AUC - ARCH 221/1511: Free-hand Representation for Architects - Portfolio (Fall'21)

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ROQAYA ABDRABO - 900211673
Fall 2021 ARCH 221/1511 Free-hand Representation for Architects Instructor: Dr. Moahmed Ezzeldin Hassan Portfolio
F A L L 2 0 2 1 | P O R T F O L I O Semester Outline Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Pencil Sketching Week 3: Intro to Perspectives Week 4: Intro to Coloring & Watercolors Week 5: Coloring with Markers Week 6: Perspectives I Week 7: Perspectives II Week 8: Shade & Shadow I Week 9: Shade and Shadow II Week 10: Intro to Orthographic Projection Week 11: Intro to Final Project Week 12 - 13: Final Project Follow-Ups

Week 1: Introduction


This assignment was a challenge, as it has been a long time since I drew something in pencil. I used a ruler as well in this assignment. It was also hard to draw the lantern exactly as I saw it, but it was a fun assignment.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 1 EX01: Rendered
In Pencil GRADE: 88/100

Week 1 Reflection

The first week was quite beneficial to me. The professor reviewed the fundamental instruments we'd need and the variations between the types of paper required. This information I gained over the week served as the foundation for my competence as I progressed through the course. This week assisted me in gathering all of the necessary instruments to improve the drawing's quality. The doctor, for example, demonstrated the types of pencils we require. In addition, the doctor emphasized how we should let our eyes draw, which altered my perspective on drawing.


I redraw the lantern I drew in the first assignment, but applying geometric shapes that the professor had explained. When using the shapes, it made the drawing process much easier and it felt like I was actually drawing the lantern more realistically

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 2
EX02: Redraw EX01 with Geometric Shapes
Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 3 EX03: Shaded Pencil Sketch - Composition GRADE: 89/100 This assignment was challenging. I wasn’t used to drawing compositions before, but the use of geometric shapes made it easier to represent the composition as realistic as possible REFLECTION:

Week 2 Reflection

The second week was quite challenging for me. Understanding the geometric relationships of an object was the most difficult element. This misunderstanding contributed to the poor quality of the preceding activity. I sought counsel from the doctor after seeing that I was having trouble producing these geometric objects. This, in turn, helped me tremendously in my next assignments. In addition, I was able to see how different types of paper impact the appearance of the drawing.

3: Intro

For me, the first classwork task was quite difficult. I had a hard time grasping the rules of perspective. As a result, the depth of the depicted object was incorrect. However, after my second experience, I had a better understanding of it.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 4 EX04
& 2P
Prespectives GRADE: 83/100

EX05: Object from Different Angles

Drawing this assignment was very hard. Holding the phone in different positions and angles and trying to draw it was challenging. Adding to that, the phone was metallic and it was hard to represent it with pencils.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 5
GRADE: 92/100

Week 3 Reflection

The third week was particularly difficult. However, I gained a better knowledge of the principles of perspective as a result of the several attempts of exercises. As a result, my second tries were more successful. I also tried to push myself by positioning the object in various positions in order to better comprehend the perspective principles. I also learned how to render specific item materials. Furthermore, my proportions were beginning to improve as a result of the pencil measuring approach that had been taught to us the previous week.

4: Intro to Coloring & Watercolors

Trying to depict the texture of the materials in colors was the most difficult component of this assignment. Furthermore, I found it difficult to manage the brush when using water colours. As a result, the watercolorrendered item appears deformed, unlike the pencil and Ink ones

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 6
EX06: Different Rendering Techniques

Week 4 Reflection

I was quite pleased to learn about the various sorts of watercolor rendering techniques during week 4. The constructive feedback given in the lecture was really beneficial. Watercolors were a challenge but they turned out to be one of my favorite ways to render. I faced no trouble rendering the bag with pencils or ink because I had done so prior to the course.

Week 5: Coloring with Markers ASSIGNMENTS DESCRIPTION

I picked a picture that I took back to my trip to Azerbaijan when I was in an hotel. It challenged myself to try drawing a perspective just from a picture I took, but I depended on my memory more in this assignment in addition to applying perspective rules

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 7 EX07:
One Point
GRADE: 95/100

Week 5 Reflection

This week has been quite difficult for me. This is because I couldn't figure out how the marking techniques worked. As a result, I didn't use them in Ex. 7. However, I began to improve my water color and pencil color skills; there is a distinction between Ex.7 and the prior assignments. There was also a noticeable improvement in use of prespective rules from Ex.4 till Ex.7

6: Perspectives I

This assignment was another challenge, because we had to finish the assignment in class. I even spent extra time to try finishing it. Trying to draw the shadows was also another challenge. I ended up resubmitting the assignment to take more time trying to perfecting it and getting a bonus.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 8 GRADE:
Campus Exterior

This was one of my personal favorites to make. I drew my kitchen using all types of rendering in this one in addition to applying perspective rules; watercolor, pencil colors, and markers. The only thing I didn’t like about it is how the flooring got messed up when using the wet-on-wet effect

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 9
EX09: One Point Interior GRADE: 98/100

Week 6 Reflection

This week I improved my use of perspective rules even more. I also challenged myself to using more than one rendering technique in one assignment. The feedback I received from the doctor in the previous week really made me confident in my assignments a helped me produce better quality of work.

7: Perspectives II

This was another challenging classwork assignment that I had to finish at home to perfect it even more. Representation of shade and shadow was harder than drawing the archs in the arcades, but it was a fun assignment to do.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 10 GRADE: 95/100 EX10 CW: Arcades
Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 11 GRADE: 92/100 EX11 CW: Stairs
I found doing this assignment easier than drawing the arcades despite applying the perspective rules in a more complicated way and repeating it a couple of times. I also used my favorite rendering technique, markers.

Regardless of the fact that the professor advised us to this one with pencils, I believed that markers would be a better option to represent the density of the different directions of the shadows. It was a fun one to make

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 12 GRADE: 97/100 EX12:
times of the day

Week 7 Reflection

This week was really difficult, and completing the assignments took a long time. With numerous failures, though, comes triumph. Every time I repeated the stair structure, I gained a deeper understanding of the rules of perspective. Due to the numerous lines that had to be connected to various vanishing points, It made the drawing really confusing, but got the hang of it in the end. Furthermore, this week taught me how to examine building structures, how to make equal divides in particular structures of a scene, and how to understand the notion of shade and shadow.


EX13: Cubic objects on Campus

This assignment was really fun but difficult at the same time. I was in a hurry while drawing the prespective of the cubes so they turned out a little disorted but I was able to understand the different directions of the shadow depending on the direction of the sun throughout the day

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 2
GRADE: 93/100

This assignment wasn’t the best of my works, I have to admit, as it was drawin from a picture I took in Fayoum. It was very rushed and used watercolors and pencil colors. Despite the not-so-good rendering, I applied the correct rules of prespective

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 14 EX14: Two point Exterior GRADE: 85/100

Again, I drew my kitchen by applying prespective rules and using different rendering techniques, just like Ex.9, but this time from a two-point prespective. This was another fun one to make and I took quite a long time to perfect.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 15 EX15:
Two point Interior

Ibn Tolun Field Trip Assignment

GRADE: 97/100


When we visited the place, I took a lot of pictures and made fast sketches to be able to represent the whole place and my impression about it in one paper. I decided to take parts from each picture and put it together so that the viewer can have a look at the significant parts of the place and used different rendering techniques.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Midterm

Week 8 Reflection

This week included the most fun assignments yet challenging assignments to make. My whole focus throughout this week was on the Ibn Tulon assignment, therefore couldn’t do my best in the other assignments, especially Ex.14. It som time to understand the concept of shade and shadow in Ex.13, but it turned out to be easy to understand the direction of shadows in daytime through this assignment and EX.12 of last week as well.


I really enjoyed this one, as it was my first fully inked scene. Representing shade and shadow with ink was challenging and fun. Also, representing the different textures on the ground, like grass and bricks, was hard to grasp and I thought I messed up, but it turned out great.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 16
EX16: Exterior perspective GRADE: 97/100

This one took about 4-5 hours to complete. I wanted to perfect this one as it had a lot of details that I wanted to tackle. Applying perspective rules in this one was a challenge as well because of the constant shift of planes in the scene.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 17
EX17: Interior Perspective GRADE: 99/100

Week 9 Reflection

In this week I got to use my favorite two rendering techniques, Ink and markers, and I challenged myself with a scene that included a shift of perspectives and rules had to be applied in a more complex yet fun way. The professor's feedback on Ex.17 ensured me that my rendering skills in markers are great and my use perspective rules were perfect.

to Orthographic
10: Intro

This assignment wasn’t hard at all. The descriptive geometry class that I’ve been taking alongside this course was a factor of me understanding the assignment more easily. The only thing that was hard to do is rendering a 2D object to show shade and highlights in the object.

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 18 EX18:

EX19: 2D Plan Elevation

For this plan I chose to draw a bathroom at my grandma’s house for its simplicity. It was hard to draw the top view of the plan and imagine the location of the sink and other objects to represent them properly. This assignment wasn’t as hard as I thought, as I practiced drawing plans prior to the course

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 19
GRADE: 92/100

I am not going to lie, this last assignment was very hard. Gaudi’s works mostly included extreme detail, lots of waves and cruves, and was rough textured. I did this assignment in a rushed way and ending up providing a lack of proper representation of the Casa Batllo

Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Ex: 20
EX20: Architect work
Antoni Gaudi

Week 10 Reflection

The last week of assignments was easy and hard at the same time. I had no hard time understanding orthogonal projections, as the course of descriptive geopmtry was a factor of mu understanding of it. But I was really disappointed with myself in my last assignment as I felt the need to give Gaudi’s work a more proper representation

to Final
11: Intro

i n a l P r o j e c t D r a f t ( f o r f o l o w u p s


F i n a l P r o j e c tC o m p l e t e :

Final Project Reflection

GRADE: 97/100


In my first follow up, I explained the idea behind my project, being that the “Greatest Cairo Library” (previously known as “Samiha Kamel Castle”) has always been and still is a center of culture and education. That’s why I decided to title my project “The Cultural Hotspot” I had to repeat the sketches multiple times because applying perspective rules of a whole scene on a smaller scale was challenging. I used all rendering techniques; watercolor, Neatness LinesBalaneProjectionProportionShade/tonesTecture Coloring Perspective CompositionConcept Creativity Final Project
color, ink, and markers. This was a fun, time consuming, and a challenging one to make.

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