2 minute read
Your HealthyFood and Drink
Dawn Keyse • dawnkeyse@gmail.com Dawn works with homeopathy and naturopathy at Dacrelands Clinic
Water is a fascinating, mystical, humbling substance without which we could not live and yet most people take it for granted. Dehydration is the start of every single health issue. Hydrating is the start of every single solution! Water is so crucial for health. It is so easy to become dehydrated, stress being the most dehydrating thing of all as there is such a powerful emotional component. When we are giving our bodies challenging liquids instead of plain, pure, alive water then it will turn off the thirst mechanism and your body/mind moves into drought management. This leads to stress and stress leads to dehydration resulting in a negative cycle. We need to learn how to kick-start our natural thirst for water and become more aware of the types of water available. The solution to pollution is dilution! As we begin to absorb how water connects us all and about how powerful you are in influencing the water as it passes through you; with your thoughts, emotions and the substances you put into your body, it makes sense to ensure that as far as is possible our intake is of a higher ratio of positive (alkalising) to negative (acid-forming). I find that if I hold as my benchmark the ratio of the 80:20 rule then I can not only survive in this life and all it throws at me but thrive on all levels. Initially you will be visiting the toilet to pass more urine. This will cease once the body trusts that water is continually being replenished with fresh, filtered water and balance is regained.
• Build up to 4 pints of purified, clean water per day. Preferably not water straight from the tap • Take the first pint on an empty stomach and on rising, and if possible try to drink it in one go • Keep your water intake away from food. 20 or 30 minutes before or after eating is ideal • Drink the water in one sitting rather than sipping • Drink the water at room temperature An example of a good routine to establish: • One pint first • One pint thing 20/30 mins • Breakfast 20/30 before dinner minutes later • Half pint • Half pint 20/30 20/30 mins mins before lunch after dinner • Half pint 20/30 • Half pint during mins after lunch the evening
The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton check out the Blog https://blog.cytoplan .co.uk/water-theelixir-of-life/