With AngularJS Make Dynamic and Enterprise-ready Apps

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With AngularJS Make Dynamic and Enterprise-ready Apps With time AngularJS has transformed in a great way - from a single page application to cross-platform apps. It has gained a lot of popularity as a versatile platform and the complete credit owes to Google’s active support. This is the reason developers are continuously adapting it for building flexible and scalable web apps and mobile apps. Since its inception in the year 2012, AngularJS Application Development has gone through many changes in line with the technological advancements in both the web and mobile app development domain. It marks a progressive development from 2016 to 2018.

In this blog, let's talk about some major benefits of AngularJS development services.

PWAs (Progressive Web Applications): To bridge the gap between regular web pages and a mobile application, in the year 2015, Google has introduced the concept of Progressive Web Apps or PWAs. AngularJS platform extends its support for PWA development with the Angular 5 hit. The framework executes the progressive web app development process in a less complex manner easing the developer's effort.

Dynamic Apps: Apps with powerful content or dynamic apps are AngularJS extended beneficiaries. Originally, the core intention concerned with the development of the AngularJS framework was Single Page Applications (SPAs). The technology transitions have added a number of app development tools in this framework to simplify the app development process.

Reasons why AngularJS development services are globally adopted by Enterprises

Material Design Elements:

Blooming Community:

Google is material design - is one of the most innovative technology concepts. As backed by Google, AngularJS offers plenty of optimized Material Design elements. This element equips the developer’s life with ease by facilitating to integrate UI components on the framework.

AngularJS - ever-growing developer community and Google’s active backing is quite beneficial and add the trust factor in Angular platform. This provides a great reason for many developers globally to adopt AngularJS for their web app projects.


Ivy Renderer:

This platform offers in-depth documentation as it can hold all the inevitable details about the web app development. The developers can employ it when necessary to simplify the process. With the Angular JS documentation - it is easy to come up with customized app solutions at a rapid pace.

Ivy Renderer is really a great miracle brought by Angular 6. It is capable to translate the app components and templates into JS-based codes and such codes can be instantly displayed in a web browser. Another benefit offered is - it can eliminate the unnecessary code to keep the relevant code in a compact and precise way. Additionally, it facilitates fast to load web apps.

Contact - us Address: 1 Furzeground Way, Stockley Park, Heathrow, UB11 1BD Phone: +44 207 096 0066 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RootInfoSolutions/

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