Secretary-Treasurer’s Letter BY J I M H A D E L , I N T E R N AT I O N A L S E C R E TA RY-T R E A S U R E R
National Instructor Training and Leadership Training Programs Set High Standards for Roofers
monumental achievement was realized the week of July 18, 2021, with the kickoff of the National Instructor Training Program (NITP). With 94 of our JATC instructors and coordinators from across the country in
Barnhard) on their tireless efforts in the planning and development of this program, which will take union training to a level far exceeding any in the industry. Additional thanks to the trustees of the Research and Education
The National Instructor Training Program will take union training to a level far exceeding any in the industry. attendance, the program launched with very few glitches in spite of multiple Covid-19 delays. My congratulations to Roofers & Waterproofers Research and Education Joint Trust Fund Executive Director Keith Vitkovich and the National Training Committee (Marty Headtke, Richard Tessier, Jim Currie, Dan Knight, Dan Smith, Derek Carrington, Joel Gonzalez, Matt Wittenborn and John
Joint Trust Fund for their foresight to support the National Instructor Training Program. Finally, many thanks and gratitude to the administration, teachers and the entire staff of Washtenaw College. Their support, leadership and guidance was priceless. We look forward to a continuing partnership for years to come. This is a historical moment in our union’s history, and due to time constraints we will highlight
this event in the Fourth Quarter 2021 magazine. Moving forward, the International Union has its sights set on Washtenaw Community College for our Local Union Leadership Training program. We are in the developmental stages at this time, and hopefully by 2022 we will launch the first year of this program. The overall goal of the Leadership Training program is to develop our business managers, financial secretary-treasurers and business representatives to be the most knowledgeable and effective leaders possible. The program will be developed in a structure similar to that of the National Leadership Program, with the college delivering core instructional classes while our leadership instructors teach union-specific topics. As we reach the final stages of development, we will communicate specific details. In the interim, continue to recruit, train and protect your work jurisdiction. The UBC parasites are aggressively attacking our union. Be very cognizant of their activities. ■
Moving forward, the International Union has its sights set on Washtenaw Community College for our Local Union Leadership Training program. We are in the developmental stages at this time, and hopefully by 2022 we will launch the first year of this program. 8
• The Journeyman Roofer & Waterproofer