Rory Houlding - Digital Portfolio

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Rory Houlding

year: two term: one


initial studies

3D modelling video precedent wax models molecular fomation SITE

intro history analysis


info the scheme analysis


conceptual integration concept plan modular dwellings digital representation plans, sections, elevations


precedents facade laser cutting

Formfinding As a group we explored the potential forms to be created from water.


Exploration into the fluidity and gaseous relationship with water.

Discovering the shapes formed due to the efficiency of a bubble in water.

Snow flake, freezing of water to form factoral, rigid form.

The formation of stalagmites and stalactites.



The above snao shots were taken from a video [on youtube] of the reversal of melting ice, manipulated to look as if it were growing. This gave us the original idea of ‘Change of State’.



Below is a line drawing showing a section through a 3DS Max computer model. The diagram represents th e molecular change of state from water to ice.

Site Location - Cardiff, Wales Area - 7480m2 30m - Bus Station 70m - Train Station 100m - Millenium Stadium 200m - Weekend Market 300m - St Mary’s Street







Development begins on Temperance Town, a city suburb for the working class. Built on reclaimed land from the river and marshes. By 1890 wood street was filled with shops and housing was complete.

As Cardiff’s coal exports declined between 1920 and 1930 Temperance Town became derelict. In 1930 Cardiff Central Station was built and the bus station soon followed. The old stadium was also built very close by and the project site is established. In 2005 the council planning offices that stood on the site were demolished to make way for a new high rise block of apartments.

2011 In 2011 the site remains vacant with no sign of the proposed high rise block of apartments.

The site still houses the old water tower that used to collect and store the water that powered the steam trains. The tower now lies out of use.

Above - north facing site section

Below - panoramic view of the site


1km - School


River taxi

Millenium stadium

Central Station 2009/10 commuters 10.73 million 2005/06 commuters 8.358 million

Capacity - 72,500 Usage - rugby, football, Cinema boxing, live music, 2012 olympics.

Parking Bus station 34 stands

Pollution sources mapping

Noise sources mapping

Arcades & Entertainment on St Marys Street

Cardiff Central Library


Housing Precedent Project - Funabashi Apartments Architect - Ryue Nishizawa Location - Chiba, Tokyo, Japan Built Area - 243.04m2 Apartments - 16

THE SCEHEME Funabashi Apartments are located in Chiba, Tokyo. The building is located on a small urban site and has been built to the maximum size permitted. Contain- ing 16 apartments over three �oors and a built area of just 243.04m2 results in small studio size apartments. How- ever, instead of creating single room studios Nishizawa gave the apartments small, compartmentalized rooms so that the occupant can’t organize possessions and not spend the entire time in the same space. Nishizawa aimed to diminish hierarchy amongst rooms so that each room could have uses beyond the usual interpretation. For example, he envisaged dwellers growing plants or lis- tening to music in the bathroom.

3D %

open space circulation commercial housing

2D %

open space built space


Commercial Space

Circulatory Space

Green & Open Space

Living Space

Schematic Proposal The following schematic proposal for the housescapes project was based on the previous group work and formfinding tasks as well as the precedents studied and site analysis.

CONCEPTUAL INTERGRATION Derived from an amalgamation of the origial group concept work, predominantly the line drawing, and the site analysis, below are a series of conceptual massing plans. The series of images shows the original integration of the concpet through to a stripped back, more practical version.


,000 14




5200 mm

CONCEPT PLAN The plan on the left is the resulting group concept massing plan positioned on top of the site. There are clear similarities and obvious intentions to bring follow through on the original formfinding task and the inspirtation taken from the modelling and change of state idea. The plan reflects the original ideas of change of state through a linear, structured massing metaphorical for ice whilst the public spaces that include access through to the millenium stadium and river from the train station, are symbolic of a liquid state. The large open space next to the river that grows into a mass of housing units echos that of ice growing out from the river Taff. The plan at this stage was to introduce a pop up market, to integrate and connect with the market on the other side of the river, that could sell produce grown on allotments that are situated south of the housing. As a group we also drew inspiration from the precedent study in the way that Ryue Nishizawa used courtyards to create a semi public space and introduced them into our scheme as a threshold between the public paths and private dwellings. The housing units also fit around the courtyards in a puzzle like manner, similar to that in the Funabashi apartments.

MODULAR DWELLINGS Below is a series of images displaying the process behind creating a singular module of three dwellings surrounding a coutyard that could be that could be arranged in a similar fashion to the irregular units in the conceptual plan.

2000 mm

2000 mm

2600 mm

To the left are two diagrams displaying how the modular sustems fits into and works as part of the schematic proposal, creating the large open public space for a maret in the west of the site whilst the housing area, elevated 4m above ground level, allows for a generous sized public green space in inside a series of units.

DIGITAL REPRESENTATION The above image was an early digital represenation of ideas for inclusion of green spaces on the roof where residents could have private alotments to grow vegetables and relax. It also displays the three dimensional idea of the courtyards as well as the inclusion of a retail level, to mimic the arcades of cardiff, that results in the housing being up one level. The diamgram also shows clear public access through the centre of the sight towards the train station that is situated just beyond the top left corner, south east of the site.


Dwelling unit plans, sections & elevations

2nd floor dwelling plan

Ground floor retail plan

Digital Fabrication A rationalisation of the proposed facade for the modules, resulting in a last cut model.


Heren Five

Sean Godsell

Steven Holl

FACADE I wanted the facade to respondand and give back to the city without bringing the gloominess and noise into the dwellings. Creating a semi permeable, layered facade could do just this. Above are images from three precendent studies. Between them, the three represent the general ideas and techniques of my facade - a glowing night time shell that plays with the balance between privacy for residents and transparency from the street. To the right and below right are views and elevations of the digital model that was used to create the laser cutable drawings.

LASER CUTTING The next three pages display the process through which the laser cut model was created. From separating the computer model and creating three cuttable shapes that were cut out in varying quantites to the complete model and a series of photographs displaying the changing levels of permeability.

x2 x28 x64











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