"Focus on the world of the italian start-up" Sofia, 26-27 June, Webit Festival Europe 2018 26 June Opening 13.12-13.18 Stefano Baldi
Ambassador of Italy
13:18-13:21 Alessandra Capobianco
Director of Italian Trade Agency Sofia
13:21-13:24 Marco Montecchi
President of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
13:24-13:27 Maria Luisa Meroni
President of Confindustria Bulgaria
Moderator: Alessandra Capobianco
13:27-13:42 Mattia Corbetta
Policy Advisor on Innovation and Startups at DG Industrial Policy, Competitiveness and SMEs, Italian Ministry of Economic Development The Italian Startup Act: a European best practice
13:42-13:57 Giuseppe Saccone
Member of the Board of Multiversity Spa, Representative of Unipegaso-UniversitĂ Telematica Online Pegaso and Universitas Mercatorum and President of European Polytechnical University. Startup Universities and Digital Innovations: from distance learning to online education
13:57-14:12 Marco Gay
CEO of Digital Magics e President of di Anitec – Assinform. The Italian way to Industry 4.0
27 June Opening
15:52-15:55 Emanuele Pollio
Deputy Head of Mission
15:55-15:58 Alessandra Capobianco
Director of Italian Trade Agency Sofia
15:58-16:00 Marco Montecchi
President of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Moderator: Alessandra Capobianco
16:00-16:15 Angelo Corallo
President of Innovars (Association of spin-off and network of innovative entities) and Prof. of the Department of Engineering for Innovation of Unisalento (University of Salento). Creating policies from empirical evidence: an innovation start up ecosystem in Apulia Region
16:15-16:20 Alessandro Ferrari
CEO of Argo Vision
16:20-16:25 Giuseppe Giorgianni
CEO of Innova The Future of Health - How technological innovation is revolutionizing medicine
16:25-16:30 Sara Frasca’
Head Strategic Marketing&Alliances of Is Clean Air
16:30-16:35 Filippo Pelleri
16:35-16:40 Tiziano Schiappa
Founder and Sales Manager of My Take It
16:40-16:45 Edgardo Tobino