The Journeyman Roofer & Waterproofer 2nd Qtr 2021

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Secretary-Treasurer’s Letter BY J I M H A D E L , I N T E R N AT I O N A L S E C R E TA RY-T R E A S U R E R

Understanding Membership Withdrawals


ecent discussions with local unions, as well as members, regarding membership withdrawal procedures and their effects convinced me that the issue should be addressed. We are constantly initiating new members, and it is important that they understand the provisions of the International’s Constitution and By-Laws, as well as the local’s. Membership withdrawals are a provision of the International By-Laws granted to members for various reasons. Unfortunately, there have been situations where members are granted a withdrawal but they do not understand the difference between a withdrawal taken for a period of twelve months or less, and a withdrawal taken for more than twelve months but less than twenty-four months. These two types of withdrawal are outlined in Sections 3–5 below. Section 5 specifically addresses the differences.

withdrawal upon payment of a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee and upon compliance with all obligations and procedures provided for. Five dollars ($5.00) of said fee shall be forwarded to the International Office, and the remaining twenty dollars ($20.00) of the fee shall be retained by the Local Union office. Section 2. A member against whom any charges are pending or who has an outstanding fine or other penalty shall not be entitled to a withdrawal card. A withdrawal card shall be void if not presented for deposit within twenty-four (24) full months from the date of issuance. Section 3. When the holder of a withdrawal card desires to reinstate his/her withdrawal card within twelve (12) months from the date of its issuance, he/she shall pay to the Local Union with which he/she deposits his/her card, all dues for the period for which the card was withdrawn, and he/she shall then be restored

I encourage all officers to clearly explain withdrawal procedures and consequences to members requesting a withdrawal card. However, it is ultimately the membership’s responsibility to understand how this affects their membership status. Hopefully reviewing the rules will enable members to better understand whether applying for a withdrawal is the best course of action. I encourage all officers to clearly explain withdrawal procedures and consequences to members requesting a withdrawal card. However, it is ultimately the membership’s responsibility to understand how this affects their membership status. As outlined in the International Constitution and By-Laws, Article VIII of the International By-Laws specifically referencing Sections 1 through 6 reads as follows: Section 1. Any member desiring to receive an honorable withdrawal shall apply for and be granted such


• The Journeyman Roofer & Waterproofer

to his/her former good standing. The Local Union shall remit his/her per capita tax to the International Secretary-Treasurer. Section 4. When a holder of a withdrawal card issued more than twelve (12) months, but less than twentyfour (24) full months, desires to be reinstated, he/she shall present such withdrawal card to the Local Union in whose jurisdiction he/she seeks employment. Such withdrawal card shall be sent to the International Secretary-Treasurer together with the payment of the first month’s per capita tax. Section 5. When the holder of the withdrawal card is reinstated in the manner prescribed in this Article,

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