“Without LYYN’s technology we wouldn’t have been able to carry out this job so thoroughly and with such precision…”
Subsea ROV Services Inside a coal-fired power plant A LYYN™ user with a clearer vision
Steven Borthwick, Subsea ROV Services
A VideoRay ROV The VideoRay console with a LYYN T38™ standing on the side
In the past, tunnel inspec�on has been carried out with divers, which is both dangerous and expensive, or with remotely operated cameras. It has previously been difficult to use inspec�on cameras due to poor visibility caused by turbidity and poor ligh�ng, but this is now a thing of the past thanks to LYYN™ real-�me video enhancement technology. One of the companies offering underwater inspec�on services without divers is Subsea ROV Services, based in Falkirk, Scotland. The company, run by Steven Borthwick, carries out all types of underwater inspec�ons in a safe and environmentally friendly manner using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) supplied by VideoRay. On a recent inspec�on of a water tunnel network at a coal-fired power plant the color camera on the VideoRay was equipped with the LYYN T38™ real-�me video enhancer. The water in the tunnels was so murky that the video obtained with the standard configura�on was completely inadequate. However, the images obtained with the LYYN T38™ system clearly showed mussels and the buildup of silt. The images also had sufficient detail to confirm that drawings of the tunnel network from 1962 are accurate. LYYN is a product company working on image enhancement to improve visibility in various applica�ons. Many years of research in the human vision system and imaging technologies lie behind the company’s technology. LYYN offers products and solu�ons based on a V.E.T. – Visibility Enhancement Technology – pla�orm. The technology can be applied to both s�ll and video digital images from most color cameras, in real �me and for postprocessing of previously collected material. V.E.T. improves visibility in many situa�ons, for example, fog, haze, snow, rain, dust, darkness, etc., as well as in underwater and medical applica�ons. For examples please
Images from a similar tunnel inspec�on are shown for illustra�on purposes, as the footage from the power plant is not publicly available. The normal video image is seen on the le� and the LYYN T38™-enhanced video on the right.
User Stories LYYN AB
Subsea ROV Services Inside a coal-fired power plant A LYYN user with a clearer vision
A misty morning on the road is not so misty anymore
“Without LYYN’s image enhancement technology, we wouldn’t have been able to carry out this job so thoroughly and with such precision”, said Steven Borthwick of Subsea ROV Services. “No one at the power sta�on knew what the tunnels looked like. Now they can make plans for a thorough cleanup, without having to use divers.”
How beau�ful is the garden in moonlight?
The murky waters of the Bal�c Sea are suddenly more agreeable
Finding New Yorkers in a blizzard...
...or soldiers in a sandstorm
Macroscopic or microscopic, whatever your need is, LYYN™ gives you a clearer vision.
LYYN AB Ideon Science Park SE-223 70 Lund, Sweden Phone: +46 46 286 57 90 info@lyyn.com www.lyyn.com
Drawings from 1962 showing the route taken by the VideoRay through
User Stories LYYN AB