“This is really fantas�c! Now my clients can see what’s down there and get full value for money, whatever the visibility.“
Shipwrecktour.com Lake Champlain Shipwrecks A LYYN™ user with a clearer vision
Rachael Miller shipwrecktour.com
”Explore Lake Champlain’s amazing shipwrecks without ge�ng wet! Join Lake Champlain Shipwrecks for a unique adventure. First we cruise to the wreck site, then, while si�ng above the wreck, we’ll tell you the story behind it. Next, we deploy our ROV (remotely operated vehicle) and you will be able to see the wreck on screens onboard the boat as the ROV explores the depths. This is a fun experience for everyone, regardless of age.” Explorers finding a shipwreck with the digital depth sounder before sending the ROV down to the wreck.
It all started back in 1986 when New York and Vermont created the Lake Champlain Underwater Historic Preserve System to protect its fragile wrecks from anchor damage and the�, while providing access to divers. The same year, the Lake Champlain Mari�me Museum set up shop at Basin Harbor and went to work collec�ng, documen�ng, and preserving what ar�facts it could salvage.
The ROV is launched and ready to explore the wreck of the Champlain II.
A decade later, they began a 10-year sonar scan of the lake’s floor, uncovering at least 70 previously unknown wrecks. Nine are open to divers, three of them in Burlington Bay. But the sites were inaccessible to nondivers. LYYN AB is a product company working on image enhancement to improve visibility in various applica�ons. Many years of research in the human vision system and imaging technologies lie behind the company’s technology. LYYN offers products and solu�ons based on a V.E.T. – Visibility Enhancement Technology – pla�orm. The technology can be applied to both s�ll and video digital images from most color cameras, in real �me and for post-processing of previously collected material. V.E.T. improves visibility in many situa�ons, for example, fog, haze, snow, rain, dust, darkness, etc., as well as in underwater and medical applica�ons. For examples
So in 2005, husband-and-wife sailing instructors Rachael Miller and James Line expanded their Burlington boa�ng and snow ki�ng business to include shipwreck tours. This was the second company worldwide, and the first in North America, to offer this great opportunity to the public to connect with their underwater world, and for this they received the VideoRay Best Mission Award at the VideoRay Interna�onal Partners Conference in Key Largo, Florida, in November 2007. ‘’Welcome to the General Butler. Please dive safely. Don’t penetrate the wreck!’’
User Stories LYYN AB
Shipwrecktour.com Lake Champlain Shipwrecks A LYYN™ user with a clearer vision
A misty morning on the road is not so misty anymore
And now (spring of 2008) they have added a new tool to give their clients an even more exci�ng experience, the LYYN T38™. “It’s really fantas�c!”, says Rachel. “Visibility in Lake Champlain can be really difficult. There are even days when the turbidity’s so bad we have to cancel the tours. Now my clients can see what’s down there and get full value for money, whatever the visibility condi�ons.” In the photos below, the central part has been “lyynified™”, and the area around the outside shows the normal picture quality.
How beau�ful is the garden in moonlight?
The murky waters of the Bal�c Sea are suddenly more agreeable
The wheel of the canal schooner OJ Walker
Finding New Yorkers in a blizzard...
The bow sprit of the Waterwitch
The following four images are from the Burlington Bay Horse Ferry that lies sha�ered near Lone Rock Point. This was a horse-powered ferry (rather than one that carried horses), propelled by two horses who walked on the top of the turntable from holes in the deck on each side of the boat, like a treadmill. You can s�ll see the gear sha� coming off of the turntable that changed the horizontal circular mo�on into the ver�cal paddlewheel mo�on.
...or soldiers in a sandstorm
Macroscopic or microscopic, whatever your need is, LYYN™ gives you a clearer vision.
The Burlington Bay Horse Ferry
Close up of the paddlewheel
LYYN AB Ideon Science Park SE-223 70 Lund, Sweden Phone: +46 46 286 57 90 info@lyyn.com www.lyyn.com The framing and turntable
Close-up of the port side
User Stories LYYN AB