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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS)

HydroC™ and SmartDI™ Leak Detection System (LDS) Systems & Solutions GmbH

Sniffer for Hydrocarbons, MEG, DYE, CO2 and PAH / Oil in water


INTRODUCTION TO SUBSEA LEAK DETECTION .......................................................................................2


THE TECHNOLOGY – DETECT WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR ............................................................2


FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF LDS ................................................................................................................3


PROVEN TRACK RECORD.................................................................................................................................3


DATA PRESENTATION AND EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................4


TRACK RECORD ..................................................................................................................................................5


DATA PRESENTATION .......................................................................................................................................7

Copyrights: © 2008 CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH

Roper Resources Ltd. Cdn Sales: (250) 361-9115 US Sales: (805) 798-0277 CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS)

1. Introduction to Subsea Leak Detection Global subsea pipelines and production systems are becoming a major concern as authorities as well as O&G companies are less tolerant to leaks of polluting material into the marine environment. In this respect CONTROS has developed a system which gives our clients the ability to detect any leak even in the combination of silty environment with poor visibility, adelomorphic leaks, zero pressure differential or strong current for water depth up to 3,000 metres. This sophisticated system overcomes the lack of traditional technology being used so far. CONTROS is able to deliver this highly advanced LDS system within 24 hours for either emergency calls or on a project basis for pipe laying and pre commissioning tasks to assist in confirming system integrity and also reduces delay - consequently costs.

2. The Technology – Detect what you’re looking for CONTROS provides a great choice of technical leak detection solutions. The key technologies are listed below: The outperforming HydroC™ System for Methane and other lower hydrocarbons is able to detect the source of even non visible leaks either applicable to long term deployments or short term projects. Hydrocarbons diffuse out of the liquid through a special silicone membrane (patented) into the detector chamber. The adsorption of light and gas (hydrocarbon molecules) leads to change of intensity which is measured electronically and converted into an output signal. With this instrument the user is able to quantify the output. PAH for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons is designed to detect oil in water during pipeline and subsea installation inspection as well as for long term deployment pinpointing contamination of water with BTXE and PAH. Online fluorimeter allow continuous measurements and non-destructive sampling in combination with good specificity and very low detection limits down to 1ppm. The CONTROS’ HydroC™ / PAH is designed as a compact and light underwater unit and capable to work on the water surface as well as down to several hundreds meter water depth. The HydroC™ / DYE Sniffer for rapid detection of leaks of dyes or chemicals from e.g. subsea pipelines, construction and risers. This sensor is especially designed to be deployed on ROV’s or AUV’s for the rapid survey or for permanent subsea monitoring installations. The HydroC™ / DYE allows an ultra-fast real time detection of ppm concentration plumes. In combination with the HydroC™ Sensors and SmartDI™ Datalogger family a versatile leak detection system is realized. The SmartDI™ Subsea Logger or DeckUnit provides several outputs (e.g. NMEA-0183) for data management systems and inputs to external / 3rd party sensors (e.g. CTD, compass, GPS, other Fluorometer probes etc.) MEG for Mono Ethylene Glycol is one of the most important fluids in the modern O&G industry. Indeed, in many areas of the offshore, the monitoring of MEG has become a necessity. CONTROS’ HydroC™ / MEG is a unique underwater leakage sensor solving the global problems of the in-situ measurements of Mono Ethylene Glycol. The "Smart Data Interface" SmartDI™ Datalogger and Software acquires data from different sensors and takes control of measuring processes using for example sensors and analyzers. During the collection of data the pre-processing validated already the values and passes qualityevaluated data records on according to ISO standards to back-end systems. The internal data logging stores up to 5 years continuously highly solvent on a Compact Flash memory card or other drives. CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS) With the SmartDI™ different sensors and measuring systems, e.g. CTD probes, chemical and biological Analysers, Samplers or Meteorology’s can be operated. In addition up to 36 serial interfaces as well as many digitally or analogue in- or outputs can be added easily. In addition to these standard technologies CONTROS is also able to offer advanced Multibeam Sonar Systems for ROV Site Surveys and also to spot gas bubbles / Condition of pipeline. On top of these instruments pipe tracking survey systems are also available.

3. Features and Benefits of LDS ⇒ The versatile but rough CONTROS LDS system can easily be installed on existing ROV and AUV carriers. The power supply and data interface are suitable for deep-water exploration and leak detection tasks ⇒ Reduces leak detection efforts from standard 7 – 10 days if used pro active on pipeline laying and pre commissioning process as well as during pipeline inspection ⇒ Applicable for 3,000 meters ⇒ The CONTROS LDS has proven its capability finding the smallest leaks in environmental conditions such as poor visibility, significant current as well as silty water where acoustic methods are limited here due to reflexion effects ⇒ With the specific signal to chemical compounds it is possible to verify the components of the leak stream or water flows. ⇒ With the calibration to specific chemical compounds it is possible to quantify the stream and to give an impression to the leakage rate or flux rates. ⇒ Monitoring of very small leaks especially in deep water environment which may prevent leaks growing leading in a shut down of a pipeline, manifold or even template. ⇒ Mobilisation and demobilisation within 24 hours possible. ⇒ Prevents environmental pollution and economical losses in a very early stage. ⇒ Leads to subsea completion and pipeline integrity.

4. Proven Track Record These leak detection systems have been used on several occasions looking for leaky and permeable pipelines and subsea construction. In the last 3 years CONTROS leak detection systems has handled a couple of major and smaller projects either in the Gulf of Mexico the Balticand the North Sea. A track record is available for potential clients on request.

CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS)

5. Data Presentation and Equipment

Image 1: HydroC™ Methane sniffer for gas / low-hydrocarbons leakages

Image 3: Subsea Logger for autonomous operations and data assembling for external sensors

Image 5: Configurable graphic charts on the Deck unit with the SmartDI™ software.

Image 2: HydroC™ PAH Sniffer for Oil-InWater

Image 4: On-board Deck unit for on-line data presentation and data transfer to the ship data management system.

Image 6: HydroC™ DYE Sniffer for DYE and Chemicals in water

CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS)

6. Track Record ROV survey Station: 80344

Depth: 190m

Temperature: +8.4°C


Hydrocarbon Concentration [µmol/l]


4th dive. HydroC installed. ROV flying through emission at around 2m altitude

5th dive. ROV sinks into crater. HydroC ’buried’ in silt saturated with hdyrocarbon



ROV on deck – testing with Butane. 5th dive. ROV flying through emission at around 2m altitude.




14 :3 0: 00 15 :0 0: 00 15 :3 0: 00 16 :0 0: 00 16 :3 0: 00 17 :0 0: 00 17 :3 0: 00 18 :0 0: 00 18 :3 0: 00 19 :0 0: 00 19 :3 0: 00 20 :0 0: 00 20 :3 0: 00 21 :0 0: 00 21 :3 0: 00


ROV time UTC

Image 7: Second Data series on “Bubble spot” and first inspection of “Crater spot”

Image 8: Photo from “Bubble spot”

CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS)

ROV survey Station: 80344

Depth: 200m

Temperature: +8.4°C

Hydrocarbon Concentration [µmol/l]


5th dive. ROV carying out MBE survey over crater. Flying altitude around 12m



5th dive. ROV at ’bubble’ site. HydroC sensor placed in middle of bubbles.


5th dive. ROV back on seabed approx. 4m from edge of crater. Water pumps shut down.




9: 30 :0 0 10 :0 0: 00 10 :3 0: 00 11 :0 0: 00 11 :3 0: 00 12 :0 0: 00 12 :3 0: 00 13 :0 0: 00 13 :3 0: 00 14 :0 0: 00 14 :3 0: 00

9: 00 :0 0

8: 30 :0 0

8: 00 :0 0

7: 30 :0 0


ROV time UTC

Image 9: Data series on “Crater spot”.

Image 10: Bathymetry data of “Crater spot”

CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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CONTROS Leak Detection System (LDS)

7. Data presentation

Image 11: Pilot / Control Centre for ROV survey and data supervision with Multibeam Echo Sounder, forward looking Sonar and HydroC™ data visualisation on the SmartDI™ Deck unit display (from top to bottom).

Roper Resources Ltd. Cdn Sales: (250) 361-9115 US Sales: (805) 798-0277 CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH Wischhofstrasse 1-3 · Geb. 6b · D-24148 Kiel · Germany Fon +49 (0) 431 260 959 00, mail:

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