Liz brennan. Childrens Poetry

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Cool Kids’ Poetry By Liz Brennan

Contents The Snowman Winter Time Bonkers about Conkers Autumn Little Bird The Wibbolly Wobbolly Tooth The Loose Tooth The Tooth Fairy Witch at the School Halloween The Witch Teddybear Poetry Texting Txting Facebook I’m Feeling Sick Doctor Doctor I'm Sick of The Dentist My Sister is a teenager The Spot Granny's Handbag A wicked affair Halloween Specials What’s Going on in Nursery Land Braces Daddy ’ s Making Dinner Daddy’s collecting me from School Today Going to the Gaeltacht Back from the Gaeltacht Guess What Clap with your hands Spring Santa Santa North Pole News Christmas Eve Christmas My Toy Rabbitt My Toys Cleaning Up The Bedroom My Pets An Irish Rap

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Published in August 2016 by Liz Brennan, Platform Productions and Platform Stage School. E: Poetry: Liz Brennan

Rooney Media Graphics

Design, Production and Printing: T: +353 1 7978 774 E: ISBN: 978-0-9932301-0-3

Winter Time The Snowman

By Liz Brennan

It’s Monday morning, It’s dark and it’s damp.

By Liz Brennan

I get out of bed

Snowman, snowman,

and I turn on the lamp.

how are you today.

I shiver and shake.

Smile on your face,

I mutter and moan.

cos we’ve all come

Things couldn’t be worse.

out to play.

I gripe and I groan. But suddenly something

Snowman, snowman,

just doesn’t sound right.

where are you today.

Jenny downstairs

The sun came out

screams with delight.

and you melted all away.

I look out the window and what do I see.

Snowman, snowman, don’t be sad.

It’s snowing, it’s snowing.

Come back next year, we’ll all be glad.


Bonkers about Conkers By Liz Brennan

I’m bonkers about conkers. I knock them from the trees. And when they fall I like to crawl and pick them from the leaves. I put them on a string and then I challenge everyone. I play the conkers game in school. It’s such a lot of fun.


by Liz Brennan

Tumbling, tumbling come the leaves. Falling, falling from the trees. Swaying, swaying, falling down. Red, yellow, black and brown. Swirling, swirling all around. 2


Little Bird

by Liz Brennan

Little bird, little bird, sing a song for me. Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, sitting in the tree. Little bird, little bird, Ă DS \RXU ZLQJV IRU PH )ODS Ă DS Ă DS Ă DS Flying down to me. Little bird, little bird, shake your tail for me. Shake, shake, shake shake Happy as can be.


The Wibbolly Wobbolly Tooth

By Liz Brennan

(The spelling is based on the way small children pronounce the words)

I’ve got a wobbolly tooth. A wibbolly, wobbally tooth. It wibbles and wobbles and jiggles and bobbles my wibbolly wobbally tooth.

I wriggle my wobbolly tooth, I jiggle my wobbally tooth, , VXFN DQG ÁLFN DQG SXVK DQG OLFN my wibbolly, wobbally tooth.

The Loose Tooth Look look can you see my tooth is loose and wobbally. I try so hard to pull it out I push it in and push it out. One last try, it’s come away. Let’s celebrate hip hip hurray.

I’m trying to get my tooth out, I tug it and jig it about. But I’m having no luck, So I guess that I’m just stuck with my wibbolly, wobbolly tooth.


By Liz Brennan

The Tooth Fairy

by Liz Brennan

The clock strikes eight in fairy-land. The tooth fairy picks up her magic wand. She sprinkles the fairydust over her wings. Then gathers up the rest of her things.

The list is the most important of all. She needs it so that she knows where to call. There’s Ella in Dublin, and Luke in Mayo. Then off to Cork, it’s a long way to go.

She gathers the teeth and she gets quite a few. Leaves something important, especially for you. She disappears away out of sight. 7KH WRRWKIDLU\·V ÀQLVKHG DQRWKHU ORQJ QLJKW



by Liz Brennan

Witch at the School by liz brennan

I hear a cackle, I hear a scream. It’s Halloween, it’s Halloween.

Teacher, teacher, please come quick.


There’s a witch at the window

Zombies are on walk-about.

on her big broomstick. There’s a wart on her nose.

Vampires want to suck your blood .

She has scraggily hair.

Naughty pumpkins up to no good.

But when teacher looked,

Witch’s cauldrons bubbling, boiling.

she wasn’t there.

Trick or treaters will be calling. I hear a cackle, I hear a scream.

Teacher, teacher, did you hear that.

It’s Halloween, It’s Halloweeeeen.

There’s a witch at the door with a pointy hat. She has hands with nails that are black and long. But when teacher looked the witch was gone. The teacher stood up and went to the door. Looked up and down and let out a roar. ‘Mother I told you to stay away and not to disturb me On Halloween Day’. 6

The Witch

by Liz Brennan

7KH ZLWFK à LHV KLJK WKH ZLWFK à LHV ORZ 7KH ZLWFK à LHV IDVW WKH ZLWFK à LHV VORZ Up, down, left and right. Witch on her broomstick It’s Halloween night, Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Witch on her broomstick It’s Halloween night, Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Witch on her broomstick It’s Halloween night.



by Liz Brennan

Have you seen my teddybear. My scraggy, raggy teddybear. I left him in the bedroom but , FDQQRW ÀQG KLP DQ\ZKHUH

Have you seen my teddybear. My snuggy, huggy teddybear. I’ve searched the bed, I’ve searched the room, I’ve even looked behind the chair.

Have you - wait what’s over there? It’s my lovely teddybear. Sitting there without a care, HURRAY I’ve found my teddybear.



by Liz Brennan

Poetry, oh poetry, I hate reciting poetry. Speak up, Slow down, A load of tosh, if you ask me.

Poetry, oh poetry, I really can’t stand poetry. Use your face, change your voice. Totally bores the pants off me.

Poetry, oh poetry, It’s worse than trigonometry. I’m standing here, feel like a fool and you’re all staring up at me.

Poetry, oh poetry the judge is standing, let me see. A gold medal, just for me, now that’s why I LOVE poetry.


Txting Texting

By Liz Brennan

Txting txting, always txting. By Liz Brennan

early in the mrning n b4 u no it

Texting, texting, always texting. Early in the morning and before you know it next thing it’s late at night, the day is gone,

nxt thing it’s lt8 at nite, the day is gone but the txting txting still goes on Pick ur contact, ur vbf

but the texting, texting still goes on.

Rite the txt n then press send

Pick your contact, your very best friend.

U ask 2 meet after sch on tues

Write the text and then press send.

Get the reply, gr8 it’s gud news

You ask to meet after school on Tues.

Txting, txting, it’s really gr8

Get the reply, hey it’s good news.

Txt ur friend if u think ul b l8t

Texting, texting, it’s really great.

But nvr bring ur fone 2 sch

Text your friend if you think you’ll be late.

Remember that’s the golden rule.

But never bring your phone to school. Remember that’s the golden rule.



e k i L by Liz Brennan

What would we do without facebook? How would we contact our friends? Talk about this, talk about that, arguing, making amends. Part of the social network. Chatting on line’s really cool. Photos of friends at a party, or other friends acting the fool. Checking relationship status of the good looking boy up the street. Single, great a real bonus.

t s Po

Wondering how we can meet.

Requesting a friend is an option, UHIXVDO PRUWLÀFDWLRQ Write on his wall or post him a link, send him an invitation. Spend too much time on the website, study is starting to suffer. Mum’s getting crosser and crosser, Dad’s getting even tougher. Facebook’s ok when you keep it in check. %HLQJ SDUW RI WKH JURXS FDQ EH ÀQH But always remember your friends are your friends even if you’re not online


k n i L

I’m Feeling Sick

by Liz Brennan

I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling ill. Get me a doctor, get me a pill. ,·YH SDLQV LQ P\ ÀQJHUV DQG SDLQV LQ P\ WRHV And now I think something is stuck up my nose.

My tummy is sore and I feel very weak. My legs are all shaky, it’s looking quite bleak. My temperature feels like 103. The rash on my arm looks measely.

A knock on the door, it’s Conor and Fay. Want to know if I can come out to play. I’m feeling just great, it’s miraculous. Sick, don’t be ridiculous.

Doctor Doctor

by Liz Brennan

Doctor, doctor, please come quick. I’m feeling very sick, sick, sick. I can’t go to the surgery. My temperature’s up to 103.

Get your stethoscope and check me out. I’m breathing in, I’m breathing out. &XWV RQ P\ ÀQJHUV SDLQV LQ P\ WRHV %XPSV RQ P\ KHDG DQG D VQLIÀOO\ QRVH The Doctor says turn off the light. Jump into bed and cuddle up tight. Lots of kisses and lots of hugs. That’s the way to beat the bugs.


I'm Sick of

by Liz Brennan

I’m sick of Lana. I’m sick of Jane. I don’t like Sarah and then there’s Elaine. She’s such a big bore, I can’t even begin to tell you how terrible she is to Tim.

Sam’s really nasty, and Brian’s really mean . I couldn’t repeat what they did to poor Jean. And then there’s the party on Friday at three. Everyone’s going, except for me.

What’ this, an envelope, under my book. My name’s written on it, I must have a look. End of school party in Sarah’s at three. Such a nice bunch, they invited me.

The Dentist

by Liz Brennan

I’m going to the dentist tomorrow at three. It’s just for a check up, she just wants to see if I’m taking good care of my teeth every day and if I remember to brush the right way.

I jump on the couch and she says ‘open up’ ‘I just want to check them and have a good look’. She tells me they’re pefect and clean as can be. Come back in six months - in February. 13

My Sister is a Teenager by Liz Brennan

My sister is a teenager, she drives us all mad. She mopes around the house all day and always looks sad. She spends the whole day in her room pretending that she’s studying. But we’re not stupid, we know she’s doing nothing.

The shower is on for hours and hours, the hairdryer is humming. She roars and shouts ‘out of my room’ if she hears us coming. Dad says ‘go and dress yourself and stop being so lazy’. She grunts instead of answering, it drives us all crazy.

But when her friends come knocking, it seems everything is changed. She’s suddenly full of energy and acts like she’s deranged. The grunt is gone she talks so fast, they’re regularly screaming, She jumps around, no moping now, the sad face is beaming.

High pitched voices, constant laughing, wow could this be Jane. Could this be my sister who is always such a pain. Yes it seems that’s teenagers have different personalities. One is for their friends and the other’s for their families.


The Spot by Liz Brennan

I’ve a big red spot on the top of my nose. How it got there nobody knows. I’m trying all day to cover it up. Dabbing and stabbing and using make-up.

I’ve tried all the lotions and potions and stuff. Starting off gently, then getting rough. All of my friends give their bit of advice. Try using vinegar, freeze it with ice.

We’ve tried about everything money can buy. But nothing will work and we just don’t know why. Mum says there is no remedy. It’s all part of growing up you see.


Granny's Handbag

I’ve been keeping this a secret but I really have to tell. Cos keeping it a secret, is nothing short of hell. I had a lightbulb moment when I realised one night My granny never EVER leaves her handbag out of her sight.

by Liz Brennan

Sssshhhhhh - be very quiet – stay very, very still. I’m perched in grannies garden, under her window sill. Oh I know what you’re all thinking, I must be very strange. But everybody else thinks that my granny is deranged.

I decided to get hold of it one night when she was sleeping. 7R FRQÀUP P\ VXVSLFLRQ , GHFLGHG WR have a peep in. $W ÀUVW WKLQJV ORRNHG TXLWH QRUPDO the usual granny things A hairbrush with no bristles, bracelets and rings.

So I monitored her quite closely and I watched her every move, I was shocked at my discovery, cos it only went to prove what I’d been thinking all along and now I’ll tell you why, I’m spying on my granny cos I think she is a spy. (SSSSSShhhhhh)

Tissues that were mostly used, a purse with not much money. A knife and fork, a currant bun and two jars of honey. Glasses, pills and biros, a half eaten chocolate pie. Everything seemed in order but then something caught my eye. A teeny tiny button just right beside the clasp I pressed the little button, then I let out a gasp A secret panel opened, yes I knew that I was right. No wonder granny never lets her handbag out of sight. 16

Tissues laced with arsenic, a funny looking pill, Glasses with night vision and a licence to kill. Documents in secret code, a false set of false teeth, Peculiar looking lipstick with a button underneath.

‘We knew you had potential Jill, the handbag was a test. We were sure that you were just like me, we only take the best. <RX·YH SDVVHG ZLWK Á\LQJ KRQRXUV -LOO and now I’ll tell you why. You’ve been chosen by the Government to become a Junior spy.

Funny coloured perfume that I sprayed into the air It knocked me out for seconds then it blew me off my chair. Superman has kryptonite, James Bond has his car, But my grannies handbag was superior by far. I left in quite a hurry afraid granny would wake up I jumped out of the window and that is why I’m stuck underneath the window sill cos I’m afraid she’ll see that her handbag has been opened and she’ll know that it was me. Oh no I think she’ll calling me ‘Jill I know you’re there You need to come and talk to me we need to clear the air.’ I stood up at the window and then out of bed she rose. She leapt up like a ninja straight into a karate pose. 17

ME – A JUNIOR SPY, oh me, oh my. I was right about the handbag and I’m glad I went to pry. ,W·V DOO FRQÀUPHG P\ JUDQQ\ ,6 $ SECRET AGENT SPY. So if we ever meet again make sure you pass me by. I’ll be working on a major case as SUPER JUNIOR SPY. Hold on granny, slow down, wait for me. GOODBYE.

A wicked affair

by Liz Brennan

An owl hoots, a cat meows. The bats screech, a wolf howls. A faint noise, something’s bubbling. Witch’s cauldron’s, all quite troubling. Vampires hover round the town. One is in her wedding gown. All in town to quench their thirst. 7KH\ PXVW JHW D YLFWLP ÀUVW

*KRVWV DQG GHPRQV à RDW DURXQG 0DNLQJ D KRUULÀF VRXQG Ha, ha, ha, a witch’s cackle. Skeletons rise, their bones rattle. Fireworks scream into the air. A dark and eerie wicked affair. $QRWKHU à DVK DQRWKHU VFUHDP It surely must be Halloweeeen.


Halloween Specials

by Liz Brennan

The shopping mall is very very busy today. It’s the Halloween specials, there’s a big display. Witches come from all over the world. Specials on hair styles scraggy or curled.

Beauty salon’s booked for nail extensions. Stick on warts are the new inventions. Broomsticks are all reduced to half price. Cauldrons come with a free bag of lice.

Poison ivy is three for two and the half price special is bat wing stew. Get your bargains, the prices are keen. The witches get ready for Halloweeneeeeeeen.


What’s Going on in Nursery Land

by Liz Brennan

What’s going on in Nursery Land? Everyone’s dancing, to a big brass band. Polly and Sukey and Jack and Jill have all come tumbling down the hill.

Bo Peep’s sheep are jumping and jiving. Miss Muffet’s here, who’s this arriving? Humpty’s off his wall again with little Jack Horner and the little red hen.

What’s going on? There’s a really good mood. Ice cold drinks and yummy food. Simon says “It’s a special date. Humpty’s Birthday - let’s celebrate.”




By Liz Brennan

Guess what, awful news, I just got new braces, I’m getting the blues. I look in the mirror and what do I see, a big set of train-tracks staring at me. I’m point blank refusing to smile anymore. I’ve blisters and ulcers they’re awfully sore. I can’t get them off though I try and I try. I speak with a lisp, and my lips are all dry. Oh no here comes Laura, she’s heading this way I heard she got hers off yesterday. She’s smiling already she must have heard. I really feel like a great big nerd. But as she gets nearer what do I see. A big beaming smile staring back at me. The most beautiful teeth that I’ve ever seen. Perfectly straight and shiny and clean. I tell her they’re lovely, now that they’re gone. And that I’m feeling awful cos mine just went on. But looking at Laura makes it all seem worthwhile. For all of my life I’ll have a



Daddy ’s Making Dinner

by Liz Brennan

Daddy’ s making dinner, it’s our favourite one. Roast stuffed chicken then a big creamy bun. He put’s it in the oven, when we get home from school. We all have to help him – that’s Dad’s rule.

Conor sets the table and I put the veggies on. Dad peels the spuds and usually sings a song. (really badly) ‘Ok kids homework’, we all let out a groan. ‘Come on now homework’, another big moan.

Dad plays with Jenny, she’s just gone one. He tries to keep her quiet while we get our homework done. As we do our homework, the smells are devine. They’re coming from the kitchen, that’s a really good sign.

Dad checks the chicken, he shouts ‘nearly done’. We race to the kitchen ‘tuck in everyone’. Dad’s chicken dinner, our favourite one. $QG ZKHQ ZH·UH DOO ÀQLVKHG there’s that big creamy bun. (Mmmmmmm THANKS DAD.)

*Daddy can be replaced with Mummy


Daddy’s collecting me from School Today by Liz Brennan

He’s always there on the dot of three. I love to see daddy waiting for me. He smiles and he waves when he sees me come out. I run out the door and I scream and I shout. I jump in his arms and I give him a hug. Ben’s in the pram and he’s playing with his rug. I give him a kiss and I tickle his chin. He kicks up his legs and he gives me a grin. We jump in the car and dad straps me in. We’re home in a jiff and I eat my din. The telephone rings, it’s mum on the phone. She’s ringing from work and I say ‘ hurry home’. :KHQ KRPHZRUN LV Ă€QLVKHG ZH ZDWFK VRPH WY 2U SOD\ RQ WKH Ă RRU MXVW GDG %HQ DQG PH Dad’s really funny when he acts the fool. I love the day daddy collects me from school.


Going to the Gaeltacht by Liz Brennan

I’m heading to the gaeltacht in the Summer. My parents are insisting, it’s a real bummer. I just found out that Jane’s going too. She’s not happy either, we’re both feeling blue.

It’s very very strict and you can’t use your phone. And if you speak English, they send you back home. You’re stuck in a house with some girls you don’t know. The food’s really awful - the classes are slow.

We’re getting the bus at Liffey Valley, I’m sitting with Jane but we’re not that pally. Look says Jane, here’s Mark and Tim. Oh no here’s Peter, I can’t stand him.

I’m really not looking forward to this. Mum says good luck and she gives me a kiss. The bus takes off, oh I’m feeling so glum. Wish me luck, Gaeltacht here I come.

The Gaeltach is an area in the West of Ireland where children go to learn Irish. They stay with local families and are not allowed to speak English at all.


Back from the Gaeltacht by Liz Brennan

Just back from the Gaeltacht, it was so much fun. Exhausted, excited - news - I’ve a ton. It started when we got onto the bus. Pete was really hilarious, He made us laugh, he sang us a song. He’s really nice - I had him all wrong.

My best friend Jane is really lovely, The girls in the house were friendly and bubbly. We chatted in Irish, we had a ball. And I didn’t think I would talk at all.

Then there’s the food, I was so suspicious. Well it turned out to be really delicious. The classes and teacher’s were really good. I learnt lots of Irish, as much as I could.

We had ceilis and sing songs and black and white nights. Saw Achill and Galway and other great sites. The Bean an Ti was just like my mum. Next year Gaeltacht - here I come.


Guess What

by Liz Brennan

Guess what, brilliant news, Teddy and me are going on a cruise. We’re off to Disney to see Mickey Mouse. He asked us over to stay in his house.

Minnie and Pluto will be there too. And the little old woman who lives in the shoe. We’re very excited, we’ll meet Donald Duck. We’ll send you an email so wish us good luck.


Clap with your hands

by Liz Brennan

Clap with your hands, say 123.

Stomp with your feet say ABC. Flap with your elbows, turn around. Tip your head and shoulders and touch the ground. Here we go, here we go 123.


by Liz Brennan

Spring is here, Spring is here. The most wonderful time of year. $OO DORQJ WKH Ă RZHU EHGV little shoots pop up their heads.

Days are getting long and bright. Snowdrops blossom pure and white. Daffodils are standing tall. Dancing up against the wall.

Children once again outside. Birds return from far and wide. How they chirp and sweetly sing. Telling everyone it’s Spring.



by Liz Brennan

North Pole News

by Liz Brennan

Santa, Santa, are you on your sleigh.

North Pole News and it’s the worst.


Santa’s suit has gone and burst.

And heading my way.


I’m very, very sleepy

Santa’s feeling very blue.

I can’t stay awake There’s food for you and Rudolf

Is it all the food that’s fun,

Mum’s lovely Christmas cake.

Crisps and sweets, the hot cross bun.

I know you won’t forget me

Could it be the chocolate cake.

And all the girls and boys

Surely there is some mistake.

Cant wait until the morning To see my lovely toys.

Sorry but the scales don’t lie DQG XVXDOO\ EXWWRQV GRQ·W MXVW Á\ ,W KDV WR EH WKH EXQV DQG ÁDQ Head Elf comes up with a plan.

Wrong food caused the situation. Health plan now in operation Santa’s eating healthy food, Puts him in a better mood.

Lots of veggies, lots of fruit Santa’s back in a NEW, (two sizes smaller), RED SUIT. Ho, Ho, Ho. Meeeerry Christmas. 28

Christmas Eve

by Liz Brennan

The elves are in the workshop


Making all the toys. Big ones, small ones,

by Liz Brennan

Tired little sleepy heads.

For all the girls and boys.

Are nicely tucked inside their beds.

Santa’s in the sleigh and

All excited, hard to sleep.

He’s checking the list.

Thinking they might get a peep of Santa coming in his sleigh.

Making sure no child was missed.

Just in time for Christmas day.

He checks it once, He checks it twice. Who was naughty and who was nice. All the toys go into the sleigh. Ready for the children on Christmas Day.


My Toy Rabbitt by Liz Brennan

,·YH D ELJ ÁXII\ UDEELW WKDW , JRW when I was born, She’s 6 years old, the same as me and looks a little worn. She used to be all clean and bright and blue/pink and white in colour My favourite toy in all the world I love her/him like no other.

My Toys by Liz Brennan

Come into our toy room Come and have a look, We’ve all kinds of everything a truck a duck a book. Scooter, skateboard over there. Teddy sitting on his chair. Ken and Barbie by the pool, Batman looking very cool. Football, drum and lots of games, Paints and crayons, two red trains Dolly sleeping in her cot. Janey Mack we’ve got a lot.

Cleaning Up The Bedroom by Liz Brennan

Everybody duck, everybody dive, Mum’s on the rampage, quickly go and hide. Yes mum, coming mum, one minute mum. ‘Now’ says mother’, I’m counting to one’. Everybody jump, run into your room, Mum’s on the warpath, it’s all doom and gloom. Yes mum, coming mum, two minutes mum. We’re cleaning up the bedroom Cos mother’s feeling glum. Everybody scatter, mum’s in a mood, Bedroom is sticky due to leftover food Yes mum, done mum, all nice and clean Everything is sparkling, a lovely sheen. PHEW !!!!!


My Pets by Liz Brennan

Did you know that I have a dog, His name is Barney and then there’s my frog, Her name is Jenny, she jumps round the house, And I musn’t forget dear Minnie my mouse. Peter’s my parrot, Lisa’s my cat, My cute little guinea pig, he’s called Pat. All my pets are so much fun, I love them - every single one.


An Irish Rap

by Liz Brennan

(This is a good choral rap poem and is great fun when recited with two or four groups)

People say irish is boring and dull It makes them want to be ‘ag gul’. We think irish is really cool. We learn it when we go to school. Lamh a sios, lamh a suas, sios, suas. Speak it on the bus, speak it on the luas. A cupla focal in the class Buachaill bocht agus cailin deas. A haon, a do, a tri, a ceathair. Tell it to your máthair, teach it to your athair Labhair gaeilge, remember this one. Please muinteoir an bhfuil cead agam. No bearla, no bearla, gaeilge please. Do it at your leisure, do it at your ease. Irish isn’t boring, go on have a go. Uair amhain fado fado. Now that you’ve started, keep it up. Thank you is go raibh maith agat. Another easy one to do is simply, conas ata tu Learn it when you go to school. Labhair gaeilge, it’s really cool.


Ag gul – crying, sios –down, suas – up, luas – mode of transport in Dublin, cupla focail – a few words, buachaill bocht – poor boy, haon, do, tri, cathair – 1234, mathair – mother, athair – father, labhair – speak, muinteoir – teacher, an bhfuil cead agam – may I, bearla – English, uair amhan fado, fado – long, long time ago, conas ata tu – how are you.

Liz is the founder of Platform Productions Music Agency and Platform Stage School in Dublin. She has a BA in English from University College Dublin and a Speech and Drama Licentiate from Trinity College, London. She worked for several years teaching drama in DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama and was a Senior Examiner with the Irish Board of Speech and Drama. She has adjudicated at various Festivals throughout the country and has examined in numerous examination centres. As a trained singer, Liz has played many leading musical roles. For her endeavours she won Best Female Singer at the Waterford Festival of Light Opera and Best Leading Actress at the Bangor Festival of Light Opera. She has also directed many musicals for musical societies and schools. Her poems have been tried and tested in the classroom and have been very popular with both children and teenagers.

Cool Kids’ Poetry By Liz Brennan

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