenkel
Musculus gastrocnemius and musculus sartorius, musculus tibial anterior
Calf muscles (drumstick) / Kuitspieren (drum) / Músculos de la pata (muslo) / Muscles inférieures de la cuisse (pilon) / 小腿肌 (琵琶腿) / Мышцы голени (Голень) / Wadenmuskel
Musculus fl exor digitorum superfi cialis, m. fl exor carpi ulnaris, m. extensor metacarpi radialis, m. pronator superfi cialis
Forearm muscles (wing 2nd section) / Onderarmspieren / (vleugel 2e lid) / Músculos del antebrazo (2.ª sección del ala) / Muscles de l’avant-bras (aile 2ème phalange, aileron) / 前臂肌 (鸡翅的第二节) / Мышцы предплечья крыло (2-я секция) / Unterarmmuskeln (Flügel zweiter Teil)
Musculus pectoralis major
Large breast muscle (breast fi llet) / Grote borstspier (borstfi let) / Músculo pectoral mayor (fi lete de pechuga) / Muscle pectoral majeur (fi let de poitrine) / 大胸肌 (胸柳肉)/ Большая грудная мышца (филе грудки) / Großer Brustmuskel (Brustfi let)
Musculus pectoralis minor
Deep breast muscle (inner fi llet/tenderloin) / Diepe borstspier (haasje) / Músculo pectoral profundo (fi lete interno/lomo) / Muscle pectoral profond (fi let interne / aiguillette) / 胸深肌 (内里脊/嫩里脊肉)/ Малая грудная мышца (малое филе / вырезка) / Kleiner Brustmuskel (Filet/Lendenstück)