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C H O O S E YO U R S TAY: S E RV I C E A PA RT M E N T S V S H O T E L S There is no denying to the fact that accommodation is the most crucial decision while planning for a trip, be it work or personal. It can either make or break your travel experience. With the decreasing boundaries and increasing business dealing worldwide, corporate travel is on the rise. And with it, the demand for a pleasant stay has increased. With the burgeoning corporate travel demands, there are various new trends cropping up that offer business travel solutions. The one such major recent addition is that of service apartments. Service apartments, also known as serviced apartments, are fully furnished residential places which have all the amenities like laundry, house-keeping and even room service. It is very appropriate for professionals and has instantly taken over the hotels. This has led to a close competition and comparison between the two.

Let’s compare the two and see what we find: Space: While planning for a major trip significance is given to the space available at the place of stay. Nobody wants to spend their precious days holed up in a shoebox sized room. In a luxury apartment only a bedroom with an attached bathroom is offered, whereas, in a service apartment, the whole area is at your discretion. It comes with usually 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms along with kitchen and open living area. In the case of space availability service apartments have an edge over the hotels.

Length of stay: The duration of the stay is yet another deciding factor. The people who are on a relatively shorter trip usually opt for hotels, but the ones who are planning to stay or are required to stay for a longer period usually opt for serviced apartments. Cost: No matter who is paying for the trip, whether it is the employees or the company, the cost-effectiveness is always kept in mind. On an average, there is a slight difference between the costs of both. But when the deliverables are compared service apartments are considered to be more cost-effective. It is mostly preferred by the companies who have a much larger group of people to accommodate. Even in India, there is a whopping 30% difference between the cost of hotels and serviced apartments. Facilities: If you’re the traveller looking for luxuries and state of the art facilities, serviced apartments are the better choice. They are equipped with amenities like a full-fledged kitchen, washing and laundry and even fitness amenities, making it an ideal location for a better stay. But if you are looking for basic facilities conventional corporate hotel booking can be a good option.

Privacy: For some people, privacy supersedes all other things; and if you are that person it is always advisable to opt for hotels. Hotels have the utmost corner for your privacy with minimum interference. But when it comes to apartments, it is usually shared with other people who can ruin the privacy.

Although it seems like a difficult decision to make, it is not. Just prioritize your requirements and choose rationally, and you’re in for an unforgettable experience whether it’s at a hotel or apartment. You can also contact for best corporate travel deal and corporate travel solutions. Source:

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