5 design principles to create trustful interactions in the physical and digital world.
Rory Southworth
PRINCIPLES Originally developed at the 2014 MEX conference TRUST workshop, facilitated by Rich Clayton and Rory Southworth. These principles have been reworked and adjusted by Rory Southworth to be applied to product interactions and strategy.
Who is the user and what is the context? The first two questions.
C O M M U N I C AT E CLE AR AFFORDANCES People trust things that they immediately know how to use. Use semiotics to communicate how the product works and how to use it is crucial for the user to feel in control. Example: Engine start button. Further reading: Semiotics, Marketing and communication - Floch, J
Principle 1
Does the user know how to interact with it? Use semiotics to make the user feel in control. (Roadfly, 2014)
V ISIBILIT Y OF S Y S T E M S TAT U S Keep users informed of every action within reasonable time. Give honest feedback on what is actually happening even if there is a problem. Example: Battery indicator on iPhone. Further reading: Thinking Fast and Slow Kahneman, D
Principle 2
Does the user know what is happening? Provide feedback where possible. (Mophie, 2014)
FA C I L I TAT E P E E R PROOF Build confidence driven from like minded communities through word-of-mouth and ratings. Personal experiences and reviews are considered to be more reliable than expert reviews. Example: The Apple user identity. Further reading: Conversational Capital Cesvet, B
Principle 3
Can the customers to be involved in the story? Create an experience that people will want to talk about and a narrative that people want to be identified and involved with. (Alex Washburn, 2013)
SE T E X P E C TAT I O N S A ND V ERIF Y Establish brand promise to create understanding, communicate purpose & create a cycle of validation. By being clear about what the product does the user should not need to encounter any surprises. Example: Pantone colour wheel allows you to see what a colour will look like when printed. Further reading: The design of everyday things Norman, D
Principle 4
Can you tell what it does and does it do what you expected? Understand what people expect and don’t create any negative surprises. (Graphateria, 2013)
C U LT U R E T R U M P S E V ERY THING The users will have different experiences and different knowledge. Cater for the specific target market by using language, features, parts and styles that are familiar to the user. This will help to facilitate understanding and sense of control. Example: The different ways people get water. Further reading: Universal Methods of Design Martin, B, Hanington, B
Principle 5
Who are you really designing for? Tailor your approach for the target market. (Bay Roberts, 2012)
Cesvet, B, 2008. Conversational Capital: How to Create Stuff People Love to Talk About. 1st Edition. FT Press.
Alex Wasburn, (2013), Mac Pro [ONLINE]. Available at: gadgetlab/2013/06/20130610_WWDC_00118.jpg [Accessed 13 April 14].
Floch, J, 2001. Semiotics, Marketing and Communication: Beneath the Signs, the Strategies (International Marketing Series). 1st Edition. Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan. Kahneman, D, 2012. Thinking, Fast and Slow. 1st Edition. Strand, London: Penguin Books. Martin, B, Hanington, B, 2012. Universal Methods of Design: 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. 1.2.2012 Edition. Rockport Publishers. Normanm, D, 2002. The Design of Everyday Things. Reprint Edition. Basic Books. Southworth, R, 2014. Principles - Acceptability: 5 design principles to design for acceptability in the physical and digital world.
Bay Roberts, (2012), Hygiene and Culture [ONLINE]. Available at: BbQF7pk5JlY/s1600/DSC_3582_girls_getting_ water_joels.jpg [Accessed 13 April 14]. Grahateria, (2013), Pantone Book [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 13 April 14]. Mophie, (2013), Mophie Juice Pack [ONLINE]. Available at: http://3.bp.blogspot. com/-K80Pp_OxYQA/UakNV0ppGMI/ AAAAAAAAADY/T8BrK4LTd7k/s1600/ Mophie+Juice+Pack+Plus+Case+-1.jpg [Accessed 13 April 14]. Roadfly, (2008), Nissan GT-R Car Review [ONLINE]. Available at: new-cars/wp-content/uploads/gallery/nissan-gt-r/ gt-r-push-button-start.jpg [Accessed 13 April 14].
In collaboration with: Rich Clayton Imeh Akpan
Rory Southworth
Thomas Foster Adriana Hamacher