Created by: Alex Kelley, Rosa Gaynor and Kayleigh McDermott
We have been tasked with redesigning and branding a trolley aimed at an audience between the ages of 18-25. There needed to be a new and improved design that brought with it an innovative idea. We wanted to create something that not only looked nice, but we ourselves would personally use for any occasion.
We thought starting our research with the already existing models and designs of trolleys. They have connotations of being solely used by ‘old people’, despite the fact that they aren’t necessarily marketed or promoted that way. The typical ‘target audience’ or consumer of these trolleys, were women aged between 50+. Despite these social assumptions, there were several design aspects that actually worked. Such as the wheel choice, materials used and general cost to create. We noticed affordability, reliability and flexibility of use.
Brands such as Louis Vuitton have recently explored the idea of bringing the ‘old person’ trolley back. However, instead of being stereotypical, conventional or boring marketing, they aim to be all inclusive and fashionable for all ages and genders. This proves that not only is it possible to attempt this kind of feat, but also can be financially beneficial, as so far it has been a rather successful campaign.
Nike is a brand that was founded on January 25th 1964, with the original name Blue Ribbon sports; as Nike wasn’t an independent brand it originally worked with the sports wear Asics. But on May 30th 1971, the company was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. The name Nike came from the meaning of a Greek God which means Victory. Nikes slogan “Just do it.” came from a serial killer Gary Gilmore who said “Lets do it.” before he was executed in 1977. One of the reasons he used this was because both Nike and the serial killer where from Portland, and he remembered this line but didn’t like “Lets do it.” so he changed it to “Just do it.” for TV commercials
We played around with several names, such as PacNMac, Trolley Dolly and Festolley . But, we agreed upon the branding title ARK. We also wanted to focus on the idea of our trolley being Unisex. This idea was something essential to our ideologies regarding this project and it would be effective in the changing perception of trolleys.
Each member of our team came up with initial research, ideas and rough sketches. We decided to merge ideas and come up with a unified design. We wanted to innovate the concept of a trolley, modernising it and hopefully bringing it into the 21st Century and perhaps the fashionable future. The key features we decided upon were: -
Speakers. An front section that opens up. A charger port. External pockets. Backpack capabilities. Adjustability. An internal removable cooler.
Adjustable Handle
Phone Pocket/ Charger Zip Front
Speakers Heavy Duty Wheels
These mock ups portray potential scenarios that a trolley user might find themselves in. We aimed to explore locations that our target audience might inhabit, such as festivals/concerts, shopping centres and also holidays/airports.
Due to the collaboration with Nike, we knew we would have to create an appropriate and similar logo that not only reflected the pre-existing brand, but also illustrated our own sub-brands unique artistic direction. We narrowed down the options we had all created until we had the ‘final’ logo that we believed best represented Nike: ARK.
Nike advertisements and posters, in specific, often focused on things other than the product itself. They are usually inspirational and motivational, generally being black and white/ greyscale. The writing and logos are always bold and at the forefront, so it is immediately obvious what brand it is. We wanted to capture the same look and aesthetic of other Nike advertisements. To make it feel like it was a part of the Nike family. We particularly took inspiration from the recent Nike advert that caused some controversy.
We decided that a relevant advertisement relating to our trolley and Nike would be a social media advertisement. This was because the target audience typically uses social media more than any other generation. We thought that not only was this current and modern, but also a prime way to reach our consumers.
We needed to clearly define who would be purchasing our trolley and to do this we created a hypothetical character. Name: Michelle Age : 22 Job: Student / Cafe Barrista Interests/Hobbies: Shopping and going to concerts with friends Favourite Brand: Nike
The The public public survey survey we we did did helped helped us us to to understand understand what what problems problems there there isis with with aa trolley trolley and and what what we we needed needed to to do do in in order order to to develop develop the the trolley trolley further further to to make make itit better. better.
• Would you buy this? 97% no 3% yes
• If the product was
For For example example many many of of the the modernised would you people people we we surveyed surveyed buy it? wanted wanted the the trolley trolley design design to to look look better better and and become become more more modern. modern. We We ran ran this this • If Nike launched a test test on on aa 100 100 people people of of collaboration would you various various ages ages and and buy it? backgrounds. backgrounds.
40% no 35% maybe 25% yes
23% no 42% maybe 35% yes
Add to cart The ARK trolley – it not only offers a way to be pulled round via its wheels but to be made into a backpack. Pushing its wheels underneath so it fits comfortably on your back. Colour shown : Black Available in : Navy, Red, Grey, Purple, Pink, Charcoal, Burgundy.
Although it is currently unknown what the future holds for trolleys, it can be predicted that with the new wave of main brand trolleys that there may be a rise in popularity in trolleys in general. We have predicted that due to the collaboration with Nike, that our trolley designs will be a huge financial and fashion success. If it is as successful as we have foreseen, then trolleys will be the next big trend, being as socially accepted as a backpack or suitcase.