Milk on the Moove Question: What happens when I drop some dishwashing liquid into milk? Hypothesis: What is your prediction? These are some ideas from Room 10 students: The milk might turn green; some fat might go to the top of the milk; the milk will move away from the dishwashing liquid; the milk might turn into water; it might evaporate; the milk might bubble. Method: Equipment: Milk Saucer Dishwashing liquid Drops of food colouring Dropper Steps 1.
Pour milk into the saucer.
Add 3 drops of different coloured food colouring – evenly spread.
Drop 1 drop of dishwashing liquid into the centre of the saucer.
Observe what happens.
Conclusion: What happened? Was your prediction correct? Why do you think this happened? Fair test: What would you change if you did the experiment a second time? Remember for it to be a fair test to compare to the first experiment you can change only one thing. Some options are: the shape of the container; the size of the container; the amount of milk, the temperature of the milk; the type of dishwashing liquid; use different colours.